(Borkar d1 Muzumffar ChartereceAccountants Independent Auditors' Report To, The Project Management Unit (PMU) National Dairy Support Project (NDSP or the Project), National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). Opinion 1. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, except for any effect to the matter described in the other matters paragraph, the Project Financial Statements (collectively referred as "the Statements") give true financial position of the Project as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019, in accordance with Note 3 of the Statements. Also in our opinion, the Management of PMU, NDSP has maintained, in all material respects, accounting and internal controls over financial reporting of the PMU and the PMU's accounting and internal controls over the financial information submitted by the EIA's selected by us and such accounting and internal controls were operating effectively as of March 31, 2019 based on the criteria described in paragraphs 9.4 and 9.5 of the Project Implementing Plan. We have audited the accompanying Special Purpose Project Financial Statements of National Dairy Support Project (NDSP), financed by Inteniational Development Association (IDA) under Credit/Loan no. IN-5074 and implemented by National Dairy Development Board. These financial statements comprise the Statement of Sources and Application of Funds, the Statement of Reconciliation of Claims to Total Application of Funds, the Statement of Withdrawal Applications, related Significant Accounting Policies and the accompanying related notes as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019. In accordance with Contract No. PMU/Cons-F/025 dated May 02, 2017 (Cthe contract") entered with Project Management Unit (PMU' and its first amendment to the contract dated March 15, 2018 ("the Contract") and the second amendment to the contract is made on March 6, 2019, we also have audited the accounting and internal controls of the PMU (as described and set out in paragraphs 9.4 and 9.5 of Project Implementation Plan, dated March 23, 2012, issued by the World Bank) and the accounting and internal controls of the PMU over the financial infornation submitted by the End Implementing Agencies ("EIAs") Selected by us in consultation with the PMU. The Statements have been prepared by the Management of NDSP's PMU in accordance with the basis of accounting and preparation set out in Note 3 to the accompanying Statements to comply with the Contract. Basis for Opinion 2. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing isued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Ailcitors RePowJ!!r'ies for the Aedit of the Sta,;aur section of our report. We are independent of the implementing agency in accordance with the ICAI's Code of Ethics for undertaking this assignment, and we have fulfilled our ethical responsibilities in accordance with ICAI's Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Tel *r99199 Email : contaQuim:a com * Websbte: www.bnmca.com 21/168, Anard aiOm CH ad 1-r Lane, Off Nehru Road, Vakola, Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 400 055 Branches Ahmedabad * B aneswar - Bilaspur * Delhi * Goa * Indore * Jabalpur - Jaipur Kolkata * Mira Road * Nagpur * Patna - Pune * Raipur Emphasis ofMatter 3. Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to note 3 of the Statement, which describes the Basis of Accounting. The PFS is prepared to assist the National Dairy Development Board to meet the financial reporting requirements of the Project/Financing Agreements for Investment Project Financing dated April 13, 2012 in respect of preparation Project Financial Statement in a manner to reflect the operation, resources and expenditures related to the project. As a reult, it may not be suitable for any other purpose. Management's Responsibility for the Statements 4. Management is responsible for the preparation of the Statements in accordance with the basis of preparation set out in Note 3 to the Statements that give a true and fair view of the Statements, laying down and maintaining effective accounting and internal controls in accordance with requirements of paragraphs 9.4 and 9.5 of the Project Implementing Plan. This rusponibility include the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate accounting and internal controls that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records relevant to the preparation and presentation of the Statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Management and those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the implementing agency's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibility 5. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Statement and an opinion on the accounting and internal controls of the PMU, the accounting and internal controls of the PMU over the financial information submitted by such EIAs as aggregated in PMU/Cons-F/025. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Statements subject to the expenditure covered in Note 3.1 column (b) and (c) are free of material misstatements and whether effective accounting and internal controls was maintained in accordance with paragraphs 9.4 and 9.5 of the Project Implementation Plan. An audit involves perforning procedures to obtain evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in the Statemnents. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Statements, whether due to fraud or error. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by the Management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the Statements. Our audit of accounting and internal controls included obtaining an understanding of the accounting and internal controls assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of the accounting and internal controls based on the assessed risk. Our audit also included perfornning such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. The PMU's accounting internal controls is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of the Statements for the external purgse iacodance with the basis of preparation set out in Note 3 to the accompanying Statements. The Project's accounting and internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertains to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the Statements; (2) provide reasonable assurance that tran,actions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of statements in accordance with basis of preparation set out in Note 3 to the accompanying Statements, and that receipts and expenditures are being made only in accordance with basis of preparation set out in accordance with authorization of Mvianagement of PMU, NDSP and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the PMU's assets that could have a material effect on the Statements. Because of the inherent limitation of Accounting and Internal Controls, including the possibility of collusion or improper management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and may not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluqtion of the accounting and internal controls over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the accounting and internal controls over financial reporting may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. Other Matters 6. We did not audit the Fund UtiliNation Certificates (FUCs) of certain End Implementing Agencies whose application of funds reflects amount of Rs. 1,457.68 millions and Rs. 2653.82 millions of expenditure during the year and as of March 31, 2019 respectively, as included in the Project Financial Statements pursuant to the contract entered with the PMU. Thete FUC's have becn audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us by the management and our opinion/report on the Project financial statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these EIA's in so far as it relates to the aforesaid EIAs is bases solely on the reports of other auditors. Our opinion on the project financial statements is not modified in respect of the above matters since our opinion is solely based upon the work performed by us as mentioned in the Opinion Paragraph. Other Reporting Matters pursuant to the Contract 7. In respect of PMU and EIA' selected and audited by us, and in accordance with the tenns of the contract, we report that to the best of our knowledge and belief, and according to the information and explanations given to us: (a) In our opinion, proper books of accounts as required under the Project Implementation Plan are kept by the management so far as it appears from our examination of these books; (b) The Statements dealt by this Report are in agreement with the books of accounts maintained at PMU by the management; (c) The Statements have been prepared as per the Contract read along with the basis of accounting and preparation paragraph; (d) The project funds are utilized for the purposes for which they were intended; i i ¾# (e) the expenditure shown in the Statement are eligible for financing under the legal agreement as referred in the Contract, are recorded in the books of account of the Project and no other sources of Funds have been received by the management for incurring these expenditure, ( the Interim Unaudited Financial Reports for each of the Quarters in the year ended March 31, 2019, consisting of the aggregated financial information of the PMU and the EIAs, which have been prepared by the PMU management and submitted to the World Bank for reimbursement of expenditure are supported by fund utilization certificates maintained by the PMU management; (g) As more fully described in paragraph 4, the Managrment of PMU, NDSP has maintained, in all material respects, accounting and internal controls over financial reporting of the PMU and the PMU's accounting and internal controls over the financial infornation submitted by the EIAs and such accounting and interal controls were operating effectively as of march 31, 2019. Restriction on Use 8. Our report is intended solely for the purpose of compliance with the Contract referred to above and should not be used for any other purpose. For Borkar and Muzumdar Chartered Accountants Firm's Registration No. 101569W UDIN: 19109386AAAAIX8914C Devang Vaghani Partner Membership No. 109386 Place: Mumbai Date: 12 December 2019 Nаliггпаl Dairy Suppart Praject {1�atir,nal Daгry рlал Pha�e Т) (Cr No. 5074-1N} Projec411anяgenyent [1nit, Natы иа1 Dairy Dеvеlглртеп[ Bnard pr+�ject Е'i+yancia! Statenгents Statrment of Soueыcs апд Appliылtinn of Fuлds as иг March Э1, 20i9 {i гп т,1lгпп Annezure As at €1Лагсlг 31, 2U19 As аг �'[areh 3I, 2д118 Рапiсиlагs А. S4URCES OF FUNПS 1 17г��_ьi � П4 S 435i1.44 (а) PU»ti5 Rraciveti f,�,m Г�г<.еггъп,r�пt of'lпдiа 24.92 fи� 76 {Ъ)1n1rь r+i rc4 eived frпг» Впп�S at PY-vjeot Nнпа};�п,епг Unit {tlet of аьч,,,+,n[ ггпч�tirд to GGi} ЭП_ 76 3 $.6l {0) Tn1er s{ [с�гtцед aiEnd 1г»l,lcп,nыtirtg A13enciыS (Net дf лпчпалi Тг.»,iъ[сд [а GŭI} D.2й й.Сtь i (д) inlr�rnt rr-C»nded Ьу Р.пд 9трleгn�пling Адаnrьг5 й ь,у3 Q.6! (е) EanгEst mnnay D�l,n.�fe О З,� й.21 �� �гti ггг i� Li�}�� ��t�t 1.b4 1.fi4 (81 Mi�irllлiьer,u� Rг4ei г[5 17б9$.53 14,4SR.19 То[а1 8uurces о( Funds (а) to f¢1 В. AFPLICAT1t)N ON FUh'ГlS (aj Grants to Епд Implemenling Agenc'res алд Сепггаliяед еызеnд'ature tawards pYU,qcrks П (() Спт�гопгпt А - Praducli�Эty eni,яncement SrtЬ Спмгр.rмРпгА 1-Аnгпга!lirггt 1маРtгеиегиыrгt 19I�.П7 1,3'�й.Ч3 Ptt*a�eпyTeъiing 319.52 23G.й8 Ре3i�ггг Sr'icl,tion Э41.�1 ?1б.44 lьучр„rt of Bu11s 1 Hmhryia ryfip1� 5� 2,154.84 SUs:ngshr.ninaof5ctr,гn5iльii�п 737.32 SA1.72 ArtiГ.,ia1 iпtг»,п,лгп,п L}etiчeryг 5гrvi�ts йр74.б4'' 4,�6Э.97 SиЬСогмдnмёr:lА2-АмiмгпlNиtrrГгti,м �73&.57 2й!+2,64 Дл{+nnBalwrc.in�TF[ъ7[;г^nt77 ��уЭ.14 �59.37 Fr�der D<'гсlорьnе.пt � 283й.71 2,Г22.01 87й5.35 7,iКй.98 � 5311.10 384R.2Ь � (ii} Сптрс,пепt В- Village Вв.ед Mi1k Ргг,ыигетеnt Sy�trms 474.fifi 245.Я0 (и�) Сптропепt С- Project Чlanagemrnt апд Learning 14491.11 1I,2$ПА4 Total Grants го Епд Implementing Agencorrs апд Cenlгaliud expenditure toward5 praleгis ((i} to (�гуМ1 {Ь) C1п�ing Ваlаисе with; б 10 $_п, (]} 1п ВапiС nсt,.�г�п1, IZ341JO 1б£й3.F411 (ii} Fixrd д+ ,�ts with Вл�уk 1412.32 f4$6 3�} (i1i) Епд 1шl,1е»чспli»g Rье»гirs {inc.lUding БиЪ-[.irнge4l Ьтъпk 1I1 ai, ,�unt:} апд l�tht:r5 1769$.S3 14,4iR.19 То(а1 А1грliыа[�пп of Funds {а} io (b} $Се� аиб7л1,,ъ1уЧЭП� Пn1rg Е4гП,iи�Т р81'[ 4{tlЭyS �Pi�)КСТFlпйьпьа'Л1 Sfoь6nic�»15 1п tгппs of our гер�ъг[ of sve�n днtг et#лсh�д оп Fi�чjCS;t Fiь,rtiг iп1 �1.ч1еr',гrпls I'ог Bt,rkar 8г 14[игитдаr On behalf pf Prajei4 Mвnagement Unit Natinnal Dairy Support Praject Сhгц[гtr,Э А4���ио[л:пг~ Firrn`5 Rro 1�о. 1 й] Sгл,V�'J , _{ j�'�1(ia Л� - �,1VП' V+ _ , {� � � Dcvan� VagFг t �. �. � .�`�' Э3ilip Rath епечh Shah тпд Ladhani •t 1цTit.iг,s7l�iгеся�ъТ Ex�culive Dlгeisuг LhJ Gettcг2! Мапл�ег IЗгЧtlуеТ ''•'` ? .. � _ _ . . - Mtпy1� 1;1y i p I�o. 1 Qv 3 нF - - рlаые; Апапд Р1асе[ iVlumhai Datc:��.I7ьeгemhcr �419 Паiе: 11 Detemtaer2019 ° 1 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase 1) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexure - I Grants from Government of India (Z in million) rs As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Balance at the beginning of the year 14,350.94 10,451.14 Add : Funds received during the year 3,249.10 3,899,80 ,Closing balance at the end of the year 17,600.04, 14,350.94 Annexure - U Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Component A-Productivity Enhancement Sub-Component A 1 - Animal Breed Improvement - Progeny Testing Andlira Pradeh Liveiock Development Agency 140J2 99,94 Animal Breeding Research Orgaiiization 100.77 71.67 Bana;kantha District Cooperative Milk Producers'Unicn Ltd. 79.52 60.21 Haryana Liveqock Development Board 150,65 112.61 Kanimaka Cooperative Milk Producefs'Fedeiation Ltd. 174,89 127.77 Mehsana District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 95.83 72.77 Punjab Liwstoek Development Board 122.68 73.98 Sabarmati Ashram Gau- hala 419.25 301.65 The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers' Fedeiition Limited 32933 254.56 Uttarak-hand Live!4k-ck Development Beard 77.28 5829 Kerala Livest-wk Development Board Ltd, 115.66 79-98 BAIF Development Research Foundation 10 9.69 77.46 Sub-total 1,916.07 1,390.93 Sub-Compone t A I - Animal Breed Improvement - Pedigree Selection Bana, K-antha District Cooperative Milk Pi oducers'Union Ltd, 37.75 27.39 Sabamidti Ashrum Gau liala 45.83 39.68 Umiul Rural Health Re, :axch and Development Board 56.09 43.76 Haryana Live-,tock Development Board 42.26 32.93 Maliatashtra Livi stock Development Boa-rd 32.73 23.06 Punjab Li%,estock Development Board 52.36 29.65 Rajusihan Livestock Development Board 22.74 14.20 Shri Ganganagar Zila Dudh Utpodak Saba ari Sangh Ltd. 29.76 19.41 Sub-total 331199.5522 32-73 52-36 22-74 29-76 J 2 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase I) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexures - IT Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Sub-Component A 1 - Animal Breed Improvement - Import of Bulls / Embryos As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Import of Bulls 129.35 129.29 Sabarmati Ashram Gaushala 58.97 42.65 BAIT Development Rescarch Foundation 21.17 17.90 PasLhim Banga Go Sampad Bikasli Sanstha 10.13 9.60 JK Trust Gram Vikas Yojana 1.91 - Utiarakhand Livestock Development Board 19.68 16.95 Sub-total 241.21 216.40 Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Sub-Component A 1 - Animal Breed Improvement - Semen Station Amul Reseaich and Development Association 100.93 95.06 Andhra Pradesh Livestock Development Agency 69.15 62.11 Animal Breeding Rescaich Organization 163.22 161.52 Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd 61.22 51.97 Kerala Livestock Development Board Ltd. 128.54 89.03 Mebsana District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 65.82 59.51 W State Livestock and Poultry Development Corporation 51.05 48.07 Paschim Banga Go Sanipad Bikash Sanstha 83.68 83.27 Punjab Livestock Development Board 130.56 126.24 Sabarmati Ashram Gaushala 337.37 336,36 Tamil Nadu Livestock Development Agency 52.60 51.28 Uitarakhand Livestock Development Board 65.94 60.51 Central Frozen Semen Production and Training Institute 9001 8136 BAIF Development Research Foundation 293.11 292.01 Rajasthan Coopeiative Dairy Federation Ltd. 106613 10494 Bania4antha District Cooperative Milk Producers'Union Ltd. 75.75 6808 The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Milk Producers' Federution Limited 134.34 127.41 80.38 71.42 Telagana State Livestock Development Agency803714 52.62 43.52 Gujarat Livestock Development Board 18712 130.86 Haryana Lives,Iock Developmnent Board 08 .09 10.09 Oria Livestock Reurces Development Society009 Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation 064 0.05 Almadhi Semen Station 194.76 40.01 Rahuri Semen Station 107.64 8 Chalisgarh State Livestock Development Agency 27.64 0.17 Sub-total 2,660.52 2,184.84 Sub-Component A I-Animal Breed Improvement-Al Delivery Services147 Maahi Milk Producer Company ltd. 147.06 114.62 Panyas Milk Producer Company Ltd. 256.48 187.06 Shreeja Milk Producer Company Ltd. 27.40 27.40 Sahaaj Milk Producer Company Ltd 306.8 212.63 Sub-total 737.32 541.72 V3 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase I) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexures - II Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Sub-Component A 2 - Animal Nutrition - Ration Balancing Program Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 27.89 27.87 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru Rural and Ramanagar District Cooperative Milk 40.42 36.03 Producers' Union Ltd. Bhilwara Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 14.29 14.14 Bhopal Sahakari Dudh Sangh Maryadit 33.85 26 27 Ernakulam Regional Co-Operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 15.50 15.50 Gangol Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 16.19 15.86 Kolar-Chikkaballapura District Cooperative Milk Producers' Societies Union Ltd. 26.11 25.41 Kolhapur Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utapadak Sangh Limited 34.94 34.36 Lucknow Producers' Cooperative Milk Union Limited 14.07 14.01 Maahi Milk Producers Company Ltd 176.55 162,83 Malabar Regional Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 29.80 28.59 Mebana District Co-operative Producers' Union Limited 25.37 25.37 Mulukanoor Women Mutually Aided Milk Producers' Union 17.73 17.19 Paayas Milk Producers Company Ltd. 162.89 152.21 Pali Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 12.86 12.77 Sabarkantha District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited 26.20 26.01 Shri Ganganagar Zila Dudh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 14.37 14.04 Solapur Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Va Prakriya Sangh Maryadit 14.56 14.56 Surat District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited 28.69 27.97 The Doaba District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 10.75 10.61 The Guntur Dist. Milk Pioducer's Mutually Aided Co-Op Union Ltd 15.62 15.57 The Krishna Disrict Milk Producers' Mutually Aided Co-op Union Ltd. 17.56 17.56 The Ludhiana District Co-Op Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 25,23 24.34 The Panchmahal District Co-Operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 26 87 26.35 The Ropar District Coop. Milk Producer's Union Limited 21.64 21.36 The Sirsa District Co-Operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 14.39 14.03 Thiruvanothapurn Regional Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 28.11 26.21 Udaipur Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 13.51 13.51 Vikramhila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 29.66 26.98 Pune Zila Sahakari Dudh Utapadak Prakriya Sangh Maryadit 14.05 13.67 Mysore Chamarajanagar District Co-operative Milk Producers' Societies Union Ltd 28.95 28.23 Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 14.68 14.39 Deshratna Dr. Rajendra Pru>ad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 27.35 23.51 Samaleswari Regional Co-operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 17.20 17.15 The Amba a District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 14.66 14.07 The Ballabgarh Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 8.53 8.10 The Puri District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 12.31 12.31 Jaipur Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 30.49 29.52 The Coimbatore District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 17.78 17.76 The Salem District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 18.91 18.65 Tunkur District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 15.52 15.52 4 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase F) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexures - II Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Bharuch District Cooper tive Milk Producers Union Ltd 10.80 10.39 The Hisasr Jind Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 12.11 11.60 The Vellor-Tiruvannamalai District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd. 1601 15.99 The Madurai District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 13.32 13.32 The Kurukshetra and Karnal Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 13.95 13.34 The Erode District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 14.75 14.75 Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd 7.89 7.35 Shahahad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 12.71 11.63 Cuttack Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited 17.07 16.58 Ujjain Sahakari Dugdh Sangh Maryadit 13.99 12.85 Villuppuram-Cuddalore District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited 15.11 15.07 Tiruchirappal District Co-Operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 13.50 13.48 Koraput Malkangiri Nabarangpur Rayagada Regional Coop. Milk Producers Union 11 85 11.57 Dbarwad Cooperative Milk Producers'Societies Union Ltd. 14.06 11.97 Gwalior Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Maryadit 16.23 12.69 Bibar State Milk Coopertive Federation -Kosi Dairy PfoJect 7.55 7.13 Kheda District Cooperative Milk Produ,cers Union Ltd 32.16 29.32 Paschim Rajasthan Milk Union ( 10o1hpur) 12.23 12.23 Bihar State Milk Cooperative Federation -Magadh Dairy Project 6.47 5.95 Vaishal Patliputra Dugdh Utapadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 12.32 11.85 Jabalpur Sahakari Dugdh Sangh Mydt. 8.92 8.46 Nalgonda -Ranga Reddy Milk Producers Mutually Aided CoOp. Union Ltd 1585 15.61 Mithila Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Limited 14.25 13.08 Ajmer Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd 10 91 10.83 Belgaun District Cooperative Milk Producer Socities Union Ltd 11.49 10.58 Ha.-in Co-Operative Milk Producer's Societies Union Ltd. 15.85 14.42 Jalgaon Jilha Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit 12.95 11.30 Shreeja Milk Producer Company Ltd 70.39 61.64 Saahaj Milk Producer Company Ltd 231.95 209.32 Indore Sahakari Dugdh Sangh Maryadit 13.44 12.25 Raichur, Bellary and Koppal Disirict Milk Producers' Mutually Aided Co-op Union 11 50 7.12 Ltd. lchamati Co-Opciative Milk Producers Union Ltd. 8.97 7.82 Bnani Milk Producer Company Ltd 96.83 87.49 Kisian Co-Operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 8.31 8.05 Bhagirathi District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 7.42 5.96 Gulbarga-Bidar and Yadgir Co-opeiative Milk Producer Socities Union Ltd 8.75 8.10 Balasore Bhadrak District Milk Union 14.07 12.93 Midnapore Co-operative Milk Producer Socities Union Ltd 14.31 13.60 Valsad District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited 9.85 9.01 Mandya Dift. Co-Operative Milk Producer's Societies Union Ltd. 12.16 11.48 Bijapur-Bagalkot Dirict Cooperative Milk Producers Socities Union Ltd 6.45 6.43 Dehradun Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Limited 7.47 6.77 5 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase I) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexures - II Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Nainital Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Limited 6 82 6.25 Haidwar Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Limited 6.13 5.70 Udarnm Singh Nagar Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Limited 5.42 5.42 Jharkhand State Co-operative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd. 1632 9.81 Sangauer Taluka Sahakari Dudh and Prakriya Sangh Ltd. 5.25 4.42 Chamarajanagar Dist Co-operative Milk Producers' Societies Union Ltd. 12.75 8.93 The Greater Ganjam Gajapati Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd 6.47 4.61 Aurangabad District Coop. Milk Producers Union Ltd. 5.69 4.22 The Dharnapuri District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 13,56 10.79 Dindigul District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 6.54 5.22 Kancheepuram- Thiruvallur District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 12.49 9.21 Nellore District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Co.Op. Union Ltd. 7.52 4.60 The Telangana State Dairy Development Cooperative Fede ation Ltd 11.92 9.24 Alwar Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 6.40 4.63 Tonk Zila Dughd Utpadak Sahakari Sangh 5.52 4.23 Tirunelveli District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited 747 6.48 The Sangrur District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited 7.80 5.31 Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development Corporation Limited 6.97 5.44 Chhattisgurh State Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited 6.99 5.39 National Dairy Re,arch Institute, Karnal 7.80 5.98 Animal Breeding Research Organization 17.98 17.74 Surendranagar District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited 5.07 2.33 Bhandara Zilla Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Maryadit 7.47 4.97 Sub-total 2,238.57 2,062.64 Sub-Component A 2 - Animal Nutrition - Fodder Development Baramati Taluka Sahakari Dudh Utapadak Sangh Maryadit 430 4.30 Bhagirathi District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 4.03 4.03 Bhilwara Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sabakari Sangh Ltd. 4.93 4.89 Indore Sahakari Dugdh Sangh Maryadit 3.71 3.67 Kolar-Chikkahallapura District Cooperative Milk Producers' Societies Union Ltd. 22.58 22.37 Kolhapur Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utapadak Sangh Limited 8472 70.56 Lucknow Producers' Cooperative Milk Union Limited 17.02 17.02 Maahi Milk Producers Company Ltd. 19.27 19.27 Paayas Milk Producers Company Ltd. 14.71 14.71 Pune Zila Sahakari Dudh Utapadak Prakriya Sangh Maryadit 10.16 9.66 Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Dudh Sangh Ltd 5.56 5.56 Sabarkanath District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 17.65 17.59 Shri Ganganagar Zila Dudh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 620 55.67 Solapur Zila Sahakari Dudh Utapadak Va Prakriya Sangh Maryadit 8.51 8.26 Surat District Cooperative Milk Producers'Union Ltd. 9.23 9.23 The Doaba District Coopertive Milk Prducers Union Ltd. 2.73 2.73 The Guntur Dist. Milk Producer's Mutually Aided Co-Op Union Ltd 4.84 4.84 The Krishna District Milk Producers' Mutually Aided Co-op Union Ltd. 15.30 15.30 The Ropar District Coop. Milk Producer's Union Limited733 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase 1) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexures - II Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 The Sitsa District Co-Operaive Milk Producers Union Ltd. 2.79 2.79 Samaleswari Regional Co-operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd, 3.45 3.45 Kota Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd 23.49 22.95 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru Rural and Ranianagar District Cooperative Milk 13.52 13.45 Producers' Union Ltd. Raichur, Bellary and Koppal District Milk Producers' Mutually Aided Co-op Union 24.64 22,89 Ltd. Agricultural Development Trust, Baramati 10.91 10.91 Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 11.73 11.73 Chittorgarh Pratapgarh Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 6.31 6.31 Mulukanoor Women Mutually Aided Milk Producers' Union 8.67 8.67 The Ludhiana District Co-Op Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 6.30 6.03 The Arnbala District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 5.96 4.94 The Ballabgarh Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 5.75 4.80 Bihar State Cooperative Milk Producers Fedejation Limited 7.28 6.33 The Panchniahal District Co-Operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 15.51 14.38 Bijnor Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangli Ltd. 3.41 3.38 Bharuch District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 7.35 6.99 Gangol Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 3.84 3.84 Has-,in Co-Operative Milk Producer's Societies Union Ltd. 9.70 9.70 Vaishal Patliputra Dugdb Ulapadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 4.76 3.99 Shaiabad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 7.96 7.68 Farrukhabad Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd 7.87 5.21 Tumkur Co-Operative Milk Producers' Societies Union Ltd., 8.96 8.72 Koraput Malkangiri Nabarangpur Rayagada Regional Coop Milk Producers Union 4.24 4.24 Ltd. Balaore Bhadrak District Milk Union Ltd 3.65 3.65 Ambedkarnagar Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 4.10 4.10 Baroda District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd. 5.05 5.00 Des1auna Dr. Rajendra Prasad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 13.85 13.52 Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 17.84 17.42 Vikramnshila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 11.03 10.89 Mithila Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Linited 15.44 14.41 Sub-total 592.14 559.37 Component B - Village Based Milk Procurement Systems Aurargabad District Coop. Milk Producers Union Ltd. 927 8.85 Bengaluru Urban Bengaluru Rural and Ramnagar District Cooperative Milk 147 63 107.45 Producers' Union Ltd 0 147-63 107.45 Bhagiruthi District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 32.19 12.68 Bhopal Sahakari Dugdha Sangh Maryadit 22.62 12.75 Bijnor Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 8.86 8.85 7 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase I) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annex I Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Clhhatisgarh State Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited 24.80 18.68 Dakshina Kannada Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited 70.74 62.71 Deshualna Dr. Rajendra Pra,ad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd, 22.46 9.18 Ernakulam Regional Co-Operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 13.49 12.55 Has,an Co-Operative Milk Producer's Societies Union Ltd. 47.33 36.23 Indore Sahakari Dugdh Sangh Maryadit 17.56 13.74 Jalgaon Jilha Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit 24.75 15.07 Kangsaboti Cooperative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 43.21 24.90 Kolar Chikkaballapura District Co-Operative Milk Producers Societies Union Ltd. 48.29 48.03 Kolhapur Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Ltd. 49.68 49.51 Lucknow Producer's Cooperative Milk Union Ltd. 11.37 8.56 Maahi Milk Producer Coipany Ltd. 314.28 293.47 Malabar Regional Co-opertive Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 26.32 21.54 Mulukanoor Women Mutuially Aided Milk Producers'Union 30.26 23.23 Mysore Chainarajanagar Dist. Co-operative Milk Producers' Societies Union Ltd. 7817 60.89 Panyas Milk Producer Company Ltd, 435.00 412.83 Pali Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahnkari Sangh Ltd, 35.99 20,41 Pune Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit 64.67 38.36 Rajarainbapu Patil Sah. Dudh Sangh Ltd. 15.91 11.36 Rajkot District Co-operative Milk Producers'Union Ltd. 24.92 23.54 Sabarkantha District Cooperative Milk Producers'Union Ltd. 1106 57 59.72 Sanganuner Taluka Sah2kari Dudh and Prakriya Sangh Ltd. 41.75 33.81 Shimoga Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Limited 71.89 38.56 Shri Vasantdada Dugdh Vya; asay Vikas Zilla Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 12-69 10.88 The Cuttack Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Limited 4088 36.12 The Guntur Dist. Milk Producer's Mutually Aided Co-Op Union Ltd, 22.83 20.11 The Kishan Co-Opefative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 23.30 16.20 The Krishna District Milk Producers' Mutually Aided Co-op Union Ltd. 47.70 26.52 The Ludhiana District Co-Op Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 82.62 66.84 The Mandya Dist. Co-Operative Milk Producer's Societies Union Ltd. 83.09 8038 The Panchnmhal District Co-Operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 19.25 19.25 The Ropar District Coop Milk Producer's Union Limited 84.80 47.21 The Sirna District Co-Operitive Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 10.30 8,58 Thiruvananthapuram Regional Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 38.06 30.15 Tumkur Co-Opetative Milk Producers'Societies Union Ltd, 66.20 43.45 Udaipur Dugdb Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 6.40 6.39 The Ambala District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 22,58 9 06 Shivamirut Dugdh Utadak Sahakari Sangh Maryadit 7.04 7.04 Ambedkarnagar Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 7.50 7.27 Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 138.74 85.18 Bharuch District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 13.41 12.25 The Ballabgarh Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 12,10 10.13 Barabanki Dugdh Utpadak Sabakari Sangh Ltd 5.61 5.33 ~ N .KtJ~,2 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase I) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annex 11 Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Bhandara Zilla Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Maryadit 18.73 18.73 Bhilwara Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 67.77 34.27 Beed Taluka Dudh Vyava,iik SahNkari Sansihancha Sangh Maryadit 4.78 4.53 The Coimbatore District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 13.37 9.77 Chittorgarh Pratapgarh Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 69.00 46.64 Dharwad Cooperiative Milk Producers Societics Union Ltd 26.96 9.08 The Erode District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 26.62 24.13 The Faridkot District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 12.27 12.27 Farrukhabad Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd 5.86 5.28 Faizabad Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd 19.91 15.57 Gangol Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 16.36 14.16 Gonda Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd 14.56 9.04 Godavari Khore Nanideutaoji Parjane Patit Tahika Sah. Dodh Utpadak Sangh Ltd. 16.10 11.16 The Greater Ganjam Gajapati Co-operative Milk Pioducers' Union Ltd 5.33 4.26 Icechamati Cooperative Milk Pr oducers Union Ltd 24.91 17.89 Jaipur Zilla Dugdh Utpadak Sahokari Sangh Ltd 262.78 182.89 Jharkhand State Co-operative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd. 24.10 21.40 The Doaba District Co-Operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 59.04 31.77 The HisNar Jind Co-Operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 9.00 7.34 Jalore-Sirohi Zilla Dugdh Utpadak Sabokari Sangh Ltd 14.93 14.85 The Kurnool District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Coop. Union Ltd. 6.40 6.26 Kota Zilla Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd 63.19 18.08 The Kurukshetra and Karnal Cooperative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 15.62 13.47 Latur Zilla Sah. Dudh Utpadak Va Puravatha Sang M 5.02 4.62 The Nalgonda -Ranga Reddy Milk Producers Mutually Aided Coop. Union Ltd. 32.45 27.86 The Salem District Co-Opeiative Milk ProdUcer's Union Ltd. 15.90 7.48 Solapur Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Va Prakriya Sangh Maryadit 3.58 3.58 Tiruchirappali District Co-Operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 13.10 7.90 Samalesxxari Regional Co-operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 9.27 8.77 Ajmer Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sabakari Sangh Ltd 100.22 90,29 Alwar Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. 41.54 22.41 Anreli District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 13.08 7.46 Aniruiagar Sahakai Dudh Vyavasaik Va Prakriya Sangh Maryadit 9.10 8.95 Baroda District COopefatiVe Milk Producers Union Ltd. 118.63 86.09 Balasore Bhadrak District Milk Union 661 5.86 Vikranshila Dugdh Utpadak Snhakari Sangh Ltd. 13.12 9.92 Baani Milk Producer Company Ltd. 138.16 112.33 Ferozepur District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 3187 21.60 Gondia Jilla DUdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Maryadit1.09 How5ah Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 5.80 4.73 Kheda Dittrict Cooperutive Milk Producers Union Ltd 94.34 49.90 Kancheepuram- Thiruvallur District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd 5.89 4.53 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase 1) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Development Board Project Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annex II Grants to End Implementing agencies and Centralized expenditure towards projects (Contd..) Name of End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Koraput Malkangiri Nabarangpur Rayagada Regional Coop. Milk Producers Union 3.28 3.22 Ltd. Mithila Dugdh Utpadak Sahknri Sangh Limited 25.80 16.75 Kulick Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 5.34 0.00 Manbhum Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 3.48 0.00 Surat District Coopera(ive Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 6.46 0.00 Kutch District Co-op Milk Producers' Union Ltd 8.42 8.00 Bihar State Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Limited- Magadh Dairy Project 16.75 11.37 Bihar State Coopeadtive Milk Producers Federtion Limited- Kosi Dairy Project 12.32 9.53 Nellore District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Co.Op. Union Ltd. 4.93 4.74 Patiala District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 42.52 29.76 The Puri District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd 9.82 8.06 Robtak Cooperative Milk PrDducers' Union Ltd. 9.19 7.38 Bijapur-Bagalkot District Cooperative Milk Producers SoCities Union Lid 29.78 17.58 Bolangir Kalahandi Nuapada Regional Co-Operative Milk Producer's Union Ltd. 8.27 2.86 Raichur, Bellary and Koppal District Milk Producers' Mutually Aided Co-op Union 57.38 39.57 Ltd. Bapudham Milk Producer Company Limited 140.38 26.27 Belgaun District Cooperative Milk Producer Socities Union Ltd 19.39 0.00 Chamarajanagar Dist. Co-operative Milk Producers' Societies Union Ltd. 20.45 6.91 Ashti Tahika Dudh Utpadak Va Purvalha Sahakari Sangh Maryadit 3.51 2.69 Baiwmati Taluka Saliakari Dugh Utpadak Sangh Ltd. 18.25 0.08 Midnapore Co-operative Milk Producer Socities Union Ltd 5.25 2.24 Sundarblan Co-operative Milk & Livestock Producers' Union Ltd 5.75 2.82 Surendranagar District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Limited 23.49 4.73 Shreeja Mahila Milk Producer Company Ltd 245.04 178.82 Shahabad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkai Sangh Ltd. 23.39 12.52 Saahaj Milk Producer Company Ltd 344.78 284,62 Sinnar Taluka Vibhagiya SahakeAri Dudh Utpadak Va Prakariya Sangh Maryadit 11.39 10.53 Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 20.27 12.69 Ujjain Sahakari Dugdh Sangh Mydt. 13.72 7.68 Valsad District Coopeiative Milk Producers Union Limited 85.82 56.04 Vaishal Patliputra Dugdh Utapadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd, 19.59 10.14 Vellore-Tiruvaumuiai District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited 25.45 16.65 Sub-total 5,311.10 3,848.26 10 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Pha5e 1) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Develpment Bmard Project Financial Statemenits Annexures forming part of Sourees and Appficaltin of Funds Annexures IU - Closing balance with End Implementing Ageneies and Others (t in million) End Implementing Ageneies As at Mareh 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Aguitultual Development Trust 0.12 0.51 Ajner Zila D.gdlh Utpodak Sahakari Sangh Ltd 13.39 36.02 Alamndhi Semen Stin 44.42 10,74 Al war Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahdk,ti Sigh Ltd 6.27 1,36 Ambla District Co'opeiative Milk Pridta urs Union Ltd 4.56 16.26 A mbedkarniagarDugdh Utpadk SlikiXd Sangh Ltd. 0.70 0.61 A mieli Diict Cooperaive Milk Prud'iers' Unhin Ltd 210 7.60 A mrslsDr Sahe ai Dudh Vya,n - k Va Pr0kriya Saegh Marydit 0.71 0.85 Andia PraeO Duiry Development Cort aon imit-ed 2.76 1.73 Andhra P,desh Liv..k Development Agency 9.42 7.97 Aniial Birding Re .csyh Oigani/rln 30.60 41.06 Adhl Tajuk a Dudh Utpadak Va Purvalha Sabakasi Sangh Marvadit 1.60 2.38 Aurangabid Ditriet Cop. Milk P odvceers Union Ltd. 1.04 0.71 B.ani Milk Pruduce Company Ltd 0.43 112 BAIF vlo'pmenotfli altch Foundalion 3,04 2.98 Bl i2e Bhadik Ditrict Milk Union 1,04 1,65 Ballabgdalb Conpei.tive Milk Producers Union Ltd 0.99 3.39 Ba6in'ihaDi,I[ict Coopetive Milk PrJrs'Union Ltd. 115.24 54.97 Bapndham Milk Produer Cojbany Liniild 56,04 35.99 Bar ahatki Dugdb Utpdak Sahak,ri Sanghi Ltd 0.58 0.44 Barannti Taluta Suhda;ri Dugih Uypadak Sagh Ltd 4 82 11.74 Bamda Disiit Cooptive Milk PdU1ers Uinion Ltd. 16.33 14,60 Bee.d Taluka Dudh Vya% .sik Sah1uri San ha Sangh Maryulit 0.12 0,37 Belgauin Disiuit Copt tive Milk Prod.ier S ;is Union Ltd 14.78 34.13 Bngaluru Uilan Bengalur Rald and Ramunga,r Driet Coopaadve Milk 19.90 39.06 Produ ers' Un inWr Ltd Bhtagiralhi Distiet Cope ve Milk Piedces Union Ltd 22.29 2.03 Bhanda Zilla Dugdh Utpmdak Sahakui Sangh Maryadit 1.46 0.34 Bhijuch Diltict Copemave Milk Prodlners Union Ltd 20.25 21.30 BhiivaaåZilaDtgdhUtpadak Salkud Saugh Ltd. 1851 34.08 Biopal Sahodk,i Dugdha Sangh Ma lit 6.33 1563 Biha State Cec-epative Milk Pioducers Fedc.Ieti.n Liniled 0.19 063 Bihar Sile Coopeirdive Milk Fuducers Fedctudion limited- Kn1 Dairy Pioject 1.47 2.62 Bihar State Cooperative Milk Puducers Fedrtion I imited- Magudh Dairy 1.17 4.23 Bijapur-Bcalknt Disriet Cooe , acive Milk Pieduers S,-ek it Union Ltd 8.47 3. 0 Bijnor Dugdh Ut1,d1ak Salkari Sangh Ltd. D.51 0.45 BoLngr KalAhandi Nuepada Rdgionl Co-Opentive Milk Pro.duer's Uin Ltd. 0.75 0 05 Cenaal Freren Seien Pedui.ion and Trwining In%tilute 0 09 3.75 Chamrajangar Dit. Co-opeutbve Milk Peoducers S U es Lnion Ltd. 13.51 2464 Chhigalh Slee Cooperative Dairy Fedealion Linimed 1.54 4.48 Chhaiiguh Stle Live .k Devclpent Agency 2486 24.86 Chi;, gdrh Prepgarh Dugdb Uptlak Sehkui Segh Ltd 9.48 32.63 C i e Diruriet Coopeiive Milk Piodasus Union Ltd 3.03 6.78 Cutlik Co-orative Milk Prodwers' Un ion I lored 1,95 881 Daka inaKanisla Co-opeftive Milk PLoduers Union nited 0.11 6.13 Deiiadhu Dugdh Utpalak Satukri Sngh .iiidd 0.40 1.09 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phasc 1) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Managernent Unit, Natinnal Dairy Development Biard Pruject Financial Statemenis Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexures IHl - Cloning balance with End Implenenting Agencies and Others (Z in milrion) End Implmetiling Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Dehiaa Dr. Rajend ra Pidi Dugdh Uipndak Sahkari Sangh Ltd 2.68 8.08 Dhar uinjii Disirict Co-opewilive Mik Produe i Uno Ltd 049 1.59 Dhaiwad Co1esive Milk Pioduies Soieties Union Ltd 17.28 26.87 Dindigul Disiet -Coperuive Milk Pioduces Uni,n Ltd 0.69 1.34 Du,ba DistrictCoopative Milk Pruduris' Union Ltd. 2987 14.74 Ernak.ulan Regional Co-Operalive Milk PL d Union Ltd. 1.91 1.32 Erede Di,Wct Coopemave Milk Produuerq Union Ld 3.36 664 Faiiahad Dugdh Utadak Saliari Sangh Ltd 7.38 2,83 Faidkot Diliict Coopeative Milk Producers Union Ltd - 0 03 Fairukhabld Dugdh Utpadak Sabarii Sangh Ltd 1.56 2.21 Ferr,opkr Dkirict Coopenyive Milk Pruduirs5 Union Ltd 2,37 6.75 GanganqUar Zila Dudh Ulpaidak Sanhak,ri SanCh Ltd. 18.15 14.06 Ganýgol Du_dh Utpadak Sahari Sangh Ltd. 4.23 3.34 Godavari Khore Naideraoji Paijane Patil Taluka Sah. Duht lpmlak Sangh 1.51 5.90 Ltd. Gnnda Dugdh Uipadak SahaPdri Sangh Ltd 1.31 4.28 G,cr jG.rCnja Ga i Co-c. lie Milk Po..ner in Ltd 0.91 1.78 Gujajat Livsi'.k Developmenr Buid 0.14 4.03 Gulba6a-Bidar and Yadgir Co-oper alive Milk PiuC er S,-i irs Union Ltd 0.66 1.28 Guni itU Di Milk Pioduter's Mul ally Alded Co-Op Union Ltd 1.72 0,92 Gwalior Dugdh Ulladak Salakri Sangh Maryadit 1.15 112 Hai idwar Dugdh Utpodak Sahakai Sangh I iniid 1.01 1 41 Haj yna Dairy Developni@nt Coopenati ve Fedeitiinn 563 6.02 Harna l,i,ck Devel.,pmfnt B,-d 2804 34.81 H t Co-Operadive Milk PiI.oduei'S Sik iS Union Ltd. 135.20 59.29 Hi ar Jind Cc-Opeative Milk Pid,ue?s Union Ltd 2.38 4,46 Huwiah Coopetalive Milk Produiers Union Ltd 0 53 0.97 leclaiali Co-Openutive Milk Pro,dtcs Unoma Ltd. 7,10 2,07 InIlue Sal i Dugdh Sangh MarydIåt 6.55 10.12 Jahalpur SabHIari Dugdh Sangh Mydt 0.35 0.82 Jaipur 5ila Dugdh Utpoak Sakibli Sangh Ltd 23.12 42.33 Jalga n Jiha Sahakid Dudh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit 2,86 9.25 Jalkre-Sirmhi Zilla Dugdh Utpmdak Sahakai Sangh Ltd 0.87 0.93 Jhavkhncd Si,1e Co-opeiaive Mlk Prooters' Fede ion Ltd 4.75 5.79 JK Trust Grm Viks Yojania 1.61 Kand ne,pam- Thiruvallur Disiriet Co-cpceiilive Milk Produevis Union Ltd 2.01 5 5 Kan hnt i Copmtve Milk Produkcr's Union Ltd 22.95 1.06 Karrnaka Cope uve Milk Preo-rs Fedelion I jmbed 8.55 5.79 Kaiirnpar Milk Pruduker Compadny Lýicd 3800 - 19.46 1.17 Kheda District Cooperai1ve Milk Pioducers Union Ltd 51.74 23.49 Ki,lhmn Co-Oper,ive Mik Poducers' Union Ltd 5.72 2.20 Koar Chlikkt.,llaihaura Dnsimmut Co-Opeiaiive Milk ProdnueTs Selmer Unit 1,47 1.76 Ltd K nlh or Žilla Shn, ri Dudh Utpadak Sangh Ltd 19.64 8,15 12 National Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase 1) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, National Dairy Developnment Board Project Financial Statenents Annexuics forming part of Sourcs and Appliealion of Funds Annexures I1 - Closing balance with End Implenienting Ageneies and Others (Z in million) End Implmentinlig Agencies As at Mareb 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Kojaput Malkangiri Nahaiangpur Rya ia Regiooal Cnop. Milk Pil-ers 0.45 124 Union Ltd. Kmla Zila Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd. 13.29 5632 Krihna Diliiet Milk Prod eers' Mutnally Aided Co-op Union Ltd 15.45 1039 Kulick ooperaive Milk Prdut ers' Union Ltd 4,28 - Kurnol Di til Milk Prodicts Muitally Aided Co np. Union Ltd. 0.08 0.04 Kuruff,ea and Karnal Coopeative Milk Produei's Uion Ltd 1.30 2.62 Kmch Di,i;t Coopeative Milk Pruduers' Union Linited 0.88 1.26 Latur ZJII Sal. Dudh Utpdak Va Puiavalha Sang M 1.52 063 Luknow Pmdouds Cooperative Milk Union Ltd 7.88 10.58 Ludhiana District Co-Op Milk Produuers Union Ltd 58.42 21.01 Maiahi MHk Pro-dcer Cnp1.y Ltd. -28 29.57 Maduai Disirict oopeatve Milk P:duers Union Ltd - 0.30 Mahmwd,hlra Lelck DeelopmenB-d 2.96 4,95 Maltar eginal Co-operative Milk Podlecs' Union Ltd 5.17 2.19 Manlhbn CooperaIIe Milk Pivduces Union Ltd, 1.42 vindya Dit Co-Opemtive Milk Pieduei's So ie Un ion Ltd. 53 05 0.44 Mehona Disiryt Copetive Milk Pod.ters' Union Ltd. 4.66 1052 Midnpwe Co-opealive Milk Producer S. iet Union Ltd 22.25 2.14 Mithila Dugdh Utpadak Sahkadri Srnoh 11111 ed 0 53 6.37 MP Site Lis,Ik and Poiltry Devhrmcit Cop.in 2.69 0.23 MulukAnr Wonnen Muolv Aided Milk PAtr' Union 2,98 190 Myre Chamrajanagar Dist. Co-opative Milk Producrs Socelics Union Ltd 4.96 18 85 Nainial Dugdh Utpaik Siai Sangh L ited 0.73 1.33 Nalgnnda -Ruga Reddy Milk Puduers Mutally Aided Co.Op. Union Ltd. 0.84 2.49 Nali,mal Dairy R. ch Inoliie Kanal 0.14 1.22 Nellre Dstr;et Milk Producers Mulially Aided Co Op. Union Ltd 0.82 1.31 Orýa LiN Rn ourme Deve1eent Sod ety 6.11 6.11 Payas Milk Podicer Company Ltd 99.27 0 flo Pali Zila Dugdh Utlpadk Sahar si Sangi Ltd 091 1637 PareInolaL Dii et Co-Operdlive Milk Prodc-s Union Ltd 083 241 P- him Banga Go-Sam1ad Bik ash Sansimh 6.30 6.95 Pa, iin Rajialn Dugdh Lltpadak Sah Sri ngh Ltd. 0.24 0.70 Paiala Di,irict Co-operdive Milk Prodiwrs' Unin Ltd. 17.78 18.33 Pie Ziilla Sahtiri Dudh Utpadak Sanigi Maryadit 2.44 2 83 Pu1jab LB,.id 4,71 22.73 Puri Disiet Copeative Milk Produrers Union Ltd 8.10 9.86 RahunSm Stmaio,n 15.58 - Ruichur, Bellary and Keppal Dis,iet Milk Pi-du s' Mtually Aided Co-op 13.67 2201 Ulnion Ltd R.j ýliu Patil Sah Dudh Sanigh Ltd 9.22 13,31 Rjathan Li , .k Devlpmet Borud 1.07 3.30 Raj Co,Uopetive Dairy Feduaion Liited 6.07 7.09 RaJkt Ditit Co-peIve MIlkP ducers' Union Ltd. 3.44 4.63 Rolak C .peive Milk Prdmes Uon Ltd. 3.37 13 Nalinnal Dairy Support Project (National Dairy Plan Phase I) (Cr No. 5074-IN) Project Management Unit, Naional Dairy Development Board Pmoject Financial Statements Annexures forming part of Sources and Application of Funds Annexures 111 - Closing balance with End Implementing Agencies and Others (Z in million) End Implementing Agencies As at March 31, As at March 31, 2019 2018 Ropar Diict Conp Milk Producers Uninn LinPed 18.20 9.72 Saaj Milk Podnuer Compaiy Ltd 27.76 14.27 Salmkainiha Drsnt Coope.acive Milk Producers' Union Ltd. 114.12 33.97 Saharmali Ashlwm Ganh,ala 62.69 25.67 Salen Diriet Co-Opeetive Milk Podueds Union Ltd 12.20 10.48 Sa n ari Regnal Co-Opetive Milk P ors' Union Ltd. 0.76 2.85 Sangamner Talika SÄhaari Dudh and Piakaiya Swgh Ltd. 6.15 13.40 Sangrur Dii iet Cooperalive Milk Pdåsmil' Union 1.imited 1.40 2.83 Shahabad Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd 3.98 3.68 Shim,ga Co-opeaivec MikProders Soietes Uin Umied 1.10 19.33 Shivaniut Dudh Ulpadak Sahakari Sangh Maryadit 1.40 1.43 Sh eeja Mahila Milk PrJucer Company Ltd 78.39 3.34 Sinnar Talika Vihha§ya SahaKiri Dudh Ulpadak Va PiL iiya Sangh Maryadit 2.56 3.41 Sima Ditrict Co-Operaive Milk Prd,eds Union Ltd. 0.71 3.30 Solapur Zilla Sahakari Dudh Ulpadak Va Pi Aiya Sangh Maryadit 0.64 0.74 Surd.bån Co-opeative Milk & Lneck- Podnces Union Ltd 3.58 1.23 Siniat Di,iet Coopeaive Milk PiduJers' U; Ltd. 78.61 1.98 Surendaagar Di,ict Cooperative Milk Piducs e' Union 1 imited 21.09 20,66 Tarnil Nad Co.peåtive Milk Pides'FedelinI.imked 14.38 15.69 Tamil Nadu L e. ocsk Development Agenky 4.93 1.30 Teiagona Stwe Live,;ek DCekpinent Agency 1 03 9.71 Telagayna State Dalry Development Cooperive Fedendi.n Ltd 0.91 088 itvsniha 1 Regional Co-