70868 The Kingdom of Morocco: National Initiative for Human Development 2 Program SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors June 28, 2012 The Executive Directors approved the National Initiative for Human Development 2 Program to the Kingdom of Morocco in the amount of EURO 227 million (US$ 300 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (R2012-0129). Directors noted the commitment of the Moroccan Authorities to address social inequality and urban-rural divide and the selection of ‘Program for Results’ instrument which incorporates lessons learnt from phase 1 and is aligned with the Country Partnership Strategy and the Bank’s MENA strategic directions presented in the Regional Update. They welcomed the increased focus on delivering tangible outcomes for the youth, women and other vulnerable groups. In this regard, Directors supported the indicators to measure the participation of such groups, and their practical verification, in key sectors such as education, health and governance. Directors urged the Bank to build on donor harmonization to link all donor disbursements to the same set of results and goals so as to maximize impact. Noting the substantial fiduciary risk rating, Directors urged the Bank to work with the Moroccan authorities to develop lasting mitigation measures beyond the program.  This summary is not an approved record.