The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) Project Information Document/ Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet (PID/ISDS) Concept Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 08-Mar-2018 | Report No: PIDISDSC23310 March 16, 2018 Page 1 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data OPS TABLE Country Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) Project Name Uzbekistan P162263 Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) Region Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Practice Area (Lead) EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Oct 08, 2018 Dec 21, 2018 Water Financing Instrument Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Investment Project Financing Ministry of Finance Department for Operation of Interregional Trunk Main Tuyamuyun – Nukus, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, Samarkand State Unitary Enterprise Suvokova, Syrdarya State Unitary Enterprise Suvokova Proposed Development Objective(s) The Program / Project Development Objective is to: (i) improve coverage, quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in selected project areas; and (ii) strengthen the capacity of sector institutions for improved service delivery. Financing (in USD Million) Finance OLD Financing Source Amount Borrower 25.00 International Development Association (IDA) 190.00 Total Project Cost 215.00 Environmental Assessment Category Concept Review Decision B-Partial Assessment Track II-The review did authorize the preparation to continue March 16, 2018 Page 2 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) Other Decision (as needed) B. Introduction and Context Country Context 1. The Government’s vision is to transform Uzbekistan into an industrialized, upper-middle-income country by 2030. Uzbekistan is a lower-middle-income, minerals-rich, but doubly landlocked Central Asian country with the largest population in Central Asia – 32.3 million as of July 20171. Over the past decade, Uzbekistan has maintained a high and stable economic growth rate2 and has gradually diversified its economy. Coinciding with economic growth, poverty rates have declined from 27.5 percent in 2001 to 12.5 percent in 20163, accompanied by equity gains, with B404 incomes growing faster than T60 over the period 2008–2013. Meanwhile, per capita GNI rose from US$2,020 in 2001 to US$5,840 in 2014.5 This is a notable achievement for the most populous country in Central Asia. 2. Achieving an upper-middle-income status will require a more sustainable and inclusive growth model. Growth has been largely determined by the state rather than private sector investment, driven by large natural resource endowments and characterized by low levels of energy, water, and other resources use efficiency. The Government of Uzbekistan recognizes the need to bring more private-sector activity into the economy and to improve the efficiency of resource utilization. In February 2017, the Government presented a broad 5-year Strategy of Actions for Development of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021. The authorities have started implementation of this Strategy, including initial steps to liberalize the economy, to stimulate efficiency, and to facilitate productivity and competitiveness – ultimately to create well-paying jobs for Uzbekistan’s growing population. Sectoral and Institutional Context Sectoral Context 3. Uzbekistan is characterized by high water resource dependency6 and scarcity of locally available freshwater resources. Traditionally, domestic water supply systems have relied to a large degree on groundwater. However, shallow groundwater resources in many areas have become highly mineralized or polluted with irrigated agricultural discharge. Climate change is expected to cause more severe and prolonged droughts with corresponding decreases in water availability, reinforcing the need for effective planning and adaptation measures for enhanced water security. 4. Access to and quality of water supply and sanitation (WSS) services remains a significant challenge . WSS infrastructure, largely constructed during the Soviet central planning era, has exhausted its useful life and requires extensive rehabilitation and renewal. Public expenditure, whilst increasing substantially in recent years, has not kept pace 1 With annual population growth of 1.7 percent in recent years. 2 Per official estimates, annual GDP growth averaged 7.2 percent between 2000 and 2016. 3 The World Bank notes that the methodology for measuring poverty needs to be brought to international standards. Official poverty estimate does not consider nonfood items and the use value of assets 4 B40 -Bottom 40 percent of income distribution. T60 – Top 60 percent of income distribution. 5 These figures are presented in purchasing-power-parity terms. In current U.S. dollars (Atlas method), GNI per capita rose from US$560 in 2001 to US$2,111 in 2016. 6 Over 80 percent of the country’s water originates in neighboring countries. March 16, 2018 Page 3 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) with requirements for asset replacement, maintenance and system expansion. These infrastructure issues, combined with institutional capacity constraints, have resulted in a stagnation or decline in water service quality and have acutely affected rural areas, and district towns (or small- mid sized cities), where most of the population resides7. Whilst nationwide statistics indicate that access to improved water sources is relatively high (87 percent), those that receive water through a piped connection is considerably lower (47 percent). Furthermore, continuity of service is a common and serious issue across the country, with many systems supplying water for less than 12 hours per day. Outdated and oversized pumps, which lead to high operational costs, and power outages are often cited as causes for the intermittent services. 5. Compared to water supply, sewerage services are substantially less developed. Built in the 1970s and 1980s in urban areas and largely neglected since then, sewerage infrastructure is in poor condition and continues to deteriorate. Wastewater treatment facilities are also highly degraded – in many cases non-functioning – resulting in pollution of surface water resources. In 2016 roughly 3.7 million people (12 percent of the total population) were reported to be served by a centralized sewerage system, most of them in Tashkent city and Tashkent region. In other regions, on average only 5 percent of the population is connected to a centralized sewerage system. The status of rural sanitation is not well documented, and has largely been left to the initiative of households and communities. Most households in rural areas rely on self-built, on-site sanitation – that is, dry pit latrines or, for households with indoor bathroom facilities, septic tanks with on-site disposal. 6. Despite these service issues, there have been several areas of improvements, particularly related to operational efficiency. Although Non-Revenue Water (NRW) data8 remain questionable due to a lack of measurement, staff efficiency indicators are relatively good compared to global standards, with around 5 employees/1,000 connections on average in 2016. Collection efficiency has likewise improved significantly, from between 50 – 70 percent in 2011 to more than 90 percent in 2016. These efficiency gains have resulted in an overall performance improvement of the utilities. Overall, financial performance since 2010 has also improved. Most service providers are now considered profitable9, albeit marginally - with total net profit amounting to about US$2 million. That said, it is suspected that operational expenses are minimized due to the absence of available funds. 7. Water supply and sanitation services are the responsibility of regional State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Suvokova (Suvokovas)10, consolidated water and sanitation utilities whose assets are owned jointly by regional and local governments. The Suvokovas were created in 2016 through the merger of urban and rural service providers. The underlying objectives were to improve service delivery by consolidating human resources and technical capacity, leveraging economies of scale, and promoting financial sustainability, thus creating companies that generate sufficient revenues to fund or finance necessary capital investments to improve operational efficiencies and extend services to currently unserved areas. 8. Recent economic and sector research has identified key challenges and constraints facing the newly created Suvokovas11. These are: (i) availability and reliability of sector data, (ii) institutional and human resource capacity, (iii) conversion of policies into strategic plans and implementation, (iv) funding for investments in operational and efficiency 7 Approximately 64 percent of the population resides in rural areas (including district towns). 8 Reported data indicate NRW rates are around 28 percent on average for the year 2016. However, the base data for calculation of this KPI are unreliable due to lack of metering and therefore the level of NRW may have been underestimated. 9 Based on unverified 2017 data from MHCS. 10 There are 13 regions within Uzbekistan (including the semi-autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan). Each region has its own Suvokova, plus Tashkent city is an independent Suvokova (14 Suvokova in total). 11 Water Sector Reform Diagnostics, WPP financed TA executed by the World Bank in 2017. March 16, 2018 Page 4 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) improvements, (v) difficulties in transitioning from annual to longer-term (5-year) planning, (vi) tariff policy to support conversions from non-metered to metered billing, (vii) consumer awareness for tariff adjustments, and (viii) enabling environment for private sector participation in the water sector. Although tariffs have increased in recent years, they remain too low12 to cover the real costs of operation and maintenance (O&M) or to accumulate funds for investment. Inadequate revenues result in low staff wages, reducing the ability of the Suvokovas to hire or keep skilled staff, and perpetuates a cycle of weak O&M. Institutional Context 9. Public administration in Uzbekistan is highly centralized, with inherent institutional and human resource capacity constraints at various levels. Although gradual adjustments are being made, accountability and transparency remain key governance issues across the country. The WSS sector reflects the broader administrative and governance challenges, and in particular has historically suffered from (i) a fragmented institutional framework, (ii) limitations in regulatory monitoring and compliance, and (iii) ineffective coordination and overall planning capabilities. Staff incentives have been low, including low compensation levels and few training and personnel improvement initiatives. 10. The Government recently launched a nationwide reorganization of its WSS institutions and the initiation of financial and cost recovery mechanisms, with the objective of improving sector governance and utility management, efficiency, and financial sustainability while maintaining affordability. The first phase of the reforms began in January 2016, when the Suvokovas were created. Phase 2 was initiated in April 201713, and focuses on the institutional framework for improved sector policy and governance. Specifically, the second phase resulted in the creation of the new Ministry of Housing and Communal Services (MHCS), the State Water Inspectorate (a quasi-regulator), and the Clean Water Drinking Fund, amongst other elements. Phase 3 of the reform, which has not yet commenced, aims to support private-sector participation in the sector to improve efficiency and leverage private finance for capital investments. 11. In parallel, the Government initiated the Program for the Comprehensive Development and Modernization of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, 2017–2021. This five-year State Investment Program defines strategic priorities for investments in the WSS sector. It furthermore sets out objectives and targets, including a nationwide increase in access rates to safe and reliable water supply systems, to between 84-90 percent depending on the region. To achieve these sector development targets, the State Investment Program identifies 36 high priority infrastructure projects to be initiated within the 5-year period. This is a US$1.35 billion program, of which around 55 percent (US$730.7 million) is earmarked for IFI financing14, with the remaining funds to be allocated through the State budget. Around 45 percent of the total investments over this period is planned to go toward improving wastewater management, including collection, conveyance, treatment and re-use. Relationship to CPF 12. The proposed Program is aligned with the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Uzbekistan FY2016-2020 (Report No. 105771) Focus Area 3 –Public Service Delivery and has linkages to Focus Area 1 -Private Sector Growth, including state-owned enterprise reform. The Program directly supports the Government’s commitment to Sustainable Development Goal No.6: to achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene by 2030. Moreover, development of the social sector is defined as one of five Government priorities for 2017- 12 Average unified tariff for domestic customers in 2016 was 719 UZS/m3 or 0.20 US$/m3 (compared to 93 UZS/ m3 or 0.06 US$/m3 in 2010) varying from 0.08 to 0.37 US$/m³. 13 Presidential Decree N° UP-5017 dated April 18, 2017. 14 Including World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank, amongst others. March 16, 2018 Page 5 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) 202115 and is recognized as a key driver for human development and welfare. In the context of economic and population growth, the Government recognizes the critical need to improve access to WSS services. C. Proposed Development Objective(s) 13. The Program / Project Development Objective is to: (i) improve coverage, quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in selected project areas; and (ii) strengthen the capacity of sector institutions for improved service delivery. Key Results (From PCN) 14. Key results towards the specific Project Development Objective will be measured using the following indicators: • Number of people in project areas provided with access to “improved water sources� under the Project (core – urban / rural). • Number of people in project areas provided with access to “improved sanitation facilities� under the Project (core – urban / rural). • Average hours of water supply service per day in utilities targeted by the Project. • Operating cost coverage ratio in utilities targeted by the Project. • Energy savings in utilities under the Project. • Sector-wide monitoring and evaluation system, established and operationalized. • Five-year delivery plan for utility performance improvement, developed and approved. D. Concept Description National Program – Rationale and Overview 15. The World Bank is substantially engaged within Uzbekistan’s water supply and sanitation sector , through a series of on-going projects which are now nearing completion16: (1) Bukhara and Samarkand Sewerage Project, (2) Syrdarya Water Supply Project and the (3) Alat and Karakul Water Supply Project. At the central level, the Bank’s engagement has focused on strategic policy advice / economic and sector work designed to influence key aspects of the sector development agenda - drawing upon results of the sector poverty and social impact assessments and diagnostics related to institutional, financing and governance arrangements. Furthermore, the Government is now actively engaging with the Bank through on-going technical assistance, seeking advice in key areas of reform implementation (such as tariff policy and PPP arrangements). 16. The proposed national Program is designed to build upon the existing engagement and harness positive momentum generated by recent reforms to leverage the impacts of sector investments. The national Program will be anchored within the MHCS and is broadly designed to support implementation of the Government’s sector reforms and achievement of their stated sector development goals. The overall effect will be the acceleration of progress towards the long-term sectoral development objective, i.e., universal access to sustainable water services. 15 Approved by Presidential Decree dated February 7, 2017. 16 All three projects are scheduled to close June 30, 2019. March 16, 2018 Page 6 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) 17. The proposed Program is structured in four strategically designed and complementary components . Activities under Components 1, 3 and 4 target the institutional strengthening and reform agenda, and it is envisaged that activities will run over the lifetime of the Program - to be scaled-up, depending on evolving needs and lessons learnt during implementation of SoP1. The institutional interventions will be supported and complemented through physical infrastructure investments implemented under Component 2. SoP1 – Project Description Component 1: Sector-Wide Institutional Strengthening (US$15 million) 18. This component will finance activities (goods and services) at the national level designed to support and enhance implementation of sector reforms and strengthen capacity of the national-level sector institutions. Component activities will focus on improving sector policy, financing, regulation, investment planning, and supporting the institutional architecture and capacity towards the achievement of the Government’s long-term sector development objectives. This will include capacity building and knowledge / skills development and support for preparation of future investments, amongst other activities. Component 1 will also finance preparation activities, including feasibility studies, for SoP2 of the Program and / or other identified priority water supply and sewerage infrastructure and institutional investments. In addition, this component will support project management-related activities, including monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of project activities, project audits, training, and financing of operating costs. Component 2: Water Supply and Sewerage Infrastructure Investments (US$160 million) 19. This component will finance infrastructure investments designed to expand access and improve the efficiency and quality of service delivery in the sub-project areas. The component will finance goods, works and services (including engineering design and construction supervision) and will include civil and electrical/mechanical installations for water supply production, and transmission and distribution to households in the project areas, along with sewerage collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal / re-use facilities. 20. Each sub-project will be implemented directly by the respective regional SUE Suvokova under a separate Project Agreement. SoP1 of this Program will include the first three priority sub-project areas, as defined in the State Investment Program 2017-2021, directly benefitting up to 750,000 people. 21. The first three sub-projects are as follows. (i) Reconstruction and expansion of sewerage systems in Nukus, Takhiatash, Khodjeyli and Kungrad of Karakalpakstan (US$60 million); (ii) Improving water supply in Syrdarya, Gulistan and Saykhunabad districts and Yangiyer town of the Syrdarya region (US$37 million); and (iii) Reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems in Kattakurgan town in the Samarkand region (US$63 million). Component 3: Strengthening Water Utilities’ Capacity for Sustainable Service Delivery (US$20 million) 22. Component 3 will finance specific activities (goods and services) designed to support and strengthen the capacity of the provincial water utilities (SUE Suvokovas) engaged under Component 2 of the Program. Activities under this component will focus on enabling and equipping the Suvokovas with the knowledge and tools necessary to improve March 16, 2018 Page 7 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) operational efficiency, financial and investment planning capacity, quality of service delivery, and sustainability more generally. Component 4: Energy Efficiency Credit Facility (US$20 million) 23. Under Component 4, a credit facility will be established through Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) to support Suvokovas’ investments related to energy efficiency. The overall objective is to support efficient utility operations by improving energy efficiency, enabling such investments to be self-driven and re-paid, as well as integrated into the five- year delivery planning process. Financing would be independent of the central government’s sector investment planning cycle and budget allocations. The facility will be open to all 14 Suvokovas; applications will be reviewed by the PFIs based on defined eligibility criteria and assessment of financial returns. Specifically, the component will finance (a) a credit line to PFIs for the provision of working capital and investment finance to investments in energy efficiency in the water utility sector and (b) training and technical assistance for PFIs on sector-specific loan product development, loan appraisal, and monitoring. SAFEGUARDS A. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known) The project’s main infrastructure investments will be in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Syrdarya and Samarkand regions. The Republic of Karakalpakstan is in north-west of the country and is characterized by an extreme continental climate with very low precipitation rates and a desert-like environment. All project settlements are located close to each other at Amudarya River, except Kungrad. At present, only about 28 percent of the population in Nukus, 12 percent in Takhiatash and 5 percent in Khodjeyli towns are connected to the sewerage system. Wastewater in Nukus is pumped to the WWTP, consisting of bio-ponds. However, due to the poor maintenance, wastewater is not treated adequately and infiltrates into the soil contaminating soil and groundwater. In the absence of proper wastewater treatment facilities in Takhiatash and Khodjeyli towns, collected sewage is discharged into irrigation/drainage channels and disposal fields outside these towns. Syrdarya region is in the north-east of the country, adjacent to Tashkent region. Its local economy is largely dependent on agriculture, including cotton, wheat and a variety of fruits and vegetables. The quality of the deep groundwater in 3 project districts Gulistan, Saykhunabad and Syrdarya, and Yangiyer town is very good due to their proximity with Syrdarya River. In three districts, there is no existing sewerage system, and majority of population relies on pit-latrines. Around 80 percent of project population reportedly has access to improved water supply, however the quality of services is limited, with intermittent supplies (less than 12 hours per day) cited as a common issue. Kattakurgan town in the Samarkand region is located 78 kilometers from Samarkand city in Zarafshan valley. Population is largely engaged in agro-based industry. Current coverage of water supply system and sewerage are around 79 and 56 percent respectively. Due to poor maintenance of the system, untreated sewage is discharged into fields where it is used for irrigation. The project areas are predominantly located in a human-influenced environment with little significant environmental features. Considering the proposed project scope, environmental risks are expected to be limited to the typical impacts associated with water supply and sanitation rehabilitation projects. The severity of potential environmental impacts is expected to be moderate and mostly limited to the construction period. B. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies March 16, 2018 Page 8 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) The project's infrastructure investments will be implemented by three Suvokovas, regionally based water service providers. Each Suvokova has experience with implementation of Bank-financed projects, and are therefore familiar with relevant safeguards requirements. The implementation team at each Suvokova will be responsible for safeguards management, with oversight and coordination at the central level through the Project Coordination Unit (PCU), under the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services. The Bukhara and Samarkand Sewerage Project and Syrdarya Water Supply Project are currently under implementation by the respective Suvokovas. Under these projects Consultants have been engaged, including dedicated safeguard specialists to support implementation of project ESMPs, monitor contractors' compliance, and report on safeguard implementation performance. The PCU also has a full-time environmental safeguard specialist, who monitors these aspects across projects. Suvokovas' past experience with land acquisition relied upon utilizing right-of-ways, vacant government owned land, or working with local authorities in finding land-for-land exchange. Contractors undertaking large civil works have a social specialist who oversees social aspects such as land acquisition, consultations with impacted communities, and addressing grievances. PFIs under Component 4 will be identified during project preparation. Assessment of their Environmental and Social Management Systems will be conducted and necessary strengthening measures will be put in place. As the exact location of the proposed project activities will be known only after feasibility studies become available, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for the project will be prepared, along with ESIA/ESMPs for the first-year activities. RAP/ARAPs will be prepared if required once final designs are completed. The ESMF will have a dedicated section for Component 4, which will define roles and responsibilities of PFIs and sub-borrowers (Suvokovas). The ESMF/ESMP will include a section on the training needs for the MHCS, Suvokovas' and PFIs', consultants' and contractors’ staff on environmental and social safeguards. Each Suvokova will engage a dedicated environmental and social safeguard specialist. The task team will provide training for the Suvokova staff during preparation, and support the project launch workshop with dedicated sessions on safeguards. C. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team Kristine Schwebach, Social Safeguards Specialist Javaid Afzal, Environmental Safeguards Specialist D. Policies that might apply Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) Component 2 will finance infrastructure investment for water supply production, transmission and distribution to households, along with sewerage collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal/ re- use. The nature of works include rehabilitation, expansion and/or upgrading of the existing or construction of some new infrastructure. Overall, the Environmental Assessment OP/BP 4.01 Yes project will result in positive human and environmental health. Adverse environmental impacts will be limited and temporary, predominantly associated with construction related activities. Such impacts are site-specific and reversible, remedied through appropriate mitigation measures. The project will support the Suvokova to manage scarce water resources through inclusion of demand management March 16, 2018 Page 9 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) practices (metering, consumption based tariffs etc) to encourage rational water usage and through improved policies and procedures for integrated water resources management, including monitoring, environmental protection and climate vulnerabilities. Adequate management of sludge from drying beds and treatment facilities along with systems for ensuring water safety and security are key areas where regular monitoring is required. The investments are designed to improve access and quality of water services in project areas which will alleviate current social tensions and discontent, associated with the deterioration of water services. Moreover, through citizen engagement mechanisms and communications strategies, the project will support the Suvokovas to respond to demands for improved public services. The project is proposed as Category "B" under the World Bank Environmental Safeguard Policy OP 4.01. An ESMF will be prepared for the project, including energy efficiency investments proposed through the credit facility under Component 4. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)/Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) will also be prepared for the first-year activities, prior to appraisal. The ESMF will include a check list for screening proposed project investments, and will ensure Category A type activities are not financed. All relevant Terms of Reference (TORs) for technical assistance under Component 1 (i.e. investment planning, support for preparation of future investments, feasibility studies for SoP2 or other identified priority water supply and sewage infrastructure and institutional investments, etc.) will include environmental and social aspects. Safeguards documentation will be consulted upon and publicly disclosed prior to appraisal. Site-specific ESMPs will be prepared by the contractors. The project area and proposed activities are in built-up Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 No areas with no natural habitat located within or close by. This policy is therefore not triggered. The project area and proposed activities are in the Forests OP/BP 4.36 No built-up areas with no forests located within or close by. This policy is therefore not triggered. The proposed project activities do not promote the Pest Management OP 4.09 No use of or envisage any increase in the use of pesticides March 16, 2018 Page 10 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) as defined in the Bank policy, therefore this policy is not triggered. Majority of the project infrastructure activities are located in built-up areas and within existing rights of way and therefore potential impacts on physical cultural resources are unlikely. However, during Physical Cultural Resources OP/BP 4.11 TBD project preparation and as the feasibility studies progress, potential impacts on physical cultural resources will be reviewed in detail to determine whether this policy is triggered, and identify necessary mitigation measures. Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 No The social risk rating for this project is moderate. Although the end project result will have a number of social benefits, there is a risk with regards to land acquisition for new construction of infrastructure. As site specific location of civil works is not known at the time of project preparation and there is a possibility of involuntary land take, a Resettlement Policy Framework will be prepared for the project. Land acquisition needs and project impacts on assets will not be known until final designs have been prepared. The project will need to conduct feasibility studies and finalize designs in order to know location Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.12 Yes of project activities. During design phase, efforts will be made to reduce and avoid negative impacts. An assessment will be made to determine if final designs would require preparation of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) or Abbreviated RAP (ARAP). If required, RAP/ARAP will be implemented, and impacted persons compensated, to mitigate potential negative impacts from project activities. A Grievance Redress Mechanism will be established in order to provide an avenue by which impacted persons can lodge a complaint regarding project activities and receive timely resolution of concerns and complaints. Existing or proposed water systems under the project do not withdraw water from dams. Furthermore, Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No there are no proposals to construct any new dam/weir under the project. This policy is therefore not triggered. Projects on International Waterways Some of the existing sewerage schemes, which will be TBD OP/BP 7.50 rehabilitated/expanded under the project currently March 16, 2018 Page 11 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) discharge to drains/fields which may ultimately flow to tributaries of international rivers. Some of the well fields are located in areas where the groundwater sources are potentially recharged by international rivers. In consultation with LEGEN, during the project preparation it will be determined whether this policy is triggered and whether waiver to notify the riparian countries is applicable. The project is not located in any disputed areas as Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP 7.60 No defined in the Bank policy. E. Safeguard Preparation Plan Tentative target date for preparing the Appraisal Stage PID/ISDS Sep 24, 2018 Time frame for launching and completing the safeguard-related studies that may be needed. The specific studies and their timing should be specified in the Appraisal Stage PID/ISDS ESIAs/ESMPs for first year’s activities along with ESMF and RPF documents will be prepared during project preparation and finalized prior to appraisal. If social assessments indicate that ARAPs/RAPs are needed for the year one activities, these will also be prepared during project preparation. These documents will include the outcomes of public consultations and following Bank clearance, will be disclosed both in-country (on line as well as physically) and through project portal at the World Bank. CONTACT POINT World Bank David Malcolm Lord Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist Borrower/Client/Recipient Ministry of Finance Yorkin Tursunov Deputy Minister Implementing Agencies March 16, 2018 Page 12 of 13 The World Bank Water Services and Institutional Support Program (P162263) Department for Operation of Interregional Trunk Main Tuyamuyun – Nukus Mirzamurad Ukeniyazov Director Ministry of Housing and Communal Services Dilshod Azimov First Deputy Minister Samarkand State Unitary Enterprise Suvokova Kadyr Tadjiev Director Syrdarya State Unitary Enterprise Suvokova Yunus Jalalov Director FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): David Malcolm Lord Approved By APPROVALTBL Practice Manager/Manager: David Michaud 26-Feb-2018 Country Director: Serdar Jepbarov 16-Mar-2018 March 16, 2018 Page 13 of 13