PROJECT INFORMATION DOCUMENT (PID) CONCEPT STAGE Report No.: AB7271 Project Name Emergency Demobilization and Transitional Reintegration Project AF Region AFRICA Sector Other social services (100%) Project ID P145095 Borrower(s) GOVERNMENT OF BURUNDI Implementing Agency Environment Category [ ] A [X] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] TBD (to be determined) Date PID Prepared March 5, 2013 Estimated Date of March 10, 2013 Appraisal Authorization Estimated Date of Board May 15, 2013 Approval 1. Key development issues and rationale for Bank involvement The proposed additional activities would support the GoB to: (i) provide lodging for severely disabled ex-combatants demobilized under the Emergency Demobilization, Reinsertion, and Reintegration Project (EDRRP) and the current EDTRP, (ii) develop community participatory approach for physical rehabilitation and medical care to disabled ex-combatants, and (iii) continue providing transitional economic and social reintegration activities with a focus on reconciliation and conflict resolution at the local level, specifically addressing the potential for violence and intimidation in communities through a conflict mitigation initiative, and continuing support to associations of ex-combatants and other community members. In addition, gender sensitization activities will continue. When the EDRRP was approved, the Bank and the Government agreed that housing for severely disabled ex-combatants would be undertaken at a later stage. When designing the current EDTRP project, the Government was under tremendous pressure to demobilize and reintegrate FNL- Dissidents, and was in the final discussions for an agreement with the FNL. Given this context, as well as experiences from the previous project, the Government and the Bank decided to first embark on overall demobilization, reinsertion and reintegration activities, and depending on project performance, initiate the building of houses for severely disabled ex-combatants at a later stage. Given the satisfactory performance of the project over the last years, as well as a strong commitment from the GoB for housing of severely disabled ex-combatants, including from the National Commission for Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration (CNDRR), IDA and the GoB are currently preparing and planning the proposed additional activities. 2. Proposed objective(s) The objective of the parent project is to support the efforts of the Recipient to (i) demobilize members of the National Liberation Forces and the National Liberation Forces – dissidents; and (ii) provide socioeconomic reintegration support to said members following demobilization, as well as to ex-combatants demobilized under the Emergency Demobilization, Reinsertion, and Reintegration Project, with a particular focus on the provision of such support to such female, child, and disabled Ex-combatants. The PDO remains valid for the proposed additional activities, although the AF would only support Component 3 (Transitional Socio-economic Reintegration Support) and Component 4 (Support to Vulnerable Groups), since the Demobilization and Reinsertion Components have been completed. The following indicator at the PDO level would be added to specifically measure progress of providing houses to severely disabled ex- combatants: “Number of eligible severely disabled ex-combatants who receive a house under the conditions stipulated in the project manual�. 3. Preliminary description The proposed additional activities include the following two components of the parent project: (i) Support to vulnerable groups. The additional activities would include (i) provision of lodging for severely disabled ex-combatants demobilized under the Emergency Demobilization, Reinsertion, and Reintegration Project (EDRRP) and the current EDTRP, and (ii) development of a community participatory approach for physical rehabilitation and medical care to disabled ex-combatants through providing basic disability training for family members and caretakers of disabled ex-combatants, as well as training of medical staff from local health clinics and district hospitals on disability-related issues. (ii) Transitional socio-economic reintegration support will include (i) transitional economic reintegration support with a focus on supporting associations of ex-combatants and community members, (ii) fostering reconciliation through conflict mitigation initiatives that provide training and conflict resolution support in all 129 communes in the country, targeting local level officials and ex-combatant focal points to specifically address the potential for violence and intimidation in communities through a conflict mitigation initiative, (iii) psycho-social counseling at the individual, family and community level, and (iv) gender sensitization activities. 4. Safeguard policies that might apply Environmental and Social Safeguards. The proposed additional financing would remain under the same category B as the parent project, as the activities proposed under the AF are not expected to have significant or irreversible environmental impacts, and would have limited to no localized adverse impacts. As with the parent project, OP/BP 4.01 is triggered, and in addition, the project has triggered OP/BP 4.12. OP/BP 4.01. Environmental assessment. Possible limited negative environmental impact would be related to the construction works for houses. For this reason, OP/BP 4.01 on environmental assessment has been triggered. The physical location of construction sites for the houses as well as their potential localized adverse environmental impact is not yet fully identified. Potential location of construction sites is currently being discussed with the GoB. Each location selected for construction will be screened for potential negative environmental and social impacts. OP/BP 4.12. Involuntary resettlement. As agreed with the GoB, the civil works activity under the proposed AF project will not require the acquisition of land. Although the Government of Burundi has agreed that the land provided for the construction of houses will be publicly owned land and would not involve involuntary resettlement of people or of their economic activities, given land constraints in Burundi, and given the possibility albeit small of involuntary resettlement, OP/BP 4.12 has been triggered. 5. Tentative financing Source: ($m.) Borrower 3.2 Free-standing TFs AFR Sustainable Development 4.25 Total 7.45 6. Contact point Contact: Pia Peeters Title: Senior Social Development Specialist Tel: 5348+222 / 254-20-272-1342 Fax: 614-4133 Email: Location: Nairobi, Kenya (IBRD)