BUDGET COMMITTEE 88987 FROM: The Secretary, Budget Committee Minutes of Meeting held on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 2:35 p.m. in the Board Room Present Committee Mr. Frieden (Chairman) Mr. Grishin Mr. Khosa (Alternate) Mr. Lezhava (Acting Alternate) Mr. Muhtar Mr. Rissmann (Alternate) Mr. Tan Mr. Willcock Other Executive Directors and Alternates Messrs./Mmes. Balcytyte, Bangura, Delaunay, Fujii, Han, Hasan, Langdon, Mercusa, Nuno Garcia, Pang, Roberts and Tchatchouang Officers and Staff Messrs/Mmes. Alba, Frazier, Miles, Muleri, van Gelder and von Amsberg. Jarik (Committee Secretary) FY15 World Bank Budget 1. The Committee discussed the document entitled FY15 World Bank Budget (R2014-0124 [IDA/R2014-0217]; /1). The document will be considered by the Board of Executive Directors on June 24, 2014. A report from the Committee to the Board was prepared. Date of Next Meeting 2. The next meeting of the Committee will be announced. Adjournment 3. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.