Jay xasnyay & co. .:A. J UIJ Chartered .'Accountants otOJ=T-!18 Head Office :· 186, Old Nehru Colony, Phase-JI Near Income Tax Residential Complex, Dehradun-248001, Uttarakhand Branches: New Delhi, l'Une, Jodhpur. Saharanpur, OhampurtBUnor), Harfdwar, Yamuna Nag;ir Contact No.:-9997046750, 8126389403 t:mall:-akdehradunlClgmall.com. kashyapaJaykurnarllgmall.com Website : akkashyap.com STATE PBQIECT OEEJCH $ARYA smKSUA AQHJYAN (S.SA) PBQIECI llB'AMKIIMUl.SAIJI~ ;:J l' ~ GB.lhll\'W. UULIZATION CfBTICICAtE UJR Tiff tlNt\~CIAI YEtlB tiSDED -,.I \ U·ZPJB llli"lnl.at'll Gr.u1t t.c-uuNo. Ope-nlns IJ.tl.JtKe Cn.nt rttielnd lntftl"t'lt& TutJI -1v.. U.1blc Qpc:ndlture CIJ,,tnjfll.tl.)nC'C lndudln, from C:Ol.1nd Other rttlopll' fund lndud1nc Advantti as on St.ale GoVL AdY.lncttafon 01.04.2017 3LO:U018 R.tcant.o• Cr.ant ll<>d No•ll (Pl,n) 573,93 4510.96 1657.69 47375.58 43171.$,4 410'.!.04 Cr.an, II cad Ho-30 (S.C) o.oo 13105.49 409-04 13514.53 13S14.SJ 0.00 C,.nc Htad Ho•ll (S.T.J 0.00 19?3.32 86.11 2009.43 2009,43 o.oo r... 1 573.93 6CU7'2.77 21S1.84 62899.54 587'7.S0 4102.04 Non•rttu-rria,: Cr-.1nl If rad H~l l (Pbn) 79L24 5970.9' 0.00 6762.18 1586.IS 5176.0] Gr.tot lfC'~d Ho-30 (S.C) 195.24 ISS0.00 0.00 17•.u.t S9UO 1353.114 Cr.tnl Hr-~d No-31 (S.T,) •uo 230.17 0.00 279.27 81.39 196.88 Tobi 1021.sa 1159.11 0.00 8786.69 2059,94 6n&.1S Cr.and Total'Cn.;it lie.ad No. 11 '10, ll l60l.SI 67931.88 1152.84 71686.2:l 6011$7.44 10828.79 Cfftill td tlut out of A.-. 67931~88 t..ac:so(Cr.a.nu•ln Aid unctklntd 1n abow: mcnUoMCI ht.tds-durinJ tht yur 2017•2018 In tnou.r of S.rt.1 Shtbh.1. OhJy.,n. Sta:lc- o( Uu.:araktund trvm Cowmmct. ol Ind~ and Covtmrr1C11t of Uuan.ldi:i.nd tor Sun; ShbM ;\bbty.u,. \lnar.u:tu..n d s..hhJ Ke U,,. Shls.laha P~ ~uiu.r khcn. T.apo,\")ft Ro~ Oc-hr.id:in. Utt1n.Jdu nd \'1dc lctic-r no. notnS a,.aJnn e¥.h Gnnt lb.. 2152..84 L.aa 011 .attount or lntn~n Md othff tn.come r-unnJ durin,c the period bt Apnl -2017 to 31.n M.i.rdt-2.018 ~d :t sum of lU. 1601.S1 Lacs on atrount oCunfPfnl b,,l,nk ~ tndudlnc~inw: as on ht April 2017 ,a rum oCRJ.608S7.'44 Uahll bNtt utU~ tor the purpo1cforwfddt It w-us.anrtto~td ~d'The Oo.slnJblnk or llaJ.u, rr indvdJni lldv.lllN'J Rs. I 0 828,7 9 Lo a w!llch 1h.ol1 be fftllbhl Kc Llyc Shlluha Pulmd -~-,r---- Stotc~ octor .AJay xasnya y oc co. Chartered .Jlccountants J lfcad Office:· 186, Old Nehru Colony, Phase-II Near Income Tax Residential Comple.,. Dehradun-24800 I, Ultamkhand Branches: New Deihl. l'Une, Jodhpur, Saharanpur, Dhampur(Bijnorl. lfaridwar, Yamuna Nagar Contact No.:-9997046750, 8126389403 Emall:· akdehradun I Ogmall.com, kashyapajaykumartgmall.com Website : akllashyap.com Audllot'« rcnlficatc CfflUk-d dut I tu.w uw&rd -r-ttlkl: dw CNdtdocJ on wt.kb Ulil Gr.611t, w.tt l&OC'dOotd haw btu d'f/:t/ IWAM v.d c:h.al l U"" ent'dwcl dN that the ltlCIOfJWU ~uwtud tar the~ (or .,.-tikill lc wu aaliCDODCd. ~,d:l«b to WC' FOR AJAYKASIIY/IP & CO. OIARTEll£DIICC0U~'TANTS FRN N0·Ol3888C O.ited: Pl;an-: Oehr.adun jay Xq,snyay & Co . . 0l. .Cfiarterea.'A.ccountants Head Office ,. 186, Old l'!ellru Colony, l'hase~I Near Income Tox Residential Complex, Oehradun-24800 I, Uttara.khand Branches: New Delhi, l'llne. Jodhpur, Saharanpur, Dhampur(Bijnor), Haridwar, Yamuna Nagar Contact No.:-9997046750, 812638940:S t:mail:· akdehradun ltgmall.com, kashyapajaykumarilgmail.com \Yebsile : akkashyap.com AUDlTOR"S REPORT To. The State Project Director, Uttarakhand Sabhl Ke Llye Shlksha Par!shad, Sarva Shlksha Abhiyan, Nanur Khera Tapovan Road, Dehradun. Uttarakhand. Dear Members, , We have examined Balance Sheet including Income and Expenditure Account and Receipts and Payment Account for the year ended 31" march, 2018 i.e. financial year 2017-2018 pertaining to SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN Implemented by UTTARAKHAND SABHl KE LIVE SHll