Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Supreme Audit Office AUDIT REPORT FY 1397 (2018) Prjc ID GrnNme PrjctNm P128048 H894-AF Access to Finance Project Dcme 2019 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Supreme Audit Office Reference Number: . Date:; 5 Auditor General's Report To, His Excellency, Minister of Finance, Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinion We have audited the accompanying Statements of Cash Receipts and Payments (the "Financial Statements") of Part I of Access to Finance (A2F) Project bearing World Bank Project ID Number P128048 financed under Grant Number H894-AF (hereinafter referred to as "Project") for the financial year ended on 30 Qaws 1397 (21 December 201 8), which comprise a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes forming part of the financial statements. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the cash receipts and payments of the Project for the financial year ended on 30 Qaws 1397 (21 December 2018) in accordance with Cash Basis IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standard) - "Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting" and comply with the terms and conditions of Project's Grant/ or Financing Agreement. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions ("ISSAls"). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit ofthe Financial Statements section of our report. We are the Supreme Audit Institution (SAl) of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and independently derive our legal mandate from the Supreme Audit Office Law and in accordance with the Code of Ethics implemented by the SAO based on the ISSAI 130- Code of Ethics together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in Afghanistan and applicable to SAO auditors including external experts for the audit, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the Code of Ethics of SAO. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Page 1 of 3 Responsibilities of Ministry of Finance for the Financial Statements The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the project financial statements in accordance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards "Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting" and for such internal control as ministry determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error and selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies. The ministry is also responsible for ensuring that activities and financial transactions and information reflected in the Financial Statements are in compliance with the project's Grant/ or Financing Agreement. Those charged with governance of the ministry are responsible for overseeing the project's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISSAls will alw s detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error an considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected t influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. i As part of an audit in accordance with ISSAIs, we e eM e professional jidgpnent and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: 41\ * Identify and assess the risks of material misstatem f the finei statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. * Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the project's internal control. * Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. * Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. * Evaluate the financial transactions and information reflected in the Financial Statements and whether they are in compliance with the terms and conditions of Project's Grant/ or Financing Agreements. Page 2 of 3 We communicate with those charged with governance of the ministry regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit, We also provide those charged with governance of the ministry with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards. Other Matters The project has two part and SAO is responsible for the audit of part 1 implemented by MISFA. The part 2 of the project is audited as per the Implementing Partner Agreement between Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GOIRA) and Afghan Credit Guarantee Foundation (ACGF) and the financial statements of ACGF are audited in accordance with 'German Generally Accepted Accounting Principles' Report on Other Requirements Management Letter highlighting the areas of improvement in financial management including the compliance with covenants of the Grant/ Financing Agreements and results of its operations for the financial year ended on 30 Qaws 1397 (21 December 2018) has been attached to this report. These observations and recommendation have been communicated to and discussed with project management and intended to improve internal control and results in other operating efficiencies of the Project. Moha mad Naie Haqmal Audit r General Supre Office Page 3 of 3 ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID |P1280481; Grant ID [IDA 11 894-AF] STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 QAWS 1397 (21 DECEMBER 2018) FOR PART I - IMPLEMENTED BY MISFA 1397 1396 Cumulative To Date Receiptsl Payments Payments controlled made by By entity third Parties Total Total USD USD USD USD USO RECEIPTS Opening Balance 1,802,494 1,802,494 1,578,857 Initial Advance Replenishments 3,182,235 3,182,235 5,996,389 15,786,216 Direct Payment 0.00 000 905,875 2,148,375 TOTAL RECEIPTS 4,984,729 4,984,729 8,481,121 17,934,591 PAYMENTS Disbursement Category: Goods, non-consulting services, and Consultants' services, Training and Incremental Operating Costs under the Project 2,679,457 2,679,457 6,678,627 15,629,319 TOTAL PAYMENTS 2,679,457 2,679,457 6,678,627 15,629,319 lncreasel(Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents (2679457) (2,679,457) (6,678,627) Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 942,806 942,806 1,800,284 Balance at Da Afghanistan Bank (Designated Account) 1,362,466 1,362,466 306 Cash in Hand (Petty Cash) 0.00 0.00 1,903 Increase/ (Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 2,305,272 2,305,272 1,802,494 The accompanying notes form an integral part of this financial statement. Bank Accounts 1397 1396 Azizi Bank USD Account 942,806 1,800,284 Cash in Hand (Petty Cash) 0.00 1,903 Special Account USD (DAB) 1,362,466 306 Closing Bank Balances 2,305,272 1,802,494 port * ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID II'I280481; Grant ID |IDA II 894-AFj NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 QAWS 1397 (21 DECEMBER 2018) FOR PART I - IMPLEMENTED BY MISFA 1) LEGAL STATUS AND ACTIVITY a) The Access to Finance Project grant agreement was set up on January 11, 2014, The project's objective is to build institutional capacity to improve access to credit of micro, small and medium enterprises. The Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan (MISFA) is responsible for the implementation of Part 1 of the Grant. b) The total grant amount for the Project is equivalent to Special Drawing Rights 32,600,000 The Grant amount for Part 1 implemented by MISFA is equivalent to XDR 24,426,844. c) The project consists of the two Parts i Part 1: Improving access to financial services for micro and small enterprises ($37,464,485) to be implemented by MISFA, ii. Part 2: Improving access to financial services for small and medium enterprises ($8,100,000) to be implemented by the Ministry of Finance. iii. Unallocated due to currency fluctuation ($4,435,515) d) The significant terms and conditions that determine or affect the availability of the funding assistance are primarily the presentation of the eligible expenditures to the donor within the period as per and in accordance with the financing agreement. e) These financial statements of the Project have been prepared in July 2019 in accordance with the requirements of the Development Grant Agreement signed between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the International Development Association. 2) SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES a) Basis of Preparation The financial statements are prepared under the historical co co ention and in accordance with Cash Basis IPSAS - Financial Reporting under the Cash Basii \f Accounting issued by International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). b) Payments Payments made from Special Account are recognized in the financial ternts t3 eon the date the cheque is issued and direct payments by World Bank are recognized on the date on which the withdrawal application for the payment is submitted to the World Bank. However, cheques or withdrawal applications that were ultimately rejected by the bank or the World Bank are reversed in the reporting period. c) Reporting Currency The reporting currency is the US Dollar. Since US Dollar is the principal disbursement currency of the donor, the financial statements are not prepared in the Afghani which is the currency of Afghanistan. d) Currency Translations Transactions in currencies other than the reporting currency are translated into U e exchange at which the transaction is actually executed. O ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID [Pl280481; Grant ID IIDA H1 894-AF] 3) NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS a) Receipts These represent grants received during the period. b) Initial Advance Initial advance represents the advance given by the World Bank deposited into the designated bank account of the project. c) Replenishments The Bank provided initial advance to the Project which is replenished from time to time as expenditure is incurred. d) Direct Payments These are payments disbursed directly by the Bank to consultant's bank account at the request of the Project. e) Bank Charges The Ministry of Finance has negotiated with Da Afghanistan Bank that bank charges will not be charged on the transactions in the US Dollar Special bank account of the grant. Bank Charges may be levied by intermediary banks on deposits into the Special Account and balances returned to the World Bank. f) Payments Made by Third Parties These represent payments directly made by the World Bank, on basis of requests submitted by the Ministry of Finance in form of a withdrawal application, towards settlement of the claims, labilities and contractual obligations against contracts and agreements for eligible expenditures of the project as per the financing agreement These payments do not constitute cash receipts or payments by the entity and as such are disclosed in the "Payments by Third Party" column in the statement of Cash Receipts and Payments g) Appendices The accompanying appendices provide additional information and analysis and form an integral part of these notes, except as indicated otherwise. h) Fixed Assets Fixed assets funded under the Project valued at an equivalent of USD 20,553 are maintained by MISFA. The list of the assets is attached as Appendix A6. i) Others These Financial Statements are originally prepared in English and then translated into Dari In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Dan versions, the English version shall be considered to be correct, yrC I"> ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID I PI280481; Grant ID IIDA H 894-AFI APPENDIX Al SUMMARY OF WITHDRAWAL APPLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 QAWS 1397 (21 DECEMBER 2018) FOR PART I - IMPLEMENTED BY MISFA Application Initial Description Number Advance Amount USD USD Replenishment DA-A 15 0.00 1,821,421.00 Replenishment DA-A 16 0,00 660,814.00 Replenishment DA-A 18 0.00 700,000.00 ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID [PI28048]; Grant ID [IDA H 894-AF| APPENDIX A2 US DOLLAR SPECIAL ACCOUNT SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD FROM DECEMBER 2017 TO DECEMBER 2018 FOR PART I - IMPLEMENTED BY MISFA Account No: 3000208027538 Depository Bank: Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) Address: Kabul USD Opening Balance as per Bank Statement 1397 1,800,284 Add: Initial Advance by World Bank Replenishments by World Bank 3,182,235 Cash in Hand (Petty Cash Alc) 1,903 Balance at Da Afghanistan Bank (Designated Account) 306 Total Additions 4,984,729 Deduct: Payments for Project Expenditure 2,679,457 Total Deductions 2,679,457 Closing Balance as per B.S 30 QAWS 1397 (21 DECEMBER 2018) 2,305,272 r4f ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID II'128048|; Grant ID [IDA H 894-AF| APPENDIX A3 US DOLLAR SPECIAL ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 QAWS 1397 (21 DECEMBER 2018) FOR PART I - IMPLEMENTED BY MISFA Account No: 3000208027538 Depository Bank: Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) Address: Kabul 1397 1396 Closing Balance as per bank statement 2,305,272 1,802,494 Bank Accounts 1397 1396 Azizi Bank USD Account 942,806 1,800,284 Cash in Hand (Petty Cash) 0.00 1,903 Special Account USD (DAB) 1,362,466 306 Closing Bank Balances 2,305,272 1,802,494 41 ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID [1J28(48); Grant ID [IDA H 894-AFI APPENDIX A4 COMPONENT-WISE DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 QAWS 1397 (21 DECEMBER 2018) FOR PART I - IMPLEMENTED BY MISFA 1397 1396 Cumulative To Project Sub-Components Date USD USD USD Capacity Building Fund 184,267 184,299 368,566 Support to Policy, Regulation and Advocacy 112,493 240,069 756,795 Targeting the Ultra Poor (TUP) Program 1,893,186 6,066,592 13,348,588 Strengthening of MISFA 489,511 187,667 1,155,370 TOTAL PAYMENTS 2,69,457 6,678,627 15,629,319 tD P V , s f Facl' Cz ;:7 0-1 ACCESS TO FINANCE World Bank Reference: Project ID [P1280481; Grant ID JIDA II 894-AFj APPENDIX A5 STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED GRANT AMOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 QAWS 1397 (21 DECEMBER 2018) FOR PART I - IMPLEMENTED BY MISFA (Memorandum Statement - not an integral part of the Financial Statements Amount Coy Amount In currency of commitment Amount of Grant XDR 24,426,844 Amount disbursed by World Bank until the end of 1397 XDR 12,671,850 Cancelled Amount XDR 0.00 Undisbursed Balance XDR 11,754,994 In reporting currency Amount disbursed by World Bank until the end of 13972 USD 17,934,591 Equivalent US Dollars for undisbursed amount3 USD 16,308,526 Total estimated amount of Grant Funds available USD 16,308,526 Cumulative Payments for expenditure as per the Statement of Cash Receipts & Payments USD 15,629,319 1. Actual amounts of total disbursement made by the World Bank since the beginning of the project as available from Client Connection in XDRs. 2. Actual amounts of total disbursement made by the World Bank since the beginning of the project as available from Client Connection in US Dollars. 3. The amount of equivalent US Dollars for undisbursed balance of the grant where the currency of commitment of the grant is XDR (in the currency of commitment) has been calculated at the exchange rate of USD 1.387370 per XDR (IMF SDR rate) which is the rate published by the World Bank as at last day of the financial year. Managing Director L tv Fixed Assets Funded Under Access to Finance Project Project ID 1P1280481; Grant ID [IDA H 894-AF Appendix A6 l IT- 193 Samsung Tab 4 T231 (7 0 iih 8 GB White (olor IMEI: 35362007-1889856. $170 31-Jan-16 2 IT- 194 Sansung Tab 4 T231 7.0 incil) 8 GB Whrilc Coor IMEI: 353620075139139. $170 31 -Jan-16 IT 1 95 SamingTab 4 T231 (7.0 inchø 8 GB I%teiColor iMEl: 353620075 106334 $170 31-an-16 4 IT- 196 Sainsung 1ab 4 T231 (7.0 nch) 8 GB Wline Color ME: 358310068894709 S1 70 31-Jan-16 5 IT- 197 Samsung Tab 4 T23 I (7.1 iich) 8GB Whie Color MEL 353620075054377 $170 31-Jan-16 6 IT- 198 Saisung [ab 4 T231 (7.0 mch) 8GB Whie Color IMEI: 353620074891779 $170 31-Jan-16 7 IT- 199 SamsungTab 4 1231 (7,0 inch)18GB White Color IME5353620075054724 $170 31-Jan-16 8 IT- 200 Snnsung Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inch) 8 GB WIlite Color IME: 358311068893669 S170 31 -Jan- 16 9 ET- 2111 Samsung Tab 4 1231 (70 (inch 8 GB White Colot MEl 3356217075055540 $170 31 -Jan-lI 10 [T- 202 Sansung Tab 4 T231 (7 0 nch) 8 GB liite Color IME. 353620075109072 $170 31-Jan-16 i l LI-203 Sanisting Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inch) 8 GB Whiie Color Mi: 353620075060372 $ 70 31-3an-16 I2 11-204 Saisung Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inci) 8 G13 WIi1e Color IMIl: 353620074888783 $170 31-Jan-16 13 IT- 205 Saingiin Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inch) 8 GB Whic Color IMEL 353620075109217 $170 31-Jan-16 14 ET- 206 Samsung Tab 4 T231 (70 mch) 8 (B White Color 1MEl: 333620075106490 $170 31-jan-l6 5 Il-- 207 Saniseny Tab 4 1231 (7.0 ,h) 8 GB mle Color IMEL 3583110069817915 5170 31 -an- 16 16 IT- 208 Samnung Tab 4 T23 1 (7.0 ich1 8 GB White Color IME 358310068894113 5170 31-Jan-l6 17 IT- 209 Samsung lab 4 1231 (70 inch) 8 GB Wuite Color IMEl 353620075051993 S170 31-Jan-16 18 ET- 210 Samsung Tab 4 [231 (70 iich) 8GB Whte Color IMEI 35362007550542( S170 3 -Jan-16 19 [T- 21 Samnsung lab 4 T23117.0 miii 8 GB Whe Cnlor IMEl 353 20075048536 S170 31 -Jan- 16 20 IT- 212 Smsung Tab 4 1231 (7. inch) 8 GB Wliime Color [EI 353620075055002 $170 31 -Jan-16 21 ST- 213 Samsnung Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inch 8 GB Whit Color [EI 333627073 132447 S17 31 -Jan-16 22 11- 214 SamsIne Tab 4 1231 (7.0 inch) 8GB Wiie Color IMIS: 35360(175105468 $170 31-Jin-16 23 IT- 215 aman Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inci) 80G Wlime Colr Mi: 353620075105542 $170 31-Jan-16 21 ST- 216 Saimncg Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inch)( 8GB While Color [MEI: 353620075134054 $170 31-Jan-16 25 IT- 217 Samsung Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inci) 8 GB WhieColor SL: 355620074891803 5170 31-an-16 26 IT- 218 Samng Tab 4 T231 (7.G inch) 8GB Whlte Color LEI 353620075060978 $170 31-Jan-16 27vf IT- 219 Saisun Tab 4 231(7. inch 8 GB WLite Color IMEI353620075052496 $170 31in- l 28 IT- 220 Samsung -1 ab 4 T231 (70 inch) 8GB WNie Color IMEL: 353620075052421 $170 31-Jan-l6 29 IT- 22 nSamsungjTab 4 T231 (70 iniG8 GB While Clor MEI: 353620075060879 $170 3 1-Jan-16 30 IT- 222 SamsungTab 4 T231 (7.0 inch) 8 G8 While Color MEL: 353620075052009 5170 31-Jan-16 31 ST- 223 Samsng Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inch) 18 B White Color MEI 353620075073062 5170 31-Jan-16 3,2 S- 224 SaiSun Tab 4 T23 (7.0 mch) 8 CB White Color IMEl: 353620075137420 $170 3arJan-16 33 l- 225 Saiiisig Tab 4 T231 (7.0 inch) 8 GB White Color IMEL: 35362(0175131902 $170 31-Jan-16 34 i Saimsung a 4 231 (70 inchl)8 GB Wiite Color IME: 35362007505 l SI 7 31-Jn-16 35 ET- 227 SamsungTab4 T231 (7.0 inc 8 GO Siver Color lIEI 352948095724856 $150 l-Jan-l 8 62 IT-288 Samsung Tab A T285 (2016> 8 GB Silver Colur IMI 135248093745390 $150 -Jan-L 8 63 lF-289 Samsung Tb A285(2)[68 G Silver Color Ii 352948094012 139 $150 - Jan-18 64 IT-290 Samnr Tabl A 1285 (2016) 8 B Silver Color ME1 352948093744749 $150 1-Jan-1 65 1]-291 Sansung Tab A 285{201618 GB SilverOor lE: 352948093764060 $150 1-Jan-18 66 IT-292 San[sMg ab A1285(201618 GO Silver Crolo MEl: 352948093744609 $150 1-Jan-18 67 IT-293 Samsune Tab A T285(2016 8G Silv Colo IIE1:352948093998569 5150 1-Jan-18 i68 IT-294 Sana9 Tab A 285 (2016`>8 GO Silver Color LME352948093746265 $150 -Jlan-18 69 lT-295 Samsnina Tab AT285(2016)>8 GB Siler Color IMEI: 352948093998817 5150 1Jan-18 70 I-296 Saiisun 1-ab A]285 (2016)8GB Silver Color MEf 352948093998502 $150 1-Jan-l8 7> IT-297 Samsug Tab Al 285 (2016) 8 GB Silver Colr 1ME1: 352948094011024 $150 1-Jan-18 72 IT-298 Samsung Tab A T285 (2016) 8 GB Silver Color MEJ 352948093763468 $130 1-Jan-1 73 1T-299 Sansung Tab A' 285(2016)8 GB Silver Color 1>1E 352948093745 135 $150 1-Jan-18 74 IT-300 Samsung Tab A 285 (2016)8 GB Silver Color Kl1: 352948094010323 $150 -Jan-18 75 IT-301 Samsing TabA T285> 20168 GBSil erColor WME] 352948093764797 5150 I-Jan-18 76 TT-302 KONFUI.ON Powerbacnk Cell Capacity 3.7V 20,000 niAh74WI $15 Jans-1 8 77 IT-303 KONFULOiN Powerbacnk Cell Capacy 3.7\ 20j000 nmA 74Wh S15 1Jan-18 78 JT-304 KMNFULON PCowerbacnk Cell Capaiv 3.7\ 20.1l iii,Ah7 4WIn $15 l1Jan-I8 79 1T305 1\0 LI) O\ P,ierbank Cell Capaciy 37V 20,000 mAh/74Whi $15 1-Ja,-18 80 IT 306 OFULON Poswerbank Cell Capacity 3.7V 20000 mAh/74W si5 1-Jan-18 t81 I1-307 KONFULON Powerbeacik Cell Capaciy 3.79 20.000 mAhi74Wh $5 1-Jan-18 82 1-308 KONFULON Powerbank Cell Capacity 3 7920,009 mAh7 - &1N -Jan-l8 83 K F-309 KONFULON Powerbacnk Cell Capaciy7V 3720.000 mi . Y79>( $15 1-Jan-I8 84 IT-310C KONFULON Powerbacnk Cell Capaityl17V 20,000 A 515 l Jan-18 85 F-31 1 KONFULON Powerbacnk Cell Capacay 3 79% 20,00 + 4WI S15 l-Jan-18 86 1T-312 KON ULON Pnwerbacnk Cell Capacitv 3.7V 20,00 i 1S 11 $15 I 1jan-18 87 11-313 KONFULON Powerbacik Cell Capacity 3.7V 20001 i h $15 1an-8 88 IT-314 KONFULON Powerbacnk Cell Capacity 3.7 20.0001 7Wh 515-Jan-18 89 1-315 KONFUII.ON Powerbacnk Cell Capaciry 3.7V 20.000 in 7 1 $ * 1-Jan-18 90 1T-316 KONFTUION Powerbacnk Cell Capajiv 3.7V 20.000 nA/74WS i I-Jan-18 91 IT-3 17 KON ULON Powerbaenk Cell Capacily 3.7V 20, m0AinV/74Wh S15 1-Jan-18 92 11 -18 KONFULON Powerbaenk Cell Capaciy 3,7 20000 Ah/74Wh $15 1-Jan- 8 93 [1-319 KONFULON Iowerbaenk Cell Capacity 7 20,000 rAh/74Wh $15 I-jan-18 94 1T-320 KONFUILON Poweblacik- L apaviy 3 7 ' 000 nAh74Wh $15 1 -an-18 95 11-32 KON FULON Powerbacnk SV11i? 3.7V 20. 00 nAh 74 Wh SJW Jar- 8 TP0