GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS CONTROL IN THE FORESTRY SECTOR EME*EM Todd M. Johnson and Julian Lampietti with Lars Blomkvist and Xu Deying November 1994 CHINA Issues and Options in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Control Greenhouse Gas Emissions Control in the Forestry Sector SUBREPORT NUMBER 6 by Todd M. Johnson, Environmental Economist, The World Bank Julian Lampietti, Consultant, The World Bank Lars Blomkvist, Senior Forester, SGS Silviconsult and Xu Deying, Professor, Forest Ecology and Environment Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry November 1994 Supported by the Global Environment Facility The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the World Bank. Copyright 1994 Additional copies of this report may be obtained from The World Bank Industry and Energy Division China and Mongolia Department East Asian and Pacific Regional Office 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 OTHER SUBREPORTS IN THIS SERIES: Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks in China, 1990, August 1994. Report 1. Energy Demand in China: Overview Report, February 1995, forthcoming. Report 2. Energy Efficiency in China: Technical and Sectoral Analysis, August 1994, Report 3. Energy Efficiency in China: Case Studies and Economic Analysis, December 1994. Report 4. Alternative Energy Supply Options to Substitute for Carbon-Intensive Fuels, December 1994. Report 5. Greenhouse Gas Control in the Agricultural Sector, September 1994. Report 7. Valuing the Health Effects of Air Pollution: Application to Industrial Energy Efficiency Projects in China, October 1994. Report 8. Potential Impacts of Climate Change on China, September 1994. Report 9. Residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency Opportunities: Taiyuan Case Study, September 1994, Report 10. Pre-Feasibility Study on High Efficiency Industrial Boilers, August 1994. Report 11. FOREWORD This report is one of eleven subreports prepared as inputs to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) technical assistance study, China: Issues and Options in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Control, supported by the Global Environment Facility and executed by the Industry and Energy Division, China and Mongolia Department, of the World Bank. On the Chinese side, overall coordination for the project was managed by the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), while the Chinese Academy of Forestry participated in the research for this subreport. This report considers the effect that forest management and tree planting has on China's net carbon dioxide emissions. It assesses the potential and net costs of carbon sequestration under various planting scenarios. Missions visited China in November 1992 and June 1993 for work on the scope of the study and the design of the forestry models. A major review meeting was held in Washington, DC in November 1993 to discuss the results and implications of the modeling work and the overall findings and conclusions. The forestry report was drafted and edited by Todd M. Johnson and Julian Lampietti with major contributions on the modeling and the final conclusions provided by Lars Blomkvist and Xu Deying. The authors would like to thank the Chinese Academy of Forestry in Beijing, Hari Eswaran from the US Department of Agriculture, Stephen Boyce from Duke University, and Keith Openshaw, a consultant to the World Bank, who prepared a background report and offered significant help with the conclusions of this study. ii CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS 1 US$ = 4.7 Chinese Yuan (1990) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES hectare =104 M2 = 2.47 acres 1 ton fuelwood (air dry) = 0.54 tce ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS C - carbon CO2 - carbon dioxide FGHY - fast-growing high-yield forestry plantations GEF - Global Environment Facility GHG - greenhouse gas IRR - internal rate of return MAI - mean annual increment mt - million (metric) tons NAP - National Afforestation Project NEPA - National Environmental Protection Agency of China NFPA - National Forest Planning Agency NPV - net present value OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development UNDP - United Nations Development Programme iii CONTENTS 1. FORESTS AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE ..........................................1 2. BACKGROUND .......................................... 2 A. FORESTRY IN CHINA .........................................2 Forest resources .........................................2 Wood demand .......................................... 4 Afforestation ......................................... 4 Fast-growing high-yield (FGHY) programs ..........................................5 Management and production in Chinese forests ......................................... 5 B. ORGANIC CARBON ASSESSMENT .........................................7 Woody biomass ...........................................7 Soil carbon .......................................... 8 3. MODELING CARBON SEQUESTRATION .......................................... 9 A. NATIONAL MODEL ...........................................9 Structure of the model ..............................9 Uncertainty and use limitations ........................... 10 National model scenarios ........................... 11 Results of the national model ........................... 12 B. FORESTRY PLANTATION MODELS: FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 14 Types of plantations ............................. 14 Results of the financial analysis ............................. 15 4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ............................. 20 5. REFERENCES .............................. 22 6. APPENDIX A: NATIONAL MODEL ............................. 24 7. APPENDIX B: PLANTATION MODEL RESULTS ...................................... 25 iv LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. REGIONS DEFINED .............................................................. 2 TABLE 2. FORESTED AND POTENTIAL FOREST LAND IN 1988, (MILLION HA) ................... 3 TABLE 3. AGE PROFILE OF CHINA'S FORESTS IN 1988, (MILLION HA) ............................ 4 TABLE 4. WOODY BIOMASS (MILLION METRIC TONS, AIR DRY) .................................... 7 TABLE 5. AVERAGE SOIL CARBON TO ONE METER DEPTH .......................................... 8 TABLE 6. PLANTING ASSUMPTIONS (MILLION HECTARES PER YEAR) ............................. 9 TABLE 7. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS .............................................................. 10 TABLE 8. MEAN ANNUAL INCREMENT (CUBIC METERS PER YEAR) .......... ................... 1 1 TABLE 9. CUMULATIVE AREA PLANTED UNDER THREE SCENARIOS (MILLION HECTARES) ... 11 TABLE 10. RANGE OF ESTIMATES FOR TOTAL SEQUESTERED CARBON (MILLION TONS) ....... 12 TABLE 11. STEMWOOD HARVESTED BY END PRODUCT (MILLION CUBIC METERS) ...... ....... 12 TABLE 12. STANDING STOCK BY AGE CLASS (MILLION CUBIC METERS) ......................... 13 TABLE 13. ANNUAL CARBON BALANCE (MILLION TONS) ................... ...................... 13 TABLE 14. PLANTATION SCENARIOS ('000 HECTARES PER YEAR) ............................... 15 TABLE 15. INTENSIVE PLANTATIONS: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND SEQUESTRATION COSTS.. 16 TABLE 16. EXTENSIVE PLANTATIONS: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND SEQUESTRATION COSTS. 17 TABLE 17. FUELWOOD PRODUCTION FROM FUELWOOD AND .................................... 17 TABLE 18. CARBON SEQUESTRATION BY PLANTATIONS, 1990-2020 (MILLION TONS C) ..... 18 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. CHINA'S FIVE REGIONS ............................................................... 2 FIGURE 2. FORESTED AND POTENTIAL FOREST LAND AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL LAND AREA . . .3 FIGURE 3. SOIL CARBON LEVELS .............................................................. 8 v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i. Through afforestation projects, the planting of timber and fuelwood plantations, and improved management of open forests, it is possible to store carbon in trees and soil and thus reduce net GHG emissions in China. Carbon sequestration is maximized by planting high-yield and fast-growing species on good land, under good growing conditions, and by applying scientific management. If part of the production of fuelwood can be substituted for coal, for instance, in direct substitution or in power generation, the contribution of the forestry sector in China to net CO2 emission reduction would be even larger. ii. Two models are developed to study carbon sequestration in China's forests: (a) a national model to predict the forest carbon balance, and (b) a plantation model to provide information on the financial costs and benefits of forest management schemes. Both models are simulated for 30 years, starting in 1990. iii. The analysis of tree planting in China shows that a moderately successful large- scale afforestation program could sequester a cumulative total of 2.2 to 4.6 billion tons of carbon in woody biomass and soil over a thirty year period, or an average of 116 million tons carbon (mtC) per year. Under a highly successful scenario, the amount of carbon sequestered in the year 2020 would be 221 mtC. For comparison, China's GHG emissions in 1990 from all sources are estimated at 800 mtC. To achieve this level of carbon sequestration from the forestry sector, China would need to increase forested land by 4-5 million hectares per year between now and the year 2020, extend the use of fast-growing high-yield plantations, and broadly disseminate advanced silviculture techniques. This level of planting would increase the percentage of forested land in China from about 13 percent in 1990 to more than 20 percent by the year 2020. Although fuelwood plantations do not sequester much carbon on a net basis, they can make a contribution to GHG reduction by substituting regenerable biomass for fossil fuels. iv. A net cost analysis of carbon sequestration from forestry development finds that the following types of plantations in China are financially and economically attractive on a life- cycle basis even if GHG benefits are not considered: (i) intensively-managed fast-growing high-yield (FGHY) timber plantations on good land in most parts of China, (ii) extensively-managed timber plantations in South and Southwest China, (iii) improved open forest management regimes in South China, and (iv) intensively-managed FGHY fuelwood plantations in South and Southwest China. v. Afforestation and forestry management practices that have the potential for maximizing carbon sequestration at the lowest net cost should be the focus of government support. While State Forest Farms must play a major role in afforestation work in China, private sector involvement and funds will be needed. Policies to encourage both public and private investment in the forestry sector are needed in China, including improvements in rural capital markets, further price reform, clarification of legal rights, and liberalization vi of foreign trade and investment policies. Technical assistance or technology transfer can also be important to further expand China's fast-growing high-yield plantation program, and to improve silviculture techniques, the efficiency of wood harvesting and milling, nursery management, and forestry research and extension. 1. FORESTS AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE 1.1 Increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chloroflurocarbons cause changes in the earth's surface temperature. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to this change. Forests are prominent in the global carbon cycle and in the exchange of carbon between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere (Tans et al. 1990 and Dale et al. 1991). Forest vegetation and forest soil account for 60 percent of the organic carbon stored on the Earth's land surface (Schlesinger and Waring, 1985). The potential for using forestry to sequester atmospheric carbon has been extensively investigated (Dixon et al. 1991, and Moulton and Richards 1990), including work on China by one of the authors (Xu 1993, 1993a). 1.2 Forests are both a sink and a source of carbon. Trees take up carbon from the atmosphere to build their structure and maintain their physiological processes and they store carbon in their woody biomass and release carbon through respiration and decomposition. Forest soils absorb carbon from decomposing biomass; they store carbon in organic matter, and they discharge it through respiration. Young forests rapidly accumulate carbon in stemwood and soil. Mature forests are generally in equilibrium, with carbon uptake equaling carbon release. The pool of carbon held in forests can be maintained by reducing deforestation and it can be raised by improving forest management and increasing afforestation. 1.3 The storing of carbon in woody biomass and soils --carbon sequestration-- can be a cost-effective means of reducing net GHG emissions in developing countries. 1 The key to low-cost carbon sequestration in developing countries is to take advantage of the financial and social benefits from forestry development. Under the right conditions, multi-use afforestation projects, the planting of timber and fuelwood plantations, and the management of open forests in China can yield positive financial returns, meaning that the cost of carbon sequestration from these projects is low. 1 Net GHG emissions is the sum of all emission sources minus the amount of carbon that can be captured and stored in plant biomass or soils. 2 2. BACKGROUND A. FORESTRY IN CHINA 2.1 In China, "forest land" often refers to administrative control of the land and can refer to land with trees and land without trees but available for planting. Forest land is therefore best separated into two categories: (a) forested land, and (b) potential forest land. Forested land has at least 30 percent crown cover, but includes forest fallow. Potential forest land contains degraded forest with less than 30 percent crown cover, and all lands designated for forestry purposes by the government. 2.2 China's forests can be separated into five regions (Figure 1). The following discussion uses these regional definitions. The largest of these regions is the Northwest, followed by the North, South, Northeast, and Southwest. Figure 1. China's five regions NE Nj . Region Provinces _Jn , '1. North Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui, r t- N w - \ ,' Henan, Shandong, Inner t-1 NW . '' '; - -' /--t-¢ > Mongolia NW 3. Northeast Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang 2. Northwest Xinjiang, Tibet, Gansu, ,->Sa s Qinghai, Ningxia, Shaanxi ~ -r:, ' /5. South Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, ki W bn Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, SW o 500 4O . Guangdong, Guangxi 4.Southwest Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan Source: Chinese Academy of Forestry, 1993 Forest resources 2.3 China is deficient in forest resources. China currently has about 131 million hectares of forested land, up from around 119 million hectares in 1988 (Table 2). Still, forests account for only 13.6 percent of the land area of China. In per capita terms, forest resources amount to only 0. 11 hectares per capita, less than one-sixth the world average. Standing volume of wood is about 11 billion cubic meters (mi3), equivalent to about 9.5 m3 per capita, far below the world average of 66 m3 per capita. Natural forests account for about three-quarters of the forested area in China and 95 percent of the standing wood 3 volume. Most natural forests are located in the Northeast provinces of Jilin, Liaoning, and Inner Mongolia, and in the Southwest provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan (Table 2). The North, Northwest, and Southwest all have less than 9 percent forest cover (Figure 2a). Excellent potential forest land is located in the South, Southwest, and Northeast. The government has identified the comparative advantage offered by the South's tropical climate, targeting it as the principal potential forest region (Figure 2b). By the late 1980s, the stock of mature and over-mature forests amounted to about 2.6 billion m3, of which only about half was commercial. Evidence from many sources indicates that the stock of natural commercial forests is rapidly being depleted. The computer model constructed for this study, described in detail below, shows that the resources of mature forest would be depleted within ten years at current exploitation rates. Table 2. Forested and potential forest land in 1988, (million ha) gegions Total North Northeast Northwest South Southwest- Area 950 95 195 284 145 231 Forested land 119 6 36 16 41 20 Potential forest land 130 14 26 19 39 31 Source: Xu, 1993 Figure 2. Forested and Potential forest land as a percent of total land area a. Forested land, 1988 '' b. Potential forest land, 1988 1 I Percentoflandarea 20-290% 10.19 I 5.9% km 0 500 1000 2.4 A forest census for China from 1984 to 1988 found a declining forest area, diminishing growing stocks, and a poorer quality of timber.2 A repercussion of deforestation is that 73 percent of China' s timberlands are under 40 years old (Table 3). The declining stock of near mature and mature trees signals an impending shortage of large diameter timber. This problem is particularly acute in the South, where only 14 percent of the trees are over 40 years old. 2 Chinese Ministry of Forestry. 4 Wood demand 2.5 China is the third largest consumer of forest products in the world, and the demand for wood products has been expanding with the development of the economy. Current wood consumption is in the range of 300 million m3 per year, about half of which is industrial roundwood, one-third is fuelwood, and the remainder is used for rural construction. In 1992, China imported $1.2 billion worth of wood products, comprising 4.8 million m3 of logs, 1.0 million m3 of lumber, 1.2 million m3 of plywood, and miscellaneous other wood products (World Bank, 1994). Important non-timber forest products include significant quantities of furs and skins, fruits, resins, fungi, wild honey, medicines, aphrodisiacs, oils, sandalwood, bamboo, and rattan ware. During the 1980s, the consumption of forest resources exceeded the annual increase in growing stock by some 20 million m3 (World Bank, 1994). Table 3. Age )rofile of China's forests in 1988, (million ha and re&*onal percent) Regions Country North Northeast Northwest South Southwest Young (1-20 years) 47 32% 35% 32% 50% 32% Middle-age (21-40 years) 40 37% 35% 37% 35% 24% Near-mature (41-60 years) 11 13% 9% 13% 7% 12% Mature (61-80 years) 14 12% 16% 12% 5% 19% Over mature (8 1-1I00 years) 6 6 % 5 % 6 % 2 % 13% Source: Xu, 1993 Afforestation 2.6 Because of the shortage of forest resources in China, and the growing gap between the supply and demand for wood products, China has instituted the largest afforestation program in the world. Between 1984-1988, China planted an average of 3.25 million hectares per year, with the net increase in forested land amounting to around 0.65 million hectares per year. In 1989 and 1990, the area of planting exceeded 5 million hectares per year, with the net increase surpassing 2 million hectares per year. Besides timber and fuelwood plantation forests, China has also initiated a large-scale protective afforestation program in North China and has designated some 3 million hectares of open forests,3 mostly on steep slopes, to be closed for forest development. If China continues to increase its forested area at the rate of the past five years, by the end of the century the area of the country covered by forests would exceed 15 percent. 2.7 Environmental benefits of afforestation. Non-market goods and services produced by forests are watershed values and ecological processes. Watershed values include erosion control, flood reduction, and regulation of stream flows. One of the most 3 Open forests are defined as forests with 30 percent or less of forest canopy. 5 acute economic damages caused by excessive deforestation is reservoir siltation. Ecological processes include the fixing and cycling of nutrients, soil formation, and the cleansing of air and water. Global non-market benefits from Chinese forests include carbon - sequestration and biodiversity habitat. Fast-growing high-yield (FGHY) programs 2.8 In the past, Chinese plantation forests have had low survival rates and low productivity largely due to poor management and the use of low quality lands. Since the mid-1980s a new fast-growing high-yield (FGHY) afforestation program has been initiated in China. This program relies on (i) planting on good quality sites, (ii) improved genetic materials and seedling preparation, and (iii) detailed silviculture prescriptions for planting, tending and harvesting. Tree species are selected which can meet minimum growth rates under given soil and climatic conditions. Among the most common FGHY species in China are larch (Larix kaempferi), Chinese fir (Cunninghamia), poplar (Populus tomentosa), pine (Pinus massoniana, Pinus elliotii, Pinus taeda), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.), and paulownia (Pawlonia). More than one-quarter of the plantations established in China since 1985 have been FGHY plantations. 2.9 Barriers to large-scale FGHY forestry development. While there are more than 200 million hectares of land theoretically available in China for forestry development, there are other competing claims for these lands, including agriculture, animal husbandry, and urban and industrial development. Secondly, much of the land available for forest development in China is of poor quality and inappropriate for intensive forestry plantations. Some types of forestry development, including fuelwood plantations and open forest management, are typically financially viable only in southern China, whereas, much of the total land available for forestry development is in the North and Northwest. Management and production in Chinese forests 2.10 Forests in China are managed by state forest farms, collectives, and individuals. Although the majority of land is controlled by state forest farms, much of this land is contracted to collectives and individual households, who provide labor and inputs. The quality of management by collectives and individuals is generally low, since they have had limited access to advanced silviculture techniques and since most face financial constraints. In the 1980s roughly one-quarter of total forested land was transferred from the state to households as part of the household responsibility system. While land tenure relations were improved, household forest farms continue to be characterized by low productivity and minimal adoption of improved silviculture techniques. 2.11 Production forests. China's production forest consists of both natural and man- made stands. There are about 7 billion cubic meters of mature natural timber stands in China. The stocking density of timber stands is low due to over-exploitation. Average growing stock is 70-75 cubic meters per hectare, which is far below the 90-100 cubic meters per hectare typical of European forests. Natural forest includes conifers (70 6 percent), deciduous species (20 percent), and a mix of the two. Spruce (Picea spp.), larch, and fir dominate the conifer stands. Common deciduous species include oak (Quercus spp.) and birch (Betula spp.). 2.12 Plantation forests. Plantations account for approximately 25 percent of China's forest land. The government encourages plantations to help meet fuelwood, timber, and pulpwood demand. Plantation growing stock is also low, averaging between 10 and 30 cubic meters per hectare. Preferred species for intensively managed plantations include larch, poplar, paulownia and pine in the northern regions, and fir, pine, and eucalyptus in the southern regions. Extensively managed plantation species include birch, spruce, and oak in the northern regions and oak, pine, and fir in the southern regions. 2.13 Planned harvesting. China's production statistics distinguish four harvesting categories: (a) in-the-plan, (b) outside-the-plan, (c) fuelwood, and (d) illegal. Planned harvesting is the responsibility of the state forest bureaus. These bureaus harvest a quota based on the National Forest Planning Agency (NFPA) production schedule. The NFPA plans future production with a formula that includes the volume of timber harvested in-the- plan and outside-the-plan in previous years, estimated fuelwood consumption, and the change in Gross National Product. 2.14 Outside-the-plan, illegal, and fuelwood harvesting. There is considerable uncertainty in the volumes of outside-the-plan harvesting, illegal felling, and fuelwood collection. Government officials acknowledge that outside-the-plan harvesting is considerably higher than planned production, particularly for fuelwood. A 1989 survey of rural energy use in China estimated that fuelwood consumption was about 140 mtce, or 50 higher than the officially reported annual fuelwood harvest. Of the total fuelwood, only about 10 percent is produced by dedicated fuelwood plantations with the remainder coming from other plantations and from non-forest trees. 2.15 Protection forests. Forests designated for environmental purposes are separated into two categories in China: (a) protection forest, and (b) forest preserves. Protection forests cover approximately 8 million hectares (World Resources Institute, 1992), and play an important role in land reclamation, erosion control, desert stabilization and other environmental benefits. According to some experts, the survival rate of protection forests has been less than 50 percent because they are heavily pruned for firewood (Richardson, 1990). China's forest preserves cover another 8 million hectares and provide habitat to many unique and endangered species. The forest preserves serve four purposes: (a) conservation, (b) scientific research, (c) production, and (d) tourism. 2.16 Wood processing. Processing occurs at big state mills and small stand-alone mills. The state mills are part of integrated wood industries that include the state forest bureaus. Stand-alone mills are usually associated with village forest farms and specialized households. State mill utilization of stemwood in China is low, averaging only about 70 percent. By contrast, in well-developed milling operations in other countries, 90 percent of stemwood can be utilized. The difference comes from using the slash and milling wastes to 7 make artificial board, as fuel for mill operation, or for electricity generation. Wastage in Chinese mills comes from leaving logs exposed in yards and heaping rather than stacking sawnwood. Few mills in China have drying kilns and there is rarely any secondary treatment of wood products. Hardwoods and softwoods are often processed with the same saws, speeds, and settings, leading to poor product quality. Volume recovery is reportedly as low as 55 percent (Richardson, 1990). Furthennore, most of the mills were not designed with a view to handling their waste. Since the late 1980s, increasing prices for wood products has helped to improve the recovery rate of state processing mills. In comparison to the state sector, stand-alone mills tend to be more efficient, recovering 70-75 percent of volume (Richardson, 1990). Village based mills are adept at cutting low-grade logs to service local industries. They are also located in areas where their waste is readily disposable. B. ORGANIC CARBON ASSESSMENT Woody biomass 2.17 Forests are the largest store of organic carbon of in China. The preliminary assessment of woody biomass presented in Table 4 indicates that 85 percent of above and below ground woody biomass is held by forests. The above-ground woody biomass growing stock is 10 to 11 billion tons, and the below-ground growing stock is 5 to 5.5 billion tons.4 Each year this growing stock produces an additional 655 million tons of biomass. Table 4.-Woodyr biomass (million metric tons, air dry) Land use Total Cropland Forests Rangeland Other Area (million ha) 960 146 182 400 231 A/g growing stock /1 10,340-11,005 684-977 9,426 40-80 210-522 B/g growing stock /2 5,280-5,503 342-489 4,713 20-40 105-261 A/g annual growth 555-595 51-74 491 2-4 11-26 B/g annual growth 185-198 17-24 164 1-1 3-9 A/g annual growth leafy 693-743 63-92 614 2-5 14-32 tissue Notes: 1) A/g = above ground 2) B/g = below ground Source: Openshaw, 1993 4 This estimate is based on a total forest area of 182 million hectares which is 40 percent higher than the area used in other estimates. 8 Soil carbon 2.18 Soil organic carbon plays an important role in the assessment of total forest carbon. Figure 3 indicates soil carbon content is lower in the tropical and subtropical climate of the South, where decomposition occurs rapidly, than it is in the temperate climate of the Northeast, where decomposition occurs slowly. Figure 3 presents estimates of the maximum soil carbon level in the five regions. Accumulation of soil carbon is higher on undisturbed land, such as mature grassland and forest land, than it is on cropland. Soil carbon accumulates proportionally to tree growth and reaches equilibrium after 50 years. Table 5. Average soil carbon to one Figure 3. Soil carbon levels meter depth Region Area (million Equilibrium ha) carbon level ..........................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.(to. .a ) Country 950 101 <---)<9Sl < ~~~~~~~North 95 ill t ,i 341 Northeast 195 341 >n 'I | PULP&PAPER] BIOMASS1-6 YEAR .ON* FUELWOOD BIOMASS J | FCELLETIONR l | 61-80 YEARS FELUT | s l | ~~~~~~DECAY& 7. APPENDIX B: PLANTATION MODEL RESULTS Appendix Table B.1 Intensively Managed Plantations: summary sheet for all species; calculation of accumulated carbon in woody biomass and soil; calculation of net (economic) cost per ton of carbon (C02 basis) sequestered. Appendix Table B.2 Extensively Managed Plantations: summary sheet for all species; calculation of accumulated carbon in woody biomass and soil; calculation of net (economic) cost per ton of carbon (C02 basis) sequestered. Appendix Table B.3 Fuelwood Plantations: summary sheet for all species; calculation of accumulated carbon in woody biomass and soil; calculation of net (economic) cost per ton of carbon (C02 basis) sequestered; summary table by species and region of NPV, IRR $/t C02, MAI assumptions, and carbon sequestered. Appendix Table B.4 Open Forest Management: summary sheet for all species; calculation of accumulated carbon in woody biomass and soil; calculation of net (economic) cost per ton of carbon (C02 basis) sequestered; summary table by species and region of NPV, IRR $/t C02, MAI assumptions, and carbon sequestered. Appendix Table B.1 Intensively Managed Plantations CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE INTENSIVELY MANAGED PLANTATIONS SUMMARY SHEET, par I AREA DISTURBUTON PER REGION AND SPECIES (PROPORTIONS) TOTAL AREA PLANTED, '000 HA PER YEAR REGION: 1 2 3 4 5 SCENARIO 1 990.000 PROPORTION 0.1848864 0.2426109 0.2986429 0.1154451 0.1584146 1 SCENARIO 2 1490.000 CHOOSE| 1900.000| SPECIES ROT/MAI SCENARIO 3 1900.000 I LARCH 20/14 0.802 0.1482789 2 WHITE POPLAR 15/11 0.198 0.0366075 MANAGEMENT, % OF AREA 3 YUNNAN PINE 20/16 0.726 0.1761355 INTENSIVE EXTENSIVE 4 MASSON PINE 20/14 0.189 0.608 0.2274284 REGION I 24.68 75.32 5 CHINESE FIR 20/16 0.052 0.0126158 REGION 2 26.12 73.88 6 CHINESE FIR 20/18 0.372 0.1110952 REGION 3 43.72 56.28 7 EUCALYPTUS 7/20 0.002 0.02 0.0064581 REGION 4 26.56 73.44 8 LARCH 20/10 0.0S 0.231 0.042366 REGION 5 8.16 91.84 9 P. TABLAEFORMIS 30/6 0.576 0.282 0.1111693 10 ITALIAN POPLAR (V) 10/22 0.351 0.0405212 11 PAULOWNIA 10/20 0.022 0.0025398 12 WHITE POPLAR 15/10 0.031 0.487 0.0846689 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.999 1.0L0 1.000 NATIONAL SUMMARY YEAR I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 YEARS (1990-2020) 1990 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2000 1 2 3 4 LOGS, '020 CU M 0 0 0 0 0 0 455 455 512 2168 2168 2278 2278 3159 5396 SMALLWOOD, '000CU M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 196 1838 1838 2004 2004 2857 4157 FUELWOOD, '0D0 TON 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 36 177 719 719 832 832 1373 1890 CARBON STORED IN WOODY BIOMASS, MILLION TONS 3 8 16 27 41 57 76 97 121 146 173 203 236 270 304 EXPENSES, 'OD0 000 YUAN 735 791 843 884 904 923 974 961 1044 1326 1375 1421 1440 1613 1817 REVENUES - EXPENSES -735 -791 -843 -884 -904 -923 -868 -888 -789 89 40 164 144 547 2019 REVENUES 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 106 247 1407 1407 1576 1576 2226 3975 ACCUMULATED CARBON IN SOIL, MILLION TONS 0 0 1 2 4 5 8 10 13 16 20 23 27 32 37 TOTAL CARBON IN WOODY BIOMASS AND SOIL (MT) 3 9 17 29 44 62 83 107 134 162 193 226 263 301 341 NET COST/TON C02 REDUCED -8.84 Y/ton 1990 shadow exchange raw (Y/S) 5.5 -1.61 S/ton Appendix Table B.1 Intensively Managed Plantations CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE INTENSIVELY MANAGED PLANTATIONS SUMMARY SHEET, part2 AREA DISTPJBUItON PER REGIONAND SPECIES IN 000 HA ACCORDING TO THE SELECTED SCENARIO REGION: I 2 3 4 5 TOTAL REGION INCREMENT PER SP. SPECIES I LARCH 69.530956 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 69.531 B 1 1162 2 WHITE POPLAR 17.165997 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.166 C 2 1822 3 YUNNAN PINE 0 87.412532 00.0 0000 0.000 87.413 D 3 3872 4 MASSON PINE 0 22.756155 150.831 0.000 0.000 173.587 E 4 705 5 CHINESE FIR 0 6.2609527 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.261 F 5 218 6 CHINESE FIR 0 0 92.285 0.000 0.000 92.285 G 7 EUCALYPTUS 0 0.2408059 4.962 0.000 0.000 5.202 H 8 LARCH 0 0 0.000 2.913 5.673 8.586 1 9 P. TABLAEFORMIS 0 0 0.000 33.557 6.926 40.483 J 10 ITALIAN POPLAR (V) 0 0 0.000 20.449 0.000 20.449 K I PAULOWNIA 0 0.000 0.000 1.282 0.000 1.282 GRAND TOTAL, 12 WHITE POPLAR 0.000 3.732 0.000 0.000 11.961 15.694 INTENSIVELY MANAGED PLANTATIONS TOTAL PER REGION 86.697 120.403 248.077 58.200 24.561 537.937 TOTAL NPV IRR 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (CO2 basis) 5 6 7 8 9 2010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2020 5396 5396 5396 5396 65642 66097 66097 66097 66097 66097 66097 66097 66552 66610 73964 73964 849868 4157 4157 4157 4157 20006 20006 20006 20006 20D06 20006 20006 20006 20006 20203 22901 22901 277584 1890 1890 1890 1890 12550 12586 12586 12586 12586 12586 12586 12586 12622 12769 14054 14054 168324 341 381 423 468 471 474 482 491 504 519 536 556 578 603 626 650 2385 2129 1951 1969 1987 2005 7989 8536 8460 8614 8646 8662 8678 8694 8740 8604 9532 9651 129769 14099 1965 1947 1930 1913 36530 36001 35964 35929 35896 35880 35864 35849 35833 35828 38503 38381 439590 23259 23.3% 3484 3484 3484 3484 44086 44682 44682 44682 44682 44682 44682 44682 44788 44929 48372 48372 569884 37239 42 47 53 59 65 72 79 86 93 101 109 117 126 134 144 153 561 501 383 428 476 527 536 546 560 577 597 620 645 673 704 738 769 803 2945 2630 Appendix Table B.2 Extensively Managed Plantations CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE EXTENSIVELY MANAGED PLANTATIONS SUMMARY SHEET AREA DISnIBUTION PER REGION AND SPECIES (PROPORTIONS) TOTAL AREA PLANTED, '000 HA PER YEAR REGION: 1 2 3 4 5 SCENARIO I 990.00 PROPORTION 0.1848864 0.2426109 0.2986429 0.1154451 0.15U4146 1 SCENARIO 2 1490.000 CHOOSE 1900.000 SPECIES ROT/MAI SCENARIO 3 1900.000 1 OAK 40n 0.500 0.0924432 2 BIRCH 40/11 0.500 0.0924432 MANAGEMENT, % OF AREA 3 OAK 40/8 0.514 0.124702 INTENSIV EXTENSIVE 4 YUNNAN PINE 30/12 0.486 0.1179089 REGION I NE 24.68 75.32 5 MASSON PINE 25/14 0.5 0.1493215 REGION2 S 26.12 73.88 6 CHINESEFIR 25/14 0.5 0.1493215 REGION 3 SW 43.72 56.28 7 P. TABLAEFORMIS 40/3 0.9 0.1039006 REGION 4 N 26.56 73.44 8 BIRCH 40/5 0.1 0.0115445 REGION5 NW 8.16 91.U4 9 SPRUCE 60/5 0.5 0.0792073 10 OAK 60/5 0.5 0.0792073 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 NATIONAL SUMMARY YEAR (t) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 YEARS (19902020) 1990 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2000 I 2 3 4 LOGS, '0S0 CU M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7577 SMALLWOOD, 'ODO CU M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6730 FUELWOOD, '0S0 TON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1257 CARBON STORED IN WOODY BIOMASS, MILLION TONS 5 15 30 50 75 105 141 181 226 276 331 391 457 527 594 EXPENSES, 'OO000OYUAN 1265 1371 1471 1559 1608 1657 1707 1755 1799 1842 1885 1928 1972 2015 2803 REVENUES-EXPENSES -1265 -1371 -1471 -1559 -1608 -1657 -1707 -1755 -1799 -1842 -1885 -1928 -1972 -2015 5090 REVENUES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7892 ACCUMULATED CARBON IN SOIL, MILLION TONS 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 35 44 53 64 75 87 100 TOTAL CARBON IN WOODY BIOMASS AND SOIL (MT) 5 16 33 56 85 120 161 208 261 320 385 455 532 614 694 NET COST/TON C02 REDUCED -1.29 Y/ton 1990 shadow exchange rae (Y/S) 5.5 -0.23 S/ton Appendix Table B.2 Extensively Managed Plantations CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE EXTENSIVELY MANAGED PLANTATIONS AREA DIS7RTB UTON PER REGION AND SPECIES IN 000 HA ACCORDING TO THE SELECTED SCENARIO REGION: 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL PER SP. SPECIES REGION INCREMENT I OAK 132.29365 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 132.294 B 1 2381 2 BIRCH 132.29365 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 132.294 C 2 3366 3 OAK 0 174.00419 0.000 0.000 0.000 174.004 D 3 4471 4 YUNNAN PINE 0 164.52536 0.000 0.000 0.000 164.525 E 4 515 5 MASSON PINE 0 0 159.672 0.000 0.000 159.672 F 5 1382 6 CHINESE FIR 0 0 159.672 0.000 0.000 159.672 G 7 P. TABLAEFORMIS 0 0 0.000 144.979 0.000 144.979 H 8 BIRCH 0 0 0.000 16.109 0.000 16.109 1 9 SPRUCE 0 0 0.000 0.000 138.214 138.214 J 10 OAK 0 0 0.000 0.000 138.214 138.214 K TOTAL EXTENSIVELY MANAGED PLANTATIONS TOTAL PER REGION 264.587 338.530 319.345 161.087 276.427 1359.976 TOTAL NPV IRR 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 (CO2basis) (at 12%) 5 6 7 8 9 2010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2020 7577 7577 7577 7577 26078 26078 26078 26078 26078 59509 59509 59509 59509 59509 86107 86107 638035 6730 6730 6730 6730 13097 13097 13097 13097 13097 22139 22139 22139 22139 22139 28753 28753 267332 1257 1257 1257 1257 4015 4015 4015 4015 4015 12367 12367 12367 12367 12367 15945 15945 120086 666 743 826 913 986 1064 1147 1236 1329 1394 1465 1541 1621 1707 1775 1848 6775 6049 2846 2889 2932 2975 4498 4543 4580 4616 4652 8647 8993 9055 9117 9166 11525 11722 129392 17536 5047 5003 4960 4917 10834 10788 10752 10716 10680 37399 37053 36991 36929 36879 50803 50606 341613 9576 16.1% 7892 7892 7892 7892 15332 15332 15332 15332 15332 46046 46046 46046 46046 46046 62328 62328 471005 27112 114 129 145 161 178 196 215 234 255 276 298 320 344 368 393 418 1533 1368 781 872 970 1074 1164 1260 1362 1470 1584 1670 1763 1861 1965 2075 2167 2266 8308 7418 APPENDIX TABLE B.3 FUELWOOD PLANTATIONS CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE FUELWOOD PLANTATIONS SUMMARY SHEET, par I AREA DISTRIBUTION PER REGION AND SPECIES (PROPORTIONS) TOTAL AREA PLANTED, '000 HA PER YEAR REGION: 1 2 3 4 5 SCENARIO I 350.000 PROPORTIONS 0.1848864 0.2426109 0.2986429 0.1154451 0.1584146 1 SCENARIO 2 520.000 CHOOSE 780.000 reg. SPECIES ROT/MAI SCENARIO 3 780.000 I LOCUST 3/8,5 TIHA 1.000 0.1848864 LESPEDEZA 2 ALNUS 3/12,5 1.000 0.2426109 CASSIA 3 - CENTE OAK 3/12,5 0.56 0.16724 COEROSPONDIAS 3-SOUTH EUCALYPTUS 3/22,5 0.44 0.1314029 ACACIA 4 LOCUST 2/ 8,5 1 0.1154451 AMORPHA 5 ELAEAGNUS 3/6,5 1 0.1584146 HIPPOPHAE 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Cumulative Area Planted ('000 ha) 780 1560 2340 3120 3900 4680 5460 6240 7020 7800 8580 9360 10140 10920 11700 YEAR (t) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 YEAR (199D-2020) 1990 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2000 1 2 3 4 LOGS, '000 CU M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SMALLWOOD, W CU M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUELWOOD, '000 TON 0 0 17597 17597 17597 35195 35195 35195 52792 52792 52792 70389 70389 70389 87987 CARBON STORED IN WOODY BIOMASS, MILLION TONS 3 8 8 10 15 15 18 23 23 25 30 30 33 38 38 EXPENSES, '000D0YUAN 1020 1165 1825 2055 2199 2860 3090 3234 3894 4124 4265 4921 5942 6086 6746 REVENUES - EXPENSES -793 -905 -735 -913 -1025 -855 -1033 -1145 -975 -1153 -1262 -1089 -1882 -1994 -1824 REVENUES 0 0 673 673 673 1346 1346 1346 2019 2019 2019 2691 2691 2691 3364 CARBON STORED IN SOIL, O00D OD TON 0 1 2 3 6 8 12 15 20 25 30 36 42 49 56 TOTAL CARBON IN WOODY BIOMASS AND SOIL (MT) 3 8 9 13 21 23 29 38 42 50 60 66 75 86 94 NET COST/TON C02 REDUCED 39.32 1990 shadow exchange rate (Y/$) 5.5 7.15 APPENDIX TABLE B.3 FUELWOOD PLANTATIONS CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE FUELWOOD PLANTATIONS SUMMARYSHEE, pot 2 AREA DISRIBUIION PER REGION AND SPECIES IN 000 HA ACCORDING TO THE SELECTED SCENARIO REGION: I 2 3 4 5 TOTAL PER SP. SPECIES REGION INCREMENT I LOCUST t44.211 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 144.211 1 1442 LESPEDEZA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 2649 2 ALNUS 0.000 189.237 0.000 0.000 0.000 189.237 3 4389 CASSIA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4 855 3 - CENTE OAK 0.000 0.000 130.447 0.000 0.000 130.447 5 890 COEROSPONDIAS 0.000 0.000 0.000 0000 0.000 0.000 3- SOUTH EUCALYPTUS 0.000 0.000 102.494 0.000 0.000 102.494 ACACIA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 4 LOCUST 0.000 0.000 0.000 90D047 0 000 90.047 AMORPHA 0.000 0.0D0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 ELAEGNUS 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 123.563 GRAND TOTAL, HIPPOPHAE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 FUELWOOD PLANTATIONS TOTAL PER REGION 144.211 189.237 232.941 90.047 123.563 780.000 TOTAL NPV IRR 12480 13260 14040 14820 15600 16380 17160 17940 18720 19500 20280 21060 21840 22620 23400 24180 (C02 basis) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 6 7 8 9 2010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87987 87987 105584 105584 105584 123182 123182 123182 140779 140779 140779 158376 158376 158376 175974 175974 2727591 348367 40 45 45 48 53 53 55 60 60 63 68 68 70 75 75 78 285 254 6976 7121 7781 8011 8155 8816 9046 9186 9843 10863 11007 11668 11898 12042 12702 12932 211473 30280 .2002 -2114 -1944 -2122 -2234 -2064 -2242 -2351 -2178 -2971 -3083 .2913 -3091 -3203 -3033 -3211 -58348 -9995 NEGATIVE 3364 3364 4037 4037 4037 4710 4710 4710 5383 5383 5383 6056 6056 6056 6729 6729 104295 13321 64 72 81 90 100 110 120 131 143 155 167 179 193 206 220 234 859 767 104 117 126 138 152 162 175 191 203 217 234 247 263 281 295 312 1143 1021 APPENDIX TABLE B.3 FUELWOOD PLANTATIONS Fuelwood Plantations Carbon Sequestered NPV (12%) IRR $/t C02 MAI Biomass Soil Total SPECIES cm/ha (gr) '000 tC 1 (NE) LOCUST LESPEDEZA -2638 #NUM! 2.04 10 14753 57191 71944 2 (SW) ALNUS CASSIA -229 #NUM! 0.28 14 1805 44090 45895 3 - (S) CENTER OAK COEROSPONDIAS -1795 #NUM! 1.96 14 20551 30393 50944 3- (S) SOUTH EUCALYPTUS ACACIA -1238 #NUM! 1.45 25 23592 23880 47472 4 (N) LOCUST AMORPHA -1669 #NUM! 2.08 10 8751 35711 44462 5(NW) ELAEGNUS HIPPOPHAE -2427 #NUM! 2.64 7 8191 42877 51068 Total Average 77642 234142 311784 APPENDIX TABLE B.4 OPEN FOREST MANAGEMENT CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE OPEN FOREST MANAGEMENT SUMMARY SHEET, part I AREA DISTRIBUTION BY REGION (PROPORTIONS) TOTAL AREA ESTABLISHED, '000 HA PER YEAR REGION: 1 2 3 4 5 SCENARIO I 890.000 PROPORTIONS 0.171061528 0.293077443 0.386487752 0.071462007 0.077911271 1 SCENARIO 2 1340.000 CHOOSE 1790.003 REGION MAI SCENARIO 3 1790.000 1 2.53 1 0.171061528 2 3.21 1 0.293077443 AREAS AVAILABLE, '000 HA REGION I 3289 3 3.20 1 0.386487752 2 5635 3 7431 4 2.20 1 0.071462007 4 1374 5 1498 5 3.53 1 0.077911271 19227 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 YEAR (t) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 YEARS (1990-2020) 1990 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2000 1 2 3 4 LOGS, '000 CU M SMALLWOOD, '000 CU M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6789 FUELWOOD, 'OODTON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7113 CARBONSTOREDINWOODYBIOMASS,MILLIONTONS 2 5 11 18 27 38 51 65 82 100 120 141 165 190 211 EXPENSES,'O000 YUAN 188 224 260 295 331 367 403 439 474 510 537 564 591 618 908 REVENUES - EXPENSES -188 -224 -260 -295 -331 -367 -403 -439 -474 -510 -537 -564 -591 -618 1267 REVENUES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2174 ACCUMULATEDCARBONINSOIL,MILLIONTONS 0 1 4 8 14 21 29 38 48 60 73 87 102 119 136 TOTrAL CARBON IN WOODY BIOMASS AND SOIL (MT) 2 7 15 26 41 59 79 103 130 160 193 228 267 309 346 NET COST/TON C02 REDUCED -0.04 Y/ton 1990 shabw exchange rate (Y/5) 5.5 -0.01 S/ton APPENDIIX TABLE B.4 OPEN FOREST MANAGEMENT CHINA GREENHOUSE GAS STUDY PLANTATION MODULE OPEN FOREST MANAGEMENT SUMMARY SHEET, part 2 AREA DISTRIBUTION BY REGION IN 0S0 HA ACCORDING TO THE SELECTED SCENARIO REGION: 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL REGION INCREMENT AREA Increment per ha PER SP. 000 cu m 000 ha planted 1 306.200 0.0S0 0.000 0.0D0 0.000 306.200 1 775 306.2001352 0.433 2 1684 524.6086233 0.941 2 0.0S0 524.609 0.000 0.000 0.000 524.609 3 2442 691.8130754 1.364 4 281 t27.9169917 0.157 3 0.0S0 0.000 691.813 0.0S0 0.000 691.813 5 307 139.4611744 0.171 5489.012144 1790 3.06648731 4 0.000 0.0S0 0.0S0 127.917 0.000 127.917 5 0.0D0 0.0D0 0.000 0.000 139.461 139.461 GRAND TOTAL, OPEN FOREST MANAGEMENT TOTAL PER REGION 306.200 524.609 691.813 127.917 139.461 1790.000 TOTAL NPV IRR (C02 basis) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 6 7 8 9 2010 11 12 13 14 Is 16 17 18 19 2200 0 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 7191 17555 18169 18169 18169 18169 18169 18169 198071 7534 7534 7534 7534 7534 7534 7534 7534 7534 19194 19884 19884 19884 19884 19884 19884 213413 234 259 285 314 344 377 411 446 484 513 543 575 609 645 683 722 2648 2364 952 979 1006 1033 1060 1087 1113 1140 1167 1605 1632 1659 1686 1712 1739 1766 28043 4029 1222 1195 1168 1142 1115 1088 1061 1034 1007 3931 3904 3878 3851 3824 3797 3770 32455 149 12.4% 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 2174 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 5536 60498 4178 154 174 194 216 238 262 286 311 338 365 393 422 451 482 513 545 1999 1785 388 432 480 530 583 638 697 758 822 877 936 997 1061 1127 1196 1267 4647 4149 APPENDIX TABLE B.4 OPEN FOREST MANAGEMENT Open Forest Management Carbon Sequestered NPV (12%) IRR $/t C02 MAI Biomass Soil Total REGION '000 tC 1 NE -151 8.7% 0.03 2.53 115105 176037 291141 2 SW -52 11.4% 0.01 3.21 216869 88470 305339 3 S 498 15.3% -0.06 3.53 314500 116667 431167 4 N -88 7.0% 0.04 2.20 36242 78443 114685 5 NW -57 9.4% 0.03 2.20 39512 85522 125035 Summary 149 12.4% -0.01 722227 545138 1267366