BIHAR RURAL ROADS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY RURAL WORKS DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF BIHAR Letter No.;- BRRDA(HQ)-PMGSY-7 0/2011-Pat-ll- 3113&./4 Patna/ Dare..- L9 o9 2at* From Vinay Kumar Secretary, Rural Works Department, Govt. of Bihar. To Smt. Alka Upadhyay Joinr Secretary (RC) Ministry of Rural Development,Govt. Of India, Krishi Bhawan. New Delhi-110114 Sub: Submission of Audit Report and Annual Financial Statement of PMGSY Programme Fund & Administrative Fund for FY 2017-18. Madam, In reference to above, the Audit Report and Audited Annual Account of BRRDA- PMGSY Programme Fund & Administrative Fund for FY 2017- I 8 along with Banker's Certificate and Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 3 1.03.2018 are being submitted for your kind perusal. The audited accounts are duly approved by BRRDA Executive Committee and proposed for adoption in fofihcoming Annud General Body Meeting of BRRDA. Encl: As above Yo incerely, (, i{ay Kumart Secretary i.\ISWAL BRAJESH & CO. IIO: SHOP NO, 5, DUKKHAN RAM PI,AZA CHARTERED ACCOL]NTANTS EXHIBITION ROAD, PATNA.Ol ibcpatna1996@qmail.€om PRADHAN MANTRI GRAM SADAI( YOJANA.PROGRAMME FUND AUDITOR'S REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS We have audited the accompalJ4ng financial statements of Piadhan Mantd Gram Sadak Yojana-Piogramme Fund ofBlhar Rural Roaals DeveloPnent Agency (A Society Registered Under Societies Registration Act 1860), which compdse of the Balance sheet as at 31"t March, 2018 and Annual Accounts of Receipts a.nd Pa)'ments for the yeai ended on that date in which are incor?orated the linancial statements of 108 Programme lmplementation Units and Head Office, all audited by us. A. MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILTY FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Managemeflt is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that grves a true and lair view of the financial position and fnaicial performance of the society in accordance witi accounting pdnciples genera.lly acccpted in India. Programme lmplementing units of BRRDA along with BRRDA HO is following Oniine Management Monitoring a.nd Accounting System (OMMAS). R & P module of OI'IMAS has been used to prepare the financial statement ofBRRDA and its 108 PIUS for the FY 2017-18 BRRDA follows cash based double entrv system of accounting as prescribed in PMGSY ma:rual. The full time regutar accounting perso[nel deployed at Plus/Divisions are cashiers and Divisio[al Accounts oflicer. Divisional Accounts oflicer arc olficers of Accountant General OIfice who have been delegated the financial power as per Bihaj Govemment's hnaitcial rules. Books of accounts are being maintained at Plus/Divisions on manlral system a1so. The Ilnancia.l statement of PIUS are merged with SRRDA financial statement to preparc Consolidatedfinancialstatementofeveryfund.ThisopelationiscarriedoutonoMMAsR& P module and manual records has [ot been used for coml'ilation of accounts' This responsibilit]' also includes maintena-nce of adequate accounting records in accordance witil the PMGSY Manuals for safeguarding the assets of the Society and Ior freventrng and detecting frauds and othcr irregula.rities; selection and application of lppropa"L accounting policies; making .iudgments and estimates that are reasonable atrd .rra.r-rt, ar-ra desisn. implementation and maintenance of adequate internal fioancial iontrot", that were"operating effectrvely for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accoultrng records, rilevalrt to the preparation and presentation of tJ1e financial statements trr"i tr" arri lair view and ari fiee from material misstatement, whether due to fraud ol elTor. ""tr"" B. AUDITOR'S RESPONSIBILITY Our responsibility is to express an opinion on thcse finar]cia] statemenls based on our audit. we conducted our audit in accordance with the standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of chartered Accountants of India. Those standards Iequiles that we comply with cthical requirement a]1d pla.n and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether ial statements are free from matenal misstatcments ,a"st!x{il €@i -IAISWAI- tsRAJESI{ & CO. iiO: SHOP NO. 5.DUKKIIAN RAM PLAZA CHARTERED ACCOTNTANTS EXHIBITION ROAD. PATN}..o1 An audit invotves performing Procedules to obtain audit evidence about the amounts aid disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the flnancia-I statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers intemal control relevant to the society preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit proccdlires that a're appropriate in the circuDstances. An audit also inciudes evaluating the appropriateness of accountiog policies used and the leasonableness of the accounting estlrnates made by ma.nagement as vell as evaluati-ng the overall presentation of the financial staternents. We believe that the audit evidence, we have obtained, is suificient and appropriate to provides a basis for our audit opinion c. BASIS FOR QUAIIFIED OPINIOI{ i. Asexplainedtousallintelesta,nountisco[sideredassourcesoffundallocatedbyMinistry of Rural development a,,ld used for giving further author;ation to PIUS' if any, as guided by the instructions/guidelines issucd by the Ministry of ltural Delelopment /NRRDA from time totime.HoweverithasbeenobservedthatnodocumcDtaryevidenceslegardingallocation and utilization of the same fund is available at any lev':i so we are unable to comment on the same. [, As explained to lrs PIUS a-re altowed to spent the fund for dcsired purposes on the basis of authority limit Siven to it. Er{penditure and pa) booked in OMMAS R & P module and Utilization certiicate in Form 19-A of GnR 2OO5 is submitted to MoRD/NRRDA on the basis of oMlv,lAS based accoults. Therefore BRRDA does not prepa]'es utilization certificate on the basis of compilation of PIU wise UC 1U. NecessarJr subsidiarjr registers showing list/ ageing of liability towards deposits' as well as statutory dues are not mainta.ned by scme PIU which may results is non compliance of statutory liabilities. The list of outstanding liabiiities as encloseC in 44494q9-=L Some PIU'S a-re not maintaining thc manual cash book i^r Proper format showing lull details maintained having /breakup of liabilities and advances. In cases where cash books are breakups but the same aie not tallying with is enclosed in Aanexure - B" I. oMMASisneii}erreflectingthenonfun(ledcxposurereceivedfromthecontlactori.e' bank guatartee etc. ageing of liabilities. 1t. Proper procedures for royalty relund is not followed by PIUS in some cases' III. Bill legistels for effective monitoring of vouchers is lacklng' IV. Pending finalization and accounting oIfinal bills ofthe contractors whele individual roads ,." ofr"vsicallv complete, the same have been shorvn in the Balance sheet under "Co-ptet"a Roads" ro the extent of pa)rynents madc to Lhe contractors' No accounting effects are glven to the roads damaged by floods' Saving Bank VI. There is no inbuilt system to ensure that intelest credited by the bank on o"p"*1", ++-"o. Sweep and Short Term Deposits have been correcfly calorlated by the balk ('--i \ lr', -.,,. - ',, i"-r /: - -)' ":'r "-- \.>d-*.-r' JAISWAI BRAJESH & CO. HO: SHOPNO. 5, DUKKHAN RAM PLAZA CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS EXHIBITION IIOAD, PATNA.O I vll. " In a few cases, Income tax deducted at sources has not been deposited with appropriate - ."G"at." on time and the liabilities on account of interest arising due to delayed ;;y-.;i; Income - tax Depa.rtment have neither been quantifred nor provided for in the books. D. QUAIIFIED OPINIOI In our opinion and to the best of our infolmation, and accotding to informatlon given to us, except ior the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified opiniol p"rag."ph the aJoresald financial statements of PIU,s give the informatio[ reqnied in th" i1"rrne. so required and give a true and fair view in conformity wiLh tlle accounting ^boue, principles gencrally accePted in India: In the case of Balarce Shect of the state of affairs of Ptadhan Mantd Gram Sadak Yojana- a) Programlne Fuad as at 31d March'2o18; aJtd In tIe case ofAnnual AccounLs of Receipts and pa]T nent of the Pradhan tranttl Gtam sadak b) YoJalra-ProgramEe Funal for the year ended on that date' E. BEPORT On OTHER TUATTERS We further rePort that (i) We have obtained aI the informatlon and explanations which to the best of ou! knowledge and belief wcre necessary lor the purpose of our audil' Ho oI BRRDA so Ia' 1li; in our opinion proper book of account have been kept by the PIUS and as appears from our examination ofthese books; of account 1ii4 iie-firanclal statement dealt \ rith by tiis report are in agreement with the book maintained by the PlUs and HO of BRRDA' For : Jalswal Btajesh Chaltered Accoun FRN-O7915C !-, CA NAVNERI KU Paitnet M.No.-424494 Date: Place: Patna Pradhan l antri Gram Sadak Yojana Pl,lGSY PROGR I ME FUND STATE MLANCE SHEET (Refered to in paragraph 1t.a.2 of the llttnu.l) Name of SRRDA: Brhar. Rural Works Depanhe.t Y6. | 7017-7014 Note: atl anountt are 1n Rs. Particular Schedule Liabilities Programme rund recewed from Government of lndia PMGSY/SCH/F. { 1,59,49,10,37,100.00 5 1,46,09,77,62,300.00 Programme fLrnd received by SRRDA through NRRDA PI 6SY/SCH/F- 6 0.00 50.00 Funds Received from State Government forcost over rLrn Pl,tcsY/scH/F- d 10,r5,67,14,900.00 510,15,67,14,900.00 Fund received from State Share of PM65Y Programme Fund $17,55,62,56,533.00 531,54,00,00,000-00 P.ogramme Ilnds received from Central Government for 5 0.00 60.00 Programme runds r€ceived from central Govemment for a 0.00 { 0.00 Programme lundt received StaLe Government for 5 o.o0 5 0_00 Programme Funds recejved from state Governme.t for 5 0.00 60.00 Funds received fronMORD ior Construction of Rural Road 6 o.0o n0.00 Funds re€eived from MORD for Construction of RuralRoad {0.00 d0.00 Central grant for state Plan khemes received by SRRDA [0.00 T0.00 Centralgrant for Slate Plan khern€s received by SRRDA 50.00 50.m Cenkalgrant for State Plnn khernes received by SRRDA 5 0.00 n,0.00 Centratgrant for State Plan S.hemes received by 5RR0A 5 0.00 n 0.00 Cenvalgrant for Stale Plan Schem€s re€eived by SRRDA n 0.00 5 0.00 Central Brant for State Plan Schernes received by SRRDA 5 0.oc 1.07(v) State Share oi PMGSY Programme Eund 5 0.oc 5 0.00 agency Feet to PSU 5 0.(E ! 0.00 lncidental Funds(fiom interests and other receiptsl 5 7,17,57,31,307.10 n s,a7 J7 ,69,461 .4O Misc. lncome P GSY/SCH/F. 50.c8 T0.00 Deposit RepayabLe PA^GSY/SCH/F. 511,76,0r,18,534.00 n 11,75,44,54,924.00 Current Liabilities Pl,tGsY/sCH/F. a 16,80,13,146.m n 22,'11 ,6E,972.@ Un Reconciled Bank Authorizationt 50.00 d0.00 Liabilities Total t 7,26,3O,7 a,7 1,52O.10 a z,o7 ,e4I a,7o,5a7,40 Aslets Expenditure on New Roads (compteted), financed by PA^GSY/SCH/F- n i ,?7 ,94,-17 ,28,750.02 $ 1,06,09,20,52,220.',11 World Bank(RRPI) 6 0.00 5 0.00 worLd Bank(RRP2) 5 10,68,56,00,467.00 5 7,26,99,15,350.0O ResidualWork of RRP1 51,32,118.00 51,32,118.00 Asian Devetopment Ban( d 0.00 50.00 0thers 50.00 n0.00 Expenditure on New Roads (ln Progress), financed bv PMGSY/SCH/F. n 26,14,76,88,381.00 5 31,98,51,58,106.89 vr'ortd sank(RRP1) F0.00 50.00 Wortd Bank(RRPz) r 1,81,28,11,284.00 n 1,49,76,91,723.O0 Residualwork of RRP1 a0.00 50.00 Asian Devetopment Bank 50.00 50.00 0thers a0.00 5 0.00 Expenditure on Up-gradation of Existin! Roads (completed), PMGsY/SCH/F. a 1,63,10,66,020.0O 5 92,28,10,969.00 n0.00 5 o.oo wortd Sank(RRP1) 5 0.00 F 0.00 wortd Sank(RRP2) Reediiar Work of RRPI 50.00 5 0-clo Asian Oevelopment Ednk 6o.oo {0.00 5 0.00 5 0.00 Others Expenditure on UP_gradation of Exiiting Roads (in P),{GSY/SCH/F- {70,82,62,010.00 5 1 ,25,06,25,788.00 {0.00 s0.00 world BanklRRP1) { 0.clo $0.00 world Bank(RRP2) {0.00 ResidualWork of RRP1 Asjan Devetopment Bank z;;iRx { 0.cro 5 0.cro 50.00 n0.00 Others !..!ri;,-'',.:, I \l!. .' ' . \L'-- .',:', ? !- k :n* I *,-rc!7 Particular Schedule Expenditure on Plantation PMGSY/SCH/F. {15,22,26t).00 535,22,260.m Agency Feer to NEA lieadQuarteB { 1,42,58,33,285.00 n 97 ,57 ,32,6-19.N Exp€nditure on SiSn Boards PllcsYtscH/F- 54,2(),85,212'00 54,r8,08,710.Cro 5 0.00 50.@ Expenditure on Upgradation ol P^{ Roads rn Piain Areas 6 0.00 6 0.0c Expenditure on Upgradation of PMGSY-|i Roads in Special 5 0.00 50.00 Construction ol Rural Road Netwo.x Management llNlT {0.00 T0.0c Construction of Rural Road Traininq Research Cenire s0.00 50.00 Special work- Reparation of completed PMGSY roads 613,71,28,928.m F10,21,83,623.m Laboratory and Equipment 5 0.cro r0.00 r o.c0 5 0.00 Detailed Project Report 5 o.(,0 5 0.00 lnv€strn€nts, D€posib and Other Batance3 F 55,35,95,,13,787.C10 s51,8t,56,17,175.00 Construction of New Roads under RCPLWE i 0.00 5 0.00 Up-gradation of existjng Roads under RCPLWE 5 0.00 50.m Expenditure on Plantation under RCPLWT i 0.00 5 0.00 Expenditure on Sign Eoards under RCPLwt a 0.00 F 0.00 PM6SY/SCH/F. a ?9 ,69,96,771.@ E 15,25,75,356.00 Store3 and slock n0.00 60.00 5-5,39,05,825.m F7,42,95,093.00 Bank Eatan(e with accredited Bank 516,7r,78,068.38 568,r/,09,046.38 Un-reconcited Programm€ fund transfer.ed to PlUs 5 0.oo 5 0.00 Asset! Total a 7,26,10,16,7 1,520.40 a 2,o7 ,a4,1a,70,557 .,tO Fot: M/s Jaiswal Rrujesh \{' Chartered Account FRN- O79I5C ? L 6 CA NAVNEET KU (Partner) M. No.- 424191 Placei Paloa Date: cuaS.B!8a-L-B9A.pS-DEv PRADAIIN MANTRI GRAITI SADA( YOJNA PROC R{IIIII FUNI) at\t aL accot \ r or RrcElPls,\\D PAYrlt\Ts rFoR sl4Tr, FOR THE YEAR20I?.I8 anremn.iled bank Authorianion Paymenl of Agenry Fees ro NEA P.)nenr of Malchins srare share fund Mlchrery Advdces/Mobilislrion Adv .e/oheradvdePaymetrilo unmenr oi l-,nreconcile Bdk or audit ep.d of *en darc. $' (. L Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana PM6SY/SCH/F.52^A PMGSY PROGRAA,UAE FUND Schedule of Fund Received (SRRDA) (Retered to in paragraphs 15.4.1 ofthe l,{.nual) Year:2017-2018 Name of SRRDA| Bihar- Rurat worlc Deparlment sr. No. schedure tio: L1 PMGSY Current Year :2017-?01E Previous Year :2016-2017 l. Programme fund received from Govemment of lndia, 50.00 5 0.00 Ministry of Rura( Development 2 Opening Batance as per tast Batance Sheet 5 1,46,09,77,62,300.00 5 1,17,42,53,05,300.00 3 Add : Recejved during the month/year n 1A,34,48,47,712.@ € 28,67,24,57,000.00 4 Closing Balance 5 1,59,49,10,37,!OO.OO { 1,46,09,77,62,300.00 5 ll. Programme Fund received from NRRDA under NABARD 50.00 60.00 5 Openinq Salance as per last Baiance Sheet 50.00 60.00 7 Add: Received during the month / year {0.00 50.00 8 Closing Balance 50.00 !0.00 9 lll. Fund Received from State Government to meet cost {0.00 50.00 over-run or it9 other commitments 10 open)rg BdLan(e as per lasL Ealan(e Sheei { 10,15,67,14,900.00 510,15,67,14,900.00 11 Add : Received durjng the month/year 50.00 60.00 12 Closing B.lance 5 i0,15,67,14,900.00 510,15,67,14,900.00 1l Programme Funds received from Central Covernment for 60.00 6 0_00 Upgradation of PMGSY'll roads in Ptain Areas 14 Opening Batance as per tast Balance SheeL 50.00 50.m 15 add : Received during the month/year 5o.oo 50.00 16 Clo5inS B:lance 50.00 $0.00 17 Programme Funds received from CentraL Government for {'0.00 5o.m Upgradation of PMGSY ll roads in SpeciaL Areas 18 Opening Balance as per last Ealance Sheet 50.00 50.m 19 Add : Received durjng the month/year 50.00 <0.00 20 Closlng Balance 50.00 5 0.00 21 Programme Funds received from State Government for 5 0.clo { 0.00 ljpgradation of PMGSY ll roads in Ptain Areas 21 Opening gatance as per tast Balance Sheet {0.00 5 0.00 add : Received during the month/year 5 0.cto 5 0.00 23 Closing Balance 50.00 6 0.00 25 Proqramme Funds received faom State Government for {'0.00 {0.00 upgradation of PMGSY ll roads in Speciat Areas 26 Opening Batance as per tast Batance Sheet {,o.oo 50.00 27 Add : Received during the month/vear {0.00 n0.00 28 Closing Balance 80.00 a0.00 50.00 50.00 29 Funds received from MORD for Construction of Rurat Road Network Management Unit (RRNMU) by SRRDA 50.00 50.00 30 Opening Balance as per last Balance Sheet 6 0.00 11 Add : Received during the month/year F0.00 l? closin8 Balance 50.00 F 0-00 -. i 50.00 ll Funds received from MORD for Construction of Rur4\r. . 5 0.00 Road Training Research Centre {RRTRC) bv SRRDI" /--'I'.\ ri(li '), I .'r 34 opening Balance as pe'last Batance Sheet \iS-* ,' \ 5000 s0.00 \i1:J- r:'-r-z Y L ,/n Sr. No. Schedule No: Ll PLIGSY Current Year : 20 1 7-201 8 Previout Ye.r 1201 6_201 7 15 Add : Received ouring the month/year 50.00 50.00 36 ClosinS Balance 50.00 { 0.00 37 Centrat grant for State Ptan khemes received by SRRDA 50.00 5o.oo through state Treasury for construction of Rural Road Network Management Unit (RRNMU) 18 Opening Balance as per {ast Baiance Sheet 50.00 r0.00 l9 add : Received duang the month/year 50.0c 50.00 4c Closing Sahnce 50.00 50.0c 41 Centrai grant for State PLan Schemes received by SRRDA 50.00 50.m through State Treasury for Rural Road TraininS Research Centre (RRTRC) 42 Opening Balance as per last Ealan(e Sheet 5 0.00 50.00 43 Add : Re.eived during the month/year {0.00 5 0.00 44 Closing Balance n0.00 {0.00 45 CentraL grait for State PLan Schemes received by SRRDA 50.00 50.00 through State Treasury for Up_gradation of PMGSY_ll roads in Ptain Areas 46 Opening Batance as per tast Batance Sheet 50.00 50.00 47 Add : Received during the month/year 60.00 50.00 48 Clotlng Balance {'0.00 50.00 49 Centrat grant for SLate Plan Schemes received by SRRDA { 0.00 5 0.00 through state Treasury for Up_Sradation of PMGSY'll roads in Speciat areas 50 Openin! Balance as per tast Ealan(e Sheet 50.00 5 0.00 51 Add : Received during the month/year n0.c0 {0.00 52 Cloling Balance 1 0.00 6 0.00 53 Centrat grant for State Ptan Schemes received by SRRDA {0.00 {0.00 through State Treasury for PMG5Y_| Roads 54 Openinq Eatance as per last Batance Sheet 50.00 50.00 55 Add : Re.eived during the month/year 50.00 n0.m 56 ClosinS Balance 50.00 n0.cE 57 State Share of PMGSY Programme Fund 5o.oo' 50.00 58 Opening Bahnce as per last Batance Sheet 5 3l,54,O0,O0,OOO.OO 5 r8,54,00,00,000.00 59 Add : Received during the month/year 64,95,00,00,000.00 5 15,00,00,00,000.@ 60 cloting Balance { 17,55,62,56,533.C0 E 13,54,00,00,000.00 50.00 50.00 61 1.07 (l)Tender Premium 50.00 62 Opening Batance as per last Eatante Sheet 50.00 63 Add : Re€eived during the month/year 50.00 {0.00 50.00 50.00 64 Closing Balance 50.00 65 '1.07 (ll) B.idges lstate Share for bridges exceeding 25 50.00 meter span) 66 opening Balance as per last Batance sheet 50.00 {0.00 F0.00 5 0.00 67 Add : Received during the month/year 50.00 5o.oo 68 closing Ealance { 0.00 {0.0J 69 1.07(lll)^1i5c Receipts from the State Governrnenl 50.00 50.00 70 Opening BaLance as per tast Balance Sheet 50.m F0.00 71 Add : ReceiveJ during the month/ycar 50.00 50.00 72 Closing Balnnce r ?,07,20,40,08,533,00 t 1,a9,79,44,77,200.OO !- (n ( Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana PMGSY/SCH/F'528 PMGSY PROGRA}'U'[ FUND Schedule of lncidental Fundi and Mrscellaneous lncome (State) Referred to in paragraph. 15.4.'l and 15.4.3 of the l,lanual Year r 2017'2018 Name of SRRoA: Bihar- Rurat Works Department Sr. No. Schedule No: L2 INCIDENTAL FUNDS ANO Curr€nt Year Frevr:ous Year I,{|SCEL|-ANEOUS INCO 4E 2017-2018 7016-2017 1 lncidental Funds (generated from interest and other n 5 ,07 ,17 ,69 ,461 .40 {'3,73,78,69,019.40 receipts) as per the tast Balance Sheet 2 Add:Received during the month/year 5 2,86,43,25,860.00, € 1,37,54,13,880.00 3 Less:Transferred to (State detaits and { -75,03,64,0't4.00 € -4,15,13,438.00 authority fot the transfer) 4 Total n 7 ,17,s7,31 ,307 .40 F 5 ,07 ,17 ,69 ,461 .40 5 Miscellaneous lncome {As per the tast balance sheet) 6 Add:during the month d.0.00 {'0.00 7 Less: transferred to incidental funds 50.00 1' 0,00 8 Total 50.00 { 0.00 ('/ I !- 6 Pradhan rriantri.Grafl Sadak Yojana PMGSY/SCH/F.530 PMGSY PROGRAAAA4E FUND Schedule of Current Assets(state) Referedtoin paragraphs 14-4.2, 14.4-7, 15.4.1 and'15.4.3 of thel,lanual Year:2017-2018 Name Of SRRDA: Bihar- Rurat Works DeDartment Sr. No. SCHEDULE No. A 1 - CURRENTASSETS Particulara 1 A. Advances to contractors 50_00 2 Considered Safe (Completion date + 3 months is not yet over) { 86,76,66,780.00 3 Considered Un-safe (Comptetion date + 3 months are over) T -56,59,85,541.00 4 B. ililc. Works Advance 5 0.00 5 (a) Agajnst Contractors 5o.oo 6 (i) Considered Safe (Within Comptetion date + 3 monLhs , 50.00 7 (ii ) considered Un-Safe d 5,000.00 --7 8 (b) Against Staff r 0.00 9 '(c) Advances for DPR Preparation {'rl,62,4ro.oo 10 (C) Administrative Expenses Recoverable from the State 60.00, 11 l(D) Other ltems i -tt.i6.aii.66: 12 GrandTotal(A+B+C+D) rzl,ee,ii,Trool j t' t ( Pape 'l of 1 4$ft {88fl A,4(trt$stl.trslrdi. P{ge 1 ot 1 Pradhan l{antri 6ram Sadak Yojana P,IGSY/SCH/F-52C PI.TGSY PROGRA',TA4E FUND Schedule of Depo5it Repayable (State) Referred to in paragraphs '15.4. 1 and 15.4.3 ofthe Manual Year ', 1017 -2018 Name of SRRDA: Bihar- Rural Works DeDartment Sr. No. Schedule No: L3 DEPOSIT PAYABLE Current Year Previoui Year 2017-2018 2016-2017 1 Contractor's and Supptiels Outstandjng amount T 12,7 5,44,54,924.OO 5 9,36,28,26,891.00 as per the last BaLance Sheet 2 Add:Received during the month/year n 2,71 ,97 ,42,?93 .00 s 6,12,16,78,689.00 3 Less: Refunded during the month/year { -3,71,40,78,683.00 5 .2,73,00,76,81 1 .00 4 Total 5 11,76,01,18,534.00 n 12,75,44,54,924.00 I r j-;-:) : -:. ':'ii t'.' j ' I ( \''_-_'*)1.' \': .,; Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana PMGSY/SCH/F.5 2D PAIGSY PROGRA'.I,I.iE FUND Schedule of Current Liabilities(State) Refered to in paragraPhl '1 5 4' 1 and 1 5 4 3 of the l'lanual Year:2017-2018 Name Of SRRDA: Bjhar' Rurat Works Department Cuffent Year Paevious Year Sr. No. Schedule No: L4 CURRENT LlABlLlTlEs 2017-2018 2016-20',t7 1 A. Statutory taxes to be Paid 5 1,17,67,536.00 52,57,95,079.00 2 a) lncome tax (lncome tax , Surcharge and Educatjon cess to be shown sePerateLy ) 3 b) CommerciaL Tax { 6,41,51,987.00 T',9,27,60,185.00 4 c)Others { 9,22,56,993.00 { 12,43,51,213.00 516,81,76,516.00 5 24 ,29 ,0a,477 .00 5 Total 6 B. Un-paid Bills r 31,596.00 €0.00 5.1,94,966.00 5 -2,17,19,505.00 7 C. Amount payabte to the State Government 516,80,13,146.00 \ 27,1 1 ,68,972.0O iLlx ffi Y Pradn.n runtrl Gram s.dak Yoj.n. No(hlrsency. Rual woft Depadmeni Pr4ram rmols.nlrtlon (Plu) . tuG | 31ha. annu.l Account DebrE ld Slhrr LIn€ Hdd or A.cou.t Polramme Fuid r*ervd h,y trodaL 4ency fom col B3nk Authorietlon Arc@nt (8@6 of NodaL Agen.y, lftidenol Funds s€neBred riom ht*6t and lncidentar Rl E !r 2-. ::!da;.=6 Xl al O U r = :9I atu -E Ed x ; a .e XE a lrEo-=6T-.E- EI EI F z :l^^oE>:F!; al yl 7l ;E;Ebe=EE., ol !-,9UEiu934 .9::eo-.iEC.j,!l So.e?iE,i:-o" gl tu=ica!-, a1-::= O : U f, I'P C Y 2 : i&i = e 6 2= 6 t .vPtzd :=: ? -ii:.:>. .E=inr'-.=i424 € !n i t E ,i E- t F g e; Fi Y {'.1 " ; "; EL::E-:d-=-',^ =P: u .! r. o 9I " aaTro4tr_- 6 E Jr ; E; >. i" " - E 'f"--'- 1s -?9a.9 \"31oJ:' ' a; q! 9 E = iL a- ..t ^, >, t, 9.! a ) .= .^ ij --9O:964,^l'i Grl FI :E ...:.:Ei\ -i !.:ii2.'t a fl ;i\.la4i: o t *i::=i*r ? s " '..!-'= :!o F q !.? ., lrJ +o\ ;i6 ,-;^ I 4 r* 9d 4i1F > 5 BIHAR RURAL ROADS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BRS.ANNEXURE-B STATEMEN T OF B.D. Ofsale of BOQ Deposited but not clear upto 3143-2018 RS. P. Sl. No. Name of Division Date Amount L Arrah 04-05-2005 75000 2 Benipatt 25{2-2010 10000 Benipatt 06-03-2010 10000 4 Benipatt 06-05-2010 10000 5 Benipatt 26-09-2011 10000 6 Benipatt 17-O3-20r2 10000 7 chapra 24-O?-2074 288400 8 chapra 2A-O3-2074 1258L4 9 Chapra 28-03-20L4 364346 10 Chapra 28-03-2014 196469 11 DarbhanRa 12-09-2007 6000 L2 Dumraon 01-12-2009 10000 13 H.O. 31-03-2014 96s000 14 H.O. t7-12-2073 273299.45 15 H.O. 30-09-2014 755732 H.O. 31-03-2015 2440040 17 H.O. 29-09-20L4 236928 18 H.O. 29-O9-2014 !37571 19 H.O. 29-O9-20r4 981s3 20 H.O. 29-09-20!4 63886 2L H.O. 29-09-2014 105884 22 H.O. 29-09-2014 L45LLl 23 H.O. 29-09-2014 L32947 24 Hilsa 74-09-2009 5000 25 Hilsa 14-O9-200S 5000 26 Hilsa 14-09-2009 5000 27 Hilsa 14-09-2009 5000 Hilsa 14-09-2009 5000 29 Hilsa 14-09-2009 s000 30 Hilsa 14-09,2009 5000 31 Hilsa 14-09-2009 5000 32 Hilsa 14-09-2009 5000 33 Hilsa 22-O9-2009 10000 34 Hilsa 30,03-2009 5000 lehanabad L9-03-20L2 45000 36 Jehanabad 7943-20L2 30000 37 Jehanabad 79-O3-20L2 55000 38 Jehanabad 19-O3-2072 165000 39 Munger 18-03-2010 10000 40 Muzafferpu. East-2 26,06-2010 10000 4! Neemchak Bathan 24-O8-2072 10000 42 Neemchak Eathan L7 -08-ZOL2 10000 43 Neemchak Bathani 25-08-20t2 10000 44 Neemchak Bathan 26-08-2012 10000 45 Neemchak Bathan 27 48-20t2 10000 46 Neemchak Bathan 30-06-20L2 10000 47 Patna 15-03-2005 20000 Total- Annexure-B 69,25,586-45 v BIHAR RURAI" ROADS DEVEI.OPMENT AGENCY BRS.ANNEXURE.C wrongley Debited by Sank upto 31.03.2018 RS. P. Division S.No Name cheque no Date Amount 1 2 3 4 ePay/BR /91 /20 I 07.03.2018 4t ,82,232.00 1 Arer4i 7 -18t03t002 2 Aurangabad 29.12.2007 96,622.00 3 Aurangabad 27.05.2014 4,27,469.00 ch no. 411326 26,00,000.00 4 Aurangabad 02.07.15 5 Aurangabad chno.4l1327 10.07.15 4,40,000.00 ch no. 4l1328 6,14,278.00 6 Aurangabad 10.08.15 ch no. 544868 1,00,000.00 7 Aurangabad 20.02.16 ch no. 544867 2,00,000.00 8 Aurangabad 20.02.16 9 Banka-1 04.01.2017 4,52,79t.00 10 Benipatti 3r.03.2018 3,s3,287.00 fi Bettiah 01.10.2012 433.00 72 BhagalDur 3t t08/2014 2.868.00 -40.00 13 Biraul 26.02.2010 L4 Bimur tE-2-13 63.00 15 Bimur 6-813 250.00 16 Birpur 30.06.2013 85.00 77 Birpur 16.07.2013 500.00 18 Birpur 31.12.2013 15.00 L9 Birpur 30.06.20r4 20.00 20 Birpur 31.12.2014 50.00 2r Buxar Ch. No.986304 1,62,514.00 22 Buxar Ch. No 281 196 90.00 Darbhanga- l 30.06.20 3 20.00 24 Darbhanga- | 6.07.20 3 500.00 25 Darbhanga-l 31.12.20 3 120.00 26 Darbhanga- I 30.06.20 4 235.00 27 Darbhanga-1 3t.12.20 4 555.00 28 Darbhanga-l 07.09.20 2 63.00 29 Darbhanga-1 06.08.20 3 250.00 30 Daudnagar 30.06.15 10.20.444.00 31 Daudnagar 30.06.l5 21,34,767.00 32 Daudnagar t6.02.16 50,739.00 33 Daudnagar t6.02.16 4,47,334.00 34 Dhamdaha 1l .07.14 10,000.00 35 Dhamdaha 10.01.18 34,14,450.00 Gaya 22.03.2013 56.00 36 HO 13-04-2017 3236162 38 HO !8-04-20L7 L784288 39 Imamgani t6-05-2013 63.00 40 Imamqani l6-05-2013 63.00 47 Imamgani 30-06-2013 65.00 42 Imamsani 16-07 -2013 500.00 43 lmamqani 3t-t2-2013 85.00 44 Imamsani 30-06-2014 50.00 A\ 45 Jainagar 16.07.2013 500.00 46 Jainagar 10.08.2016 250.00 47 Jhanjharpur 04.04.t7 300.00 48 Jhanjharpur 880905 31.12.2011 2,00,000.00 49 Jhaniharpur 15.03.16 11,72,880.00 50 Kahal 01.06.2017 8,81,895.00 51 Khaqaria 16t07 t2013 500.00 52 Khagaria 3!12t2013 5.00 53 Khaqaria 13t08t2012 125.00 54 Klagaria 08-06-2013 2s0.00 55 Kharagpur Tarapur -600.00 56 Kharagpur Tarapur 70.00 57 Madhepura 30.06.2014 2,18,918.00 58 Madhepura 30.06.2014 63,642.00 59 Madhepura 03.11.2014 2s,200.00 60 Madhepura 0l.t r.2014 25,176.00 61 Madhepura 08.1r.2014 11,223.00 62 Madhepura 08.1t.2014 12,600.00 Maharaigani 03-07:2015 21,48,897.00 64 Maharaisani 03-07-2015 14,54,473 .00 65 Mahnar 25.12.2014 160.00 65 Mahnar 10.01.2015 393.00 67 Mahnar 10.01.2015 393.00 68 Motihari 28.08.2017 29.50 69 Motihari 24.0t.2017 s,80,890.00 70 Muzaff East- 1 03-03-20t2 -20,000.00 77 Nalanda 03.02.2016 561.00 72 Nawada 28.04.2015 8,22,932.00 73 Pakidyal I t-07-2014 63.00 74 Pakidyal 04/05/2016 183.00 75 Patna 29.04.t6 1,23,10,383.00 76 PhulaDarash 28.t0.2014 10.00 77 PhulaDarash 28.10.2014 30,000.00 7A Phulaparash 20.12.2014 20,000.00 79 Phulaparash 29-06-2015 -500.00 80 Sasaram-1 10.11.2014 86,290.00 81 Sasaram- l 10.11.2014 3,76,651.00 82 Sasaram-l 10.11.2014 3,72,126.00 83 Sasaram- I 03-03-2017 70,934.00 84 Sasaram- I 03-03-2017 2,05,81',t.00 85 Sheohar Ch. No.417688 09.01.2018 59,554.00 86 Sheohar 9.1.18 8,50,440.00 87 Sitamarhi 9.1.18 t9,30,230.00 88 Tekari 28-Nov-14 1,34,127.00 89 Tekari 3-Dec-14 53,651.00 Total Annexure-C 4,60,95,017.50 ry: BIHAR RURAL ROAOS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (gRs-Annexure-E) Amount received in bank but hot entered in OMiTAS upto 31.03.2018 RS. P, S.No Division Name Date Amount 1 2 3 4 1 ARA 08.01.2015 1,58,954.00 2 Bagaha- i 25.12.20t5 2,91,343.00 Bagaha- l 2s.06.201s 3.92.11 1.00 4 Basaha- | 25.06.20t6 2,89,446.00 5 Baqaha- l 25.09.2016 t,41,405.00 6 Baqaha- I 2s.12.2016 1,64,156.00 1 Basaha- I 2s.03.2017 1,64,089.00 8 Bagaha- | 25.06.2017 2,43,170.00 9 Bagaha- I 25.09.2011 2,11,232.00 10 Bagaha-1 25.t2.2017 r.97.905.00 11 Bagaha-1 25.03.2018 2,43,553.00 12 Basah^-2 3 r.03.20r 8 6',7,29,667.00 13 Ba sl Up to 31.03.2014 40,628.00 74 Ba st 30.06.2014 1 r,007.00 15 Baisi 25.12.2014 2l -889.00 Baisi 25/6/15 22,351.00 t7 Baisi 2s 2/15 18 Baisi 25/61t6 2,74,827.00 19 Bais 25t9/t6 3,60,657.00 20 Bais 25112/t6 3,58,630.00 2L Bais 2513117 3,89,642.00 22 Bais 25/6/17 12,21,040.00 23 Bais 25/9/17 14,14,738.00 24 Bais 2snzt1'7 13,3E,862.00 25 Bais 25/3118 13,06,152.00 26 Bais 25.t2.2014 1,104.00 27 Bais 25l6lt5 749.00 28 Bais 25/l2/ t5 768.00 29 Bais 25l6lt6 783.00 30 Baisi 25t9fi6 402.00 31 Baisi 25112/16 401.00 32 Bais 3|3117 401.00 33 Bais 25l6lt7 26,294.00 34 Baisi 2519lt7 23.321.00 35 Ba sl 2511.2/17 13,289.00 36 Ba sl 25/3^7 13,258.00 37 Ba SI Up to 31.03.2014 6,86,014.00 38 Ba st 30.06.2014 1 ,7 o,',t2t .00 39 Ba st 2s.t2.2014 817.00 40 Banka-1 25.03.2018 28,269.00 4t Banka-1 25.03-20t 8 85.00 42 Banka-2 l0-01-2017 80,010.00 43 Banka-2 t4-09-2016 50,700.00 44 Banka-Z 31-03-2017 49,333.00 45 Banka-2 Up to march l8 5,09,010.00 46 Banka-2 Up to march 18 4,42,114.00 47 Banka-2 22.0t.18 205.00 48 Belsand 25.12.17 37,820.00 49 Belsand 25.12,17 1,494.00 50 Benipur t9-07-2012 15,85,000.00 51 Benpatti 5,15,713.00 S.No Division Name Date Amount Bhabhua 25/6/16 1,86,008.00 53 Bhabhua 2519lt6 91,060.00 Bhabhua 25/12/t6 87,755.00 55 Bhabhua 25/3/17 80,525.00 56 Bhaqalpur 0 t -01-2015 82.00 57 Bhagalpur 0l -01-2015 44.00 58 Bhagalpur 0 t -01-2015 380.00 59 Bhaqalpur 0l -01-2015 24t.00 50 Biraul 1,83,244.00 Biraul 1,70,241.00 62 Biraul 62,446.00 63 Buxar 2s-06-2017 3,935.00 64 Buxar 25-12-2017 3,137.00 55 Buxar 25-03-2018 3.130.00 66 Chapra-1 t0.12.2013 18,30,243.00 67 Chapra-l 09.01.2014 9,31,466.00 68 Danapur 25.06.t6 693.00 69 Danapur 25.09.16 356.00 70 Danapur 25.12.16 355.00 71 Danapur 25.03.17 355.00 Darbhanga-1 20.o4.2011 100.00 73 DarbhalJga-2 2s.03.17 1,696.00 74 Darbhanga-2 25.06.17 5,096.00 75 Darbhanga-2 25.09.17 4,749.00 76 Darbhanga-2 2s.t2.t7 4,497.00 77 Darbhanga-2 25.03.18 4,486.00 7A Darbhanga-2 25.03.t7 602.00 79 Darbhanga-2 2s.06.11 1,673.00 80 Darbhanga-2 25.09.1',7 767.00 81 Darbhanga-2 25.12.t1 726.00 a2 Darbhanga-2 25.03.18 724.00 83 Daudnagar 27.09.14 4,17,593.00 84 Dhamdaha 28.09.12 30.00 85 Dhamdaha 28.09.12 10,000.00 85 Forbessani 25.6.16 59,990.00 87 Forbesgan 25.9.16 r6_500.00 88 Forbesgan 25.t2.16 30,471.00 89 Forbesgani 25.3.11 1,71,573.00 90 Forbesgan 2s.6.17 1,01,813.00 9r Forbesgad 25.9.17 70,734.00 92 Forbesgani 25.12.t7 59,5t7.00 93 Forbesqan 25.3.2018 43,668.00 94 Forbesgan up to 31.3.14 49,477.00 95 Forbesgaq 30,6.14 t3,944.00 96 Forbesgan 25.12.14 17,741.00 97 Forbessani 25.06.1s 24,378.00 98 Forbesqani 25.12.15 8,482.00 99 Forbesgani 25.06.16 5,385.00 100 Forbesgaiu 25.09.16 2,949.00 101 Forbesgant 25.12.16 2,8t4.00 702 Forbesgan 5,949.00 Forbessan 25.6.17 7,281.00 103 b, S.No Div sion Name Date Amount 704 Forbesgan 25.9.t'.7 6,704.00 105 Forbesgan 25.t2.17 6.347.00 105 Forbessan 25.3.18 6.332.00 107 Forbesgani up to 31.3.2014 108 Forbesgan 30.6.2014 2,t7,E21.00 109 Forbesgan 25.t2.2014 665.00 110 Forbesgan 25.6.15 49.00 111 Forbesgan 25.12.15 1.00 L!2 Gooalsani-l 20.04.16 6,r 3,814.00 113 Haiigur 22.09.11 1,61,503.00 t74 Haiipur 22.09.t4 2,94,179.00 115 Haiipur 26.t2.14 7,87,960.00 116 Haiipur 26.03.15 6,25,255.00 rLl Hathua 25-06-2016 238.00 118 Hathua 25-09-2016 122.00 119 Hathua 25-t2-2016 122.00 !20 Hathua 25-03-2017 122.00 72! Hathua 25-06-2016 8.00 722 Jahanabad 25-06-2017 2,38,436.00 !23 Jahanabad 25/09111 2,40,840.00 724 Jahanabad 25/12/17 2,40,624.00 L25 Jahanabad 25t03/\8 2,40,353.00 L26 Jahanabad 25-06-2017 52,436.00 727 Jahanabad 25109117 48,863.00 Jahanahad 25lt2lt7 46,267.00 129 Jahanabad 25t03n8 46,158.00 130 Jahanabad 25-06:2017 2,31,205.00 131 Jahanabad 25/09117 2,33,179.00 732 Jahanabad 25t12/11 2,32,9? 0.00 133 Jahanabad 25/031t8 2,32,707.00 134 Kahalgaon 25.06.201',1 s,493.00 135 Kahalgaon 31.07.2017 1,226.00 136 Kahalgaon 25.t2.2017 312.00 137 Kahalgaon 25.03.201',1 312.00 138 Kahalgaon 25.09.20t7 33,008.00 139 Kahalgaon 21.12.2017 43,112.00 140 Kahalgaon 25.03.2018 41,767.00 14t Khagaria 30-06-20t4 t2,35,876.00 142 Kiagaria 25-12-2014 7,35,219.00 143 Khagaria 25-06-2016 2,69,261.00 144 Khaga a 25-09-2016 1,35,363.00 L45 Khagaria 25-12-2016 1,32,686.00 146 Khagaria 25-03-2017 61,715.00 25.6.16 1,46,195.00 t47 Kishansani- 1 148 K shangan -l 25.9.16 a7,162.00 749 K shangan -l 25.12.16 84,564.00 Kishansa4i-l 25.3.16 84-469.00 150 2s.6.16 13,081.00 151 Kishansani-2 25.9.16 9,946.00 752 Kishangani2 ry S.No Divasion Name Date Amount 25.t2.16 10,224.00 153 Kishansani-2 25.3.16 9,044.00 154 Kishansani-2 25.12.16 12,690.00 155 Kishangan i-2 25.3.16 54,651.00 156 Kishanqani-2 LS1 Kishangan 25.6.16 13,081.00 158 Kishansani-2 25.9.16 9,946.00 159 Kishangan 25.12.16 10,224.00 160 Kishansani-2 25.3.16 9,044.00 161 Kishansarl 25.12.t6 i2,690.00 162 Kishanga, 25.3.16 54,651.00 163 Kishangan 3r-03-20r 8 24.397.00 164 Kishangan 3r-03-2018 2,83,351.00 165 Lakhisarai 25-06-2016 1,07,569.00 166 Lakhisarai 25-09-2016 2,65,391.00 761 Lakhisam 25-t2-20t6 2,66,563.00 168 Lakhisara 25-03-20t7 2,59,226.00 169 Lakhisara 25-06-2016 8,462.00 l't0 Lakhisara 25-09-2016 3,428.00 111 [,akiisara 25-12:2016 3,425.00 172 Lakhisarai 25-03-2017 3,421.00 773 Lakhisarai 25-06-2017 2,39,904.00 L74 Lakhisarai 25-09-2017 2,68,493.00 t75 Lakhisarai 25-12-2017 t76 Lakhisarai 25-03-20tE 2.70.400.00 L77 Lakhisarai 25-06-20L7 90-995.00 fla Lakhisarai 25-09-2017 9s,580.00 !79 Lakhisarai 25-12-2017 34,517.00 180 Laklisarai 25-03-2018 30,439.00 181 Madhepura 05.o1.2014 5,12,845.00 L82 Madhepura 29.03.2014 4,68,792.00 183 Madhepura 03.04.2014 6,59,174.00 184 Madhepura 30.06.2014 2,31,996.00 185 Madhepura 31.12.20t4 1.849.00 186 Madhepura 09.01.2014 28,18,t50.00 187 Madhepura 30.06.2014 11,78,317.00 188 Madhepura 25.12.2014 2,61,779.00 189 Madhepura 2s.06.2015 2,E9,596.00 190 Madhepura 25.12.2015 2,87,614.00 191 ManihaulBakhari 31.03.20t 6 92.920.00 !92 Man haul Bakhari 30.06.2017 I 1,197.00 193 Maq haul Bakhari 30.09.2017 5,554.00 !94 Man haul Bakhari 31.12.201 9,372.00 195 Manihaul Bakhari 31.03.2017 9,006.00 196 Masaurhi 25.03.t8 38.00 797 Masaurhi 25.03.18 r4.00 198 Motihari t9.01.2015 42,26,914.00 199 Motihari 0s.02.2015 ,,35,497.00 200 Motihari 05.02.2015 10,000.00 20! Motihari 01.02.201s s4,199.00 P s,No Division Name Date Amount 202 Munger 25.03.18 8,351.00 203 Narkatiyaqani Up to mar-lE 1,50,75,907.00 204 Pakidyal 25-t2-2014 24,901.00 205 Pakidyal 25-06-2015 1,19.107.00 206 Pakridyal 25-12-20ts 1.26.401.00 207 Pakidyal 25-06-2016 1,28,314.00 208 Pakridyal 25-09-2016 66,684.00 209 Pakidyal 25-12-20t6 71,094.00 270 Pakidyal 25-O1-2011 68,369.00 2Lt Pakidyal 25-062017 69,671.00 272 Pakidval 25-09-2017 69,?38.00 2t3 Pakidval 25-12-201',7 14,416.00 2t4 Pakridval 25-03-20t8 67,779.00 215 Patna UPTO 31.03.1E 1,07,10,110.00 216 Patna Upto 31.08.18 1,69,754.00 2!7 Phulparash 25.06.2016 2.00 2L8 Phulparash 25.06.201s 14,968.00 219 Phulparash 25.12.20t5 r5,351.00 220 Phulparash 25.06.2016 22,689.00 221 Phulparash 2s.09.2016 13,380.00 Phulparash 2s.12.20t6 13,368.00 223 Phulparash 25.01.2011 13,353.00 224 Pupri 2s-06-2016 1,26,091.00 225 Pupri 25-09-2016 4,26,317.00 226 PuDri 2s-t2-2016 4.00.398.00 227 Pupri 25-03-2017 228 Pupri 25-06-2016 15,030.00 229 PuDri 25-09-20t6 7,708.00 230 Pupri 25-12-2016 61,937.00 23L Pupri 25-03-2017 1,17,845.00 232 Raiauli 400.00 Raiauli 50.00 234 Raxaul Up to mar-I8 61,350.00 235 Samastipur t2-01-2012 236 Sasaram-l 09.05.2013 11,195.00 237 Sasaram- I 25-06-20t6 4,32,293.00 238 Sasamm-l 25-092016 2,r 6,810.00 239 Sasaram-1 25-11-20t6 2,04,401.00 240 sasamm-1 2s-03-2017 r,93,982.00 241 Sasaram-2 30-06-2014 6,89,924.00 242 Sasaram-2 25-t2-2014 t,635.00 243 Sasaram-2 25-06-2016 6,671.00 244 Sasaram-2 25-09-20t6 67.00 Ar' l S.No Division Name Date Amount 245 Sasaram-2 25-12-2016 67.00 246 Sasaram-2 25-06-2015 1,114.00 247 Sasaram-2 25-12-2015 59.026.00 248 Sasaram-2 2s-06-2016 34,922.00 249 Sasaram-2 25-09-20t6 13,101.00 Sasaram-2 25-11-2016 8,722.00 251 Sasaram-2 25-03-2017 8,196.00 252 Siwan-2 2s-062016 2,45,14t.00 2s3 Siwan-2 25-09.,2016 1,25,712.00 254 Siwan-2 25-12-2016 1,25,599.00 255 Siwan-2 25-03-20t7 1,25,458.00 256 Siwan-2 25-06-20t7 1,29,510.00 257 Siwan-2 25-09-2017 1,30,816.00 Siwan-2 25-12-2017 1,30,699.00 259 Siwan-2 25-03-2017 1,30,552.00 260 Teshra 3 t.03.17 4,48,073.00 261 Teghra 25.06.17 1,50,404.00 262 Teghra 25.09.17 1.67.358.00 263 Teehra 25.12.t7 1,88,315.00 2@ Teghra 25.03.18 t,93,259.00 TotalAnnexure-E 9,31,34,175.(x) a, BIHAR RURAL ROADS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BRS.ANNEXURE-g Cheque lssued but not.lear upto 31-03-2018 RS. P. Pavment booked ir OMMAS Divisiol Name E-payment advise No./Cheque Amount Sl. No. No. Vch Dt. I 2 3 4 8 7 Arerai eP^y /BFJg 1 /20 1 7 -1 El03 I 0 I 4 30.03.2018 15,43 ,E24 .00 2 Arerai eP lBN 9 D0 1 I 7- 1 I I 03 I 0 I 8 31.03.2018 28,99,404 .00 ^y Arerai eP^y/BNg | 120I7 -1El03/01'l 31.03.2018 13,12,025.00 4 Aremi eP dy lBN9 1 120 17 - I 81 03 /01 6 31.03.2018 19,30,674.00 5 Arerai ePay lBN9 I 120 l'7 - I 81 03 /0 1 5 3 r.03.2018 83,85,373.00 6 Arerai 44t244 31.03.2018 11,54,894.00 7 Arerai 441247 31.03.20r 8 9,58,503.00 8 Areraj 441246 3 t.03.2018 5,77,447.00 9 Aurangabad ch.No.158090 31.03.20t4 15,040.00 10 Aurangabad chno.242907 t 9.03.2016 3 ,t7 ,79,949 .00 11 Aurangabad chno.242908 19.03.20t6 1,19.74.885.00 t2 Aurangabad ch.No.534655 31.03.2014 43,72,832.00 13 Auranqabad ch.No.56436l 04.09.20r5 34,73 ,27 5 .00 14 Aurangabad 31,98,047.00 15 Aurangabad eP a\ lBN2/ 20 1 1 - 1 I I 03 I 0 42 30/03/2018 12,98,600.00 16 Aurangabad eP ay / BRJ2/20 1 7 - 1 8 I 03 /04 5 31103n018 4,60,057.00 17 Aurangabad eP /BN2/20 I 7 - | I I 03 / 0 4 6 3110312018 16,61,334.00 ^y 41t375 14.08.2015 18 Aurangabad -10,00,000.00 41 1398 12.02.2016 19 Aurangabad -1,00,000.00 544830 16.02.2016 20 Aurangabad 2,000.00 544863 16.02.2016 2L Aurangabad 23.472.00 411388 12.02.2016 22 Auranqabad 5,07,200.00 23 Bagha I ePav/BN | 4912016-17 /02/021 24.02.t7 27,000.00 24 Bagha 1 986091 2.01.17 -s.00 Bagha 1 563140 20.12.16 5,41,617.00 26 Basha 1 830734 31.03.18 53,5',72.00 27 Bacha I 830735 3 r.03.18 46.874.00 28 Basha I 830736 31.01.18 93,749.00 29 Bagha I 563160 31.03.18 2,90,803.00 30 Basha I 563161 31.03.18 1,38,338.00 Basha I 563162 31.03.18 2,90,803.00 32 Basha 2 ePay/BRrl 50/201 7-1 6/03/003 30-03.18 11,58,877.00 33 Baeha 2 ePav/BR iI s 0/20I7- l 8/03/004 30.03.18 20,37,313.00 34 B^Eh^ 2 ePayBR/l50/20I7-l 8/03/005 30.03.18 14,19,366.00 35 Bas.ha2 ePayIBN | 5012017 -|8103/006 30.03.18 7,99,957.00 36 B^sha2 ePav lBN1s0/2017 -18/03 /007 30.03.18 9,2t,915.00 v 37 Bagha 2 30706',7 09.03.r 8 1,38,990.00 Paymert bookcd in OMMAS Division Name E-pryment advis€ No./Chequc Sl. No. Vch Dt. No. 38 Basha- l I l.l t.2004 54,616.00 39 Bais 31.08.2017 s63330 68.212.00 40 Bais 31.08.2017 563331 34,106.00 47 Bais 31.08.2017 563332 1,28,255.00 42 Bais 30t3/t8 388357 1,38,710.00 43 Bais 30t3/18 3883 58 1,22,909.00 44 Bais 3013lt8 388359 3,87,358.00 45 Bais 29/3118 epay-03/011 8,57,404.00 46 Balia 00390r 08.03.18 14,068.00 47 Banka- l 465474 30.03.t 8 s,62,198.00 48 Banka- I 465475 30.03.18 2,88,213.00 49 Banka-2 epaykr I 7 E I 20 1 7 - | 8 / 02 I 03 4 23.02.18 1,18,005.00 50 Banka-2 219947 30.03.2018 3,18,121.00 51 Banka-2 epay lbt l7 8120 I 7 - 18/03 I 03 5 31.03.18 16,74,485.00 52 Banka-2 er'ay br / 7 8 I 20 | 7 - 1 8/ 03 I 03 6 31.03.18 3s ,42,633 .00 53 Banka-2 epay lbt I 7 I I 20 l'7 - | I / 03 I 037 31.03.18 7,82,654.00 54 Banka-2 2t9950 31.03.t 8 1,17,05,301.00 55 Barh 655860 28t03t20t8 1,12,869.00 56 Barh 655861 28/0312018 47,366.00 Barh 655862 31/0312018 't0,162.00 51 58 Barh 655863 3t/03t2018 35,081.00 59 Barh 655864 31t03t2018 70,162.00 60 Barh 655865 31/0312018 2,23,9'.79.00 67 Barsoi 986145 07.12.2011 6,975.00 62 Barso ePav IBN 106/2017 -18103 /024 30.03.2018 19,15,750.00 53 Barso 219770 31.03.2018 18,21,569.00 64 Barso 219771 31.03.2018 I1,57,230.00 65 Barso 219772 31.03.2018 19,',79,662.00 56 Barso 456 31.03.2018 51,223.00 67 Barso 451 31.03.201E 25,611.00 68 Barso 458 31.03.201E 51,970.00 eP ay lBN 4 I 20 1'l - I I I 03 I 00 5 29t03t2018 4,18,471.00 59 Begusarai Begusarai 446478 31103/2018 2,34,302.00 70 Begusarai 446477 31t0312018 1,73,650.00 1L 446479 3103t2018 1,17,153.00 Begusarai 446441 43103 872.00 73 Begusarai 446458 43103 936.00 74 Begusarai 446489 43103 2,613.00 75 Begusarai 446490 43103 436.00 76 Begusarai 446432 43103 12,82s.00 77 Begusarai 446467 43103 t,27,136.00 78 Begusarai 15.09.16 32,191.00 79 Belsand 223918 01.12.16 3,92,731.00 80 Belsand 381676 0st0912016 -3,80,490.00 81 Benipati 531324 29.-03.r 8 8,97,209.00 82 Bhabhua 531325 29.-03.18 17,94,418.00 83 Bhabhua 108193 28.03.2018 36,069.00 84 Bikmmsaqi h! Payment booked in OMMAS I)ivision Name E-payment sdvise NoJchoque Arnoutrt Sl. No. No. Vch Dt 85 Bikramgani 108195 28.03.2018 2,16,568.00 86 Bikrammni 108197 28.03.2018 4,37,138.00 87 Bikamqani 62684t 28.03.2018 2.051.00 88 Bikamsani 626842 28.03.2018 12,308.00 89 Bikramsani 626844 28.03.2018 2,051.00 90 Bikamganj 626843 28.03.2018 4.103.00 91 Bikamsani epav IBRJ 1 29 1201 7 - I 81 0'7 1007 07.7.2017 2,09,234.00 92 Biraul 6392E9 30-03-2018 10,35,726.00 Biraul 639288 30-03-2018 20,'7 1 ,457 .00 94 Biraul 100470 24.02.2010 40.00 95 Chapra-1 103676 .01.2010 20,61,434.00 96 Chapra-1 5t3184 31.12.13 9,405.00 97 Charfia-2 562579 02.07.2015 s00.00 98 Chapra-2 562583 06.10.2015 45,383.00 99 Chapra-2 860262 21.01.2015 1,38,651.00 100 Ch^pra-2 392324 24.02.2018 1,10,754.00 101 Chapra-2 392323 24.O2.2014 55,3'.77.00 702 Chapra-2 392327 31.03.2018 1,51,204.00 103 Dalsinghsarai 31.03.18 20,71,085.00 104 Danapur 419538 28.03.18 1,42,520.00 105 Danapur 419541 28.03.18 6,06,430.00 106 Danapur 419540 28.03.18 1,00,794.00 107 Danapur 419542 28.03.18 1,00,794.00 108 Danapur 4t9543 26.03.18 50,397.00 109 Danapur 419545 29.03.18 32.810.00 110 Danapur 419544 29.03.18 42,932.00 lLl Danapur 4t9546 29.03.18 42,932.00 7L2 Danapur 419547 29.03.18 21,466.00 113 Darbhanga- I 484029 29.03.2018 1,42,635.00 114 Darbhanga-1 484030 29.03.2018 2,21,195.00 115 Darbhanga-1 484031 29.03.2018 1,13,597.00 116 Darbhanqa-l 484010 11.o1.20)1 56.404.00 177 Darbhanga-2 eP ay IBFJ 9 0 I 20 1 7 - | 8 / 03 I 0 12 27.03.2018 17,08,078.00 118 Darbhanga-2 ePay/BPJ90/20 I 7-1 8/l 2/008 30.12.2017 2,03,630.00 119 Daudnagar eP lBr /'7'7 1201 7 - I I 103/033 31.03.18 12,44,343 .00 ^y 120 Daudnagar eP ay lBr /'7 7 1201 7 -1 8/03 /03 4 31.03.18 t6,44,320 .00 72t Daudnagar eP av / Br / 7 7 I 20 l'7 - | 8 I 03 I 03 5 3 t.03.18 27,06,278.00 722 Daudnagar ePay /Br/7 7 12017 - | 8/ 03 I 036 31.03.18 29,19,652.00 723 Daudnagar eP ay lBr I 7 7 I 20 I 7 - I 8 / 03 I 037 31.03.18 10,81,919.00 !24 Daudnagar eP ay lBr /7 7 1201 7 -1 8/03 103 E 31.03. t 8 3,25,154.00 125 Daudnagar eP ay /Br l7 7 120 17 -1 8/03 I 039 31.03.18 3,99,045.00 Dhaka IBN 9 6 / 20 I 7 - 1 8 I 02 / 009 eP ay 31.03.2108 23,36,734.00 127 Dhaka ePay/BR/96/20 I 7-l 8/03/008 31.03.2108 12,18,099.00 728 Dhaka eP av I BN 9 4 I 20 17 - 1 8 / 03 /0 1 0 31.03.2108 4,34,523.00 !29 Forbesgani 557130 4.12.14 16,823.00 130 Forbessani 29.12.2014 16,19,624.00 131 Forbesgani eP ay IBN 7 5 /20 I 7- I I I 03 / 033 29/03/2018 43,81,020.00 132 Gaya E-P ay /BN 1 2 /20 I 7 - I E I 03 / 039 18.03.2018 26,65,696.00 'i_- Pryment booked in OMMAS Division Name E-payment advise No./Cheque Amount Sl. No. No. Vch Dt, 133 Gaya E-Pay /BN 1212017 -18103/040 18.03.2018 49,E2,572.00 134 Caya E Pay IBRJ I2I20 1 7 -1 EI03/04 I 18.03.2018 5,07,981.00 135 Gaya E-P IBN | 21 20 1 7- 1 I / 03 / 0 42 18.03.2018 1t,35,919.00 ^y 136 Gaya E-P ay IBN 1 2 I 20 I 7 - 1 I I 03 I 0 43 18.03.2018 7,01,766.00 137 Gaya E-P lBN 12 / 20 I 7 - | I / 03 / 0 4 4 18.03.2018 4,04,197.00 ^y 138 Caya E -Pay/BN 1212017 -18103/045 18.03.2018 2,',7 5,',t05 .00 139 Gaya E-P av /BRl 1 2/20 I 7- 1 Al $ /O41 18.03.2018 4,61,975.00 140 Gaya 618219/31.03.18 31.03.2018 11,08,265.00 !4L Caya 618220/3 r.03.r 8 31.03.2018 14,49,7',7 8.00 L4Z Gaya 6r 8221/3 r.03.18 31.03.201E 23 ,49,662.0A L43 Gaya 618222131 .03 .18 3l.03.2018 7,t5,194.04 t44 Gogari 528896 26.09.2014 5,11,248.00 145 Gogari s28922 27 t03/201s 27,364.00 146 Cosari 12505 27lt2n0tt 9,73,149.00 147 Gogari 528896 26109n014 5,11,248.00 144 Gogari s28922 27 t03t2015 27,364.00 149 Cosari 573149 2711212011 9,73,149.00 150 Gogari 267640 31.3.2018 6,45,942.00 151 Cosari 26764t 31.3.2018 4,23,015.00 152 Gogari 267642 31.3.2018 8,46,030.00 153 uoqan 267644 31.3.2018 t 1,672.00 154 Uogar 310449 31.3.2018 35,140.00 155 Cogari 310450 31.3.2018 17,570.00 1s6 Gosari 3t0452 3r.3.2018 35,140.00 157 coDalsani-l 28.03.2018 24,77,650.00 158 Copalqani- I 28.03.2018 8,72,842.00 159 CoDalsani-l 29.03.2018 2,73,185.00 160 Gooalqani-l 31.03.2018 I 1,63,0&.00 151 GoDalqani-l 30.07.2010 9,489.00 !62 Haiipur 31.03.2018 854364 rs,830.00 153 Haiipur 31.03.2018 854365 31,660.00 ePaylBN 146/20 1,47,766.00 t7-18t03/004 L54 Haiipur 27 .03.201E 165 Hamaut 513793 29-03-2018 3,84,946.00 166 Hamaut 234863 2E-03-2018 2,169.00 767 Hamaut 234862 28-03-2016 38,938.00 168 Hamaut 234864 28-03-2018 ?5,400.00 169 Hathua 600138 12.02.20t5 1,00,000.00 !70 Hathua 600139 12.02.2015 4,64,857.00 771 Hathua 600140 12.02.2015 2,42,000.00 172 Hathua 201041 3l-03-2018 2,96,858.00 173 Hathua 201042 3l-03-2018 39,618.00 !74 Hilsa eP ay /BN 120/ 20 1 7- | 8 I 03 I 0 1 4 31.3.2018 2,12,878.00 !75 Hilsa eP dy/BN 12012017 -18/031015 31.3.2018 5,22,496.00 t76 Hilsa 689139 3|0312018 2,59,268.00 171 Hilsa 689140 31/03/201E 15,099.00 L78 Hilsa 68914t 31103/2018 1,56,624.00 Payment booked ir OMMAS Division Name E-paymGnt advise No,/Cheque Amount Sl. No. No, Vch Dt L79 H lsa 689t42 3ll03/2018 1,33,520.00 180 H sil 909775 27 /031201E 46,635.00 181 Hilsa 90977',7 3v03t2018 3,192.00 L82 H lsa 909178 1t /o312018 6,384.00 183 Hilsa 909',779 3103/2018 2,03,931.00 184 Imamganj 531186 25.03.t4 39,92,828.00 185 Imamganl 531032 l't.12.14 33,84,054.00 186 Imamgani 423472 01.08.15 5,48,927.00 147 Imamqan 423581 31.08.15 1,34,244.00 188 Imamgan 279910 3r.03.18 4,14,663.00 189 Imamgani 279912 31.03.t8 2,s2,371.00 190 Imamgani 279911 3l.03.18 5,04,746.00 191 Jehanabad v00154 31.03.2018 17,81,946.00 792 Jehanabad v00155 31.03.2018 2,83,155.00 193 Jehanabad v00156 31.03.2018 3,52,37 4.00 794 Jehanabad v00164 04.03.2018 2,56,981.00 195 Jehanabad v00165 04.03.2018 3,91,833.00 196 Jhan hamur 561182 8.'.|.17 4,13,067.00 197 Jhan harpur 561260 21.4.11 57,903.00 198 Jhan harpur s61189 22.t1.t7 30,227.00 199 Jhan hamur 001722 30.06.16 46,26,081.00 200 Jhan harpur epay 28.3.1E 1.3,66,420.00 201 Jhan harpur epay 28.3.18 23,67,346.00 202 Jhan hamur 29.3.18 12,44,E03 .00 203 Jhan harpur 2s653 31.3.18 s,06,867.00 204 Jhan hamur 25654 31.3.1E 7,86,624.00 205 Jhan harpur 2565s 3 | .3.18 3,93,310.00 206 Jhan harpur 95ss023 30.11.09 1,07,152.00 207 Jhan harpur 880899 26.01.12 30,000.00 208 Jhan harDur 511882 22.02.14 6,42,485.00 Jhan hamur 253871 13.01.15 79,95 ,333 .00 209 Jhan hamur 253872 13.01.15 14,06,627.00 210 27L Jhan harpur 2E3873 13.01.15 22,29,363 .00 212 lhaniharpur 253874 13.01.15 10,14,803.00 Katihar E Payment 3 r.03.2018 30,t2,525 .00 273 274 Katihar 504279 3 r.03.2018 4,15,808.00 504280 31.03.2018 8,31,616.00 215 Katihar 29103/201E 2,52,932.00 216 Kharagpur Tarapu 432004 29t0312018 1,14,103.00 2t7 Kharamur Tarap[ 432003 29t03t20tE 2,09,998.00 218 Kharagpu Tarapr 432002 ePay IBPJ 1812017 -|8106/004 23.06.2017 4,57,610.00 219 K shangan -t €PaytsR/I8/20I 7-I 8/06/009 24.06.2017 64,008.00 220 K shanqani-1 635810 30t0312018 26,92,105.00 221 K shangan 222 K shangani-2 6358r l 30/03t20t8 51,44,081.00 63581.2 3010312018 5,961.00 223 K shanganj-2 63s813 30/03/2018 s,961.00 224 K shangani2 635814 3010312018 11,922.00 225 K shangani-2 3|0312018 1,22,395.00 . 226 Kishanganj-2 635815 Payment booked in OMMAS DivisiooName D-payment adviseNo,lCheque Amount Sl. No. No. Vch Dt. 227 Kishanqan 635816 31/03/201E 61,196.00 224 Kishanmn 2 635817 3t/031201a I,22,395.00 229 Kishanqan 2 ePay/BR/ I 08/20 I 7-1 8/03/052 30/03/20r8 2s,98,981.00 230 Kishansani-2 eP aylBN t 08/20 1 7- I 8/03 /057 31/03n018 t2,30,994.00 237 Maharaisani t27821 3 r.03.2018 9,24,339.00 232 Maharaigan 127822 31.03.2018 9,54,385.00 233 Maharaigan 127820 31.03.2018 4,77,192.00 234 Mahamigan 642938 25.09.2017 21,379.00 235 Maharaigan ePayIBN 14212011 -18/03 /019 31.03.2018 16,49,708.00 236 Maharaigani ePav IBN 142/2017 -1El031020 31.03.2018 21 ,57 ,9t2.00 237 Maharaigaqi ePdy IBN 14212017 -18103/021 31.03.2018 8,66,411.00 238 Maharaisani ePay IBN 142/2017 -181031022 3l.03.2018 8,70,598.00 239 Maharaisani eP av IBFJ | 42 /20 I 7 - | 8 I 03 I 023 3l.03.2018 12,87,093.00 240 Maharaisani eP ay IBPJ I 42 / 20 I 7 - 1 8 I 03 I 02 4 31.03.2018 12,54,425 .00 247 Maharaigarli eP ay IBPJ I 4A 20 | 7 - 1 8 / 03 I 025 31.03.2018 4,14,448.00 16,64,509.00 242 Maharaigani eP ay /BN 1 42 I 20 I 7 - 1 I / 03 / 02 6 31.03.2018 243 Mahua 180980 01.06.12 1,41,616.00 244 Mahua t80999 04.08.12 I,22,528.00 245 Mahua l8l0l3 17.10.12 20,806.00 246 Mahua 180969 31.03.12 2,13,826.00 247 Mahua 520080 I5.01.15 8,40,950.00 244 Mahua 520081 15.01.15 1.2,60,67 5 .00 249 Mahua 520082 15.01.15 28,18,046.00 250 Mahua 520083 15.01.5 4,11,373.04 2sL Mahua 150335 31.03.12 48,783.00 Mahua 150338 01.06.12 2,754.00 253 Mahua 150346 04.09.12 l r,880.00 254 Masaurhi 52t057 21.09.2013 17,530.00 Masaurhi eP ay IBPJ I 2 5 / 20 I 7 - 1 E I 03 / 00 5 3l-03-20t 8 58,11,612.00 25s Masaurhi 43178 31t03n018 1,96,131.00 256 257 Masaurhi 43179 3103t20t8 1,08,711.00 Masaurhi 43180 3103t2018 2,17,424.00 258 Masaurhi 43182 31/0312018 1,61,173.00 259 Masaufii 43183 31t03t2018 64,239.00 260 Masaurhi 43184 3110312018 6s,297.00 26L Mohania 31.03.18 24,57,4',70.00 262 Motihari ePaylBFJ l1 12017 -lE/031024 21.03.2018 1,65,574.00 263 Motihari eP ay lBN I I I 20 - | 8 / 03 I 0 57 29.03.2018 12,15,014.00 264 1 7 eP ay IBPU I 1 I 20 | 7- I / 03 / 0 49 29.03.2018 25,89,367.00 265 Motihari 1 64451I 29.03.2018 4,34,1',|6.00 266 Motihari 6445t2 29.03.2018 6,54,600.00 261 Motihari 644513 29.03.2018 14,26,280.00 268 Motihari 644514 29.03.2018 t6,69,302.00 269 Motihari 644515 29.03.2018 55,418.00 210 Motihari 644516 29.03.2018 8,34,650.00 27t Motihari 644517 29.03.2018 1612,920.00 272 Motihari 28.03.2018 18,82,712.00 MuzaffaDur East 808674 tv 273 Peyment booked id OMMAS Division Name E-payment advise NoJCheque Amount Sl. No. No, Vch Dt. 274 Muzaffarpur East 808676 31.03.2018 86,712.00 275 Muzaffamur East 808677 31.03.2018 43,356.00 276 Muzaffarpur East 808678 31.03.2018 86,712.00 217 Nalanda 002100 23.09.20t6 2,53,544.00 218 Nalanda 495576 23.09.2016 1,93,346.00 279 Nalanda 495577 23.09.2016 2,20,919.00 280 Nalanda ePay/03/011 3l.03.20t 8 7,75,911.00 28! Nalanda eP^y/03/012 31.03.2018 2,33,090.00 282 Nalanda 495649 3l.03.2018 1,99,736.00 283 Nalanda 495650 31.03.2018 2,33,977.00 284 Nalanda 495652 3l.03.2018 2,53,628.00 28s Nalanda 495651 3l.03.2018 1,26,813.00 286 Narkatiaqan ePay/BR./ I 521201 7- I 8/03/0 | 5 29.03.18 1,39,710.00 287 Narkatiagan eP ay /BN I 52/20 11 - I 81 03 I 0 I 6 29.03.18 6,10,830.00 288 Narkatiagan ePay/BN 15212011 ) 8/031017 30.03.18 5,94,425.00 289 Narkatiagan eP av lBN 1 52/201 7 - I 8/03 I 01 I 31.03.18 1,78,411.00 290 Narkatiagan eP ay /BN 1 521201 7 -l 8/ 03 I 0 19 3r.03.18 1,76,595.00 29t Narkatiagant eP ay lBW 1. 52 I 20 1'l - 1 8 I 03 I 020 31.03.18 1,84,008.00 292 Narkatiagan eP av lBN 1 52 /20 | 7 - I 8 / 03 I 02 1 31.03.18 1,71,546.00 293 Narkatiagan eP ay lBN I 52 120 1 7 - 1 8 / 03 I 022 31.03. t 8 1,92,493.00 294 Narkatiagan eP ay lBN I 52/201 7 - I 8/03 I 023 31.03.18 2,28,448.00 295 Narkatiaganl 4809',70 31.03.18 4,42,139.00 296 Naugachhia 000058 3t/031201a 12,939.00 297 Naugachhia 000059 3t/03t2018 38,817.00 298 Naueachh a 000060 3U03t2018 6,469.00 299 Naugachh a 000061 31t03t2018 12,939.00 300 Naugachh a 763206 30/0312018 10,000.00 301 Nausachh a 763207 30/03/201E 5,000.00 302 Naugachh a 163208 30t03t2018 10,000.00 303 Naugachh a eP ay /BN 83 120 | 7 - I 8 I 03 / 0 1 0 29t03/2018 17 ,67 ,538.00 ePay/BR /83/20 I 7- I 8/03/0 I 5 3|0312018 3,70,037.00 304 Naugachhia t,25,0r8.00 305 Nawada 27.03.2018 306 Nawada 27.03.20t8 62,509.00 307 Neemchak Bathar eP ay lBN 98 /20 I 7 - 1 8 I 03 /0 15 20-03-2018 2,25,992.00 308 Neemchak Bathar 421901 28-03:20t8 2,20,324.00 309 Neemchak Bathar 421903 28-03-2018 I ,27 ,17 ,t t4 .00 310 Neemchak Bathar 421904 28-03-2018 14,79,024 .00 311 Pakidyal epay/BN 9 4 /20 I 7- I I I 0 6 / 009 24.06.2017 2,15,875.00 v0086 2t.12.2017 90,003.00 372 Phulparash Phuiparash v0087 10.12.20t7 2,24,294.00 313 v0088 12.12.2017 22,029.00 374 Phulparash Phulparash v0089 2t.12.2017 662.00 315 eP ay IBPJ | | 12011 - | 81 121005 22.12.2017 24,52,000 .00 316 Phulparash 1 377 PhulDarash ePayIBPUII I/2017 -|II 121006 22.12.2017 5,00,000.00 eP av /BN I I I /20 I 7 - I 81 121007 22,12.2017 9,70,789.00 318 Phulparash v00096 31.12.2011 9,909.00 319 Phulparash Psyment booked in OMMAS Divisiotr Namc E-paymetrt sdvise NoJcheque Amount Sl. No. No. Vch Dt 320 Phulparash ePay/BRi I I 1/2017- 1 8/03/006 28.03.2018 24,33,040.00 327 Phulparash ePay/BU! I 1/2017- 1 8/03/01 I 30.03.2018 20,02,856.00 Phulparash ePay|BPJ 1l | 12017 -181031012 30.03.2018 25,13,288.00 323 Phulparash ePay]BPJl | 112017 -1.8103101.3 30.03.2018 26,t7 ,147 .00 324 Phulparash v00129 31.03.2018 48,34,458.00 325 Phulparash v00130 31.03.20r 8 5,80,8t5.00 326 Phulparash v00132 31.03.2018 2,96,353.00 327 Phulpamsh v00133 31.03.2018 6,51,854.00 328 Phulparash v00134 31.03.2018 20,293.04 329 Phulparash v00135 31.03.20r 8 6,69,265.04 330 Phulparash v00136 31.03.2018 18,905.00 331 Phulparash v00137 31.03.2018 57,568.00 332 Phulparash v00138 31.03.2018 2,32,41 ,996.04 333 Phulparash v00139 3 t.03.2018 20,87 ,438.04 334 Phulparash v00140 3 r.03.2018 2,62,074.04 335 Pupr 55615 l0-02-2018 82,55E.00 336 Pupr ss620 t9-02-20tE 21,409.00 331 Pupri 360401 28-03-20r 8 3t,749.00 338 Pupri 360402 2E-03-2018 29,760.00 339 Rosem cHQ NO 5029s7(VAT) 1t.06.2014 4,69,496.00 340 Rosera cHQ NO 558899(VAT) 31.10.2014 1,54,065.00 34L Rosera 803217 31/0i/201E 3 t,932.00 342 Rosera 803218 3 0ln018 63,866.00 343 Rosera 803219 31t0312018 79,887.00 344 Rosera 803220 3|03t2018 79,8E7.00 345 Rosera 80322t 3v03n018 1,59,113.00 346 Rosera ePay/BUl 36/20 I 7-1 E/03/006 31103/2018 25,19,226.00 347 Rosera ePay/BN 13612017 -|8/03I00 7 3 Bn018 25,65,049.00 348 Rosera ePay/BR/136/201 7-l 8/03/008 3|0312018 16,69,522.00 349 Samastipur epay lBN30/20 17 - I 8l 12/0 1 4 30.12.17 17,739.00 Samastipur e p ay / BN 30 / 20 I 7 - | 8I0 I / 008 18.01.18 1,24,120.00 350 351 Samastipur epay/BN 3 0 /20 | 7 - | 8 I 03 / 028 3l.03.18 6,69,798.00 352 Samastipur ep y /BW30/20 17 - | II03 /029 3 r.03.18 7,93,025.00 3S3 Sarnastipur 442708 31.03.18 45,306.00 Samastipur 442709 31.03.18 69,803.00 354 Samastipur 442',7 t0 31.03.18 34,902.00 355 3s6 Sasaram- I 678644 3l.03.2018 t,49,517.00 Sasaram-l 678647 31.03.2018 3,55,613.00 357 618646 31.03.2018 1,35,0t 4.00 358 Sasaram- I 417684 09-0t -2018 73,850.00 3s9 Sheohar Sheohar 41'7707 3 r.01.2018 5,32,t73.00 360 417708 31.01.2018 5,32,113.00 351 Sheohar 417709 31.01.2018 2,66,088.00 362 Sheohar t359 05.03.2018 53,895.00 363 Sheohar 31.03.2018 1,32,24,194.00 364 Simri Bakhtiyarpur I BN 33 I 20 1 7 - I / 03 / 032 27-03-2018 29,91 ,599 .00 355 Sitamsrhi eP 1 ^y Sitamarhi eP I BRI 33 I 20 1 7 - I I 03 / 03 3 21-03-2018 18,37,706.00 366 1 la .' ^'t t i-/' PrYment booked io OMMAS Division Name f, -poyment xdvise No./Cheque Amount Sl. No. No. Vch Dt. 367 Sitamarhi ePay lBN33 120 1 7 -1 8103 I 034 27-03-2018 r,37,801.00 368 Sitamarhi eP ay IBN 3 3 n0 1 7 - 1 8 / 03 / 03 6 28-03-2018 63,54,823 .00 369 S;tamarhi ePay IBN33 /2017 -18/03/037 30-03-2018 55,70,904.00 310 Sitamarhi 557760 3 t-03-10r8 3,62,332.00 37L Sitamarhi 55116t 3l-03-2018 7,92,892.00 372 Sitamarhi 557762 3l-03-20r 8 6,54,292.00 373 Siwan-2 200391 3t/03/2017 9,43,094.00 374 Siwan-2 200333 09t06t20t6 28,50,145.00 375 Siwan-2 200416 28/04/2017 3,14,368.00 376 Siwan-2 20041'7 28t04n017 3,17,606.00 377 Siwan-2 200439 27 t03/2018 t8,96,624.00 374 Siwan-2 200440 28t03t2018 21,755.00 379 Siwan-2 200441 27 t03t2018 2,t6,426.00 380 Siwan-2 200442 30/03/2018 60,163.00 381 Teghra 3l-03-2018 26,521.00 382 Teghra 3 t-01-20r 8 26,521.00 383 Teghra 3t-03-20t8 53,052.00 384 Teghru 28-03-2018 43,520.00 385 Teghra 18-01-20r 8 E7,040.00 386 Teghra 28-03-20t8 4,957.00 387 Tekari 239395 31.03.20t7 3,75,823.00 388 Tekari 239397 31.03.20t7 2,85,948.00 389 Tekari eP ay I BN 1 0 0 I 20 1 7- 1 I I 03 I 0 5 4 31.03.2017 7 ,9',7 ,255 .00 390 Tekari 239396 3t.03.20t7 5,71,86E.00 391 Trivenigani 378921 31.03.2018 38,077.00 392 Trivenigani 378922 31.03.2018 19,039.00 393 Trivenigani 378923 31.03.2018 38,077.00 394 Udakishansani ePav/BRrI 09/20 1 7-l 8/06/030 30-06-2017 14,69,613.00 395 Udakishangani eP av /BN 1 09 I 20 1 7 - 1 E I 02 / 0 I 2 23-02-2018 4,30,676.00 396 Udakishanqani eP ay IBN 1 09 I 20 1 7 - 1 8 / 03 I 0 1 0 3l-03-2018 t 4,17 ,687 .00 397 Udakishansani 227943 3l-03-2018 4,30,932.00 398 Udakishansani 227944 3 r-03-20r 8 3,11,318.00 399 Udakishansaqi 22',7945 3l-03-2018 6,22,635.00 TOTAL 40,10,88r14.00 #r BIHAR RURAL ROADS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BR'ANNEXURE.G Amount 0irectly Credited nto Bank (Recoveries & Eorfeitures) Division Remarl(s S.No Date Amount Name 1 2 5 6 1 Banka-2 10-01-2017 E0,010.00 To be record in OMMAS 2 Banka-2 t4-09-2016 50,700.00 To be record in OMMAS 3 Banka-2 31-03-2017 49,333.00 To be record in oMMAS Amount reverse by Bank in the 4 Chapra- l 30.03.2017 1,69,968.00 month april20l7 Recover of Wrongly debit Rs. Chapra-2 29.06.20t6 2,82,287.00 282287 dated 21 .06.2016 payment was not clearccl by Bank due to Bank technical problem, 6 Nawada 05.01.2017 25,20,695 .00 So recovery was done by bank 7 Nawada 05.01.2017 t4,45 ,522.00 8 Ra-raul 25-02-2017 1,54,113.00 Income Tax 9 Raxaul 25-02-20L7 6,68,348.00 Sale Tax 10 Raxaul 25-02-2017 83,542.00 LabourCess \L Raxaul l0-03-2017 2,18,489.00 Income Tax 12 Raxaul 10-03-2017 8,73,953.00 Sale Tax 13 Raxaul l0-03-2017 1,09.244.00 Labour Cess 14 Raxaul l0-03-2017 57 ,34,963 .00 Mining Officer, Motihad 18 Sonpur 15.03.17 3,48,632.00 Credited by Bank d1.07.04.2017 19 Sonpur 18.03.17 4,54,',77',7.00 Credited by Bank dt.10.04.2017 20 Sonpur 22.12.16 32,28,r 80.00 27 Sonpur 31.01.17 15,82,086.00 Credited by Bank dt.18.03.2017 Total Annexure-G 1,80,54,842.00 t.9-/ AIfiAR RURAI ROADS DEVEI.OPMENT AGENCY BRS.ANNEXURE.M Amount issued from bank but not recorded in the books upto 3 t.03.18 0ivision Sl.No. Cheque No. Cheque Date Amount Remarks Name 1 Areraj 635339 14.09.20 7 12,331.00 2 494232 3l-03-20 8 |,29,512.00 3 494233 31-03-20 8 64,7 56.00 4 Arwal 494234 3l-03-20 8 1,29,512.00 06-06-20 6 33,693.00 Siate Share Entry Not In Ommas 6 30-06-20 6 1,8E,831.00 Enfy Not In Ommas 7 30-06-20 6 1,17,814.00 Entry Not In Ommas 8 07-0s-20 6 8,63,696.00 State Share Entry Not In Ommas Contractor name does not appear 9 Belsand 22392'7 04.03.17 4,15,527.00 in Pru Login Contractor name does not appear 10 Belsand 22386'l 30.08.16 6,88,356.00 in PIU Login 11 Belsand 01.10.14 4,16,207.00 72 Belsand 14.t0.17 5,43,817.00 13 Bhagalpur 626840 14.03.208 3,92,563.00 !4 Darbhanga-2 17.03.2018 9,57,191.00 DD Made For Royalty Payment (Pmgsy Prog.) In Ommas Rs2000/ 302693 0l-09-20r6 2,000.00 15 Marhaura Less Booked Amount Debited by BRRDA from 16 Masaurhi 16.01.2015 15,509.00 A/cNo.l1ll1l38909 ePay/BN l1/2017 - 27.03.2018 5,21,202.00 Double payment made by bank L7 Motihari 18t031037 18 Naugachhia 532893 28t01/2016 3.00 Pmgsy Programme Fund 19 Patna 980620 1st6t16 790.00 Entrv Ommited [n Ommas 20 Patna 980621 15t6/t6 3,958.00 Entrv Ommited In Ommas 2t Patna 980622 1516/16 20,9',16.00 Entrv Ommited In Ommas Patna 980623 1.5/6116 1,915.00 Entry Ommited In Ommas 23 Patna 55E430 24.09.16 13,000.00 Entry Ommited In Ommas 24 Patna 980674 26/10116 1,330.00 Entry Ommited In Ommas Patna 980675 26/10t16 3,035.00 Entry Omm ted In Ommas 26 Patna 496301 26/10116 1,643.00 Entry Omm ted In Ommas 27 Patna 496302 26/10t16 2,t54.00 Entry Ommited In Ommas 28 Patna 01.04.17 1,84,248.00 PMGSY STATE SHARE 8.8.16 6,27,538.00 State Share Bridge Noi Entered In 29 Pumea Ommas 17.3.17 6,70,666.00 State Share Road Not Entered In 15 Pumea Ommas 200887 Payment Clear In Current Fy But 05-07-2016 Entry Not Passed In Ommas Till 16 sasaram- I 22,54,561.00 3 1 St March 201 7 17 Sasaram-1 6786r 8 30-03-2017 33,56,415.00 30 Sasaram-1 558172 19,01,851.00 79275 06-12-2016 Payment Has Been Made In Fy 80,980.00 2016-17 But Entry Cannot Passed Sasaram-2 In Ommas ln Same Year 31 CHEQUE ISSUED BUT NO Siwan-l 10.2.2017 SALES TAX 29,12,960.00 ENTRY INOMMAS CHEQUE ISSUED BUT NO Siwan-l t0.2.2017 ROYALITY ENTRY INOMMAS 8,',79,261 .00 CHEQUE ISSUED BUT NO 34 Siwan-l 10.2.2017 LABOUR CESS 3,64,119.00 ENTRY INOMMAS Total 1,87,73,920 U...ization Certiflcate for the yea? 2017 -18 under Pradan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana Programme fund gency- Bihar Rural Road Development Agency 1. Cerlified that a sum of Rs 1339.33 cr. is received as granls- n aid from Govement of lndia Bihar ( ln Crores) during the year 2017-2018 including Rs.33.73 Stat€- Cr. as Central Share of PMGSY Programme Unspent Bank Balance as on 01 04.2017 5254.76 Fund for Central Agencies & a surn of Rs. (beginning ol Financial Yeai 401.63 Cr. is received as l',latching State Share Grant fiom Goverment oi Bihar duriig the year B. Grant Received during the year 201718 (upto 2017-18 (upto 31.03.2018), as per detalls given 31.03.2018) from iroRD, Govt of lndia (central n the margin. A sum of Rs. 5254.76 Cr being lhe unspenl balance of previous year 2016_2017 has (in cr.) been brought forward for Lrl lizalion during the 1 p-17025l1/2016-RC(34683 1) da\ed 13 4 -17 656 yeat 2017 1A. lnletesl leceipt ol the Agency during the year 2017-2018 is Rs 210.35 Cr. 2 P-17 02414(2)12017 -RC1355212) dale.1 26.9 17 2. lt is certifed lhai out of a tola available fund of 3 l-1201411t2011-RC(341705) daled 20.9. 1 7 140 Rs. 7206.11 Cr a sum of Rs. 1539.64Crores P-1702511 12016 RCIE-346831 ) dated 30.3 201 7 1.58 has been utilized by ihe BRRDA dlr ng lhe year 5 Dr 23.12.2017 7,311.L6 2017-18 (upto 3'1.03.2018) for the pulpose for P-170241412a12-RC\|Volt ) \E -X41634) which it was sanctioned. Tota 1,339.33 1,339.33 3. lt ls iudher ceruted that there is lnspent ba ance of Rs.5547.28 Cr. rernain ng at the end of 31 03 2018, which includes ufspent state fund for cost over estimate & excess cost for Bridqe c. rvrarctring Grant Receivea during the year 2017_ overlength of Rs.570.28 Cr, contractor's 18 (upto 31.08.2017) from Government of Bihar Deposits of Rs.1'176.01 Cr, Other Stalutory {Staie Share) Liabilities ofRs.l6.80 Cr. as on 31 03 2018. Sl. No- 40163 4. Actual Fund available for use on 31.03 2018 1 allotment Letter No.237l20.3.2017 is Rs.3784.1gcr. Total 401.63 401.63 D lnterest Accrued 2t0.39 7,206.',11 E Grand Total Fund released by the MollD, Covt oflndiaofRs. 10.3005 cr and Rs. 1.26534 cr. for IRCON Intcrnational l-imited 2017-l8. and NPCC Ltd. RespcctivelY has becn credited in PL Account of BI{RDA duirrg Ph!\ical Performance It is certified that tolal 5226.69 Kms ofroads have beeD constructcd Lrtder PMGSY scheme connecting 3418 habitatioD during current FiDancial year 2017-l8 The matchiDg State Share has becn releases by tho Statc Govemment in PL AccouDt oIBRRDA duing 2017-18, but receivcd ir PMGSY bank Account during F'Y' 2018-19 \-p - HL\^ il\ *,li.'u ( Bhaqviat Ram) ACEO. ecretary,BRRDA Nodal Officer, PMGSY \ i:l ,r "' ') - cn uavneel