S d )e> 6 s s5c ) 3) @ s c ■*0 A NTO I N AA L^P JFRk IFC I G ^a'lU J E J g n rriim *‘31 'PlifjYlftl^V P @ ©S> c£o S)C 2 3 IEN/A/(FFP)/CRIP/2018/D/2f®s t?° S i September 2019 £ STSVTg, J g iV . 2_LDgil M y N o. Y our N o Dale z ;* CV 2S f 0 2 P EW Secretary, a * * * ’8 ® Ministry o f Agriculture, livestock Development, Irrigation and fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development Report of the Auditor General on the Financial Statements of the esilience Improvement Project for the year ended 31 December 2018. S? 1. Financial Statements 1.1 Opinion The audit o f the financial statements o f the Climate Re§ilience;ImprpVement Project for the year ended 31 December 2018 comprising the statement o f financial position as at 31 December 2018 and the statement o f financial performance and cash flow statement for the year then ended and notes to the financial statements, including a summary o f significant accounting policies was carried out under my direction in pursuance o f provisions in Articlc 154(1) of the Constitution o f the Democratic Socialist Republic o f Sri Lanka read in conjunction with Section 4:09(b) o f the General Conditions for Credits and Grants o f International Development Association and in Article I o f the Financing Agreement No: 5417-LK dated 10 July 2014 entered into between the Democratic Socialist Republic o f Sri Lanka and the International Development Association. In my opinion, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view o f the financial position o f the Project as at 31 December 2018, financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards. CC j > <*0O> 3 0 6 /7 2 , © o s t f g S o x S , S s f t s x J g t f e , § c o b m O 3 0 6 /7 2 , Q u n r o g ^ su u£® j(L p6\)S5)60, g w i i j s n a N o . 3 0 6 / 7 2 , P o ld u w a R o a d , B a tta r a m u lla , S ri L a n k a . +94 112 88 70 2 8 - 3 4 1 ^ 1 + 9 4 1 1 2 887223 IS & fc a g @ a u d ito r g e n e r a l.g o v .lk w w w .n a o s l.g o v .lk t ; d)@SD 00^0® £D)5a)@C3 G ^ a ^ iu s f s s T K s m u a j « 3 l.Q ijn is\)a » ii NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE NAOSL I 1.2 Basis for Opinion I conducted my audit in accordance with Sri Lanka Auditing Standards (SLAuSs). My responsibilities, under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s A Responsibilities for the Audit o f the Financial Statements section of my report. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. 173 Other information on Performance of the Project The other information as stated below does not include in the financial statements and my opinion thereon does not cover the other information. • According to the Project Appraisal Document, the activities o f the Project to establish more climate resilience economy consisted with 04 main components namely, the development o f Basin Investment Plans, increase of climate infrastructure facilities, providing of implementation supports and improvement o f mechanism for the purposes o f contingent emergency response etc,. It was observed that the physical progress on activities implemented under the components o f development o f Basin Investment Plans, providing o f implementation supports and contingent emergency response had remained slow ranging from 55 per cent to 72 per cent as at 31 December 2018 even after lapse o f 53 months from the date o f commencement o f the activities o f the Project. According to the information received, only US $ 63.56 m illion equivalent to Rs. 9,470 million representing 57.78 per cent o f the total allocation o f US$ 110 million equivalent to Rs.14,383 million had been utilized as at 31 December 2018. Therefore, the possibility to utilize the remaining balance o f US$ 46.44 million equivalent to Rs.4,913 million representing 42.22 per cent o f the allocation during the rest o f the period o f 18 months would be remote, unless expedite action taken to implement the activities o f the Project. 2 d)63sD s»)5cs)@cs NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE NAOSL The Project had awarded 15 civil construction contracts in Monaragala district at an estimated cost o f Rs. 169.70 million for flood and drought mitigation purposes and out of that, only 10 contracts had been completed at a cost of Rs.60.53 million. The works carried out under other 05 civil construction contracts awarded at an estimated cost o f Rs 109.17 million were suspended subsequently. Further observations thereon are made as follows. The works under the development o f main canal o f Muthukadiya Reservoir in Monaragala district had been implemented under 02 contract packages and the development works o f first 05 kilometres o f the canal was abandoned halfway, due to failures o f the contractor. The development works o f second 05 kilometres o f the canal had been completed at a cost o f Rs. 23.49 million as at 30 November 2016 and it was revealed at the site visits made on 26 January 2017 that the abutment wall o f 30 metres had been fallen into the canal, due to poor construction works. However, action had not been taken to reconstruct the respective part o f the w allas at 31 December 2018. The development works on contracts awarded in 2016 under other 03 contract packages to develop branch canals o f the Muthukadiya Reservoir at an estimated cost o f Rs. 50.94 million had been suspended in 2018, due to failures o f the contractor. However, the mobilization advances amounting to Rs.5.16 million had remained outstanding even as at 31 December 2018. It was observed that 04 contracts had been awarded at an estimated cost o f Rs. 112.57 million to execute the Hathwatunaoya Rehabilitation Project implement in Kurunegala district. However, several defects in rehabilitation works o f right bank canal at 8+340 kilometre, construction o f causeway at 0+409 kilometre and supporting wall at 11+50 kilometre o f the left bank main canal had been revealed at the site inspection made in June 2019. Further, the road worthiness o f the section o f 0+05 kilometre to 0+08 kilometre of the agriculture road was not remained upto the standards, due to poor compacting o f gravel. 3 d)Sss ®)Dcs)@c3 f t NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE NAOSL • As required by the Project Administration Manual, the internal audit activities required to be implemented by an Internal Audit Committee o f the Project consisted with a Director and an Accountant o f the Department o f Irrigation, a Director o f the Mahaweli Authority o f Sri Lanka and 03 Senior Audit Officers o f the Road Development Authority, National Building Research Organization and then Ministry o f Irrigation, Water Resources and Disaster Management appointed by the Project Director, contrary to the Management Audit Circular No. 02/2016 o f 10 June 2016 issued by the Secretary to the Ministry o f Finance. Responsibilities of management and those charged with governance for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation o f financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards, and for such internal control as management determine is necessary to enable the preparation o f financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Project’s financial reporting process. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements My objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes my opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level o f assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Sri Lanka Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions o f users taken on the basis o f these financial statements. t NAOSL d)@SD So^oeo ©)5C3>@C3 NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE As part o f an audit in accordance with Sri Lanka Auditing Standards, I exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. I also: • Identify and assess the risks o f material misstatement o f the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion. The risk o f not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override o f internal control. • Obtain an understanding o f internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose o f expressing an opinion on the effectiveness o f the project’s internal control. • Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness o f accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management. • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content o f the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fa ir presentation. I communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that I identify during my audit. I 5 d )S S 5) S ffl^ D S ) SS)bC3)@C3 NATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE NAOSL 2. Report on other requirements of the Donor Agency As required by the International Development Association, I state the followings: (a) The basis of opinion of the audit is as stated above. (b) In my opinion: the funds provided had been utilized for the purposes for which they were provided, the opening and closing balances, withdrawals from and replenishments to the Special (Dollar) Accounts had been truly and fairly disclosed in the books and records maintained by the Project and the balance as at 31 December 2018 had been satisfactorily reconciled with the accounting records o f the Central Bank of Sri Lanka as at that date, the Statements o f Expenditure submitted could be fairly relied upon to support the applications for reimbursement in accordance with the requirements specified in the Financing Agreement, the satisfactory measures had been taken by the management to rectify the issues highlighted in my previous year audit report, and the financial covenants laid down in the Financing Agreement had been complied with. W.P.C. Wickramaratne Auditor General 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2018 CLIMATE RESILIENCE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (C RIP) Credit N o : 5417 - LK CRiP Climate Resilience Improvement Project (CRIP) M inistry c f Irrigation and Water Resources Management No.11. Jawatta Road. Colombo OE Sri Lanka iC R iP a -- Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management AnnuaI Financial Statement -2018 INDEX ST A T E M E N T OF FINANCIAL POSITION ....................................................................... 1 S T A T E M E N T OF E X P E N D I T U R E ...................................................................................... 2 ST A T E M E N T OF C ASH F L O W ........................................................................................... 3 S P E C IA L D OLLAR ACCOUNT S T A T E M E N T ............................................................... 4 ACCOUNTING P O L IC I E S ..................................................................................................... 5 _7 NO TES TO THE FINAN CIAL S T A T E M E N T S ................................................................ 8-27 T R IA L B A L A N C E ..................................................................................................................... 28-30 UTILIZATION OF FU N D S...................................................................................................... 31 CONFIRMATION OF B A N K B A L A N C E S ......................................................................... 32 - 33 B A N K RECONCILIATION S T A T E M E N T S ...................................................................... 34 - 35 Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Statement of Financial Position 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 NOTE Rs. Rs. A s s e ts Non Current Assets Other Investment for Project Activities 03 8,815,142.031 6,145,274,631 Property, Plant and Equipment 04 878,477,937 867,537,470 Total 9,693,619,968 7,012,812,101 Current Assets Advances 05 382,197,577 523,045,813 Cash and Cash Equivalents 06 1,095,433,464 913,727,057 Receivables from International Development Association 07 (1) 59 Total 1,477,631,040 1,436,772,930 TOT A I, Assets 11,171,251,008 8,449,585,031 T iahilit ies Current Liabilities Advances received from International Development Association 08 741,286,931 799,423,234 Other Payables Qg 251,155,653 238,271,466 Project Funds 10 10,178,808,424 7,411,890,331 Total 11,171,251,008 8,449,585,031 T O TA L Liabilities 11,171,251,008 8,449,585,031 The Accounting Policies and the Notes from 03 to 15 are integrated parts of these Financial Statements. I certify that the above Financial Statements are true and correct as per the records available in the Project, H. N. YsUrtga Project Accountant Climate Resilience Improvement Project 1 ) We are responsible for the preparation & presentation o f the Financial Statements. Approved and Signed fcjjKJTTBefiaJf o f the Project. / \ _____________ .— > V . AC J 3 * C _____ ? _ -------- ---- \ Project Director -- Secretary Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry o f Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs. Livestock Development, Irrigation Eng. D.C.S. Elak an da and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Project Director _ Development Climate Resilience improvementProject 01 Ministry 01 lrngai-on “ K. D. S. Ruwanchandra Water Resources Management 0 S e c re ta ry Ministiy of Agrieullure, Rural Economic Affairs, jvestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development No: 1 1 , Jawatta Road, Colombo 05. 4 Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry o f Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Statement o f Expenditure For the Notes Year Cumulative Up to Cumulative Up to 2018 31.12.2018 31.12.2017 Expenditure : Development of Basin Investment Plans 11 508,764,909 1,198.657,200 689,892.291 Increasing Climate Resilience of Infrastructure 12 2,093,682,603 8,234,204,597 6,140,521,994 Implementation Support and Monitoring 13 65,790.179 248,187,996 182,397,817 Contingent Emergency Response 14 12,570,175 12,570,175 Total Expenditure 2,680,807,866 9,693,619,968 7,012,812,101 RECONCILIATION STATEMENT FOR ACCRUED BASIS EXPENDITURE AND CASH BASIS E X P E N D IT U R E Accrued Basis Expenditure as above 2,680,807,866 9,693,619,968 7,012,812,101 Less Retention Payable 9.3 (27,130,857) (251,132,816) (224,001,960) Other Payable 9.2 (9,500) (9,500) - (27,140,357) (251,142,316) (.224,001,960) Add Mobilization Advance 5.5 (183,776,244) 275,084,932 458,861,176 Advance to Implementing Agencies 5.2 47,399,224 49,046,003 1,646,779 Local Purchase Advances and Deposits 5.4 + 5.7 107,795 263,259 155,464 On Account and Firm Order Advances 5.3+5.6+5.8 9,677,158 57,790,046 48,112,888 (126,592,066) 382,184,241 508,776,307 Cash Expenditure for the year 2018 2,527,075,444 9,824,661,892 7,297,586,449 Financed By, Internationa! Development Association 2,279,986,622 9,470,381,905 7,190,395,283 Government o f Sri Lanka 247,088.821 354,279,986 107.191,165 Total 2,527,075,444 9,824,661,891 7,297,586,448 Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Cash Flow Statement 31.12.2018 31.12.2017 Rs Rs Cash Flows From Operating Activities Cash Payments to Operating Activities (2.669.867.400) ( Cash flows front/(used in) operating activities (2.669.867.400) ( (Increase) / Decrease in Operating Assets 140,848,237 (171,622,252) Increase / (Decrease) in Operating Liabilities 12,884,186 (95,854,395) Net cash flows froni/(used in) operating activities (2,516,134,977) (2,552,732,271) Cash Flows From Investing Activities Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment (10.940.467) (55.530.719) (10.940.467) (55.530.719) Cash Flows From Financing Activities Receipt o f Advances Receipt from Project Financing 2,468.939,201 3,024,807,181 Receipt investing Property. Plant and Equipment Net Cash flows froni/(used in) financing activities 2,468,939,201 3,024,807,181 Effects of Exchange Rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 239,842,650 16,534,377 Effects of rounding off (Direct Payments) Net lncrease/(Decreases) in cash and cash equivalents 181,706,407 433,078,568 Cunli mid uuyh equivalents m the beginning o f the yeur 013,727,037 480,648,489 Net Cash Received / (Used) in Investing Activities 1,095,433,464 913,727,057 Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,095,433,464 913,727,057 Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Special Dollar Account Statement (Suh Ledger 175) As At 31-December- As At 31- 2018 December-2017 Rs. Rs. Opening Balance 899,457,610 432,987,163 Add : Advances received from International Development Association 2,221.850,380 2,974,607,181 Sub Total 3,121.307,989 3,407,594,344 Add : Revaluation Gain 239,842,650 16,534,377 Sub Total 3,361,150,639 3,424,128,721 Less : Cash Payments for Project Expenditure for the Year (2,279,986,622) (2,558,062,989) Opening Balance o f LKR Account (IDA Funds) 14,269,448 47,661,326 Closing Balance o f LKR Account (IDA Funds) (13,337) (14,269,448) ,1 day of month o f December Ending Balance 315 1,095,420,127 899,457,610 Reconciliation with International Development Association Balance as per above Ending Balance 1,095,420,127 899,457,610 Balance as per Statement of Central Rank n f Sri 1.anka o f 3 Is1 day o f month o f December 1,095,420,127 899,457,610 Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Accounting Policies 1 Corporate Information & Basis of Preparation 1 Corporate Information 1.1.1 Project Description Component 1 Development of Basin Investment Plans. These investment plans will be informed by a robust understanding o f climate risks. Government engineers and experts will be supported to cany out comprehensive flood and drought modeling and assessment o f the underlying causes o f flood and drought. Component 2 - Increasing Climate Resilience of Infrastructure The objective is to implement urgent climate risk mitigation investments that have been identified and prioritized by the GoSL. Investments will be made in ( i ). Flood Risk Mitigation; ( ii ) Transport Continuity; and ( iii) School Component 3 - Project Implementation Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. Support to project management and coordination and monitoring and evaluation through project management unit under the Ministry'of Irrigation and Water Resources Management. Component 4. Contingent Emergency Response These funds are available to help government respond to adverse natural event that causes disasters. 1.1.2 Project Objectives The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to reduce the vulnerability of exposed people and assets to climate risk (hydro meteorological risks: flood, drought and landslide) and to improve Government's capacity to respond effectively to disasters. The project is mainly focused to establish a process (hat would built a more climatic resilient economy since current understanding o f multispectral impacts of climate and flood & drought modeling and scenario analysis are not adequate at present. In addition project supports to implement urgent climate mitigation investments required to ensure the short-term integrity o f flood control and irrigation infrastructure, transport network and critical education facilities at risk. 1.1.3 Cost Estimates The next tables provide the cost estimates by component and the cost estimales per major activity. IDA will finance 100 percent of the project costs, inclusive of taxes, which has been the standard during the past few years for projects in Sri Lanka. There will be two disbursement category' to finance eligible expenditures. This excludes salaries and allowances o f government staff in PMU and implementing agencies. Government will finance the project allowances for government staff, estimated at about US$1.8 million. In addition to this amount GOSL contributed US$ 1.45million for the IDA refund during the project imlementation period. Component Project Cost (USS million) 1 Development of Basin Investment Plans 13.00 2 Increasing Climate Resilience o f Infrastructure 90.00 3 Project Implementation 5.00 4 Contingent Emergency Response 2.00 T otal 110.00 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Accounting Policies 1.1.4 Important Loan Dates Original Date Amended Date Approval 22-Apr-i4 Signing 10-Jul-I4 Effective 5-Aug-l4 Closing 30-May-19 30-Jun-20 Application Deadline 30-Sep-l9 30-0ct-20 1.2. Basis of Preparation 1.2.1 Statement of Compliance The Statement o f Financial Position, Statement of Expenditure, Statement of Cash Flow, Special Dollar Account Statement together with the Accounting Policies and Notes to the financial statements as at 31 December 2018 and for the year then ended comply with the Sri Lanka Public Accounting Standards issued by the Institute o f Chartered Accountants o f Sri Lanka. 1.2.2 Basis of Measurement The financial statements have been prepared using the historical cost convention. 1.2.3 Functional and Presentation Currency The financial statements are presented in Sri Lankan Rupees (Rs.), which is the organization’s functional and presentation currency. 1.2.4 Changes in Accounting Policies and Disclosures The Accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated, and are consistent with those used in previous years, except for the changes in accounting policies specified by the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards. 1.2.5 Account for Receipts Receipts are shown when they are used from the special Account, which maintain the advance from IDA and GOSL. 1.2.6 Account for Expenditure Expenses in carrying out the projects and other activities o f Project are recognised in the Statement o f Expenditure during the period in which they are incurred. 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 2.1. Foreign-currency transactions Transactions in currencies other than Sri Lanka Rupees are converted into Sri Lanka Rupees at rates which approximate the actual rates at the transaction date. 2.2. Cash and cash equivalents P roject c o n sid ers cash on hand and am o u n ts d ue from b a n k s to be “ C ash and cash e q u iv a le n ts” . Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Accounting Policies 2.3. Property Plant and Equipment a. Cost and Valuation All items of property, plant and eq uipment are initially recorded at cost. b. Subsequent Expenditure Subsequent expenditure is capitalized only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the item of property and equipment. All other expenditure is recognized in the Statement o f Expenditure as an expense as c. Depreciation Depreciation is not provided for on all assets. 2.4. Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs are not treated as an expense during the project implementation period. Note 15 shows the credit charges applicable to this credit. 2.5. Cash Flow Statement Cash Flow Statement has been prepared using the "Direct Method" 2.6. Comparative Information Figures and phrases relating to the previous year have been re- arranged where it is necessary to confirm to current year's presentation/ classification. 2.7. Trade and Other Payables Trade and Other Payables are stated at the amounts at which they are estimated to be payable during the ordinary' course of the project's activities. 2.8. Prepairing Method All information processing through Computerized Management Information System (MIS). 2.9. IDA Refund Though the cost of Rs. 210,302,587.29 (US$ 1,449,345.40) accounted as IDA eligible expenditure under LIDAR survey in financial statement up to 2017. The funding agency is decided that cost should be refunded to the IDA. Therefore, the Treasury has been refunded this amount from the local funds in 2018 To make this payment, provision has been allocated under the project vote 198-02-03-16-2506(17) by the Treasury. This refunded cost calculated with the exchange variation as 228,694,871.74. And this amount incurred under section 3.1 o f financial statement 2018 as IDA Refund to complete the accounting process. Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 NOTE Rs. Rs. 03 - Other Investment for Project Activities D evelopm ent o f Basin Investm ent Plans 3.1 1,117,570,436 610,161,052 Increasing Clim ate R esilience o f Infrastructure 3.2 7,479,079,237 5,394,065,460 Im plem entation Support and M onitoring 3.3 205,922,183 141,048,119 C ontingent E m ergency R esponse 3.4 12,570,175 - 8,815,142,031 6,145.274.631 04 - Property, Plant and Equipment D evelopm ent o f Basin Investm ent Plans 4.1 81,086,764 79,731,239 Increasing Clim ate Resilience o f Infrastructure 4.2 755,125,360 746,456,534 Im plem entation Support and M onitoring 4.3 42,265,813 41,349,697 878,477,937 867.537.470 05 - Advances A d v an ce from Special D olor Account 5.1 13,336 14,269,507 A d van ces to Im plem enting Agencies 5.2 49,046,003 1,646,779 Firm O rd er A dvance 5.3 (0) (0) Local Purchase A dvances 5.4 61,309 35,514 M obilization A dvances 5.5 275.084,932 458,861,176 On A ccount Paym ents 5.6 56,350,283 48,112,888 S undry Deposit 5.7 201,950 119,950 O th e r A dvances - C E R C 5.8 1,439,763 - 382.197.577 523.045.813 06 Cash and Cash Equivalents C ash and Cash Eaulvalents 1,095,433,464 913,727,037 1.095,433.464 913,727,057 07 - Receivables from International Development Association R eceivables from International D evelopm ent Association (I) 59 (1) 59 08 - Advances received from IDA A dvances received from IDA 741,286,931 799,423,234 741.286,931 799.423.234 09 - Other Pavahles A d van ce Payable to Special D olor A ccount 9.1 13,336 14,269,507 Control A ccount 9.2 9,500 - Retention and O ther Payable 9.3 251,132,816 224,001,960 251,155,653 230.271.4CC 10 - Project Funds Project Funds 10,178,808,424 7,41 1,890,331 10,178,808,424 7,411,890.331 008 Climate Resilience improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. 0.1 O th e r I n v e s t m e n t fo r P r o ie c t A ctiv itie s 3.1 D ev elo p m en t o f Basin Investm ent Plans M inistry BIP Advertising 343,735 343,735 Areal photographs 162,808,720 162,808,720 Casual Labor 859,598 586,598 Communication and Awareness 4,741,448 460,820 Environmental Assessment 37,360,050 13,342,875 EPF 3,184,727 1,139,077 Equipment, Plant and Machinery Maintenance 67,800 67,800 ETF 784,757 284,769 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicle 1,671,309 937,325 IDA Refund 228,694,872 Implementation Support Consultancy - Lump Sum 277,363,974 86,816,377 Implementation Support Consultancy -Provisional Sum 58,591,477 54,085,836 LIDAR and DEM models 232,514,772 232,514,772 Maintenance of Vehicle 59,417 59.417 Office Equipment Maintenance 595,399 364,000 Office Expenses 1,489,030 731,919 Office Refurbishment 3,235,300 3,235,300 Other Allowance 308,326 308,326 Other Consumable Tools 15,403,091 15,403,091 Overtime 737,805 337,222 Postage Charges 22,739 19,354 Project Allowance 9,316,145 8,959,558 Salaries 42,117,721 18,494,166 Short Term Individual Consultants 1,714,000 1,060,000 Social Safeguard Management Program (SSMP) 15,867,599 209,020 Staff Training - Foreign 6,927,776 2,853,156 Staff Training - Local 555,417 413,817 Stationery and Printing 872,879 513,723 Survey Expenses 4,602,435 952,670 Technical Evaluation Committee Member Fees 779,000 415,000 Telecommunication 742,435 460,462 Transport - Hired 2,948,712 1,867,483 Traveling and Subsistence (Local) 137,288 39,988 Water Bills 150,686 74,676 1.117.570,436 610,161.052 3.2 In creasin g C lim ate Resilience o f In frastru ctu re Irrigation D ep artm ent Advertising 29,246,291 27,973,47! Bank Charges 1,895 600 Canal Systems improvement 2,952,994,405 2.079,676,543 Casual Labor 737,276 480,956 Disposal Items 10,989 - Electricity 651,551 603.881 Environmental Assessment 15,465 15,465 EPF 7,309,973 4,580,751 Equipment, Plant and Machinery Maintenance 133,974 101,017 ETF 1,710,314 1,028,008 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicle 31,940,165 21.858,448 Holiday Pay 534,780 534,780 Insurance License, Diesel Tax -Vehicle n 2,018,201 2,018,201 Maintenance of Office Premises •_ n q i 22,355 22,355 Annual Financial Statement 2018 - Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. Maintenance of Vehicle 11,734,613 9.787,636 Newspapers, Periodicals and Books 6,420 6,420 Office Equipment Maintenance 1,134,130 778.006 Office Expenses 2,538,972 1,896,271 Office Refurbishment 1,920,708 1,305,816 Other Allowance 655,250 655,250 Other Consumable Tools 37,341 37,341 Overtime 9,668,343 7,255,026 Postage Charges 64,974 51,284 Project Allowance 49,352,087 39,207,643 Salaries 64,306,562 40,119,795 Short Term Individual Consultants 32,038,614 14,881,737 Staff Training - Foreign 37,619,585 7,405,814 Staff Training - Local 4,042,377 3,746,627 Stationery and Printing 10,350,042 8,926,899 Steering Committee Meeting 14,500 14,500 Survey Expenses 79,178 79,178 Technical Evaluation Committee Member Fees 1,678,350 736,850 Telecommunication 1,198.000 879.583 Transport - Hired 2,846,947 1,908,783 Traveling and Subsistence (Local) 3,058,156 1,936,662 Water Bills 188,513 188,513 3,261,861,294 2,280,700,109 MASL Advertising 1,493,995 1,493,995 Canal Systems improvement 1,198,972,391 1,146,883,846 Casual Labor 104,250 104,250 Electricity 499,861 499,861 Environmental Assessment 750 750 EPF 144,401 144,401 ETF 32,298 32,298 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicle 1,011,728 1,007,728 Insurance License- Equip, Plant & Machinery 326,221 326,221 Insurance Liccnsc, Diesel Tax -Vehicle 610,558 610,558 Maintenance o f Office Premises 474 474 Maintenance of Vehicle 168,905 168,905 Office Expenses 228,474 223,245 Office Refurbishment 19,479,405 19,479,405 Overtime 1,840,794 1,182,148 Postage Charges 4,981 4,981 Project Allowance 27,396,943 22,070,245 Salaries 2,770,131 2,110,131 Short Term Individual Consultants 1,147,992 851,325 Staff Training - Foreign 5,364,477 1,319,677 Staff Training - Local 210,180 210,180 Stationery and Printing 52.879 52,879 Telecommunication 45,373 45,373 Traveling and Subsistence (Local) 132,663 132,663 Water Bills 6,610 6,610 1,262,046,733 1,198,962,147 Annual Financial Statement 2018 - Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. NBRO Advertising 776,938 628,013 EPF 1,262,057 807,037 ETF 315,514 201,759 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicle 4,000 Insurance License, Diesel Tax -Vehicle 137,203 137,203 Other Allowance 60,500 39.000 Project Allowance 6,894,062 4,500,214 Rent & Rates 3,388,800 3,388,800 Salaries 10,507,022 6,715,188 Short Torm Individual Consultant.* 2,7G8,G0u l,bi5,UUU Slope Stabilization - NBRO School 523,517,796 359,071,842 Staff Training - Foreign 1,409,892 1,409,892 Staff Training - Local 160,997 160,997 Technical Evaluation Committee Member Fees 26,000 551,168,780 378,714,945 R oad D evelopm ent A uthority Advertising 2,296,137 2,046,185 Bank Charges 200 200 Bridge Expansion 1,195,309,817 749,329,834 Cleaning 819,362 304,709 Electricity 792,817 287,363 Environmental Assessment 7,546,990 7,546,990 EPF 2,229,240 1,597,960 ETF 557,310 399,490 Fuel and Lubricants - Vehicle 5,030,472 3,566,156 Holiday Pay 135,116 . Insurance License, Diesel Tax -Vehicle 1,425,980 938,363 Maintenance of Office Premises 7,195 7,195 Maintenance o f Vehicle 3,994,877 2,766,017 Newspapers, Periodicals and Books 360 Office Equipment Maintenance 453,661 398,546 Office Expenses 1,184,680 970,870 Overtime 2,577,381 1,424,386 Postage Charges 13,880 7,815 Project Allowance 5,057,829 4,885,506 Rent & Rates 4,717,588 3,857,588 Salaries 29,666,974 19,41 1,881 Security 754,039 164,779 Short Term Individual Consultants 150,000 Slope Stabilization - Road 1,127,683,475 729,673,711 Staff Training - Foreign 5,224,678 2,772,734 Staff Training - Local 204,022 103,872 Stationery and Printing 1,188,121 822,528 Survey Expenses 210,175 185,175 Technical Evaluation Committee Member Fees 1,941,628 275,680 Telecommunication 419,286 306,492 Transport - Hired 313,191 313,191 Traveling and Subsistence (Local) 1,793,804 1,171,714 Water Bills 302,148 151,331 2,404,002,430 1,535,688,260 Total 7.479.079.237 5,394.065.460 Oil Annual Financial Statement 2018 - Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-CERC-RAT-NCB-704 Sam Dam Construction 1,788,575 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-14 Rajarata Construction & Development 4,959,017 4,959,017 CRIP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-16 Access Engineering PLC - 2,824,266 CRlP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-19 Weerasooriya Builders - 2,380,079 CRIP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-21 M/s Nazeeha Hardware and Construction 4,981,874 11,352,222 CRIP-Works-I D-B AT-NCB-24 Director General of Irrigation BOC A/C 70423 - 5,656,969 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-232 Star Construction & Engineers Pvt ltd - 13,624,369 CRIP-Works-I D-HAM-NCB-257 Suhada Enterprises 2,105,285 _ CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-271 Star Construction & Engineers Pvt ltd 10,296,151 10,296,151 CRir-Wu.ks-ID-HAM-NCB-303 BKG Construction PvtLtd - 1,010,394 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-306 Harini Enterprises - 2,296,520 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-307 Suhada Enterprises 1,821,245 8,869,608 CRlP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-32-2 Jayaralhna Constractors - 2,975,392 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-33 Athma Bawa Sons 114,158 1,346,177 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-34 M/s S.M.A Construction Pvt Ltd 5,055,037 9,304,313 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-35 Athambawa & sons 996,341 2,273,018 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-38-I M/s S.M.A Construction Pvt Ltd - 5,584,481 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-317 Hani Engineering Work 3,285,100 3,285,100 CRIP-Works-I D-MON-NCB-342 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd 772,831 2,041,579 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-343 Ruhunu Development Contractor 1,228,700 3,748,943 CRIP-Works-I D-MON-NCB-346 Ruhunu Development Contractor 1,530,091 1,946,799 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-349 • Ruhunu Development Contractor 2,400,105 2,857,229 CRIP-Works-I D-MON-NCB-3 51 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd (0) 1,410,704 CRIP-Works-I D-MON-NCB-353 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd 622,720 2,466,482 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-179 Deputy Project Director, Department of Irrigati - - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-108 M/s Shvama Engineering & Construction (Pvt 6,471,707 8,210,787 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-NCB-120 NIV TEC Consultancy Pvt Ltd 1,019,725 1,019,725 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-137 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd _ 735 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-I52 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 3,975,148 7,395,844 CRIP Workfi ID POL NCR 157 fiimil Inynrnthnu Conjliuiliuii 7,030,73'! 13,689,414 CRIP-Wo. k^-I D-POL-NCB-165 Kendaragama Construction 1,248,063 3,989,035 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-167 M/s Tissa Builders & Contractors 1,8^9,154 3,980,443 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-NCB-40-3 M/s Kirula Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd 4,197,070 4,999,196 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-NCB-42-4 Chandrika Construction 319,360 854,132 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-NCB-67 Jayarathna Contract 963,001 2,405,637 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-79 M/s Senevirathna Construction - 23,198,552 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-98 M/s R.P Jayaratna Contractors - 1,608,841 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-209 Liyanage Contractors - 1,505,548 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-209-6 Asibak Engineering Works - 1,507,780 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-210 Asibak Engineering Works - 617,442 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-211 M/s Ruhunu Development Contractors & Engi 698,215 1,612,296 CRIP-Works-I D-PUT-NCB-212 M/s Ruhunu Development Contractors & Engi 823,328 1,786,812 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-215 Ruhunu Development Contractor Engineers pv 2,030,802 2,958,337 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-216 Jayavi Holding Pvt Ltd 3,306,324 6,872,765 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-221-1 Chandrika Construction 441,594 441,594 CRIP-Works-ID-TRl-NCB-221 -3 M/s Jawahir Building Construction 925,871 3,102,047 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-222-2 M/s D.K..I Construction - 110,706 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-227-2 Volva Construction 602,047 1,442,687 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-227-4 M/s Voiva Construction Pvt Ltd 211,915 1,464,153 CRIP-Works-ID-TRi-NCB-227-5 M/s Bobby Construction 4,561,999 6,105,139 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-227-6 M/'s Atham Bawa and Sons . 1,530,570 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-228-2 Pearl Construction 716,059 774,271 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-231-3 M/s F-Tech engineering Services - 115,788 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-203 Gam ini Constructions 1,680,554 3,582,071 C RIP-Works-MAS L-N CB-205 M/S Lego international (pvt) Ltd . (0) (0) CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-208 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 0 0 01 5 Annual Financial Statement 2018 - Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-213 U.P. Ranugge Construction (0) (0) CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-219 M/S State Development & Constuction Copara (0) (2) CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-222 M/s Hydro Lanka Engineering 1,834,388 2,546,897 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-225 Jayarathne 1,324,089 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-226 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 3,319.287 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-227 M/s Node Engineering Construction 4,760,212 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-350-1 M/s Geo Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd 312,383 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-351 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd (0) (0) CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-353 Sanguine Engineering Pvt Ltd 5,605,022 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-354 George Steuart Engineering ( Pvt) Ltd (0) 6,200,384 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-355 New land Industries (pvt) Ltd (1) \ / (299,167) CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-356 ELS Constructions (PVT)Ltd 9,159,995 CRIP- Works-N BRO-NCB-358 Geo Engineering Consultant (Pvt) Ltd 3,249,934 _ CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-359 Geo Engineering Consultant (Pvt) Ltd _ 2,016,035 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-360 Sanguine Engineering Pvt Ltd - 4,137,280 CRIP-Works-PMU-Shopping-369-4 (i:ii) Yavinro Engineering Pvt Ltd 1,168,101 1,306,549 CRIP-Works-PMU-Shopping-369-6 M/s Shine Construction and Consultancy Servi 567,960 CRIP-Works-RDA-ICB-308 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 39,623,480 57,965,785 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-300 Sathuta Builders (Pvt) Ltd (0) (193,458) CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-302 State Development & Construction Coorparati< 1,040,936 11,282,688 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-303 R.R. Construction (pvt) Ltd 0 0 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-304 R.R. Construction (pvt) Ltd 19,622,259 28,341,277 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-305 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 0 0 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-307 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 3,597,510 3,597,510 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-309 M/s Finco Engineering Pvt Ltd 0 7,428,930 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-310 M/s Geo Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd (0) 2,695,857 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-312 M/s ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd (0) 18,935,185 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-314 M/s Ruhunu Development Contractors & Engi 0 0 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-315 M/s Mega Engineers (Pvt) Ltd 0 0 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-316 M/s Nawaloka Construction 5,003,315 19,858,820 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-317 E and C RR Joint Venture 23,290,885 19,132,045 CRJP-Works-RDA-NCB-318 M/s CML-MID Construction Ltd. 28,850,450 40,347,802 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-3 19 R.R. Construction (pvt) Ltd 39,116,874 . CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-322 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 6,468,276 - Total 275,084,932 458,861,176 O n A cco u n t P aym ents CRJP-Works-CERC-Ham-NCB- 901 Wijesekara Construction Pvt Ltd 18,517,079 CRIP-Works-CERC-HAM-NCB-902 Gamage Builders 6,763,205 . CRIP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-19 Weerasooriya Builders _ 3,000,000 CRIP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-27 Sun Construction _ 9,000,000 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-34 M/s S.M.A Construction Pvt Ltd 3,000,000 _ CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-346 Ruhunu Development Contractor _ CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-108 M/s Shyama Engineering & Construction (Pvt _ 2,500,000 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-113 M/s Rathnapala Construction - 2,172,000 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-132 Jayatissa Construction . 2,480,000 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-40-3 M/s Kirula Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd 1,470,000 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-41-7 Nawod Construction and Suppliers _ 274,052 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-42-4 Chandrika Construction _ 1,043,423 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-43-5 Thenabadu Construction . 2,606,413 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-44-9 M/s Kodikara Construction 2,600,000 . CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-67 Jayarathna Contract _ 2,000,000 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-79 M/s Senevirathna Construction _ 5,537,000 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-203 Gamini Constructions 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 1 6 V * ■ Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-M ASL-NCB-221 M/S sun Construction . 5,000,000 5,000,000 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-222 iVl/s Hydro Lanka Engineering - 2,500,000 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-225 Jayarathne - 3,000,000 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-226 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 9,000,000 2,000,000 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-227 M/s Node Engineering Construction 5,000,000 - Total 56,350,283 48,112,888 5.7 Sundry Deposit Sundry Deposit 201,950 119,950 201,950 119,950 5.8 Other Advances - CERC District Secretariat - Hambantota 352,828 - District Secretariat - Galle 1,000,000 District Secretariat - Rathnapura 17,929 District Secretariat - Kaluthara 69,006 1,439,763 - TOTAL A d van ces 382.197.577 523,045,813 06 Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents Designated Account (OP) - CBSL - SL 175 1,095,420,127 899,457,610 PMU Bank Account - Hyde Park - 7042379 (S) 13,337 14,269,448 PMU Bank Account -Hyde Park -7042378 (D) - - 1,095,433,464 913,727,057 TOTAL Cash and Cash E quivalents 1,095.433,464 913,727,057 07 R eceivables from International D evelopm ent Association Receivables from International Development Association IDA contribution Receivable Account (1) 59 (<) 59 TOTAL R eceivab les from In tern ation al D ev elo p m en t A ssociation (1) 59 08 A dvances received from ID A Advances received from IDA IDA Payable Account 741.286.931 799.423.234 741.286.931 799.423.234 TOTAL A d van ces received fro m IDA 741,286,931 799,423,234 09 O ther Payables 9.1 Advance Payable to Special Dolor Account Advance Payable to SDA 13,336 14,269,507 13,336 14,269,507 9.2 Control Account WHT Control Account 9,500 9,500 017 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. R eten tio n and O ther P ayable CRIP-Work-ID-PUT-NCB-217-4 Abesinghc Construction 256,542 502,444 CRIP-Works-CERC-RAT-NCB-70 1 Mount House Holdings 530,000 - CRIP-Works-ID-AMP-NCB-01 Farzan Building Construction 1,273,805 1,273,805 CRIP-Works-I D-AMP-NCB-01- 1 Athambawa & sons - 880,831 CRIP-Works-I D-A M P-NCB-02-1 A.S.Hardware & Steel Work - 860,221 CRIP-Works-I D-A MP-NCB-02-2 Shahida Engineering Works - 1,550,659 CRIP-Works-ID-AMP-NCB-03-I A.S.Hardware & Steel Work - 257,280 CRIP-Works-ID-AMP-NCB-03-3 Tokio Trade Center - 311,546 CRIP-Works-ID-AMP-NCB-03-4 Athambawa & sons - 882,657 CRIP-Works-I D-AM P-NCB-04-2 MRT Group - 786,512 CRIP-Works-ID-AMP-NCB-05 Perl Construction - 331,477 CRIP-Works-ID-AMP-NCB-05-1 Shana Construction 438,930 438,930 CRIP-Works-ID-AMP-NCB-05-2 Jeezan Trading & Transport 216,516 216,516 CRIP-Works-I D-AMP-NCB-05-3 Shana Construction 412,235 412,235 CRIP-Works-I D-AN U-CP-12-2 Abhaya F.O. 32,016 64,03 i CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-12-5 Suhadha F.O. - 141,339 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-12-6 Isurumuniya F.O. - 145,322 CRJ P-Works-I D-ANU-CP-12-7 Ranketha F.O. 26,426 52,852 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-10 Ekamuthu F.O. - 162,018 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-11 Vi jaya FO - 108,823 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-12 Vijaya FO - 148,800 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-13 Vijaya FO - 51,409 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-14 Mihindu FQ - 120,661 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-15 parakrama FO 0 88,827 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-18 D I2 3 FO 0 155,652 CRI P-Works-I D-ANU-CP-15-2 Ranketha F.O. 0 75,342 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-20 parakrama FO - 68,412 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-3 Eksath F.O. 0 69,685 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-6 Eksath F.O. - 59,949 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-7 Saaraboomi F.O. - 68,808 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-8 Ekamuthu F.O. 0 0 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-CP-15-9 Eksath F.O. - 84,330 CRIP-Works-I D-ANU-NCB-06 Athambawa & sons 0 1,158,029 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-07 Athambawa & sons 0 546,280 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-09 Rajarata Construction & Development - 1,411,334 CRIP Workc ID ANU-NCB-10 Rfltnapfllfl Pnnstnirtinn - 512,125 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-11 DMC Construction pvt Ltd 0 409,447 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-12 Ratnapala Construction - 475,918 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-13 Sunil Jayarathna Construction (0) 610,951 CRIP-Works-I D-ANU-NCB-14 Rajarata Construction & Development 1,257,373 1,257,373 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-15 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 897,652 1,795,303 CRIP-Works-ID-ANU-NCB-15-22 Department of Government Factory 1,621,865 1,621,865 CRIP-Works-I D-BAT-NCB-16 Access Engineering PLC 2,358,878 4,717,755 CRIP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-19 Weerasooriya Builders 0 1,869,100 CRIP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-21 M/s Nazeeha Hardware and Construction 2,462,208 - CRIP-Works-ID-BAT-NCB-22 Ancheneye Construction No 225. Bar Road Ba - 1,880,250 C RIP-Works-I D-B AT-N CB-24 M2 Lanka Engineering Pvt Ltd 2,229,552 2,229,552 CRIP-Works-I D-B AT-NCB-27 Sun Construction - 9,043,225 CRIP-Works-1 D-B A 1-NCB-29 Business Promoters & Partners Eiigineeiiug 0 4,909,024 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-CP-239 Yaya D5 Bedumale FO - 74,531 CRIP-Works-I D-HAM-CP-246 D2 D3 Thgisara FO 45,672 67,511 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-CP-252 FO Samagi Track 02 31,722 31,722 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-CP-253 FO Samagi Track 02 56,093 56,093 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-CP-260 Vijaya FO 81,391 81,391 018 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-ID-H AM-CP-291 Bandarawatta ULMC FO _ 83,696 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-CP-293 Rankeliya Bedum Ela FO - 82,115 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-CP-295 FO Viharamahadevi Bedum Ela - 163,730 CRIP-Works-lD-HAM-CP-299 Viharamaha Devi Bedum Ela FO - 67,282 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-232 Star Construction & Engineers Pvt ltd 183,266 183,266 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-233 Chanaka Metal (PVT) LTD - 565,564 CRIP-Works-ID-MAM-NCB-236 M/s Channa Construction 450,326 251,178 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-241 M/s B.K.G Construction (Pvt) Ltd 636,389 - CRIP-Works-ID-I IAM-NCB-244 Victory Construction 323,150 - CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-245 BKG Construction Pvt Ltd 602,851 602,851 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-248 M/s. D.Group Engineering 289,879 - CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-249 M/s Channa Construction 449,956 421,982 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-250 Nayomi Builders 354,623 354,623 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-254 Channa Construction 554,963 326,398 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-256 Isula Construction 241,086 241,086 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-257 Suhada Enterprises 143,936 - CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-261 M/s Udayaputhra Idikireem Sevaya 414,587 414,587 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-262 M/s Udayaputhra Idikireem Sevaya 487,631 330,128 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-263 Suhada Enterprises 559,816 - CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-266 Harini Enterprises 390,849 390,849 CR1P-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-270 Victory Construction 759,604 389,886 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-271 Star Construction & Engineers Pvt ltd 990,850 990,850 CRJP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-280 Suhada Enterprises 567,336 567,336 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-283 M/s Dilumi Tharaka Construction 117,957 - CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-285 Channa Construction 1,033,937 1,033,937 CRIP-Works-1 D-HAM-NCB-290 M/s B.K.G Construction (Pvt) Ltd 1,108,346 1,108,346 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-292 Channa Construction 225,423 - CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-296 BKG Construction PvtLtd - 354,196 CRIP-Works-ID-I IAM-NCB-300 Suhada Enterprises 844,757 - CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-301 M/s Nayomi Builders 871,858 266,251 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-303 BKG Construction PvtLtd 413,096 187,543 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-306 Harini Enterprises 1,090,233 625,225 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-307 Suhada Enterprises 3,137,287 928,925 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-NCB-311 M/s Muthu Construction 353,917 227,736 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-235 Ranjith Builders - 311,455 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-237 B.K.G Construction Pvt Ltd - 204,240 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-238 Thisara Construction - 159,947 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-240 Thisara Construction - 279,315 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-247 Dilumi Tharaka Construction (0) 244,318 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-268 LG Construction 194,595 194,595 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-284 Channa Construction - 246,907 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-S-288 Subodha Construction - 192,223 CRIP-Works-lD-HAM-S-289 I Iaritha Engineering Construction - 169,000 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-Shopping-243 Thisara Costruction 207,632 207,632 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-Shopping-272 Dilumi Thraka Construction 112,612 112,612 CRIP-Works-ID-I lAM-Shopping-279 Dilumi Thraka Construction 188,763 188,763 CRIP-Works-ID-HAM-Shopping-297 Sasela Construction - 237,397 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-34-1 LB D7 Bedum Ela FO 62,531 58,798 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-34-2 LB Udayathapalagama Bedum Ela FQ - 64,023 CRIP-Works-I D-KU R-CP-34-3 LB yaya5,6 Bedumela FQ - 96,783 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-34-4 LB D6 Bedum Ela FO 0 68,389 CRIP-Works-I D-KU R-CP-34-5 LB D3 sisil pokuna Bedum Ela FO 87,686 87,686 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-34-6 Kulankathiya Alulh wewa FO - 52,266 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-34-8 LB D4 Bedumela FQ - 74,458 019 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-35-1 RB yayaOl 02 Bcduni Ela FQ - 154,497 CRIP-W orks-I D-KU R-CP-3 5-2 Right Bank Track 3 D8 Bedum Ela FQ - 145,680 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-36-1 FO Madyama - 136,573 CRIP-Works-1 D-KUR-CP-36-2 FO Yava 4-5 - 93,436 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-CP-38-2 RB Yata 7 Anicut Ela FO 83,905 155,270 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-32 Mahinda Contractors 982,908 982,908 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-32-1 Shyama Engineering Construction Pvt Ltd 1,014,506 741,196 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-32-2 Jayarathna Constractors 2,342,411 2,292,728 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-33 Athma Bavva Sons 1,288,758 1,288,758 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-34 M/s S.M.A Construction Pvt Ltd 2,320,404 472,892 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-35 Athambawa & sons 2,191,087 2,191,087 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-36 Jayarathne - 2,643,121 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-37 NIV TEC Consultancy Pvt Ltd 1,216,483 - CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-38 Mahinda Contractors 608,998 608,998 CRIP-Works-ID-KUR-NCB-38-1 M/s S.M.A Construction Pvt Ltd 2,204,691 979,524 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-CP-322 Ekamuthu F.O. 139,938 112,029 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-CP-323 F 0 Gamunu 2nd 133,334 133,334 CRI P-Works-I D-MON-CP-324 l-'O Ranamayura - 185,904 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-CP-339 Siriparakum FO 0 147,774 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-CP-340 Eksath F.O. - 103,919 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-CP-341 Sri Vijithapura FO - 149,651 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-317 Uani Engineering Work 288,102 288,102 CRlP-Works-lD-MON-NCB-321-2 Kasun Construction & Supplies 1,174,695 1,174,695 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-330-1 Kevinda construction - 652,547 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-342 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd 480,768 - CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-343 Ruhunu Development Contractor 1,126,995 99,821 CRIP-Works-lD-MON-NCB-346 Ruhunu Development Contractor 218,944 31,491 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-349 Ruhunu Development Contractor 258,855 53,221 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-351 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd 444,729 132,871 CRIP-Works-ID-MON-NCB-353 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd 838,078 338,238 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-102 Samagi Bedumela Govi Sanvidanaya 12,666 12,666 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-lOS DCO Samagi Bedum Ela 175,689 175,689 LKJP-Works-I LM'UL-LH-104 DCO Puranagama - 147,577 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-117 lthihasika Mahasen Orubendi Siyambalawa D( 0 0 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-136 Topa Wewa DCO - 133,287 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-CP-140 Sewagama DCO 0 72,246 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-153 DCO Aluthwewa - West 48,416 48,416 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-156 Laxauyana DCO 72,869 19,302 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-158 Singhapura DCO 0 0 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-179 Kegalugama DCO 53,145 63,624 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-183 Sungawila DCO 14,431 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-185 Palasthigama DCO - 55,150 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-190 Monarathenna DCO (1) (1) CRlP-Works-ID-POL-CP-204 D3 North DCO 158,504 116,136 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-205 D3 South Ambangaga DCO 70,168 70,168 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-208 D3 North DCO 84,153 117,594 CRlP-Works-ID-POL-CP-39-1 DCO Wijeya- Track7 0 0 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-39-6 DCO Mahindapura 5,366 5,366 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-41 -10 Givisetha DCO 165,441 59,327 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-44-10 Weerakeppetipola F.O - 89,485 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-CP-46 Mahasen Bedum Ela Govi Sanvidanaya 0 0 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-47 Kusumpokuna bedum Ela Govi Sanvidanaya 187,150 187,150 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-CP-48 Diulankadawala bedum Ela Govi Sanvidanaya - 77,483 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-60 DCO Kothalawala 0 £ n0 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-61 Ulpathvvela Bedum Ela FO 63,212 89,292 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-62 DCO Hathamuna 100,170 100,170 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-66 Kumaragama Bedumela FO 126,099 126,099 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-71 Puranagama Bedum Lla 54,466 54,466 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-88 "DCO Wijaya Bedum Ela" 105.750 105,750 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-92 Agbopura Bedumela F.O 78,868 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-93 Vijaya bedum Ela Govi sanvidanaya 155,618 - CRIP-Works-lD-POL-CP-94 Candanapokuna Bedum Ela FO 77,984 50,968 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-95 Kadawala Wevva F.O 85,774 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-96 purana Girithalegama Bedumela 96,509 96,509 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-97 Jayanthi Pura Bedum Ela F.O 41,636 23,518 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-CP-99 48 Katasa Bedum Ela FO - 138,945 CRIP-Works-lD-POL-NCB-IOS M/s Shyama Engineering & Construction (Pvt 782,586 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-113 M/s Rathnapala Construction 1,731,026 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-120 NIV TEC Consultancy Pvt Ltd 624,920 624,920 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-122 Wasana Construction 419,952 246,252 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-123 M/s Herath Construction 1,061,863 218,290 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-124 Kodikara Construction 907,479 907,479 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-NCB-125 Saptara Engineering (pvt) ltd 1,141,595 1,141,595 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-130 M/s .M.G.Y Constructions 296,607 136,623 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-132 Jayatissa Construction 1,891,492 1,433,383 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-137 Laughs Engineering Pvt Ltd 540,964 540,964 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-152 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 1,516,812 258,316 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-157 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 5,531,753 3,374,517 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-165 Kendaragama Construction 2,216,404 1,713,256 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-167 M/s Tissa Builders & Contractors 924,960 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-189 M/S Aruni Constructions 248,381 248,381 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-191 M/s Jayathissa Construction 1,793,023 717,005 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-202 M/s Lachan Construction 1,025,000 112,866 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-39-8 Jayarathne - 500,709 CRIP-Works-I D-POL-NCB-40-3 M/s Kirula Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd 995,103 634,146 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-41 Jayarathne - 340,201 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-41- 1 Harini Enteiprises 734,220 734,220 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-41-2 Nadun Construction 631,906 631,906 CRIP-W orks-I D-POL-N CB-41-3 Jayarathne - 180,589 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-41-7 Navvod Construction and Suppliers 130,457 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-42 Marini Enterprises 724,093 724,093 CRI P-Works-ID-POL-NCB-42-13 D S J Civil Engineering Construction Enterpris 518,008 228,912 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-42-4 Chandrika Construction 240,647 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-42-8 Rajapaksha Enterprises 198,852 115,828 CRIP-Works-lD-POL-NCB-43-5 Thenabadu Construction 400,742 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-44-8 Nawod Construction and Suppliers 302,460 135,878 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-44-9 M/s Kodikara Construction 748,842 320,744 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-49 Abeyawardana Construction 1,547,369 599,503 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-56 Kandaragama Construction 1,374,062 1,362,964 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-58 Kodikara Construction 1,127,443 700,628 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-67 Jayarathna Contract 649,186 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-68 Polonnaruvva Contractors 311,419 311,419 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-69 Kodikara Construction 418,902 385,1 13 CRJP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-79 M/s Senevirathna Construction 4,365,647 1,043,302 CRIP-Works-ID-POL-NCB-98 M/s R.P Jayaratna Contractors 475,332 - CRIP-Works-ID-POL-S-119 Wasana Construction 137,325 137,325 CRI P-Works-ID-POL-S-121 NIV TEC Consultancy Pvt Ltd 100,009 100,009 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-CO-211 -6 FQ Parakum - 88,452 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-CP-215-3 FQ Mahasen - 89,346 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-209 Livanage Contractors 1,215,091 1,197,045 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-209-3 Tharindu Construction 1,432,369 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-210 Asibak Engineering Works 678,584 678,584 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-210-4 Tharindu Construction H0 - 257,780 *. vj i— ■ Annual Financial Statement 2018 - Nates ta the Financial Statement,— 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-211 M/s Ruhunu Development Contractors & Engi 1,024,783 852,310 CRIP-Works-I D-PUT-NCB-211 -5 Jayasinghe Engineering & Construction 339,351 266,785 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-212 M/s Ruhunu Development Contractors & Engi 1,137,901 925,363 CRIP-Works-I D-PUT-NCB-212-5 M/s Aruna Builders 317,644 181,906 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-213 Aruna Builders 450,084 900,167 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-213-6 Abesinghe Construction 403,122 490,616 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-214 Chandana Contractors 421,658 732,406 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-215 Ruhunu Development Contractor Engineers pv 1,705,651 1,302,462 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-215-4 M/s Aruna Builders 364,148 - CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-215-6 Sunil Jayarathna Construction - 816,048 CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-216 Jayavi Holding Pvt Ltd 1,698,120 1 101 i,iu i y CRIP-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-216-5 Abesinghe Construction 288,876 577,751 CR1 P-Works-ID-PUT-NCB-217 Abesinghe Construction 231,540 463,080 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-CP-224-1 FO Pakkiranveddi (0) (0) CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-NCB-218-1 ANM Engineering Ltd. Maruthamunai 163,510 327,020 CRIP-Works-lD-TRI-NCB-219 Atham Bavva Sons 1,053,822 571,523 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-219-3 Athambawa & sons 1,001,726 1,001,726 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-220 ANM Engineering Ltd, Maruthamunai 734,180 734,180 CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-NCB-220-2 Fareed Civil Construction & Engineering 705,834 1,411.669 CRIP-Works-ID-TRl-NCB-221 M/s Javvahir Building Construction 259,234 518,467 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-221- 1 Chandrika Construction 157,597 157,597 C RIP-Works-I D-TRI-NCB-221-3 M/s Jawahir Building Construction 884,028 - CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-222-2 M/s D.K.J Construction 175,625 351,251 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-223-1 Pearl Construction 207,565 415,130 CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-NCB-224-3 M/s Central Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd 429,560 429,560 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-225-2 Jeezan Trading & Transport 254,239 254,239 CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-NCB-226-2 Jeezan Trading & Transport 371,262 371,262 CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-NCB-227 M/s U.K. Construction 241,152 233,068 CRIP-'Works-I D-TRI-NCB-227-2 Volva Construction 561,274 230,629 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-227-4 M/s Volva Construction Pvt Ltd 422,414 - CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-227-5 M/s Bobby Construction 1,215,655 521,191 CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-NCB-227-6 M/s Atham Bawa and Sons 573,035 209,357 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-228 Jawarhir Building Construction 396,304 - CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-228-2 Pearl Construction 521,249 495,053 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-229-2 Athma Bawa Sons 1,232,148 1,232,148 CRIP- Works-ID-1R1-NCB-2J1 M/s U.K. Construction 1b&,32 / 29,044 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-231-1 Athma Bavva Sons 661,740 1,323,479 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-231-2 M/s F-Tech engineering Services 189,868 379,737 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-NCB-231-3 M/s F-Tech engineering Services 363,536 727,073 CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-S-222-4 U K Construction 92,120 184,240 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-S-227-1 Pooma Construction 51,116 102,231 CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-Shopping-225 B Allei F 0 102,145 - CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-Shopping-225-2 A D K J Constructions 107,284 - CRIP-Works-ID-TRI-Shopping-226-2 A P T S Constructions 69,408 - CRIP-Works-I D-TRI-Shopping-226-2 B P T S Constructions 44,076 - CRIP-Works-MASL-CP-225-2 Chairman Sumudu F.O Halmillakulama (0) (0) C RIP-Works-M A S L-C P-226-3 Chairman .Parakum F.O Kaduruvvegama 0 0 CRIP-Works-MASL-CP-232 Chairman, 407/D2 Divisional Canal.F.O Ranki 0 0 CRIP-Works-MASL-CP-234 Divisional Canal F.O, Meewathpura 129,134 129,134 CRIP-Works-M AS L-CP-240 Thissa Divisional Canal F.O. Mahawanavvela 73,501 73,501 C Rl P-Works- MAS L-N CB-201 State Development & Construction Coorparatk 0 2,785,542 CRlP-Works-MASL-NCB-203 Gamini Constructions 2,322,007 2,016,792 C RI P-Works-M A SL-N CB-205 M/S Lego international (pvt) Ltd . - 1,205,673 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-211 R.M.T.Constructions (0) (0) CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-212 M/S State Development & Consluction Copara 0 0 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-216 M/S Sapthara Engineering (pvt)Ltd, 0 0 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-218 M/S Suhada Enterprises 840,654 840,654 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 Rs. Rs. CRIP-Works-M ASL-NCB-219 M/S State Development & Constuction Copara - 1,164,340 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-221 M/S sun Construction. 2,376,213 2,376,213 CRIP-Works-M ASL-NCB-222 M/s Hydro Lanka Engineering 716,413 395,784 CRIP-Works-M ASL-NCB-225 Jayarathne 1,357,080 1,357,080 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-226 Sunil Jayarathna Construction 2,491,999 2,410,787 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-227 M/s Node Engineering Construction 2,280,531 1,829,487 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-229 Ranjith Builders 0 554,739 CRIP-Works-MASL-NCB-256 M/s Ruhunu Development Contractors & Engi 1,272.801 1,272,801 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-350 E.L.S construction (pvt)Ltd - 923,246 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-350-1 M/s Geo Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd 1,294,758 C RIP-Works-N B RO-N CB -351 o i (Pvt) -i Tech Sou .j /i'j ,\ iLtd “ /C,Jo o QO1 Olo l,z 1c CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-352 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd - 2,382,785 CRIP-Works-N BRO-NCB-353 Sanguine Engineering Pvt Ltd 1,492,817 - CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-354 George Steuart Engineering ( Pvt) Ltd 3,404,021 2,145,377 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-355 New land Industries (pvt) Ltd 0 2,182,980 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-356 ELS Constructions (PVT)Ltd 4,209,829 3,026,093 CRIP-Works-NBRO-NCB-357 Geo Engineering Consultant (Pvt) Ltd (0) 997,570 CRIP- Works-N B RO-N CB-3 5 8 Geo Engineering Consultant (Pvt) Ltd 1,056,741 - CRIP-Works-NB RO-NCB-359 Geo Engineering Consultant (Pvt) Ltd 481,025 511,293 CRIP-Works-NB RO-NCB-3 60 Sanguine Engineering Pvt Ltd 1,074,531 - CR1P-WORKS-PMU-S-369-5 Nimal Construction - 7,906 CRI P-Works-PM U-S hopping-369-2 Shine Construction 28,505 28,505 CRIP-Works-PMU-Shopping-369-3 Shine Construction 0 108,921 CRIP-Works-PMU-Shopping-369-4 (iii) Yavinro Engineering Pvt Ltd 97,267 43,092 CRIP-Works-PMU-Shopping-369-6 M/s Shine Construction and Consultancy Servi 318,100 - CRIP-Works-RDA-ICB-308 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 15,783,512 2,563,510 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-300 Sathuta Builders (Pvt) Ltd 9,406,278 9,406,278 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-302 State Development & Construction Coorparatu 0 7,231,815 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-304 R.R. Construction (pvt) Ltd 5,045,336 1,679,472 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-305 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 3,824,576 7,649,151 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-306 M/s Son Tech (pvt) Ltd 9,171,234 9,171,234 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-307 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 1 1,603,001 11,603,001 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-309 M/s Finco Engineering Pvt Ltd 2,695,875 814,307 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-310 M/s Geo Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd 1,680,882 - CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-312 M/s ELS Construction (Pvt) Ltd 6,562,743 1,746,652 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-313 CML-MTD Construction LTD, 2,775,496 5,550,991 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-314 M/s Ruhunu Development Contractors & Engi (0) (0) CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-315 M/s Mega Engineers (Pvt) Ltd - 2,693,058 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-316 M/s Nawaloka Construction 6,844,132 2,206,698 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-317 M/s E&C - RR JV 8,496,391 487,895 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-318 M/s CML-MID Construction Ltd. 6,601,251 1,402,528 CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-319 R.R. Construction (pvt) Ltd 13,571,167 - CRIP-Works-RDA-NCB-322 Soil Tech (Pvt) Ltd 1,469,852 - CRIP-Works-TRI-NCB-225 Jeezan Trading & Transport 303,099 303,099 Total 251,132,816 224,001,960 TOTAL O ther P avab les 251.155.653 238.271.466 P r o ie c t F u n d s P ro ie ct F u nd s Domestic Fund Account (GOSL) 354,279,986 107,191,165 Exchange gain/losses 354,146,533 114,303,883 IDA Contribution Account 9.470.381.905 7,190,395,283 10,178,808,424 7,411,890,331 TOTAL P roiect Funds 10.178.808.424 ......7.411.890,331 . 023 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement F o r the C um ulative C um ulative Y ear up to up to 2018____________ 31/12/2018_________ 31/12/2017 11 D evelopm ent nf Basin Investm ent Plans A dvertising - 343,735 343,735 A real photographs - 162,808,720 162,808,720 C asual Labor 273,000 859,598 586,598 C om m unication and Aw areness 4,280.628 4,741,448 460,820 C om puters & A ccessories including Soft W are 1,138,750 44,536,629 43,397,879 E nvironm ental Assessm ent 24,017,175 37,360,050 13,342,875 EPF 2,045,649 3,184,727 1,139,077 Equipm ent, Plant and M achinery M aintenance - 67,800 67,800 ETF 499,987 784,757 284,769 Fuel and Lubricants - V ehicle 733,984 1,671,309 937,325 Furniture and Fittings - 781,170 781,170 IDA Refund 228,694,872 228,694,872 - Im plem entation Support C onsultancy - Lum p Sum 190,547,598 277,363,974 86,816,377 Im plem entation Support C onsultancy -Provisional Sum 4,505,640 58,591,477 54,085,836 LID A R and DEM m odels - 232,514,772 232,514,772 M aintenance o f V ehicle - 59,417 59,417 O ffice Equipm ent 216,775 838,965 622,190 O ffice E quipm ent M aintenance 231,399 595,399 364,000 O ffice Expenses 757,111 1,489,030 731,919 O ffice Refurbishm ent - 3,235,300 3,235,300 O ther A llow ance - 308,326 308.326 O ther C onsum able Tools - 15,403,091 15,403,091 O vertim e 400,582 737,805 337,222 Postage Charges 3,385 22,739 19,354 Project A llow ance 356,587 9,316,145 8,959,558 Salaries 23,693,555 47,117,771 18,494,166 S hort Term Individual C onsultants 654,000 1,714,000 1,060,000 Social Safeguard M anagem ent Program (SSM P) 15,658,579 15,867,599 209,020 S taff T raining - Foreign 4,074,620 6,927,776 2,853,156 S taff T raining - Local 141,600 555,417 413,817 Stationer}' and Printing 359,156 872,879 513,723 Survey Expenses 3,649,765 4,602,435 952,670 T echnical Evaluation C om m ittee M em ber Fees 364,000 779,000 415,000 Telecom m unication 281,973 742,435 460,462 T ransport - Hired 1,081,229 2,948,712 1,867,483 T raveling and Subsistence (Local) 97,300 137,288 39,988 V ehicles - 34,930,000 34,930,000 W ater Bills 76,010 150,686 74,676 TOTAL D e v e lo p m e n t o f Basin In v estm e n t P lans 508 . 764.909 1 . 198 . 657.200 689,892,291 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement F o r the C um ulative C um ulative Y ear up to up to 2018 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 12 Increasing clim ate R esilience o f infrastructure A dvertising 1,671,698 33,813,361 32,141,664 B ank C harges 1,295 2,095 800 B ridge Expansion 445,979,983 1,195,309,817 749,329,834 C anal System s im provem ent 925,406,407 4,151,966,796 3,226,560,389 Casual Labor 256,320 841,526 585,206 C leaning 514,653 819,362 304,709 C om puters & A ccessories including Soft W are 8,583,626 72,220,699 63,637,073 Disposal Items 10,989 10,989 - E lectricity 553,123 1,944,228 1,391,105 Environm ental A ssessm ent - 7,563,205 7,563,205 E PF 3,815,522 10,945,671 7,130,149 E quipm ent, Plant and M achinery M aintenance 32,958 133,974 101,017 ETF 953,881 2,615,436 1,661,555 Fuel and L ubricants - V ehicle 11,554,033 37,986,365 26,432,332 Furniture and Fittings - 1,522,449 1,522,449 H oliday Pay 135,116 669.896 534,780 Insurance License- Equip, Plant & M achinery - 326,221 326,221 Insurance License, D iesel T ax -V ehicle 487,617 4,191,943 3,704,325 M achinery & E quipm ent - 360,304,497 360,304,497 M aintenance o f O ffice Prem ises - 30,024 30,024 M aintenance o f V ehicle 3,175,837 15,898,394 12,722,557 N ew spapers, Periodicals and Books 360 6,780 6,420 O ffice E quipm ent 85,200 11,774,589 11,689,389 O ffice E quipm ent M aintenance 411,239 1,587,790 1,176,551 O ffice Expenses 861,741 3,952,126 3,090,385 O ffice R efurbishm ent 614,892 21,400,113 20,785,221 O ther A llow ance 21,500 715,750 694,250 O ther C onsum able T ools - 37,341 37,341 O vertim e 4,224,958 14,086,518 9,861,559 Postage C harges 19,755 83,835 64,080 Project A llow ance 18.037,313 88,700,920 70,663,608 R ent & R ates 860,000 8,106,388 7,246,388 Salaries 38,893,693 107,250,689 68,356,996 Security 589,260 754,039 164,779 S hort Term Individual C onsultants 18,656,543 36,044,605 17,388,062 Slope Stabilization - N B R O School 164,445,954 523,517,796 359,071,842 Slope Stabilization - R oad 398,009,764 1,127,683,475 729,673,711 S taff T raining - Foreign 36,710,516 49,618,632 12,908,116 S taff T raining - Local 395,900 4,617,576 4,221,676 S tationery and Printing 1,788,735 11,591,041 9,802,306 Steering C om m ittee M eeting 14,500 14,500 Survey Expenses 25,000 289,353 264,353 Technical Evaluation C om m ittee M em ber Fees 2,633,448 3,645,978 1,012,530 T elecom m unication 431,211 1,662,659 1,231,448 T ransport - H ired 938,164 3,160,138 2,221,974 T raveling and Subsistence (Local) 1,743,584 4,984,623 3,241,039 V ehicles - 309,303,127 309,303,127 W ater Bills 150,817 497,271 346,454 TOTAL Increasing clim ate Resilience o f infrastructure $,234,204,5.97. 6.140.521.994 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement o r the C um ulative C um ulative Y ear up to up to ^ 1 8 ----------------- 3.1/12/2018___________ 31/12/2017 13 Im plem entation Support and M onitoring A dvertising Casual L abor 401,925 3,636,407 3,234,482 C leaning 332,148 684,588 352.440 C om m unication and Aw areness 353,345 645,959 292,615 C om puters & A ccessories including Soft W are 145,000 236,000 91,000 C onsultants for M anagem ent Inform ation System 536 10,497,572 10,497,036 Electricity 1,200,000 7,400,000 6.200,000 Environm ental Assessm ent 968,891 2,527,483 1,558.592 EPF 8.050 8.050 E quipm ent, Plant and M achinery M aintenance 4,266,466 11,828,068 7,561,602 ETF 40,812 40.812 Fuel and L ubricants - V ehicle 1,089,115 3,025,076 1.935,961 Furniture and Fittings 1,354,717 4,639,050 3,284.333 H oliday Pay 164,208 2,624,222 2,460.014 Insurance License, Diesel Tax -V ehicle 794,500 1,891,316 1,096,816 Internal A udit Fees 392,069 7,207,293 6,815,224 M achinery & Equipm ent 986,563 2,068,808 1,082,245 M aintenance o f Furniture and Fittings (139,656) 16,650 156,306 M aintenance o f O ffice Prem ises 16,915 16,915 M aintenance o f V ehicle 7,430 7,430 M onitoring & Evaluation cost ( M ission V isits/ Rev 1,223,790 2,636,956 1,413.166 N ew spapers, Periodicals and Books 218,769 218,769 O ffice E quipm ent 15,600 77,040 61.440 O ffice E quipm ent M aintenance 891,028 2,797,369 1,906.341 O ffice Expenses 394,584 874,006 479,422 O ffice R efurbishm ent 1,102,979 3,951,476 2,848498 O ther A llow ance 3,181,004 9,038,970 5,857,966 O ther C onsum able Tools 38,003 196,690 158 687 O vertim e 1.800 n 0 /l07 108,607 P uild ge C haiges 1,425,620 4 297,710 2,866,590 P roject A llow ance 90.805 236,879 146,074 Salaries 5,355,814 5,355,814 S hort T erm Individual C onsultants 36,964,711 101,133,963 64,169,253 Social Safeguard M anagem ent Program (SSM P) 2,581,320 6,163,120 3,581,800 S ta ff T raining - Foreign 10,582 10,582 S ta ff T raining - Local 2,437,715 15,636,394 13,198 679 S tationery and Printing 519,245 2,083,854 1,564,609 S teering C om m ittee M eeting 1,319,524 3,429,110 2,109,586 Survey Expenses 40,000 40,000 T echnical Evaluation C om m ittee M em ber Fees 380 380 T elecom m unication 164,300 473,800 309.500 T ransport - Hired 849,356 2,969,373 2,120,017 T raveling and Subsistence (Local) 36.806 451,490 414,683 V ehicles 112,523 278,198 165,675 W ater B ills 26,330,000 26,330,000 129,640 399,447 269.806 TOTAL Implementation Su oD ort and M on ito rin a 65.790.179 _ 248.187.996 182 397 817 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Notes to the Financial Statement For the C um ulative C um ulative Y ear up to up to 2018 31/12/2018 31/12/2017 14 C ontingent E m ergency R esponse A dvertising 679,621 679,621 Fuel and Lubricants - V ehicle 8,000 8,000 - H oliday Pay 78,491 78,491 - O ffice Expenses 7,382 7,382 - O vertim e 1,671 1,671 - Postage Charges 800 800 - R oad Im provem ent 11,420,500 11,420,500 - Stationery and Printing 18,500 18,500 - Survey Expenses 89,000 89,000 - T echnical Evaluation C om m ittee M em ber Fees 206,000 206,000 - T ransport - Hired 18,000 18,000 - T raveling and Subsistence (Local) 42,210 42,210 - 12,570,175 12,570,175 15 B orrow ing Costs B orrow ing Costs 106.179.592 106,179,592 106.179.592 1Q-6J79,592 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Trial Balance /Vcct Account Name A s a t 2018-12-31 A s a t 2017-12-31 No Debit (Rs) C redit (Rs) Debit (Rs) C redit (Rs) 2304 Consultancy for Mid Term Review - - - - 2305 Consultancy for End Project Evaluation - - - - 2383 Vehicles 370,563,127 - 370,563,127 - 2384 Machinery & Equipment 360,321,147 - 360,460,803 - 2385 Computers & Accessories 127,254,899 - 117,531,988 - 2386 Office Equipment 15,410,923 - 14,217,920 - 2390 Furniture and Fittings 4,927,841 - 4,763,633 - 2501 Staff Training - Local 7,256,847 - 6,200,102 - 2502 Staff Training - Foreign 72,182,802 - 28,959,951 - 2510 Office Refurbishment 33,674,383 - 29,878,487 - 3000 Advance from SDA 13,336 - 14,269,507 - 3001 IDA contribution Receivable Account - 1 59 - 3002 Domestic Fund Account (GOSL) - 354,279,986 - 107,191,165 3003 IDA Payable Account - 741,286,931 - 799,423,234 3010 Non - refundable Bid Deposit - - - - 3011 Refundable Tender Fees - - - - 3012 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - - 3050 Retention Money - Contractor - 251,132,816 - 224,001,960 3052 Sundry Deposit 201,950 - 119,950 - 3053 Exchange gain/losses - 354,146,533 - 114,303,883 3060 IDA Contribution Account - 9,470,381,905 - 7,190,395,283 3061 Advance Payable to SDA - 13,336 - 14,269,507 3100 PMU Bank A ccount-H yde Park (D) - - - - 3101 PMU Bank A ccount-H yde Park (S) 13,337 - 14,269,448 - 3102 Designated Account (OP) - CBSL 1,095,420,127 - 899,457,610 - 3103 RDI - Anuradapura - Bank A/C 1,629,510 - - - 3104 RDI - Hambantota - Bank A/C - 0 - - 3105 RDI - Kandy - Bank A/C 274,538 - - - 3106 RDI - Kurunegala - Bank A/C - - - - 3107 RDI - Trincomalee- Bank A/C 30.000 - - - 3108 ID- Head office - Bank A/C - - - - 3109 RDI - Ampara - Bank A/C - - - - 3110 RDI - Baticaloe - Bank A/C - - - - 3111 RDI - Monaragala - Bank A/C - - - - 3112 RDI - Puttlam - Rank A/C - - - - 3113 RDI - Polonnaruwa - Bank A/C 46,081,465 - - - 3125 RDA - Bank A/C - - 1,037,197 - 3127 NBRO - Bank A/C - - - - 3130 MASL - HOA&M - Bank A/C - - - - 3131 MASL- Udawalawe - Bank A/C 62,524 - 62,524 - 3132 MASL- Tambuttegama - Bank A/C 393,896 - 393,896 - 3133 MASL- System B - Bank A/C - - - - 3134 MASL- System C - Bank A/C - - - - 3135 MASL- KOB - Bank A/C 149,987 - 149,987 - 3136 MASL- Huruluwewa - Bank A/C - - 3,175 - 3137 RDI - Vaunia- Bank A/C - - - - 3138 PRDA - Uva Province- Bank A/C - - - - 3139 PMU Bank Account ( AF ) - Hyde Park -704 - - - _ _ _ 3140 Designated Account (AF) - CBSL - SL 186 - - - - 3141 RDI - Mannar - Bank A/C 424,083 - - - 3150 Mobilization Advance 275,084,932 - 458,861,176 - 3151 On Account Payments 56,350,283 - 48,112,888 - 3152 Special Advance - Contractors - - - - 3152 Special Advances 1,439,763 - - - 3160 Liquidated damage Account - - - - 3301 Local Purchase Advance- IOC 61,309 - 35,514 - 3303 Local Purchase Advance- Goods/Consultanc - - - - 3304 Firm Order Advance - 0 - 0 3305 Salary Advance - - - - 3306 Festival Advance - - - - 029 Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Trial Balance Acct Account Name A s a t 2018-12-31 A s a t : - 2017-12-31 No Debit (Rs) C redit (Rs) Debit (Rs) C redit (Rs) 4401 Accrued Expenses - - - - 4402 Stamp duty Control Account - - - - 4403 EPF Control Account - - - - 4404 Salary Control Account - - - - 4405 ETF Control Account - - - - 4406 PAYE Tax Control Account - - - - 4407 Fund Transfer - - - - 4408 WHT Control Account - 9,500 - - Total 11,171,251,009 11,171,251,009 8,449,585,031 8,449,585,031 Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & Water Resources Management Annual Financial Statement - 2018 Allocation accortline to the A m ount Utilized C om ponents A gn ifcments / 1 u n d er revi ew (2018)/ 2 D uring the y ear und er review (2018) As a t 31 De cem ber 2018 USD (Mnl USD (Mn) LKR (Mn) USD (Mn) LKR (Mn) Anatv sis for IDA funds - Orieional Proiect 1 Development o f Basin Investment Plans 13.00 1,699.75 1.35 216.00 1.66 279.74 6.19 941.73 2 Increasing Climate Resilience o f Infrastructure 90.00 11,767.50 12.03 1,925.00 11.61 1,877.15 55.40 8.227.50 o Implementation Support and Monitoring J 5.00 653.75 0.46 73.00 0.40 66.25 1.64 244.30 4 Contingent Emergency Response 2.00 261.50 0.41 66.00 0.32 56.85 0.32 56.85 Sub total - 1 / 10.00 14,382.50 14.25 2,280.00 13.99 2,279.99 63.56 9,470.39 An alysis for IDA funds - Additional Finance Proiect 5 Increasing Climate Resilience o f Infrastructure Flood Risk Mitigation 27.00 3.888.00 8.16 1,305.00 7.95 1,306.41 10.36 1,674.33 Transport Connectivity 13.00 1.872.00 2.22 355.00 2.15 353.95 3.61 577.92 6 Implementation Support and Monitoring 2.00 288.00 0.06 10.00 0.05 9.64 0.05 9.64 Sub total - 2 42.00 6,048.00 10.44 1,670.00 10.15 1,670.00 14.02 2,261.89 7 Project Implementation - GOSL Origional Project 0.13 21.31 0.12 18.40 0.86 125.59 1.80 235.35 Additional Finance Project 0.06 10.00 0.01 1.11 0.02 2.41 Local funds for IDA Refund (OP) 1.45 228.69 1.45 228.69 1.45 228.69 Sub total - 3 1.80 235.35 1.65 260.00 1.58 248.20 2.33 356.70 Total 153.80 20,665.85 26.33 4,210.00 25.72 4,198.19 79.91 12,088.97 2 Exchange ratesfor year 2018 Allocation IS = Rs. 160 @ (g o 2 2 > D © C 5 > J§|60r&J65)® LDSj^lU SUfBlffl CENTRAL BANK OF SRI LANKA © g s ©QS3 5 s)(3 0 a5ajO _______________rgWilft £fl6i063ai&&6T T L b __________________F in an ce D e p a rtm e n t____________ 22 February 2019 Project Director, Climate Resilience Improvement Project, Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management, No. 11 JawattaRoad, Colombo 05. Dear Sir/Madam, B A L A N C E C O N FIR M A T IO N - C LIM A TE R E SIL IE N C E IM PR O V E M E N T PR O JE C T ( C R m A S AT 31.12.2018 As per your letter of request dated 21.02.2019, we confirm that the following amount is in Credit to the below mentioned account at the end of the business day of 31st December 2018. A ccount B alance in A ccoun t B alance L oan No. Sub L edger A ccoun t N um ber E quivalent R upee in U SD Value IDA 175 - Climate Resilience 5417-LK 5,994,094.26 1,095,420,126.61 Improvement Project IDA 186 - Climate Resilience 5768-LK Improvement Project 1,875,100.35 342,674,401.45 Additional Financing We hereby confirm the correctness of the above balances. Yours sincerely, A - S. H. S. K a r u n a r a t n e For Chief Accoi n ta n $ eriio r A c c o u n ta n t C e n tra l B ank o f Sri Lanka 10 O a ©S3 @ ,f 503> 3 0 , d a t & s x S & & a , 10 ic n y , &a>. 30 «mTf£luf£l mirsufBOTfS Qanty?ifiq 1 Level 10, N o . 30, lanadhipathi Mawatha, Colombo ts» 6 . o o . 5 9 0 , 0 0 3 6 © 0 1 , (g © 0 0 3 0 G u -S « .5 9 0 , G a ^ ir q 01, P . 0 . B a t 5 9 0 ,Colombo 0 1 , S n Lanka. £ 9411 2477153/308 C- 94 11 2346264 Em ail: financo@ cbsl.lk W eb: www.cbsl.gov.lk BANK OF CEYLON SUPER G !A B E BRANCH - H Y d M B ? the Nafion V NU.5O0, I £ JAYAH MAWATHA. COLOMBO 10 TEL= NO, : 0112-687281 FAX NO. : 0112687483 Km ml : bac£2lQi^tji£.lk Our Ref: PBO/HGLK/tk 02i:" April 2019 Climate Resilience improvement Project Project Director Climate Resilience Improvement Project No 11 Jawatte. Road Colombo 05 00500 Dear Sir/Madam, CONFIRMATION OF BALANCE' CLIMATE RESILIENCE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT We refer to the letter dated Off1 March, 2019, by CLIMATE RESILIENCE IMPROVEMENT t KVJEL: 1 and w ite to contiim liist the following accounts month end balances as at i 1.03.2019. as follows. j AcconntWo, Dste A/e pened Ac conn i Kslgnse j 7042378 20.06.2014 Rs. 3,000.00 j 7042379 14.10.2014 Rs. 3,000.00 7042727 • 09.02.2017 Rs. 300O..UO ■ ' ; Nfours faithfully. SENIOR MANAGER ¥ 033 Climate Resilience Improvement Project Ministry of Irrigation & W ater R e s o u rc e s M an ag em en t No. 11, Jawatta Road, Colombo 05. Tei:011-2058453 email: pdcrip@sltnet.lk B A N K R E C O N C IL IA T IO N S T A T E M E N T F O R T H E A S A T 3 1 - D e c e m b e r - 2 0 1 8 P M U B a n k A c c o u n t - H yd e P ark - 7 0 4 2 3 7 9 (S) - 3 1 -D e ce m b e r-2 0 1 8 Balance as p e r Cash B o o k as at 3 1 -D e ce m b e r-2 0 1 8 13 3 3 7 4q Add Cheque issu e d b u t n o t re alize d 12 1 9 7 7 7 5 3 3 1 2 ,2 1 1 ,1 1 2 .7 3 Less Ch eq u e d e p o site d b u t n o t realized 0.00 1 2 ,2 1 1 ,1 1 2 .7 3 A d ju stm e n ts A d ju stm e n t To tal q qq 1 2 ,2 1 1 ,1 1 2 .7 3 Balance as p er B a n k S ta te m e n t as at 3 1 -D e ce m b e r-2 0 1 8 1 2 2 1 1 112 73 ..................- .............................. PrePared BV C ertfrrrd By Account Assistant Accountant Climate Resilience Improvement Project M inistry of Irrigation & W ater R eso u rces M an ag em en t No. 11, Jawatta Road, Colombo 05. Tel:011-2058453 email: pdcrip@sltnet.lk B A N K R E C O N C IL IA T IO N S T A T E M E N T F O R T H E A S A T 3 1 - D e c e m b e r - 2 0 1 8 P M U B an k A cc o u n t -H y d e P ark - 7 0 4 2 3 7 8 (D ) - 3 1 -D e ce m b e r-2 0 1 8 B alance as p er C ash B o o k as a t 31-D ece m b e r-2 018 0.00 Add C h eq u e issued b u t not realized 1,074,917.50 1,074,917.50 Less C h e q u e d e p o site d but n o t realized 0.00 1,074,917.50 A d ju stm e n ts A d ju stm e n t Total 0.00 1,074,917.50 B alance as p e r B an k S ta te m e n t a s at 3 1 -D ece m b e r-2 0 18 1,074,917.50 P re p a re d B y C e rt ffe d B y A c c o u n t A s s is t a n t A cc o u n ta n t 03 j