BENNING, ANANG & PARTNERS (Chartered Accountants & Management Consultants) Abavana House, Abavana Junction Telephone: 0302 235669, 237205, 246626-7 27 Kotobabi Road, Kotobabi Mobile : 0302 242 -206406, 0244-806509 P 0. Box AN 12266 Fax : 0302 246628 Accra-North E-mail : Ghana IJ Our Ref: MIS:101 a Your Ref 2i 11 June. 2019 Project Coordinating Unit Ministry of Sanitation Water Resources Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project Institute of Local Government Studies Ogbojo East Lcgon Accra Dear Sir, GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PRO.JECT IDA GRANT NO. 118540-GII AND OBA GRANT NO. TFl 7278 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDIT: 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 We have completed the audit of the Financial Statements of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Arca Sanitation and Water Project for the year ended 31st December, 2018 and have the pleasure of forwarding the financial statements and their related management letter to you. I ------- "'lf:tJNl'H~ .\~ ANG 9- PARTNER& Ill . ··~ Ill • PrnK1pal place of business at which a list of partners' name is available· Abavana llouse, l\bava11a Junction, 27 Kotobabi Road, Kotobabi Accra-Ghana JKH • • GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PRO.JEC'l' • IDA GRANT NO. H8540-GII AND OBA GRANT NO. TFl 7278 • FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 Table of Contents Page • Corporate Information ,., Report of Project Management Team .) ' i Independent Auditors' Report on the Financial Statements Statement of Income and Expenditure 4 7 Statement of Sources and Uses of Funds 8 Balance Sheet 9 Notes to the financial statements 10 • ! I '• GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PRO.JECT IDA GRANT NO. H8540-GII AND OHA GRANT NO. TF17278 GENERAL INFORMATION Steering Committee Members I Ion. Cecilia Abena Dapaah Minister, Sanitation and Water Resources I Ion. Joseph Kofi Adda Minister, Sanitation and Water Resources I Ion. Michael Yaw Gyato Deputy Minister, Sanitation and Water Resources Joseph Obeng-Poku Ag. Chief Director, MSWR Clifford Braimah Managing Director, Ghana Water Company Limited Somuah Tenkorang Jnr. Project Cordinator, Ghana Water Company Limited Donna Kobla Tay Director (Water) MSWR Michael Botse-Baidoo Chief Manager (PPD) Ghana Water Company Limited Patrick Affum Project Director II Anthony Mensah Director, Environmental Health Service Directorate Philemon Mennia Financial Controller. MSWR l Michael Ayesu Sauda Ahmed Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance I larrold Esseku Technical Consultant, World Bank George Ackah Regional Economic Planning Officer II Carl Quist Senior Planning Officer MoE D.A. Nii-Noi Adumuah Adentan Municipal Assembly Albert Boakye Okyere Ashaiman Municipal Assembly l·elix Mensah Nii-La Terna Metropolitan Assembly Gladys Tsotso Mann-Dedey La Dadekotopon Municipal Assembly Joseph Nyomi Ga South Municipal Assembly Dr. Emmanuel Lampley Ga Central Municipal Assembly Janet Mensah Ga East Municipal Assembly .Jennifer Dede Afagbodzi La Nkwantanang-Madina Municipal Assembly Evelyn Thelma Gyamerah Ledzokuku Krowor Municipal Assembly Clement Wilkinson Ga West Municipal Assembly Mohammed Adjei Sowah Accra Metropolitan Assembly George Asiedu Project Coordinator, PCU Project Management Team: George Asiedu Project Coordinator Francis Kordjo Bansah Project Accountant Frederick Adu Dankwa Governance and Social Accountability Specialist Samuel Oteng Procurement Specialist George Bright Awudi Environmental Safeguard Specialist Sarah Antwi-Boasiako Social Safeguard Specialist Gabriel Engmann Sanitary Engineer Kwadwo Antwi Gyasi Sanitation Engineer Kingsley Amoako-Allah Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist 2 GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT IDA GRANT NO. H8540-GH AND OBA GRANT NO. TJ<'l 7278 GENERAL INFORMATION (continued) ' II Address: Project Coordinating Unit (Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources) Institute of Local Government Studies Ogbojo East Legon Accra Ghana Auditors: Benning, Anang & Partners (Chartered Accountants & Management Consultants) Abavana House, Abavana Junction 27 Kotobabi Road, Kotobabi P. 0. Box AN 12266 Accra-North Ghana Bankers: Bank of Ghana (PCU/MSWR) Ecobank Ghana Limited (PCU/MSWR) National Investment Bank Limited (Ghana Water Company Limited) I ' • 3 GREATER ACCRA METRO POLIT AN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT IDA GRANT NO. H8540-GH AND OBA GRANT NO. TFl 7278 REPORT OF THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM OF THE GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA (GAMA) SANITATION AND WATER POJECT The Project Management Team has the pleasure in submitting their report and the audited financial statements of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project for the year ended 3 I st December, 2018. Statement of Project Management Team's Responsibilities The Project Management Team is responsible for ensuring that the financial statements or the Project are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the adopted accounting policies. In preparing these financial statements, the Project Management Team has selected suitable accounting policies and then applied them consistently, made judgements and estimates that arc reasonable and prudent and • followed the accounting policies described on Note I to the financial statements . The Project Management Team is responsible for ensuring that the Project keeps proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Project. The Team is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Project and taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection or fraud and other irregularities. Principal activities The principal activities under the Project are stated as follows: • Provision or environmental sanitation and water supply sources to poorly low income areas of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area. • Improvement and expansion of the water distribution network in Greater Accra Metropolitan Area. • Planning, improvement and expansion of Greater Accra Metropolitan Arca GAMA-wide environmental sanitation services. • Institutional strengthening. Financial results The income statement shows an excess or expenditure over income of US$572,788 (2017: J -~ US$3,203,957). BY ORDER OF THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM: ProjectCoordinator~... ~ . ~ Signature .. '5--~cf::.~.... 2019 Ill • • 4 BENNING, ANANG & PARTNERS (Chartered Accountants & Management Consultants) Abavana House, Abavana Junction Telephone: 0302 235669, 237205, 246626-7 27 Kotobabi Road, Kotobabi Mobile : 0302 242 -206406, 0244-806509 P 0. Box AN 12266 Fax : 0302 246628 Accra-North E-mail : Ghana Our Ref: MIS: 101 Your Ref INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MINISTRY OF SANITATION AND WATER RESOURCES AND METROPOLITAN AREA (GAMA) SANITATON WATER PROJECT OF GHANA (SWP) Report on Financial Statements Opinion We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project for the year ended 31st December. 2018 set out on pages 7 to 18. These financial statements comprise the Balance Sheet at 31st December. 2018 the statement of income and expenditures and statement sources and uses of funds for the year then ended, and summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. In our opinion. the Financial Statements audited by us. which are in agreement with the books of accounts in all material respects and conform with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project. as at 31st December. 2018 and of the Income and Expenditures and the Statement of sources and uses of funds for the year then ended. Basis of Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Our responsibility under those standards arc further described in the auditors responsibilities for the Audit of the financial statements 1111 section of our report. We are independent of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants' Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in (Ghana). and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained 1s sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Emphasis of matter - Basis of account ting and restriction on distribution and use We draw attention to Note I to the financial statements. which describes the basis of accounting. The financial statements arc prepared to assist the Project Coordinating Unit, in complying with the financial reporting provisions of the contract referred to above. As a result. the financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Our report is intended solely for the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources (MSWR) and the World Bank and should not be distributed to or used by parties other than the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources (MSWR) and the World Bank. Our opinion is not modified in respect or this matter. Project Steering Committee's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Project Steering Committee or Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project under the .,, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these linancial statements in accordance with World Bank financial reporting guidelines and International • Financial Reporting Standards and for such internal control as the Project Steering Committee or Greater Accra Metropolitan Arca Sanitation and Water Project determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that arc free from material misstatement. whether due to fraud or error. 5 • BENNING, ANANG & PARTNERS • (Chartered Accountants & Management Consultants) • INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MINISTRY OF SANITATION AND WATER RESOURCES AND METROPOLITAN AREA (GAMA) SANITATON WATER PRO.JECT OF GHANA (SWP) - (continued) In preparing the financial statements, the Project Steering Committee of Greater Accra Metropolitan J\rea Sanitation and Water Project is responsible for assessing the Project's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Project Steering Committee of Greater Accra Metropolitan J\rea Sanitation and Water Project either intends to liquidate the Project or to cease operations, or has no . realistic alternative but to do so. The Project Steering Committee of Greater J\ccra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project is responsible for overseeing the Project's financial reporting process. Auditors' Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors' report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a • guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and arc considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements. J\s part of an audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing, we exercise . professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: • Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not • detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the . override of internal control. • Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that arc appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Project's internal control. • • Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Project Steering Committee. • Conclude on the appropriateness of the Project Steering Committee's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Project's ability to ill continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we arc required to draw attention in our auditors' report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures arc inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditors' report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Project to cease to continue as a going concern. • • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation . • 6 BENNING, ANANG & PARTNERS (Chartered Accountants & Management Consultants) INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MINISTRY OF SANITATION AND WATER RESOURCES AND METROPOLITAN AREA (GAMA) SANITATON WATER PRO.JECT OF GHANA (SWP)- (continued) We communicate with the Project Steering Committee regarding, among other matters. the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Other Reporting Requirements In accordance with the Terms of Reference for this audit, we also confirm that the programme expenditure were: • Incurred in conformity with the Financing Agreement, approved programme work plan and budgets: and • Supported by approved payment vouchers and other supporting documents. The Engagement Partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditors' report is Festus Eugene Adu Mantey (ICAG/P/1038) .·" ~(A.__) ,~J '--- • Benning, Anang & Partners (ICAG/F/2019/045) Chartered Accountants Abavana House, Abavana Junction Accra Ghana J.0:Y.\&-...ff.:7. ..... 2019 ' • 7 CHEAlfR ACCRA METRO!'~JUTAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PRO.JECT ifu\ GRANT NO. H8540 - G!t AND OBA GRANT Mt TF 17278 ST/',-.TErvff NT OF INCOiviE AND t~ii'ENDITtJ:lE fO~i ·q. J•: \'EAU. ENDE;D 3lST DECEMBEK, 2018 ' ii t>CI: V G\\'CL ./ IOA OBA IDA 2018 2017 Note USS USS USS US$ USS l m:ome 2a I • 2.936.916 17.672.804 35,077.184 32,684.0 I 0 01 her i nromc 2b 555.986 99,944 655,930 574,751 14,467 ,46,1 3,492,902 17,772,748 35,733,114 33,258,761 Expenditure Ill Category I: Component A 3a 9.821.635 9,821,635 11.433,865 Component C 3b 5,002.950 5,002,950 2,333,716 Component D 3c 3,862.803 3,862,803 6,063,025 ., • C(1111pn11c11t !J l 'cnnponcnt D 3d 3c 12,335,949 : , 12,335,94() 432,008 432,008 l 5.CHS.155 50·1.059 Output Based Aili lategury I 31 3,898.012 3,898,012 658.383 Category 2 ~ .)~ 833,849 833,849 204,292 Foreign Exchange Loss I 00,659 18.037 118,696 220.223 Total Expenditure 18,788,047 4,749,898 12,767,957 36,305,902 36,462,718 Surplus/( deficit) (4,320,583) (1,256,996) 5,004,791 (572,788) (3,203,957) Iii • • 8 GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT IDA GRANT NO. 118540 - GIi AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 I STATEMENT OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 I i PCU GWCL IDA OBA IDA 2018 2017 Note US$ US$ US$ US$ USS Sources 4 20,681,269 4,866,474 19,056,585 44,604,328 44,907,741 Uses Category I: Component A Sa 10,269,797 I 0,269,797 11.433,865 Component C Sb 4,838,725 4,838,725 2,310,913 Component D Sc 3,588,130 3,588,130 5,886,670 Category 2: Component B 5d 12,335,949 12,335.949 15.045.155 Component D Sc 432.008 432,008 504.059 Output Based Aid Category I sr 3,983,311 3,983.311 658.383 Category 2 5g 760,197 760,197 197.482 Total Uses 18,696,652 4,743,508 12,767,957 36,208,117 36,036,527 Available fund balance 1,984,617 122,966 6,288,628 8,396,211 8,871,214 Represented by: Cash and Cash equivalents 7 234,661 I 08.232 6,288.628 6,631,520 4.266.252 Fund balances at MMJ\s 8 618,975 618,975 3.595,428 Account receivables 9 1,130,981 14,734 1,145,715 1.009,534 1,984,617 122,966 6,288,628 8,396,211 8,871,214 • • • I . 9 GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT IDA GRANT NO. H8540 - GH AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 I I BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 PCU GWCL IDA OBA IDA 2018 2017 Assets Note US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ Project expenditure 6 56,410,155 5,812,148 39,980,813 I 02,203, 116 66,012, l 08 Cash and cash equivalents 7 234,66 l l 08,232 6,288,628 6,631,521 ,t266,252 Fund balances at MMAs 8 618,975 618,975 3,595/128 Account Receivables 9 l, 130,981 14,734 1,145,715 1,009,53'1 Total Assets 58,394,772 5,935,114 46,269,441 110,599,327 74,883,322 Liabilities ' Account Payables 10 484,389 6,232 69,200 559,82 l 576,930 II Net Assets 57,910,383 5,928,882 46,200,241 110,039,506 74,306,392 • l<'inanced By: IDA 11 57,908,369 45,986,158 103,894,527 71,75'1,259 • ' OBA Other Income Accumulated Fund Balance 11 11 2,014 57,910,383 4,850,000 1,078,882 5,928,882 214,083 46,200,241 4,850,000 1,294,979 110,039,506 1,913,085 639,(M 8 74,306,392 The.Ji.?ancial statements on pages 8 to 18 were approved by Project Management Team }.~~--~h ... 2019. 011 .. ChiefDirector,MSWR: ~~~~-if)~ Signature: Project Accountant:~ u £ l/, ~ P~+ ManagingDirector(GWCL): CL /'fh,-e..J) ft-· f{-/<-..rt-(rv~rt1-t Chief Manager, Finance (GWCL) -J I\:, JV\ £ S A . -Af 1? ~',/ The notes on pages l Oto 18 are integral part of these financial statements . • • I 10 I • GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PRO.JECT IDA GRANT NO. 118540- GH AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 I NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I PROJECT BACKGROUND • 1.1 Reporting Entity The Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project is a five-year project funded by the World Bank to increase access to improved sanitation and improved water supply in the GAMA, with emphasis on low income communities and to strengthen management of environmental sanitation in the GAMA. The project received an extension to 31st May, 2020, following a mid-term review in July 2017. The project's objectives come under specific components. Provision of environmental sanitation and water supply services to priority low income areas of the GAMA The objectives of this component is to increase the access to environmental sanitation and water supply services in low income areas of the GAMA with a strong focus on liquid sanitation. Improvement and expansion of the water distribution network in the GAMA The objective of this component is to improve and expand the water distribution network in order to provided piped water to the targeted people living in low income communities in the GAMA. Planning, improvement and expansion of GAMA-wide environmental sanitation services The objective of this component is to develop integrated GAMA-wide plans for liquid and solid waste management and drainage, and to finance critical elements to improve collection, treatment and disposal of waste water and septic sludge. Institutional strengthening This component will provide technical assistance (TA) to municipal, metropolitan and national institutions, including the promotion of private sector initiatives. It will also support the development of social accountability mechanisms aimed at applying pressure on those responsible for the services to ensure they are properly operated and maintained . • 11 I GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT I IDA GRANT NO. 118540 - G II AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 .FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 I I NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS-(continued) I 1.2 Accounting policies The following arc the significant accounting policies adopted 111 the preparation or these financial statements: a. Basis of preparation The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost convention in accordance with the World Bank Financial Reporting Guidelines and in compliance with the Credit Agreement Numbers 1-18540-GH and TFl 7278, and on modified cash basis or accounting. I Ii b. Income Income is recognized when received into the respective designated accounts. c. Project expenditure The expenditure incurred on the two (2) grants fall under specific components and categories. Expenditure represents payments for goods and services rendered to the programme, based on the approved Annual Work Plan (A WP). It is recognised when actual payments arc made. d. J<'ixed assets Fixed assets represents the expenditure incurred in acquiring property and equipment for use by the Project Coordinating units and Ghana Water Company Limited. Fixed assets arc expensed in the year or acquisition. e. Foreign currency (i) Fundamental and presentation currency The financial statements arc presented 111 US Dollars (US$) which 1s the functional currency of the programme. (ii) Transactions and balances Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to US Dollars (US$) at the appropriate rates of exchange prevailing on the date of the transaction. Gains or losses arising from foreign currency transaction are credited to or charged against expenditure. f. Receivables This represents advances given to staff for the implementation of activities which arc unretired at the end or the period. g. Non capital expenditure These comprise or cumulative project expenditure incurred on Works, Capacity Buildings and Consultancy which has been capitalised. h. Funds received and expenditure 1. Funds received are accounted for on cash basis . • 11. Expenditure is accounted for on cash basis. The expenditure is capitalised in the balance sheet. • I ' i 12 I GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT IDA GRANT NO. H8540 - GIi AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 NOTES TO TIIE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED I 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 (continued) PCU GWCL I a) Income IDA US$ O~A US$ IDA US$ 2018 US$ 2017 US$ I International Development Association Global Partnership for Output Based Aid 14,467,464 14,467,464 2,936,916 2,936,916 17,672,804 17,672,804 32,140,268 2,936,916 35,077,184 31,495,039 1,188,971 32,684,010 Z b) Other Income I Beneficiary Contribution Interest Received 555,986 99,944 555,986 99,944 462,Yl2 112.409 555,986 99,944 655,930 574,751 I Expenditure Category 1 a. Component A •"' Promoting construction and upgrading of domestic toilets Cons\ruction of Institutional en\'ironmental sanitation 1,254,643 6,454,223 1,254,643 6,454,223 2,631,666 8,751,929 Establishing and strengthening social accountability 2.112,769 2,112,769 50,270 9,821,635 9,821,635 11,433,865 ,, b. Component C ilii Rehabilitation of dysfunctional local sewerage and ,, astewater treatment S\'Stems 313,585 313,585 219,907 De,cloping the design of large and smal I scptagc treatment plants 925,285 925.285 620,277 Strengthening the capacity of the \IMJ\s to manage septage and waste water treatment facility 88.775 Drainage ,Flood Control 3,764,080 3,764,080 1,404,757 • 5,002,950 5,002,950 2,333,716 c. Component D Strengthening the capacity of MM As 469,944 469,944 1,323,451 Strengthening the capacity of MSWR EIISD 1,250,726 1,250,726 1,955,114 Strengthening the capacity of MSWR Strengthening the social account-PCU 2,122,841 2,122,841 271.315 Ill /\bilit) mechanism within the MSWR 19,292 19,292 2,513.145 3,862,803 3,862,803 6,063,025 • I i '-, j_, I GREATI<:R ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT IDA GRANT NO. H8540 - GH AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 NOTES TO TILE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 (continued) " I E:..p,:nditurc (continued) Catcgor~ 2 PClJ tnA OIJA GWCL ,nA 2018 2017 cl. Component B USS US$ LS$ US$ USS I 2,335,9tl9 I lmprU\ i11g. and expanding the \\'ater Distribution nct\\ork in the G/\i'vl;\ Consultancy services 12,335,949 13,130,455 1,914.700 ",J II c. Com poncnt D 12,335,949 432,008 12,335,949 432,008 15,045,155 5011,059 Strengthening the capacity ofGWCL !I 432,008 432,008 504,059 II Total (d+e) 12,767,957 12,767,957 15,549,214 J Global Partne1·ship for Output Based Aid • f. Category 1 3,898,012 3,898,012 658,383 ~ g. Category 2 833,849 833,849 2011,292 • 'd 4,731,861 4,731,861 862,675 fllf Rcsou recs ,i Bank balance as at I st January 2018 1.623.577 1.358.838 1,283,837 4,266,252 9,095.9113 '1 Other balances as at 1st January 2018 .ii Fund balances at the MM;\s 3,595.428 3,595,428 2.121.678 Other recei, ables as at 1st January 2018 994,800 14,734 1,009,534 431,359 "I :,, ii Sources during the year Funds received in the year (Note 2a) 14,467,464 2,936,916 17,672,804 35,077,184 32,684,0 I 0 • ill Exchange gain Other Income (Note 2b) Total 20,681,269 555,986 4,866,474 99,944 19,056,585 655,930 44,604,328 112,tl09 1162,3112 44,907,741 • I I 11 GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJECT I IDA GRANT NO. H8540- GIi AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17-278 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 (continued) I • 5 Expcnditun' PCLI GWCL 2018 2017 I Catcgor) I IDA OBA IDA a. Component .-\ US$ US$ US$ CS$ US$ Promoting construction and upgrading of domestic toilets 1.254,643 1.25:\,6:13 2,63 1.(,(,(, I Constn11.:tion of Institutional environmrntal I sanitation 7.005,319 7.005,319 8.75 J.<)7_<) Lstablishin!,' and strengthening social accountahil it::, 50,270 50.:2711 De\Clop pilot activities for installation of latrines. toilets and sewerage systems 2.009.834 2,009,834 10,269,797 10,269,797 11,43.3,865 I b. Componc11t C Rehabilitation of dysfunctional local sewerage and \\ aste\rntcr treatment systems 313.585 313,585 219.907 Developing the design of large and small septage treatment plants 925,285 925,285 620.277 Strengthening the capacity of the \l!\l:\s to I manage scptagc and waste water treatment i facilit: 88.T/) Drainage Flood Control 3,599,855 3,599,855 I .381.9~ -·----- I 4,838,725 4,838,725 2,310,913 - --- , II c. Compom'11t D Strengthrni11g the capacit~ or G:\\!lf\ fV!lVL\s Strengthcning thi: capacity of \IS\VR LI ISD 468.262 1.043.686 2,056,890 :168.262 1.043.686 2.056,890 1.rioc1. l.d2l,il7h 2,58/.1<)7 ,x:) Strengthening the capacity of \.'IS\\'R PCU Strengthening the social accountabilit) 111.:cha111,n1 \I ithin the \IS\\ R 19,292 19.29:Z nu1_-; 3,588,130 3,588,130 5,886,(170 I I GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PROJ1<:cr IDA GRANT NO. 1-18540 - GIi AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 (continued) PCU GWCL Global Partnership for Output Based Aid IDA OBA IDA 2018 2017 Category la US$ US$ US$ US$ US$ 3,632,612 3,632,612 657. I CJ,! I Civil Works Category I h Desludging Snviccs 350,699 350,699 I, 189 t!I Total (Catrgory I) 3,983,311 3,983,3 t t 658,383 • ~¥ g. Category 2b Vehicles I Oftice Equipment i Category 2r Consulta11C) Sen ices Ill w ill Category 2d Consultan..:) Sen ices 120.721 120.77.1 166.778 • ' Category 2e Consulta1K) Services 39,407 39,407 8.() 16 \Vorkshops. meetings and conferences 91,272 91,272 1 Bank Char~cs 7 7 8 II Printing a,1:1 Stationery 74,881 74,881 Allowancl's (T&T and per diem) 142,813 142,813 CJ2 I l'I Office running costs 243,511 243,51 I II Fducatic,n and Sensitization 47,585 47,585 21,72(> , j Total (Categor~ 2) Category 2 760,197 760,t 97 197,482 Component B Improving and expanding the water 1 distribution network GA!'v!A 4,637,298 4,637,298 13,130/155 ii Consultanc) 2,447.837 2,447,837 1.91000 7,085,135 7,085,135 15,045,155 111 Component D ,ii Strrnghcning the capacity ofGWCL 5,682,822 5,682,822 5()11,()'i') Total usl's 18,760,120 4,743,508 12,767,957 36,277,746 36,036,527 • I i GREATER ACCRA METROPOLITAN AREA SANITATION AND WATER PRO.mer IDA GRANT NO. 118540 - GIi AND OBA GRANT NO. TF 17278 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2018 (continued) 16 Project Expenditure Capital Expenditure PCll IDA US$ OBA US$ GWCL IDA US$ 2018 llS$ 2017 llS$ Civil Works- Construction 27,707,454 4,299,675 15,790,715 ·17,797,844 26.5:)(J .3 8() I Pipes and Meters Motor Vehicles Office Equipment 2,110,320 563,011 38,280 630 16,791,728 443,340 153,487 16.791,728 2.591. 940 717,128 2.118.M)O 50 \.8'i(i Goods 12.799.78(i Office Furniture 85,154 48,529 133,683 67.()20 Total capital expenditure 30,465,939 4,338,585 33,227,799 68,032,323 42,048,~48 Non-Capital Expenditure , Civil Works-Desludging Consultancy Fees-Contract Staff 13,126,907 352,810 302,388 5,106,373 352.810 18,535,668 ':.111 12.831.01.1 • 2,284,996 34,876 2,319,872 1,906.05 1 Fees-Admin Staff 636,284 124,627 760,912 •1(i7YHi Training 2,191,610 172,258 2,363,868 2,Lll.081 I Fuel Vehicle running and maintenance Office maintenance costs 587,319 567,368 36.246 63,718 1,421 687,283 568,789 5 I':. 11 (, ...~ :i_()'i() (Building and equipment) 158,360 423 136 158,918 13UI, Workshops. meetings and conferences 2,401,552 92,686 164,561 2.658.799 2. I Ci.'.'I J() Next IT Computers Eng. Ltd 1,907 I. 907 I .