Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements Joint Stock Company "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Access to Long Term Finance Project As at 31 December 2018 andfor the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December2018 Together with Independent Auditors' Report Contents Independent Auditors' Report Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements Sum m ary of Funds received ceived-- ........ -. --- .-------------------......... -.-............-. -1 Sum m ary of E xpenditures .......e...n.. ........ ............ ............... ................................. ..... --2 Statement of Designated Account ount -3_ ---- . . - 3 Summary of Statement of Expenditures (SOEs) OE....s...-.-.-.4... _.__ .-...-. .. ...... 4 Notes to the Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statementst.5 --.---.-.............. 5 Supplemental Information on Sub-projects b-p- .................................. ._ .......... ..7 Ernst & Young Audit Services LLC TOB <> EY Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine syn. XpetwaTHK, 19A Tel: +380 (44) 490 3000 KM(B, 01001, YKpaTHa Building a better Fax: +380 (44) 490 3030 Ten.: +380 (44) 490 3000 workinq world ODaKc: +380 (44) 490 3030 Report of the independent auditor on the summary special-purpose project financial statements To the Board of Directors of Joint Stock Company "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Opinion The summary special-purpose project financial statements of the Access to Long Term Finance Project ("ALTFP") administered by Joint Stock Company "The State Export-import Bank of Ukraine" (the "Bank"), financed under the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the "IBRD") Loan Agreement N28727-UA (the "Loan Agreement"), which comprise the statement of designated account, the summary of funds received, the summary of expenditures, and the summary of statement of expenditures (SOEs) for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018, and related notes (the "summary special-purpose project financial statements"), are derived from the audited special-purpose project financial statements of ALTFP for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018. In our opinion, the accompanying summary special-purpose project financial statements are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited special-purpose project financial statements, in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the "Guidelines: Annual Financial Reporting and Auditing for World Bank-Financed Activities" issued by the World Bank and dated 30 June 2003 ("the World Bank's guidelines"). Summary special-purpose project financial statements The summary financial special-purpose project statements do not contain all the disclosures required by financial reporting provisions of the World Bank's guidelines. Reading the summary special-purpose project financial statements and the auditor's report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements and the auditor's report thereon. The audited special-purpose project financial statements and our report thereon We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited special-purpose project financial statements of ALTFP in our report dated 28 May 2019. That report also includes An Emphasis of matter - basis of accounting and restriction on distribution and use section that draws attention to Note 2 to the audited special-purpose project financial statements. Note 2 to the audited special-purpose project financial statements describes the basis of accounting used in preparation of the special-purpose project financial statements. The special-purpose project financial statements were prepared to assist the Bank in complying with the financial reporting provisions of the World Bank's guidelines. As a result, the special-purpose project financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Accordingly, we draw attention (i) 9 A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limitedf EY Building a better working world to Note 2 to the summary special-purpose project financial statements, which reproduces Note 2 to the audited special-purpose project financial statements and describes the basis of accounting used in the audited special-purpose project financial statements. As a result, the summary special-purpose project financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Our auditors' report on the special-purpose project financial statements dated 28 May 2019 was intended solely for the Bank and the IBRD and should not be distributed to or used by parties other than the Bank or the IBRD. Accordingly, our auditors' report on these summary special-purpose project financial statements is also intended solely for use of those same parties and should not be distributed to or used by parties other than these specified parties. Management's responsibility for the summary special-purpose project financial statements Management is responsible for the preparation of the special-purpose project financial statements in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the World Bank's guidelines referred to above. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the summary special-purpose project financial statements of ALTFP are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited special-purpose project financial statements of ALTFP based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 810 (Revised), Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements. Yulia St nska Partner For and on behalf of Ernst & Young Audit services LLC Kyiv, Ukraine 28 May 2019 Ernst & Young Audit Services LLC is included in the Register of auditors and audit firms, registration number: 3516. A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited Joint Stock Company "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Access to Long Term Finance Project Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements Summary of Funds Received For the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018 (in US dollars) For the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018 FINANCING RECEIVED: JBRD financing: Designated Account payments 31,286,747 Front end fee (Note 3) 375,000 Total IBRD financing 31,661,747 Signed and authorized for release on behalf of the Board Chairman of the Board Oleksandr Hrytsenko The accompanyin notes are an integral part of these summag special-purpose projectfinaneial statements 1 Joint Stock Company "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Access to Long Term Finance Project Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements Summary of Expenditures for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018 (in US dollars) For the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018 Category 1: Sub-loans to: JSC "Ukreximbank" 16,127,636 Sub-loan 1 5,893,690 Sub-loan 2 6,980,569 Sub-loan 3 1,095,264 Sub-loan 4 403,664 Sub-loan 5 103,959 Sub-loan 6 54,966 Sub-loan 7 307,563 Sub-loan 8 85,016 Sub-loan 9 218,221 Sub-loan 10 829,560 Sub-loan 11 55,164 Sub-loan 12 100,000 Participating Financial Institution 1 2,000,000 Sub-loan 13 2,000,000 Total sub-loans 18,127,636 Category 2: Front end Fee (Note 3) 375,000 Total Project Expenditures 18,502,636 The aecompanying no/es are an integral part of these summay speia/-purpose project financial statements 2 Joint Stock Company "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Access to Long Term Finance Project Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements Statement of Designated Account for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018 (in US dollars) Account name Ukreximbank World Bank account Related loan 8727-UA Currency US dollars Balance as at 12 June 2018 - principal Balance as at 12 June 2018 - interest Add: Advance payment 31,286,747 IBRD replenishments Total interest earnings - 31,286,747 Deduct: Sub-loans disbursed (18,127,636) Total interest accumulated Bank commissions (18,127,636) Balance as at 31 December 2018 - principal 13,159,111 Balance as at 31 December 2018 - interest The accompanying notes are an integral part of these summag special-purpose projectfinancia/statements 3 ' г'^ � ,-.� С Q С О О О и и и � � � '� 'О '� �. сп м �п � � �и �и �й N N N о Q д д ,� �, о о о .С о о о о и � и с� � � � � �' N N ш д ,� � � � � � � й й й � Ьд -д 'д 'д ч � ' у •ty С .b � w С� са м м ti о о о о '� v '� '� � и ш ш ш � � С С С С о 'д 'С 'О 'О � Стч '�i 'G 'G '�i jy �; о � I О О 1� О [ � � О О О �t N V• � v U О О О N N '� � .-и-i N ы N М � "� � Сб � �й � � � А � � � р о 1 1 1 1 о N °п_ о � :-� с� �л и �. � r t� � мi м � � � й ел � � � � д � � � М � ^� О 1 1 о � о � � .� � и н °о м й а�Oо � � О О N N �У W 4J у N `""' N '"i о � '�'' и • U (j � � � � Н с� Г� � у � О ,., и ++ `� �.," оо я. и � у � ,� � ; с� � �+' .� г°v � й � а� +� � � ;,б � � оо оо оо оо � у ��+ Аа U Lti'• у �1 � � N N � � д �С ш[i.� д,, Q� � а а а � ш р й v� � �С ,�„ w ��,-, �, ги О Q о v � v'о w о � � ° v v о� А о� � �м v � �' +-' а А ° � fi, � � *'' о v �� � � � � � � и v � � � � � w о о � U о" w� ч ° г г� г а v �1 сл �' v ~ �к ^r�C ^r�C �r�C у' � � (о � � с� �".D " W W W W ,° � [i г�. [�. [�. � � � � �� � Н Н Н Н « �дΡp •� й � � � � I� 6 � �' д �, �С й и w ��- joint Stock Company "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Access to Long Term Finance Project Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements Notes to the Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements (in US dollai-r unlesi- olbenvise illdicaled) 1. General Information The Access to Long Term Finance Project (further referred as the "ALTF" or the "Project") is administered by the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine (the "Borrower", "Ukreximbank" or the "Bank") under a Loan Agreement with the International Bank for Reconstiuction and Development (the "IBRD"). The amount of the Loan Agreement #8727-UA dated 26 June 2017 (the "Loan Agreement") is USD 150,000,000. The Loan Agreement became effective on 12 June 2018 (the Loan Agreement effectiveness). The objective of the Project is to improve access to long term finance for export oriented small and medium enterprises. 2. Accounting Policies Basis of preparation The ALTF summary special-purpose project financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the "Guidelines: Annual Financial Reporting and Auditing for World Bank-Financed Activities" issued by the World Bank and dated 30 June 2003. The ALTF special-purpose project financial statements have been prepared on a cash basis in respect of loan funds received from the IBRD and issued loans to selected beneficiary enterprises. Revenue and expenditures of the ALTF are accounted for by the Bank on an accrual basis in its separate financial statements, such incomes and expenditures are not recognised in these ALTF special-purpose project financial statements. To comply with the requirements of the "Guidelines: Annual Financial Reporting and Auditing for World Bank-Financed Activities" issued by the World Bank, the following specific schedules have been included as part of these ALTF summary special-purpose project financial statements: " Summary of Funds received for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018; " Summ-ary of Expenditures for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018; " Statement of Designated Account for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018; " Summary of Statement of Expenditures for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018. In addition, with respect to Statement of Expenditures ("SOEs") for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018, adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to the IBRD for replenishments of expenditures incurred. Expenditures claimed for replenishment under the SOE procedure were eligible for financing under the Loan Agreement #8727-UA. Special-purpose financial statements were prepared for the period from the Loan Agreement effectiveness to 31 December 2018. These summary special-purpose financial statements were prepared by the Bank in order to comply with the World Bank Policy on Access to Information dated 1 July 2010, General Conditions for Loans dated 31 July 2010 and the Loan Agreement. According to the abovementioned documents, these summary special-purpose project financial statements shall be made publicly available in a timely fashion and in a manner acceptable to the IBRD and which complies with prevailing Ukrainian banking laws and regulations. Therefore, these summary special-purpose project financial statements do not contain information which is not allowed to be disclosed according to the Ukrainian banking laws and regulations. Reporting currency These summary special-purpose project financial statements are presented in US dollars ("US dollars") unless otherwise indicated. 5 Joint Stock Company "The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine" Access to Long Term Finance Project Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements Notes to the Summary Special-Purpose Project Financial Statements (in US dollars unless otherwise indicated) 3. IBRD Financing International Bank for Reconstruction and Development financing is provided through Loan Agreement #8727-UA dated 26 June 2017 between the IBRD, as the Lender, and Ukreximbank, as the Borrower. The obligations of the Borrower according to the Loan Agreement are guaranteed by the Ukrainian Government. The Borrower paid to the IBRD a front end fee in the amount equal to 0.25% of the amount of the loan. On the date of the Loan Agreement becoming effective the IBRD, on behalf of the Borrower, withdrew from the loan account and paid to itself the front end fee of USD 375,000 not using Designated Account. According to the Loan Agreement, the interest rate is calculated as the Reference Rate for the Loan Currency plus the Variable Spread. The interest is paid on 15 March and 15 September each year. The principal is to be paid by installments semi-annually on 15 March and 15 September beginning on 15 March 2022 through 15 March 2052. The closing date of the ALTF is 31 March 2022. The closing date is the date specified in the Loan Agreement, after which the IBRD may, by notice to the Borrower, terminate the right to make withdrawals. The Project consists of the following: Part A. Credit facility to provide financing to export oriented SMEs; (i) Ukreximbank on-lending through Participating Financial Institutions (the "PFI"). The establishment and operation of a credit facility within Ukreximbank for the provision of financing (through Subsidiary Financing Agreements) to selected PFIs to provide financing (through Sub-financing) to private export oriented SMEs to finance the cost of carrying out Sub-projects. (ii) Ukreximbank direct lending as PFI. The establishment and operation of a credit facility within Ukreximbank for the provision of Sub-loans to private export oriented SMEs to finance the cost of carrying out Sub-projects. The table below sets forth the categories of items to be financed out of the proceeds of the loan: Category Description of Category Part of the Project (1) Sub-Loans Part A (2) Front end Fee Details of the IBRD financing as at 31 December 2018 are as below: Total line of credit Amounts disbursed Amounts undisbursed Sub-Loans 149,625,000 18,127,636 131,497,364 Front end Fee 375,000 375,000 Balance of Designated Account - 13,159,111 (13,159,111) Total 150,000,000 31,661,747 118,338,253 4. Reconciliation of Amounts Shown as Received from the IBRD to Actual Expenditures Incurred The supporting schedule to the reconciliation of amounts shown as received from the IBRD to actual expenditures of the ALTF as at 31 December 2018 is as follows: Category 1 Category 2 Designated Total Account Accounted according to the IBRD data 16,286,747 375,000 15,000,000 31,661,747 According to the Bank data 18,127,636 375,000 13,159,111 31,661,747 Difference* 1,840,889 - (840,889) * The proceeds of the loan were used by Ukreximbank for financing under Category 1. The stterment of expenditures for USD 1,840,899 was scnt to IBRD on 30 january 2019. The 1BRD transferred the proceeds of the Loan to the Designated Account in 2019. 6 • в У � Г 1 ,1 1 1 _ 1 '� 1 1 � ^.Г � ^гС`. ^r Г Г Г r ^Г г�`. г�'., r r r r Р .J � А А J-7 '� Р .� Р А � аа Е � Е Е Е Е � Е Е Е Е Е Е Е Е � с^ 7 r � i r 7 J i 7. 7 7 i са � и._ �ч`'. i'. н ?'. ч`'. й С'. ь`'. н ь`', s''. ^� .С Г .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 .1 ,1 '� 1 'V r � � � � � � � � � � � � � Г. � _ � 'l. '1. '1. 'l. 'l. � 'l. � :Г. Т J: _ _ "'� _"i 1 U � О уА ., .. .., :.7 ._. .. ... ... �. v .. .. �.. О � W V N и � у7 и о о и о о о и и о о a о �� и и и и и и и и и и и и и �• й й i� й й й й й й i� й й й 0. о � r r r. r �ч r � � п гs т �г w Р. G С. С- С G G � G С. `L С. G G О F г �3 r г3 г Гг'., г г г� г3 Г гу н �� у н уи, уи, уи., уи, ьи., ьи., н н ьи, ьи., н и О и и о о и и о ai и и и и и � � � � � � � � � � � � � � О . С � � � � � � � � С � � � � 3 ., v ., „ :� ., ., ., ., с� v v �; v � � v и � а р v к О а а1 ai ëi :i й й й ;i c:i ^i v а`i a.i й 0. 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