Knowledge Series 024/16 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation A Global Survey TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IV 1 .   I N T R O D U C T I O N 1 2 .   G E O T H E R M A L R E S O U R C E R I S K M I T I G AT I O N A P P R O A C H E S 3 3 .   G O V E R N M E N T A S T O TA L G E O T H E R M A L P R O J E C T D E V E L O P E R 5 4 .   C O S T- S H A R E D D R I L L I N G T O M O B I L I Z E P R I V AT E I N V E S T M E N T 7 Cost-Shared Exploration Drilling 7 Government-Led Exploration Drilling to Facilitate Development by the Private Sector 10 Other Approaches to Facilitating Private Participation 12 Privatization of Government-Developed Geothermal Assets 12 5 .  G E O T H E R M A L R E S O U R C E R I S K I N S U R A N C E 15 6 .   E A R LY- S TA G E F I S C A L I N C E N T I V E S 17 7 .  O T H E R F A C T O R S I N F L U E N C I N G T H E A C C E P TA N C E A N D M I T I G AT I O N OF GEOTHERMAL RISK 19 8 .   I M P A C T O F R I S K M I T I G AT I O N S T R AT E G I E S O N G E O T H E R M A L E X P A N S I O N : I L L U S T R AT I V E C A S E S 21 Australia 21 Chile 21 Japan 21 Kenya 21 Nicaragua 22 Philippines 22 Tu r k e y 2 3 United States 23 9 .  C O N C L U S I O N S 27 A N N E X | S U M M A RY F R A M E W O R K F O R C O M PA R I N G G E O T H E R M A L R I S K M I T I G AT I O N S C H E M E S 29 REFERENCES 34 A C R O N Y M S A N D A B B R E V I AT I O N S 35 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation i ii Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was prepared by the Energy and Extractives Global Practice at the World Bank to share global experience in geothermal resource risk mitigation with client countries in order to assist them with selecting an approach that best suits their spe- cific circumstances. It is part of a larger analytical exercise reviewing the Opportunities and Challenges of Scaling-Up Geothermal in Latin America and the Caribbean Region. Funding for the research and evaluation in the report was provided by the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and as part of the Global Geothermal Development Plan (GGDP). Drafts of this report and its findings have been presented and feedback received during past GGDP Roundtable Discussions held in The Hague, Netherlands, and Copenhagen, Denmark; and the regional geothermal congresses GeoLAC 2014 (San Jose, Costa Rica), and GeoLAC 2015 (Managua, Nicaragua). In addition, specialized workshops around the findings of the report were carried out with multiple stakeholders in Santiago, Chile; Mexico City, Mexico; and Managua, Nicaragua. While there has been numerous formal and informal reviews that have provided input towards improving the report, the findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, its affiliated organizations, to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. The authors of the Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation: A Global Survey are: • Subir K. Sanyal ( is the former President of GeothermEx • Ann Robertson-Tait ( is the Business Development Manager and a Senior Geologist at GeothermEx • Migara S. Jayawardena ( is a Senior Energy Specialist in the Energy and Extractives Global Practice at the World Bank • Gerry Huttrer ( is a geologist consultant for the Energy and Extractives Global Practice at the World Bank • Laura Berman ( is an Energy Specialist in the Energy and Extractives Global Practice at the World Bank Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Geothermal presents an opportunity for many countries to diversify their power gen- eration mix in a sustainable way. It is a clean energy source that can reliably produce baseload power on a 24/7 basis. It also provides sizable global and local environ- mental benefits when developed properly. Geothermal can often be a less costly option than utilizing fossil fuels when its environmental benefits are considered; and it helps stabilize the cost of electricity supply since it is not subject to the volatility of international commodity prices during operations. For many countries where it is indigenous, geothermal can enhance energy security as well. Despite over 100 years of development and an estimated global potential of 70 to 80 GW, only about 15 percent of the known reserves are presently exploited and producing electricity. While there are many reasons, in various countries, for the slow pace of geothermal devel- opment, one widely recognized and unique obstacle that is globally applicable is the high resource risk during the early stages of the multi-stage geothermal development process. The real or perceived uncertainty regarding the steam resource capacity during the early stages of geothermal field development makes it very difficult to mobilize the required risk capital, especially through the private sector, for the exploration drilling required to confirm the size, temperature, pressure, chemistry, and potential production rate of the resource. Addressing this challenge is even more relevant given that the majority of sites suitable for development around the world are green fields (i.e., new fields), where the resource risks are often perceived to be especially high. A common theme that is apparent when reviewing global experience is that successful scale-up of geothermal development has benefited from some form of government facilitated support. While such support can come in many forms that can improve the overall profitability of geothermal projects, there are some schemes that specifically incentivize mobilization of risk capital into geothermal exploration drilling. The approaches that have been implemented in various countries to scale-up geothermal development through public support include the following: • Over 3.5 GW of global installed geothermal capacity has been developed through the public sector, by government or government-backed entities. In some of these cases, the public sector takes on the full resource and other project risks by acting as the total project developer, covering all of the multi-stage development process, and continuing on to operate the power plant. • Arrangements for cost-shared drilling between the government and private sector can also leverage public resources to mobilize private funds. This could primarily be undertaken in two ways: (i) government-led exploration and resource confirmation is conducted before the development rights are transferred to the private sector to complete and operate the now reduced-risk project, and (ii) the private sector is responsible for developing all stages of a geothermal project, but the government shares the cost of the high risk exploration stage to shift some of the risks away from the developer. In each case, governments take on some or all of the exploration risks in order to catalyze private funding for the larger portion of the development. It is estimated that over 3 GW of geothermal capacity has been catalyzed through different types of cost-sharing risk mitigation schemes. • Geothermal resource risk insurance seeks to pool exploration risks across a port- folio of development projects by insuring the productivity of a well prior to drilling, iv Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation where some or all of the losses would be covered if certain pre-specified goals are not achieved. To date, only a few tens of megawatts of installed capacity have been developed through this mechanism primarily due to the fact that geothermal, being a globally small sector, provides limited opportunities to widely pool risks. Also, the high degree of uncertainty during the exploration stage drilling makes the insurance premiums high and thus often unaffordable for developers. • Fiscal incentives are not specific risk mitigation mechanisms, but when they are available, they reduce the up-front cost of geothermal exploration. They have the effect of transferring some of the early-stage risks as they reduce the amount of risk capital that needs to be mobilized, thus lowering a developer’s exposure to potential losses should a project not advance further. Which is the best approach? To make this determination, it is important to carefully consider the specific circumstances in a given country and its national geothermal development goals. The evidence indicates that some of the risk mitigation schemes described above have made significant contributions to the scale-up of geothermal. However, other important considerations in any given country could include the strategic objectives of the geothermal and power sector, scale and timeframe for development, available domestic technical capacity, ability to administer and oversee the schemes, financial impact and affordability of the approach, and other stakeholder considerations. The annex to this report provides a framework through which different approaches to geothermal resource risk mitigation can be screened in order to determine their suitability. While resource risk mitigation schemes can be critical for kick-starting and scaling-up geothermal development programs, they are not substitutes for addressing various other challenges and risks faced by those investing in geothermal in a specific country. These fac- tors that can undermine the investment climate, depending on the circumstances of a given country, could include inadequate policies to support the development of the sector, the high up-front costs to develop the steam field and the power plant, the availability of transmission access to geothermal sites, a lack of basic infrastructure required to provide easy access to these areas, limited availability of technical expertise, and the overall country risk perceived by investors. The implementation of any resource risk mitigation scheme should be in coor- dination with addressing these other important investment considerations, should they exist, as any or all of them can impact the success of the geothermal development programs. The report concludes with a number of illustrative cases of countries that have imple- mented various resource risk mitigation schemes and other types of support to promote geothermal development. They include examples in select countries with significant geo- thermal development such as Japan, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Turkey, and the United States; and also several nations that have had significant public sector support for geothermal development but have had little or no geothermal power production to date such as Australia, Chile, and Argentina. While the success rate in mobilizing risk capital towards geothermal exploration and scaling-up geothermal capacity has varied from country to country, the experience provides rich lessons about the applicability of various risk mitigation schemes. The global experience highlighted in this report is helping policy makers make informed decisions regarding the most suitable approaches for geothermal development, in par- ticular for geothermal resource risk mitigation. The World Bank is helping a number of countries apply the findings documented in the report to address geothermal resource risks, including in Chile, Nicaragua, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Armenia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Djibouti, Turkey, and Indonesia. Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation v vi Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 1. INTRODUCTION Renewable energy is being expanded globally as an integral part of a diverse power generation mix. Geothermal power is a clean source of energy that can provide reli- able base-load1 power in countries and regions where the resource is available. As an indigenous renewable source of energy, geothermal confers important environmental benefits, and can also serve as a natural hedge against price volatility in tradable fossil-fuel commodities, thus stabilizing generation costs. Located in areas that are seismically active and/or with volcanic activity (i.e., countries in the “ring of fire” that surrounds the Pacific basin), the worldwide geothermal power generation potential is estimated (see, for example, Bertani 2009) to be on the order of 70 to 80 gigawatts (GW) based on currently commercial technologies.2 However, only about 12 GW of this total potential is being exploited today, and many substantial geothermal pros- pects are still waiting to be developed. Geothermal power development faces a combination of challenges that can include inadequate policies to support the development of the sector, the high up-front cost of developing the steam field and the power plant, the availability of transmission access from load centers to geothermal sites, a lack of basic infrastructure to access these areas, and, in some countries, limited availability of technical expertise. Depending on the circumstances in a given country or region, some or all of these issues need to be addressed to enhance the investment climate and promote geothermal development. However, it is widely recognized that the high resource risk at the early stage of a geother- mal project represents a unique and critical barrier that can effectively stall geothermal development at its inception, thus preventing major investment in geothermal power. Geothermal is developed through a staged approach beginning with surface-based exploration, followed by discovery and exploration drilling to confirm the availability of the resource, a process that can typically take two to three years. Before operations can commence, another three to five years is required for additional drilling to build out the well field and construct the power plant. Once operational, geothermal is a reliable and environmentally preferred fuel supply for long-term power generation at a relatively steady cost. However, the combination of (i) the need for significant up-front capital investment long before revenue is earned from electricity sales and (ii) the high level of resource risk up to and during the early drilling stage can slow the pace of geothermal development and sometimes prevent projects from proceeding. Figure 1 presents a conceptual view of the various stages in geothermal power develop- ment and the associated changes in the level of risk and typically required range of capital investments. In new (“green field”) geothermal projects, the highest risks are faced during the early stages of surface reconnaissance and exploration drilling (Stages I & II). During these early stages of development, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the flow capacity and temperature of the resource, namely, the ability to drill commercially produc- tive wells that will supply a specified generation capacity for a specified length of time is poorly known. This leads to uncertainty in the likely overall cost to extract the geothermal fluids and reinjected the heat-depleted brine to replenish the reservoir. This uncertainty is considerably reduced after drilling and testing have confirmed the resource availability (fol- lowing the completion of Stage II), which in turn allows the financial feasibility of proceeding with investment in subsequent development stages (Stages III and IV) to be ascertained. A typical exploration campaign and initial test drilling program of 3 to 5 geothermal wells carries a cost ranging from $20 to 30 million. While modest in comparison to the total Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 1  Conceptual Representation of Risks and Costs during the Different Stages Figure 1 | A of a Geothermal Development Upstream Resource Development Downstream Plant Construction/Operations High 100% Risk Level Moderate 50% Cumulative Costs Risk Low 0% I II III IV V Stage Surface Exploration Production SAGS + Operation + Reconnaissance Drilling Drilling Power Plant Maintenance ($1–2 mil) ($20–30 mil) (~$20–120 mil) (~$20–200 mil) Year 1–2 Year 2–3 Year 4–6 Year 6–8 Year 8+ Time Source: Adapted from Geothermal Handbook (ESMAP 2012). cost of a developing all of the stages of a geothermal project, the inability to raise funds for exploration and initial drilling can delay or sometimes even stall geothermal projects. Raising this risk capital can be particularly challenging for private-sector geothermal developers, since exploration drilling is typically funded with owner equity, which can be lost if the project turns out not to be feasible. Therefore, real or perceived “resource risk” has become a common barrier to advancing geothermal development around the world. In a few countries, including those with abundant hot springs and other surface geo- thermal manifestations that provide evidence of attractive geothermal resources (e.g., in the Philippines, Indonesia, and the United States), some early geothermal projects were explored and developed by large, private energy companies with limited government support. However, after developing the most promising fields, the pace of development slowed because of resource risk and the high level of up-front investment needed. Since most developers could not take on such exposure to risks with owner equity, particularly in developing countries, many shied away from making early-stage investments in explor- ing geothermal “green fields.” Therefore, various forms of public sector support have been provided in countries that sought to promote such investments and incentivize the devel- opment of geothermal resources. Such support has been critical to overcoming barriers to geothermal development that the private sector alone may not have been able to address. This paper presents a comparative assessment of key approaches that have been imple- mented to mitigate geothermal resource risks throughout the world in order to address early stage uncertainty and mobilize investments in geothermal exploration and early drilling. Such efforts have played a catalytic role in helping scale-up geothermal develop- ment by confirming resources and unlocking the potential in many fields. Different risk mitigation schemes are evaluated based on their contextual relevance, funding needs, administrative requirements, level of success, and suitability for implementation. The work was undertaken to assist World Bank client countries to make informed decisions about implementing the most effective support mechanisms to expand the utilization of geothermal energy and diversify their power generation mix. 2 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation  E O T H E R M A L R E S O U R C E R I S K M I T I G AT I O N 2.  G APPROACHES Herein the focus is mainly on the support mechanisms in various countries that were specifically designed and used to address geothermal resource risks, particularly in Stages I and II (as illustrated in Figure 1). However, there are other complementary activities that can improve the overall profitability/feasibility of geothermal projects, which in turn can encourage geothermal developers to accept some resource risk as a result. These activities primarily include financial and other incentives for power generation such as feed-in tariffs (FITs), renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and tax credits, and the development of adequate associated infrastructure, such as transmission lines to bring the power to market. Governments may consider such options, when appropriate, as tools to incentivize the development of geothermal resources. However, because the benefits of such incentives are mostly realized in later stages of the development process, they are often insufficient to offset early stage resource risks and potential financial losses to geothermal developers. Therefore, these incentives alone typically do not sufficiently incentivize investment in exploration drilling and confirmation of geothermal resources. A number of countries have taken more targeted action through specific schemes to address resource risks and mobilize investments towards exploration drilling and resource confirmation. These approaches have been primarily through the separation of the development responsibilities and financing burden at different stages of the geo- thermal development cycle between the public and private sectors. It has led to the geothermal resource risks being shifted towards the party that is better placed to handle it in a given country, resulting in the advancement, and often a scale-up, of geothermal development. Herein the focus is on four3 types of approaches that have been used in various countries to mitigate geothermal resource risk: 1. Government, taking on the full resource and other project risks by acting as the total project developer (exploring, discovering, building and operating the project), through state-owned enterprises or other government-backed entities 2. Cost-shared drilling for mobilizing private development where some or all of the risk of drilling to develop the steam field is shifted to the public sector 3. Geothermal resource risk insurance that looks to pool exploration risks across a portfolio of development 4. Early-stage fiscal incentives (exemption from duties, tax credits, etc.) that lower the financial exposure developers would face during exploration drilling For each approach, the following key aspects are presented, discussed, and analyzed: • the key features of the approach; • the pros and cons of the scheme; • the operational/management oversight requirements for implementing the scheme; • where the scheme has been applied internationally; Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 3 • the impacts of the scheme on the pace and/or amount of development of geother- mal power generation capacity; and • the financial impact on stakeholders. A summary framework for comparing these key aspects of the four geothermal resource risk mitigation approaches is included in the Annex. 4 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 3 .  G O V E R N M E N T A S T O TA L G E O T H E R M A L P R O J E C T DEVELOPER Government or government-supported agencies of a country or region can absorb much of the resource risk by exploring and developing the geothermal resource themselves. Government involvement in geothermal development can take vari- ous forms, but has been most successful in cases where government has either: (i) complete control at all stages of a geothermal project where private participation is limited; or (ii) control over resource confirmation and steam field development only, with independent power producers (IPPs) building and operating geothermal power plants. In addition, there have been a few cases of resource development by private entities and power plants owned and operated by governments. For the purpose of the analysis in this section, we only consider cases where the government develops both the upstream (steam field) and downstream (power plant and other surface facilities) elements as a “total” project developer. Instances where the government develops only a part of the project with the expectation of a private developer under- taking the remaining development is an approach more comparable to cost sharing, which is discussed in the next section. By mobilizing large-scale funding from public sources, government involvement can serve as a backstop for absorbing geothermal resource risks and enhance the viability of projects in markets that may otherwise be less attractive for international investors look- ing to mobilize private capital. Accelerated geothermal growth has occurred wherever government has made a clear commitment to support geothermal development and has had sufficient capacity to provide the necessary financial support. This was the case in the Philippines and in Mexico, which rank second and fourth in the world (respectively) in terms of installed geothermal capacity. As shown in Table 1, the government has served as the total project developer in a significant number of geothermal developments around the world, leading to the devel- opment of more than 3.5 GW of geothermal power—about one-third of the current installed worldwide capacity. In all of the countries listed in Table 1, the financial capacity of the public sector was applied to all stages of geothermal development, from the high risk early-stage drilling through to construction and operation of power plants. In countries where government could not maintain a high level of support and investment into geothermal development, the geothermal industry sometimes grew slowly and may even have become stalled at various stages. Such was the case in Kenya and Nicaragua, where few of the many known resources have been drilled and developed. Resource risk has not been the only hurdle; other barriers have compounded the challenge, includ- ing real or perceived country risk, logistical challenges, inadequate infrastructure, and insufficient availability of capital. These barriers have tended to limit the amount of geo- thermal development achieved by government entities, although Kenya and Indonesia are making considerable progress at present. Some governments simply may not have the necessary financing available to invest in geothermal development. Lack of sufficient sector knowledge about geothermal development, complex bureaucratic procedures, and inter-agency conflicts have also hindered the ability of some governments to develop geothermal power at the desired pace. Geothermal development is a multidisciplinary endeavor that requires not only tech- nical knowledge of the resource, but also an understanding of financial, regulatory, Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 5 Table 1 | Government-Led Development of Geothermal Generation Capacity Country Number Of Fields Supported Resulting Installed Capacity (MW) Costa Rica 2 177 El Salvador 2 149 Nicaragua 1 70 Mexico 4 980 France (Guadeloupe) 1 15 Indonesia 5 417 Philippines 5 608 New Zealand 2 220 Iceland 6 664 Turkey 1 15 Ethiopia 1 8 Kenya 1 290 (140 more being developed) TOTALS 31 3,613 Note: Data as of mid 2014. utility-related, and political issues. Government or government-backed agencies with a mandate to develop geothermal, therefore, either require human capacity with expertise across this broad range, or the ability to periodically seek support from external consul- tants and academic researchers to identify, evaluate, develop, and monitor geothermal fields, and/or to provide peer reviews of government’s progress with geothermal develop- ment. When geothermal development by the public sector involves multiple government agencies, departments or ministries, bureaucratic procedures and “turf wars” have actu- ally slowed the pace of development, despite intended aspirations to the contrary. Successful government developers achieve their geothermal goals through the combi- nation of: • coordinated policies that support well-trained in-house expertise; • access to appropriate equipment; and • access to adequate funding. Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Costa Rica are some examples where qualified government-backed developers have expanded their geothermal portfolios, sometimes with consulting support from international specialists. Government or publicly supported enterprises that undertake full-scale geothermal development of both the (upstream) resources and the (downstream) power plants typically assume all of the risks associated with geothermal projects, including the early- stage exploration risks. Even when development financing is made available, the typically associated sovereign guarantees mean that the government ultimately bears the risk of project failure. An exception would be when some of the project costs are supported through earmarked grants from development partners outside the country, in which case, some of the risk of project failure would be borne by the grant provider. 6 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation C O S T- S H A R E D D R I L L I N G T O M O B I L I Z E P R I VAT E 4 .   INVESTMENT Cost-shared drilling has successfully reduced resource risk in several countries, and has helped mobilize risk capital towards geothermal exploration/resource confirma- tion. It can be particularly suitable where governments seek to engage the private sector in geothermal development. Cost-shared drilling typically takes one of the following two forms: • Exploration drilling that is cost-shared between the public and private sec- tors. In this scenario, the government provides some portion of the risk capital that is required for early-stage exploration drilling, with the goal of leveraging the remain- ing funds from private sources on the basis of a developer’s reduced exposure to project failure from resource risks. • Government-led exploration drilling to facilitate later private project devel- opment. In this scenario, government agencies may carry out publicly funded surface reconnaissance and exploration drilling to reduce resource risk, thus facili- tating the entrance of private companies to develop the remainder of the project (i.e., through the development of the rest of the well field, as well as power plant construction and operation). C O S T- S H A R E D E X P L O R AT I O N D R I L L I N G In a typical cost-shared exploration drilling scheme, the government covers the cost of some part of exploration usually by providing a grant to a private developer to carry out drilling activities. By doing so, it reduces the exposure of the private developer to potential project failure due to resource risk. The goal is to sufficiently reduce the risk to qualified private developers so that they are incentivized to undertake the development by mobilizing the remaining risk capital. In a cost-shared exploration scheme, the government and the private developer share the risk of project failure if the geothermal resource is determined to be unsuitable for further development. Cost-shared exploration drilling was implemented successfully in Japan. During a num- ber of periods over the past several decades, Japanese developers benefitted immensely from a cost-sharing scheme that included a cost-share of up to 40 percent for exploration wells, and a 20 percent cost-share on production and injection wells. This cost-sharing hastened the installation of most of the 536 megawatts (MW) of geothermal power that is operating in Japan today. In the United States, developers were able to confirm produc- tive conditions at several fields that were later developed for a total of about 150 MW. In both countries, the national geological survey initially identified the most promising fields that would be eligible for cost-shared drilling, but the drilling and development were car- ried out by the private sector. The government reviewed the drilling plans and confirmed the private developer’s ability to successfully execute the program. In the United States, public disclosure of drilling results was required, while such data disclosure was not a requirement in the Japanese scheme. Other examples of cost-shared exploration drilling are summarized below. • A risk mitigation strategy is being applied in Eastern Africa through a fund4 set up with the support of international development partners to cost-share 40 percent of the first one or two wells in a field (see Box 1). Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 7 Geothermal Risk Mitigation Funds – Examples of Cost-Sharing Schemes Box 1 |  from Africa and Latin America Developed by KfW and hosted by the African Union Commission, the Geothermal Risk Mitigation Funds (GRMF) is the first multi-donor scheme to specifically support geothermal risk mitigation in Africa. The facility provides qualified public and private developers with (i) grants for surface studies, and (ii) cost-sharing for exploration drilling. Regarding the second, qualified developers can receive up to 40 percent of the cost of up to 2 exploration wells, plus 20 percent of the cost of related infrastructure. In the case of a successful exploration and subsequent field development, project developers can receive an additional 30 percent of the pre-determined cost of exploration wells as a “premium.” Developers can apply once per year for grant funding from the GRMF and their applica- tions are evaluated against a set of stringent, pre-determined financial and technical criteria. Four projects in Kenya and Ethiopia which received grant funding during the first Call for Proposals in December 2012 are currently in the exploration stage. It has shown that funding can be mobilized for geothermal exploration by leveraging cost shared support from the public sector. Given a successful first Call for Proposals, a second round was carried out at the end of 2014. The Geothermal Development Facility (GDF) for Latin America follows a similar approach and is the first multi-donor scheme to support geothermal energy in Latin America. Developed on the basis of the experiences with the GRMF by KfW in cooperation with a variety of other donors and financiers, including the World Bank, it is foreseen to include: (i) a Risk Mitigation Fund to support early exploration drilling stage; (ii) Investment Financing Windows to provide tailored financing for subsequent invest- ments during the crucial production drilling and construction stages; and (iii) a Technical Assistance Forum to coordinate existing and planned technical assistance programs of participating donors and financiers. The key element in the GDF for LCR will be a Contingency Grant that qualified public and private developers will be able to access, which would cover 40 percent of the cost of up to 3 exploration wells (up to a pre-determined maximum). In case of an unsuccessful exploration well, the Contingency Grant would be converted into a full grant with no further financial obligation for the project developer. For successful exploration wells, 80 percent of the Contingency Grant would be returned to the Risk Mitigation Fund, thus becoming available to other qualifying projects. To avoid placing undue burden on the equity position of developers during later stages of project development, the GDF will also offer re-financing of repayments as part of larger financing packages through the Investment Financing Windows of the GDF for LCR. The GDF for LCR was formally launched at the end of 2014. • A similar facility5 is being considered by multiple development partners, including the World Bank, to catalyze geothermal development in the Latin America region (see Box 1). • Australia implemented a scheme similar to the one in Japan, and cost-shared grants mobilized private efforts to undertake exploration drilling. Unlike Japan, the funds were directed toward “enhanced geothermal systems” projects (i.e., those that require significant enhancement of permeability to enable adequate heat recovery) rather than conventional hydrothermal projects, which make up nearly 100 per- cent of the geothermal power generation capacity worldwide. A combination of two factors led to a program of cost-shared drilling at the national and state levels: (i) enhanced geothermal systems is not a commercially proven technique; and (ii) many of the potential geothermal areas in Australia are remote, requiring consider- able transmission infrastructure that further undermines the financial feasibility of geothermal operations. 8 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation • A cost-shared exploration scheme is presently being prepared for demonstration in Nicaragua with the support of the World Bank. Cost-shared exploration drilling creates additional liquidity in risk capital that is often scarce, unduly costly, or both. Following the resource confirmation, the private devel- oper is expected to continue to develop the well field and construct the power plant. Repayment schemes can be considered in which the developer refunds all or part of the government’s cost-share for a commercially successful well, although there is no evidence of such application to date. Cost-shared drilling is particularly effective when some or all of the following conditions are present: • the government has a goal of increasing the amount of geothermal generation capacity quickly, intends to do so with private-sector participation, and has imple- mented policies in support of that goal; • the government has limited geothermal capability and instead seeks to mobilize private expertise and investment to unlock a nation’s geothermal potential; • there is adequate experience and skills with regards to geothermal development on the part of the developers, and those who receive cost-share funds are selected in a transparent manner with clear criteria, including the capacity to mobilize their share of the risk capital for exploration drilling; and, • when resources are successfully confirmed, the recipients of the cost-share scheme are committed to developing the multiple post-exploration stages until the project is operational (as opposed to selling the development rights to another investor after increasing value due to cost-shared drilling). In the cost-shared drilling scheme described above, risks are shared between the gov- ernment and the developer, and both have a vested interest in creating a successful project. Cost-shared drilling is a straight-forward approach that provides public funding to cover all or a portion of the costs to drill early exploratory wells in order to confirm geother- mal resources. Since post-exploration, resource risks can remain, although it would be reduced, some programs have extended the cost sharing to subsequent drilling of production and injection wells required for a project. The cost-shared drilling risk mitigation method requires a significantly smaller public funding commitment than full government development, leverages private equity and expertise, and enables the gov- ernment and developer to share potential losses. Since funding under this approach is typically in the form of a grant, cost-sharing partially underwrites the geothermal resource risk through public resources by reducing the developer’s exposure to potential losses. It also reduces the required amount of additional risk capital for exploration, and has a catalytic impact since it lowers the developers’ burden for raising the remaining funds for drilling. Cost-shared drilling does not guarantee the success of a project; following exploration drilling, some projects will be determined not to be viable for full-scale devel- opment despite public funding. In such cases, the investment by the government may not be recoverable when it is provided as a grant. It may be possible, however, to include an arrangement that would require successful projects (those determined to be feasible) to repay some of the government’s cost-share investment, thereby offsetting part of the Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 9 public funding losses from unsuccessful projects. In either case, cost-shared drilling has been demonstrated to successfully reduce resource risks and speed up development by catalyzing private participation in the sector. G O V E R N M E N T- L E D E X P L O R AT I O N D R I L L I N G T O FA C I L I TAT E D E V E L O P M E N T B Y T H E P R I VAT E S E C T O R With this approach, government agencies carry out surface reconnaissance and exploration drilling to advance development and reduce investor risk by confirming the geothermal resources. For geothermal resources that are successfully confirmed, these risk-reduced development opportunities are offered through various market engagement modalities to private developers to undertake the subsequent stages of development. This approach facilitates private investments, owing to the greater level of certainty about the commercial viability of the project (since the geothermal resources are confirmed in advance by the government). However, the government bears all of the risks during the exploration drilling stage under this approach, and will need to absorb any losses that are incurred as a result of unsuccessful drilling. In some cases, part of all of the costs incurred by the government for exploration drilling have been recovered through different mechanisms of offering risk-reduced prospects to the private sector for development. There are several cases in which government action(s) to reduce the early exploration risks have paved the way for subsequent larger scale participation by the private sector. For example: • In the San Jacinto-Tizate development in Nicaragua, the geothermal resources was proven with primarily publicly funded exploration by a mixed ownership company6 before the development rights were relinquished to a private developer for undertak- ing production drilling, well field expansion, and construction of the power plant and associate facilities.  • The Olkaria III geothermal development in Kenya is another example where a public power developer (KenGen) undertook initial exploration drilling before offering that sector to a private developer who took over and progressively developed 100 MW of installed capacity. • In Turkey, a government agency (MTA) explored and undertook the early drilling to various extents in numerous geothermal fields that were later awarded to private entities for further development through an auction approach. There are similar efforts that are underway in Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Dominica, with the support of the World Bank and other development partners. When a government undertakes full early-stage geothermal exploration drilling, it injects risk capital into the market that may not otherwise be available. However, following the resource confirmation, private market conditions should be sufficient to provide the financing for the subsequent stages of development by the qualified private developers. Some developing countries may not have such an investment climate, which can undermine the ultimate geothermal development objective. Since the entire exploration drilling cost (and exploration risk) is borne by the government, significant funding is required. It is possible to recover some of the public funds from subsequent private developers who recognize the value of exploration drilling and the resulting mitigation of risks. 10 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation The government-led exploration drilling scheme is effective under similar conditions to that of the cost-shared drilling approach. It works best when: (i) the government has clearly defined goals and the intention to mobilize private sector expertise and financing; and (ii) there is interest and capacity of qualified private developers to participate in the subsequent geothermal development. The selection of qualified developers with clear criteria through a transparent process would help maximize the value and impact of the public investments. In addition, a government-led exploration drilling scheme to facilitate private project development also requires the following considerations: • the government must have sufficient capability to undertake and manage the sur- face reconnaissance and exploration drilling activities and resource confirmation in accordance with industry standards; and, • the government has the funding to cover the full cost of surface reconnaissance and exploration drilling in order to confirm the geothermal resources, and can afford to absorb potential losses should some developments prove to be commercially unviable. A government led exploration drilling and resource confirmation scheme may attract more private developers since it provides more certainty and greater risk cover than under a cost-shared exploration drilling approach. However, if the exploration drilling is not carried out in-line with industry and international standards, it may erode market con- fidence and make it more costly and challenging to attract qualified private developers. In the case of inadequate government capacity and experience to successfully carry out exploration drilling, a cost-shared approach may be more suitable and less costly. Cost- shared exploration drilling can also be a better approach to assist developments where the governments have already relinquished development rights to the private sector, but progress has been stymied due to resource related risks. Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 11 O T H E R A P P R O A C H E S T O FA C I L I TAT I N G P R I VAT E PA R T I C I PAT I O N There are several other ways in which governments have leveraged public invest- ments to mobilize private participation and financing in geothermal development. In several instances, the public sector has taken the full responsibility of developing the upstream geothermal well field, whereby it underwrites the risk of explora- tion and production drilling, before private developers are invited to participate. This type of approach goes beyond addressing the higher risk exploration stage and tries to reduce the full resource risks by completing the entire upstream development before mobilizing IPPs to develop the downstream power plant and associated surface infrastructure. Since the government is taking on a larger development role, the required funding for surface reconnaissance, exploration and production drilling, will be higher than either the cost-shared or government led exploration drilling approaches described previously. This could considerably reduce risk and potentially make the downstream project more attractive to the larger pool of IPPs. However, since the government entity that develops the well field often continues to oversee upstream operations through the duration of the project, this approach may also introduce a different type of commercial risk to the IPP since it is now dependent on a public entity to supply steam to its power plant on an ongoing basis. Two examples of this mechanism are illustrative: 1. The steam resources for the 27.5 MW Miravalles III project in Costa Rica was devel- oped and supplied by the state electric utility, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), and the power plant is operated by an IPP under a build-operate-transfer (BOT) agreement. However, in this case, ICE is also the electricity off-taker, which reduced the risk to the IPP of potential steam supply issues that could create a conflict with its obligations for producing electricity. 2. In Kenya, the Government-backed geothermal development company (GDC) is taking responsibility for all resource development activities, and will sell steam to IPPs on an ongoing basis for generating electricity to be sold to Kenya Power and Light Company—a separate electricity distributor. To accelerate geothermal development, GDC is also considering other private-public partnership (PPP) models, such as bringing in the private sector to undertake the initial drilling in selected fields. However, since GDC’s efforts have not yet led to power gen- eration from geothermal, the impact of this approach cannot be conclusively evaluated. P R I VAT I Z AT I O N O F G O V E R N M E N T- D E V E L O P E D G E O T H E R M A L A S S E T S In several instances, government or government-backed entities that develop and operate complete geothermal facilities (i.e., both upstream and downstream opera- tions) have been fully or partially privatized when they are sufficiently mature and are capable of accessing capital markets. In El Salvador, the Philippines, and more recently in New Zealand, public sector developed geothermal capacity was later divested to different degrees to leverage private participation in geothermal proj- ects. While privatization of public geothermal assets can be a strategic decision that a government can make in order to leverage private investments and free up its own resources, it is initially a publicly financed geothermal scheme, similar to what is described earlier. Although later divestiture has mobilized private expertise and capital, these developers can face challenges similar to other private developers in mobilizing future risk capital. 12 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation Transfer from Public to Private Ownership through Divestiture of Geothermal Box 2 |  Development Entities: Examples in the Philippines and El Salvador In some cases, the government has taken on the role of full-scale geothermal developer for a period of time, later divesting all or part of a formed geothermal development entity. For example, in the Philippines, a specific entity—Energy Development Corporation (EDC)—was formed by the Philippine National Oil Company with a mandate to explore, develop, produce, generate and market indigenous energy sources, including geothermal energy. In 2007, after developing geothermal installed capacity of more than 1,100 MW, EDC was privatized and now operates as publicly traded company with significant geothermal operations in the Philippines and interests in projects in several other countries including in the LCR region. El Salvador’s geothermal development was initially the responsibility of the state electric utility Comisión Hidroelèctrica del Rio Lempa (CEL), which set up a specific geothermal unit (initially called GESAL, later LaGeo) to develop and operate the nation’s geothermal resources. LaGeo currently operates about 200 MW of geothermal power capacity at two fields. After a public tender in 2001, the renewable subsidiary of the Italian utility (Enel Green Power) purchased 9 percent of LaGeo in 2002, and gradually increased its share to 36 percent, with the Government of El Salvador holding the remaining shares. After years of operation under this arrangements, LaGeo later reverted back to full Government control following Enel Green Power’s sale of its ownership share. In countries that have used these various cost-sharing mechanisms, the estimated geothermal capacity catalyzed as a result is summarized in Table 2. As can be seen, approximately 3 GW of geothermal power has been developed as a result of the cost- sharing and similar risk mitigation mechanisms described above. Estimated Geothermal Generation Capacity Resulting from Cost-Sharing Table 2:  Schemes Country Number Of Fields Supported Resulting Installed Capacity (MW) Costa Rica 1 30 El Salvador 1 44 Guatemala 2 52 Nicaragua 1 70 Indonesia 1 60 Philippines 5 1,260* New Zealand 6 547 United States 6 150* Turkey 5 215* Japan 15 534* Kenya 1 100 TOTALS: 44 3,062 Note: * Estimated capacity. Data as of mid 2014. Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 13 14 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 5.  GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE RISK INSURANCE Geothermal risk insurance is designed to insure the productivity of a well, which can be stated in terms of megawatt capacity or a combination of flow rate and enthalpy. After initial resource due diligence is carried out by the insurer, the developer and the insurer jointly establish the success criteria. Based on the likelihood of payouts, the insurer will then set a premium that must be paid up-front by the developer to secure the policy. Although the drilling process itself can also be insured, here it is assumed that only the productivity of the well is covered; it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that the drilling target is reached. Following the drilling, the results are then confirmed through various tests. If the result falls outside the range of success agreed to by both parties, it would trigger a payment from the insurer to the developer to cover its “losses.” Although single wells have been insured in the past, the current trend is to cover the aggregate output of a group of wells. There has been limited application of such insurance schemes to date for two main reasons: (i) globally, geothermal development is a small sector, and insurance com- panies have, to date, been unable to amass an appropriate scale for such coverage to be efficient (i.e., a sufficiently large portfolio to spread the risk); and (ii) given the significant uncertainty during the exploration stage, the premiums are typically high and may not be affordable to some developers. On the other hand, with an insurance policy, a developer may be able to attract risk capital that would not otherwise have been available. Several countries have attempted to apply this method (most notably France and Germany) with modest success. Driven in part by its high FIT for geothermal power, Germany has had some success in implementing this type of insurance product. Efforts are underway to implement similar insurance products in Turkey, Kenya, and the United States. Countries with nascent geothermal development programs but few wells drilled may consider other approaches to reducing resource risks first, such as cost-shared exploratory drilling, and use resource risk insurance in the production drilling stage as a way to balance investment risks after more is known about the field’s characteristics and the geothermal resource. Insurance reduces the risk of inadequate drilling results for the developer and incen- tivizes geothermal development by mobilizing equity capital that would otherwise not be invested due to the perceived exposure to potential financial losses. Although this scheme does not have to rely on government funds and is typically financed by pri- vate entities, a very limited number of companies presently offer such a product around the world. To cover the high uncertainty during exploration drilling and remain solvent, insurers must charge relatively high insurance premiums, increasing the required overall upfront investment above and beyond the cost of the exploration drilling. In the early 1980s, such an insurance scheme was offered by a company in the United States, but no developer applied to participate in the scheme because of the high premiums required. At present, there are less than a handful of insurers worldwide that appear to be willing to underwrite geothermal resource risk and uncertainty, and specialized circum- stances (such as the availability of high FITs in Germany) have been needed to create a market for this type of insurance product. To date, a few tens of megawatts at most have been developed and catalyzed through the application of geothermal risk insurance. It may have helped mobilize some investments Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 15 in exploration in Germany but the high (~$US 0.30/kwh) FIT has likely played a more significant role in accelerating geothermal development than the insurance product itself. Insurance schemes are relatively complex to implement, operate, and monitor. Once a field has been chosen by a developer, there are many requirements (which vary by insurer) to qualify and obtain geothermal risk insurance. The project goes through a rigorous due diligence process to even qualify—all permits, licenses, approvals, docu- mentation of access, exploration, and drilling plans must be in place and provided to the insurer for review. The limited availability of actuarial data globally for geothermal wells and the inherent uncertainty of exploratory drilling makes it difficult to establish premiums and predict potential payouts in a portfolio. For wells that are insured, detailed drilling, logging, and testing results are provided by the developer to the insurer. A well remedia- tion program is typically provided in advance and followed through by the developer if the initial result of the well test does not meet the specified minimum well productivity. Well testing is witnessed and certified by a qualified independent consultant. After drilling of the insured wells has been completed, the testing results are analyzed to determine whether or not an insurance payout is warranted. Through a geothermal risk insurance scheme, the developer is able to shift part or all of the drilling risk onto the insurer, while the developer pays the cost of the premium. The insurer may decide to create pools with other geothermal projects to spread the risk of losses among geothermal developments with different risk levels. As noted above, this is the current trend in well productivity insurance; however, there is little experience and success in scaling-up with this portfolio approach in geothermal projects to date. 16 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation E A R LY- S T A G E F I S C A L I N C E N T I V E S 6 .   Fiscal incentives that reduce the cost of exploration are not specific geothermal risk mitigation mechanisms, but it can have a catalytic impact on mobilizing risk capi- tal towards drilling, akin to a partial cost-shared scheme. Several countries have implemented modest fiscal incentives that support geothermal projects at the explora- tion and early drilling stages. These incentives include exemption from certain taxes and import duties, reducing the overall amount of risk capital required to undertake exploration and confirmation drilling. This mechanism provides a modest incentive by reducing a developer’s exposure to potential losses that may result from unsuccessful exploration drilling outcomes. Fiscal incentives are more appropriate as a complemen- tary policy that can enhance the impact of a more specifically designed geothermal resource risk mitigation scheme. Several countries have such incentives, formulated in various ways, such as reduction in taxable income (Indonesia), 100 percent tax deduction of investment on renewable power (Mexico), exemption of taxes on the importation of machinery for geothermal development (Indonesia, the Philippines), and exemption of all taxes, except income tax, for geothermal project developers (the Philippines). These incentives are implemented through legislation as a redesign of the fiscal archi- tecture in a country. Their application typically does not require significant up-front public financial support, although some fiscal revenues may be lost. Tax credits (such as the Investment Tax Credit and the Production Tax Credit in the United States) have helped many geothermal developments, and are likely to have had some impact on the pace of development, but this impact is difficult to isolate and quantify. Given that fiscal incentives are generally part of the overall tax policy, the government generally does not undertake a specific analysis of a project for which the incentive is available. Management and oversight requirements are dictated by the legislation that creates each incentive, but are typically modest since it is usually a part of an overall fiscal architecture. The requirements and methods for accessing early fiscal incentives vary by country, and require a sound understanding of the relevant tax policies and code in order to access the benefits and comply with associated obligations. As support for renewable energy, governments have offered and underwritten various tax breaks in the hope of receiving more tax revenue later from profitable geothermal projects. The government holds some risk if the project is not developed due to poten- tial foregone tax revenues that are not recovered. However, typically, fiscal incentives are applied on the margin to catalyze investments in geothermal and other renewable energy, while a majority of the risk of resources and project failure are held by the devel- oper under such a scheme. Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 17 18 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation OTHER FACTORS INFLUENCING THE 7 .   A C C E P TA N C E A N D M I T I G AT I O N O F GEOTHERMAL RISK Alternative schemes and complimentary strategies to promote renewable energy and indirectly mitigate risk and incentivize investment in geothermal development have also been implemented. Some of these include: • Renewable portfolio standards (RPS), which include a mandated target percent- age of renewable power in the energy portfolio of a country, state, or utility company • Feed-in tariff (FIT), which sets the minimum prices for renewable energy and man- dates offtake • Loan guarantees for geothermal projects • Tax credits, such as the Investment Tax Credits (ITC) at the start of power genera- tion, or Production Tax Credits (PTC) for operating geothermal projects • Development of associated Infrastructure (roads and transmission lines) is another way to facilitate geothermal development, particularly in remote areas Although not all of these approaches are specific “resource risk mitigation” schemes, they enhance the overall viability of an investment that can attract private investments in geothermal development. The resulting higher returns developers can make from a project compensates for some of the risks, making geothermal development a more attractive investment opportunity. The increased profit potential can ease the burden of project financing and help advance development. The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) approach is available in the United States and provides a tax credit of 10 to 30 percent of the capital investment costs in a geothermal project. The ITC is paid out once at the completion of power plant construction. This kind of tax incentive basically increases the ratio of (after-tax) revenue to (after-tax) expenses in a project. The Production Tax Credit (PTC) is also available in the United States, and 2009 financial stimulus legislation included a mechanism for an up-front ITC cash grant in lieu of the PTC, providing benefit to companies with limited tax liabilities once a project becomes operational. The PTC is paid throughout the production lifetime of an operating project, at the rate of $0.02/kWh. The very attractive FITs offered for geothermal energy in countries such as Germany are typically calculated on the basis of development costs. Because Germany’s geothermal resources are often deep and difficult to develop, the price that has been mandated for geothermal power is accordingly high. RPS programs are essentially a mandate for a state, region or utility district to have a specific percentage of renewable power sources. These have led to higher price offers for renewable power in order to mobilize invest- ments to meet obligations. The resulting improvement in the overall long-term returns for developers have helped promote investments in geothermal. Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 19 These various schemes shift some risk away from the developer, through a reduction in initial capital investment (in the case of the ITC) and a higher effective return (in the case of the PTC, RPS or FIT). Basically, they provide an incentive for the developer to accept higher risks because of higher returns; but does not eliminate the downside risk should the project not advance after exploration drilling if it is determined to be unfea- sible. Since most of these incentives are output-based, the projects must be operational and producing electricity to benefit from them. It may not necessarily help mobilize risk capital for exploration since, if a project were to stall at any of the development stages, the developer would bear the loss. 20 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation I M PA C T O F R I S K M I T I G AT I O N S T R AT E G I E S O N 8 .   G E O T H E R M A L E X PA N S I O N : I L L U S T R AT I V E C A S E S To illustrate how different risk mitigation strategies have worked to date, the various forms of such support in several countries have been reviewed, including select countries with significant geothermal development (Japan, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Turkey and the United States) and those that have had significant sup- port for geothermal development but have little or no geothermal power production to date (Australia, Chile and Argentina). Risk mitigation strategies have had differ- ent results in different countries. For example, nearly AU$300 million (approximately US$263 million) was invested for geothermal development in Australia, including AU$50 million (approximately US$44 million) earmarked for drilling activities, which led to a number of wells being drilled, despite the fact that overall prospects for geothermal development in the country are very limited because of natural resource characteristics (deep, low permeability) and transmission infrastructure (the best resources are far from the nearest grid access point). Similarly, there has been government and private investment in Chile beginning in the late 1960s, but no geothermal power production to date. Like Australia, the geothermal resources in Chile are remote, but the Chilean government, international investors, and IPPs are still determined to develop a successful geothermal market. The Clean Technology Fund, one of the Global Climate Investment Funds, through the World Bank Group and the Inter-American Development Bank, is assisting the Government of Chile in this regard.7 In Japan, development began in the early 1970s with a major period of growth from 1975 to 1995 (see Figure 2). This was the period when cost-shared drilling was successfully used to stimulate geothermal projects. Subsequently, government policy changed and the cost-shared drilling programs were eliminated because geothermal was thought to be a mature technology that did not require government support. The result was that no new geothermal developments were undertaken in Japan for almost 20 years, where the installed geothermal capacity remained at 536 MW. More recently, the Fukushima earthquake and subsequent closure of nuclear power plants in Japan have renewed gov- ernment interest and support to the geothermal industry. As part of its efforts to diversify its energy portfolio, the government passed legislation in 2012 that included attractive FITs for renewable power. The tariff for geothermal projects that generate less than 15 MW is ¥42/ kWh ($0.40/kWh), and ¥27.3/kWh ($0.36 kWh) for projects of 15 MW or more. In addi- tion, there has been some easing of restrictions about developing geothermal resources in and around Japan’s national parks. These changes and an abundance of geothermal resources may drive the Japanese geothermal market further in the coming years. Kenya is a reasonably successful example of the government taking on all or part of the role as the developer through various public sector entities. Development by the state power generator began in the early 1970s, then stalled for the first few years due to the slow pace and, at times, the lack of funding. Increased interest from a variety of development partners and the introduction of IPPs (including one geothermal IPP at the Olkaria field) into the geothermal market spurred some growth of geothermal power development in this country. Additional growth is anticipated with a combination of the recently formed state- owned geothermal development company which is making efforts to mitigate resource risks and private geothermal IPPs. Some Kenyan projects have successfully applied to the Africa GRMF for cost-shared drilling support. In this sense, the Kenyan example demonstrates how geothermal development can be driven by a combination of factors: Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 21 Figure 2 | Installed Geothermal Power Capacity over Time in Japan 2002 – End of 750 cost-sharing 1985 & 1986 – Government program Installed Capacity (MW) cost-sharing program 1974 – Government serving as geothermal resource developer cost-sharing program 500 1980 – Government 250 0 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Time in Years • early risk mitigation schemes through full and/or partial government funding; • guaranteed power price (or steam price in the case where GDC sells steam to an IPP); different development schemes (e.g., all government; all IPP; initial exploration and possibly drilling by government, followed by resource concessioning to and development by IPPs; public-private partnerships); and, • a significantly important coordinated program in Kenya to develop transmission infrastructure to bring power to market from remote fields. Nicaragua’s early geothermal development has followed a similar development as Kenya, with the government as the sole developer in the early drilling stages. However, Nicaragua did not have a dedicated governmental geothermal entity, and an exploration license was not granted to an IPP until the early 2000s. Development stalled during the 1990s but has picked up recently due to interest from some IPPs and development banks. The Government of Nicaragua is presently working with the World Bank to design and implement a cost- shared resource risk mitigation scheme through development financing assistance. In the Philippines, the state-owned Commission on Volcanology initiated studies on geothermal energy in 1962 and in 1967 succeeded in lighting the first light bulb with geothermal power. In 1976, Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) set up a dedi- cated geothermal subsidiary (Energy Development Corporation or EDC) that proceeded to explore, discover, and develop many geothermal resources on several islands. Simultaneously, the state invited an international oil company (Union Oil Company) to conduct geothermal exploration and resource development in the country. Union Oil Company then created Philippine Geothermal, Inc. (PGI) to undertake these activities. In the 1970s, EDC installed a few small wellhead power generators. By 1979, PGI devel- oped two large fields, while the state-owned National Power Corporation (NPC) built several large power plants and started selling geothermal electricity to consumers. These activities led to a rapid development of geothermal power between 1979 and 1983, as illustrated in Figure 3, when NPC installed the first large power plant to be supplied with steam derived from a field developed by PNOC. The most promising fields were developed during this period, after which the pace of development slowed down for nearly a decade. In 1992, a Department of Energy was 22 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation Figure 3 | Installed Geothermal Capacity vs. Time in the Philippines 1979 – First large field developed by a private 2000 1970s – Both Government and one private company 1992 – Philippine Department 1983 – Commisioning of power 1750 2001 – Energy sector is privatized company; government builds the plant of Energy is created serving as geothermal resource developer plant by the Government 1500 Installed Capacity (MW) (no gov't involvement) 1250 initiated by the Governments 1000 enters BOT program with 750 1995 – Government Geothermal studies private companies 500 250 0 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Time in Years created in the country, and became involved in the geothermal industry. Between 1992 and 1995, there was major growth in the country’s geothermal power capacity because of new fields developed by PNOC and plants installed by NPC. In 1995, the state signed several BOT power contracts with private power developers, for which steam resources were to be supplied by EDC. Between 1995 and 1999, EDC’s field development activi- ties and the BOT plant constructions led to a major spurt in the installed capacity of geothermal in the country. As EDC matured as a company and was able to access capi- tal markets, it was divested with the assistance of the World Bank Group and in 2001 became a private geothermal operator. Since then, EDC has begun to expand globally, particularly in Latin America. At present, a new wave of geothermal power development is underway in the Philippines, with the state no longer actively involved. In many ways, the history of the Philippines case presents an excellent example of a balance between private and public partnerships that helped rapidly scale-up geothermal development. Turkey’s early geothermal development was also solely conducted by the government, with resource administration divided between the national government (for research and power generation) and provincial governments (for district heating and geothermal devel- opment for direct use purposes). Geothermal power was developed at a slow pace until 2005, when the state mining entity and geological survey (MTA) published its inventory of Turkish geothermal waters and the government amended its laws to decentralize power production. The Renewable Energy Law and other related laws were implemented, including a mandated FIT, leading to an increase in geothermal power production start- ing in 2008. The fields that had been explored to varying degrees, and in many cases where MTA undertook some initial drilling as indicated in Table 3, were among the first to be developed by the private sector, largely because MTA’s early work had the effect of mitigating some of the resource risk. The geothermal sector is continuing to grow, with many new geothermal projects in Turkey now under development almost entirely by the private sector, in fields that were explored to varying degrees by MTA. The United States has a complex history of geothermal development. The government participated in resource development in the late 1960s with research and early drilling conducted by Federal and State agencies, and by independent parties. By the 1970s, several laws had been put in place—most importantly, the Public Utility Regulatory Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 23 Table 3 | Geothermal Projects under Development in Turkey Installed Capacity Start-up Initial Drilling Project Name Province-Location (MW) Year by MTA Kızıldere 1 Denizli-Sarayköy 15.00 1984 Y Dora-1 Aydın-Salavatlı 7.50 2006 Y Bereket Denizli-Sarayköy 6.50 2007 Y Germencik 1 Aydın-Germencik 47.50 2010 Y Tuzla Çanakkale-Tuzla 7.50 2009 Y Dora-2 Aydın-Salavatlı 12.00 2010 N* Kızıldere 2 Denizli-Sarayköy 60.00 2014 Y 20.00 2014 Y Irem Aydın-Germencik 20.00 2014 Y Pamukoren 1+2 Aydın-Pamokoren 44.00 2013 Y Gumuskoy 1 Aydın-Germencik 6.60 2013 N Gumuskoy 2 Aydın-Germencik 6.60 2014 N Sinem Aydın-Germencik 22.50 2012 Y Deniz Aydın-Germencik 22.50 2012 N* Dora 3U1 Aydın-Salavatlı 21.00 2013 N* TR1 Manisa-Alasehir 24.00 2014 N Dora 3U2 Aydın-Salavatlı 20.00 2014 N* Germencik 3 Aydın-Germencik 25.00 2014 N* Kerem Aydın-Germencik 22.50 2014 N* Note: * MTA exploration well nearby (but not within the project area). Data as of October 2014. Policies Act (PURPA)—and sufficient knowledge had been developed regarding geo- thermal resources to spur a geothermal boom from 1980 to the late 1990s. As shown in Figure 4, the United States has had various forms of government cost-sharing and tax incentives, but has kept the majority of the development and capital investment directly with the private sector. In combination, policy decisions (PURPA and RPS, in certain states), some direct government support (in the form of cost-shared drilling), and a favor- able tax climate have led to geothermal growth in the United States. While cost-shared drilling has been helpful throughout the history of geothermal development in the United States, it is important to note that PURPA was a major motivator for geothermal devel- opment through the early 1990s. Since then, tax credits in place since the 1990s have made taking early stage geothermal risk worthwhile for some IPPs, with some continued support from cost-shared drilling. A new round of cost-shared drilling (using slim holes to prove certain resources, including those with no surface expression) is under consider- ation at present. Figure 4 illustrates the development of geothermal in the United States over time highlighting policy and other interventions of significance. 24 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation Installed Capacity (MW) 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 1960 Early 1960s – Government begins geothermal exploration 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1973 – Leasing of federal land for geothermal development begins 1974 1975 – Government implements risk reduction programs 1976 1978 – Government makes exploration data 1978 public in Circular 790 and PURPA 1980 1979 – Investment Tax Credits enacted along with Cost-shared drilling 1982 1980–1982 – Government loan guarantees 1984 Time in Years 1986 1988 1990 Early 1990s – Federal programs and PURPA end; 1992 States adopt Renewable Portfolio Standards 1994 1996 drilling through GRDA 1998 2000 Figure 4 | Installed Geothermal Capacity vs. Time in the United States 1981–2013 – Government cost-shared 2002 2004 2004 – Cost-sharing through PIER program 2005 – Renewable Energy Act 2006 2008 2009 – ARRA 2000-07 – Government 2010 2011 – Loan Guarantees cost-sharing through GRED 2012 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 25 Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation is a Challenge in Smaller Economies Box 3 |  In many smaller economies (particularly small islands), small-scale geothermal can be a lower cost power generation option since many have high cost of supply and limited available alternatives. Limited capacity and experience often compel them to depend on private sector-led development. The challenge of geothermal resource risk is compounded by the typically nascent state of the sector and limited market size, making it particularly difficult to attract qualified private developers. While cost-sharing mechanisms can help reduce risk and mobilize private risk capital, such upfront outlays can be sizable in relative terms for many small economies and unaffordable. This poses a significant challenge for geothermal development in small economies since they need to minimize multiple risks in order to attract qualified developers, but may lack the capacity and resources for undertaking such activities. The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica was facing a similar dilemma when they wanted to develop the Wotten Waven/Laudat geothermal field in the Roseau Valley. Geothermal was expected to reduce the high cost of electricity, which was in excess of US$0.40/kWh due to the heavy reliance on high cost diesel. The government approached a number of development partners for assistance, including the French Development Agency (AFD) and the European Union, which provided initial grants for geothermal exploration. This enabled the government to make an initial investment of about $10 million. In addition to funding support, the development partners (including the World Bank Group and the Clinton Climate Initiative) also provide technical assistance to ensure the project’s compliance with international industry standards. As a result, the government was able to confirm the resource capacity, increasing market confidence and attracting a qualified developer to enter an initial agreement to develop the geothermal resources under a public-private partnership (PPP) arrangement. The Government of Saint Lucia is currently exploring similar options with the assistance of the World Bank Group and other development partners to develop the geothermal resources in the Soufrière area. Djibouti in North Africa faced a similar situation. It was in search of lower cost power generation options, with the potential at Fialé Caldera within the Lake Assal region presenting a useful option to explore. Its nascent industry made it a challenge to attract private developers; while limited experi- ence and funding capacity within the government made private participation an imperative, if the country were to develop its geothermal resources. A number of development partners, including the World Bank, African Development Bank and AFD, pooled resources totaling over $31 million to assist the Government of Djibouti carry out exploration drilling and confirm the commercial viability of exploiting the geothermal resources in the area for power generation. The intention is to enhance market confidence through resource confirmation and seek private participation for a substantially lower risk project. The resource confirmation with public and international support is currently under implementation. 26 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 9. CONCLUSIONS Resource risk is a major barrier to geothermal development worldwide because it can stall geothermal development in its initial stages. The high risks that are typi- cally perceived when exploring a new geothermal field make it difficult to mobilize the required risk capital for funding early drilling. For this reason, a large number of geothermal developments have been undertaken by government or government- supported entities including national oil companies and state-owned enterprises. When qualified entities and sufficient capacity exists in a country, geothermal devel- opment has expanded, as in the case of Mexico and the Philippines. However, many governments have neither the financial capacity nor adequate technical expertise to undertake large-scale expansion of geothermal resources. In such cases, vari- ous ways of attracting private capital and expertise are used to develop geothermal resources for the benefit of the country. Since it is difficult for private investors to mobilize risk capital during the uncertain early stages of geothermal development, governments have taken action to reduce the risks to developers and/or otherwise incentivize developers to invest in geothermal explora- tion. Cost sharing of resource risks between the public and private sectors has enabled risk capital and private expertise to be mobilized towards geothermal drilling. Cost shar- ing is a win-win situation in that it reduces the burden on public finances while catalyzing geothermal development by the private sector. It is also relatively straight forward to implement, monitor, and manage. Although it can also help attract risk capital to geothermal projects, the experience with geothermal well productivity insurance schemes is limited, and the results have been mixed. While an insurance scheme does not require explicit government support, the high uncertainty at the exploration stage and the relatively small pool of available projects has made it difficult to diversify geothermal resource risks through a market mechanism without the imposition of high insurance premiums. More recently there are efforts under- way to utilize international development funds to buy down these premiums to make the scheme attractive to developers. The result is a lack of subscribers to insurance schemes, as was the case in the United States. On the other hand, high FITs for high cost geothermal projects (particularly in Germany) played an important role in facilitating the acceptance of the high premiums and participation in the insurance scheme. It has led to a modest expansion in geothermal development, but it is yet to be seen if such a scheme can actually help scale-up geothermal power, especially in developing countries. Risk mitigation schemes, while critically important for tackling a major barrier to getting a geothermal development initiated, may not be sufficient, if implemented in isolation, to lead to successful execution throughout the multiple stages of development in a geother- mal project. For this reason, it is important that any specific risk mitigation instrument is applied in coordination with other incentives that enhance the overall investment climate for geothermal development. For example, tax incentives (especially those that reduce the early stage exploration costs and limit the developers’ exposure) can minimize risk and mobilize risk capital for early geothermal drilling. Even output-based incentives, such as lower taxes and favorable prices, can enhance the overall viability of the project, which can serve as an incentive for developers to assume early stage risks. Therefore, nations that want to scale-up development of geothermal resources for power generation should carefully consider the specific conditions that exist in their country, including the power sector needs and challenges, the level of geothermal expertise, financial and human Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 27 resource capacity, and other factors to select a geothermal risk mitigation approach that has proven to be successful internationally and can be customized to suit local conditions. Box 4 | Global Geothermal Development Plan led by the World Bank The Global Geothermal Development Plan (GGDP) is an initiative led by the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), which aims to scale-up the development of geothermal energy by addressing resource risks through sustained international partnerships. A key feature of the GGDP is an effort to mobilize substantial new concessional funding for the high risk and capital intensive upstream phases of geothermal development (including exploration drilling) in order to catalyze invest- ment in all other stages of the geothermal value chain in low- and middle-income countries. The GGDP efforts have led to the allocation of $235 million in funding to date from the Clean Technology Fund, which are being mobilized through various risk mitigation modalities towards programs and projects that, in particular, facilitate private sector engagement in geothermal development. The large scale funding towards upstream risk mitigation is also being complemented with an additional $7 million from ESMAP, to help identify suitable projects and prepare them according to industry and interna- tional standards. These and other lessons on good practices in geothermal development are also being widely disseminated through South-South exchanges between developing countries as well as during the annual GGDP Roundtable event. Geothermal development countries throughout the world that are receiving GGDP assistance to advance development of the sector include: Latin America & Caribbean (Chile, Nicaragua, Dominica, and Saint Lucia), East Asia & Pacific (Indonesia), Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Djibouti), and Europe and Central Asia (Armenia and Turkey). 28 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation Annex: Summary Framework for Comparing Geothermal Risk Mitigation Schemes Type of Risk Mitigation Early Stage Fiscal Approach Government as Developer Cost-Shared Drilling Resource Risk Insurance Incentives Key features of Government or government- supported Government supported drilling leads to Insurance to hedge against the risk of lower Exemption from taxes the approach agencies explore and develop the reduced risks catalyzing private capital towards than expected well productivity (based on and import duties (and geothermal resource throughout the geothermal development, primarily through generation capacity or a combination of other fiscal impositions) full development cycle including power several mechanisms: flow rate and enthalpy), helping developers related to exploration plant • Exploration drilling that is cost-shared mobilize risk capital for exploration drilling drilling (such as drilling between the public and private sectors and resource confirmation equipment and materials), • Government-led exploration drilling reducing the overall (typically first few wells and testing) to amount of risk capital facilitate later private project development required to undertake exploration drilling and (in a small number of cases, publicly resource confirmation developed geothermal assets where risks have been reduced, have been later privatized) Countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, France and Germany to date; efforts United States, Mexico, where it has Mexico, France, Indonesia, the Indonesia, the Philippines, New Zealand, United are underway to implement this kind of Turkey, the Philippines been applied Philippines, New Zealand, Iceland, States, Turkey, Japan, Kenya and Australia insurance in Turkey, Kenya and the United and Indonesia Turkey, Ethiopia and Kenya States Pros • Mobilizes large-scale financing • Catalyzes private investment in geothermal • Insurance cover reduces developer’s risk • Lowers overall from public sources supported by development and utilizes private expertise of drilling failure investment costs for governments who are able to afford • Increases liquidity and availability of risk • Helps mobilize equity capital by exploration stage financial outlays capital for exploration drilling reducing exposure to financial losses by decreasing the • Backstops resource risks through • Reduces developer’s exposure to financial during exploration drilling and resource amount of early stage the strength of a government risk for exploration drilling and helps confirmation risk capital required balance sheet (i.e., treasury) leverage private equity/debt for subsequent • Reduced burden on government • No requirement work since insurance is typically provided for up-front public • Requires less public funding in by specialized private entities (unless financial support Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation comparison to government undertaking full governments consider subsidy provision development to buy-down cost of insurance premium) (continued on next page) 29 30 Annex: Summary Framework for Comparing Geothermal Risk Mitigation Schemes (continued) Type of Risk Mitigation Early Stage Fiscal Approach Government as Developer Cost-Shared Drilling Resource Risk Insurance Incentives Cons • Some governments may not be able • Some projects will not be viable for full • High insurance premiums make scheme • Depending on scale to afford large scale investment in scale development despite public funding unattractive for private developers of existing fiscal geothermal due to financial capacity outlays • Does not create direct liquidity in the imposition, may have and/or investment trade-offs related • Requires up-front public funding that is not market for risk capital. only a limited impact to the use of public funds necessarily recoverable, possibly leading • Increases required overall upfront on overall project • Some countries may not have to a perception of cost-sharing support as investment since developer must raise costs public sector agencies with the a subsidy to the private sector (although funds to cover exploration drilling and • May require alteration necessary skills/capacity to it may be possible that some funding insurance premium to overall national undertake geothermal development could be recovered in a scheme that • Challenging to commercially underwrite fiscal architecture and • Mobilizing financing for geothermal requires successful projects to repay the substantial uncertainty (losses) in a its implementation in development may be cumbersome government’s cost-share) relatively small global pool of potentially order to apply due to government bureaucracy covered geothermal exploration and • Multiple government agencies may confirmation wells. (lack of reliable create conflicts that cause delays or actuarial information) cancellation of efforts • Complex to design, implement and monitor • Limited number of private insurers offering coverage Number of Costa Rica: 177 MW (2 fields) Costa Rica: 30 MW (1 field) To date, a few fields in Germany (for power This has helped many fields and El Salvador: 149 MW (2 fields) El Savador: 44 MW (1 field) or combined heat and power) and France geothermal developments, installed Nicaragua: 70 MW (1 field) Guatemala: 52 MW (2 fields) (for heat). The overall generation capacity but by itself cannot be capacity (MW) Mexico: 980 MW (4 fields) Nicaragua: 70 MW (1 field) for the German projects is <20 MW in cited as the driver for any developed France: 15 MW (1 field) Indonesia: 60 MW (1 field) aggregate geothermal power project Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation as a result of Indonesia: 417 MW (5 fields) Philippines: 1,260 MW* (3 fields) risk mitigation Philippines: 608 MW (5 fields) New Zealand: 547 MW (6 fields) scheme (as of New Zealand: 220 MW (2 fields) United States: 150 MW* (6 fields) Nov 2013) Iceland: 664 MW (6 fields) Turkey: 215 MW* (5 fields) Turkey: 15 MW (1 field) Japan: 534 MW* (15 fields) Ethiopia: 8 MW (1 field) Kenya: 100 MW (1 field) Kenya: 180 MW (1 field) East Africa: 5 projects approved for cost- shared drilling * MW capacity is estimated (continued on next page) Annex: Summary Framework for Comparing Geothermal Risk Mitigation Schemes (continued) Type of Risk Mitigation Early Stage Fiscal Approach Government as Developer Cost-Shared Drilling Resource Risk Insurance Incentives Impact on Where governments were committed Served as a significant catalyst for all current Insurance may have helped accelerate the Limited impact on the pace of and capable to support state agencies geothermal power generation in Japan pace of geothermal power development pace, serves more as a geothermal that had capacity to undertake Less impact in the United States in Germany but the high FIT has played a compliment to enhance power expansion, it accelerated geothermal (commensurate with lower funding for this major role in geothermal development other modalitlies of production growth. When government were less scheme) geothermal development capable of fully supporting the pertinent state agencies, development slowed or stalled Operational/ Fields are typically chosen based on In both the US and Japan, fields were initially Once a field is chosen by the developer, Fields are chosen by the management overall development plans for energy identified by preliminary exploration by the there are many requirements to obtain developer requirements sector in country. Oversight is generally government, some were then chosen for the insurance. The project goes through The government may (How fields carried out by a designated government development by private companies a rigorous due diligence process to first or may not review are chosen, agency. Project implementation is often The government or its consultants review qualify for insurance. All permits, licenses, the resource and evaluated, by a designated state-owned enterprise drilling plans and evaluate the results for approvals, documentation of access, etc., development plans at monitored, with sufficient qualifications. It is internal and external reporting and all exploration and drilling plans and this time. Management and how common for these various government In the Japanese cost-sharing program, data must be provided and oversight of these projects are agencies to strengthen their own disclosure of data was not required. In the US For the insured wells, detailed drilling, incentives are typically administered) capacity by contracting external “third programs, there is a requirement for public logging and testing results are provided dictated in the legislations party” specialists and consultants reporting and disclosure of most data gained to the insurer. A well remediation program that create such during cost-shared drilling must be specified in advance (and followed incentives by the developer) if the initial result is not The requirements and promising. Well testing must be witnessed methods for accessing and certified by a qualified independent early fiscal incentives will consultant. vary widely depending After the insured drilling has been on country and its’ fiscal completed, third parties (lender consultants) mechanisms Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation review the results to determine whether or not a full or partial payout is warranted (continued on next page) 31 32 Annex: Summary Framework for Comparing Geothermal Risk Mitigation Schemes (continued) Type of Risk Mitigation Early Stage Fiscal Approach Government as Developer Cost-Shared Drilling Resource Risk Insurance Incentives Risk holder and The government is the ultimate The government and private developer The developer shifts part or all of the drilling As a support for back-stopper investor and holds all the risk in a share the cost and risks of exploration and risk to the insurer, depending on the extent renewable energy policy, majority of the cases. Development confirmation drilling. Costs borne by the of the coverage. The insurer may decide to governments have partner assistance in the form of government are low compared to the (full) create pools with other geothermal projects offered and underwritten grants may aid in some cases (Kenya investment by the developer, but the catalyzing to spread its own risk. The limited scale of various tax breaks in the and the Philippines) and share in the impact on the project finances can be insurance schemes and lack of available hope of receiving more investment and risk, but loan support significant actuarial data do not provide sufficient tax revenue later from would require payback by government Repayment in case of a failed project has not information to confirm the ability or capacity profitable geothermal or government-backed entity. Where been required to date in the schemes that to pool such risks projects there is partial public ownership of have been implemented. Other mechanisms The government holds government agencies (e.g., KenGen in such as revolving funds replenished by some risk in foregone Kenya, and LaGeo in El Salvador, the payback for successful wells and projects, revenue especially if private sector holds a proportion of could be considered to some extent no project is developed the risk. Some dedicated SOEs (e.g., following exploration Mighty River Power in New Zealand drilling. The geothermal and Reykjavik Geothermal in Iceland) developer holds the Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation have government backing as a vehicle majority of the risk to promote technology export, even though they are expected to operate on a commercial basis (continued on next page) Annex: Summary Framework for Comparing Geothermal Risk Mitigation Schemes (continued) Type of Risk Mitigation Early Stage Fiscal Approach Government as Developer Cost-Shared Drilling Resource Risk Insurance Incentives Overall Impact Has worked very well in countries that Management of this scheme is relatively Limited availability and difficult to obtain Government reduces of Scheme were committed and capable to support simple and straight forward, serving as at an acceptable price for exploration well their tax revenue at the the geothermal development (e.g., a significant catalyst for private-sector drilling, but may be available for select exploration stage in the Costa Rica, New Zealand, Iceland. the geothermal development by increasing the projects at later stages such as production hope that a profitable Philippines), it has been moderately availability of risk capital, particularly funds drilling when there are still some degree of and taxable project will successful in countries with significant needed to reduce exposure to early-stage risks (albeit less than during exploration) be stimulated and then geothermal resources but less exploratory drilling/resource confirmation Although the financial risk to developers is developed consistent development strategies (e.g., Costs to the government are significantly less reduced, the overall development costs are Tax credits act as an early El Salvador, Indonesia, Kenya), and than for Government as the full Developer, increased by the price of the premiums. stage equity investment not so well in smaller, less developed since far smaller proportion of the riskier part Developers who need it most may not incentive by providing countries that may have more pressing of the development is being supported qualify for coverage and/or their premium modest tax advantages needs for limited government funds A governments Cost-share portion could be could be inaccessibly high Simple to implement and (e.g., Ethiopia, Djibouti, Bolivia) recovered from the developer for successful Has a high level of operational and monitor, typically through Has spurred geothermal development projects, thus creating a limited scope for management requirements owing to the existing fiscal architecture in countries where real or perceived revolving exploratory drilling funds need for due diligence monitoring of the country risk is high resource, drilling and remediation programs, In some cases, it has led to formation as well as certification of well tests of profitable geothermal state-owned enterprises that were subsequently privatized (Philippines, New Zealand, and El Salvador) Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 33 ENDNOTES 1 Geothermal technology can be flexible to load- 4 Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility (GRMF) for East follow based on power system requirements, but it Africa. is predominantly utilized as a base-load renewable 5 Geothermal Development Facility (GDF) for Latin generation option. America, under preparation. 2 The high level estimates are based on commercially 6 Intergeoterm is a company formed in 1992 by the proven technologies to extract fluids from the sub- Government of Nicaragua, through the Instituto surface and produce power. They do not include Nicaraguense de Energía (INE) and a consortium of other resource extraction technologies such as Russian companies, where INE had approximately Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), which, if 71% participation. they were to become commercially feasible, could increase the overall global geothermal potential. 7 The Clean Technology Fund has allocated $53 mil- lion to be channeled through the two multi-lateral 3 The first four approaches are illustrated in Table 1. development banks to support activities that will be The fifth approach is for the full development cycle catalytic in mobilizing private investments in geo- to be carried out by private developers, which has thermal development in Chile. seen limited success in scaling-up, particularly in developing countries. REFERENCES Americas Society. 2009. “Toward Energy Security in IGA, 2013b. Installed Generating Capacity. Chile.” A Working Paper of the Americas Society/ KPMG, 2012. Taxes and Incentives for Renewable Council of the Americas Energy Action Group. Energy. Bendall, B., C. Huddlestone Holmes and B. Goldstein. Long, A., B. Goldstein, T. Hill, B. Bendall, M. 2013. The current state of geothermal projects Malvazos, and A. Budd. 2010. “Australian geother- in Australia—a national review. Proceedings of mal industry advances.” Proceedings of the 35th the 38th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. California. O’Melveny & Myers LLP. 2010. The Philippine Bertani, R., 2009. “Geothermal Energy: An Overview Renewable Energy Framework. on Resources and Potential.” Paper presented at International Geothermal Days Slovakia 2009 Peñarroyo, Fernando S. 2011. Full Steam Ahead for Conference and Summer School, Session 1. Philippine Geothermal Energy. ESMAP [Energy Sector Management Assistance Philippine DOE. 2013. 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Foundation. 34 Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation A C R O N Y M S A N D A B B R E V I AT I O N S AFD French Development Agency BOT Build-Operate-Transfer agreement EDC Energy development corporation FIT Feed-in tariff GDC Geothermal development company GDF Geothermal Development Facility GGDP Global Geothermal Development Plan GRMF Geothermal Risk Mitigation Funds GW Gigawatt ICE Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (Costa Rica) IPP Independent power producer ITC Investment tax credits KenGen Kenya Electricity Generating Company KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (German development bank) LCR Latin America and Caribbean (World Bank region) MTA General Directorate of Mineral Research & Exploration (Turkey) MW Megawatt NPC National Power Corporation (Philippines) PGI Philippine Geothermal, Inc. PNOC Philippine National Oil Company PPP Public-private partnership PTC Production tax credits PURPA Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (United States) RPS Renewable Portfolio Standards All currency in United States dollars (USD, US$, $) unless otherwise indicated. Comparative Analysis of Approaches to Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation 35 Photo Credits Cover: ©Flanders Today; pg. ii: ©Wikimedia via Creative Commons; pg. 4: ©Tennessee Photographer via Thinkstock Photos; pp. 11, 25, 36: Migara Jayawardena/©The World Bank; pg. 14: ©Pi Lens via Thinkstock Photos; pg. 20: ©National Renewable Energy Laboratory. All other images are courtesy of ©GeothermEx. Written by | Subir K. Sanyal, Ann Robertson-Tait, Migara S. Jayawardena, Gerry Huttrer, and Laura Berman Production Credits Production Editor | Heather Austin Typesetting | The Word Express, Inc. Copyright © March 2016 The International Bank for Reconstruction And Development / THE WORLD BANK GROUP 1818 H Street, NW | Washington DC 20433 | USA The text of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or nonprofit uses, without special permis- sion provided acknowledgement of the source is made. Requests for permission to reproduce portions for resale or commercial purposes should be sent to the ESMAP Manager at the address above. ESMAP encourages dissemination of its work and normally gives permission promptly. The ESMAP Manager would appreciate receiving a copy of the publication that uses this publication for its source sent in care of the address above. All images remain the sole property of their source and may not be used for any purpose without written permission from the source. The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) is a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank. It provides analytical and advisory services to low- and middle-income countries to increase know-how and insti- tutional capacity to achieve environmentally sustainable energy solutions for poverty reduction and economic growth. ESMAP is funded by Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, as well as The World Bank. For more information about ESMAP’s Clean Energy program and geothermal develop- ment activities, please visit us at http:// Development%20Plan. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA email: web: