Connections Transport & ICT Framing Sustainable Mobility How to ensure that today’s mobility needs are not met at the expense of future generations Nancy Vandycke (World Bank) and Jari Kauppila (ITF) 4 In its crucial role, transport fosters development as it connects people to goods, services, social, and economic opportunities. Numb r of Glob l But today’s data shows social exclusion linked to Go ls th t d fin accessibility gaps in transport services—in rural sust in bl mobilit areas, women, and the elderly—, high costs to society from poorly integrated transport systems, road fatalities, traffic congestion, air pollution, and environmental degradation. The question for global and country transport decision-makers is how to meet the mobility needs of people and goods now, while preserving future generations? The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identify an important and rich array of characteristics that define a sustainable world. Those characteristics, along with those identified in the economic literature, can be used to frame “sustainable mobility” around four global goals, which should address more than access. For mobility to be sustainable, it should have four attributes—equitable, efficient, safe, and green. In this way, mobility can benefit both present and future generations. The basic principles infrastructure and services that do not take into account other users—both in the present and in the A supply and demand conceptual framework can future. But what may be ideal for an individual in be used to capture the dynamics of a typical mar- the short term may not necessarily be optimal for ket for transport and mobility. Left to its own de- other individuals—either today or tomorrow. As a vices, this market tends to over- or under-provide, result, society is mobile, but at the expense of pres- or over- or under-use the various modes of trans- ent and future generations. port infrastructure and services. An example of this is the over-use of roads by private automobiles and Sustainability conditions motorized two-wheelers to the detriment of public transport systems and active modes—leading to How can we achieve mobility that benefits present congestion, excessive fossil fuel use, and air pollu- and future generations? Two approaches point us tion. in the same direction. At the heart of these sub-optimal outcomes are UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s High Level individual decisions to use and provide transport Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport identifies NOVEMBER 2017 NOTE 2017 - 5 the attributes that mobility must embody to ensure Universal access will ensure that transport is avail- a sustainable future: “the provision of services able to people of any income group, gender, age, and infrastructure for the mobility of people and disability status, vulnerability, or geographical area, goods—advancing economic and social develop- however remote. ment to benefit today’s and future generations—in a manner that is safe, affordable, accessible, ef- Efficiency ficient, and resilient, while minimizing carbon and This objective seeks to ensure that transport de- other emissions and environmental impacts.”1 mand is met effectively, at the least possible cost. Since efficiency cuts across multiple dimensions The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of transport, we arbitrarily define the boundary identifies similar characteristics that define a sus- for this objective from a strictly macro-economic tainable world. The SDG targets capture concepts perspective: the optimization of resources—energy, such as universal access, system efficiency, safety, technology, space, institutions, and regulations—to and green mobility. For example, generate an efficient transport system. An efficient • The notion of “universal access” is embodied in transport system has transport modes that are SDG target 9.1: develop quality, reliable, sus- seamlessly integrated and optimal traffic volumes tainable, and resilient infrastructure, and focus that reduce congestion and cross-border delays. It on affordable and equitable access for all; and makes the minimum use of energy resources per SDG target 11.2: access to safe, affordable, ac- unit of transport. cessible, and sustainable transport systems for An inefficient transport system has long delays and all, with special attention to the needs of those high costs that are detrimental to competitiveness, in vulnerable situations, women, children, per- economic growth, and development. sons with disabilities, and older persons. • The notion of “system efficiency” is captured Safety in SDG target 7.3: energy efficiency; SDG 12.3: food waste; and SDG target 9.4: sustainable This objective aims to improve the safety of mobil- infrastructure. ity across all modes of transport, by avoiding fatali- ties, injuries, and crashes from transport mishaps— More broadly, these SDG targets provide the basis thus averting societal and economic losses and for a set of global objectives that underpin sustain- public health risks associated with unsafe mobility. able mobility. Green mobility Universal access This objective is aimed at reducing the impact of Inclusiveness is at the heart of this objective. The transport on climate change— through mitigation Universal Access objective places a minimum value and adaptation—and to reducing local air and noise on each individual’s travel needs, and ensures that pollution. Both dimensions are typically thought of no one is left behind. This means that all people as externalities of the transport system that individ- will have access to transport that meets their basic uals, shippers, and carriers do not take into consid- needs—in their own travel and in the shipment of eration when making their transport choices. goods upon which they place a high value and pri- ority. This includes commuting to work, and access These four global objectives substantially increase to schools, medical care, and commerce. the complexity of the supply and demand frame- work. There are synergies among these objectives, and complex trade-offs that make decision-making more challenging than ever. 1 HLAG 2016. “Mobilizing Sustainable Transport for Development— Analysis and Policy Recommendations from the United Nations Secretary- General's High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport.” New York: United Nations. Connections is a series of knowledge notes from the World Bank Group’s Transport & Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Global Practice. Covering projects, experiences, and front-line developments, the series is produced by Nancy Vandycke and Shokraneh Minovi. The notes are available at The GLOBAL MOBILITY REPORT 2017 is available at NOVEMBER 2017 NOTE 2017 - 5