90481 AUDIT COMMITTEE FROM: The Secretary, Audit Committee Minutes of Meeting held on Monday, August 4, 2014 at 10:02 a.m. in the Board Room Present Committee Mr. Cipollone (Chair) Mr. Alturki (Alternate) Ms. Aviel (Alternate) Mr. Charassangsomboon (Alternate) Mr. Fernandez (Acting Alternate) Ms. Letilly (Acting Alternate) Mr. Prasad Mr. Willcock Other Executive Directors and Alternates Messrs./Mmes. Abdul Ghaffar, Alvarez, Bajare, Bassant, Bor, Frieden, Garcia, Han, Hoettcke, Kato, Lamrani, Misyukovets, Ncube, Tortola Sebastian and Zhukovskyi Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Betancourt, Bravery, Brennan, Frazier, Honda, Khairi, Lauwers, Meighan, Muleri, Obuya, Shyam-Sunder, Venner and Zhang. Berger (Secretary) KPMG (External Auditors) Messrs. Bendl, Mbogo, McFaddin and Sweeney IBRD/IDA, IFC and MIGA Unaudited Financial Statements and Draft Management's Discussion and Analysis - June 30, 2014, and KPMG Presentation on World Bank Group FY14 Audits 1. The Committee met to discuss MIGA Unaudited Financial Statements and Draft Management's Discussion and Analysis - June 30, 2014 (MIGA/R2014-0065), IFC Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements and Draft Management's Discussion and Analysis - June 30, 2014 (IFC/R2014-0269) and IBRD and IDA Unaudited Financial Statements and Draft Management's Discussion and Analysis – June 30, 2014 (R2014-0180[IDA/R2014-0269]), together with the KPMG Presentation on World Bank Group FY14 Audits (AC2014-0036). The Committee recommended Board approval of the financial statements. A report from the Committee to the Board will be prepared. IBRD Allocation of FY14 Net Income - Final 2. The Committee discussed the document entitled Allocation of FY14 Net Income - Final (R2014-0179), prior to consideration by the Board. A report from the Committee to the Board will be prepared. 2 Use of IFC's FY14 Net Income: Retained Earnings and Designation of Retained Earnings 3. The Committee considered the document entitled Use of IFC's FY14 Net Income: Retained Earnings and Designation of Retained Earnings (IFC/R2014-0267), prior to consideration by the Board. A report from the Committee to the Board will be prepared. Date of Next Meeting 4. The Audit Committee was scheduled to meet jointly with CODE on September 8, 2014. Adjournment 5. The meeting adjourned at 1:04 p.m. 3 The following items have been approved and endorsed by the Audit Committee on an Absence of Objection Basis between July 16 and July 28, 2014 Proposed Internal Audit Vice Presidency (IAD) Terms of Reference (TOR) 1. The Committee recorded its endorsement on July 16, 2014 of the document entitled Proposed Internal Audit Vice Presidency (IAD) Terms of Reference (TOR) (AC2014-0033). Minutes of Previous Meetings 2. The Committee recorded its approval on July 28, 2014 of the Minutes of the meetings held on July 16 (AC/M2014-0013) and July 23, 2014 (AC/M2014-0014[CODE/M2014-0013]).