Pr-OCUrEMeRt P,ln I.½Gneral 1. Project Information Country India Borrower Proect Name Second Guj arat State Highway Prcject (GSHP II Loan Credit No. 2. Bank's Approval Date of the Procurement Plan 3. Date of General Procurement Notice -. Period Covered by this procurement plan 18 months II. Gooc,1Yorks and Non consulting Services 1. Pior Review Threshold Method of Thre3holds for Method (USD Piior Review Threshold Procurement equivalent) (USD) ICB (Good) > 3 million First 2 contract: and all contracts above 3 million NC-B ( Goods) USD 100-000 and up to USD 3 First 2 contracts and all nillion contracts above 3 million Shopping (Goods) Up to TSD 100 000 ICB (Works) > 40 million All ICB Contracts NCB (Works) 100-000 and up to USD 20 First 2 contracts and all million other contracts above 15 Million Shopping (Works) Up to TSD 100. 000 ICB (Non Consulting :1> million First Two Contract Services) NCB (Non Consultin - 1 million First Two Contract and all Services) other contracts above 3 million Direct Contracting No Threshold meet paragraph All contracts above 20000 3-7 of Guidelines Note: The Prior Review Threlholds will be reviewed duiug the iMpleMeutaifon of the project and modified. In the case of contracts subject to piior review. before granting agreeing to (a) a material extension of the stipulated time for perflbrance of a contract: or (b) any substantial modification or waiver of the scope of ervice or other significant change; to the tern; and conditions of such that the contract. including issuing: or (c) any change variation order or orders under such contract amendment (except in case; of extreme urgency) which would in aggregate. singly or combined with all variation orders or amendments previously issued- increase the original contract amount of the contract by more than 15%-G (fifteen percent): or (d) the proposed termination of the original price contract- the Borrower shall seek the Bank s no objection to the proposed extension- modification. or change order. A copy of all amendments to the contract shall be furnished to the Bank for its record. 2. Pequalification Not Applicable 3. Reference to Project operationaliProcurement Manual Standard Bidding Documents agreed between Project and Bink will be used for all works. consultancv and goods procurements. 1. Any Other Special Pro cur ement AurangemenIs: National Competitive Bidding (NCB) method for procurement and goods and work; as per the above value thresholds will be conducted in accordance with paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 of the World Bank Procurement Guidelines and the following provisions: a. Only the model bidding documents for NCB agreed with the Go Task Force (and as amended for time to time). shall be used for bidding-, b. Invitation; to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely circulated national daily newspaper (or on a widely used website or electronic portal with flee national and intenrational access along with an abridged version of the said advertisement pubhshed in a widely circulated national daily inter-alia giving the website electronic portal details from which the details of the invitation to bid can be downloaded). at least 30 days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids c. No special preference; will be accorded to air bidder either for price or for other tens and conditions when competing with foreign bidders. state owned enterprises. small scale enterprises or enterprises from any given state: d. Extension of bid validity shall not be allowed with reference to Contracts sulbect to Bank prior review without the prior concurrence of the Bank (i) for the first request for extension if it s longer than four weeks: and (ii) for all subsequent recuests for extension irrespective of the period (such concurrence will be considered by Bank only in cases of Force Majeure and circunstances beyond the control oftbe Purheaser Employer). e. Re-biddina shall not be carried out vith reference to Contracts su bect to Bank prior reviev without the prior concurrence of the Bank. The system of re:ecTing bids outside a pre-deterniined nrgin ar bracket of prices shall not be used in the prcrect: f. Rate contracts entered into by Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals will not be acceptable as a substitute for NCB procedures sulless agreed with tle Bank on case to case basis. Sul contracts v;ill be acceptable howvever for any procurement under the Shopping procedures. Franevork Agreements using DGS&D rate contracts can be used to procure goods up to NCB Threshold subject to incorporatin of right to audit and Fraud & Corruption ciauses. g. Two or three enelope system will not be used (except when using e-Procuremient system assessed and agreed by the Bank): h. No negoliations are conducted even with the lowest evaluated responsive biddern. II. Domestic Prefeience. -he pro;-sons of paragraphis 2.55 and 2.56 of the Procurement Guidelines. providing fbr domestic preference in the evaluation of bids is not applicable. IE The bid evaluation will be carned out as per agreed tinmeline in the Pracurenient Activitv Schedule IV. DBTFOMI (Annuit Contracts. ¯here is no standard bidding dounments for DBFOMT (Annuit') Contracts fllowing PPP procedures. The Bank has shared the RFQ. RFP and Concession Agreenient (CA) prepased under the Karnataka State Higlray Improvemsent Pro;ect -2 which wll be reriewed. discussed and agreed with the Bank. 5. Summar of the Proeurement Packages plannecd during the fist 18 months after project effecveness (including tiose that are subject to retrac-tive financing and advance p ro c ur ment): SS orks. i; ideгxiug С�tк engthenirг� агхд Relxabilitatiou af 5tate Нiglле ач� of Gujaк at игздег prvpo;ed G:ujaк•at Sгате Hig1x1� aъ- Pi oject-II (GSHP-IIi 1 з К - 3 9 1G Е�:пгпi.гед � ReSieз+� Егреггед Е>птагед Р ге Езgесгид Re£ Соигеасг Са>г Реоситехаеиг � h�-& Sid Со,г yuaVfiriдiou Соигтасг Rexnax�k �о (Desтripгioвl �R �-�ge�u11- tilегЬод iI-e'1o�i i�rinr бреоiд�. �tг.птдIазге milliaв � - Ра=г7 Date 7а �?Ьдi- Bcdeli-a г- С��р. т:гсгtiо_ _iшо3-iCarjan- ~иаг�?fi. O�toЪes Ъ-Iie�г1:. 1 :S�д.С�7 _'�.96 '-чСз _`га Рпаг 7а�эЬоi-а ?G1_°� _'-0'.� Siдоредедлидц¢дег GSF3P-II�'^дСВ��1 eraluiпoa. 3а~ад-Luna•��а�х 7апии� iэri �fa1� `", ����9II 9�.с.97 ..:•.-i '..-СВ i?а Рп�г . - GчFiP-II'цСВ'�? ?G1d 'G'� Lггд а1 ш_хдс¢ аг- �- шг iгsot-Gc¢са1-а г- Gp .�гсцiог илг�t Vc еш��?ц� Ъ-hеггЪ. 3 -itket F а�ас-Ь ::1�.�� 15.Е1 '.чС3 .`;о Рпог �, ?j15 'Г'1 Sid а ened адд иадех G$HP-II',А_ о г�} р е��аlиппод. R�гЬ�Ъiliгггiсг {а ��n _�ад 7и1M1 ?£�. О�тЬех Sid зrрепед апд и¢деа � G`i3P L г�=�`�; 61.с?7 i7?G '..-СВ i?а Рп�г 'Gl3 ?G11� е��аlиапои. :;��егг- 11Tc=;exnaex � _ G'а-а3£iпсlисш� 1С_�з.G� 1"С�_ '.чС3 .`;о Рпог 4сг}�aez Dесг:ихЪех ::»..adation 1Саргд��авi-Lз�ъ�е:} ' 11-_>115 �G1г. GSHP-II,�r�.-_.,:�4 - £ч�гЬа�аilir гiсг 5а�� -.rF и�д ..--��-гsа. Iune 1..;. ОетЬех $id зrрепед апд и¢деа б б'3.бд 11._'б '.;С3 `:д Рпсче � � г ег�аlиапод. G83P L'Л==г :м _81:�. _G.. _ 1)Ьгдз�и�а'�.'е�Ьеаi. бсtазеr �Тс='епхаег; � б'_3зд 1д.�_' '.;С3 `:д Рпсче DесешЪее .;вgат,даtiдв GSF1P II цг-� �i� 11.'>а13 iG:3 Lиваз�гдг-1•:�=дара , � бctaзer Dеге.шЬеr 8 �-'_.б>1 1Э.," '.;С3 `:д Рпсче .;�gаздаtiдв GSF1P-II�.^IL�s`0's __-'д13 _'С;.? Гi�ЬaЬilir гiа*_ iЬагад 7ее;г у r.�, ч�рч�шЪе° ОсюЬеr Bid аревед аид v¢дет Э 5;1J.G;1 ... L '-чС$ ''го F�`6�[ Г15F1F-II•NCB`�9 Jз._'913 �L'i� егаlилпо¢. 4 L -.g DBF M0- ýb,d -F-m. - i- f., R.FPý 3 345. D 55.S0, ICB Y-2 Pnol Ma,'C14 Au-ýý2C14 Grý;HP-E -ICB 0 JýFQ- R-FP --d ý,KA P.P-d -DhanzLýka -DIýo.W I -3 -ak a - b -SW2UUM3gw- 2ý,=11 j=e 2cIý Outut Pelf=mee -Z-2d 2577.43 96 ICB PnOr Lmhýb-- rýte coaý32t".DPRC) -Lmbadi- D'-=Luka-b Comdw d= 63 ý3 D-..b.- =.ntion -ýc 3 ý,D PnOr 1C14 'Cý4 Otý1 i 39< 9. 3 2-,, C-6 GOODS 1 4 6 5 9 10 Est,..t.d E-t-t.d P- R.,,.. 3113 C 3ýef c=r=t C C.-- rmc=melk. 3 -k OF--- R.-k- ýD.eýcliptiGn) rIýR US D MýthDc N.) ,Pn-T-t" Dýtý NCB D-. i I-l-ICT-MI S Eq1n- t Ný P- P-t '31-, M.Itpl. GýL- ý equip=ý ý 2 ýO: -zeýýzniuz 16 S.OC s 'ýCBýShDP=g NQ Pnol Post i= cl- AUg 2 PI S RS,,BD.&LRI. LSC R-d 2 ýý.rý C-d. 3 13 C 3 ýs hDp,ýg NQ Pnu'post jý 1016 Se't2c16 2,1u1uple T 3 6 As different Idm& of multiple goodsý cquipment mý,ttÉriil, is proposed to bi, procurcd the bid opÉning datý? ind contuact aivard clate, span is i cr,v la] ge. TE. Seleciou of Consultalt 1. Prior Reiew TIeshold Method of Prouremenit Threshold (USD Prior ReNiew Tlireshold EquivalenT) (a) Qalit- and Cost Based No thieshold First 2 consultancy cntract and Selection subsec ien yv all other contraets (b) Qmlity Ba:ed Selection No tåeshold above USD 1 million (c) Selecticc Made Under a No thieshold Fixed Budget (d) Least Cot Selection No thieshold (e) Selection Based on : 300.000 C(onsultant' Qualifications (fl Singl Source Selectaon of As per Coasultant All contacts nbove USD 20.000 finms Guidelines Para 3.9 (-) Selecton of Individual No thieshold Fist rwo contracts and all Consultants contraets above USD 300.000. ln case of contract to indidual. the quahfications experience. ternm of reference and terus of enplovinent shall be subject to pror reVew Note: The Prior Review Thresholds will be reviewed during the implementation of the project and modified. In the case of contracts subject to pior review. before agreeinge to: () an extension of the stipulated tune for perfoimance of a contrct: (b) any subtantial mnodification of the scope of -ýernces. substititions of key experts. or other sigiificant change to the tei=s and conditions of the ontract: or (c) the proposed termination of the e ontract. the Borrower shall seek the Banks- no objection. A copy of all amnendmenrs to the contra skal be f-niushed to the Bank for its record. 2_ Short List compisig entirely of national con tants: Short list of consultants for services. estunated to cost less than USD 800.000 equivalent per contraet may comprise entirelv of national consultants in accordance with the proisions of pangraph 2.7 of the C onsultant Guidelines. 3. The Request for Expression of Interest for consultancy services estunated to cost above USD 300,000 erpivalent per contraet for finns sk l be adrertised in NDB online and World Bank external Website and in accetdance with other prosisions of Para 2.5 of the Cnultar Guidelines 4. Any other Special Selec ion Arangemenrs: [inc uding advance procurenent and retroactive inanc.ig if appheable] 5. Consultancy Assignments with Selection Mediods and Time Schedule: EIimated Review Expected Expected r RfNo De:cröption Of Co:t Selecton by Bank FroposaI Contraci Camment N* A:signment (Millon Method �, .�а . взlао � а� е� �иа � р ° ° о_ е ,�� Iя.ai. _ ш.ов. �я.оь. NON CON8ULT1N0 BERViCEB Bid Evalшtion Mtivicy Rыfегвосв No. / Dгaft Biddivg Loav / Cгedit Maгket Ргосигетепt Peegualifiшti и АеШа1 Атомt Ргосввь Dгak Prв-qualifi�ati Prequali6ггtion 9рысiбс Ргоометыиt Hiddioy Documencs РеороьW 9иЬтiвлiоп / Report аид OescгipNun Compunent Review Турв Меtбод Dосшпеоt / 6iymed Gootгact Contгect Сотрlвбио No. АрргоагЪ Ргосвьь (У/N) ([I9'�1 5tыия Dпситепtв Evaloation Report Чо�iсв / Invita[ioo аь Iывиед Opening / Minuteь Rewmmendation Гог Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Plznned AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаипвд Actual Рlамыд Аееиаl Рlаппед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Meual Рlаиовд Actual согтви.тrх0 ьчнми Mtivicy Rыfегвосв No. / Сотtдпыд ЕvаШ¢tiou lтыо / Gгedit Maгket Cuntrark Турв Actuel dmuwt Е�ргеьвiоп of Иtвreы 9hoгt Liьt апд Dra[t Rеуиеы (ог Ргороsаlь Opeoing и[ Teehni�al Evaluatioo о( Oescгiptiun Сотропыпt Review Турв Method Ргошsь ЬtьNь Terms of Retвrenoe Repurc ьпд DгаК 5iyned Сиппасt Сооtггсt Гompletiun No. Approach (U9S) Noti�e Rвquest [ог Propoвals аь ]ьвивд Ргороsаlв / Minuteь '1ЬгЛпiгаl Рrорочаl Neyotiated Гоп[rxet Рlаиовд Асе�вL Рlгпvвд Aetual Рlамед Actual Рlыпвд AccuN Рlаппыд АеШа1 Рlыопед e4tuaL Рlмvвд ActuW Рlамед Actual Рlаповд Аесивl иs�ыля�ч sьт��в а�ь� л„а с� . У�, �� ь�, а� а� .„а г.� . .и s�.�m кт, . яз�зп �� а� �а и - �aisc;:. oia« а z. и�,а�,,.��, е� ,„а �� . ои« ь а. е� , �а �.� . ион �ы�s т.но. . яз�зп �� a�i�o. л�а и�.�. г . ieь�o�i. �„i�a iз.п:. ia.i.. ia.пz. iа.п.,. iы.ов., iч.iь Iл.�п. ��� �� м��„ и� . я��чп �� а� �. . п. а.� Iи,,.. т.пь.z i пь. iv.пe. i,.пы.. i:.пв. i.ii. i;.I_ Ia.�z. нsаwя�ил�пвг.лк .яв�ао т <г��s�лоас�,� п- izьызzвпь s т,лв�а i,.ая. izoe. w.oa- iя.ов- i,.oa. �;дв. »лв. .и s н . а� . „а г.� . ,zo�,.ie . ��а iст a�ia,� л„а с� а� �vни л�,�а„и � а�гw ма г� . �лwwвш�и�к� го. язiло � а°'�;w л°а °o � п. а�� а�.��„ пiн.ав.п �н.пв. iн.т. �в.д. �a�i. �n.�z. iи.��.. �ьаг. ыьь�лнн �s.��„ . яз�зп � а�ь�. л�а и�.�. . и,ь��.,� п. тв.�ы ie.iь �в.i... iч.пь ie.пz. iя.oz. iв.пз. �п.пь. а�л�ма, .+ии К . яз�зп � а�ы,. л�а и�.�. г . � а'-° тв.пя.з iв.пв. iв.io. iи.�i. iя.iь. ie.iz. iя.i_. ..i.�z.. а.нови sлee��.za��. е�ь� л„а с� . а� vыг.ч� ои �� . � . яа�зп г a��s,. л�а а�.�. г . � а`� тв.пя.z iв.пв. �и.�i. iя.�z. и.оi. �в.п� _о.пя. INDNIDUAL CONBULTANIB