From the World Development Indicators World 24520 Bank 2 Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank Copyright Copyright Copyright The colors, boundaries, denominations, and classifications in this Atlas do not Les couleurs, frontières, appellations et classifications figurant dans cet Atlas Los colores, las fronteras, los nombres y las clasificaciones que aparecen en imply, on the part of the World Bank and its affiliates, any judgment on the legal or n'impliquent pas de la part de la Banque mondiale et de ses institutions affiliées este Atlas no denotan, por parte del Banco Mundial y sus afiliadas, juicio alguno other status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of any boundary. qu'elles aient porté un jugement sur le statut juridique ou autre d'un territoire sobre la condición jurídica o de otra especie de ninguno de los territorios, ni quelconque, ni qu'elles aient reconnu ou accepté une frontière quelconque. aprobación o aceptación de ninguna de tales fronteras. This edition uses the Robinson projection for all maps. The Robinson represents both area and shape reasonably well for most of the earth's surface. La présente édition utilise la projection Robinson pour toutes les cartes. Avec la En esta edición se utiliza la proyección Robinson en todos los mapas. En la Nevertheless, some distortions of area, shape, distance, and direction remain. projection Robinson, on aboutit à une assez bonne représentation des superfi- proyección Robinson la superficie y configuración de la tierra están razonable- cies et formes sur l'essentiel de la surface de la planète. Toutefois certaines dis- mente bien representadas. No obstante, sigue habiendo algunas distorsiones en Photo credits: Curt Carnemark/World Bank. torsions des superficies, formes, distances, et directions demeurent. cuanto a superficie, configuración, distancia y orientación. Copyright © 2002 Photos: Curt Carnemark/Banque mondiale. Fotografías: Curt Carnemark/Banco Mundial. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Copyright © 2002 Copyright © 2002 Washington, DC 20433 Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement/ Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento/Banco Mundial USA Banque mondiale 1818 H Street NW 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 All rights reserved Washington, DC 20433 EE.UU. Manufactured in the United States of America USA First printing May 2002 Reservados todos los derechos ISBN 0-8213-5087-0 Tous droits réservés Hecho en los Estados Unidos de América Imprimé aux États-Unis d'Amérique Primera impresión, mayo de 2002 Premier tirage mai 2002 If you have any questions or comments about this product, please contact: Development Data Group, The World Bank This volume is a product of the staff of the Development Data Group of the World Cartographic design by the Map Design Unit of the World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Room MC2-812 Bank's Development Economics Vice Presidency and the judgments herein do not Washington, DC 20433, USA necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank's Executive Directors or the coun- Hotline: 800 590 1906 or 202 473 7824; fax: 202 522 1498 tries they represent. Email: Web site: or (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:42 PM Page 1 World Bank 2 Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:42 PM Page 2 The world by region Low- and middle-income economies East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa High-income economies OECD Other No data 2 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:42 PM Page 3 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 3 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:42 PM Page 4 Contents WORLD VIEW PEOPLE ENVIRONMENT The world by region 2 People 21 Environment 31 Life expectancy at birth, 2000 22 Forest coverage, 2000 32 Le monde, région par région 2 Infant mortality rate, 2000 23 Annual deforestation, 1990­2000 33 Population below the national poverty line, 1984­2000 24 Freshwater resources per capita, 2000 34 El mundo por regiones 2 Access to an improved water source, 2000 25 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita, 1998 35 Child malnutrition, 1993­2000 26 Energy efficiency, 1999 36 World View 6 Female net primary enrollment ratio, 1998 27 Energy use per capita, 1999 37 Millennium Development Goals 8 Social statistics 28 Environmental statistics 38 Rankings of economies based on GNI per capita 18 Technical notes 30 Technical notes 40 Technical notes 20 Population 21 Environnement 31 Perspective Mondiale 6 Espérance de vie à la naissance, 2000 22 Couvert forestier, 2000 32 Objectifs de développement du millénaire 8 Taux de mortalité infantile, 2000 23 Déboisement annuel, 1990­2000 33 Le monde en termes de RNB par habitant 18 Population en dessous du seuil de pauvieté national, Ressources d'eau douce par habitant, 2000 34 Notes techniques 20 1984­2000 24 Émissions de dioxyde de carbone par habitant, 1998 35 Accès à de meilleures sources d'eau salubre, 2000 25 Rendement énergétique, 1999 36 Perspectiva Mundial 6 Malnutrition chez les enfants, 1993­2000 26 Consommation d'énergie par habitant, 1999 37 Metas de desarrollo del milenio 8 Taux net de scolarisation primaire féminine, 1998 27 Statistiques sur l'environnement 38 Situación mundial en términos del INB per cápita 18 Statistiques sociales 28 Notes techniques 40 Notas técnicas 20 Notes techniques 30 Medio Ambiente 31 Población 21 Cubierta forestal, 2000 32 Esperanza de vida al nacer, 2000 22 Deforestación anual, 1990­2000 33 Tasa de mortalidad infantil, 2000 23 Recursos de agua dulce per cápita, 2000 34 Poblaciôn por debajo del umbral de pobreza nacional, Emisiones de dióxido de carbono per cápita, 1998 35 1984­2000 24 Eficiencia del uso de la energía, 1999 36 Acceso a un mejor suministro de agua, 2000 25 Consumo de energía per cápita, 1999 37 Malnutrición en la niñez, 1993­2000 26 Estadísticas ambientales 38 Porcentaje neto de matrícula de mujeres Notas técnicas 40 en la escuela primaria, 1998 27 Estadísticas sociales 28 Notas técnicas 30 4 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:42 PM Page 5 ECONOMY STATES & MARKETS GLOBAL LINKS Economy 41 States and Markets 49 Global Links 57 GNI per capita, 2000 42 Military expenditure as a share of GNI, 1999 50 Net private capital flows per capita, 2000 58 GDP per capita growth, 1990­2000 43 Paved roads as a share of total roads, 1995­2000 51 Net aid flows per capita, 2000 59 Agriculture share in GDP, 2000 44 Telephone lines and mobile phones per 1,000 people, Global links statistics 60 Gross capital formation as a share of GDP, 2000 45 2000 52 Technical notes 62 Economic statistics 46 Personal computers per 1,000 people, 2000 53 Technical notes 48 States and markets statistics 54 Interactions Économiques Mondiales 57 Technical notes 56 Flux nets de capitaux privés par habitant, 2000 58 Économie 41 Flux nets d'aide par habitant, 2000 59 RNB par habitant, 2000 42 État et Marché 49 Statistiques interactions économiques mondiales 60 Taux de croissance du PIB par habitant, 1990­2000 43 Part des dépenses militaires dans le RNB, 1999 50 Notes techniques 62 Part de l'agriculture dans le PIB, 2000 44 Part des routes revêtues dans le réseau routier total, Part de la formation brute de capital dans le PIB, 2000 45 1995­2000 51 Integración Mundial 57 Statistiques économiques 46 Lignes téléphoniques et téléphones mobiles pour 1,000 Flujos netos de capital privado per cápita, 2000 58 Notes techniques 48 habitants, 2000 52 Flujos netos de asistencia per cápita, 2000 59 Ordinateurs individuels pour 1,000 habitants, 2000 53 Estadísticas integración mundial 60 Economía 41 Statistiques état et marché 54 Notas técnicas 62 INB per cápita, 2000 42 Notes techniques 56 Tasa de crecimiento del PIB per cápita, 1990­2000 43 Notes 63 Proporción de la agricultura en el PIB, 2000 44 Estados y Mercados 49 Proporción de la formaciôn bruta de capital Proporción del gasto militar en el INB, 1999 50 Notes 63 en el PIB, 2000 45 Carreteras pavimentadas como porcentaje del total Estadísticas económicas 46 de caminos, 1995­2000 51 Notas 63 Notas técnicas 48 Líneas telefónicas y telefonas móviles por cada 1.000 personas, 2000 52 Computadoras personales por cada 1.000 personas, 2000 53 Estadísticas estados y mercados 54 Notas técnicas 56 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 5 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 6 1 WORLD VIEW At the Millennium Summit in September 2000 the states of the United Nations reaffirmed their commitment to working toward a world in which sustaining development and eliminating poverty would have the highest priority. The Millennium Development Goals, which grew out of the agreements and resolutions of world conferences organized by the United Nations in the past decade, have been commonly accepted as a framework for measuring development progress. The goals focus the efforts of the world community on achieving signifi- cant, measurable improvements in people's lives. They establish yard- sticks for measuring results, not just for developing countries but for the rich countries that help to fund development programs and for the multilateral institutions that help countries implement them. (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 7 1 Eradicate extreme poverty 5 Improve maternal health and hunger 1 2 Achieve universal primary 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, education and other diseases 3 Promote gender equality and 7 Ensure environmental empower women sustainability 4 Develop a global partnership Reduce child mortality 8 for development Millennium Development Goals The first seven goals are mutually reinforcing and are directed at reducing poverty in all its forms. The last goal--global partnership for development--is about the means to achieve the first seven. Many of the poorest countries will need additional assistance and must look to the rich countries to provide it. Countries that are poor and heavily indebted will need further help in reducing their debt burdens. And all countries will benefit if trade barriers are lowered, allowing a freer exchange of goods and services. For the poorest countries many of the goals seem far out of reach. Even in better-off countries there may be regions or groups that lag behind. So countries need to set their own goals and work to ensure that poor people are included in the benefits of development. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 7 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 8 Poverty Eradicate extreme 1 poverty . . . With sustained growth, many regions will achieve the goal Population living below $1 and $2 a day During the 1990s GDP per capita in developing $1 a day poverty rate $2 a day poverty rate countries grew by 1.6 percent a year, and the Average path to $1 a day target proportion of people living on less than $1 a day fell from 29 percent to 23 percent. By 1999 there East Asia and Pacific Europe and Central Asia were 125 million fewer people living in extreme Percent 60 60 poverty, continuing a downward trend that began in the early 1980s. But much of the progress has 40 40 been in Asia, where sustained growth in China Below $1 a day lifted nearly 150 million people out of poverty Below $2 a day 20 Target 20 after 1990. Faster growth in parts of South Asia has also led to modest declines in the number of Below $1 a day Projected people living in extreme poverty. In other regions 0 0 the number of poor people has increased, even 1990 1999 2015 1990 1999 2015 as the proportion in extreme poverty has fallen. Latin America and Caribbean Middle East and North Africa 60 60 The Millennium Development Goals call for reducing the proportion of people living on less than $1 a Below $2 a day day to half the 1990 level by 2015--from 29 40 40 Below $2 a day percent of all people in low- and middle-income economies to 14.5 percent. Recent projections by 20 Below $1 a day 20 the World Bank show that it is possible to achieve Below $1 a day that goal in most regions if growth in per capita 0 0 income accelerates to an average of 3.6 percent a 1990 1999 2015 1990 1999 2015 year. This would be nearly twice the rate achieved over the past decade, but such growth is possible. South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa 60 60 Below $1 a day Below $1 a day 40 40 20 20 0 0 1990 1999 2015 1990 1999 2015 Source: World Bank staff estimates. 8 2 0 0 2 Wo r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 9 Malnutrition and hunger . . . and hunger Malnutrition falls as average income rises As average incomes grow, extreme poverty declines Malnutrition in children is caused by consuming too Under-five malnutrition rate, most recent year, and and children become better nourished. Very few little food energy to meet the body's needs. Adding GNI per capita, 2000 upper-middle-income countries report significant Percentage to the problem are diets that lack essential 60 levels of underweight children. But the data are Bangladesh nutrients, illnesses that deplete those nutrients, incomplete, and more systematic monitoring is and undernourished mothers who give birth to 50 Yemen, Rep. needed. underweight children. malnourished 40 Chad Most regions of the world have made dramatic Just as poor countries tend to have high rates of 30 Uganda progress in reducing the proportion of underweight malnutrition, the poorest segment of the Uzbekistan children. But progress has been slowing, leaving population within a country is the most 20 Mexico the prospect of reaching the targets of the malnourished. Even in countries with relatively low Bolivia Millennium Development Goals in doubt. 10 average rates of malnutrition, poor people suffer disproportionately. 0 Malnutrition rates among children under five in the developing world fell from 46.5 percent in 1970 to 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 Raising incomes and reducing poverty is part of the 27 percent in 2000. Even so, 150 million children in Dollars answer. But even poor countries need not suffer low- and middle-income economies are still Source: UNICEF and World Bank staff estimates. high rates of child malnutrition. They can make big malnourished, and at current rates of improvement improvements through such low-cost measures as 140 million children will be underweight in 2020. nutrition education and micronutrient supplements. Other things that help include improving the status The number of undernourished people in the and education of women, increasing government developing world fell from 840 million in 1990 to commitment to health and nutrition, and developing about 777 million in 1997­99 and is expected to an effective health infrastructure. Within countries, malnutrition also follows income decrease by 200 million more by 2015. But greater reductions will be needed to reach the World Food Under-five malnutrition rate by quintile in selected countries Summit goal of cutting the number of undernourished people in half by 2015. Poorest fifth Richest fifth Percent 75 50 25 0 a Chad Bolivia Rep. 1996 1996 1997 Bangladesh Uzbekistan 1996/97 1996/97 Yemen, a. Children under four years old. Source: Demographic and Health Survey data. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 9 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 10 Education Achieve universal 2 primary education Slow progress toward education for all Average primary school completion rate Education is a powerful instrument for reducing To reach the goal, schools must first enroll all 1990 Most recent year poverty and inequality, improving health and social school-age children and then keep them in school Percent well-being, and laying the basis for sustained 100 for the full course of the primary stage. In many economic growth. It is essential for building places schools fail to do both. As a result, there 80 democratic societies and dynamic, globally can be large gaps between reported enrollment, 60 competitive economies. attendance, and completion rates. Disparities arise 40 for many reasons. Children may start school late or The 1990 Conference on Education for All, held in they may repeat grades, putting them off track. 20 Jomtien, Thailand, pledged to achieve universal Frequently children drop out of school because of primary education by 2000. But in 1999 there were 0 their own or a family member's illness or because still 120 million primary-school-age children not in their families need their labor. If they return, they re- Asia and and Asia school, 53 percent of them girls and 74 percent Africa enroll in the same grade the following year. But Asia America East Africa living in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The East Pacific Europe th South many never finish. and LatinCaribbean Millennium Development Goals set a more realistic Central and MiddleNor but still difficult deadline of 2015 when all children Sub-Saharan Some 79 developing countries have already built Source: World Bank staff estimates. everywhere should be able to complete a full course sufficient schools and places to educate 100 of primary schooling. percent of their primary-school-age children. Only 27 of those countries retain 100 percent of children Recent work at the World Bank has produced new in school through primary graduation. estimates of primary completion rates. These Finish what's started show small improvements everywhere, but Since 1990, 17 middle-income and 21 low-income progress overall has been too slow to reach the Primary school enrollment and completion rates, countries have seen completion rates stagnate or goal by 2015. most recent year decline. Afghanistan fell from an already low 22 percent in 1990 to an estimated 8 percent. A Proportion of children enrolled in primary school What can be done? Lower costs to students and number of middle-income Gulf states, Latin Proportion of children completing primary school their families. Improve the quality of schools. And American countries such as Trinidad and Tobago Percent increase the efficiency of the school system. 100 and Républica Bolivariana de Venezuela, and low- 80 income countries such as Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar, and Zambia have also lost ground. 60 40 20 0 va Rep. Brazil Morocco gladesh Uganda CroatiaMoldo Dem. Cameroon Honduras Afghanistan Ban Congo, Source: World Bank staff estimates. 1 0 2 0 0 2 Wo r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 11 Gender equality Promote gender equality 3 and empower women Starting out in second place Youth literacy rate (ages 15­24), 2000 In most low-income countries girls are less likely to Educating women and giving them equal rights is Male Female attend school than boys. And even when girls start important for many reasons: Percent school at the same rate as boys, they are more 100 likely to drop out--often because parents think 90 · It increases their productivity, raising output and boys' schooling is more important or because girls' reducing poverty. 80 work at home seems more valuable than schooling. · It promotes gender equality within households and Concerns about the safety of girls or traditional 70 removes constraints on women's decisionmaking-- biases against educating them can mean that they thus reducing fertility rates and improving maternal 60 never start school or do not continue beyond the health. primary stage. 50 · It increases children's chances of surviving to become healthier and better educated because and Asia and Asia Girls reach adulthood with lower literacy rates than Africa educated women do a better job caring for children. AsiaEast Pacific America East Africa boys (except in Latin America and the Caribbean). Europe th South and Latin Caribbean Informal training, such as adult literacy classes, can Central Equal access to education is an important step and Middle Nor make up some of the difference. But many girls, Sub-Saharan toward greater gender equality, but it is not the only Source: UNESCO and World Bank staff estimates. who begin with fewer opportunities than boys, are one. Even as gender disparities in education diminish, at a permanent disadvantage. other differences persist everywhere--in legal rights, labor market opportunities, and the ability to participate in public life and decisionmaking. Large gaps remain in roles and Recognizing that empowering women extends opportunities for women beyond the classroom and the household, the Millennium Development Goals include three Ratio of female to male, global average additional indicators of gender equality: illiteracy rates, the proportion of women working outside Primary and secondary enrollment agriculture, and the proportion of seats women hold Labor force participation in national parliaments. These indicators suggest Parliamentary representation that even after reaching the goal of full participation Percent 100 in primary and secondary education, the world will still fall short of gender equality. 80 60 40 20 0 1990 1995 2000 Source: World Bank staff estimates. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 1 1 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 12 Infant and child mortality Reduce child mortality 4 Still far to go Deaths of infants and children dropped rapidly over For 70 percent of children who die before their fifth the past 25 years. The number of deaths of children Under-five mortality rate birthday the cause is a disease or combination of under five fell from 15 million in 1980 to about 11 diseases and malnutrition that would be readily Progress to date Path to goal million in 1990, a period when the number of children preventable in a high-income country: acute Projected progress at current rate being born was still rising. This was success borne on Deaths respiratory infections, diarrhea, measles, and 200 many wings--vaccination programs, the spread of malaria. oral rehydration therapy, wider availability of Sub-Saharan Africa per antibiotics to treat pneumonia, and better economic 150 In some parts of the world vaccination coverage 1,000 and social conditions all contributed. Low income has begun to decline. In 1999, 55 countries had not attained 80 percent coverage of measles 100 Rapid improvements before 1990 gave hope that vaccinations among children under one year; mortality rates of children under five could be cut by another 48 reported no data. Middle income 50 two-thirds in the following 25 years. But progress slowed almost everywhere in the 1990s, and in One-third of child deaths occur in the neonatal parts of Africa infant and child mortality rates 0 period. They are caused by poor maternal health increased. 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 and lack of care during pregnancy and delivery. Source: World Bank staff estimates. At the end of the 20th century only 36 developing To ensure continuing improvements, disease- countries were making fast enough progress to specific vaccination and treatment programs must reduce under-five child mortality to a third of its 1990 be sustained while new strategies address unmet level by 2015. Most of those are middle-income needs and unserved populations. In all countries countries, although a few poor countries--notably the poorest people are least likely to receive Bangladesh and Indonesia--and some of the poorest health services and so have the highest mortality Causes of child mortality countries of the former Soviet Union are on track to rates. Addressing the underlying causes of achieve the goal. poverty will improve health, and better health will Deaths among children under five, global, 1999 reduce poverty. 29% Other 20% Acute respiratory infections 60% Deaths associated with 12% Diarrhea malnutrition 5% Measles 8% Malaria 22% Perinatal causes 4% HIV/AIDS Source: WHO. 1 2 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 13 Maternal mortality Improve maternal health 5 Skilled health personnel reduce maternal deaths In 1995 more than 500,000 women died from Women die in childbirth for many reasons, most of Births attended by skilled health personnel, 1999, and complications of pregnancy and childbirth, most of them preventable or treatable using cost-effective maternal mortality ratio, 1995 them in developing countries, where these interventions: complications are the leading cause of death Percentage 100 Bulgaria among women of reproductive age. More than half · Reduce the number of pregnancies. Early Zimbabwe of all maternal deaths occur in Africa. In many 80 childbearing and closely spaced pregnancies African countries one mother dies for every 100 live of increase the risks for mothers and children. And in births. In Rwanda there were more than 2 deaths bir 60 some countries unsafe abortions add to the toll. ths for every 100 live births. Compare that with Greece, Although many personal and cultural factors affect attended which reported only 2 maternal deaths per 100,000 40 the desired family size, access to family planning live births. services helps women make decisions about 20 Niger whether and when to have children. Many women deliver their children alone or with · Prevent complications during pregnancy and Bangladesh Chad traditional birth attendants who lack the skills to 0 childbirth. Inadequate nutrition, unsafe sex, and deal with complications. Skilled birth attendants 0 500 1,000 1,500 poor health care during pregnancy increase the risk help to recognize and prevent medical crises. They Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births of health problems during pregnancy and childbirth. also provide mothers with basic information about Source: WHO and UNICEF. Yet in some countries fewer than 25 percent of caring for themselves and their children before and pregnant women visit a clinic for care. after giving birth. Lack of current data on maternal · Prevent deaths when complications arise. deaths limits monitoring of trends over time. Complications during pregnancy and delivery must be quickly diagnosed and treated in suitable health care facilities. But providing prompt emergency services is beyond the capacity of many countries' health systems. More help needed Share of births attended by skilled health personnel Latin America and Caribbean Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa Asia Percent 100 80 60 40 20 0 1989 1994 1999 Source: WHO. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 1 3 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 14 Disease Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, 6 and other diseases HIV continues to spread Newly infected adults and children, 2001 3,400 With an estimated 40 million people living with Thousands Malaria is endemic in more than 100 countries and 1,000 HIV/AIDS and 20 million deaths since the disease territories and affects an estimated 300 million 800 was first identified, AIDS poses an unprecedented 800 people each year. Although the mosquitoes that public health, economic, and social challenge. By spread the disease have been eradicated in some 600 infecting young people disproportionately--half of countries where malaria was not widespread, this all new HIV infections are among 15- to 24-year- has not been possible in wet, tropical climates. 400 olds--and by killing so many adults in their prime, 250 270 190 the epidemic seriously undermines development. 200 Estimates based on malaria cases reported to the 76 80 WHO show that almost 90 percent occur in Sub- 0 HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death in Sub- Saharan Africa, with most of the deaths among Saharan Africa and the fourth largest killer East Asia and young children. Antimalaria efforts now focus on income Europe Asia Asia Africa worldwide. Among those lost are teachers, health Africa America n East PacificSouth reducing human exposure and lessening High Middleth Caribbean care workers, and farmers. Their deaths force the Sub-Saharan Nor Latin and EasterCentral the health effects for those who become infected. and closure of schools and clinics and threaten food and Southeast and security. Deaths of parents have left more than 13 Note: Regions may differ from World Bank definitions. Tuberculosis is the main cause of death from a Source: UNAIDS 2001. million HIV/AIDS orphans--a figure expected to single infectious agent among adults in developing more than double by 2010. countries. Over the past decade the incidence of tuberculosis has grown rapidly in Europe and Central Asia, Africa, and parts of South and East Asia. On present trends, there will be 10.2 million new cases in 2005, and Africa will continue to have more Tuberculosis--treatable, but cases still rising cases than other regions. The directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS) strategy has proven Incidence of tuberculosis, 1999 effective, but in 1999 less than half the population Cases in the 23 countries with the largest number of 400 339 cases had access to DOTS. per 300 100,000 191 200 142 people 100 85 75 66 16 0 Asia Asia and and Asia Africa East Pacific America income East Africa South Europe th Sub-Saharan and High CentralLatinCaribbeanNor and Middle Source: WHO. 1 4 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 15 Environment Ensure environmental 7 sustainability Water is reaching smaller shares of people Population with access to an improved water source The environment provides goods and services that Urban, 1990 Urban, 2000 Rural, 1990 Rural, 2000 sustain human development--so we must ensure Percent that development sustains the environment. 100 Growing populations are putting greater pressure on 80 land and natural resources. In many places freshwater is already becoming scarce. Forests are 60 disappearing. Soils are being degraded and fisheries overexploited. Poor people are 40 disproportionately affected. Fortunately, good policies and economic growth, which work to 20 improve people's lives, can also work to improve the environment. 0 East Asia Latin America Middle East South Sub-Saharan and Pacific and Caribbean and North Africa Asia Africa Source: WHO and World Bank staff estimates. Greater understanding of how environmental assets Forests--small gains, large losses and social assets--including markets--work together points the way to truly sustainable Change in forest cover, 1990­2000 Thousands development. Poor countries do not need to repeat 200 the mistakes of rich countries. In some high-income countries the abandonment of farmlands has allowed forests to recover. But the world lost more 0 of than 900,000 square kilometers of forest in the square last decade. And the damage from losing whole ­200 species of plants and animals can never be kilometer undone. ­400 s ­600 Sub-Saharan Latin East Asia South Middle East and High Europe and Africa America and and Pacific Asia North Africa income Central Caribbean Asia Source: FAO and World Bank staff estimates. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 1 5 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jpreplacepgs 6-17.qxd 5/28/02 10:02 AM Page 16 Global partnership Develop a global 8 partnership for Relative resources development GNI and aid per capita, 2000 What will it take to achieve the Millennium In the past decade the real value of aid to developing Development Goals? A lot. Economies need to grow countries has fallen 8 percent. Only half of it goes to to provide jobs and more income for poor people. Middle income low-income economies (average income per capita of And growth requires investment in plant and $1,970 less than $755 in 2000) and the rest to middle- equipment, in energy and transport, in human skills High income income economies (average income per capita Low income and knowledge. Growth is fastest in a good $27,680 ranging upwards to $9,265). $410 investment climate--where good economic policies and good governance provide assurance to Aid per capita Aid goes for many purposes, but only a small share in low-income investors and to workers of receiving the rewards of for such basic social services as basic education, countries their efforts. primary health care, nutrition, and safe water and $12 sanitation. In 1999­2000 official development Great opportunities exist in today's fast changing assistance (ODA) for basic social services averaged global economy, but many poor countries have been Source: World Bank staff estimates. $4.9 billion, or about 14.5 percent of ODA directed left on the margins, lacking the skills, technologies, to specific sectors. (Some ODA provided as general and financial resources to participate. To help them budgetary support to country development eradicate poverty, hunger, and premature death-- programs also goes to basic social services.) and to reach the poorest people with the opportunities of growth--will require a new global Aid is most effective in reducing poverty when it partnership for development. goes to poor countries with good economic policies and sound governance--and advances country- Not all aid goes to the poorest The building blocks of that partnership, confirmed owned poverty reduction programs. But in some at the Monterrey Conference on Financing for cases aid is tied to purchases of goods and Aid to low- and middle-income economies Development, are stronger policies and good services approved by the donor country. Such governance in developing countries, a more open Low-income economies Middle-income economies restrictions reduce the effectiveness of aid and 1999 and equitable global trading system, and increased undermine the principle of country ownership. 40 resources through aid and debt reduction for Although some donor countries still remain highly $ countries working to meet their development goals. billions restrictive, most aid to the least developed 30 countries has been untied since the beginning of 2002. 20 10 0 1990 1995 2000 Note: Includes both official development assistance and official aid. Amounts not specifically allocated to countries distributed proportionately to low- and middle-income totals. Source: OECD and World Bank staff estimates. 1 6 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank pages 6-17.qxd 6/4/02 8:22 PM Page 17 Toward sustainable debt The Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Tariffs have been falling. After the Uruguay Round of Ratio of debt service to exports for HIPCs reaching decision Countries (HIPCs) provides debt relief to the trade negotiations concluded in 1994, average point by end-2000 world's poorest and most heavily indebted tariffs on agricultural products and textiles and countries. Begun in 1996 by the World Bank and Latin American countries African countries clothing--two important categories of developing the IMF, the initiative was enhanced in 1999 to Percent country exports--fell in most high-income 20 provide deeper and faster debt relief with a countries. stronger link between debt relief and poverty 15 reduction. But average tariffs don't tell the full story. High tariffs can block access to markets. That is why the Forty-two countries could qualify for HIPC assistance. 10 European Union's initiative to eliminate tariffs on all At the end of 2001, 24 countries were receiving relief exports except arms from least developed countries that, in time, will amount to $36 billion. The total is so important. 5 debt relief to all countries could reach $50 billion. Even if the use of tariffs and quotas is further Under the enhanced HIPC initiative, average debt 0 reduced, many developing countries will still face service due in 2001­03 will be about 30 percent 1998 2000 2002 2004 2005 difficulties realizing the benefits, especially in less than that paid before relief began in 1998­99. Source: World Bank staff estimates. Africa. One estimate, based on reducing trade protection by half, shows that developing countries In 2001­02 social program spending in HIPC would gain about $200 billion by 2015. But only countries will be about $6.5 billion--45 percent $2.4 billion of this would go to Sub-Saharan Africa higher than in 1999 and about three times the level and only another $3.3 billion to South Asia outside of debt service. of India. To make trade an effective source of growth, developing countries need to increase the Opening markets The ratio of debt service payments to a country's efficiency of their producers, shippers, freight exports is one of several indicators of whether debt handlers, and customs services--their capacity to Exports from developing countries (excluding arms) admitted levels are sustainable. For the 24 countries now trade. High-income countries can help by providing free of tariffs receiving debt relief, the average annual debt "aid for trade" and sharing knowledge on service to export ratio will fall from 17 percent to 8 1990 2000 establishing competitive export industries. percent, less than half the average for all Percent 80 developing countries. 60 40 20 0 Japan Other Union Canada States European income United high Source: World Bank staff estimates. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 1 7 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:58 PM Page 18 Rankings of economies based on GNI per capita GNI per capita, 2000 GNI per capita, 2000 GNI per capita, 2000 GNI per capita, 2000 World Bank Atlas purchasing power World Bank Atlas purchasing power Rank method $ Rank parity method $ Rank method $ Rank parity method $ The Atlas method of calculating gross 1 Luxembourg 42,060 1 Luxembourg 45,470 62 Seychelles 7,050 60 Saudi Arabia 11,390 national income (GNI, formerly referred 2 Liechtenstein ..a 2 Liechtenstein ..a 65 St. Kitts and Nevis 6,570 62 Slovak Republic 11,040 3 Switzerland 38,140 3 United States 34,100 66 Uruguay 6,000 64 St. Kitts and Nevis 10,960 to as GNP) per capita converts 4 Bermuda ..a 4 Bermuda ..a 68 Czech Republic 5,250 65 Seychelles .. a national currency units to dollars at 5 Japan 35,620 5 Switzerland 30,450 69 Mexico 5,070 69 Antigua and Barbuda 10,000 prevailing exchange rates, adjusted for 6 Norway 34,530 6 Norway 29,630 70 Trinidad and Tobago 4,930 70 Mauritius 9,940 7 United States 34,100 7 Iceland 28,710 71 Hungary 4,710 71 Estonia 9,340 inflation and averaged over three 8 Denmark 32,280 8 Cayman Islands ..a 72 Croatia 4,620 72 South Africa 9,160 years. Because those rates do not 9 Iceland 30,390 9 Belgium 27,470 73 Chile 4,590 73 Chile 9,100 always reflect differences in prices, 10 Cayman Islands ..a 10 Denmark 27,250 74 Venezuela, RB 4,310 74 Poland 9,000 purchasing power parities are used to 11 Sweden 27,140 11 Canada 27,170 75 Poland 4,190 75 Uruguay 8,880 12 San Marino ..a 12 Japan 27,080 76 St. Lucia 4,120 76 Mexico 8,790 convert GNI per capita estimates into 13 Hong Kong, China 25,920 13 San Marino ..a 77 Lebanon 4,010 77 Malaysia 8,330 international dollars. An international 14 Austria 25,220 14 Austria 26,330 78 Costa Rica 3,810 78 Trinidad and Tobago 8,210 a dollar buys the same amount of goods 15 Monaco .. 15 Netherlands 25,850 79 Grenada 3,770 79 Russian Federation 8,010 a 16 Finland 25,130 16 Monaco .. 80 Mauritius 3,750 80 Costa Rica 7,980 and services in a country's domestic 17 Germany 25,120 17 Hong Kong, China 25,590 81 Slovak Republic 3,700 81 Croatia 7,960 market as $1 would buy in the United 18 Netherlands 24,970 18 Ireland 25,520 82 Brazil 3,580 82 Belarus 7,550 States. 19 Singapore 24,740 19 Australia 24,970 82 Estonia 3,580 83 Brazil 7,300 20 Belgium 24,540 20 Germany 24,920 84 Malaysia 3,380 84 Botswana 7,170 21 United Kingdom 24,430 21 Singapore 24,910 85 Botswana 3,300 85 Latvia 7,070 23 Franceb 24,090 23 Finland 24,570 86 Panama 3,260 86 Turkey 7,030 24 Ireland 22,960 24 France 24,420 88 Gabon 3,190 87 Lithuania 6,980 26 Canada 21,130 26 Sweden 23,970 89 Belize 3,110 88 Grenada 6,960 27 Australia 20,240 27 United Kingdom 23,550 90 Turkey 3,100 89 Namibia 6,410 30 Italy 20,160 28 Italy 23,470 91 South Africa 3,020 90 Romania 6,360 31 Kuwait 18,030 29 French Polynesia 23,340 92 Lithuania 2,930 92 Thailand 6,320 34 French Polynesia 17,290 32 New Caledonia 21,820 93 Latvia 2,920 93 Tunisia 6,070 36 Israel 16,710 33 Cyprus 20,780 94 Belarus 2,870 94 Colombia 6,060 38 Spain 15,080 37 Israel 19,330 95 St. Vincent/Grenadines 2,720 95 Iran, Islamic Rep. 5,910 39 New Caledonia 15,060 38 Spain 19,260 96 Jamaica 2,610 96 Venezuela, RB 5,740 40 Bahamas, The 14,960 39 Kuwait 18,690 97 Dominican Republic 2,130 97 Dominican Republic 5,710 41 Macao, China 14,580 41 New Zealand 18,530 98 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 2,110 98 Panama 5,680 45 New Zealand 12,990 43 Macao, China 18,190 99 Tunisia 2,100 99 Equatorial Guinea 5,600 46 Cyprus 12,370 45 Slovenia 17,310 100 Peru 2,080 100 Bulgaria 5,560 47 Greece 11,960 46 Korea, Rep. 17,300 101 Namibia 2,030 101 Kazakhstan 5,490 49 Portugal 11,120 47 Portugal 16,990 102 Colombia 2,020 102 St. Lucia 5,400 50 Slovenia 10,050 48 Greece 16,860 103 El Salvador 2,000 103 Gabon 5,360 51 Antigua and Barbuda 9,440 50 Malta 16,530 103 Thailand 2,000 104 Belize 5,240 52 Barbados 9,250 51 Bahamas, The 16,400 105 Marshall Islands 1,970 105 St. Vincent/Grenadines 5,210 53 Malta 9,120 53 Barbados 15,020 106 Maldives 1,960 106 Samoa 5,050 54 Korea, Rep. 8,910 55 Czech Republic 13,780 107 Suriname 1,890 107 Algeria 5,040 58 Argentina 7,460 58 Argentina 12,050 108 Fiji 1,820 108 Macedonia, FYR 5,020 61 Saudi Arabia 7,230 59 Hungary 11,990 108 Macedonia, FYR 1,820 109 Cape Verde 4,760 Note: Rankings include all 207 Atlas economies, but only those that have confirmed Atlas GNI per capita estimates for 2000 or rank among the top twenty are shown. See the Economy table (pages 46-47) for country notes. 18 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:58 PM Page 19 GNI per capita, 2000 GNI per capita, 2000 GNI per capita, 2000 GNI per capita, 2000 World Bank Atlas purchasing power World Bank Atlas purchasing power Rank method $ Rank parity method $ Rank method $ Rank parity method $ 110 Jordan 1,710 110 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. ..a 157 Senegal 490 157 Vietnam 2,000 The ranking of an economy can vary 111 Guatemala 1,680 111 Peru 4,660 158 Zimbabwe 460 158 Guinea 1,930 depending on whether its GNI per 111 Iran, Islamic Rep. 1,680 112 Swaziland 4,600 159 Guinea 450 159 Ghana 1,910 capita is converted from the national 113 Romania 1,670 113 Lebanon 4,550 159 India 450 160 Pakistan 1,860 currency into dollars at prevailing 114 Russian Federation 1,660 114 Fiji 4,480 161 Pakistan 440 161 Mongolia 1,760 114 Tonga 1,660 115 Marshall Islands ..a 162 Moldova 400 162 Solomon Islands 1,710 exchange rates (Atlas method) or into 114 West Bank and Gaza 1,660 115 Paraguay 4,450 162 Nicaragua 400 163 Mauritania 1,630 international dollars (purchasing 117 Algeria 1,580 117 El Salvador 4,410 164 Mongolia 390 164 Gambia, The 1,620 power parity method). 119 Bulgaria 1,520 118 Maldives 4,240 164 Vietnam 390 165 Bangladesh 1,590 120 Egypt, Arab Rep. 1,490 118 West Bank and Gaza ..a 166 Comoros 380 165 Cameroon 1,590 121 Samoa 1,450 120 Philippines 4,210 167 Bangladesh 370 165 Comoros 1,590 122 Paraguay 1,440 122 Tonga ..a 167 Benin 370 168 Lao PDR 1,540 123 Swaziland 1,390 123 Jordan 3,950 167 Mauritania 370 169 Sudan 1,520 124 Cape Verde 1,330 124 China 3,920 167 Yemen, Rep. 370 170 Côte d'Ivoire 1,500 125 Kazakhstan 1,260 125 Turkmenistan 3,800 171 Uzbekistan 360 171 Senegal 1,480 126 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,230 126 Guatemala 3,770 172 Kenya 350 172 Haiti 1,470 127 Ecuador 1,210 127 Ukraine 3,700 173 Gambia, The 340 173 Bhutan 1,440 128 Morocco 1,180 128 Egypt, Arab Rep. 3,670 173 Ghana 340 173 Cambodia 1,440 129 Vanuatu 1,150 128 Guyana 3,670 175 Sudan 310 175 Togo 1,410 130 Albania 1,120 130 Albania 3,600 176 Uganda 300 176 Nepal 1,370 131 Philippines 1,040 131 Suriname 3,480 176 Zambia 300 178 Uganda 1,210 133 Bolivia 990 132 Bosnia and Herzegovina ..a 178 Angola 290 179 São Tomé and Principe .. a 134 Kiribati 950 133 Sri Lanka 3,460 178 Lao PDR 290 181 Angola 1,180 135 Syrian Arab Republic 940 134 Morocco 3,450 178 São Tomé and Principe 290 182 Central African Republic 1,160 135 Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. 940 135 Jamaica 3,440 178 Togo 290 183 Tajikistan 1,090 137 Djibouti 880 136 Syrian Arab Republic 3,340 183 Central African Republic 280 185 Kenya 1,010 138 Guyana 860 138 Vanuatu 2,960 184 Kyrgyz Republic 270 186 Benin 980 138 Honduras 860 139 Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. ..a 184 Tanzaniac 270 187 Burkina Faso 970 140 Sri Lanka 850 140 Ecuador 2,910 186 Cambodia 260 188 Eritrea 960 141 China 840 141 Indonesia 2,830 186 Nigeria 260 189 Rwanda 930 142 Equatorial Guinea 800 142 Azerbaijan 2,740 188 Madagascar 250 190 Chad 870 143 Turkmenistan 750 143 Kiribati ..a 190 Mali 240 191 Madagascar 820 144 Papua New Guinea 700 144 Georgia 2,680 190 Nepal 240 193 Mozambique 800 144 Ukraine 700 145 Djibouti ..a 192 Rwanda 230 193 Nigeria 800 146 Georgia 630 146 Lesotho 2,590 193 Burkina Faso 210 195 Mali 780 147 Solomon Islands 620 147 Armenia 2,580 193 Mozambique 210 197 Yemen, Rep. 770 148 Azerbaijan 600 148 Zimbabwe 2,550 195 Chad 200 198 Zambia 750 148 Côte d'Ivoire 600 149 Kyrgyz Republic 2,540 197 Guinea-Bissau 180 199 Niger 740 150 Bhutan 590 150 Honduras 2,400 197 Niger 180 200 Guinea-Bissau 710 151 Cameroon 580 151 Bolivia 2,360 197 Tajikistan 180 202 Ethiopia 660 151 Lesotho 580 151 Uzbekistan 2,360 200 Eritrea 170 203 Malawi 600 153 Congo, Rep. 570 153 India 2,340 200 Malawi 170 204 Burundi 580 153 Indonesia 570 154 Moldova 2,230 204 Sierra Leone 130 205 Congo, Rep. 570 155 Armenia 520 155 Papua New Guinea 2,180 205 Burundi 110 206 Tanzaniac 520 156 Haiti 510 156 Nicaragua 2,080 206 Ethiopia 100 207 Sierra Leone 480 .. Not available. a. Data not available; ranking is approximate. b. Data include the French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Réunion. c. Data refer to mainland Tanzania only. 2002 World Bank Atlas 19 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:58 PM Page 20 Technical notes World View Perspective mondiale Perspectiva mundial The poverty rate is the percentage of the population living on less than Le taux de pauvreté correspond au pourcentage de la population vivant La tasa de pobreza es el porcentaje de la población que vive con menos $1.08 a day, measured in 1993 international dollars. The projected avec moins de 1,08 dollar par jour, exprimé en dollars internationaux de de US$1,08 al día, y se expresa en dólares internacionales de 1993. poverty rates are World Bank estimates. 1993. Les projections relatives aux taux de pauvreté sont des estima- Las proyecciones de las tasas de pobreza son estimaciones del Banco The child malnutrition rate is the percentage of children under five whose tions établies par la Banque mondiale. Mundial. weight for age is less than minus two standard deviations of the refer- Le taux de malnutrition juvénile est le pourcentage d'enfants de La tasa de malnutrición infantil es el porcentaje de niños menores ence population. The primary school completion rate is the percentage moins de cinq ans dont le rapport poids/âge est au moins deux écarts- de cinco años cuyo peso para la edad está más de dos desviaciones están- of children of appropriate age completing the last grade of official primary types en dessous de la médiane de la population de référence. Le taux dar por debajo de la mediana de la población de referencia. La tasa de school. Youth illiteracy rate is the percentage of people ages 15-24 who d'achèvement des études primaires est le pourcentage d'enfants d'âge terminación del ciclo de la enseñanza primaria es el porcentaje de niños cannot, with understanding, read and write a short, simple statement about voulu qui achèvent la dernière année du cycle d'enseignement primaire de edad apropiada que completan el último grado del ciclo oficial de la their everyday life. officiel. Le taux d'analphabétisme des adultes est le pourcentage d'in- enseñanza primaria. La tasa de analfabetismo de los jóvenes es el por- The ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary school enrollments dividus âgés de 15 à 24 ans qui ne savent pas lire en le comprenant, centaje de la población de 15 a 24 años de edad que no puede leer ni were calculated from enrollment data. Under-five mortality rate is the prob- ni écrire intelligiblement, un texte court et simple sur leur vie quotidienne. escribir, con la debida comprensión, un relato breve y sencillo sobre su ability that a newborn baby will die before reaching age five, per 1,000, Les taux de scolarisation primaire et secondaire des filles par rap- vida cotidiana. if subject to current age-specific mortality rates. The maternal mortality port aux garçons ont été calculés à partir des données sur les inscrip- La proporción de niñas matriculadas en la escuela primaria y secun- ratio is the number of women who die during pregnancy and childbirth, tions. Le taux de mortalité des moins de cinq ans est égal à la probabilité daria con respecto a los niños se ha calculado a partir de datos sobre per 100,000 live births. Births attended by skilled health staff are the qu'un nouveau-né mourra avant d'atteindre l'âge de cinq ans, si l'on matrícula. La tasa de mortalidad de menores de cinco años es la prob- percentage of deliveries attended by trained personnel. applique les taux de mortalité par âge à la période considérée; il est abilidad de que un recién nacido muera antes de cumplir cinco años de People newly infected with HIV includes both adults and children. Inci- exprimé pour 1,000 naissances. Le taux de mortalité maternelle indique edad, si está sujeto a las tasas actuales de mortalidad por edades. La dence of tuberculosis is the estimated number of new tuberculosis le nombre de décès de femmes liés à la maternité pour 100,000 nais- probabilidad se expresa como tasa por 1.000. La tasa de mortalidad cases. Access to an improved water source refers to the share of the sances vivantes. Les naissances assistées par des professionnels qual- derivada de la maternidad se refiere al número de defunciones de population with reasonable access to an adequate amount of water ifiés représentent le pourcentage d'accouchements effectués sous mujeres que ocurren durante el embarazo o el parto por cada 100.000 from an improved source. Forest area is land under natural or planted assistance médicale. nacidos vivos. Los partos atendidos por personal sanitario especializado stands of trees, whether productive or not. Les nouveaux cas d'infection à VIH englobent à la fois les adultes et se refieren al porcentaje de partos atendidos por personal debidamente Aid includes both official development assistance and official aid. Total les enfants. L'incidence de la tuberculose correspond au nombre esti- preparado. debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid matif de cas nouveaux de tuberculose. L'accès à de meilleures sources El número de personas recién infectadas con el VIH incluye a adul- on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and repayments to d'eau salubre correspond au pourcentage de la population qui n'a pas tos y niños. La incidencia de tuberculosis es el número estimado de nuevos the IMF. Developing country exports admitted free of tariffs is shown as trop difficilement accès à des quantités adéquates d'eau à partir de casos de tuberculosis. El acceso a mejor abastecimiento de agua se refiere a share of total exports from developing countries. sources améliorées. Les zones forestières sont des formations d'arbres, al porcentaje de la población que cuenta con acceso aceptable a agua naturelles ou non, affectées ou non à la production. en cantidad suficiente procedente de una fuente mejorada. La superfi- For detailed definitions and data sources, see L'aide désigne à la fois l'aide publique au développement et l'aide cie forestal se refiere a las tierras con árboles naturales o plantados, officielle. Le service total de la dette est égal à la somme des rem- sean éstas para usos productivos o no. boursements de principal, des intérêts effectivement payés sur la dette La ayuda incluye la asistencia oficial para el desarrollo y la ayuda ofi- à long terme, des intérêts payés sur la dette à court terme, et des rem- cial. El total del servicio de la deuda es la suma de los reembolsos del boursements au FMI. Les exportations des pays en développement principal y pagos de intereses correspondientes a la deuda a largo admises en franchise de droits sont représentées en pourcentage des plazo, los intereses pagados en relación con la deuda a corto plazo y exportations totales des pays en développement. los reembolsos al FMI. Las exportaciones de países en desarrollo que ingresan libres de aranceles se expresan como la proporción del total Pour plus de détails sur les définitions et les sources de données, prière de las exportaciones de esos países. de se reporter à Las definiciones detalladas y las fuentes de los datos se pueden con- sultar en 2 0 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:58 PM Page 21 PEOPLE (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:58 PM Page 22 Life expectancy at birth, 2000 Espérance de vie à la naissance, 2000 Esperanza de vida al nacer, 2000 The average number of years a newborn baby would live Nombre moyen d'années que vivrait un nouveau-né si les Número de años que viviría un recién nacido, en promedio, if patterns of mortality prevailing for all people at the tendances de mortalité observées pour l'ensemble de la si las tendencias de mortalidad de toda la población en time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. population au moment de sa naissance restaient el momento de su nacimiento se mantuvieran constantes inchangées tout au long de son existence. durante toda su vida. LIFE EXPECTANCY Distribution of world population among economies Life expectancy at birth,2000,years Life expectancy at birth,2000,years grouped by life expectancy at birth Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 69 $ billions millions capita 16% 11% Less than 55 Europe & Central Asia 2000 2000 $ 69 55­64 2000 Latin America & Caribbean 70 65­69 25% Less than 55 44 298 643 460 Middle East & North Africa 68 70­74 55­64 17 651 1,500 430 31% South Asia 62 75 or more 65­69 32 1,635 1,055 1,550 Sub-Saharan Africa 47 70­74 53 3,500 1,907 1,840 No data 17% High income 78 75 or more 50 25,219 952 26,500 No data 12 1 16,990 0 20 40 60 80 100 11 22 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:58 PM Page 23 Tasa de mortalidad infantil, 2000 Taux de mortalité infantile, 2000 Infant mortality rate, 2000 Número de muertes de niños de menos de un año de edad Nombre de décès d'enfants de moins d'un an pour mille The number of deaths of children under one year of age por cada mil nacidos vivos. naissances. per thousand live births. INFANT MORTALITY Infant mortality rate,2000,per 1,000 live births Infant mortality rate,2000,per 1,000 live births Distribution of world population among economies grouped by infant mortality rate 3% Economies GNI Population GNI per $ billions millions capita East Asia & Pacific 35 Less than 10 2000 2000 $ 17% Europe & Central Asia 20 2000 10­24 Latin America & Caribbean 29 33% Less than 10 50 25,846 1,057 24,450 25­49 9% Middle East & North Africa 43 10­24 49 1,290 538 2,390 50­99 South Asia 73 25­49 31 3,216 2,315 1,390 100 or more Sub-Saharan Africa 91 50­99 43 906 1,974 460 No data 38% 100 or more 19 44 172 260 High income 6 No data 15 14 1 14,930 0 20 40 60 80 100 2002 World Bank Atlas 23 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:58 PM Page 24 Population below the national poverty line, Population en dessous du seuil de pauvreté Población por debajo del umbral de pobreza 1984­2000 national, 1984­2000 nacional, 1984­2000 The percentage of the population living below the national Le pourcentage de la population vivant en dessous du seuil El porcentaje de la población que vive por debajo del poverty line. de pauvreté national. umbral de pobreza nacional. POVERTY Distribution of world population among economies Percentageofthepopulationbelowthenationalpoverty Percentage of the population below the national grouped by population below the national poverty line lineinselecteddevelopingeconomies,1984­2000 poverty line,1984­2000 Economies GNI Population GNI per Azerbaijan 68.1 $ billions millions capita Less than 10.0% 2000 2000 $ 27% 21% Brazil 17.4 10.0­19.9% 2000 China 4.6 20.0­29.9% Less than 10.0% 3 1,115 1,274 880 8% Egypt, Arab Rep. 22.9 30.0­39.9% 10.0­19.9% 12 1,745 499 3,500 6% 7% India 35.0 40.0% or more 20.0­29.9% 13 615 427 1,440 Vietnam 50.9 30.0­39.9% 21 1,151 1,836 630 No data 30% Zambia 86.0 40.0% or more 31 200 373 540 No data 26,489 1,649 16,060 0 20 40 60 80 100 127 24 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:59 PM Page 25 Acceso a un mejor suministro de agua, 2000 Accès à de meilleures sources d'eau salubre, Access to an improved water source, 2000 Porcentaje de la población con acceso razonable a una 2000 Percentage of the population with reasonable access to cantidad suficiente de agua a través de un suministro Pourcentage de la population qui n'a pas trop difficilement an adequate amount of water from an improved source. mejorado. accès à des quantités adéquates d'eau à partir de sources améliorées. SAFE WATER Percentage of the population with access Percentage of the population with access Distribution of world population among economies to an improved water source, 2000 to an improved water source, 2000 grouped by access to an improved water source 2% Economies GNI Population GNI per $ billions millions capita East Asia & Pacific 75 11% 7% Less than 40% 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia 90 2000 40­59% Latin America & Caribbean 85 16% Less than 40% 8 39 134 290 60­79% 30% Middle East & North Africa 89 40­59% 22 162 450 360 80­94% South Asia 87 60­79% 35 1,702 1,813 940 95% or more Sub-Saharan Africa 55 80­94% 32 3,056 2,019 1,510 No data 33% 95% or more 48 14,670 947 15,490 High income 99 No data 62 11,686 694 16,830 0 20 40 60 80 100 2002 World Bank Atlas 25 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:59 PM Page 26 Child malnutrition, 1993­2000 Malnutrition chez les enfants, 1993­2000 Malnutrición en la niñez, 1993­2000 The percentage of children less than five years old who Pourcentage des enfants de moins de cinq ans dont le Porcentaje de niños de menos de cinco años de edad con are underweight. poids est inférieur à la normale. peso inferior a lo normal. UNDERNOURISHED CHILDREN Distribution of world population among economies Child malnutrition, 1993­2000, Child malnutrition, 1993­2000, grouped by prevalence of child malnutrition percentage underweight percentage underweight Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 10 $ billions millions capita 16% Less than 10% 19% 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia 10­19% 7 2000 20­29% Latin America & Caribbean 9 Less than 10% 35 12,666 1,135 11,160 22% 30­39% Middle East & North Africa 15 10­19% 21 1,414 1,517 930 25% 40% or more 20­29% 26 244 445 550 South Asia 49 30­39% 11 331 656 510 11% No data 7% Sub-Saharan Africa 30 40% or more 13 544 1,340 410 No data 16,117 965 16,700 0 10 20 30 40 50 101 26 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 4:59 PM Page 27 Porcentaje neto de matrícula de mujeres en la Taux net de scolarisation primaire féminine, Female net primary enrollment ratio, 1998 escuela primaria, 1998 1998 The ratio of the number of girls of official school age Proporción entre el número de niñas en edad escolar Pourcentage des filles d'âge scolaire inscrites à l'école enrolled in primary school to the number of girls of offi- oficial matriculadas en la escuela primaria y el número de primaire. cial school age in the population. niñas en edad escolar oficial. GIRLS IN SCHOOL Female net primary enrollment ratio,1998 Female net primary enrollment ratio in selected Distribution of world population among economies economies, 1998 grouped by female net primary enrollment ratio 4% 3% Economies GNI Population GNI per 3% $ billions millions capita Afghanistan 15 Less than 40% 2000 2000 $ Botswana 82 2000 40­59% 29% Estonia 95 Less than 40% 13 35 215 160 60­79% Kuwait 67 40­59% 36% 13 200 164 1,220 80­94% Malaysia 98 60­79% 16 275 175 1,570 95% or more Niger 20 26% 80­94% 49 5,572 2,169 2,570 No data 95% or more 51 23,871 1,575 15,160 Venezuela, RB 85 No data 65 1,363 1,759 770 0 20 40 60 80 100 2002 World Bank Atlas 27 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:02 PM Page 28 Social statistics Population Access to Life Infant Child Poverty Contra- Female Female Population Access to Life Infant Child Poverty Contra- Female Female an improved expec- mortality malnutrition ceptive net labor an improved expec- mortality malnutrition ceptive net labor water tancy rate % of prevalence primary force water tancy rate % of prevalence primary force source at birth population enroll- source at birth population enroll- % of below the % of menta % of below the % of menta population per 1,000 % under- national women % of population per 1,000 % under- national women % of thousands with access years live births weight poverty line 15­49 % total thousands with access years live births weight poverty line 15­49 % total Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 1993­2000b 1984­2000b 1990­2000b 1998 2000 Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 1993­2000b 1984­2000b 1990­2000b 1998 2000 Afghanistan 26,550 13 43 163 49 .. .. 15 36 Dominican Republic 8,373 79 67 39 6 20.6 64 88 31 Albania 3,411 .. 74 20 8 .. .. 103 41 Ecuador 12,646 71 70 28 .. 35.0 66 97 28 Algeria 30,399 94 71 33 13 22.6 51 92 28 Egypt, Arab Rep. 63,976 95 67 42 4 22.9 56 89 30 American Samoa 65 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. El Salvador 6,276 74 70 29 12 48.3 60 87 37 Andorra 67 100 80 .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea 457 43 51 102 .. .. .. 73 36 Angola 13,134 38 47 128 41 .. .. 53 46 Eritrea 4,097 46 52 60 44 53.0 8 31 47 Antigua and Barbuda 68 91 75 16 .. .. .. .. .. Estonia 1,369 .. 71 8 .. 8.9 .. 95 49 Argentina 37,032 79 74 17 5 17.6 .. 107 33 Ethiopia 64,298 24 42 98 47 .. 8 30 41 Armenia 3,803 .. 74 15 3 .. .. .. 49 Faeroe Islands 45 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Aruba 101 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Fiji 812 47 69 14 8 .. .. 100 31 Australia 19,182 100 79 5 0 .. .. 95 44 Finland 5,177 100 77 4 .. .. .. 98 48 Austria 8,110 100 78 5 .. .. .. 90 40 France 58,892 .. 79 4 .. .. 71 100 45 Azerbaijan 8,049 .. 72 13 17 68.1 .. 97 45 French Polynesia 235 100 73 10 .. .. .. 103 .. Bahamas, The 303 96 69 18 .. .. .. 87 47 Gabon 1,230 70 53 58 .. .. 33 .. 45 Bahrain 691 .. 73 7 .. .. 62 98 21 Gambia, The 1,303 62 53 73 26 64.0 .. 57 45 Bangladesh 131,050 97 61 60 61 35.6 54 102 42 Georgia 5,024 76 73 17 3 11.1 41 .. 47 Barbados 267 100 75 17 .. .. .. .. 46 Germany 82,150 .. 77 4 .. .. .. 88 42 Belarus 10,005 100 68 11 .. 41.9 .. 84 49 Ghana 19,306 64 57 58 25 31.4 22 .. 51 Belgium 10,252 .. 78 5 .. .. .. 98 41 Greece 10,560 .. 78 5 .. .. .. 95 38 Belize 240 76 74 31 .. .. 47 99 24 Greenland 56 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Benin 6,272 63 53 87 29 33.0 16 48 48 Grenada 98 94 72 13 .. .. .. .. .. Bermuda 63 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Guam 155 .. 78 6 .. .. .. .. .. Bhutan 805 62 62 58 19 .. .. 15 40 Guatemala 11,385 92 65 39 24 57.9 38 80 29 Bolivia 8,329 79 63 57 8 .. 49 97 38 Guinea 7,415 48 46 95 23 40.0 6 37 47 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,977 .. 73 13 .. .. .. .. 38 Guinea-Bissau 1,199 49 45 126 .. 48.7 .. .. 41 Botswana 1,602 .. 39 58 17 .. .. 82 45 Guyana 761 94 63 54 12 43.2 31 82 34 Brazil 170,406 87 68 32 6 17.4 77 96 36 Haiti 7,959 46 53 73 28 65.0 28 82 43 Brunei 338 .. 76 7 .. .. .. 93 36 Honduras 6,417 90 66 35 25 53.0 50 91 32 Bulgaria 8,167 .. 72 13 .. .. .. 92 48 Hungary 10,022 99 71 9 .. 8.6 73 82 45 Burkina Faso 11,274 .. 44 104 34 .. 12 28 47 Iceland 281 .. 80 3 .. .. .. 98 45 Burundi 6,807 .. 42 102 .. 36.2 .. 34 49 India 1,015,923 88 63 69 47 35.0 52 .. 32 Cambodia 12,021 30 54 88 47 36.1 24 97 52 Indonesia 210,421 76 66 41 34 27.1 57 93 41 Cameroon 14,876 62 50 76 22 40.0 19 .. 38 Iran, Islamic Rep. 63,664 95 69 33 11 .. 73 88 27 Canada 30,750 100 79 5 .. .. .. 96 46 Iraq 23,264 85 61 93 .. .. .. 74 20 Cape Verde 441 74 69 37 14 .. 53 100 39 Ireland 3,794 .. 76 6 .. .. 60 104 35 Cayman Islands 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Isle of Man 75 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 3,717 60 43 96 23 .. 15 43 .. Israel 6,233 .. 78 6 .. .. .. 95 41 Chad 7,694 27 48 101 39 64.0 4 42 45 Italy 57,690 .. 79 5 .. .. .. 101 39 Channel Islands 149 100 79 6 .. .. .. .. .. Jamaica 2,633 71 75 20 4 18.7 65 93 46 Chile 15,211 94 76 10 1 21.2 .. 87 34 Japan 126,870 .. 81 4 .. .. .. 102 41 China 1,262,460 75 70 32 10 4.6 83 92 45 Jordan 4,887 96 72 25 5 11.7 50 65 25 Hong Kong, China 6,797 .. 80 3 .. .. .. 91 37 Kazakhstan 14,869 91 65 21 4 34.6 66 .. 47 Macao, China 438 .. 79 3 .. .. .. 83 42 Kenya 30,092 49 47 78 22 42.0 39 .. 46 Colombia 42,299 91 72 20 8 17.7 77 .. 39 Kiribati 91 47 62 54 .. .. .. .. .. Comoros 558 96 61 60 26 .. 21 46 42 Korea, Dem. Rep. 22,268 .. 61 54 32 .. .. .. 43 Congo, Dem. Rep. 50,948 45 46 85 34 .. .. 31 43 Korea, Rep. 47,275 92 73 8 .. .. .. 93 41 Congo, Rep. 3,018 51 51 68 .. .. .. .. 44 Kuwait 1,984 .. 77 9 2 .. .. 67 31 Costa Rica 3,811 98 77 10 5 22.0 .. 89 31 Kyrgyz Republic 4,915 77 67 23 11 51.0 60 84 47 Côte d'Ivoire 16,013 77 46 111 24 36.8 15 51 33 Lao PDR 5,279 90 54 92 40 46.1 25 73 .. Croatia 4,380 95 73 8 1 .. 69 84 44 Latvia 2,372 .. 70 10 .. .. .. 92 51 Cuba 11,188 95 76 6 .. .. .. 97 40 Lebanon 4,328 100 70 26 3 .. 61 77 30 Cyprus 757 100 78 6 .. .. .. 81 39 Lesotho 2,035 91 44 91 16 49.2 23 64 37 Czech Republic 10,273 .. 75 4 .. .. 69 90 47 Liberia 3,130 .. 47 111 .. .. .. 35 40 Denmark 5,336 100 76 4 .. .. .. 101 46 Libya 5,290 72 71 26 5 .. 45 .. 23 Djibouti 632 100 46 115 18 45.1 .. 27 .. Liechtenstein 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dominica 73 .. 76 .. .. .. .. .. .. Lithuania 3,695 .. 73 9 .. .. .. 93 48 2 8 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:02 PM Page 29 Population Access to Life Infant Child Poverty Contra- Female Female Population Access to Life Infant Child Poverty Contra- Female Female an improved expec- mortality malnutrition ceptive net labor an improved expec- mortality malnutrition ceptive net labor water tancy rate % of prevalence primary force water tancy rate % of prevalence primary force source at birth population enroll- source at birth population enroll- % of below the % of menta % of below the % of menta population per 1,000 % under- national women % of population per 1,000 % under- national women % of thousands with access years live births weight poverty line 15­49 % total thousands with access years live births weight poverty line 15­49 % total Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 1993­2000b 1984­2000b 1990­2000b 1998 2000 Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 1993­2000b 1984­2000b 1990­2000b 1998 2000 Luxembourg 438 .. 77 5 .. .. .. 102 37 Solomon Islands 447 71 69 22 .. .. .. .. 47 Macedonia, FYR 2,031 99 73 14 6 .. .. 94 42 Somalia 8,778 .. 48 117 26 .. .. .. 43 Madagascar 15,523 47 55 88 40 70.0 19 63 45 South Africa 42,801 86 48 63 9 .. 62 104 38 Malawi 10,311 57 39 103 30 54.0 31 104 49 Spain 39,465 .. 78 4 .. .. .. 105 37 Malaysia 23,270 .. 73 8 20 15.5 .. 98 38 Sri Lanka 19,359 83 73 15 33 25.0 .. 103 37 Maldives 276 100 68 28 45 .. .. .. 43 St. Kitts and Nevis 41 98 71 19 .. .. .. .. .. Mali 10,840 65 42 120 27 .. 7 34 46 St. Lucia 156 98 71 13 .. .. .. .. .. Malta 390 100 78 6 .. .. .. 100 28 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 115 93 73 20 27 .. .. .. .. Marshall Islands 52 .. 65 .. .. .. .. .. .. Sudan 31,095 75 56 81 34 .. 10 42 30 Mauritania 2,665 37 52 101 23 57.0 .. 58 44 Suriname 417 95 70 27 .. .. .. .. 34 Mauritius 1,186 100 72 16 15 10.6 75 93 33 Swaziland 1,045 .. 46 89 .. 40.0 .. 78 38 Mayotte 145 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sweden 8,869 100 80 3 .. .. .. 102 48 Mexico 97,966 86 73 29 8 10.1 65 103 33 Switzerland 7,180 100 80 4 .. .. .. 93 41 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 118 .. 68 26 .. .. .. .. .. Syrian Arab Republic 16,189 80 70 24 13 .. 45 89 27 Moldova 4,282 100 68 18 .. 23.3 74 .. 49 Tajikistan 6,170 .. 69 21 .. .. .. .. 45 Monaco 32 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 33,696 54 44 93 29 41.6 25 49 49 Mongolia 2,398 60 67 56 13 36.3 60 87 47 Thailand 60,728 80 69 28 18 13.1 72 76 46 Morocco 28,705 82 67 47 .. 19.0 59 73 35 Togo 4,527 54 49 75 25 32.3 24 78 40 Mozambique 17,691 60 42 129 26 .. 6 37 48 Tonga 100 100 71 20 .. .. .. .. .. Myanmar 47,749 68 56 89 28 .. .. .. 43 Trinidad and Tobago 1,301 86 73 16 .. 21.0 .. 93 34 Namibia 1,757 77 47 62 .. .. 29 90 41 Tunisia 9,564 .. 72 26 4 14.1 60 96 32 Nepal 23,043 81 59 74 47 42.0 29 .. 41 Turkey 65,293 83 70 34 8 .. 64 96 38 Netherlands 15,919 100 78 5 .. .. 75 100 41 Turkmenistan 5,199 58 66 27 .. .. .. .. 46 Netherlands Antilles 215 .. 76 13 .. .. .. 97 43 Uganda 22,210 50 42 83 26 55.0 15 83 48 New Caledonia 213 .. 73 7 .. .. .. .. .. Ukraine 49,501 .. 68 13 .. 31.7 68 .. 49 New Zealand 3,831 .. 78 6 .. .. .. 100 45 United Arab Emirates 2,905 .. 75 7 7 .. .. 82 15 Nicaragua 5,071 79 69 33 12 50.3 60 78 36 United Kingdom 59,739 100 77 6 .. .. .. 102 44 Niger 10,832 59 46 114 40 63.0 8 20 44 United States 281,550 100 77 7 1 .. 64 95 46 Nigeria 126,910 57 47 84 27 34.1 15 .. 37 Uruguay 3,337 98 74 14 4 .. .. 93 42 Northern Mariana Islands 72 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Uzbekistan 24,752 85 70 22 19 .. 56 .. 47 Norway 4,491 100 79 4 .. .. .. 102 46 Vanuatu 197 88 68 30 .. .. .. 105 .. Oman 2,395 39 74 17 23 .. 24 65 17 Venezuela, RB 24,170 84 73 19 4 31.3 .. 85 35 Pakistan 138,080 88 63 83 38 34.0 28 .. 29 Vietnam 78,523 56 69 27 37 50.9 75 95 49 Palau 19 79 70 .. .. .. .. .. .. Virgin Islands (U.S.) 121 .. 78 9 .. .. .. .. .. Panama 2,856 87 75 20 8 37.3 .. .. 35 West Bank and Gaza 2,966 .. 72 22 15 .. 42 .. .. Papua New Guinea 5,130 42 59 56 .. .. 26 78 42 Yemen, Rep. 17,507 69 56 76 46 19.1 21 44 28 Paraguay 5,496 79 70 23 .. 21.8 57 92 30 Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. 10,637 .. 72 13 2 .. .. .. 43 Peru 25,661 77 69 32 8 49.0 69 103 31 Zambia 10,089 64 38 115 24 86.0 26 72 45 Philippines 75,580 87 69 31 32 36.8 47 .. 38 Zimbabwe 12,627 85 40 69 13 25.5 54 .. 45 Poland 38,650 .. 73 9 .. 23.8 .. 96 46 Portugal 10,008 .. 76 6 .. .. .. 105 44 Puerto Rico 3,920 .. 76 10 .. .. 78 .. 37 Qatar 585 .. 75 14 6 .. 43 85 15 Romania 22,435 58 70 19 .. 21.5 48 94 45 Russian Federation 145,555 99 65 16 3 30.9 34 93 49 Rwanda 8,508 41 40 123 27 51.2 21 92 49 Samoa 170 99 69 22 .. .. .. 98 .. San Marino 27 .. 80 .. .. .. .. .. .. São Tomé and Principe 148 .. 65 46 .. .. .. .. .. Saudi Arabia 20,723 95 73 18 .. .. 21 57 16 Senegal 9,530 78 52 60 13 33.4 11 54 43 Seychelles 81 .. 72 9 6 .. .. .. .. .. Not available. Sierra Leone 5,031 28 39 154 .. 68.0 .. .. 37 Note: Figures in italics are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0.0 means zero or less than half the unit Singapore 4,018 100 78 3 .. .. .. 92 39 shown and not known more precisely. Slovak Republic 5,402 100 73 8 .. .. .. .. 48 a. Net enrollment ratios exceeding 100 indicate discrepancies between the estimates of school-age population and Slovenia 1,988 100 75 5 .. .. .. 93 47 reported enrollment data. b. Data are for the most recent year available. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 2 9 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:02 PM Page 30 Technical notes People Population Población The demographic data (population, life expectancy, and infant mortality) Les données démographiques (population, espérance de vie et mortalité Los datos demográficos (población, esperanza de vida y mortalidad are World Bank estimates and are a combination of observed values and infantile), fruit d'estimations de la Banque Mondiale, sont une infantil) son estimaciones del Banco Mundial y consisten en una interpolated and projected estimates. The population estimates are for combinaison de valeurs observées et d'estimations obtenues par combinación de valores observados y estimaciones interpoladas y midyear and include all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. interpolation et projection. L'estimation de la population en milieu proyectadas. La estimación de la población a mediados del año Refugees not permanently settled in the country of asylum are consid- d'année inclut tous les résidents du pays, indépendamment du statut comprende a todos los residentes, independientemente de su situación ered to be part of the population of their country of origin. juridique et de la citoyenneté. Les réfugiés qui ne sont pas établis à titre jurídica o su ciudadanía. Los refugiados que no se han establecido Access to an improved water source refers to the percentage of the permanent dans le pays où ils ont trouvé asile sont comptés dans la definitivamente en el país de asilo se consideran parte de la población population with reasonable access to an adequate amount of water population de leur pays d'origine. de su país de origen. from an improved water source, such as a household connection, pub- L'accès à de meilleures sources d'eau salubre indique le Por acceso a un suministro de agua mejorado se entiende el lic standpipe, borehole, protected well or spring, and rainwater collection. pourcentage de la population qui n'a pas trop difficilement accès à des porcentaje de la población con acceso razonable a una cantidad The data are based on surveys and estimates provided by governments quantités adéquates d'eau à partir de sources améliorées, telles que suficiente de agua gracias a un suministro mejorado, como una to the WHO-UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme. raccordements individuels, bornes-fontaines publiques, points d'eau, conexión dentro del hogar, una fuente pública, un pozo, una fuente o Child malnutrition refers to the percentage of children under five puits couverts, sources protégées ou systèmes de collecte de l'eau de arroyo protegido y la recogida de agua de lluvia. Lo datos están basados whose weight for age is less than minus two standard deviations below pluie. Les données à ce sujet proviennent d'enquêtes et des en encuestas y estimaciones facilitadas por los gobiernos al Programa the average for the reference population. The data are from the Sub- estimations fournies par les pays au Programme commun conjunto de vigilancia de la OMS y el UNICEF. committee on Nutrition of the United Nations Administrative Committee OMS/UNICEF de surveillance. La malnutrición se refiere al porcentaje de niños menores de cinco on Co-ordination. La malnutrition renvoie au pourcentage d'enfants âgés de moins de años cuyo peso para la edad se encuentra más de dos desviaciones National poverty rate is the percentage of the population living below cinq ans dont le poids pour leur âge est inférieur de plus de deux écarts estándar por debajo del promedio para la población de referencia. Los the national poverty line. National estimates are based on population- types à celui de la moyenne de la population de référence. Les données datos provienen del Subcomité de Nutrición del Comité Administrativo weighted subgroup estimates from household surveys. utilisées sont celles du Sous-Comité de la nutrition du Comité de Coordinación de las Naciones Unidas. Contraceptive prevalence rates are obtained mainly from demographic administratif de coordination des Nations Unies. La tasa de pobreza nacional es el porcentaje de la población que and health surveys and contraceptive prevalence surveys. Le taux de pauvreté national est le pourcentage de la population vive por debajo del umbral de pobreza nacional. Las estimaciones The female net primary enrollment ratio compares the number of girls vivant en dessous du seuil de pauvreté national. Les chiffres estimatifs nacionales están basadas en estimaciones de subgrupos, ponderadas of official school age enrolled in primary school with the number of girls établis à l'échelon des pays reposent sur des estimations effectuées en función de la población, tomadas de encuestas de hogares. of official school age in the population. Enrollment data are from the United à partir d'enquêtes auprès de sous-groupes de ménages et pondérées Las tasas de uso de métodos anticonceptivos se obtienen sobre Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). par le nombre d'habitants. todo de encuestas demográficas y de salud y encuestas sobre el uso Female labor force estimates are from the International Labour Les chiffres relatifs aux taux de prévalence de la contraception de anticonceptivos. Organization. proviennent essentiellement d'enquêtes démographiques et La tasa neta de matrícula de mujeres en la escuela primaria es una sanitaires, et d'enquêtes sur la prévalence de la contraception. comparación entre el número de niñas en edad escolar oficial Le taux net de scolarisation primaire féminine met en rapport le matriculadas en la escuela primaria y el número total de niñas en edad nombre des filles d'âge scolaire qui sont inscrites à l'école primaire et escolar oficial. Los datos sobre la matrícula provienen de la le nombre total des filles d'âge scolaire au sein de la population. Les Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la données sur les effectifs scolarisés proviennent de l'Organisation des Cultura. Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture. Las estimaciones sobre las mujeres en la población activa Les estimations de la part des femmes dans la population active provienen de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo. émanent du Bureau international du travail. 3 0 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:02 PM Page 31 ENVIRONMENT (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:02 PM Page 32 Forest coverage, 2000 Couvert forestier, 2000 Cubierta forestal, 2000 The percentage of total land area that is covered by Superficie boisée en pourcentage de la superficie totale Porcentaje de la superficie continental del planeta que está forest. des terres. cubierta de bosques. FOREST AREA Distribution of world population among economies Forest coverage,2000,percentage of land area Forest coverage,2000,percentage of land area grouped by forest coverage 1% Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 27 7% $ billions millions capita 11% Less than 10% Europe & Central Asia 2000 2000 $ 6% 40 18% 10­14% 2000 Latin America & Caribbean 47 15­29% Less than 10% 43 1,169 684 1,710 Middle East & North Africa 2 30­59% 10­14% 17 2,670 373 7,170 South Asia 16 60% or more 15­29% 46 15,809 3,417 4,630 Sub-Saharan Africa 27 30­59% 5,106 1,100 4,640 56% 60 No data High income 26 60% or more 22 5,957 446 13,350 No data 603 37 16,500 0 10 20 30 40 50 19 32 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:02 PM Page 33 Deforestación anual, 1990­2000 Déboisement annuel, 1990­2000 Annual deforestation, 1990­2000 Variación porcentual anual media en la superficie cubierta Variation annuelle moyenne de la superficie boisée, en pour- The average annual percentage change in forest area. de bosques. Las cifras con signo negativo indican un centage. Un chiffre négatif indique une augmentation de Negative numbers indicate an increase in forest area. aumento de dicha superficie. la superficie boisée. FOREST LOSSES Annual deforestation,1990­2000, Annual deforestation,1990­2000,thousands of Distribution of world population among economies percentage change square kilometers grouped by annual deforestation 1% Economies GNI Population GNI per $ billions millions capita East Asia & Pacific 7.0 Less than ­0.4% 16% 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia ­8.1 2000 ­0.4­0.0% 29% Latin America & Caribbean 45.9 10% Less than ­0.4% 30 4,059 1,785 2,270 0.1­0.3% Middle East & North Africa ­0.2 ­0.4­0.0% 71 23,287 2,383 9,770 0.4­1.0% South Asia 4% 0.9 0.1­0.3% 18 961 221 4,350 More than 1.0% Sub-Saharan Africa 53.0 0.4­1.0% 31 1,360 632 2,150 No data More than 1.0% 39% 37 1,035 999 1,040 High income ­8.0 No data 20 612 37 16,470 ­10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2002 World Bank Atlas 33 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:03 PM Page 34 Freshwater resources per capita, 2000 Ressources d'eau douce par habitant, 2000 Recursos de agua dulce per cápita, 2000 A country's renewable water resources, including river flows, Total des ressources renouvelables, qui inclut le débit des El total de recursos hídricos renovables, que incluyen los divided by the population, in cubic meters. cours d'eau, divisé par la population, en mètres cubes. ríos, divididos por la población, en metros cúbicos. FRESHWATER Distribution of world population among economies Freshwater resources per capita,2000, Freshwater resources per capita,2000, grouped by freshwater resources per capita thousands of cubic meters cubic meters 1% Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 5.9 7% $ billions millions capita Less than 1,700 20% Europe & Central Asia 2000 2000 $ 13.4 1,700­2,999 2000 Latin America & Caribbean 32.9 3,000­4,999 Less than 1,700 29 1,820 420 4,330 12% Middle East & North Africa 1.4 5,000­9,999 1,700­2,999 30 7,161 3,171 2,260 52% South Asia 2.8 10,000 or more 3,000­4,999 20 6,775 522 12,990 9% Sub-Saharan Africa 8.4 5,000­9,999 21 10,901 700 15,570 No data High income 9.9 10,000 or more 63 3,878 1,193 3,250 No data 44 780 51 15,340 0 10 20 30 40 34 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:03 PM Page 35 Emisiones de dióxido de carbono per cápita, Émissions de dioxyde de carbone par habitant, Carbon dioxide emissions per capita, 1998 1998 1998 Emissions of CO from the burning of fossil fuels and the 2 Emisiones de CO producidas por los combustibles fósiles Émissions de CO produites par les combustibles utilisés manufacture of cement, divided by the population, 2 2 y la fabricación de cemento, divididas por la población, dans les procédés industriels et la fabrication de ciment, expressed in metric tons. expresadas en toneladas métricas. divisées par la population, exprimées en tonnes. GREENHOUSE GAS Carbon dioxide emissions per capita,1998, Carbon dioxide emissions per capita,1998, Distribution of world population among economies metric tons metric tons grouped by carbon dioxide emissions per capita Economies GNI Population GNI per 6% $ billions millions capita East Asia & Pacific 2.4 Less than 1.0 19% 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia 6.8 14% 2000 1.0­2.9 Latin America & Caribbean 2.6 Less than 1.0 63 401 1,139 350 3.0­6.9 Middle East & North Africa 3.9 12% 1.0­2.9 37 2,769 3,001 920 7.0­14.9 South Asia 0.9 3.0­6.9 40 4,647 710 6,550 15.0 or more Sub-Saharan Africa 0.8 7.0­14.9 33 12,585 834 15,100 No data 50% 15.0 or more 15 10,883 344 31,600 High income 12.6 No data 19 31 29 1,050 0 3 6 9 12 15 2002 World Bank Atlas 35 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:03 PM Page 36 Energy efficiency, 1999 Rendement énergétique, 1999 Eficiencia del uso de la energía, 1999 Gross domestic product divided by total energy con- Produit intérieur brut divisé par la consommation totale Producto interno bruto dividido por el consumo total de sumption in oil equivalent, expressed in international dol- d'énergie en équivalent pétrole, exprimé en dollars energía en el equivalente en petróleo, expresado en lars using purchasing power parity (PPP) rates. internationaux enprenant les taux de parité du pouvoir dólares internacionales utilizando las tasas de paridad del d'achat (PPA). poder adquisitiro (PPA). ENERGY EFFICIENCY Distribution of world population among economies GDP per kilogram of energy used,1999,PPP $ GDP per kilogram of energy used,1999,PPP $ grouped by GDP per kilogram of energy used Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 4.3 6% 7% $ billions millions capita Less than $2.00 6% 7% Europe & Central Asia 2000 2000 $ 2.4 $2.00­3.49 2000 Latin America & Caribbean 6.0 17% $3.50­4.99 Less than $2.00 13 438 417 1,050 Middle East & North Africa 3.8 $5.00­6.99 $2.00­3.49 23 1,204 414 2,910 South Asia 4.9 $7.00 or more $3.50­4.99 40 13,812 3,469 3,980 Sub-Saharan Africa 4.6 $5.00­6.99 28 13,090 1,020 12,840 57% No data High income 4.8 $7.00 or more 17 2,488 392 6,340 No data 86 284 345 820 0 2 4 6 36 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:03 PM Page 37 Consumo de energía per cápita, 1999 Consommation d'énergie par habitant, 1999 Energy use per capita, 1999 Consumo anual de energía comercial dividido por la Consommation annuelle d'énergie commerciale du pays Annual consumption of commercial energy divided by the población, expresado en kilogramos de equivalente en divisée par le nombre d'habitants, exprimée en kilo- population, expressed in kilograms of oil equivalent. petróleo. grammes d'équivalent pétrole. ENERGY USE Energy use per capita,1999,kilograms Energy use per capita,1999,kilograms Distribution of world population among economies of oil equivalent of oil equivalent grouped by energy use per capita Economies GNI Population GNI per $ billions millions capita East Asia & Pacific 920 4% Less than 500 6% 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia 2,628 2000 500­999 29% Latin America & Caribbean 1,171 15% Less than 500 24 750 1,785 420 1,000­2,499 Middle East & North Africa 1,279 500­999 30 1,767 2,014 880 2,500­4,999 South Asia 441 13% 1,000­2,499 29 2,621 785 3,340 5,000 or more Sub-Saharan Africa 671 2,500­4,999 33 14,373 883 16,280 No data 33% 5,000 or more 15 11,651 372 31,280 High income 5,448 No data 76 152 218 700 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 2002 World Bank Atlas 37 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:06 PM Page 38 Environmental statistics Land Freshwater Forest coverage Energy use Carbon Land Freshwater Forest coverage Energy use Carbon area resources dioxide area resources dioxide Average emissions Average emissions Total annual GDP per per capita Total annual GDP per per capita Available Annual area % of defores- Per kilogram Available Annual area % of defores- Per kilogram thousand per capita use thousand total tation capita oil equivalent metric thousand per capita use thousand total tation capita oil equivalent metric sq. km cubic metersa % of totala sq. km land area % kg PPP $c tons sq. km cubic metersa % of totala sq. km land area % kg PPP $c tons Economy 2000 2000 1980­99b 2000 2000 1990­2000 1999 1999 1998 Economy 2000 2000 1980­99b 2000 2000 1990­2000 1999 1999 1998 Afghanistan 652.1 2,448 40.2 14 2.1 0.0 .. .. 0.0 Dominican Republic 48.4 2,508 39.7 14 28.4 0.0 904 6.2 2.5 Albania 27.4 12,489 3.3 10 36.2 0.8 311 10.4 0.5 Ecuador 276.8 34,952 3.8 106 38.1 1.2 705 4.5 2.2 Algeria 2,381.7 470 31.5 21 0.9 -1.3 944 5.4 3.6 Egypt, Arab Rep. 995.5 1,071 80.4 1 0.1 -3.4 709 4.9 1.7 American Samoa 0.2 .. .. 0 60.0 0.0 .. .. 4.5 El Salvador 20.7 2,820 4.1 1 5.8 4.6 651 6.8 1.0 Andorra 0.5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea 28.1 65,646 0.0 18 62.5 0.6 .. .. 0.6 Angola 1,246.7 14,009 0.3 698 56.0 0.2 595 4.4 0.5 Eritrea 101.0 2,148 .. 16 15.7 0.3 .. .. .. Antigua and Barbuda 0.4 1,471 10.0 0 20.5 0.0 .. .. 5.0 Estonia 42.3 9,350 1.3 21 48.7 -0.6 3,286 2.6 12.1 Argentina 2,736.7 26,545 2.9 346 12.7 0.8 1,727 7.1 3.8 Ethiopia 1,000.0 1,711 2.0 46 4.6 0.8 290 2.2 0.0 Armenia 28.2 2,787 27.6 4 12.4 -1.3 485 4.9 0.9 Faeroe Islands 1.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Aruba 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20.0 Fiji 18.3 .. .. 8 44.6 0.2 .. .. 0.9 Australia 7,682.3 18,351 4.3 1,581 20.6 0.0 5,690 4.4 17.7 Finland 304.6 21,248 2.2 219 72.0 0.0 6,461 3.6 10.3 Austria 82.7 10,357 2.7 39 47.0 -0.2 3,513 7.2 7.9 France 550.1 3,243 21.3 153 27.9 -0.4 4,351 5.3 6.3 Azerbaijan 86.6 3,615 56.8 11 12.6 -1.3 1,575 1.6 4.9 French Polynesia 3.7 .. .. 1 28.7 0.0 .. .. 2.5 Bahamas, The 10.0 .. .. 8 84.1 0.0 .. .. 6.1 Gabon 257.7 133,333 0.0 218 84.7 0.0 1,342 4.5 2.4 Bahrain 0.7 .. .. .. .. .. 9,000 1.7 29.1 Gambia, The 10.0 6,140 0.4 5 48.1 -1.0 .. .. 0.2 Bangladesh 130.2 9,238 1.2 13 10.2 -1.3 139 10.8 0.2 Georgia 69.7 13,236 5.2 30 42.9 0.0 512 4.8 1.0 Barbados 0.4 375 80.0 0 4.7 0.0 .. .. 5.9 Germany 356.7 2,167 26.0 107 30.1 0.0 4,108 5.8 10.1 Belarus 207.5 5,797 4.7 94 45.3 -3.2 2,381 2.9 6.0 Ghana 227.5 2,756 0.6 63 27.8 1.7 377 5.0 0.2 Belgium 30.2 1,561 56.4 7 d 22.2 d 0.2d 5,735 4.5 9.9 Greece 128.9 6,534 10.2 36 27.9 -0.9 2,552 6.0 8.1 Belize 22.8 66,667 0.6 13 59.1 2.3 .. .. 1.8 Greenland 341.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9.4 Benin 110.6 4,114 0.6 27 24.0 2.3 323 2.9 0.1 Grenada 0.3 .. .. 0 14.7 0.0 .. .. 1.9 Bermuda 0.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Guam 0.6 .. .. 0 38.2 0.0 .. .. 27.6 Bhutan 47.0 118,012 0.0 30 64.2 0.0 .. .. 0.5 Guatemala 108.4 11,805 0.9 29 26.3 1.7 548 6.8 0.9 Bolivia 1,084.4 38,806 0.4 531 48.9 0.3 562 4.2 1.5 Guinea 245.7 30,479 0.3 69 28.2 0.5 .. .. 0.2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 51.0 9,429 .. 23 44.6 0.0 518 .. 1.2 Guinea-Bissau 28.1 22,519 0.1 22 77.8 0.9 .. .. 0.8 Botswana 566.7 9,176 0.7 124 21.9 0.9 .. .. 2.4 Guyana 196.9 316,689 0.6 169 85.7 0.3 .. .. 2.2 Brazil 8,456.5 42,944 0.7 5,325 63.0 0.4 1,068 6.7 1.8 Haiti 27.6 1,520 8.1 1 3.2 5.7 265 5.5 0.2 Brunei 5.3 25,148 1.1 4 83.9 0.2 4,341 2.6 17.1 Honduras 111.9 14,976 1.6 54 48.1 1.0 522 4.5 0.8 Bulgaria 110.6 2,228 76.4 37 33.4 -0.6 2,218 2.3 5.7 Hungary 92.3 11,974 5.2 18 19.9 -0.4 2,512 4.6 5.8 Burkina Faso 273.6 1,730 1.9 71 25.9 0.2 .. .. 0.1 Iceland 100.3 604,982 0.1 0 0.3 -2.2 11,434 2.4 7.6 Burundi 25.7 529 2.8 1 3.7 9.0 .. .. 0.0 India 2,973.2 1,878 26.2 641 21.6 -0.1 482 4.7 1.1 Cambodia 176.5 39,613 0.1 93 52.9 0.6 .. .. 0.1 Indonesia 1,811.6 13,487 2.6 1,050 58.0 1.2 658 4.4 1.1 Cameroon 465.4 18,016 0.1 239 51.3 0.9 419 3.8 0.1 Iran, Islamic Rep. 1,622.0 2,018 54.5 73 4.5 0.0 1,651 3.4 4.7 Canada 9,221.0 90,797 1.6 2,446 26.5 0.0 7,929 3.3 15.4 Iraq 437.4 4,776 38.5 8 1.8 0.0 1,263 .. 3.7 Cape Verde 4.0 680 10.0 1 21.1 -9.3 .. .. 0.3 Ireland 68.9 13,706 2.3 7 9.6 -3.0 3,726 7.0 10.3 Cayman Islands 0.3 .. .. 0 50.0 0.0 .. .. .. Isle of Man 0.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 623.0 37,934 0.0 229 36.8 0.1 .. .. 0.1 Israel 20.6 449 61.1 1 6.4 -4.9 3,029 6.1 10.1 Chad 1,259.2 5,589 0.4 127 10.1 0.6 .. .. 0.0 Italy 294.1 2,903 28.6 100 34.0 -0.3 2,932 7.7 7.2 Channel Islands 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Jamaica 10.8 3,570 9.6 3 30.0 1.5 1,597 2.2 4.3 Chile 748.8 61,007 2.2 155 20.7 0.1 1,688 5.2 4.1 Japan 364.5 3,389 21.3 241 66.1 0.0 4,070 6.3 9.0 China 9,327.4 2,241 18.6 1,635 17.5 -1.2 868 4.2 2.5 Jordan 88.9 143 140.0 1 1.0 0.0 1,028 3.8 3.0 Hong Kong, China .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,661 8.4 5.4 Kazakhstan 2,699.7 7,371 30.7 121 4.5 -2.2 2,374 2.1 8.2 Macao, China .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.8 Kenya 569.1 1,004 6.8 171 30.0 0.5 499 2.1 0.3 Colombia 1,038.7 50,426 0.4 496 47.8 0.4 676 9.3 1.7 Kiribati 0.7 .. .. 0 38.4 0.0 .. .. 0.3 Comoros 2.2 1,792 .. 0 3.6 4.0 .. .. 0.1 Korea, Dem. Rep. 120.4 3,462 18.4 82 68.2 0.0 2,658 .. 10.3 Congo, Dem. Rep. 2,267.1 24,496 0.0 1,352 59.6 0.4 293 2.6 0.1 Korea, Rep. 98.7 1,476 33.9 63 63.3 0.1 3,871 4.1 7.8 Congo, Rep. 341.5 275,646 0.0 221 64.6 0.1 245 2.8 0.6 Kuwait 17.8 .. .. 0 0.3 -5.2 8,984 1.8 26.3 Costa Rica 51.1 29,494 5.1 20 38.5 0.8 818 10.8 1.4 Kyrgyz Republic 191.8 9,461 21.7 10 5.2 -2.6 504 5.0 1.3 Côte d'Ivoire 318.0 4,790 0.9 71 22.4 3.1 388 4.3 0.9 Lao PDR 230.8 63,175 0.3 126 54.4 0.4 .. .. 0.1 Croatia 55.9 16,301 1.1 18 31.9 -0.1 1,864 4.1 4.5 Latvia 62.1 14,924 0.8 29 47.1 -0.4 1,586 4.1 3.2 Cuba 109.8 3,396 13.7 23 21.4 -1.3 1,117 .. 2.2 Lebanon 10.2 1,109 26.9 0 3.5 0.3 1,280 3.3 3.9 Cyprus 9.2 1,057 26.9 1 12.7 0.0 3,057 6.3 7.9 Lesotho 30.4 2,555 1.0 0 0.5 0.0 .. .. .. Czech Republic 77.3 1,557 15.8 26 34.1 0.0 3,754 3.5 11.5 Liberia 96.3 74,121 0.1 35 36.1 2.0 .. .. 0.1 Denmark 42.4 1,124 14.8 5 10.7 -0.2 3,773 6.9 10.1 Libya 1,759.5 151 486.3 4 0.2 -1.4 2,370 .. 7.2 Djibouti 23.2 3,639 0.4 0 0.3 0.0 .. .. 0.6 Liechtenstein 0.2 .. .. 0 43.8 -1.6 .. .. .. Dominica 0.8 .. .. 0 61.3 0.8 .. .. .. Lithuania 64.8 6,739 1.0 20 30.8 -0.2 2,138 3.1 4.2 3 8 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank JP ITALIC Chart pages only 5/28/02 9:14 AM Page 39 Land Freshwater Forest coverage Energy use Carbon Land Freshwater Forest coverage Energy use Carbon area resources dioxide area resources dioxide Average emissions Average emissions Total annual GDP per per capita Total annual GDP per per capita Available Annual area % of defores- Per kilogram Available Annual area % of defores- Per kilogram thousand per capita use thousand total tation capita oil equivalent metric thousand per capita use thousand total tation capita oil equivalent metric sq. km cubic metersa % of totala sq. km land area % kg PPP $c tons sq. km cubic metersa % of totala sq. km land area % kg PPP $c tons Economy 2000 2000 1980­99b 2000 2000 1990­2000 1999 1999 1998 Economy 2000 2000 1980­99b 2000 2000 1990­2000 1999 1999 1998 Luxembourg 2.6 3,650 3.8 .. .. .. 8,083 5.7 18.0 Solomon Islands 28.0 .. .. 25 90.6 0.2 .. .. 0.4 Macedonia, FYR 25.4 3,447 .. 9 35.6 0.0 .. .. 6.1 Somalia 627.3 1,789 5.2 75 12.0 1.0 .. .. .. Madagascar 581.5 21,710 5.8 117 20.2 0.9 .. .. 0.1 South Africa 1,221.0 1,168 26.6 89 7.3 0.1 2,597 3.5 8.3 Malawi 94.1 1,804 5.1 26 27.6 2.4 .. .. 0.1 Spain 499.4 2,840 31.7 144 28.8 -0.6 3,005 6.1 6.3 Malaysia 328.6 24,925 2.2 193 58.7 1.2 1,878 4.3 5.4 Sri Lanka 64.6 2,583 19.5 19 30.0 1.6 406 8.1 0.4 Maldives 0.3 .. .. 0 3.3 0.0 .. .. 1.3 St. Kitts and Nevis 0.4 .. .. 0 11.1 0.0 .. .. 2.5 Mali 1,220.2 9,225 1.4 132 10.8 0.7 .. .. 0.0 St. Lucia 0.6 .. .. 0 14.8 4.3 .. .. 1.3 Malta 0.3 256 30.0 .. .. .. 2,544 6.0 4.7 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 0.4 .. .. 0 15.4 1.5 .. .. 1.4 Marshall Islands 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sudan 2,376.0 4,953 11.6 616 25.9 1.4 503 3.2 0.1 Mauritania 1,025.2 4,278 14.3 3 0.3 2.7 .. .. 1.2 Suriname 156.0 479,616 0.2 141 90.5 0.0 .. .. 5.2 Mauritius 2.0 1,855 16.4 0 7.9 0.6 .. .. 1.5 Swaziland 17.2 4,306 14.7 5 30.3 -1.2 .. .. 0.4 Mayotte 0.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sweden 411.6 21,445 1.4 271 65.9 0.0 5,769 4.0 5.5 Mexico 1,908.7 4,675 17.0 552 28.9 1.1 1,543 5.4 3.9 Switzerland 39.6 7,382 4.9 12 30.3 -0.4 3,738 7.3 5.9 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 0.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Syrian Arab Republic 183.8 2,761 32.2 5 2.5 0.0 1,143 3.0 3.3 Moldova 32.9 2,732 25.3 3 9.9 -0.2 656 3.2 2.2 Tajikistan 140.6 12,901 14.9 4 2.8 -0.5 543 1.9 0.8 Monaco 0.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzania 883.6 2,641 1.3 388 43.9 0.2 457 1.1 0.1 Mongolia 1,566.5 14,512 1.2 106 6.8 0.5 .. .. 3.3 Thailand 510.9 6,750 8.1 148 28.9 0.7 1,169 5.2 3.2 Morocco 446.3 1,045 36.8 30 6.8 0.0 352 10.0 1.2 Togo 54.4 2,651 0.8 5 9.4 3.4 313 4.7 0.2 Mozambique 784.1 11,927 0.3 306 39.0 0.2 404 2.1 0.1 Tonga 0.7 .. .. 0 5.6 0.0 .. .. 1.2 Myanmar 657.6 21,898 0.4 344 52.3 1.4 273 .. 0.2 Trinidad and Tobago 5.1 .. .. 3 50.5 0.8 6,205 1.3 17.4 Namibia 823.3 25,896 0.5 80 9.8 0.9 645 9.6 0.0 Tunisia 155.4 408 68.7 5 3.3 -0.2 811 7.4 2.4 Nepal 143.0 9,122 13.8 39 27.3 1.8 358 3.5 0.1 Turkey 769.6 3,118 17.4 102 13.3 -0.2 1,093 5.9 3.2 Netherlands 33.9 5,716 8.6 4 11.1 -0.3 4,686 5.2 10.4 Turkmenistan 469.9 11,714 39.0 38 8.0 0.0 2,677 1.2 5.7 Netherlands Antilles 0.8 .. .. .. .. .. 4,373 .. 36.7 Uganda 197.1 2,972 0.3 42 21.3 2.0 .. .. 0.1 New Caledonia 18.3 .. .. 4 20.4 0.0 .. .. 8.5 Ukraine 579.4 2,820 18.6 96 16.5 -0.3 2,973 1.2 7.0 New Zealand 268.0 85,361 0.6 79 29.7 -0.5 4,770 4.0 7.9 United Arab Emirates 83.6 69 1,055.0 3 3.8 -2.8 9,977 1.8 32.4 Nicaragua 121.4 37,507 0.7 33 27.0 3.0 539 4.2 0.7 United Kingdom 240.9 2,461 6.4 26 10.7 -0.8 3,871 5.8 9.2 Niger 1,266.7 3,000 1.5 13 1.0 3.7 .. .. 0.1 United States 9,159.0 8,801 18.9 2,260 24.7 -0.2 8,159 3.9 19.8 Nigeria 910.8 2,206 1.3 135 14.8 2.6 705 1.2 0.6 Uruguay 175.0 39,856 3.2 13 7.4 -5.0 976 9.2 1.8 Northern Mariana Islands 0.5 .. .. 0 29.4 0.0 .. .. .. Uzbekistan 414.2 4,622 50.7 20 4.8 -0.2 2,024 1.1 4.5 Norway 306.8 87,508 0.5 89 28.9 -0.4 5,965 4.8 7.6 Vanuatu 12.2 .. .. 4 36.7 -0.1 .. .. 0.3 Oman 212.5 418 122.0 0 0.0 0.0 3,607 .. 8.8 Venezuela, RB 882.1 35,002 0.5 495 56.1 0.4 2,253 2.5 6.7 Pakistan 770.9 1,847 61.0 25 3.2 1.1 444 4.2 0.7 Vietnam 325.5 11,350 6.1 98 30.2 -0.5 454 4.1 0.6 Palau 0.5 .. .. 0 76.1 0.0 .. .. .. Virgin Islands (U.S.) 0.3 .. .. 0 41.2 0.0 .. .. 99.0 Panama 74.4 51,611 1.1 29 38.6 1.6 835 7.1 2.1 West Bank and Gaza .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Papua New Guinea 452.9 156,140 0.0 306 67.6 0.4 .. .. 0.5 Yemen, Rep. 528.0 234 71.5 4 0.9 1.8 184 4.4 0.9 Paraguay 397.3 17,103 0.5 234 58.8 0.5 773 5.8 0.9 Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. 102.1 17,674 .. 29 28.3 0.0 1,258 .. .. Peru 1,280.0 73,653 1.0 652 50.9 0.4 519 8.9 1.1 Zambia 743.4 11,498 1.5 312 42.0 2.4 626 1.2 0.2 Philippines 298.2 6,338 11.6 58 19.4 1.4 549 6.9 1.0 Zimbabwe 386.9 1,117 8.7 190 49.2 1.5 821 3.5 1.2 Poland 304.4 1,630 19.2 93 30.6 -0.1 2,416 3.5 8.3 Portugal 91.5 7,194 10.1 37 40.1 -1.7 2,365 6.9 5.5 Puerto Rico 8.9 .. .. 2 25.8 0.2 .. .. 4.6 Qatar 11.0 171 290.0 0 0.1 .. 28,262 .. 85.7 Romania 230.3 9,762 9.0 64 28.0 -0.2 1,622 3.8 4.1 Russian Federation 16,888.5 30,904 1.7 8,514 50.4 0.0 4,121 1.9 9.8 Rwanda 24.7 740 12.2 3 12.4 3.9 .. .. 0.1 Samoa 2.8 .. .. 1 37.1 2.1 .. .. 0.8 San Marino 0.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. São Tomé and Principe 1.0 14,865 .. 0 28.1 0.0 .. .. 0.5 Saudi Arabia 2,149.7 116 708.3 15 0.7 0.0 4,204 2.5 14.4 Senegal 192.5 4,134 3.5 62 32.2 0.7 318 4.5 0.4 .. Not available. Seychelles 0.5 .. .. 0 66.7 0.0 .. .. 2.5 Note: Figures in italics are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0.0 means zero or less than half the unit Sierra Leone 71.6 31,803 0.2 11 14.7 2.9 .. .. 0.1 shown and not known more precisely. Singapore 0.6 .. .. 0 3.3 0.0 5,742 3.6 21.0 a. River flows from other countries are included when available, but river outflows are not because of data unreliability. Slovak Republic 48.1 15,365 1.7 20 42.5 -0.3 3,335 3.2 7.1 b. Data refer to any year from 1980 to 1999 unless otherwise noted. c. PPP is purchasing power parity; see the technical Slovenia 20.1 9,306 2.7 11 55.0 -0.2 3,277 4.9 7.4 notes to the Economy section. d. Includes Luxembourg. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 3 9 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:06 PM Page 40 Technical notes Environment Environnement Medio Ambiente Land area is the country's total area, excluding the area under inland bod- La superficie des terres correspond à la superficie totale d'un pays La superficie terrestre es la superficie total de un país, excluida la ies of water. The data on land area and forests are from the Food and moins la superficie des eaux intérieures. Les données sur la superficie parte del mismo cubierta por masas de agua continentales. Los datos Agriculture Organization. Definitions of forest area vary among countries. des terres et les forêts proviennent de l'Organisation des Nations sobre la superficie terrestre y los bosques provienen de la The data on water are based on estimates from the World Resources Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture. La définition des zones Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Institute and cover domestic, industrial, and agricultural use. Available boisées varie selon les pays. Alimentación. Las definiciones de lo que constituye una zona forestal freshwater resources refer to internal renewable resources and river flows Les données relatives à l'eau reposent sur des estimations de varían de un país a otro. from other countries. Water use includes nonrenewable water resources l'Institut des ressources mondiales et couvrent les usages Los datos sobre el agua se basan en estimaciones del Instituto de from aquifers and desalination plants and therefore can exceed total inter- domestiques, industriels et agricoles. Les ressources d'eau douce Recursos Mundiales y se refieren al uso residencial, industrial y nal renewable resources. disponibles correspondent au total des ressources intérieures agrícola de este elemento. Los recursos de agua dulce disponibles se The energy data are from the International Energy Agency and refer renouvelables, et les cours d'eau en provenance d'autres pays. Le refieren a los recursos internos renovables, e los ríos que nacen en to commercial forms of energy. They include energy from combustible volume total d'eau consommée comprend les ressources non otros países. El uso del agua incluye el agua no renovable de los renewables and waste. Gross domestic product per kilogram of oil equiv- renouvelables provenant des nappes aquifères et des usines de acuíferos y la proveniente de las plantas de desalinización del agua de alent is an indicator of energy efficiency. GDP is converted to international dessalement et peut donc dépasser le total des ressources intérieures mar y, por lo tanto, las cifras pueden ser mayores que las del total de dollars using purchasing power parity (PPP) rates to produce compara- renouvelables. recursos renovables internos. ble and consistent estimates of GDP across countries. Les données sur l'énergie proviennent de l'Agence internationale de Los datos sobre la energía provienen del Organismo Internacional Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fos- l'énergie et concernent les formes commerciales d'énergie. Elles de Energía y se refieren a las formas de ésta que están disponibles en sil fuels and the manufacture of cement. Data on emissions are from the comprennent les énergie tirées des mutiéres renamelables el mercado. Incluyen la energía producida por medio de combustibles Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. combustibles et des déchets. Dans cette édition, on a converti les renovables y desechos. En la edición del presente año se adopta el PIB chiffres du PIB en dollars internationaux en prenant la parité du pouvoir convertido a dólares internacionales utilizando las tasas de paridad del d'achat (PPA) comme facteur de conversion pour obtenir des poder adquisitivo (PPA) para obtener estimaciones comparables y estimations cohérentes permettant de comparer les differents pays. coherentes del PIB en los distintos países. Les émissions de dioxyde de carbone prises en compte sont celles Las emisiones de dióxido de carbono comprenden las procedentes produites par les combustibles fossiles et la fabrication de ciment. Les de la quema de combustibles fósiles y la fabricación de cemento. Los données sur ces émissions proviennent du Centre d'analyse des datos sobre las emisiones provienen del Carbon Dioxide Information informations sur le gaz carbonique. Analysis Center. 4 0 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:06 PM Page 41 ECONOMY (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:06 PM Page 42 GNI per capita, 2000 Revenu national brut par habitant, 2000 Ingreso nacional bruto per cápita, 2000 Gross national income (formerly referred to as GNP)--the Revenu national brut (RNB, précédemment appelé PNB) Ingreso nacional bruto (INB - anteriormente, PNB) --suma sum of gross value added by resident producers (plus taxes -- somme de la valeur ajoutée brute par les producteurs del valor bruto agregado por todos los productores resi- less subsidies) and net primary income from nonresi- résidents (majorée des taxes, minorée des subventions) dentes (más los impuestos menos las subvenciones) dent sources--divided by midyear population. et des montants nets de revenu primaire versés par des más las entradas netas de ingreso primario de no resi- non-résidents -- divisé par la population en milieu d'année. dentes-- dividido por la población de mediados de año. INCOME PER PERSON Distribution of world population among economies GNI per capita,2000,$ GNI per capita,2000,$ grouped by GNI per capita Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 1,060 $ billions millions capita 15% Low ($755 or less) Europe & Central Asia 2000 2000 $ 2,010 Lower middle 2000 41% Latin America & Caribbean 3,670 11% ($756­2,995) Low ($755 or less) 63 997 2,460 410 Upper middle Middle East & North Africa 2,090 Lower middle ($2,996­9,265) ($756­2,995) 54 2,324 2,048 1,130 South Asia 440 Upper middle High ($9,266 or more) ($2,996­9,265) 38 3,001 647 4,640 Sub-Saharan Africa 470 34% High High income 27,680 ($9,266 or more) 52 24,994 903 27,680 World 207 31,315 6,057 5,170 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 42 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:06 PM Page 43 Tasa de crecimiento del PIB per cápita, Taux de croissance du PIB par habitant, GDP per capita growth, 1990­2000 1990­2000 1990­2000 The average annual percentage change in a country's Variación porcentual anual media del PIB per cápita real Variation annuelle moyenne, en pourcentage, du PIB real GDP per capita. To exclude the effects of inflation, de un país. A fin de excluir los efectos de la inflación, se réel par habitant, calculée à partir du PIB en prix con- constant price GDP is used in calculating the growth rate. utiliza el PIB medido en precios constantes para calcular stants afin de faire abstraction des effets de l'inflation. la tasa de crecimiento. INCOME GROWTH GDP per capita annual growth rate, Index of GDP per capita, 1980­2000, Distribution of world population among economies 1990­2000, percent 1980 = 100 grouped by GDP per capita annual growth rate 2% Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia 350 $ billions millions capita & Pacific Less than 0% 12% 3% 2000 2000 $ Latin America 2000 0.0­0.9% 250 & Caribbean Less than 0% 53 943 752 1,250 1.0­1.9% Middle East 48% 19% 0.0­0.9% 17 496 166 2,980 & North Africa 150 2.0­2.9% 1.0­1.9% 41 12,578 1,122 11,210 3.0% or more South Asia 2.0­2.9% 31 13,550 975 13,890 50 No data 16% 3.0% or more 36 3,618 2,933 1,230 Sub-Saharan 0 No data Africa 29 129 108 1,190 1980 1990 2000 2002 World Bank Atlas 43 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:07 PM Page 44 Agriculture share in GDP, 2000 Part de l'agriculture dans le PIB, 2000 Proporción de la agricultura en el PIB, 2000 The value added in a country's agricultural sector as a per- Valeur ajoutée du secteur agricole en pourcentage du Valor agregado en el sector agrícola de un país como por- centage of gross domestic product. produit intérieur brut. centaje del producto interno bruto. AGRICULTURE Distribution of world population among economies Agriculture share in GDP,2000,percent Agriculture share in GDP,2000,percent grouped by agriculture share in GDP 2% Economies GNI Population GNI per World 5 $ billions millions capita 10% 20% Less than 6% 2000 2000 $ 6­9% Low-income economies 2000 24 10­19% 25% 8% Less than 6% 48 26,350 1,194 22,060 Middle-income economies 9 20­29% 6­9% 25 1,469 485 3,030 Low- & middle-income 30% or more 12 10­19% 41 2,308 2,121 1,090 economies 20­29% 25 708 1,535 460 No data 35% High-income economies 2 30% or more 35 154 603 250 No data 33 326 119 2,740 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 44 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:07 PM Page 45 Proporción de la formación bruta de capital en Part de la formation brute de capital dans le Gross capital formation as a share of GDP, el PIB, 2000 PIB, 2000 2000 Desembolsos en concepto de adiciones a los activos Dépenses consacrées à l'accroissement du capital fixe Outlays on additions to the fixed assets of an economy fijos de la economía, más los cambios netos en el nivel de l'économie, plus variations nettes du niveau des plus net changes in the level of inventories, as a percentage de los inventarios, como porcentaje del producto interno stocks, en pourcentage du produit intérieur brut. of gross domestic product. bruto. INVESTMENT Gross capital formation as a share of GDP,2000, Gross capital formation as a share of GDP in selected Distribution of world population among economies percent developing economies,2000,percent grouped by gross capital formation as a share of GDP 2% Economies GNI Population GNI per 7% $ billions millions capita Argentina 16 Less than 15% 2000 2000 $ Brazil 21 22% 2000 18% 15­19% China 37 Less than 15% 25 277 409 680 20­24% India 24 15­19% 43 3,239 1,071 3,020 25­29% 7% Korea, Rep. 29 20­24% 55 20,083 2,687 7,470 30% or more Mexico 23 25­29% 26 6,246 447 13,970 No data 30% or more 24 1,328 1,346 990 Russian Federation 17 44% No data 34 142 97 1,470 0 10 20 30 40 2002 World Bank Atlas 45 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank JP ITALIC Chart pages only 5/28/02 9:14 AM Page 46 Economic statistics GNI GNI per capita GDP Agriculture Gross Average Current Total GNI GNI per capita GDP Agriculture Gross Average Current Total per capital annual account external per capital annual account external capita formation inflation balance debt capita formation inflation balance debt Average rate Average rate annual annual real growth % of % of % of $ real growth % of % of % of $ $ millions $ PPP $b % GDP GDP % GDP millions $ millions $ PPP $b % GDP GDP % GDP millions Economy 2000a 2000a 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 Economy 2000a 2000a 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 Afghanistan .. .. c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dominican Republic 17,847 2,130 5,710 4.2 11 24 9.4 -5.2 4,598 Albania 3,833 1,120 3,600 2.7 51 19 39.2 -4.2 784 Ecuador 15,256 1,210 2,910 -0.3 10 17 37.1 6.8 13,281 Algeria 47,897 1,580 5,040d -0.1 9 24 18.1 .. 25,002 Egypt, Arab Rep. 95,380 1,490 3,670 2.5 17 24 8.2 -1.2 28,957 American Samoa .. .. e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. El Salvador 12,569 2,000 4,410 2.6 10 17 7.4 -3.2 4,023 Andorra .. .. f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Equatorial Guinea 363 800 5,600 18.9 7 38 14.9 .. 248 Angola 3,847 290 1,180d -1.8 6 28 740.6 0.0 10,146 Eritrea 696 170 960 1.1 17 38 9.4 -34.2 311 Antigua and Barbuda 642 9,440 g 10,000 2.8 4 30 2.5 -11.5 .. Estonia 4,894 3,580 9,340 1.0 6 26 53.1 -6.3 3,280 Argentina 276,228 7,460 12,050 3.0 5 16 5.2 -3.1 146,172 Ethiopia 6,737 100 660 2.4 52 14 7.0 -5.2 5,481 Armenia 1,991 520 2,580 -2.5 25 19 212.5 -14.6 898 Faeroe Islands .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Aruba .. .. f .. .. .. .. .. -1.1 .. Fiji 1,480 1,820 4,480 0.7 18 13 3.3 1.1 136 Australia 388,252 20,240 24,970 2.9 3 24 1.5 -3.9 .. Finland 130,106 25,130 24,570 2.4 4 20 1.9 7.3 .. Austria 204,525 25,220 26,330 1.7 2 24 2.0 -2.8 .. Francek 1,438,293 24,090 24,420 1.3 3 21 1.5 1.6 .. Azerbaijan 4,851 600 2,740 -7.3 19 26 199.1 -2.8 1,184 French Polynesia 4,064 17,290 23,340 0.1 5 .. 1.2 .. .. Bahamas, The 4,533 14,960 16,400 0.1 .. .. 2.7 -9.1 .. Gabon 3,928 3,190 5,360 0.1 6 26 6.2 7.8 3,995 Bahrain .. .. e .. 1.7 § 17 -0.1 1.4 .. Gambia, The 440 340 1,620d -0.3 38 17 4.1 -11.5 471 Bangladesh 47,864 370 1,590 3.0 25 23 4.0 0.0 15,609 Georgia 3,183 630 2,680 -12.4 32 15 387.5 -5.3 1,633 Barbados 2,469 9,250 h 15,020 1.7 6 18 3.1 -5.6 .. Germany 2,063,734 25,120 24,920 1.2 1 23 2.0 -1.0 .. Belarus 28,735 2,870 7,550 -1.4 15 23 355.1 -0.5 851 Ghana 6,594 340 1,910d 1.8 35 24 26.7 -7.9 6,657 Belgium 251,583 24,540 27,470 1.8 2 22 1.9 5.2 .. Greece 126,269 11,960 16,860 1.8 8 22 9.2 -8.7 .. Belize 746 3,110 i 5,240 1.6 21 32 2.7 -16.0 499 Greenland .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Benin 2,345 370 980 1.8 38 20 8.3 -7.7 1,599 Grenada 370 3,770 6,960 2.9 8 39 2.5 -19.3 207 Bermuda .. .. f .. .. .. .. 3.5 .. .. Guam .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Bhutan 479 590 1,440 3.4 33 49 9.5 -26.0 198 Guatemala 19,164 1,680 3,770 1.4 23 17 10.3 -5.5 4,622 Bolivia 8,206 990 2,360 1.6 22 18 8.5 -5.6 5,762 Guinea 3,303 450 1,930 1.7 24 22 5.1 -5.5 3,388 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,899 1,230 .. .. 12 20 2.3 .. 2,828 Guinea-Bissau 217 180 710 -1.1 59 18 32.5 .. 942 Botswana 5,280 3,300 7,170 2.3 4 20 9.7 10.2 413 Guyana 652 860 3,670 5.0 35 22 13.1 .. 1,455 Brazil 610,058 3,580 7,300 1.5 7 21 207.7 -4.1 237,953 Haiti 4,059 510 1,470d -2.7 28 11 20.3 -1.0 1,169 Brunei .. .. f .. -0.7 3 .. 1.1 .. .. Honduras 5,517 860 2,400 0.4 18 35 18.8 -3.4 5,487 Bulgaria 12,391 1,520 5,560 -1.5 15 17 102.8 -5.8 10,026 Hungary 47,249 4,710 11,990 1.9 6 31 19.3 -3.3 29,415 Burkina Faso 2,422 210 970d 2.4 35 28 3.8 -3.0 1,332 Iceland 8,540 30,390 28,710 1.8 § 23 3.2 -10.0 .. Burundi 732 110 580d -4.7 51 9 12.3 -7.1 1,100 India 454,800 450 2,340 4.1 25 24 8.0 -0.6 99,062 Cambodia 3,150 260 1,440 2.0 37 15 24.6 -0.6 2,357 Indonesia 119,871 570 2,830 2.5 17 18 15.5 5.2 141,803 Cameroon 8,644 580 1,590 -0.8 44 16 5.1 -1.7 9,241 Iran, Islamic Rep. 106,707 1,680 5,910 1.9 19 20 26.2 12.1 7,953 Canada 649,829 21,130 27,170 1.9 § 20 1.4 2.6 .. Iraq .. ..j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Cape Verde 588 1,330 4,760d 3.3 12 19 4.9 -11.6 327 Ireland 85,979 22,660 25,520 6.5 4 23 3.5 -0.6 .. Cayman Islands .. .. f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Isle of Man .. ..e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 1,031 280 1,160d -0.5 55 11 4.6 0.0 872 Israel 104,128 16,710 19,330 2.2 .. 19 10.0 -1.3 .. Chad 1,541 200 870d -0.8 39 17 7.1 -11.2 1,116 Italy 1,163,211 20,160 23,470 1.4 3 20 3.8 -0.5 .. Channel Islands .. .. f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Jamaica 6,883 2,610 3,440 -0.4 6 27 24.1 -3.7 4,287 Chile 69,850 4,590 9,100 5.2 11 23 7.3 -1.4 36,978 Japan 4,519,067 35,620 27,080 1.1 1 26 0.1 2.4 .. China 1,062,919 840 3,920 9.2 16 37 7.1 1.9 149,800 Jordan 8,360 1,710 3,950 1.0 2 20 3.2 0.7 8,226 Hong Kong, China 176,157 25,920 25,590 1.9 0 28 4.1 5.4 .. Kazakhstan 18,773 1,260 5,490 -3.1 9 14 204.7 5.9 6,664 Macao, China 6,385 14,580 18,190 0.4 .. 12 3.8 .. .. Kenya 10,610 350 1,010 -0.5 20 13 13.9 -2.3 6,295 Colombia 85,279 2,020 6,060 1.1 14 12 21.1 0.4 34,081 Kiribati 86 950 .. 0.5 21 .. 3.8 .. .. Comoros 212 380 1,590d -2.4 41 10 4.9 .. 232 Korea, Dem. Rep. .. .. c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Congo, Dem. Rep. .. .. c .. -8.2 § § 1,423.1 -10.4 11,645 Korea, Rep. 421,069 8,910 17,300 4.7 5 29 5.0 2.5 134,417 Congo, Rep. 1,735 570 570 -3.4 5 24 10.6 .. 4,887 Kuwait 35,771 18,030 18,690 -1.4 § 11 3.0 39.3 .. Costa Rica 14,510 3,810 7,980 3.0 9 17 17.2 -4.1 4,466 Kyrgyz Republic 1,345 270 2,540 -5.1 39 16 110.2 -5.9 1,829 Côte d'Ivoire 9,591 600 1,500 0.4 29 12 7.5 -0.1 12,138 Lao PDR 1,519 290 1,540d 3.9 53 20 27.0 6.2 2,499 Croatia 20,240 4,620 7,960 1.8 9 22 86.2 -2.1 12,120 Latvia 6,925 2,920 7,070 -2.3 4 27 49.2 -6.9 3,379 Cuba .. .. j .. 3.7 7 10 1.1 .. .. Lebanon 17,355 4,010 4,550 4.2 12 18 17.4 -18.6 10,311 Cyprus 9,361 12,370 20,780d 3.1 § 19 3.5 -5.2 .. Lesotho 1,181 580 2,590d 2.1 17 40 9.9 -16.8 716 Czech Republic 53,925 5,250 13,780 1.0 4 30 11.5 -4.4 21,299 Liberia .. ..c .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,032 Denmark 172,238 32,280 27,250 2.1 3 22 2.2 1.5 .. Libya .. ..e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Djibouti 553 880 .. -3.9 4 13 3.7 .. 262 Liechtenstein .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Dominica .. .. e .. .. 17 29 3.0 -25.5 108 Lithuania 10,809 2,930 6,980 -2.9 8 21 75.2 -6.0 4,855 4 6 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank JP ITALIC Chart pages only 5/28/02 9:14 AM Page 47 GNI GNI per capita GDP Agriculture Gross Average Current Total GNI GNI per capita GDP Agriculture Gross Average Current Total per capital annual account external per capital annual account external capita formation inflation balance debt capita formation inflation balance debt Average rate Average rate annual annual real growth % of % of % of $ real growth % of % of % of $ $ millions $ PPP $b % GDP GDP % GDP millions $ millions $ PPP $b % GDP GDP % GDP millions Economy 2000a 2000a 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 Economy 2000a 2000a 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 1990­2000 2000 2000 Luxembourg 18,439 42,060 45,470 4.1 1 21 2.2 8.2 .. Solomon Islands 278 620 1,710d -1.0 .. .. 8.5 6.7 155 Macedonia, FYR 3,696 1,820 5,020 -1.5 12 17 79.3 -3.0 1,465 Somalia .. ..c .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,562 Madagascar 3,869 250 820 -0.9 35 16 19.1 -6.7 4,701 South Africa 129,171 3,020 9,160d 0.0 3 15 9.6 -0.4 24,861 Malawi 1,744 170 600 1.8 42 13 33.5 -30.8 2,716 Spain 595,255 15,080 19,260 2.3 4 26 3.9 -3.1 .. Malaysia 78,727 3,380 8,330 4.4 11 26 3.9 15.9 41,797 Sri Lanka 16,408 850 3,460 3.9 20 28 9.1 -6.4 9,066 Maldives 541 1,960 4,240 5.4 12 26 5.8 -9.5 207 St. Kitts and Nevis 269 6,570 10,960 4.7 4 45 3.0 -19.8 140 Mali 2,548 240 780 1.3 46 23 7.1 .. 2,956 St. Lucia 642 4,120 5,400 0.9 8 25 2.9 -11.7 237 Malta 3,559 9,120 h 16,530 4.0 .. 28 2.8 -14.6 .. St. Vincent and the Grenadines 313 2,720 5,210 2.6 10 28 2.0 -7.9 192 Marshall Islands .. ..j .. .. 13 .. 5.6 .. .. Sudan 9,599 310 1,520 5.6 37 14 60.8 -8.5 15,741 Mauritania 978 370 1,630 1.2 22 30 5.9 9.6 2,500 Suriname 788 1,890 3,480d 3.0 10 11 87.5 3.8 .. Mauritius 4,449 3,750 9,940 4.0 6 26 5.9 -0.8 2,374 Swaziland 1,451 1,390 4,600 0.2 17 20 12.6 -2.7 262 Mayotte .. ..e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sweden 240,707 27,140 23,970 1.6 2 18 2.1 2.9 .. Mexico 497,025 5,070 8,790 1.4 4 23 18.9 -3.2 150,288 Switzerland 273,829 38,140 30,450 0.2 § 20 1.3 13.6 .. Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 250 2,110 .. -0.9 .. .. 2.6 .. .. Syrian Arab Republic 15,146 940 3,340 2.8 24 21 6.7 6.3 21,657 Moldova 1,428 400 2,230 -9.5 28 22 120.2 -9.4 1,233 Tajikistan 1,109 180 1,090 -11.8 19 20 235.2 -6.2 1,170 Monaco .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Tanzanial 9,013 270 520 0.1 45 18 21.5 -3.3 7,445 Mongolia 947 390 1,760 -0.3 33 30 58.4 -5.7 859 Thailand 121,602 2,000 6,320 3.3 10 23 4.2 7.7 79,675 Morocco 33,940 1,180 3,450 0.6 14 24 2.8 -1.4 17,944 Togo 1,318 290 1,410 -0.4 38 21 7.1 -8.9 1,435 Mozambique 3,746 210 800d 3.9 24 34 32.6 -20.3 7,135 Tonga 166 1,660 .. 2.3 29 .. 1.7 -12.9 58 Myanmar .. ..c .. 4.8 60 13 26.4 .. 6,046 Trinidad and Tobago 6,415 4,930 8,220 2.3 2 19 5.5 -10.5 2,467 Namibia 3,569 2,030 6,410d 1.8 11 24 9.5 5.9 .. Tunisia 20,057 2,100 6,070 3.0 12 27 4.5 -4.2 10,610 Nepal 5,584 240 1,370 2.4 40 24 8.2 -5.3 2,823 Turkey 202,131 3,100 7,030 2.1 16 24 76.3 -4.9 116,209 Netherlands 397,544 24,970 25,850 2.2 3 22 1.9 3.8 .. Turkmenistan 3,886 750 i 3,800 -8.0 27 40 407.5 9.4 2,259 Netherlands Antilles .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Uganda 6,699 300 1,210d 3.8 42 18 12.4 -13.9 3,409 New Caledonia 3,203 15,060 21,820 -0.9 § .. 1.7 .. .. Ukraine 34,565 700 3,700 -8.8 14 19 271.3 4.7 12,166 New Zealand 49,750 12,990 18,530 1.8 § 21 1.5 -5.5 .. United Arab Emirates .. ..f .. -1.6 .. § 2.3 .. .. Nicaragua 2,053 400 2,080d 0.6 32 34 33.5 -20.6 7,019 United Kingdom 1,459,500 24,430 23,550 2.2 1 18 2.9 -2.0 .. Niger 1,939 180 740d -1.0 39 11 6.0 -9.2 1,638 United States 9,601,505 34,100 34,100 2.2 § 21 2.1 -4.5 .. Nigeria 32,705 260 800 -0.4 30 23 28.9 17.0 34,134 Uruguay 20,010 6,000 8,880 2.6 6 14 31.1 -3.0 8,196 Northern Mariana Islands .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Uzbekistan 8,843 360 2,360 -2.4 35 11 246.6 2.4 4,340 Norway 155,064 34,530 29,630 3.1 2 22 2.8 14.2 .. Vanuatu 226 1,150 2,960d -0.9 20 § 2.1 -1.4 69 Oman .. ..e .. .. .. § .. -20.0 6,267 Venezuela, RB 104,065 4,310 5,740 -0.6 5 18 45.5 10.9 38,196 Pakistan 61,022 440 1,860 1.2 26 16 10.2 -3.6 32,091 Vietnam 30,439 390 2,000 6.0 24 27 15.4 1.6 12,787 Palau .. ..e .. .. 5 .. 4.0 .. .. Virgin Islands (U.S.) .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Panama 9,308 3,260 5,680 2.3 7 30 1.9 -9.4 7,056 West Bank and Gaza 4,892 1,660 .. -1.5 8 33 8.9 .. .. Papua New Guinea 3,607 700 i 2,180d 1.4 26 18 7.9 -0.2 2,604 Yemen, Rep. 6,554 370 770 2.3 15 19 21.9 24.2 5,616 Paraguay 7,933 1,440 4,450d -0.4 21 22 12.5 -4.0 3,091 Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. 10,028 940 .. .. .. 14 .. .. 11,960 Peru 53,392 2,080 4,660 2.9 8 20 26.8 -3.0 28,560 Zambia 3,026 300 750 -2.1 27 18 51.4 .. 5,730 Philippines 78,778 1,040 4,220 1.1 16 18 8.4 12.2 50,063 Zimbabwe 5,851 460 2,550 0.4 18 13 25.5 .. 4,002 Poland 161,832 4,190 9,000 4.5 4 27 23.4 -6.3 63,561 Portugal 111,291 11,120 16,990 2.5 4 28 5.3 -10.5 .. Puerto Rico .. ..e .. 1.9 .. .. 3.7 .. .. Qatar .. .. f .. .. .. § .. .. .. Romania 37,380 1,670 6,360 -0.4 13 19 98.0 -3.7 10,224 Russian Federation 241,027 1,660 8,010 -4.6 7 17 162.0 16.7 160,300 Rwanda 1,988 230 930 -2.1 44 15 14.6 -0.4 1,271 Samoa 246 1,450 5,050 1.9 17 .. 3.3 -7.9 197 San Marino .. ..f .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Not available. § See map for range estimate. São Tomé and Principe 43 290 .. -0.8 20 39 50.6 .. 316 Note: Figures in italics are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0.0 means zero or less than half the unit shown and not known more precisely. Saudi Arabia 149,932 7,230 11,390 -1.2 7 16 2.2 8.3 .. a. Atlas method. b. PPP is purchasing power parity; see the technical notes. c. Estimated to be low income ($755 or less). Senegal 4,714 490 1,480 0.9 18 20 4.6 -7.1 3,372 d. Estimate is based on regression; others are extrapolated from the latest International Comparison Programme bench- Seychelles 573 7,050 .. 1.1 3 29 3.3 -9.7 163 mark estimates. e. Estimated to be upper middle income ($2,996 to $9,265). f. Estimated to be high income ($9,266 or Sierra Leone 647 130 480 -6.5 47 8 28.9 .. 1,273 more). g. Included under upper-middle-income economies based on earlier data. h. Included under high-income economies Singapore 99,404 24,740 24,910 4.7 0 31 1.3 23.6 .. based on earlier data. i. Included under lower-middle-income economies based on earlier data. j. Estimated to be lower Slovak Republic 19,969 3,700 11,040 1.9 4 30 10.6 -3.6 9,462 middle income ($756 to $2,995). k. Data include the French overseas departments of French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Mar- Slovenia 19,979 10,050 17,310 2.8 3 28 20.4 -3.4 .. tinique, and Réunion. l. Data refer to mainland Tanzania only. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 4 7 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:09 PM Page 48 Technical notes Economy Économie Economía Gross national income (GNI) is a broad measure of an economy's per- Le revenu national brut (RNB) est une mesure d'ensemble de la El ingreso nacional bruto (INB) es una medida amplia del desempeño formance; it is the value of the final output of goods and services pro- performance économique d'un pays ; il représente la valeur de la de la economía de un país; representa el valor total de los bienes y duced by the residents of an economy plus net primary income from production finale de biens et services assurée par les résidents du servicios producidos por los residentes de un país más las entradas nonresident sources. U.S. dollar values are obtained from domestic cur- pays, plus les montants nets de revenu primaire versés par des non- netas de ingreso primario provenientes de no residentes. Los valores rencies using a three-year weighted average of the official exchange résidents. Les valeurs en dollars des U.S. sont obtenues par en dólares de EE.UU. se obtienen a partir de las monedas nacionales rate (the Atlas method). For the few countries where the official exchange conversion de la valeur en monnaie nationale sur la base d'un taux de aplicando un tipo de cambio oficial medio ponderado correspondiente rate does not reflect the effective rate applied to foreign transactions, change officiel moyen pondéré sur trois ans (méthode de l'Atlas). Pour a tres años (el método del Atlas). En el caso de los pocos países en an alternative conversion factor is applied. The data on national accounts les quelques pays où le taux de change officiel ne correspond pas au que el tipo de cambio oficial no refleja el tipo real aplicado a las and inflation are from World Bank and OECD data files. taux de change effectif appliqué aux transactions avec l'étranger, on transacciones externas, se aplica otro factor de conversión. Los datos GNI per capita in international dollars is converted at purchasing power utilise un autre facteur de conversion. Les données sur les comptes sobre las cuentas nacionales y la inflación provienen de los archivos parity (PPP) rates. PPP is defined as the number of units of a country's nationaux et l'inflation proviennent des fichiers de données de la de datos del Banco Mundial y de la OCDE. currency required to buy the same amounts of goods and services in the Banque mondiale et de l'OCDE. El INB per cápita en dólares internacionales se convierte en función domestic market as $1 would buy in the United States. The PPP data are Le RNB par habitant en dollars internationaux est obtenu par de la paridad de poder adquisitivo (PPA). La PPA se define como el from the International Comparison Programme. The 2000 data are based conversion sur la base de la parité des pouvoirs d'achat (PPA). La PPA número de unidades de la moneda de un país que se necesita para on surveys carried out between 1993 and 1996 or on regression est définie comme le nombre d'unités de la monnaie d'un pays comprar en el mercado nacional la misma cantidad de bienes y estimates. nécessaire pour acheter sur le marché intérieur la même quantité de servicios que se podría comprar con un dólar en Estados Unidos. Los The GDP per capita growth rate is calculated from constant price data biens et services qu'un dollar permettrait d'acheter aux États-Unis. Les datos de 2000 están basados en estudios realizados entre 1993 y in the local currency, using the least-squares method. chiffres de 2000 sont basés sur les résultats d'enquêtes réalisées 1996 o en estimaciones de regresión. Los datos relativos a la PPA The share of agriculture in GDP is calculated from value added esti- entre 1993 et 1996 ou sur des estimations obtenues par régression. provienen del Programa de Comparación Internacional. mates of agriculture. The share of gross capital formation in GDP includes Les données établies sur la base des PPA proviennent du Projet de La tasa de crecimiento del PIB per cápita se calcula a partir de changes in inventories. (Gross capital formation was formerly referred comparaison internationale des Nations Unies. datos en precios constantes en la moneda nacional utilizando el to as investment.) Inflation is measured by the overall price change for Le taux de croissance du PIB par habitant est calculé à partir de método de mínimos cuadrados. all goods and services included in GDP. Inflation rates are calculated using données exprimées en prix constants dans la monnaie nationale, par La proporción de la agricultura en el PIB se calcula en base a the least-squares method. The current account balance is the sum of net la méthode des moindres carrés. estimaciones del valor agregado de la agricultura. La proporción de la exports of goods, services, income, and current transfers; these data La part de l'agriculture dans le PIB est calculée à partir des formación de capital en el PIB incluidos los cambios en las existencias are from World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) data files. estimations de la valeur ajoutée de l'agriculture. La part de la (antes, inversión). La inflación corresponde a las variaciones globales The external debt data are from the World Bank's Debtor Reporting Sys- formation brute de capital dans le PIB y compris les variations du de los precios de todos los bienes y servicios incluidos en el PIB. Las tem and refer to debt owed to nonresidents repayable in foreign currency, niveau des stocks (précédemment appelée investissement). L'inflation tasas de crecimiento de la inflación se han calculado utilizando el goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guar- est mesurée en termes de variation de l'ensemble des prix de tous les método de los mínimos cuadrados. La balanza de cuenta corriente es anteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and biens et services pris en compte dans le PIB. Le taux d'inflation est la suma de las exportaciones netas de bienes, servicios, ingreso y short-term debt. calculé par la méthode des moindres carrés. Le solde des transactions transferencias corrientes; estos datos provienen de los archivos de courantes est la somme des exportations nettes de biens et de datos del Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). Los services, des revenus et des transferts courants ; ces données datos sobre la deuda externa provienen del Sistema de notificación de proviennent des fichiers de données de la Banque mondiale et du la deuda al Banco Mundial; dicha deuda es la contraída frente a Fonds Monétaire International (FMI). Les données relatives à la dette entidades no residentes y es reembolsable en moneda extranjera, extérieure proviennent du Système de notification de la dette extérieure bienes o servicios. La deuda externa total es la suma de la deuda à la Banque Mondiale et correspondent aux créances sur des non- pública y con garantía pública a largo plazo, la deuda privada a largo résidents remboursables en devises, en biens ou en services. La dette plazo sin garantía, la utilización del crédito del FMI y la deuda a corto extérieure totale est la somme de la dette publique, de la dette à plazo. garantie publique, de la dette privée non garantie à long terme, du recours au crédit du FMI et de la dette à court terme. 4 8 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:09 PM Page 49 STATES AND MARKETS (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:10 PM Page 50 Military expenditure as a share of GNI, 1999 Part des dépenses militaires dans le PNB, 1999 Proporción del gasto militar en el PNB, 1999 Military-related spending of the defense ministry, includ- Dépenses à caractère militaire du ministère de la défense, El gasto militar del ministerio de defensa, incluidos el reclu- ing recruiting, training, construction, and the purchase of comprenant les opérations de recrutement, les activités de tamiento, el adiestramiento, la construcción y la adquisi- military supplies and equipment, but excluding spending formation, les travaux de construction et l'achat de matériel ción de equipo y suministros militares, pero excluidos los on public order and safety, as a percentage of gross et de fournitures militaires, mais excluant les dépenses gastos en seguridad y orden públicos, como porcentaje national income. destinées à la sécurité et à l'ordre public, en pourcentage del producto nacional bruto. MILITARY SPENDING du produit national brut. Distribution of world population among economies Military expenditure as a share of GNI,1999, Military expenditure as a share of GNI,1999, grouped by military expenditure as a share of GNI percent percent 1% 4% Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 2.3 $ billions millions capita 12% Less than 1.0% Europe & Central Asia 2000 2000 $ 3.7 25% 1.0­1.9% 2000 10% Latin America & Caribbean 1.5 2.0­2.9% Less than 1.0% 22 867 239 3,630 Middle East & North Africa 7.0 3.0­4.9% 1.0­1.9% 58 11,433 1,536 7,440 South Asia 2.8 5.0% or more 2.0­2.9% 30 7,121 2,913 2,440 Sub-Saharan Africa 2.2 3.0­4.9% 27 10,283 589 17,450 No data 48% High income 2.3 5.0% or more 25 1,309 712 1,840 No data 45 301 68 4,410 0 2 4 6 8 50 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:10 PM Page 51 Carreteras pavimentadas como porcentaje del Part des routes revêtues dans le réseau routier Paved roads as a share of total roads, total de caminos, 1995­2000 total, 1995­2000 1995­2000 Carreteras que han sido cubiertas con asfalto u otros mate- Routes revêtues d'asphalte ou de matériaux analogues, Roads that have been sealed with asphalt or similar road- riales similares para la construcción de caminos, como en pourcentage du réseau routier total. building materials, as a percentage of total roads. porcentaje del total de carreteras. PAVED ROADS Paved roads as a share of total roads, Paved roads as a share of total roads, Distribution of world population among economies 1995­2000,percent 1995­2000,percent grouped by paved roads as a share of total roads 1% Economies GNI Population GNI per $ billions millions capita World 45.1 8% Less than 10.0% 2000 2000 $ 11% 7% 2000 Low-income economies 16.5 10.0­19.9% 13% Less than 10.0% 23 728 470 1,550 20.0­49.9% Middle-income economies 52.3 10.0­19.9% 28 323 427 760 50.0­79.9% Low- & middle-income 20.0­49.9% 48 9,033 3,597 2,510 economies 32.2 80.0% or more 50.0­79.9% 31 11,724 797 14,720 No data High-income economies 80.0% or more 49 9,189 691 13,300 92.9 59% No data 28 320 75 4,260 0 20 40 60 80 100 2002 World Bank Atlas 51 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:10 PM Page 52 Telephone lines and mobile phones per 1,000 Lignes téléphoniques et téléphones mobiles Líneas telefónicas y teléfonos móviles por cada people, 2000 pour 1 000 habitants, 2000 1.000 personas, 2000 Telephone lines connecting a customer's equipment to the Lignes téléphoniques raccordant le matériel d'un abonné Líneas telefónicas que conectan el equipo del cliente a public switched telephone network and mobile phones, per au réseau téléphonique public commuté et téléphones la red telefónica pública conmutada y teléfonos móviles, 1,000 people. mobiles, pour 1 000 habitants. por cada 1.000 personas. TELEPHONES Distribution of world population among economies Fixed lines and mobile telephones per 1,000 Fixed lines and mobile telephones per 1,000 grouped by telephones per 1,000 people people, 2000 people, 2000 Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 171 $ billions millions capita 11% 17% 10 or less Europe & Central Asia 2000 2000 $ 314 11­50 2000 Latin America & Caribbean 271 51­200 13% 29% 10 or less 27 162 643 250 Middle East & North Africa 122 201­500 11­50 36 810 1,758 460 South Asia 31 More than 500 51­200 42 1,845 1,806 1,020 Sub-Saharan Africa 32 201­500 42 2,727 803 3,390 No data 30% High income 1,136 More than 500 55 25,763 1,044 24,690 No data 5 9 3 2,640 0 400 800 1200 52 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:10 PM Page 53 Computadoras personales por cada 1.000 Ordinateurs individuels pour 1,000 habitants, Personal computers per 1,000 people, 2000 personas, 2000 2000 The estimated number of self-contained computers Número estimado de computadoras autónomas destinadas Nombre estimatif d'ordinateurs destinés à l'usage indi- designed to be used by a single individual, per 1,000 al uso individual, por cada 1.000 personas. viduel, pour 1 000 habitants. people. PERSONAL COMPUTERS Personal computers per 1,000 people,2000 Personal computers per 1,000 people,2000 Distribution of world population among economies grouped by personal computers per 1,000 people Economies GNI Population GNI per 5% $ billions millions capita East Asia & Pacific 21.7 Less than 5.0 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia 45.4 14% 2000 29% 5.0­19.9 Latin America & Caribbean 43.6 8% Less than 5.0 30 684 1,729 400 20.0­49.9 Middle East & North Africa 31.2 5.0­19.9 32 1,583 2,021 780 50.0­199.9 South Asia 4.2 11% 20.0­49.9 24 1,660 684 2,430 200.0 or more Sub-Saharan Africa 50.0­199.9 38 3,704 507 7,300 9.2 No data 200.0 or more 29 23,430 834 28,090 High income 392.7 33% No data 54 254 282 900 0 100 200 300 400 500 2002 World Bank Atlas 53 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank JP ITALIC Chart pages only 5/28/02 8:05 AM Page 54 States and Markets statistics Private Stock Central Military Electricity Fixed lines Personal Paved Private Stock Central Military Electricity Fixed lines Personal Paved fixed market government expendi- consump- and mobile computers roads fixed market government expendi- consump- and mobile computers roads investment capital- overall ture tion per telephones investment capital- overall ture tion per telephones ization budget capita ization budget capita balancea per per balancea per per % of $ % of % of 1,000 1,000 % of % of $ % of % of 1,000 1,000 % of GDFIb millions GDP GNI kwh people people total GDFIb millions GDP GNI kwh people people total Economy 1999 2001 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 1995­2000c Economy 1999 2001 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 1995­2000c Afghanistan .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. 13.3 Dominican Republic 76.3 141 -0.5 0.7 646 187 .. 49.4 Albania .. .. -8.5 1.3 783 47 6.4 39.0 Ecuador 49.5 1,417 .. 3.7 620 138 21.7 18.9 Algeria .. .. -0.4 4.0 581 60 6.5 68.9 Egypt, Arab Rep. 65.2 24,335 -2.0 2.7 900 108 22.1 78.1 American Samoa .. .. .. .. .. 248 .. .. El Salvador 80.7 2,672 -2.2 0.9 568 218 19.1 19.8 Andorra .. .. .. .. .. 740 .. .. Equatorial Guinea .. .. .. 3.2 .. 14 2.3 .. Angola .. .. .. 21.2 84 7 1.1 10.4 Eritrea .. .. .. 27.4 .. 8 1.6 21.8 Antigua and Barbuda .. .. .. .. .. 786 .. .. Estonia 83.5 1,483 -0.2 1.5 3,435 750 152.9 20.1 Argentina 89.9 192,499 -2.9 1.6 1,938 376 51.3 29.4 Ethiopia .. .. .. 8.8 21 4 0.9 12.0 Armenia .. 25 .. 5.8 957 156 7.1 96.3 Faeroe Islands .. .. .. .. .. 932 .. .. Aruba .. .. .. .. .. 518 .. .. Fiji .. 108 .. 2.0 .. 174 55.3 49.2 Australia 90.4 d 372,794 1.4 1.8 8,884 972 464.6 38.7 Finland 84.5 d 293,635 -0.3 1.4 14,366 1,271 396.1 64.5 Austria 92.4 29,935 .. 0.8 6,176 1,228 276.5 100.0 France .. 1,446,634 -3.5 2.7 6,392 1,073 304.3 100.0 Azerbaijan 86.7 4 -2.6 6.6 1,750 159 .. 92.3 French Polynesia .. .. .. .. .. 321 .. .. Bahamas, The .. .. -1.1 .. .. 479 .. 57.4 Gabon .. .. .. 2.4 700 130 9.8 9.9 Bahrain .. 6,600 -5.4 8.1 8,205 550 138.7 77.6 Gambia, The 67.9 .. .. 1.3 .. 30 11.5 35.4 Bangladesh 69.7 1,145 -2.8 1.3 89 5 1.5 9.5 Georgia .. .. -4.4 1.2 1,312 172 .. 93.5 Barbados 67.5 2,008 .. 0.5 .. 538 82.2 95.0 Germany .. 1,270,243 -0.9 1.6 5,690 1,196 336.0 99.1 Belarus .. .. -2.0 1.3 2,704 274 .. 89.0 Ghana .. 528 .. 0.8 204 18 3.0 29.6 Belgium 91.5 d 182,481 -1.8 1.4 7,286 1,023 344.5 78.2 Greece 83.9 d 86,538 -4.4 4.7 3,854 1,089 70.5 91.8 Belize 52.6 .. .. 1.6 .. 219 124.9 17.0 Greenland .. .. .. .. .. 753 .. .. Benin 60.1 .. .. 1.4 53 17 1.6 20.0 Grenada 72.8 .. .. .. .. 378 127.1 61.3 Bermuda .. 2,146 .. .. .. 1,036 465.4 .. Guam .. .. .. .. .. 640 .. .. Bhutan .. 38 -1.6 .. .. 20 5.2 60.7 Guatemala 82.9 215 .. 0.7 341 118 11.4 34.5 Bolivia 61.6 116 -2.3 1.8 390 130 16.8 6.5 Guinea .. .. -2.4 1.6 .. 13 3.7 16.5 Bosnia and Herzegovina .. .. .. 4.5 540 133 .. 52.3 Guinea-Bissau 32.0 .. .. 2.7 .. 9 .. 10.3 Botswana .. 1,269 .. 4.7 .. 216 37.0 55.0 Guyana 51.6 .. .. 0.8 .. 126 25.6 7.4 Brazil 86.2 d 186,238 -7.8 1.9 1,811 318 44.1 5.5 Haiti 51.8 .. -1.4 .. 40 12 .. 24.3 Brunei .. .. .. 4.0 7,124 534 70.1 34.7 Honduras .. .. .. 0.7 449 70 10.8 20.4 Bulgaria 50.3 505 1.5 3.0 2,899 440 43.9 94.0 Hungary .. 10,367 -3.7 1.7 2,874 674 85.3 43.4 Burkina Faso .. .. .. 1.6 .. 7 1.3 16.0 Iceland .. 4,439 2.3 0.0 23,110 1,272 391.5 29.5 Burundi .. .. -4.7 7.0 .. 5 .. 7.1 India 70.1 110,396 -5.8 2.5 379 36 4.5 45.7 Cambodia 60.7 .. .. 4.0 .. 12 1.1 16.2 Indonesia 61.0 23,006 -1.1 1.1 345 49 9.9 46.3 Cameroon .. .. 0.1 1.8 184 7 3.3 12.5 Iran, Islamic Rep. 58.6 21,830 -0.8 2.9 1,407 164 62.8 56.3 Canada 89.4 d 841,385 1.0 1.4 15,260 961 390.2 35.3 Iraq .. .. .. 5.5 1,303 30 .. 84.3 Cape Verde 57.5 .. .. 0.9 .. 172 .. 78.0 Ireland 88.7 d 81,882 0.7 1.0 5,011 1,077 359.1 94.1 Cayman Islands .. 250 .. .. .. 1,072 .. .. Isle of Man .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic .. .. .. 2.8 .. 4 1.7 2.7 Israel .. 55,964 -2.1 8.8 5,689 1,184 253.6 100.0 Chad 62.5 .. .. 2.4 .. 1 1.3 0.8 Italy .. 768,364 -1.6 2.0 4,535 1,211 179.8 100.0 Channel Islands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Jamaica .. 4,703 -6.6 0.8 2,294 341 46.6 70.1 Chile 68.3 56,310 -1.5 3.0 2,309 444 82.3 19.4 Japan 78.5 d 3,157,222 .. 1.0 7,443 1,112 315.2 46.0 China 46.6 e 523,952 -2.9 2.3 758 178 15.9 22.4 Jordan .. 6,316 -2.5 9.2 1,207 151 22.5 100.0 Hong Kong, China .. 623,398 .. .. 5,178 1,392 350.6 100.0 Kazakhstan 88.1 2,260 -3.9 0.9 2,448 125 .. 94.7 Macao, China .. .. -1.0 .. .. 705 159.9 100.0 Kenya 67.1 1,050 0.6 1.9 126 15 4.9 12.1 Colombia 39.2 13,217 -7.1 3.2 772 222 35.4 14.4 Kiribati .. .. .. .. .. 45 18.0 .. Comoros 50.7 .. .. .. .. 10 4.3 76.5 Korea, Dem. Rep. .. .. .. 18.8 .. 46 .. 6.4 Congo, Dem. Rep. .. .. .. 14.4 43 1 .. .. Korea, Rep. 78.7 220,046 -1.3 2.9 5,160 1,031 237.9 74.5 Congo, Rep. .. .. -5.6 3.5 48 31 3.5 9.7 Kuwait .. 20,772 -9.5 7.7 14,011 493 130.6 80.6 Costa Rica 76.8 2,303 -1.5 0.5 1,426 301 149.1 22.0 Kyrgyz Republic .. .. -2.4 2.4 1,512 79 .. 91.1 Côte d'Ivoire 74.1 1,165 -0.2 0.8 .. 48 6.1 9.7 Lao PDR .. .. .. 2.0 .. 10 2.6 13.8 Croatia 77.3 3,319 -2.0 3.3 2,674 431 80.7 84.6 Latvia .. 697 -3.8 0.9 1,851 469 140.3 38.6 Cuba .. .. .. 1.9 973 44 10.7 49.0 Lebanon .. 1,243 -16.2 4.0 1,778 407 50.1 84.9 Cyprus .. 11,516 -5.5 3.4 3,671 968 220.6 57.7 Lesotho .. .. -3.6 2.6 .. 20 .. 18.3 Czech Republic 82.0 9,331 -1.6 2.3 4,682 802 122.0 100.0 Liberia .. .. .. 1.2 .. 2 .. 6.2 Denmark 91.7 d 107,666 0.5 1.6 6,030 1,351 431.5 100.0 Libya .. .. .. .. 3,876 115 .. 57.2 Djibouti .. .. .. 4.3 .. 16 10.2 12.6 Liechtenstein .. .. .. .. .. 1,055 .. .. Dominica 67.5 .. .. .. .. 310 71.3 50.4 Lithuania 63.6 1,199 -7.0 1.3 1,769 463 64.9 91.3 5 4 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank JP ITALIC Chart pages only 5/28/02 8:05 AM Page 55 Private Stock Central Military Electricity Fixed lines Personal Paved Private Stock Central Military Electricity Fixed lines Personal Paved fixed market government expendi- consump- and mobile computers roads fixed market government expendi- consump- and mobile computers roads investment capital- overall ture tion per telephones investment capital- overall ture tion per telephones ization budget capita ization budget capita balancea per per balancea per per % of $ % of % of 1,000 1,000 % of % of $ % of % of 1,000 1,000 % of GDFIb millions GDP GNI kwh people people total GDFIb millions GDP GNI kwh people people total Economy 1999 2001 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 1995­2000c Economy 1999 2001 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 1995­2000c Luxembourg 76.3 34,016 2.0 0.8 12,755 1,611 453.2 100.0 Solomon Islands .. .. .. .. .. 20 45.7 2.5 Macedonia, FYR .. 8 .. 2.5 .. 312 .. 63.8 Somalia .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 11.8 Madagascar 52.9 .. -2.7 1.2 .. 7 2.2 11.6 South Africa 69.0 139,750 -2.0 1.5 3,776 304 61.8 20.3 Malawi 17.6 .. .. 0.6 .. 9 1.2 18.5 Spain .. 504,219 -2.9 1.3 4,497 1,030 142.9 99.0 Malaysia 50.6 120,007 2.9 2.3 2,474 412 103.1 75.8 Sri Lanka .. 1,332 -6.9 4.7 255 63 7.1 95.0 Maldives .. .. -4.3 .. .. 119 20.4 .. St. Kitts and Nevis .. .. .. .. .. 600 181.7 42.5 Mali .. .. .. 2.3 .. 4 1.2 12.1 St. Lucia 64.0 .. .. .. .. 329 141.0 5.2 Malta .. 333 -5.6 0.8 3,763 814 204.4 87.5 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 57.8 .. -3.0 .. .. 240 105.8 30.8 Marshall Islands .. .. .. .. .. 65 47.0 .. Sudan .. .. -1.0 4.8 46 13 3.2 36.3 Mauritania 36.7 1,091 .. 4.0 .. 10 9.4 11.3 Suriname .. .. .. 1.8 .. 268 .. 26.0 Mauritius 78.7 1,063 -1.5 0.2 .. 386 100.5 97.0 Swaziland .. 95 -1.6 1.5 .. 65 .. .. Mayotte .. .. .. .. .. 73 .. .. Sweden .. 328,339 0.1 2.3 14,138 1,399 506.7 78.4 Mexico 89.9 121,403 -1.6 0.6 1,570 267 50.6 32.8 Switzerland .. 792,316 0.3 1.2 7,291 1,370 499.7 .. Micronesia, Fed. Sts. .. .. .. .. .. 81 .. 17.5 Syrian Arab Republic .. .. -0.7 7.0 863 105 15.4 23.1 Moldova .. 38 -3.4 0.5 620 165 14.5 87.0 Tajikistan .. .. -0.8 1.3 2,163 36 .. 82.7 Monaco .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100.0 Tanzania .. 181 .. 1.4 55 10 2.8 4.2 Mongolia .. 32 -10.8 2.1 .. 101 12.6 3.5 Thailand 67.7 36,340 -10.4 1.7 1,352 143 24.3 97.5 Morocco 71.1 9,087 -2.5 4.3 430 133 12.3 56.4 Togo .. .. .. 1.8 .. 20 21.6 31.6 Mozambique .. .. .. 2.5 53 7 3.0 18.7 Tonga .. .. .. .. .. 94 .. 27.0 Myanmar .. .. -1.4 7.8 71 6 1.1 12.2 Trinidad and Tobago 67.8 5,035 .. 1.4 3,527 334 61.8 51.1 Namibia 55.4 151 -3.2 2.9 .. 109 34.2 8.3 Tunisia 52.2 2,303 -2.3 1.8 911 96 22.9 64.8 Nepal .. 418 -3.9 0.8 47 12 3.0 30.8 Turkey 72.0 47,150 -13.0 5.3 1,396 525 38.1 34.0 Netherlands .. 640,456 -1.6 1.8 5,993 1,288 394.1 90.0 Turkmenistan .. .. .. 3.4 944 83 .. 81.2 Netherlands Antilles .. .. .. .. 4,096 442 .. .. Uganda .. .. -0.6 2.3 .. 11 2.7 6.7 New Caledonia .. .. .. .. .. 469 .. .. Ukraine .. 1,365 -2.1 3.0 2,306 203 17.6 96.7 New Zealand .. 18,613 2.0 1.2 8,426 1,063 360.2 62.8 United Arab Emirates .. 23,262 -0.3 4.1 10,643 939 153.5 100.0 Nicaragua 51.6 .. -4.4 1.2 268 49 8.9 11.0 United Kingdom 93.6 d 2,576,992 0.0 2.5 5,384 1,316 337.8 100.0 Niger .. .. .. 1.2 .. 2 0.5 7.9 United States .. 15,104,037 1.3 3.0 11,994 1,098 585.2 58.8 Nigeria .. 5,404 .. 1.6 85 5 6.6 30.9 Uruguay 72.5 168 -3.7 1.3 1,871 410 104.9 90.0 Northern Mariana Islands .. .. .. .. .. 536 .. .. Uzbekistan 34.0 119 .. 1.7 1,650 69 .. 87.3 Norway 83.8 d 65,034 -1.6 2.2 24,248 1,283 490.5 76.0 Vanuatu .. .. -1.4 .. .. 36 .. 23.9 Oman .. 2,606 -6.6 15.3 2,880 154 31.5 30.0 Venezuela, RB 56.1 6,216 -2.4 1.4 2,493 325 45.5 33.6 Pakistan 62.3 4,944 -6.9 5.9 321 24 4.2 43.0 Vietnam .. .. -1.6 2.5 252 42 8.8 25.1 Palau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Virgin Islands (U.S.) .. .. .. .. .. 859 .. .. Panama 88.8 3,584 0.4 1.4 1,310 296 37.0 34.6 West Bank and Gaza .. 848 .. .. .. .. .. .. Papua New Guinea 77.1 .. -2.7 1.1 .. 14 .. 3.5 Yemen, Rep. .. .. -3.6 6.1 110 21 1.9 11.5 Paraguay 64.3 423 .. 1.1 789 131 12.7 9.5 Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. 87.7 10,817 .. 5.0 .. 349 22.6 62.3 Peru 77.8 11,134 -2.2 2.4 654 111 40.9 12.8 Zambia .. 291 .. 1.0 540 17 6.7 .. Philippines 69.2 41,523 -3.8 1.4 454 124 19.3 21.0 Zimbabwe .. 7,972 -5.0 5.0 894 41 11.9 47.4 Poland 62.1 26,017 -0.8 2.1 2,388 456 68.9 68.3 Portugal .. 60,681 -1.2 2.1 3,616 1,095 299.3 86.0 Puerto Rico .. .. .. .. .. 568 .. 100.0 Qatar .. 5,152 .. 10.0 14,871 470 150.4 90.0 Romania 51.4 2,124 -1.7 1.6 1,511 287 31.9 49.5 Russian Federation .. 76,198 -0.5 5.6 4,050 240 42.9 67.4 Rwanda .. .. .. 4.5 .. 7 .. 8.3 Samoa .. .. .. .. .. 65 6.1 42.0 San Marino .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. São Tomé and Principe .. .. .. 1.0 .. 31 .. 68.1 Saudi Arabia .. 73,199 .. 14.9 4,710 201 60.2 30.1 .. Not available. Senegal .. .. .. 1.7 114 48 16.8 29.3 Note: Figures in italics are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0.0 means zero or less than half the unit Seychelles 66.9 .. -11.8 .. .. 554 135.6 84.5 shown and not known more precisely. Sierra Leone .. .. -8.5 3.0 .. 6 .. 7.9 a. Includes grants. Positive numbers refer to a surplus; negative numbers to a deficit. b. Gross domestic fixed investment. Singapore .. 152,827 7.0 4.8 6,641 1,168 483.1 100.0 c. Data refer to the most recent year available. d. Data refer to investment by both private and public corporations. Slovak Republic .. 665 -3.3 1.8 4,216 519 136.9 86.7 e. Data refer to investment by individuals, shareholding units, jointly owned units, collectively owned units, foreign-funded Slovenia .. 2,839 -0.7 1.4 5,218 998 275.9 99.9 units, and units in Hong Kong, China; Macao, China; and Taiwan, China. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 5 5 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:10 PM Page 56 Technical notes States and Markets État et Marché Estados y Mercados Private fixed investment--that is, outlays by the private sector on addi- L'investissement privé, c'est-à-dire les dépenses du secteur privé pour la La inversión privada, es decir, los gastos del sector privado en tions to fixed assets--is often estimated as a residual of gross domes- formation de capital fixe, est souvent estimé par différence entre concepto de adiciones a los activos fijos, a menudo se calcula como el tic investment less consolidated public investment. These data are from l'investissement intérieur brut et l'investissement du secteur public residuo de la inversión interna bruta menos la inversión pública the International Finance Corporation's Trends in Private Investment in consolidé. Ces données proviennent des fichiers de données de la Banque consolidada. Estos datos provienen de los archivos de datos del Banco Developing Countries 2001. Stock market capitalization is the end-year Mondiale. La capitalisation boursière est établie à partir du cours des actions Mundial. La capitalización del mercado de valores corresponde al share price times the number of shares outstanding in each country's en fin d'année, multiplié par le nombre d'actions en circulation sur le marché precio de las acciones al final del período multiplicado por el número stock market. These data are from Standard & Poor's Emerging Stock boursier du pays considéré. Ces données proviennent de la Base de données de valores en circulación en la bolsa de valores de cada país. Estos Markets Factbook 2001. sur les marchés émergents de la Société financière internationale. datos provienen de la Base de Datos sobre Mercados Emergentes de The central government overall deficit is current and capital revenue Le déficit budgétaire global est la différence entre, d'une part, les la Corporación Financiera Internacional. and official grants received less total expenditures and lending minus repay- recettes courantes, les recettes en capital et les dons publics reçus et, El déficit fiscal global es el ingreso corriente y el ingreso de capital ments. These data are from World Bank and IMF data files. d'autre part, les dépenses totales et les prêts moins les más las donaciones oficiales menos los gastos y préstamos totales Military expenditures for NATO countries are based on the NATO def- remboursements. Ces données proviennent des fichiers de données de menos los reembolsos. Estos datos provienen de los archivos de datos inition, which covers military-related expenditures of the defense ministry la Banque Mondiale et du FMI. del Banco Mundial y el FMI. (including recruiting, training, construction, and the purchase of military Les données sur les dépenses militaires, dans le cas des pays de Los gastos militares en los países miembros de la OTAN se basan en supplies and equipment) and other ministries. Civilian-related expenditures l'OTAN, reposent sur la définition établie par cette organisation, qui englobe la definición de la OTAN, que cubre los gastos militares del ministerio de of the defense ministry are excluded. Military assistance is included in les dépenses à caractère militaire effectuées par le ministère de la défense defensa (incluidos el reclutamiento, el entrenamiento, la construcción, y the expenditures of the donor country, and purchases of military equip- (y compris les opérations de recrutement, les activités de formation, les la adquisición de equipo y suministros militares) y otros ministerios. Se ment on credit are included at the time the debt is incurred, not at the travaux de construction et l'achat de matériel et de fournitures militaires) et excluyen los gastos del ministerio de defensa relativos al sector civil. La time of payment. Data for other countries generally cover expenditures of les autres ministères. Les dépenses à caractère civil du ministère de la asistencia militar se incluye en los gastos del país donante y las compras the ministry of defense (excluding expenditures on public order and safety, défense en sont exclues. L'aide militaire est incluse dans les dépenses du de equipo militar a crédito se incluyen al momento en que la deuda es which are classified separately). Data on military expenditures are from pays donateur, et les achats de matériel militaire effectués à crédit sont contraída, no al momento del pago. Los datos sobre otros países the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Verification and Compliance. répertoriés à la date à laquelle la créance est contractée, et non pas à la generalmente incluyen los gastos del ministerio de defensa (excluidos Electricity consumption measures the production of power plants date de remboursement. Dans le cas des autres pays, les données los gastos en seguridad y orden públicos, que se clasifican por and combined heat and power plants less distribution losses and own englobent généralement les dépenses du ministère de la défense (à separado). Los datos sobre gasto militar provienen del U.S. Department use by heat and power plants. Paved roads are those surfaced with crushed l'exclusion de celles destinées à la sécurité et à l'ordre publics, qui sont of State's Bureau of Verification and Compliance. stone (macadam) and hydrocarbon binder or bituminized agents, with con- classées séparément). Les données sur les dépenses militaires proviennent El consumo de electricidad es una medida de la producción de las crete, or with cobblestones. The data on electricity consumption are from de la U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Verification and Compliance. centrales de energía eléctrica y la producción combinada de las the International Energy Agency; the data on paved roads are from the La consommation d'électricité correspond à la production des centrales centrales térmicas y las centrales de energía eléctrica menos las International Road Federation. électriques et des centrales électrocalogènes, déduction faite des pertes de pérdidas de transmisión y el propio uso de las centrales térmicas y las Telephones per 1,000 people provide a measure of telephone den- distribution et de l'autoconsommation des centrales électrocalogènes. Les centrales de energía eléctrica. Carreteras pavimentadas son las que sity. Telephones refer to the telephone lines connecting a customer's equip- routes aménagées sont des routes recouvertes de pierres concassées están recubiertas de piedra machacada (macadán) y un aglutinante ment to the public switched telephone network and mobile telephones. (empierrement), de béton bitumineux ou utilisé avec un liant aux hidrocarbonado o sustancias bituminadas con hormigón, o con Estimates of the number of personal computers (PCs) are derived from hydrocarbures, ou de pavés. Les données sur la consommation d'électricité guijarros. Los datos sobre el consumo de electricidad provienen del an annual questionnaire by the International Telecommunication Union proviennent de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie et celles relatives aux Organismo Internacional de Energía; los relativos a las carreteras (ITU), supplemented by other sources. The data on telephones and PCs routes revêtues, de la Fédération routière internationale. Le nombre de pavimentadas se han tomado de la Federación Internacional de are from the ITU. lignes téléphoniques pour mille habitants mesure la densité de l'équipement Carreteras. El número de líneas telefónicas por cada 1.000 personas téléphonique. Par lignes téléphoniques, on entend les lignes téléphoniques indica la densidad de teléfonos. Líneas telefónicas son las que raccordant le matériel d'un abonné au réseau téléphonique public commuté conectan el equipo del cliente a la red telefónica pública conmutada y et les téléphones mobiles. Les estimations du nombre d'ordinateurs los teléfonos móviles. Las estimaciones del número de computadoras individuels sont tirées d'un questionnaire annuel administré par l'Union personales provienen de un cuestionario anual preparado por la Unión internationale des télécommunications (UIT), complété par d'autres Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) y son complementadas con sources. Les données relatives aux lignes téléphoniques principales et aux datos de otras fuentes. Los datos sobre las líneas telefónicas ordinateurs individuels proviennent de l'UIT. principales y las computadoras personales provienen de la UIT. 5 6 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:10 PM Page 57 GLOBAL LINKS (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/28/02 8:23 AM Page 58 Net private capital flows per capita, 2000 Flux nets de capitaux privés par habitant, 2000 Flujos netos de capital privado per cápita, 2000 Net private debt and nondebt flows to developing Flux nets de capitaux privés générateurs et non générateurs Flujos privados de deuda y no relacionados con ésta a los economies, including commercial bank lending, bonds, de dette à destination des pays en développement, y com- países en desarrollo, incluidos los préstamos, bonos y other private credits, foreign direct investment, and port- pris les prêts des banques commerciales, les obligations, les otros créditos privados de bancos comerciales, la inver- folio equity investment, divided by population. autres crédits du secteur privé, les investissements étrangers sión extranjera directa y las inversiones de cartera en cap- directs et les investissements de portefeuille, divisés par la ital accionario, divididos por la población. PRIVATE CAPITAL population. FLOWS Distribution of world population among economies Net private capital flows, Net private capital flows per capita,2000,$ grouped by net private capital flows per capita 2000 and 2001,$ billions 2000 2001 Economies GNI Population GNI per East Asia & Pacific 65.7 $ billions millions capita 11% 45.0 17% Less than $1 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia 45.4 $1­9 22.5 2000 6% 97.3 $10­49 Latin America & Caribbean Less than $1 696 810 29% 69.4 25 560 7% $50­199 Middle East & North Africa 1.1 $1­9 32 684 1,747 390 4.3 $200 or more 9.3 $10­49 28 1,655 1,779 930 South Asia 4.3 $50­199 29 1,299 440 2,950 No data 29% 7.1 Sub-Saharan Africa 373 14.5 $200 or more 23 1,803 4,840 No data 70 25,314 1,022 24,770 0 40 80 120 58 2002 World Bank Atlas (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/21/02 5:14 PM Page 59 Flujos netos de asistencia per cápita, 2000 Flux nets d'aide par habitant, 2000 Net aid flows per capita, 2000 Donaciones y préstamos oficiales netos en condiciones Total net des dons et prêts concessionnels officiels reçus Net concessional loans and grants received by a country concesionarias recibidos por un país, divididos por la par un pays, divisé par sa population en milieu d'année. divided by its midyear population. población de mediados de año. AID FLOWS Net aid flows per capita,2000,$ Net aid flows per capita,2000,$ Distribution of world population among economies grouped by net aid flows per capita 2% Economies GNI Population GNI per $ billions millions capita East Asia & Pacific 5 5% 16% Net aid donor 2000 2000 $ Europe & Central Asia 23 2000 $5 or less 23% Latin America & Caribbean 10 Net aid donor 27 24,957 988 25,250 $6­25 $5 or less 35 4,344 3,292 1,320 Middle East & North Africa 16 $26­50 $6­25 53 1,382 1,389 990 $51 or more South Asia 3 $26­50 31 368 288 1,280 No data 54% $51 or more 49 211 95 2,230 Sub-Saharan Africa 20 No data 12 53 5 10,620 0 12 24 2002 World Bank Atlas 59 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank JP ITALIC Chart pages only 5/28/02 8:35 AM Page 60 Global Links statistics Trade in Manu- Net Foreign Net aid flows International tourism Trade in Manu- Net Foreign Net aid flows International tourism goods factured private direct goods factured private direct exports capital investment exports capital investment % of flowsa % of flowsa total Per Receipts total Per Receipts % of merchandise $ % of % of capita $ Arrivals % of merchandise $ % of % of capita $ Arrivals GDP exports millions GDP GNI $ millions thousands GDP exports millions GDP GNI $ millions thousands Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Afghanistan .. .. .. .. .. 5 1 4 Dominican Republic 78.8 .. 1,142 4.8 0.3 7 2,918 2,977 Albania 35.7 82 142 3.8 8.3 93 211 39 Ecuador 61.1 10 904 5.2 1.2 12 402 615 Algeria 53.8 2 -1,213 0.0 0.3 5 24 866 Egypt, Arab Rep. 18.9 37 1,967 1.3 1.3 21 4,345 5,116 American Samoa .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 21 El Salvador 59.2 48 338 1.4 1.4 29 254 795 Andorra .. 88 .. .. .. .. .. 2,949 Equatorial Guinea 72.0 .. 120 8.9 4.3 47 2 .. Angola 127.5 .. 1,206 19.2 6.5 23 18 51 Eritrea .. .. 35 5.8 25.3 43 36 70 Antigua and Barbuda 53.0 .. .. .. 1.5 144 291 207 Estonia 149.5 73 485 7.8 1.4 47 505 1,100 Argentina 18.1 32 16,620 4.1 0.0 2 2,903 2,991 Ethiopia .. 10 42 0.8 10.9 11 24 125 Armenia 61.9 43 159 7.3 11.2 57 45 30 Faeroe Islands .. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. Aruba 49.5 76 .. 4.8 .. 114 715 683 Fiji 78.9 52 -6 0.0 2.0 36 171 294 Australia 34.7 29 .. 3.0 8,442 4,946 Finland 65.5 85 .. 7.5 1,401 2,700 Austria 70.1 83 .. 4.8 11,440 17,982 France 46.6 81 .. 3.3 29,900 75,500 Azerbaijan 59.6 8 175 2.5 2.8 17 81 681 French Polynesia 38.2 90 .. .. 10.2 1,713 394 252 Bahamas, The 54.8 .. .. 5.2 0.1 18 1,503 1,577 Gabon 88.8 .. 142 3.0 0.3 10 7 155 Bahrain 129.5 11 .. .. 0.6 71 408 1,991 Gambia, The 49.1 5 14 3.3 11.8 38 49 96 Bangladesh 31.5 91 269 0.6 2.5 9 59 200 Georgia 34.8 .. 155 4.3 5.6 34 400 384 Barbados 54.9 52 .. 0.7 0.0 1 745 556 Germany 56.3 85 .. 10.1 17,812 18,983 Belarus 53.0 67 123 0.3 0.1 4 17 355 Ghana 91.4 15 71 2.1 12.1 32 304 373 Belgium 163.0 78 b .. 7.9 7,039 6,457 Greece 32.5 50 .. 1.0 9,221 12,500 Belize 78.5 13 162 2.2 1.9 61 112 181 Greenland .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. Benin 45.1 3 30 1.4 11.1 38 33 152 Grenada 68.2 13 67 9.0 4.4 168 63 129 Bermuda .. .. .. .. .. 1 431 328 Guam .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,908 1,288 Bhutan 73.9 40 0 0.0 10.7 66 9 7 Guatemala 39.1 32 178 1.2 1.4 23 518 823 Bolivia 35.9 29 923 8.9 5.9 57 160 342 Guinea 40.2 30 63 2.1 5.2 21 12 33 Bosnia and Herzegovina 87.4 .. 4 0.0 16.0 185 17 110 Guinea-Bissau 83.5 .. 0 0.0 39.6 67 .. .. Botswana 92.9 .. 27 0.6 0.6 19 234 843 Guyana 172.8 .. 67 9.4 16.4 142 59 75 Brazil 19.1 59 45,672 5.5 0.1 2 4,228 5,313 Haiti 29.6 .. 13 0.3 5.1 26 55 143 Brunei 74.5 11 .. .. 0.0 2 37 964 Honduras 70.9 33 301 4.8 7.8 70 240 408 Bulgaria 93.1 57 1,114 8.3 2.7 38 1,074 2,785 Hungary 131.9 86 1,721 3.7 0.6 25 3,424 15,571 Burkina Faso 35.3 .. 10 0.5 15.5 30 42 218 Iceland 52.7 13 .. 1.7 .. .. 227 303 Burundi 28.6 0 12 1.7 13.8 14 1 30 India 20.3 79 8,771 0.5 0.3 1 3,296 2,641 Cambodia 40.2 .. 126 3.9 12.6 33 228 466 Indonesia 62.4 57 -11,210 -3.0 1.2 8 5,749 5,064 Cameroon 36.5 5 -21 0.4 4.6 26 40 135 Iran, Islamic Rep. 43.1 7 -610 0.0 0.1 2 850 1,700 Canada 75.8 64 .. 9.1 10,768 20,423 Iraq .. .. .. .. .. 4 13 78 Cape Verde 59.7 .. 8 1.8 17.2 213 23 143 Ireland 139.3 86 .. 24.3 3,571 6,728 Cayman Islands .. .. .. .. .. -103 439 407 Isle of Man .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Central African Republic 29.1 .. 5 0.5 8.0 20 6 10 Israel 62.9 94 .. 4.0 0.8 128 3,100 2,400 Chad 33.6 .. 14 1.1 9.4 17 10 44 Italy 44.2 88 .. 1.2 27,439 41,182 Channel Islands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Jamaica 60.9 73 898 6.2 0.1 4 1,333 1,323 Chile 51.4 16 4,833 5.2 0.1 3 827 1,742 Japan 17.7 94 .. 0.2 3,374 4,757 China 43.9 88 58,295 3.6 0.2 1 16,231 31,229 Jordan 77.2 69 455 6.7 6.6 113 722 1,427 Hong Kong, China 256.2 95 c .. .. 0.0 1 7,886 13,059 Kazakhstan 77.8 20 1,900 6.9 1.1 13 363 .. Macao, China 77.2 99 .. .. 0.0 2 3,083 6,682 Kenya 46.7 21 53 1.1 5.0 17 304 943 Colombia 30.2 34 3,130 2.9 0.2 4 1,028 530 Kiribati 120.7 .. .. .. 21.8 197 2 1 Comoros 33.2 8 0 0.0 9.2 33 19 24 Korea, Dem. Rep. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 130 Congo, Dem. Rep. 14.7 .. 1 0.0 2.5 4 2 53 Korea, Rep. 72.8 91 13,215 2.0 6,609 5,322 Congo, Rep. 105.4 .. 14 0.4 1.5 11 11 26 Kuwait 71.9 20 .. 0.0 243 77 Costa Rica 77.2 66 610 2.6 0.1 3 1,102 1,106 Kyrgyz Republic 81.3 20 -65 -0.2 17.6 44 8 69 Côte d'Ivoire 75.9 14 -47 1.1 4.1 22 108 301 Lao PDR 52.7 .. 72 4.2 16.8 53 114 300 Croatia 64.6 73 2,451 4.9 0.4 15 2,758 5,831 Latvia 70.7 56 583 5.7 1.3 38 131 490 Cuba .. .. .. .. .. 4 1,756 1,700 Lebanon 42.1 .. 2,028 1.8 1.1 45 742 742 Cyprus 55.2 52 .. 1.8 0.6 72 1,894 2,686 Lesotho 100.1 .. 111 13.1 3.6 20 19 186 Czech Republic 120.5 88 3,299 9.0 0.9 43 2,869 5,700 Liberia .. .. 12 .. .. 22 .. .. Denmark 57.9 64 .. 21.1 4,025 2,088 Libya .. .. .. .. .. 3 28 40 Djibouti 48.8 .. 0 0.0 12.6 113 4 21 Liechtenstein .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 Dominica 74.1 56 11 3.9 6.5 212 49 74 Lithuania 81.9 60 799 3.3 0.9 27 391 1,226 6 0 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank JP ITALIC Chart pages only 5/28/02 8:35 AM Page 61 Trade in Manu- Net Foreign Net aid flows International tourism Trade in Manu- Net Foreign Net aid flows International tourism goods factured private direct goods factured private direct exports capital investment exports capital investment % of flowsa % of flowsa total Per Receipts total Per Receipts % of merchandise $ % of % of capita $ Arrivals % of merchandise $ % of % of capita $ Arrivals GDP exports millions GDP GNI $ millions thousands GDP exports millions GDP GNI $ millions thousands Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Economy 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Luxembourg 95.7 86 .. .. 309 807 Solomon Islands 73.9 .. 6 3.6 24.0 153 6 21 Macedonia, FYR 100.3 66 187 4.9 7.1 124 37 224 Somalia .. .. 0 .. .. 12 .. 10 Madagascar 24.8 50 83 2.1 8.5 21 116 160 South Africa 47.4 54 d 2,736 0.8 0.4 11 2,526 6,001 Malawi 55.4 .. 45 2.7 26.8 43 27 228 Spain 47.8 78 .. 6.4 31,000 48,201 Malaysia 201.3 80 3,229 1.9 0.1 2 4,563 10,222 Sri Lanka 73.3 75 262 1.1 1.7 14 253 400 Maldives 83.6 46 14 2.3 3.7 70 344 467 St. Kitts and Nevis 60.5 73 95 30.6 1.4 95 70 84 Mali 54.0 .. 76 3.3 15.9 33 50 91 St. Lucia 60.8 19 73 6.9 1.6 70 311 259 Malta 161.4 97 0 0.0 0.6 54 650 1,216 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 63.1 13 28 8.4 2.0 54 77 73 Marshall Islands .. .. .. .. 56.5 1,101 4 5 Sudan 28.7 3 392 3.4 2.3 7 2 50 Mauritania 68.5 .. 3 0.5 23.3 80 28 24 Suriname 116.4 78 .. .. 4.4 82 53 57 Mauritius 81.6 81 -8 6.1 0.5 17 585 656 Swaziland 131.2 .. -44 -3.0 0.9 13 35 319 Mayotte .. .. .. .. .. 712 .. .. Sweden 70.3 85 .. 9.7 4,107 2,746 Mexico 60.8 83 11,537 2.3 0.0 -1 8,295 20,643 Switzerland 68.9 91 .. 7.5 7,303 11,400 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. .. .. .. .. 39.6 860 .. 33 Syrian Arab Republic 47.8 8 107 0.7 1.0 10 474 916 Moldova 96.8 33 209 10.0 9.0 29 4 17 Tajikistan 146.8 .. 64 2.4 15.2 23 .. 511 Monaco .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 Tanzania 24.2 15 182 2.1 11.6 31 739 459 Mongolia 93.4 .. 27 3.1 22.8 91 28 158 Thailand 107.2 76 -1,383 2.8 0.5 11 7,119 9,509 Morocco 56.7 64 -293 0.0 1.3 15 2,040 4,113 Togo 73.0 31 30 2.5 5.8 15 6 60 Mozambique 35.6 10 138 3.7 24.9 50 .. .. Tonga 52.2 .. 1 1.3 12.1 188 9 35 Myanmar .. .. 188 .. .. 2 35 208 Trinidad and Tobago 107.4 29 673 8.9 0.0 -1 210 336 Namibia 85.2 .. .. .. 4.4 86 288 614 Tunisia 74.0 77 966 3.9 1.2 23 1,496 5,057 Nepal 43.2 77 -4 0.1 6.9 17 168 451 Turkey 40.0 81 11,416 0.5 7,636 9,587 Netherlands 112.5 70 .. 14.8 6,951 10,200 Turkmenistan 93.1 7 473 4.5 0.7 6 192 300 Netherlands Antilles .. 6 .. .. .. 823 .. .. Uganda 32.9 6 231 3.6 13.3 37 149 151 New Caledonia 54.0 61 .. .. 11.5 1,646 110 110 Ukraine 89.7 .. 927 1.9 1.8 11 2,124 4,232 New Zealand 54.5 28 .. 6.4 2,068 1,787 United Arab Emirates 119.9 .. .. .. 607 2,481 Nicaragua 100.9 8 395 10.6 26.6 111 116 486 United Kingdom 43.9 82 .. 9.5 19,544 25,191 Niger 40.3 2 13 0.8 11.7 19 24 50 United States 20.7 83 .. 2.9 85,153 50,891 Nigeria 80.3 0 908 2.6 0.5 1 142 813 Uruguay 29.2 42 574 1.5 0.1 5 652 1,968 Northern Mariana Islands .. .. .. .. .. 3 647 481 Uzbekistan 75.9 .. 18 1.3 2.5 8 21 272 Norway 58.4 18 .. 3.6 2,229 4,481 Vanuatu 44.9 .. 20 9.4 20.5 232 58 57 Oman 74.8 12 57 0.7 .. 19 104 502 Venezuela, RB 39.7 9 5,454 3.7 0.1 3 656 469 Pakistan 32.8 85 -53 0.5 1.2 5 86 543 Vietnam 96.0 .. 581 4.1 5.4 22 86 2,140 Palau .. .. .. .. 65.6 2,059 .. 55 Virgin Islands (U.S.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 965 565 Panama 42.9 16 947 6.1 0.2 6 576 479 West Bank and Gaza .. .. .. .. 12.5 214 155 330 Papua New Guinea 81.2 2 128 3.4 7.5 54 76 58 Yemen, Rep. 83.0 1 -201 -2.4 3.6 15 76 73 Paraguay 40.5 19 -16 1.1 1.1 15 66 221 Yugoslavia, Fed. Rep. 64.2 .. 0 0.0 13.4 107 17 152 Peru 29.5 20 1,553 1.3 0.8 16 1,001 1,027 Zambia 54.3 .. 191 6.9 28.5 79 91 574 Philippines 98.5 92 2,459 2.7 0.7 8 2,534 2,171 Zimbabwe 44.9 28 29 1.1 2.5 14 202 1,868 Poland 51.1 80 13,195 5.9 0.9 36 6,100 17,400 Portugal 58.6 85 .. 5.9 5,206 12,037 Puerto Rico .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,541 3,341 Qatar 87.9 10 .. .. .. 1 .. 451 Romania 63.8 77 1,900 2.8 1.2 19 364 3,274 Russian Federation 60.0 22 2,200 1.1 0.7 11 7,510 21,169 Rwanda 14.8 .. 14 0.8 18.1 38 17 2 Samoa 50.9 .. 0 0.0 11.6 161 40 88 San Marino .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 532 São Tomé and Principe 62.4 .. 10 21.5 80.4 236 2 5 Saudi Arabia 66.0 7 .. .. 1,462 3,700 Senegal 56.8 30 106 2.4 9.9 44 166 369 Seychelles 84.7 .. 52 9.1 3.2 225 110 130 .. Not available. Net aid donor. Sierra Leone 25.5 .. 1 0.2 29.6 36 12 10 Note: Figures in italics are for years other than those specified; the number 0 or 0.0 means zero or less than half the unit Singapore 295.3 86 c .. 6.9 0.0 0 6,370 6,258 shown and not known more precisely. Slovak Republic 128.5 85 2,185 10.7 0.6 21 432 1,053 a. Data are shown for low- and middle-income economies only. b. Includes Luxembourg. c. Includes re-exports. Slovenia 103.9 90 .. 1.0 0.3 31 957 1,090 d. Data refer to the South African Customs Union (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland). 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 6 1 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/28/02 8:47 AM Page 62 Technical notes Global Links Interactions Économiques Mondiales Integración Mundial Trade in goods as a share of GDP is the sum of merchandise exports Les échanges de biens et services en pourcentage du PIB El intercambio de bienes y servicios en proporción del PIB es la suma and imports measured in current U.S. dollars divided by the value of GDP correspondent à la somme des exportations et des importations de de las exportaciones e importaciones de bienes y servicios dividida por converted to U.S. dollars. Manufactured exports include chemicals, biens et services, divisée par le PIB. Les exportations de biens el PIB. En las exportaciones manufacturadas se incluyen los productos basic manufactured goods, and machinery and transport equipment but manufacturés englobent les produits chimiques, les articles químicos, bienes manufacturados básicos, y maquinaria y equipo de exclude nonferrous metals. The trade data are from the World Trade Orga- manufacturés de base, les machines et le matériel de transport, mais transporte, pero se excluyen los metales no ferrosos. Los datos sobre nization; shares of manufactured exports are estimated using the United excluent les métaux non ferreux. Les données sur les échanges comercio internacional provienen del FMI y la Conferencia de las Nations COMTRADE database. proviennent du FMI et de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo. Net private capital flows consist of private debt and nondebt flows. commerce et le développement. Los flujos netos de capital privado comprenden los flujos privados Private debt flows include commercial bank lending, bonds, and other pri- Les flux nets de capitaux privés recouvrent les flux au titre de la de deuda y los no relacionados con ésta. Los flujos privados de deuda vate credits. Private nondebt flows are foreign direct investment and port- dette privée et les flux de capitaux privés non associés à la dette. Les incluyen los préstamos, bonos y otros créditos privados de bancos folio equity investment. Foreign direct investment is net inflows of flux au titre de la dette privée recouvrent les prêts des banques comerciales. Los flujos privados no relacionados con la deuda investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or more commerciales, les obligations et autres crédits du secteur privé. Les corresponden a la inversión extranjera directa y a las inversiones de of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that flux privés non associés à la dette sont les investissements étrangers cartera en capital accionario. La inversión extranjera directa of the investor. It is the sum of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, directs nets et les investissements de portefeuille. Les corresponde a las afluencias netas de inversión destinadas a adquirir other long-term capital, and short-term capital as shown in the balance investissements étrangers directs sont des investissements effectués un control duradero de la gestión (10% o más de las acciones con of payments. The data on net private capital flows are drawn from World pour acquérir des droits durables (représentant au moins 10 % des derecho a voto) en una empresa que lleva a cabo sus operaciones en Bank and IMF data files. actions donnant droit de vote) sur une entreprise fonctionnant dans un un país que no es el país del inversionista. Es la suma del capital Aid data cover net concessional flows to developing countries from pays autre que celui de l'investisseur. Ils représentent la somme des social, la reinversión de las utilidades, otros tipos de capital a largo members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, mul- capitaux propres, des bénéfices réinvestis, des autres capitaux à long plazo y capital a corto plazo tal como aparece en la balanza de pagos. tilateral development agencies, and certain Arab countries. These data terme et des capitaux à court terme, comme indiqué dans la balance Los datos sobre flujos netos de capital privado provienen de los are from the OECD. des paiements. Les données sur les flux nets de capitaux privés archivos de datos del Banco Mundial y el FMI. International tourism receipts are expenditures by international proviennent des fichiers de données de la Banque mondiale et du FMI. Los datos sobre la asistencia comprenden los flujos netos de inbound visitors, including payments to national carriers for international Les données sur l'aide prennent en compte les apports recursos en condiciones concesionarias de los países miembros del transport. International tourist arrivals are the number of visitors who travel concessionnels nets aux pays en développement émanant des pays Comité de Asistencia para el Desarrollo de la OCDE, de organismos to another country for less than one year. These data are from the World membres du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE, des multilaterales de desarrollo, y algunos países árabes con destino a los Tourism Organization. organismes d'aide multilatérale au développement, et certains pays países en desarrollo. Estos datos provienen de la OCDE. For a more detailed discussion of issues of data quality and mea- arabes. Elles proviennent de l'OCDE. Los ingresos provenientes del turismo internacional corresponden surement problems for the above indicators, see About the data for the Les recettes du tourisme international sont les dépenses a los gastos incurridos por los visitantes extranjeros que entran a un relevant tables in World Development Indicators 2002 or on the World effectuées dans le pays d'accueil par les visiteurs internationaux, y país, incluidos los pagos a empresas nacionales de transporte Development Indicators CD-ROM. compris le paiement de leurs transports internationaux aux internacional. La llegada de turistas extranjeros es el número de compagnies nationales de transport. Les arrivées de touristes visitantes que viajan a otro país por un período inferior a un año. Estos internationaux représentent le nombre de visiteurs qui se rendent dans datos provienen la Organización Mundial de Turismo. un autre pays pour une période de moins d'un an. Ces données Para un exámen más detallado de los temas relacionados con la proviennent de l'Organisation mondiale du tourisme. calidad de los datos y los problemas de cuantificación, véanse las Pour une analyse plus détaillée des questions de qualité des explicaciones sobre los datos contenidas en los correspondientes données et des problèmes de mesure des indicateurs, voir les sections cuadros de World Development Indicators 2002 o en el World relatives aux données des tableaux correspondants figurant dans World Development Indicators CD-ROM. Development Indicators 2002 ou sur le World Development Indicators CD-ROM. 6 2 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/23/02 8:50 AM Page 63 Notes income. Low-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of $755 Les données présentées pour la République du Yémen ne couvrent Data are shown for economies as they were constituted in 2000, and or less in 2000. Middle-income economies are those with a GNI per pas les années antérieures à 1990 ; sauf indication contraire, les historical data are revised to reflect current political arrangements. capita of more than $755 but less than $9,266. Lower-middle-income données indiquées pour ces années se rapportent à l'ex-République Exceptions are noted throughout the tables. and upper-middle-income economies are separated at a GNI per capita démocratique populaire du Yémen et à l'ex-République arabe du On 1 July 1997 China resumed its exercise of sovereignty over Hong of $2,995. High-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of Yémen. Kong. On 20 December 1999 China resumed its exercise of sovereignty $9,266 or more (see the map spread Income per person in the Econ- Dans la mesure du possible, on a présenté des données distinctes over Macao. Unless otherwise noted, data for China do not include data omy section). pour les pays que couvrait l'ex-Yougoslavie -- Bosnie-Herzégovine, for Hong Kong, China; Taiwan, China; or Macao, China. Croatie, ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine, Slovénie et Data for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo, Dem. Rep., Notes République fédérative de Yougoslavie. in the table listings) refer to the former Zaire. The Republic of Congo is Les données sont présentées pour les pays tels qu'ils étaient Certains des graphiques font référence à des groupements de referred to as Congo, Rep., in the table listings. constitués en 2000, et les chiffres se rapportant aux périodes pays établis en fonction de l'appartenance géographique et du Data are shown whenever possible for the individual countries formed antérieures ont été modifiés sur la base des situations politiques revenu. Les indicateurs régionaux ne couvrent que les pays à revenu from the former Czechoslovakia--the Czech Republic and the Slovak actuelles. Les exceptions sont signalées en note aux divers tableaux. faible et intermédiaire, et suivent la composition des groupements Republic. Depuis le 1er juillet 1997, la Chine exerce de nouveau sa régionaux adoptée par la Banque mondiale à des fins analytiques, On 25 October 1999 the United Nations Transitional Administration souveraineté sur Hong Kong. Depuis le 20 décembre 1999, la Chine qui peut différer de la composition géographique courante (se for East Timor (UNTAET) assumed responsibility for the administration of exerce de nouveau sa souveraineté sur Macao. Sauf indication reporter à la carte Le monde région par région au début de l'Atlas). East Timor. Data for Indonesia include East Timor. contraire, les données pour la Chine ne comprennent pas Hong Kong Les pays sont classés en économies à faible revenu, à revenu Data are shown for Eritrea whenever possible, but in most cases before (Chine), Taïwan (Chine) et Macao (Chine). intermédiaire ou à revenu élevé sur la base de leur PNB par 1992 Eritrea is included in the data for Ethiopia. Les données sur la République démocratique du Congo (dans les habitant. Les valeurs retenues ici comme seuil pour définir ces Data for Germany refer to the unified Germany unless otherwise tableaux, « Congo, Dem. Rep. ») se rapportent à l'ex-Zaïre. La République groupes sont : 755 dollars ou moins en 2000 pour les pays à faible noted. du Congo est désignée dans les tableaux par « Congo, Rep. ». revenu ; entre 756 dollars et 9 265 dollars pour les pays à revenu Data for Jordan refer to the East Bank only unless otherwise noted. Dans la mesure du possible, on a présenté des données distinctes intermédiaire, cette catégorie étant elle même divisée en pays à In 1991 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics came to an end. When- pour la République tchèque et pour la République slovaque, que revenu intermédiaire, tranche inférieure, et pays à revenu ever possible, data are shown for the 15 individual countries now exist- couvrait antérieurement la Tchécoslovaquie. intermédiaire, tranche supérieure, selon que le PNB par habitant est ing on its former territory (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Depuis le 25 octobre 1999, le Timor oriental est placé sous inférieur ou supérieur à 2 995 dollars ; et au moins 9 266 dollars Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, the Russian Fed- l'autorité de l'Administration transitoire des Nations Unies au Timor pour les pays à revenu élevé (se reporter à la carte intitulée Revenu eration, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan). oriental (ATNUTO). Les données pour l'Indonésie comprennent le Timor par habitant de la section Économie). Data for the Republic of Yemen refer to that country from 1990 oriental. onward; data for previous years refer to aggregated data of the former Dans la mesure du possible, des données sont présentées Notas People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and the former Yemen Arab séparément pour l'Érythrée, mais les données antérieures à 1992 Los datos presentados corresponden a los países según éstos Republic unless otherwise noted. présentées pour l'Éthiopie incluent, dans la plupart des cas, l'Érythrée. estaban constituidos en 2000, y los datos históricos han sido In December 1999 the official name of Venezuela was changed to Sauf indication contraire, les données sur l'Allemagne portent sur corregidos para indicar los sistemas políticos vigentes. Las República Bolivariana de Venezuela, listed in the tables as Venezuela, l'Allemagne unifiée. excepciones se indican en los cuadros, según corresponda. RB. Sauf indication contraire, les données sur la Jordanie se rapportent El 1 de julio de 1997 China recuperó el ejercicio de su soberanía Whenever possible, data are shown for the individual countries formed uniquement à la Rive orientale du Jourdain. sobre Hong Kong. El 20 de diciembre de 1999 China recuperó el from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia--Bosnia and Herze- En 1991, l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques a cessé ejercicio de su soberanía sobre Macao. Salvo indicación en contrario, govina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia, d'exister. Les données relatives à chacun des 15 pays figurant à en los datos sobre China no se incluyen Hong Kong (China), Taiwán and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. présent sur son ancien territoire ont été présentées dans la mesure du (China) ni Macao (China). Some of the charts refer to regional and income groupings of coun- possible (Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Bélarus, Estonie, Fédération de Russie, Los datos correspondientes a la República Democrática del Congo tries. The regional measures include only low- and middle-income Géorgie, Kazakhstan, Lettonie, Lituanie, Moldova, Ouzbékistan, (Congo, Dem. Rep. en las listas de los cuadros) se refieren al ex Zaire. En economies and follow the country composition of the World Bank's ana- République kirghize, Tadjikistan, Turkménistan et Ukraine). las listas de cuadros, la República del Congo aparece como Congo, Rep. lytical regions, which may differ from common geographic usage (see En décembre 1999, República Bolivariana de Venezuela est devenu En la medida de lo posible, se presentan datos por separado de los the World by Region map at the front of the book). For the income groups, le nom officiel du Venezuela ; il apparaît comme « Venezuela, RB » dans países que surgieron de la ex Checoslovaquia, a saber, la República every economy is classified as low income, middle income, or high les tableaux. Checa y la República Eslovaca. 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s 6 3 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank jp6143 worldbank 5/23/02 8:50 AM Page 64 El 25 de octubre de 1999 la Administración de Transición de las Naciones Unidas para Timor Oriental (UNTAET) asumió la responsabilidad de la administración de Timor Oriental. En los datos sobre Indonesia se incluye Timor Oriental. Cuando ha sido posible, se han presentado datos relativos a Eritrea, pero, hasta 1992, la información sobre ésta se incluye en la de Etiopía. Salvo indicación en contrario, los datos correspondientes a Alemania se refieren a la Alemania unificada. Salvo indicación en contrario, los datos relativos a Jordania se refieren a la Ribera Oriental solamente. En 1991, la Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas se disolvió. Cuando es posible, se indican los datos correspondientes a los 15 países que ahora existen en su antiguo territorio (Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Belarús, Estonia, Federación de Rusia, Georgia, Kazajstán, Letonia, Lituania, Moldova, República Kirguisa, Tayikistán, Turkmenistán, Ucrania y Uzbekistán). En diciembre de 1999 Venezuela adoptó el nombre oficial de República Bolivariana de Venezuela, y aparece en los cuadros como "Venezuela, RB". Los datos relativos a la República del Yemen se refieren a ese país a partir de 1990; los datos sobre años anteriores corresponden a la ex República Democrática Popular del Yemen y a la ex República Árabe del Yemen, a menos que se indique otra cosa. En la medida de lo posible, se presentan datos por separado de los países surgidos de la antigua Yugoslavia: Bosnia y Herzegovina, Croacia, la ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Eslovenia, y la República Federativa de Yugoslavia. Algunos de los gráficos hacen referencia a las agrupaciones de países por regiones o por nivel de ingreso. Las medidas regionales incluyen únicamente las economías de ingreso bajo y mediano, y están basadas en la composición regional por países utilizada por el Banco Mundial a efectos analíticos, que quizá no coincida con el uso geográfico común (véase el mapa El mundo por regiones, al comienzo de esta publicación). En lo que se refiere a los grupos de ingreso, las economías se agrupan según su nivel de ingreso: bajo, mediano o alto. Economías de ingreso bajo son las que tienen (2000) un PNB per cápita de US$755 o menos. Economías de ingreso mediano son las que tienen un PNB per cápita de más de US$755 y menos de US$9.266. La línea de separación entre las economías de ingreso mediano bajo y mediano alto es un PNB per cápita de US$2.995. Las economías de ingreso alto son las que tienen un PNB per cápita de US$9.266 o más (véase el mapa Income per person en la sección Economía). 6 4 2 0 0 2 W o r l d B a n k A t l a s (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 34th edition The World Bank Telephone: 202 473 1000 1818 H Street NW Fax: 202 477 6391 Washington, DC Web site: 20433 USA Email: 1 5 0 8 7 9 780821 350874 ISBN 0-8213-5087-0 (c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank