WORLD BANK HISTORY PROJECT Brookings Institution Notes of interview with TEMESGIEN GOBENA Date: October 15, 1991 Washington, D.C. By: Devesh Kapur Secretary to the Implementation: Robert Voight Task Force of Implementation Organizational aspect has been neglected since last May. Most information for infrastructure were never really laid down. No sense of having a consensus decision in organization and management. Also, no effort for HRD [Human Resource Development?], part of Administration1 Organizational focus came in '68 - '72 Jim Kearns from Mak______. Architects behind the structure. Initially, Organization Planning was supposed to be an Advisor to the President. Then, it expanded and became a big organization. --Management consulting function called Organization Planning Dept. --Initially, it had a control focus, then moved to a consultancy focus. Until '87, it was considered as the "friendly consultant neighbor" because it meant that the manager got what he wanted. He brought in from the outside a management consulting firm to whet the organizational structure. In the process, OPD [Organization Planning Department] was abolished; but certain important ____: all residual _____ went to SVP P&A [Senior Vice President, Personnel and Administration] almost by accident. Willie [Willi W. A. Wapenhans]: created an Organizational Monitoring Task Force. Changes were to be routed through this, with the designated chief of policy in Personnel to head it: members PBD [Planning and Budgeting Department], own office. One person drawn from policy division (new PRE [Policy, Research and External Affairs]) MOC (Master Organizational Committee?) --residual function, but very important --ask Accounting people for actual figures --also to identify senior managers and openings [Alexander] Shakow: Strategic Planning. Vielen (?) to plan without knowing international finance and vice versa. This led to CPB VP [Corporate Planning and Budgeting]. Now, OPS [Operations Policy Staff], whether consultancy or regulatory SDA [Social Dimension of Adjustment program] department newly created in June '90. A ____ since '68 a poverty unit was created. '72, first major research on poverty by former Bangladesh Agriculture a planning minister 1 Insertions added by World Bank Group Archives are in italics in [ ]. 1 Mike Collins: Perf. [Performance] Evaluation Systems 2