tr n ~Bank's Review 1.SPrcuremnt(rir Desription of Aasignment (Prior tt o PP4 PART B TA for Coruponein 1- Poliev PLainiiiig. Moiirorinmg and CoorlnarioiDROPPED Planne d 1 lA.1.3 n.a LeadInpact evaluation expert-part time Re-ised lP Actual Planned 2 lA. 1.5 ni a Inp act evaluation sp ecialist (a) - p art time Revised IC Actual Planne d 3 lA.1. na Exp ert for Innovation Bas ed Entrepreneurship - Revised part time Planned Re s e arch As sistant for Innovation Bas e d Entrepreneurship - full tme Reiudl ____ ____ ________________________ Actual __ Planne d Analvtics and Data Specialist for Monitoing and 6 Evaluation -4 positions Reied l Actual 51 1.. - Araytic ar Data Spe-iit zx zrng ara Evaluatiom - ,l Pmäkttm 1 z.2. 1.A.L.1C-J2 ra Anyfic: arz Data Spe:i5ist M älr ar- EvaItaior - Dos5ittkm 2 5.3. 1.A.1.lC-:3 a Asalytic arz Data Spe:iatisi f MritrE ar4 Evalato - .3 5.A. 1.A.1.1Q-4 r yar-, Data Speiai i u ir\fitigaEvaluafi - 4 pmuum 4 '5 TA for part Al: Program for Investmeut and export pronotion Planne d S2X..1 n a Specialist for e stablishing system for internationalization of S erbian economy - part time Re-ised Actual Planned Establishing new agencies - legal specialist - p art Re-ised : 7 2A.2.2 na .t --ReiedIePs tune Actual Planned 3 2Ak.2.3 Policies on attracting foreign direct inve stnent - Revised part time (merged with A.2.7.Specialist to mer?ed . IC - rfo aact 8n, a implement s ecetor p olicie s - Exp ert for attracting foreign direct investment - part time) Amendment IP Actual Policies for increasing export and positioning at Planned 2A.2.4 foreign markets - part time (mergedwit Revised merged 2A.2.S.Specialist to implenient sector p olicies - ?cPs with Exp ert for incre asing exp ort and p o sitioning at 2A.2.8. foreign markets -p art time) -Aniendment 01 Actual Planned Revised 2O 2A.2.5.l na Sectorpolicv development CQs Actual Planne d Performance and value chain analvsis of selecte d Reised IL 2A.2.5.2 na CQP s ectors Actual Pilanne d Specialist for improving comp etitiveness of SMEs- p art time Re-ised I Actual Pl anne d Specialist-ResultbasedmanagementandM&Ein 23 2A.2.9 n a Revi4s ed EC t MoE and new agencie s - p art time Planned 4 2A.2 2A.2.1 ComponentAlllmplementationOffcer-parttime Revised i Actual 14.1 2A.2.19. 2A.2.10 ComponentAlImplemenationoffeier Revised IC Planned L5 1A.1.1 2.11 LeadResultshasedmanagementexpert-parttime Revised Actual Planne d 16 1A.1.2 2A.2.12 Resultsbasedmanagementspecialist-fulltime Revised t Actual Planne d A. 1.. .13 L e admpact evaluation exp ert -part time Revised reNbd _____ ____ ___________________________ Actual __ ____ Pianne d 1 1A.1.5 14Impact evaluation specialist for investment and 18 A.2.14 Revised I t rebid export promotion measures -part time Retise ________________________________________ Actual _ ______ S enior exp ert for M&E in implementation of Planne d 19 n a A.2.15 investment and export promotion strategic Revised n _ Qn n1 - tiQul1 Junior expert for M&E in implementation of Planned 20 n a 2A.2.16 investment and export promotion strategic Revised framework in SDA - full time Actual Planned 2 ta al22.17 Capacitv building support program for SMEs Revised CQ Pt Actual Senior exp ert for p eer-has e d cap acity building for Planned 22 n a 2A.2. 18 implementation of investment and export Revised C PCst promotion strategic framework in MoE- part time Actual Exp ert for p e er-bas e d c ap acity building for Planned 23 a 22.19 implementation of investment and export Revised promotion strategic framework in MoE - part time Actual Planne d Expert for analvtic support for development of 24 nu a 2A.2.20 -Revise d C Po industrial p olicie s in MoE - part time ________________________________________ Actual _ ______ Ånalytical supp ort senfior expert for IC rindustry Planned 25 n a 2A.2.21 development me asures (tax incentive me asure s) - Revised C2o2 p art time Actual Analyrical support spe cialist for ICT industry Planned 26 n a 2A.2.22 development me asures (tax incentive me asure s) - Revised 242 part time Actual Analvtical supp ort junior res e archer for ICT Planned 2 t' nYa 2A.2.23 industry development measures (tax incentive Revised C42 me asure s)- part time Actual Data support junior expert for M&E and imp act Planned 28 nYa 2A.2.24 ass essment for investment and export promotion Revised Co strategic framework - part time Actuial Data support spe cialist for M&E and inp act Planned r a 2A.2.25 assessment for investnient and export promotion Revised X st strategic framework - part time Actual Legal supp ort s erior expert in implementation of Planned 30 na 2A.2.26 investment and export promotion strategic Revised le o framework - part time Actual L egal suppOn rrpC UIIU.LUI Mj UJL~LJ- -~LL IEUJIJU 31 ta 2A.2.27 investment and export promotion strategic Revised le Po framework - part time Actual Exp ert for Mentoring support for MoE Dep artment Planned 32 rua 2A.2.28 for Industrial Development in Perfonnance Actual c C 5 Planning. - part time Revised International consultant for evaluation the Planned 3 33 rua 2A.2.29 application of diagnostic models in development Actual c ca 4 progPram for local suppliers to NK(1) -part time Revised Kevised International c onsultant for evaluation the Planne d 34 n a 2A.2.30 application of diagnostic models in development Actual -X s- pro 2ram for lo cal suppliers to =K ('-)- p art time Revised International c onsultant for implementation of Planne d 35 n a 2A.2.31 sectorial policies in key sectors - machinerv and Acual 1 1c- equipment, metal processing with focus on automotive components (1)-part time Revised International c onsultant for iiplementation of Planne d 36 n a 2A.2.32 sectorial policies in key sectors - machinerv and Actual 1c equipment: metal processing with focus on automotive components (2) -part time Revised Local consultant for improvement oflocal ' n a 2A.2.33 economv support programs (1)- part time ctal -X Revised Planne d L o cal consultant for improvement of lo cal economy support programs (2) - p art time Revised TA for part A2: Program for IBuovation De sin and implementation of RDIs external Planne 39 n-a 3A.31 -. Revised QCBS PCu p erformance review Actual Development of p olicy and functional framework Planne d for Science Fund and implementation support for Revised Action Plan for Stratev on Scientific and Actual Technolo9ical Development 2016-202 0 Planne d 4De sign and development of M&E me chanism for . RIS3 and industrial p olicy implementation Rveual Actual _____ Data supp ort s enior exp ert for M&E and imp act Planne d asses sment in implementation of Action plan for 42 n a 3A.3.4 implementation of National Strategy for scientific Revised and technologic-al development 2016200 - part Actual time Data supp ort junior expert for M&E and impact Planne d as s e s sment in implementation of Action plan for Revised 43 n a 3A.3. implementation of National Strategv for scientific S: :4t and technological development 20 16-2020 - pat Actual time Planne d 44 3A.3.6 3A.3.6 Component AU Implementation Officer - part time Revised C 2 Actual Planne d 44.1. 3A.3.6 3A.3.6 Component A2 Implementation Officer - part time Revised 2C Ptt 1 _Actual 2 Evaluation of implementation of MG Pro gram ni Planne d 45 3A.3.7 3A.3.7 and.MatchingGrantsProgramandCGS) TF Revised CQS PcE program and innovation vouchers A.ctual Planned Lead Senior Expert for support to science sector Revised 46 n1ta 3A.1Brfr Revised IC Post reform Actual Planne d 47 IA. 1. 7 3A.3. 14-re am Lead for Innovation Base d Entrepreneurship Revised -part time Actual Lead Expert for consultative process for Planned 48 na 3A.3.15 developing common and compatible measures for Revised c industrial and scientific reform policies - part time Actual Planned Senior Expert for consultative process for R n!a 3A.3.16 developing common and compatible measures for RC po-t industrial and scientific reform policies - part time Actual Specialist for consultative process for developing Planned t/ a 3A.3.17 common and compatible measures for industrial Revised . and scientific reform policies - part time/agriculture Actual Planned Specialist for consultative process for developing P n!a 3A.3. common and compatible measures for industrial Revised C Po-t and scientific reform policies - part time/ICT ctual Planned Specialist for consultative process for developing r n !a 3A.3.19 common and compatible measures for industrial Revised pt and scientific reform policies - part time/biotech Actual Specialist for consultative process for developing Planned 53 3A.3.2 common and compatible measures for industrial Revised and scientific reform policies - part time/mechanical engineering and energy efficiency Specialist for consultative process for developing Planned 54 na 3A.3.21 common and compatible measures for industrial Revised 1C Po-t and scientific reform policies - part time/creative industries Specialist for consultative process for developing Planned i) n/a 3A.3.22 common and compatible measures for industrial Revised ?Cr-t and scientific reform policies - part time Actual Planned n a 3A.3.23 Key Stakeholder policy dialogue facilitation Revised CQD ic-t Actual Expert for analytic support for M&E and impact Planned n a 3A.3.24 assessment in implementation of Action plan for Revised -o . implementation of National Strategy for scientific Actual and technological development 2016-2020 - part Planned Expert for producing specification for the Portal for . 28 na 3A.3 Innovation Fund - part time Reised -C Actual Data support senior expert for M&E and impact Planned 59 na 3A.3.26 assessment in development of mechanisms of Revised IC POst financing innovation programs - fi,11 timrn- Data support junior expert for M&E and impact Planned a 60) n/a 3A.3.27 assessment in development of mechanisms of Revised -C post financing innovation programs - full time Actual Planned M&.E system consultant for Innovation Fund - 61 na 3A..3.3 - .attn Revised N0P- parttiime Actual Planned 62 lA.1.6 3A.3.3l Impact evaluation specialist for science and innovation -part time RvsuaP _________ __________________________ Actual ____ Planned 63 n1a 3A.3.32. Enterprise Acceleration Advisor Revised IC Pot Actual Planned 64 n1a 3A333. Science Fund Institutional Advis er Revis ed IC Post Actual Planned 3 65 n1a 3A334 R&D SectorAdviser Revised IC Post 4 1 1 Actual 5 TA for part 3: Pro -ai for Labour Reform 16 Planned 17 66 n a 4A.4.1 Specialist for profiling methodolo-y - parttime Revised I 2ost la Actual 9 Planned 0 67 na 4-A.L42 Specilaist for ALP-part time Revised C Not 1 Actual 2 Support to development of profilinmethodogy lanned 3 68 na 4A4- Revised CQi Cost and evidence based program design of ALvTs Planned 669 1A. 1.4 4A.4.S inpact evaluation expert on AL.NMPs - part time Revised X Post Actual Planned * 'C B.1.1 XA PRIU Head - full time Revised _ Prior 1 _Actual Planned 71 B.l.l PIUHead Revised 555 -nor rebid rebid Actual Planned 72 B.I.2 B.1.2 Operational officer - full time Revised IC Post Actual Planned 73 B.1.3 B. 1.3 Procurementspecialist-parttime Revised IC Prior AfMuqll Planne d '4 B.1.4 NA Finance specialist - full time Revised le Prir Actual Planne d B.1A4 B.1.4Plne 75 i 4 Finance specialst - full time Revised l Prior rebid rebid Actual Planned 76 B.1.5 B.1.5 Project financial statement audit R evised LES Pos Actual 5 Planned B.1.6 B.1.6 Environmental and Social Management Specialist - Re-ined 77 B.1.6 B.1.6Revised ICPs part time Actual SPlanne d 4 78 B.l.7 B.l.7 Stakeholder outreach activities Revised Q 79 B.1.S. B.1.S. Operating costs na o 7 Planned 80 n/a B.1.9 Coordinator for compeitiveness -fulltine Revised IE Actual Planned SI n/a B.1.10 Coordinator forjobs-full time Revised IC Post _____ _____ ___________________________ Actual _ ______ Planned 82 n/a B.1.11 TeamLeaderforExperts-parttime Revised Prior l_ l i Actual PROCUREMENT 9erbia : 3erбia Competitivenaeв апд JоЬв PLAN Gеаетвl Informatioa Сои¢7гу: Serbia ВвоУв Approval Date о£ tЪе Originвl Procoremeat Р1ва: 2019-11-11 Reviввd Р1ап Date(в): (сотта деLпваtед, lеаvв Ыапk il' non во2о-о2-о9 Ptqject ID: Р152104 GPN Date: Рг ject Naoae: 8erbia Compeciciveneвв avd Jobs Loan / Credit Na: IBRD / 85280 Bzeeвting Ageacy(iee) РиЫiс Policy Secretariat PN WORКB Bid Evalaation Activicy Rыfегвисв No. / Dгaft Biddivg Loav / Cгedit Maгket Рюсигетепt Peegualifiшti и АеШа1 Атомt Ргосввь Dгak Ргы-qualifi�ati Prequali6ггtion 9рысiбс Ргоыметыпt Biddiuy Dыситеигь Реорыьыl 9иЬтiвьiып / Report апд OescгipNun Сотрыиеиt Rыview Турв Меtбод Docmпeut / 6iymed Goutгact Contгact Сотрlвбыи No. АрргоагЪ Ргогвьь (У/N) ([I9'�1 5tatas Dпсшпепtв Evaluatiou Кeport Чогiсв / Invita[iou аь Iывиед Opening / Miuuteь Rыwmmыndation Гог Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Рlаппед AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаппвд Actual Рlымыд Аееиаl Рlаипед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Aceual Рlапивд Actual сооnв Bid Evalwtion Activity RвГегвиив No. / Dп1t Hiddiug ].оаи / Сгыдi[ Markыt Ргосигетыи[ Preyualifiuti п Actual Атомг Ргооеьь Dгыft Preyualifiшti Pгequaliliггtion Ьpeeific Ртаиттвиг Hiddiuy Dоситыиtь Ргороsаl SaFmiььion / Аырогг апд Dеьспр и Сотропеиг Review Туры Method Documevt / 9iутыд Covtгvct Сопtгасе Complыtiov No. АррrоыгЪ Ргогввь (У/N) ([I9$) 5tatus Documentв EvaluaHon Repoгt Notice / lnvita[iou ыь Iьвивд Opыning / Мiиигыь Rыwmmьndation (ог Juвtifiution Аиаед Рlаппыд ALwua1 Рlаипед Ае[иа1 Рlыииед Aotaal Рlапиед АгКиа1 Рlаиивд Actual Рlаипыд AcNa1 Рlаппыд Аа[иа1 Рlаииед e4tual Рlмиед Actual ыг ,,,а sми..w г . вьаво пггп,ы.а,оа ,т„о т аттып» .m.mmw /, оа1_ NON CON3ULT1N0 3EINICE3 Bid Evalwtion Activicy Rыfегвисв No. / Dгaft Biddivg ].оаи / Сгыдi[ Markыt Ргосигетыи[ Preyualifiuti п Actual Атомг Ргооеьь Dгыft Preyualifiшti Pгequaliliггtion Ьpeeific Ртаиттвиг Hiddiuy Dоситыиtь Ргороsаl SaFmiььion / Аырогг апд OescгipNun Сотрыиеиt Rыview Турв Меtбод Docmпeut / 6iymed Goutгact Contгact Сотрlвбыи No. Арргоасh Реосвьв (У/N) ([I9$) 9tatuь Documenn Evalшtion Report Voticы / InvicaЧOU ав Iвьиед Орыпiиу / Minucыs Яеитгоеидагiоп f г Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Рlаппед AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаппвд Actual Рlымыд Аееиаl Рlаипед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Aceual Рlапивд Actual сохвсл.тпv0 Fдгмв лсnнгд Аыггеисе хы. / сытьтыа е.ыlиыеlып lтыи / Gгedit Мыгkьt Cuntrark Турв Actual Amuwt Е�ргеьвiоп of ]пгыreы 9hoгt Liьt апд Dra[t Rеуиеы (ог Ртроsаlь Opeuiug ы[ Teehni�al Evaluatiou о( Dыьепр п Согороиыиг Review Туры Mыthod Prосыьь 9гаNь Тегтs о[ АвЕыгыисы Rыport аид DгufL �gued Coutraet Coutxvet Completion No. Approach (U9S) Notiыe Авqиеы [ыг Рroроваlь аь ]ьвиыд Рюроьаlв / Minuteь '1ЬгЛпiгаl Рюроьыl Neyotiated Сои[txet Рlапивд АсгывL Рlапvвд Aetual Рlамед Actual Рlыпыд Асгиыl Рlаппыд АеШа1 Рlыипед e4tuaL Рlмvвд Actual Рlамед Actual Рlапиыд Аегиыl ��, д"`°` н> хо. вьzьо � . г°„ гг атпnwты, � zаа�ьч. IIЛ7IVIDUAL CONSULTANTS e4Hvity Refereuи No. / lnиtatiou N ].оаи / Сгыдi[ Markыt Аогиьl Amuwt Dгыft Nыgo[iated Dыьспр п Nы Сотропеиг Review Туры Method Арргоасh Coutraet Туры �9S Prосеьь 9еаNь Тыать ы[ Ае£еrепыв Ideueiбed/9ыlвеtвд Coutract 9iymed Сопегасе Contract Complыtiov Cunьultant Рlаиивд ActuaL Рlvиивд Actual Рlамыд Actual Рlаппыд Асгиаl Рlапиыд AeNa1 ....... . ... ......... M." ....... . ... ...... . . .. M." ....... . ... M." ....... . ... . ....... l 17 ...... ... .. 1- ..... ... ... .. M." ....... . ... . ....... I ...... ... .. 1-1 ..... ... ... .. M." ....... . ... . ....... I ...... ... .. 1-1 ..... ... ... .. M." ....... . ... . ....... I ...... ... .. 1-1 ..... ... ... .. M." ....... . ... . ....... I ...... ... .. 1-1 ..... ... ... .. M." ....... . ... . ....... I ...... ... .. 1-1 ..... ... ... .. M." ....... . ... . .......