97768 Togo Community Development Project April 13, 2011 Community Development Project Providing social services and social protection to over 300,000 people in rural Togo Overview The Community Development Project (CDP) is a major instrument for basic social service delivery, social protection, and community empowerment in Togo. Since the project was approved in July 2008, the CDP has reached more than 300,000 beneficiaries in about 400 rural communities. These beneficiaries have been provided with basic socioeconomic infrastructure, opportunities to generate income, and social safety nets. Examples of projects include meals for schoolchildren and construction of public works. Challenge MULTIMEDIA For more than 15 years, starting in the 1990s, a socio-political crisis affected the economy of Togo and hampered the capacity of the government to provide adequate social services to the majority of its population. The political situation in Togo is now stabilized and the economy is slowly resuming. However, social services  in rural communities in Togo remains insufficient and is almost inexistent in the most remote areas. Formal risk management mechanisms to support households to cope with recurrent crises do not exist. In this context, the CDP was created to address the social needs of the poorest rural communities and to support Togo in meeting the Millennium Development MORE Goals (MDG), in particular those associated with Also available in French eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, , and improving maternal health. This project is the first International Development Association (IDA)-supported More Results operation in Togo in 10 years. Approach The project has adopted a community-driven development approach (CDD) where communities themselves identify 300,000 priorities and are involved in sub-project management. The number of beneficiaries that the community development Communities are supported by local nongovernmental project has reached since 2008 organizations (NGOs) and organizations that work under the supervision of five regional implementing agencies. A technical unit at the central level ensures overall coordination. In a context characterized by weak service delivery, especially at the local level, this approach helps reach the communities most in need. The institutional 271 number of classrooms financed framework also helps to identify needs and respond in a by the project, along with 32 timely way (through social safety nets) to shocks that might water and sanitation points, 10 health centers and 19 rural affect communities. Finally, the CDD approach empowers roads communities and strengthens local decision-making and accountability among community members. MORE INFORMATION Results Official site of Community This project recently had a mid-term review and has Development Project documented good results. Since approval in July 2008, it has Community Development Project supported the following outcomes: and related materials Social Protection in Togo In support of the MDG – “Achieving Universal Education,” the school feeding project contributed to Country Website increase the enrollment rate in beneficiary schools by Country Brief 9 percent and decrease absenteeism. In addition, Country Assistance Strategy about 17,200 students are now enrolled in new or rehabilitated schools financed by the CDP Data and Statistics infrastructure component. In support of the MDG – “Environmental Sustainability/Access to Water,” about 10,000 people now have access to improved water sources built by the project. Reached more than 400 communities, benefiting 300,000 people (directly or indirectly) via community socioeconomic infrastructure, income-generating activities, lunch for primary school children and support to agriculture; Financed over 88 schools (271 classrooms), 32 water and sanitation points, 10 health centers and 19 rural roads; Financed 233 income-generating activities, such as fishing, small gardening, livestock farms, cheese factories, directly benefiting more than 5,000 people; Served more than 6 million lunches to about 30,000 children in primary schools since school year 2008/2009; and Trained 3,800 community members on community development principles and basic project management. The project is a reference point in terms of service delivery for rural communities. It is expected to have a long-lasting impact on local development because it finances infrastructure of satisfactory technical quality, sustainable income-generating activities and social safety nets that reach the poorest and most vulnerable households. Voices The season before receiving the funds from the project, we had revenues for 6 million CFA; the season after, we reached about 11 million CFA. In the household we have now more financial resources to address the needs of the family, send children to school and pay for medical care. Some of us improved their lifestyle, some bought motorcycles to do transport. Besides, we created employment in the village; each producer employs at least 5 permanent workers and 10 seasonal workers. Because we created jobs, we noticed a reduction of thefts in the village.   —Gabla Kokou, president of a group of 238 farmers (small market gardener) in Danyi Bank Contributions The initial IDA contribution to the CDP was US$17.2 million approved in July 2008. In response to the negative repercussions of the food price crisis, additional financing of US$7.0 million was made available under the Global Food Price Crisis Response Trust Fund in October 2008.  A second additional financing was approved in July 2010 to address the effects of the economic crisis. This financing was an IDA grant of US$8.7 million financed under IDA’s pilot Crisis Response Window. The total World Bank contribution to the CDP is US$32.9 million. Partners Although the CDP is financed entirely by the Bank, the public works component approved in July 2010 was developed in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), which has extensive experience with such interventions. There is a strong collaboration between the Bank and United Nations (UN) agencies in helping the social protection agenda in Togo by supporting analytical work and providing technical assistance to develop a national safety nets strategy. Toward the Future he CDP has disbursed about 70 percent of the initial IDA grant. Given the success of the project and the strong positive effect on rural communities and local development, the government has formally requested IDA refinancing of the project for a second phase. In its expansion phase, the project will also help build institutional capacity within the government, increase temporary employment and will focus on youth.