S. SRIVASTAVA & CO. I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT'S ---,- 104-105, S, M, Palace, 37/19 (1), tst ~loor, Opp. R.B.I. The mall, Kanpur (U.P.) Phone : 0512-2354933, 0983910·15:B (AN1S0900! :200!Cu1fi!dCAfo1) E-mail : ss_fca@redlffmail.com ssandco.ca@gmaiLcorn Independent Auditor's Report (Tl Pool Fund) To, The Project Director, Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Introductory Paragraph We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society as of March 31, 2018. Our Responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Scope paragraph We have conducted our audit in accordance with standards on auditing issued by the institute of chartered accountants of India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable to assurance about whether the financial statements are free of financial statements are free of material misstatement Audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts, review of internal controls and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Management Responsibility Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in accordance with societies Registration Act,1960 & Rules there under, This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation of then financial statements that are free from material misstatements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We have taken into account the previous of the act, the accounting and auditlng standards and matters, which are required to be included in the audit report under the provisions of the act, and the rules made there under. I f . Offices: (1) 2/165, Vljay Khand, Gomti Na gar, Lucknow Ph. : 0522-230630G (2) Office No. 8, Gokul Regency-II, Thakur Cornplex, Kandlvall (E), Mumbal-400101 Ph.: 022-20700358 (3) Flat No. 15, Pockot-B, Shukhdev Vihar-New Delhl-110025 Ph.: 896000053:~ (4) Shop No. 8, Narayan Vihar THDC Colony, Kargi Fload, Dehradun Ph. : 8960005533 . (5) 1149 Sector 7 (Urban Estate) Kamal Haryana-132001 Ph. : 8960533533 . We conducted our audit in accordance with standards on auditing issued by the institute of chartered accountants of India. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements, Plan, and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, the procedures selected depend on the auditors judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making, those risk assessment, the auditors consider internal financial control relevant to the preparation of the financial statements that give true and fair view in order to design audit Procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statement. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the financial statement. Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the financial statements consisting of • Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2018, • Income and Expenditure account and • Receipt & Pavrnent Account For the period ended on March 31, 2018, read with observation given in the annexure to this report, if anv, give true and fair view of the sources and application of funds and the financial POSITION OF Uttar Pradesh State Aids Control Society for the year ended Mc1rch 31, 2018, in accordance with consistency applied accounting standards. The fund utilisation certificate is in agreement with the annual account and certified is attached to this audit report In addition, (v) with respect to IH{s, adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support the IFRs subject to our observations given in the annexure to this report; (b) which expenditures are eligible for financing under tile credit/grant Agreement, subject to our observations given in annexure to this report (c) procurement of goods and services has been carried out as per the procurement manual issued by NACO (Department of AIDS Control), Emphasis of Matters We draw attention to the following matters in the notes to the financial statements. ,, ., / ) ' <,.,.., t. 1. The current asset shows the debit balance of Bank of Baroda is 3609827795/- where as bank balance as per bank statement is 38917982.95 the difference is on account of difference cheque issued and deposited by the society but not presented to bank up to 31.03.2018. 2. Non-adjusted advance lying in the account of NGO's at the end of year. It has been observed that advance granted and given to NGO as proposed. However, at the end of year advance not adjusted lying in their account. Details attached with Annexure-1 under Annexurc to this Audit report 3. Non .. adjusted advance lying in the account of District Authorities at the end of year. It has been observed that advance granted and given to District Authorities as proposed. However, at the end of vear advance not adjusted same lying in their accounts. Details attached with Annexure-2 under Annexurc to this Audit report 4. Other Matters No such matter observed during the audit period. Place: Lucknow For S. Srivastava& Co. Date: 26-09-2018 Chartered Accountants Firm Reg. · o. 004'.;i70C S~;.\ ;tv'-~--- cA Sudar~~:,112,595.00 .. - ----· -· Gram in vikas evam manav sewa sansthan rnuzaffarnagar 23,47,7'.i2.00 23/17,752.00 - - Grarnln vikas sans than Racbareillv 18,711,642.00 18,74,642.00 .. - Chetna sewa sansthan Rarnpur 24,89,5111.00 23,48,387 .00 - 1,41,127.00 Pr atap sewa samiti Sultanpur 17,93,211.00 17,93,211.00 - . ··- Savera Kushinagar 16,33,188.00 _ 16,33,188.00 - - ---·- Society for pragati Bharat Lalitpur 15,83,017.00 15,83,017.00 ...... -- - - .. ·-· - Asha gramodyog sans than mahoba 24, 16,889.00 - -------------· --·- 24,J 6,889.00 ·---- --- •WNM•••- .Jyoti grarnin kalyan sanst han Go_r,1khpur 32,69,252.00 ... 32,G9,2S2.00 Haj.:i hussain memorial charitable society kanpur 34,21,970.00 34,07,520.00 14,450.00 - UP voluntary health association am bed karnagar 14,97,465.00 10,58,817.00 -.. -- .. - ··- 4,38,648.00 Ian Chetna Sewa Sumi ti Agra 18,41,034.00 18,41,034 .00 . Amar shahid chetna sansthan ballia 21,49,878.00 21,49,878.00 - - Sarvodava ashram hardoi 21,90,120.00 21,90,120.00 - . ·-··· Dal it Vikas evarn sarnajlk uthan sarniti kaushambi 16.00,417.00 16,00,417.00 __ - --·- ··- Panchsheel social wellar e society !\g,·a 20,39,055.00 19,71(,392.00 __ ,, ___-_ 64,673.00 Gramin vikas sansthan merrut 32,12,1116.00 ZG,5?,52S.OO 5,:,9,891.00 ·- .. ·----·····---- .. Caring of people and advancing _l_ife society Pratapgarh 24,14,810.00 20,GL!,263.00 - 3,50.547.00 Abhudava sansthan 13anda 23,38,3G3.00 15,lS,365.00 - ···--· ---·· 8,22,998.00 ---·· ---- Progressive agency to humanity Azamgarh 34,l5,l:i90.00 2~,91,395.00 - 10,21\,195.00 ··-· Cir am in vikas shiksha sansihan f1aebareilly 15,31,263.00 15,3J ,263.00 - - Kartik shiksha sansthan rnoradabad 32,57,5117 .00 30,60,046.00 - 1,97,501.00 BAL BANI avarn nirbal sewa anari kala kendra samiti mau 21,16,227.00 ..... 21,16,?27.00 - __ . ,,, ., __ - Warsi sewa sadan etawah sarnam sansthan lucknow 26,83,166.00 29,60,302.00 26,83,_166 00 29,60,302.00 .. ,, - . ' ""' - ·- -----· - ' ' ) j' ······- - -···-····--- Vaishnavi shiksha sarniti sonbhadra 5/17,639.00 ·-···-- - - 5,47,639.0EJ.. Chnclra kanta gramodyog sewa sansthan siddharthnagar 31,45,010.00 31,00, 736.00 .. - 44,274.00 Manav gaurav nirman sansthan var anasi ·- _ 19,24,161.00 ... ..... 19,24,761.00 - Bharat sewa sans than sahar anpur 1--· .. 25,43,628.00 25,43,628.00 Sampoorna kshetra vikas samitl varanasi 20,54,502.00 16,48,531.00 4,05,971.00 Sumitra sarnajik kalvan sansthan kanpur Hamirpur 28,03,164.00 16,29,392.00 11, 73,772.00 Nari [uagran sewa samiti sitapur 25,52,GG3.00 25/i2,663.00 ·-. - ····~~- --· -----··-- Aident Social welfare Organization l:lulandshahar 25,50,639 og_ ____ 25,'.;0,639.00 " Govind sewa sarniti Kansiram, nagar 29,02,228.00 13,(,9,7.51.00 " 15,3 2,477.00 Bhartiva Gramothan sewa sansthan Pilibhit 6,84G.OO " - 6,846.00 Pragati sewa sansrha kanpur ___ ... 23,83,76'.i.OO __ . ____}6,9'/,343.00 - 6,86,4 22.00 _ SMT Kaushilva devi Poorva madhvamik vidvalava Samiti /\ui:;:iiy~ 16,68,915.00 ..... 16,68,915 00 _ -··--···-·" Multi Vision foundation Allahabad 8, 75,603.00 8,75,G03.00 - Gau tarn budhha jagrati society Gautam budhha nagar (NOIDA) 2,Gl,875.00 2,G1,8_r5.QQ_ -···-- - ... -.- ..... Sakaar outrech Ghazi a bad 20,87,963.00 20,31,573.00 .. 56,390.00 Amin welfare trust Kanpur 30,63,528.00 13,99,813.00 .. 16,63,7159.9 ····- Viklang sarnajkavan scwa sansthan varanasi 35,24,872.00 29,49,538.00 5,75,334.00 Awadh sewa sansthan Kanpur 9,77,559.00 9,77,5S9.00 - - Natural's care ghaziabad 41,19,814.00 41,19,814.00 ... - . .. - ----· Social welfare institute Varanasi 19,93,518.00 19,9},518 00 - ... -.- .... _,, ____ - -- ····---·-· Gramm vikas evarn manav scwa sansthan Ghaziabad 7,lG,260.00 7,lG,260.00 - ·-·····- Chetna sewa sansthan Agra ····-·-·- 23,93,902.00 21,75,930.00 - ·-· 2,17,912.Q.9 Uttar Pradesh welfare for people living with HIV/ AIDS society allahabad _____36,38,549.00 _} h.J.11_15 91.:.QO _ '-- ·····-···"·--· .. ,. ___ - ... ·---····"·-·· 13,958.00 dwarika sarnaj kalvan samtn allahabad 1,96,0411.00 . - 1,96,044.00 .... Warsi sewa sadan Kanpur Nagar 32,32,895.00 14,89,175.00 10,55,874.00 6,87,846.00 t--·" ··----·· Navbharat sarna] kalvan samlti HAPUH 14,16,528.00 -·- -- 8, 79,546.00 - 5,36,982.00 Abhivyakti foundation Ghaziabad 24,?4,812.00 20,50,088.00 sz.zxs.oo 3,72,485.00 Grarnin scwa sansthan gorakhpur 2ti,68,G03.00 24,6l/,G03.00 - ··-- --··- Gramin vikas sewa sarniri bas ti 75,15,953.00 17,51,6?2,00 7,64,261.00 - ,.,,. Jankavan rnahasamiti fatehpur 16,22,895.00 16,22,895.00 - ,, /~<'~ l - ,, ··---·-- ···--- " ·- Lok srnriti sewa sans than Allahabad 44,54,476.00 _ 44,29,951.00 24,52.'i.00 - - ... ···--· Lucknow sarthi development foundation 13,29,071.00 13,29,071.00 - ·- - ···--· Nehru yuva grarnin mahila vikas sansthan mathura 15,43,959.00 12,82,195.00 - 2,61, 764.00 I-· Shiva adhyogik vikas sewa Sans than gorakhpur 19,67,148.00 17,61,305.00 - 2,05,843.00 Kartik shikshan sansthan Kanpur Nagar 20,7 7,896.00 ___ 20, 77,8%.00 - ···--······----·· ··---· ·-· ----····-- ___ .. ___ Dal it vikas avam sarnajik uthan sarniti chandauli 2:t,2G,286.00 19, 15,640.00 - 2, 10,G46.00 Gram in vikas sansthan Ghaziabad 44,302.00 - 44,302.00 JN Bal Nikunj Meerut 16,96,578.00 14,78,008.00 2,18,Si'0.00 Total 20,56,07,008.00 18,08,54,541.00 19,21,349.00 2,28,31,118.00 . ., ~ \ I~ ' ,,,.r ( 3, 900.00 - 1,53,900.00 - Total 24,93,594.00 7,93,062.00 5,25,852.00 11,74,680.00 /, ..': / '. r\ . ' Management Letter to the Statutory Audit Report For the year ended as on 31-03-201.8 Uttar Pradesh -State Aids Control Society Tl POOL FUI\ID In connection with our audit of the financial statements of the UP State AIDS control society as on 31.03.2018 and for the year then ended, we familiarized ourselves with project/Program documents and the internal guidelines/ circulars applicable during the period under audit. We also reviewed the business of the society and evaluated the accounting systems and related internal controls of the mission to plan and perform our audit. This letter to management includes observations noted during the course of audit examination in the following areas where as the auditor we are of the opinion that the management needs to take corrective action towards the following issues: 1. The current asset shows the debit balance of 13ank of Baroda is 3609827795/· where as bank balance as per bank statement is 38917982.95 the difference is on account of difference cheque issued and deposited by the society but not presented to bank up to 31.03.2018. 2. Non adjusted advance lying in the account of NGO's as at the end of the vcar. It has been observed that advance granted and given to NGO ,JS proposed. However, at the end of year advance not adjusted lying in their account. Details are as follows: - Refund Amount Amount lying in /.\djustment Name of NGO Advance Amount the account of Amount NGO Humana People to people indiaunnao ----- -. 2,0·1,2/J9.00 2,07,249.00 ----····.. ·--·.. ··-··- Manav sevasansthan . .. ~.~khimpur .... ... _. __ 20,43,283.00 20,43,283.00 JN Bal Nikunj Lakllirnpur __ -· . __ 16,50,829.00 ... __ 16,50,829.00 Chitransusamajkalvanf'arishad l.akhimpur .o_ -· .19,so,031_ o 9,80,o31.oo 1_ G rarnothanlvlahilasa nstha na m r oha 211,50,643.00 -l.-----'- _ 19 ,42, 259 .00 ··········--· ..... ·- . S,08,384.00 f ; 'i, '" Al :_,,. ,c • I, \~~ :1/ Mangal jyotirnahila and baluthansansthanbanda 1.,93,012.00 1,93,012.00 ----+--- Sa rvaja nikGram invikassa nstha n ' santkabirnagar -- 28,80,89'.").00 15,85,7.84.00 12,95,611..00 -- -----· - Tha ruJa njatimahilavika ssam itib ahraich ---- ... ------ ..... 38,64,491.00 -38,30,649.00 .~ . Purvancha lsewasnastha n Deo ri a ------ 3S,69,492.00 ------ 29,27,236.00 6,42,256.00 ------------~- t- - - - .. ·-· -- - ------· ... . . .... Bhartiya Jan sewa ashram Jaunpur __3 _ o_ ,3~,~oo.o_SL 29,12,899.oo __ _ , __ 1, 18,301.00 Sh ris thisewasa nst ha 11 rn ah a ra jr, anj 14,66,'120.00 11,78,803.00 t-~---······-···----··--· . - Social welfare institute chandauli 22,51,393.00 ·-·------~-- ...-.. UP !Iha rtiyaGrarninvil«-1ssa nstha n r- aiza bad 26,05/)88.00 _91,476.00 Centre of Technology &Ente rprenu reship Development Ghazipur 2~~~Jl..42.00 • DH -H-Ho,,.,, 26,64,842.00 Shrijan Foundation Mainpuri 32,08,869.00 --------- 2_5,88,861.00 __ 6,20,00B.OD Society for Computer education and development in rural area UNNAO Jan ChetrwSewaSarniti Firozabad ---------1,31,206.00 ----------,- - 23,98,832.00 ------~--'---, 23,98,832.00 --- l,:H,206.00 Sri Hoop Kishore Gautam lVlanav sewasansthanEtah ... _ 3l,29,186.00 27.,96,0,13.00 3,33,143.00 -·· 13ha rtiyaG ram inVikasSa nstha n B _ ijnou_ r , 2_,8(j,575.00 2,86,575.00 -----····---· ··-- Aident Social welfare Q_rganization mathura _ _ 21,66,899.00 __ ... 21,66,899 00 __ -·· ' f \\ ' I Surnitra sa majikka lya nsanstha nka npurd ehat 2!,,93,516.00 - - - ---------- ----------r---------- 25,93,516.00 _ ------------ 1----- Sa rvaja n ikGrarn invikassanstha 11 shahjanpur 4,45,989.00 -- 41,38,353.00_ ---- - ......................... _.,.. ----··············· ..... ·-·---· -· Sri Hoopkishore Gautam Manav sewasa nstha nhathras 25)8,441_00 8,44,59L00_ --- 16,83,850:._Q_Q SMT l28.00 .. ·····-·--···"· ------ .. .. . ---- --·--·' ___ .. ··- 8,79,546.oo. '>,36,982.00 Abhivyakti foundation Ghaziabad . -- _ -- 24,84,812.00 20,50,088 .oo 62, 239 .. 00_ .. _3, 72,48'.,.oo ·····----···t----- Graminsewasan srha ngora khpu ·- 24,68,603.00 _ 24,68,603.00_,_ _ .... ,. . 1---~-- Gram invika ssewasam itibasti ..... 25,l:i,953.00 17,51,692.00 7,64,261.00 -- ---- . -· ............... _. -- __ , .. ,- ... -..... ---l - - - }~1nkayanma hasa m itifa te~pur 16,22,895.00 --- ______ ._ 16,22,895.00 1------ Lok smrili sewasansthan Allahabad 44,54,476.00 "'""'" 44,29,95L0O ____ 24,525.00. Lucknow sarthi development foundation _1_ _ ~~~~0 .o 1_ _o -·-- ... 13,29,011.00 .. ----·-·---- -·---- __ -·----- Nehru vuvagrarn inrna h ilavikassa nstha nrnathura _ -.15,43,959.00 ----·- 12,82!..19~:90 ---- 2,61,764.00 _. ·• Shiva ad hyogikvikassewaSa ns thangor _ akhpur . - . 19,67,148.00 17,61,305_ _0 .0 -i------- _ 2,0'.i,8113.00 . Kartikshikshansansthan Kanpur .. Nag_a_r 20,77,896.00 20,77,896.00 1 .. --·-····-· ··---· _, ---- .. ·----1- -- .. --·- ·•··· Dalit vikasavarn samajiku tha nsa m itic handauli 1 __ ,--_2_ ,2 -'- _ ,~?.G:Q_9 6..c.. . ···- .~9,15,640.0.9__ ···-----······ 2,10,6/J.6.00 G ra rninvikassa nstha n _ G _ -h a_z_ ia_ b_ d a_ --+-_ .. ··- 44,302.00 . ---·· ----- .. 44,302.00 _ JN Bal I\Jikunj Meerut 16,96,578.00 1/\,78,008.00 2, 18,S 70.00 ,,_..,,_ -·--·-··--- Total o . 20,sf:i,07,09s..:. g_ 18,08,54,54L0O J.9,21,349.00 2,28,3-1,llH.0U ~-- ·- ·····-·-·· . ' 3. Non-adjusted advance lying in the account of District Authorities at t_h_~ end of year. It has been observed that advance granted and given to District Authorities as proposed. However, at the end of the year advance not adjusted same lying in their accounts. Details are as follows: - .-----------.-------- -·········· Amount lying in Name of District Advance Refund the account of Adjustment Amount Authorities Amount Amount District Authorities Agra Principal S.N. _M_edical college___ ?.i17/q0:00 _ 90,254.00 18,346.00 1,08,G00.00 __ ·-·-···-··········· .. Allahabad C.M.S. M.L.N. l __ District: Hospita_ .. _ 2,_17,200.0U 97,600.00_ 11,000.00 ----- --· ----- 1,08,600.00 Allahabad Principal __!Yi.L..:.~.:_Medical collef\e -~'. 17,200.00 1,02,'.)Y2.oo _ __ __ _ _1,os,600.00 __ g'.gg~~:o_o Bahraich C.M.S. !--------··· >•M ----•m 2,38,700.00 ow,_,-·••••••••••••• 14,2_go.oo_ __,__3_ 4,32o.oo 1,:·:\0,100.00 1321sti C.M.S. __ . 2,62,500.00 44,425.00 1,0~,175.q_Q_ 1,08,G00 00 Gorakhpur Principal _ B.R.D. Medical Co_l!~J~~- 1,80,038.00 i.os. 548_ o__ .o_ 71,490.00 ---"· .. ·····--· Jalaun (Orai) C.M.S. 0 __ 2,n,100.0_ 1,30,100._ 00__ __ /1_ l_ 2,_60.Q:CJ_Q LKO V.C. C.M.S. medical y11iy_ersity 2,17,200.00 65,2_~00 43,387.00 1,08,600.00 Me erut C.M.S. P.L. _S~armo Hospital ...... 2,82/190.00__ ------··-- 1,08,600.00 --- _l,73,8<)0.00 _ _M r _ _o_ da a_ Ja_ _l_ d_C.. M _ _ . --;--- .S_ 2_ 4_ ,3_ ,466.00 80 _,9?0.0_q .. 40,816.00 1,13,600.00 ~ahjcJhanpur C.M.S 1.,53,900.00 Total 24,93,'.,94.00 7,93,062,00 11,74,680.00 .. -····· ,,_ --~- .. ---··· - Place: Lucknow For S. Srivastava S Co. Date: 26-09--2018 Chartered Accountants Firm Reg. o. 004570( c: ~ .. ~( . ,~vi 4 I CA Sucl;:;rsl~J~ ~umar Vij Partner Membership No.007859 :;\t:,r Pradesh ~ACS - Tl PUOL H '\!' r ,...-........~ '> . ,, .,. , l__ \.._ ~;1:1 :~·;(,Of. 1'j'..._\. .-i, diL\\\.\:\_ :\ b1,\CK. {1c1J;HI ""g...ir~ .. i ;h:t.lH>\\'-.,!!600) \.ati,,ni.li :\ii)' t oi,trn{ Proj~:<-:t· Pi1a~-..:- l V _, '"""'I -:> I Balance Sheet For The Period From: 01-Apr-2017 To :3!-Mar-2018 _/ rurcs for the Figures for rhc Jtiourcs for the Figures for the· Schedule ~d1rduk ~·ious Period I LI A 81 LIT! ES Reference current Period ,;r;_·inus Period I ASSETS Rcrt-rcnrc current Period (Rs.) ,R,.) ,R~.) (Rs.\ 7.598.877.00 I GENERAL FL;ND 0, 60.6 ?O. i.J(:iJ. ')5 : 2~.' 113.00 I !·!~LI).\:,:-,!~·, S P.~ 128.18c.OO CliRR£NT LIABTLITJES Al'\D CURIU'.Yl' r\SSETS. L(H;\S .\.,[) PROVISIO:--S AD\'.\1,U-:.S 61.·: 14.00 C'. 'R'<.'~',T LIA81L!TiES 0501 'i.62!.00 !8.~0i.l'6tl.O\l Cl RRF;( i ·\ ~,1, I~ l)~f) i '6.098.722.95 128.!83.00 FiXED ASSET 1-'LND l'.'.S.183.W :"•!.2:" LO,\~S ,\!\I) \!)\',\ ,CLS t).!() i 2-~.623.808.00 7.788,474.00 60.830. i 13.93 77. 788 . .174,00 (10.850, 713.95 ~~ ~~Y \:)'--'~ \ ~~o Y\ ~c.w_&z ~ ~'-.)R_~ ~ . \~ /' ~~ (\, ' \ . -·· ' \/~ _i~t, ,/ Gq . Aud~- ·, FC'F:VJ!FO 'r~oj~ct Director !.! s . . ;~ ,._.,_~ . . -~ ' 11 ,,.. ~ "' r-...,,,,::;; ..- ,,..1,""' ~ . D-re-..t:r ,Fir.a.:·.:~) ::. 1 g,;;/~f ::~/ C~i:::~ ()W -- _,... - -- · -· -¥ --~------- ------ ·- ·¥-- : ~y~tt--;: \d:·~:, ,: c,:~ !S 1·,c :?.-:; ·.::: ··'' :·~·o:1' t~?.'.?..l Fag.: ! or.: ' 1.o~~:-::·:n;;,i ' C cncrn l Fund :'>d1ciluk 01 Figure~ in Rupe('' Asai As at 31-,yhll'-]~ .'I -;\'T;ir-17 ·ra rticu la rs (Hs.) (lh.) Opening grant in aid 77.398.877.00 7 l .625.8..J3.!IO Add: Received during the year Gram from '\'ACO ro SACS i ~:;_900.000.00 : q\). t 7u.oov.uooo Recovery/Deduction of Grams ( 14.167.947.00) ~37.060.(,%.0000) Less: Utilised during the year Grants utilised to the extent of revenue expenditure ( I 36.660.0:20.05) ( ! Closing grant in aid 60,670,909.95 77.598,877.00 \ Fixed' Asset Schedule 02 rigur('S in Rupees Particutars Opening Balance Addition Dekti {M)G-j t2 8:1:Ss.f)O~ --------------- -- • A . / ~- \Ji .. ,. ,.. ' ' ) cq ~"' ~ oa-'-"' P~!~,- : \~t .-.,-;a1, 1,.1:'' ··" l,i:c:.rio::-., r•, ! ,, .:., t C ..::: 6 ::: i.J... I. -- //:: (' 11( i. ,..., - : curn1·:Yr ,\~;sv 1., -,,·!11;,htk t);\H! I t!'.Ut ,,, ,n lt1•1it:t, ·-~ A~ :it •· . A~ at .31-iVlHr- l/i Jl-!\lnr 17 ·- Particulars (Rs.) (lh.) Tl PF-Bank (AiC NO-26700100009839) 36_0,;x.-22.95 1x.101.1,,,o.1,o Total .i(,.098. 722.')5 I ~ •. HJ 1,0(,IJ.00 LOA~SANDADVA~CES .'>tiwduk O-rnl Fi~urc, in Rupcn ,\Sa( As :1t 31-Mnr-l8 .31-M.w-17 Particulars. (Rs.) (Rs.) Advance ro Consultants -l6il.\i(j{~_(J{J -W.000.0{i Advance to NGOs 22.S i I.; i 8.0(i 57.86, .zss.oo Advance to Autonomous Bodies 1)8.010,0{1 O.Ou Advance to District Authorities ).: ".IJ,:· :O! ~mional \lDS Co; 'rol i'ru_1n:1- l'insc'. l\" Income And Expenditure Account for The Period From: 01-Apr-2017 To :3l-I\-1ar-2tH8 figures for the ! Figures for the Figures for the Figures for ,he -. Schedule Schednlc current Period previous Period current Period p revious Period EXPENDITURE Reference !NCO:VIE Ret'crtllN' !Rs.) (Rs.I !Rs.l (R~.) 2.290.540.GO Consultants and Consultancy Services 487.586.00 2.3(,-l.-l-l 1.0() 0, her i ncouc 2~ 2. I 59. 06::!.UU Medicines 07 4.868.022.00 Grants utilisc·d to the ex tent of revenue I 86.660,020.05 expenditure 12.398.58 i .00 Training and Workshops 08 9.023.890.00 I I 0.467.889.00 Salary (Pay and Allowances) 13 132.106.364.70 8.266,365.00 Maintenance Costs 14 12, I 06,221.00 Operational Expenses 15 30.227.898.35 158.500.7 i 1.()0 188.819.98::!.()5 '::<: ,/1/l .__,., uu.r r I:; 0() -I I 188.819.982.05 I I ~~ '( ~"C ~v--C¾~ ~~~Y'\ ~ Q..\}4;:_ V"\ ~ ~;~~~, ~· \ c)._ ( ~/ U.:-r:\ G,;,.,a1 . cq_ -- -~- -~-- ·-··"··· ~ ,/ --/;_"' · .. Jt;::r~ ~:: -ec:s:·: ('F'~ "': n;;;;J :; t>. S:v;:1 •i.!1S Cer-.- .... ~ ::;.~;-: --··"':.·•• .. --~ ·.. ~----- -r.. C > ,·1._; •,A,:.•.- - - - -- . Cis,JtBi _ ~ ~2.?~h=-···-· 'J:.'.Y-' Pr: >\ ·-t1. :~1 \d:11:;:i:-:tr.:~or o;: ! 8/(YJ/~()18 o..:::::'3:2: ·· Page I t.)f-l Other Income '-;d1c·du 11: 2X ,-\s ,1r A~ ,1( Parriculars .31-Mai·-I 8 _, i-:v1ar-i 7 {Hs.) (!{;,.) Interest from Bank 2.15'J.%'.:.OO 2.3c, 1. !,I l .PU i Total 2,15'>,%2.00 2,3(,-t.441.00 Medicines Schedule 07 As at Asai Particulars " 31-Mar-18 Jl-!Vlar-17 (Rs.) (Rs.) OJ Drugs -1.868.02 2.(10 1.(J'X. l NlJ.(lp Total -L868.022.00 3,ti5S. 189.00 Traininj; and Workshops Schedule 08 Gq. Particula rs As at Jl-\:lar-18 As at 3!-\lcir-1'7 I (H~.) (Rs.) I Training -~ - -r. 'o 1I io l .)).J.l, i.5~·L:'.:-5.00 Campaigns ·- ·,J,s--..--.-1 ~a t --s··- l (~ 1~-~·tt(~_("!\j ··'··"'--\)\ i Total 9,023.8')0,00 ! t 2.391L:'-81.00 ! ~ \Le>- ·' ; :-;y:-·l.'i~: \d:·nl::::-:t:-:ltflf o·~ : S_.-·l)i)/20 ! Q, · ;..., ~ frn:1-:. ! 22-4 Pag.c: 2 ,)r-1 -., ~IJ F .------,-·-- ,--- ::: , ... - :, /. :.., J. "' <. ~ f H) {'v-- v. \.) ,., v-. r-, I' g ,r, C> ,.:. d ' :.. ~ ..: ('I N <~ < ·~,_., \'•,\ \Jf~) -, ,::: r, .g r1 ~ .... C 0 ('J u cd "' ..:,· ,::., '• ,,.,,,,. ,, -- ,. .:;:· Operationul Expenses .'-,rh~·,h2C--! o:· J . i ..... ~-- ..• , I'riar Pradesh SACS - TI POOi. FC~J, ..,,,-. _..,....! !----·.....,, 4th r'Ioor. P!l.Lt> BhA \\·:'\'-~ i\ dHh.. <.,. (Jur1111 "-:t:/w·,. Lti:..;i-..np\\ .....! .. i.>Olii '\ tt i(1nal ,\ 1 '";'\ C,)ntr<. Prnjt!'C' - "hc-.c l \ 1{ Receipt And Payment Account For The Period .From: 01-Apr-2017 To :JI-Mar-2018 res for the Figures for the Figures for th<• Fi:cure; for the Schedule Srhellulc ous Period current Period previous Period current Period RECEIPTS Reference P,'\) :VIENT:-. Ref,-r,·m· ~ (Rs.) ms.) !D 29 iS3.900.0(i0.0() l .:'24A6-.I.OO I Training .md \Vork..:,.hnp:-- 20 I !9.066.00 i35.808.00 I CURRE:--:T L!A[3IL!TiES 32 ~t 7. ! 39.00 8.685.973.00 I :--:ll;,r, ( l'a: and :\i\("q:n~,, l 25 7. 732.315.20 051.269.00 I Other Income 56 1.956.76-1.00 :- j Operational lo>.pcn~~~ 27 -!8.!0U5 .289,226.00 204.304.963.00 ! .4~0.5-!0.U0 I ('(1n,ull<1nt~ and Con-«: ::;.11c.' Sen i,.:~ 3~7.586.00 C'osing Balance: i 8.401.060.()0 Balttnt:(; \\ ith ;~:!:~k. 3! 36.098. 722.95 205.289,226.00 20-U0-+,963.00 I ~ ~~"C ~~-\ \'-A.~~"f'~ ~ '\l. 09/2018 (iS:t)2:;:, :·n~n: :2.?.~ !';.,:,· ' DJ' 5 ! 1ll':'ltHl:1 LO:\!'\S AND ADV-\.'\(T~ ,d1cd111t- ,- .\~ at ,'\\ ai 31-:Vlai·-18 .11.;v1ar-17 Particulars (Rs.) (ft,.) Advance tO Staff tl.PO 1.500.0f• Tot:i! 0.00 1500.00 GENERAL Fl:'ID Schedule 2') As at Asai 31-Mar-18 31-!\-fa1·-l7 r..' Particulars (R$.) (Rs.) Grant from "JACO to SACS 183.900.000.\•0 i 9()_ l 70.000.00 Tr.ta! !83.900.000.00 Balance with Bank Schedule JO As at As at 3l-Mar-J7 31-,\c\ ,O ' ',, . .,.-r~\: '-f. - '- ¥ .:~ Sy:-:i,::'.: \;.i;:::·1::--rr:Jtor 0:1 ; S;: ,:;_ ,2rq 8 0.5:(L):: 0 frp::~ ! ~~-4 Pc~g.~.: r-.i· ~ J ,,, •. , CLRRE\T LIABILITIES ~d1('d11lt· .32 As at ;\~ :ti 31-Mar-18 51-,'1:tr-17 Particulars (Rs.) (R,.) TDS (Others) .i. '6'1.(1() 0_(1(1 EPF Contribution (Employee) -1:u,o.no i 35.SO~.oo Tu!,il -P.139.00 IJS.808.00 Other Income ~,h,:dulc :% ,. As at As at 31-i\llar-18 31-)\.far-J 7 Particulars (Rs.) (Rs.) Interest from Bank I. ')56. 76-1.0(1 ::..os i .269.0u Total I. 956. 76--l .00 2.051,26'>.00 LOAi\S Al\D ADYA!\"CE:S Schedule 17 As at A~ at Advance to Consultants Particulars 31-:Vlar-18 (R~.) 5SO.ll00.00 .3!-Mar-17 (Rs.) 190.ilOO.OO cq_ ' f' "'·-i: - Advance to NGOs 1.: I. 769.328.Sil l-~6.860.]57.00 ._,\i\i .. :;~_c'« Advance to Autonomous Bodies ~55.0 I 0.00 0.00 Advance: to District Authorities I I ·w:.,.,6'.j71-- f>\.1.1, }.\lJ l 1 1(: :·,: I!\,) n••j ;,_.,...,.\).\.ltJ Inter Unit Fund Transfer l (. o.oo I I 4 -~~ 5.05:2.00 Total t:;· ).. l-1.\.Sl-LI u.so "? .. , . :,;. oo I . --~,-t. s-~ I tf. 1 0' :-,.: :-:tl':~1 . \d:::n:.::.:· ,;., S/ti~>/:?O:S O'.>:f.l5:·o :·rem: !~2-- ~ ~ ~, -, ,:~: :: ··- ~ :;,;~;.'] 0f 5 i .oc.:rlt 11~~ G£i\ERAL H :'\D SclH•dttk I.> A~ nt /\\ ;t( 31-:v1ar-18 .3h\lar-l7 PH rticulars (H.:-.) (R,.J Recovery/Deduction of Grants ff>.·H,5.n~; np .?2.7i7.257.fi0 Total fC,.-t<,:-.0:-7.0(l 22.717.237.0(l vlcdicincs Schedule (') As at As at .H-lVJ::i r- I 8 31-Mar-!7 a· Particulars {Rs.) (Rs.) OJ Drugs 0 0(1 2()JJ38.0!i Tota! 0.00 20.038.00 Training and Workshops Schedule 20 As at As at 31-Mar-!8 .H-Mar-17 Pa rticu [;1 rs (Rs.) (Rs.) Training I I ~ -~{\ .,!}~~"! ~~~-- .c: v I• .... •")~.: 21· ~. . ,rj 11/ !';;,\¼ ;/ .J ~ -~n\·,..; \;~HtC. ' ·,.=-~~:::i:--:-:-:::o:· Cl'.": !S/09/2!)i~ 113:0~:11! fn ):~1 '2~~. Page -4 ,·it·~ : ;_, . 'i:1L-1-!· (t>._J:-» .,nL . :\!l· \"\' =~~ ... :)) ~l-.hr.·du\ .- - .. - -· A, :it A, at Jl-\'bir-18 31 .\l:ir-17 Pa rt icu la rs (.R,.) (l{ ,.) Salary 7 ·-12.r:I I 00 X.1,X:-.'17.'.ll!J i I Employer's Contribution to CPF 2::0..101.:0 {l_l)(I I I Tot:il I 7.'7.12.Jl:-.20 I\J,85.'>73.!Hl Operational Expenses Schedule 27 \; As at As at 31-Mar-18 Jl-Mar-17 Pa rticu la rs (Rs.) (Rs.) Travelling Expenses 47.8I:;.oo 1-1.377.()() Bank Charges 2XR.35 1.486.00 Other Administration Cost o.oo 3'-i.!71.00 Total -18.101.35 ss,o:.n.oo Balance with Bank Schedule 31 I l Asai A~ at 31-'.\far-18 J 1 .. ;v1:1r-l 7 Particulars (Rs.) {R,.) Tl PF-Bank (t\i( '-10-26700100009839) _;(,.09S. 7:22.95 18.·101.060.Utl Tot?.! 3(,.098.722.95 iS.401.060.00 -- ·-- --- - --- - ------- ---·--- -· - - --- - ----------------;- <)~ \·. / '''\:-1 ,· c~7 '·.::,-11 \ \,;,; --~ ~i- i.1'' :it,/ -)n, ~-~it-.)~ .O/ ·: ·_:{~;\/\.. ,:~·~: ?"" ~,:,, ~-.) . :-,-y~rt:1:1.\:.!;nini:-:t;·:1t'lt P:; U~/09/2018 05:(:_;:~!· :.,,::: i2.~-l ,·,~ y .... ,, ... 7;~;:tt.\ ~-- ~ .. .,,. ,.~ P~tg~ 5 of 5 ' :,~ 1;_\t)_'.: --:·- :.,:c::tri•>!1) r-' - ~· --- l Utta r Pradesh S, .:, -Tl. POOL FUND -lth Floor, I>1CUP 1311A WAN, A Block, Gomti Nagar,, Lucknow - 22600 I National AIDS Control Project - Phase IV Utilisation Certificate Ccrti Iicd that an amount or Rs.183,900,000.00 received as grants-in-aid rccei ved from Department or AIDS Control (NACOJ during the lin.Ycnr 2017-18 vide kiter N(. given nd\i,, and opening Cash/Bunk Balance Rs. 18,401,060.00 (and Curn ..:11t l.iabili [ies ol t I~:,. 6 i.-11-l.OO jaud outstaud i ng xdvunces for I< s. 59,259,231.00 on account or unspent t:ilancc ·,wught fmwnrd from the I rcvious financial year. and Hauk Interest and Miscellaneous 1/4eceipls i ,,f Rs. 2.159,962.00. a sum of Jls. 188,819,982.05 has been utilized for the purpose for ,yl1ich it I was sanctioned and the Cash/Hank balance or Rs. 36,098,722.95 (and Current Liabilities or Rs. ~1,621.00 )and outstanding advances of Rs.2-l,623,808.00. rcmaininu unutilizcd at the cud or the .ear« ill he adjusted towards the grams-in-aid payable during tile next year. Deducted F~nd Rs, l..t,167,947.00 -- ·----· j - Sn net ion letter Number and Date Amount SI. No. I i ' Oj T-1:1.0i1/03/2oi::.r-18-- NAC.O(iA:n) 2:U)6. 2011- hS,~:\i, oco.eo 02 T-i1.o1=F/63/ 20J:7 ~t8- NACO (J:'.i:n) 2e.b9. :2011· i:i, 2.60 ,t)OO,Q~. 03 T-HoJ:;t./o3/.2oH-:\8- NACO (J::tn) i:;t. H. 2..oJ+ 56,404, OM.ro 04 T-:ljoj~/bo/20J?-1e- NACO ( .Q:r,) 16. CL 201&__ 50 4e,5J)()O~~0 ~ I Total 183,900,000.Q(} I 2. Certified that T have satisfied myself that the conditions on which lthe grants-in-aid was sanctioned have been duly fulfilled/arc being fulfilled and that rl have exercised the following checks Lo see that the money was actually utilized lor the pu!rposc for which it was sanctioned. Kinds <~l checks exercised !. St:itt'!11('D! of Expenditures :2. Annual Financial Statements {'~ _ (An~ll'ag "'t!J1ta) -...-{..,, ·~ . - .t,>h:t v; . . e cto .. { l·•thrn·~t~) • t. ,,. \ I. ,><,' . e :>L.)., ; JC'•• '"I c• C,, " ',,,.,.,t'J ,·ol .. , 1 1, •."• I{ '/ "" . · . \ · 11·11 · ., ' · . ,, ,.v -- . ..... . ,_________ "'. (Chartered !\ 2!' C ontrihuiion ( Employee) 61.•I 1:1.00 61,,114.00 >• -~.. -- .. ______ ., - ~- ,u, cc, or funds A,11011111 (Rs.) j (i•,rnt from ;-. ·\CO to S,\CS 183,900.000.00 i Recoverv Deduction ofGrants -11J. I 67.-·- I tilisation of funds A111u11nf (Rs.) I,.. . 1)1 Dn g~ tl.868.()22.00 C. 11~11lrants and Con-ultancy 1 SCI'\ ii:c~ ,187,586.00 I raini11~ 781 _.'i56 00 S:1,,tr, I :,0,7,1,1 ,272.50 f'rc1, cliing Expenses 9,727.lWl.00 Rent. Rme~ & ·1 axes l2.tl22.256.00 Tclcphone/Conuuunication l'.O pcnscs 9.791.00 Houorarium (itl0,500.00 Bank Charges 28!U5 Pri111i11g & Stationery 3/191.00 Water and Electricity Charges 5,719.00 Employer' · Contribution lo CPI' 721,592.20 Postage/Courier 299.336.00 Other Administration Cost 7,759,168.00 Need Based Assissraucc !2,106,221.00 Campaigns 8,242,334.00 188,819,982.05 - Bank Interest & Miscellaneous Receipts A111ou11f (Rs.) Interest from Bank :1.1:-0.%'.>..00 ·- 2, I 59,%2.00 ( urrent Liabilities A111ou11t (Rs.) - TDS (Others) 3,769.00 EPF Contribution (Employee) 47,852.00 . 5 I ,621.00 -· Closiug balance or Net Current Assets .~ . Amount (Rs.) Tl PF-Bank (/\IC. 0-26 700 W0009S39) Advance to Consultants \\ ('Vi/ L ,.,\l 1 ,,. 36,098,722.95 < l I II -' . llj f'.; ''1. .ctm (l nn,nr.c) s · 1 r " s · nl.!· /\.·I) ' c t ' ,1Go,ooo.oo 18/09/20 l'8 0:,':u'4:2.>-lro1R'12'tl\ <'"'~'.:. .. · Printcd : System Ad ninisuator (5n . '·