RESTRICTED Report No. EC- 143 i r UFe I was prepared for use wIthin tl e BDank and it of'iliated organizations. They-do not accept responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. The report may not be published nor may it be quoted as representing their views. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT ESTIMATED SERVICE AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS BECHUANALAND BRITISH GUIANA EL SALVADOR r"- A 'n n NT GUATEMALA LUXEMBOURG MALTA NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NOR WAY P ILjIP PINES SINGAPORE SWAZILAND TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO June 29, 1966 Economics Dprmn GTTYR TP.R TS IN WPIij MPEBT TABIESI AEPP APTÅPPVlfl The reot issued in ths sre are: EC-8h, 85, 86 See. M60-215/1, EC-90, 91, Sec. M61-17, EC-95, 97, 99, 100, 106, 108, 112 115, 1 -16r, 118, 1DL 12, - 131 -1,- 131, -136, 137,110»). 1 t,2 A 1,3 Tndex of Reports from December 31, no959 Debt data as of December 31 Country i£" "£ 195 "9 196 196 196 196 95!-1L i4 79 L7UU _LyuOi J7U<ý J/U_) _LYUL4 -L7UJ rg etin EC-8 /a - - - - - - Australia EC-86 - EC-100 /b EC-116 EC-131 EC-136 EC-141 - Austria EC-91 EC-99 ~E-116 EC-12 EC-13t4 EC-4 - Bechuanaland - - - - - EC-139 EC-143 Belgium EC-90 EC-99 EC-Lo EC-13h EC-13 EC-142 - Bolivia - - - EC-118 EC-136 - - Brazil EC-90 - EC-116 - - - - British Guiana - EC-99 - EC-131 EC-136 EC-lh4 EC-1h3 Burma EC-89 EC-100 EC-112 EC-139 EC-139 EC-139 - Ceylon EC-91 EC-99 EC-115 EC-131 EC-141 EC-141 - Chile EC-90 EC-97 EC-108 EC-118 EC.lh2 EC-1h2 China EC-99 EC-112 EC-126 EC-139 EC-139 - Colombia EC-89 /c EC-97 EC-108 EC-118 EC-139 EC-139 - Congo.Rep. of EC-90 - EC-99 - - - - - Costa Rica EC-86 EC-97 EC-106 EC-118 EC-139 EC-139 - Cyprus - - - - EC-139 - Denmark EC-91 /d EC-100 EC-112 EC-118 EC-136 EC-136 - Dominican Rep. - - - EC-118 EC-133 EC-139 - East Africa EC-91 EC-100 - - - - - EACSO /j /j EC-115 EC-133 EC-133 - - Ecuador EC-89 EC-99 EC-112 EC-126 EC-136 EC-Ill - Fl Salvador EC-86 EC-97 EC-106 EC-118 EC-133 EC-137 EC-1h3 Ethiopia EC-86 EC-95 EC-106 EC-118 EC-133 EC-137 - Fed.of Rhodesia & Nyasaland EC-91 EC-100 EC-115 EC-131 - - - Finland EC-86 EC-95 EC-108 EC-12h EC-133 EC-139 - Gabon - - EC-1h3 EC-1h3 EC-1j43 France EC-91 EC-100 EC-108 EC-131 EC-137 EC-11 - Ghana - - EC-133 EC-133 - Greece - - - - EC-136 - Guatemala EC-91 - EC-1o8 EC-131 EC-1L2 EC-1L2 EC-i±3 Honduras EC-90 EC-97 EC-106 EC-12L EC-136 EC=136 - Iceland EC-86 EC-99 EC-106 EC-12h EC-139 EC-139 - Incdia EC-86 EC-100 C-106 - - - - Iran EC-86 /e EC-100 If - - - sral E. C-91~~ EC-100 Er.-116 Er-131 EC-136 EC-112 - See footnotes at end of table. rTT=E rln n T-n^rr(" T rT RTTI rT1T I -aCHDEB TB*r"^ES- AE A --E (COnT N ~UV.Lli lv Illrj.ELL 1.1m Vvr1uri jIDI, IRJDAXID 11ävri j~R1 anM IUJ 1i-e reports issued ii thee series are: nu-0u, O85, 00, 09 Sec. M60-215/1, EC-90, 91, Sec. M61-17, EC-95, 97, 99, 100, 106, 108, 112 115, 116, 118, 12, 126, 131, 133, 13h, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142 and ]-3 Index of Reports from December 3l, 1959 Debt data as of December 31, Uountry 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 Italy EC-89 EC-100 EC-116 EC-131 EC-136 EC-141 - Jamaica - - - - - EC-139 - ,.apan EC-90 EC-95 EC-112 EC-126 EC-139 EC-139 - Kenya / EC-115 EC-133 EC-133 - Korea - - EC-118 EC-133 EC-137 - Lebanon EC-89 EC-100 - - Luxembourg EC-90 EC-100 EC-112 EC-131 EC-137 EC-137 EC-143 Malaya EC-89 EC-99 EC-115 - - MPlta - - - EC-134 EC-137 EC-143 Mauritania - - - - - EC-139 - Plairitius - - - EC-131 - Mexico EC-90 EC-100 EC-108 EC-126 EC-131 EC-136 - Morocco - - EC-136 - - - 1etherlands - EC-100 EC-115 EC-12L EC-13L EC-137 EC-h3 New Zealand - - EC-108 EC-124 EC-139 EC-139 EC-143 Nicaragua EC-86 EC-95 EC-106 EC-118 EC-133 EC-1J1 - Uigeria - EC-99 E-11 Cp-133 ECn-13 - - Norway EC-89 EC-100 EC-115 EC-12h EC-137/kEC-139 EC-1h3 Pakistan EC- r E-100 /a FC-.115 _EC-126 E-137~E-1 - Panama EC-90 EC-97 EC-1087EC-133 EC-133 EC-142 - Paraguay EC-90 EC-95 EC-106 EC-126 EC-133 EC-139 - Peru EC-91 EC-100 RC-112 EC-126 EC-I37 EC-137 - Philippines EC-85 EC-99 /h EC-112 EC-12h EC-136 EC-136 EC-1h3 Portugal - - ~ R-1n6 -r-118 Er-13i) En-13? - Ruanda-Urundi EC-90 EC-100 - - - - Sierra Leone - - - - EC-137 - Sigpore - - - - - - EC-1l3 Sguth Africa EC-91 EC-97 EC-112 EC-12h EC-137 EC-137 - R-nin EC-86 EC-99 TEC-118 E--1,1 EC1ll - Sudan EC-85 EC-95 EC-112 EC-126 EC-137 EC-137 - Swaziland - - - EC-12h EC-142 EC-1h2 EC-143 T an ganyrik a 7E 15 vp C --133E -- - ii., i i- j -L,; zsv. nu £JU .3 Thailand EC-86 EC-95 EC-106 EC-118 EC-134 EC-11 - Trinida - Toag -2Pr En-9 E-r i11 ECn-12 n' el .n n,-1 01. 2 E-l1 3 -~LL d.uu - L UUCI6Vn .; nu -LL EU-Lcu z LJ4 C £,U - -4 ,c u-LL4_) Tunisia - - EC-118 EC-136 EC-l1l - 6ce footnotes at end of table. (ITTTTE TO RDPRTS IN WC TAT HITrr'Ti 1MAnTL'C TTAV' ATPADLE (Co,)Tril -- - 4-4 4 T. n 01. Oe0f On The repoUs LOL4tedL Ln these s are; EC-84, U, I0U 07 Sec. M60-215/1, EC-90, 91, Sec. M6"-17, EC-95, 97, 99, 100, 106, 108, 112 115, 116, 118, 12k, 126, 131, 133, 13-, 136, 137, 139, 1L1, 142 and 143 Index of Reports from December 31, 1Y99 Country Debt data as of December 31, 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 Turkey - EC-95 - - EC-139 - Uganda EC-115 EC-133 EC-133 - - United i*ngdom EC-89 EuC-95 EC-115 EC-118 EC-l2 - - Uruguay EC-89 EC-100 EC-112 EC-118 - - Venezuela - EC-97 EC-106 EC-118 EC-133 EC-137 - Yugoslavia EC-89 EC-97 EC-116 /i EC-126 EC-1141 EC-181 - /a Data as of April 30, 1960 /b Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1961. c Revised in Sec. M60-215/1 dated December 9, 1960. /d Revised in Sec. M61-17 dated January 25, 1961. 7e Data as of March 20, 1960. /f Debt outstanding as of September 22, 1961. Lg Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1961. /h Debt outstanding as of May 31, 1961. 71 Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1962. /j Shown under East Africa. Ik This is a revision of a table appeared in EC-134. Statistics Division IBRD-Economics Department ESTIMATED PUBLIC DEBT - ESTIMATED SERVICE AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS 1. For the purpose of these statistics, external public debt: a. includes all debt which is payable to creditors outside the debtor country in foreign currency, goods or services, with an original maturity of one year or more, which is an obligation of the national government, a political sub- division or an agency of either, or an autonomous public body. However, it includes publicly-issued external bonds held in the debtor country. It also includes external private debt guaranteed by the national government, a political subdivision or an agency of either, or an autono- mous public body, and incurred by debtors located within the debtor country. b. does not include: (1) transactions with the International Monetary Fund, (2) private debts unless they are guaranteed, (3) other external obligations, such as reparations. so long as the amounts and terms have not been agreed, and (L) debts repayable ntt opotin of thp horrower in local currency, 2. Table 1 shows debts outstanding as of a specified date. In addition certanin rehs jinured nft.r this H nd-p elson shown in Table 1. The indebtedness as of the specified date and the debts incurred subsequently should not be added togethe as the information on later debts may not be complete, and no allowance hnas beeoon mna fr ny amor"jtiaio si"n then specified dateo. In Table 1, principal amounts include undisbursed portions of 3. Service payments for the years4s-h i 2 are esti- mated amortization and interest payments due in foreign cur- renciUUe U or servics on te debts shIht:±Uitumarized in TabLUe 1-0 For a few loans where it has not been possible to separate amortization column. 4, The service payments in Table 2, which reflect only existing et-LJU, are UtU orasts1 f t Uotal .L service paymn tatii ll may be expected to be made in the years shown, since not only may new debts be contracted, but the terms and composition of the existing debt may be changed. 5. The Bank obtains the information used in the preparation of the tables mainly from reports contributed by the debtor coun- tries; supplementary information is obtained from published reports of creditor countries and other publications. Some figures are estimates of the Bank staff. 6. The tables are based on the latest information available on debt outstanding and repayment terms and do not necessarily agree with tables previously prepared as of the same date, which may not reflect this new information. BECHUANALAND Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt as of December 31, 1965 IDA credit 3,600 TT-K (Tv.rnmint. Innnq ) 98 8,528 /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $l,004,000. M-.1 ) - TT17% '0MT,ffAr'c' r%- C~T*r'~ TIA tYrThTMC' ^A1T 1rm'r T11TAO T."TTTAff A 1 r T Iale _ : ID EUIAT r SJLVj, r1YNTS1110 OIN E AL D I-ND UUL- TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S, dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1966 60 382 786 1967 b24 376 800 1968 h AC'o Ani 1969 466 337 803 1970 I87 'A 800 1971 h99 288 787 1972 508 255 763 1973 3h6 A 1hCA 1974 $3 197 250 197 66 19 262Q 91 BRITISH GUIANA Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt as of December 31, 1965 Publicly-issued bondsA 13,871 Privately-placed debt 700 IBRD loans 604 U.S0 Government loan-AID 5,500 U.K. Government loans 37.948 58,623 /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds and of supplementary sinking funds of Table 2: IBRD ESTLIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LON3- rnVn,fr 'MTrTnT 'rrn nIT7"M nrrrM ,-vrTfrnlt r fT - %T-r -rr9 a. nf --%r -,, - ,n 9 9 t TE UDMPUBLIDlT DU "I OARN,LUi, UURUNCUI AS OF1 DEWCEB1ER 31, 1L9O> (In thousands of U,S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Kmorti- In- - Total zation terest 1966 4,034 3,396 7,430 1967 1,441 3,248 4,689 1968 3,842 3,194 7,036 1969 1,391 2,909 4,300 1970 1,988 2,833 4,821 1971 1,356 2,713 4,069 1972 1,428 2,641 4,069 1973 1,501 2,489 3,990 1974 1,582 2,411 3,993 1975 1,671 2,322 3,933 EL SALVADOR Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT UTRTANDIN. TM NPi-TrN rDrNi- Ar, nF EMBr 31 1 96 ITTH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO MAY 31, 1966 (In thousands of U,S, dollar equivalents) Debt as of Major additions Type of debt Decem~3ber 31£9 January 1 - U _May 31, 1966 Publicly-issued bonds 1,113 Privatelv-plaepj däbt 6,O5O IBRD loans 34,219 TnR loans 2,981 IDA credit 8,000 U.S. Iovernme.nt loans Export-Import Bank 7,124- Dept. of Agriculture (PLh80 Title IV) 225- AID 2n ,33 1, 200~ Sub-total 27 687 1,200 , U,2 00 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMELTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG- TErMTn nUBLIn DETy UE-NT FTInn^URENIE An =OF DECEMBE 31 , 1 .1LJLW luULI, IJÅIWDI ljuså .Lili ruIUlnXu'm Uur=IJU.W KOJ Uv DVUWIVDWLt _)X-Lp AND AS OF DECEMER 31, 1965 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO rIK 31,9 1966 /11 (In thousands of U.S. dollar eauivalents) Service payments on Debt as of Debt as of December 31, 1965 Year December 31, 196 ·with additioTs to May 3 Amorti- In- Total Amorti- In- Total ,7aptin trs ain trs 1966 6,576 1,965 8,541 6,576 1,965 8,5h2 1967 4,258 1,89h 6,152 4,258 1,895 6,153 1968 h,079 1,826 5,905 4.079 1,828 5,908 1969 3,h69 2,056 5,525 3',469 2,060 5,529 1970 3,062 1,886 4,947 3,062 1,891 h,952 1971 3,09h 1,723 h,818 3.094 1.730 h.82h 1972 3,257 1,56o 4,817 3,257 1,563 4,824 1973 3.428 1.390 h.818 3.h28 1.399 1.827 1974 3,856 13210 5,065 3,856 1,220 5,075 1975 3,035 1.073 14,107 3.035 1,8h h.,119 /L Includes service on all debts listed in Table 1 except for the equivalent of $2,000,000 for which terms of repayment are not available. 1 ~ ~ =~ K M =.n1 ^,.-?g T I =NT'TJ A T I~nN T A %- T ~^~V mrw=%# TNI'ýT-r. ,,- TabIJO Le :IBW ESTIKA U2F EJII-WCX L lMJU IUMkAJ LUINU-TiI rUnjLU DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt as of December 31, 19yo IBRD loans 41,274 Loans from governments France 14,624 Germany 2.00 Sub-total 17 124 598 T, 2 =DT: ESMTIATE nF =Trrf P nMT VNM1ETRAT MlITUM-h A TT T Mi .L~j._, Å_UJÄJJ X., .LLll J UXi Ui~l V-LUlj rkILLLJJII> UIV -AIIUXVti~lj rIDIJ_LU11 _ iiVJ L.ulvir TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (in- thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service pavments Year Amorti- In- zation terest Total 1966 3,01 2,293 5,331 1967 3,387 2,352 5,739 1968 3.971 2.327 6,298 1969 4,407 2,107 6,514 1970 L,620 1.868 6,88 1971 838 1,617 6,lc5 1972 5,120 1,391 6,511 19732,1 1,316,6 1 QVA 1191 197 5,672 855 6,527 1975 1,657 606 2,263 Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 196h (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt as of December 31, 196 IBRD loans 43,667 Loans from governments France 15,115 Germany 2,500 Sub-total 1,1 61,282 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG- TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 196h (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest i965 2i883 2,~221 5,104 1966 3,041 2,289 5,330 1967 3,387 2,351 5,738 1968 3,971 2,327 6,298 1969 4.,407 2,107 6,514 1970 h,620 1,868 6,h88 1971 h,838 1,617 6,455 1972 5,120 1,392 6,512 1973 5,6214 1151 6,565 1974 5,672 855 6,527 GABON Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERN PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1963 (In thousands of U.S, dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt as of December 31, 1703 IBRD loan 33,923 Loans from governments France 4,953 Germany 2,500 Sub-total 71463 41.376 Table 2! TRn ESTTMATR OF S.RVTTnR PAYMMITs n YTRNAT. MEnF.T)M_ AIM TnaM11- TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1963 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1964 2,652 2,175 4.827 1965 2,729 2,036 4,765 1966 2,883 1,916 4,799 1967 3,186 1,771 4,957 1968 3,98 1,592 5,090 1969 3.684 1.399 q.083 1970 3,878 1,194 5,072 1971 L.081 976 q-00 1972 4,30 7 6 5,050 1973 b.529 403 :-ti2 r,GUArEMA TA Tnhle 1: TPPR ES rTMATEq ni? XTERNTAT MTTTM- A7M TnP-fTr1M TrimLI MEPIP OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) o -r deb4. Debt as of December 31, 1965 Privately-placed debt 18,845 IBRD loans 0 7 IDB loans 6,757 BI -a2,00 vUS uovernmentu Jvans Export-Import Bank 14,310 ICAU~l 3, 0h3 DIF 6,948 AID 3, 398 Sub-total 27,699 bLi, luO?i Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND 10WG- TERvi UbLI DEBT ffDUE INi FURLEI1N UURRENUIES AS UIF UECEUMBERf 31, 1YO 51 (In thousands of U.S. doll«r equivalents) Year Amorti- In- zation terest 1967 6.,86o 1,914 8,774 1968 6,h26 1,58h 8,010 1969 h,196 1,33h 5,530 1970 h,277 1,153 5,30 1971 2,270 989 1972 3,777 878 4,655 1973ý 3,6 7n03 i.,566 1974 3,548 507 4,055 1971 197 3>,2 ,1 Inc.Lues ervice u all debL t ue" ±lteu on T J except Šl,20,00 revolving credits. LUXEMOURG Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF FITERNAL MEDIUM- AD LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.So dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt aso December 31, 1965 Publicly-issued bonds 3,269 U.S. Government loan-ECA 2,373 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG- Mr.111f fr T?-,nT i-l rT.nM nTTT71 'rt TlT j A Q'?nl! -Tf -l ,' -%f r%ln¶erf TERM P EU.DJLC DEBT1 DUEj IN) FOrEIGNU1 UrRENCIESz ASD OFV DECEMRWni 31,L. 165 (In thousands of U oS. dollar equivalents) Service payments Amorti- In- Year .. n.. I oa -__ _ _ zation ter e s t _ 1966 287 187 474 1967 293 178 471 1968 299 168 467 1969 306 159 465 1970 312 149 461 1971 323 139 462 1972 284 128 412 1973 290 119 419 1974 297 109 406 1975 303 100 403 MALTA Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANTING DUE TN FOREIGN CU1RRENCIES AS OF DEEMBr 31, 16 Q (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt as of December 31, 1965 U.K. Government loans 7,526 15,026 Table 2: iBRD RSTIMAT.S OF SRITCP. PAYvENIT.S ON EXTERNAT. MTUTTTM- anD TONT TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Aort-In-- Total zation terest 1966 414 665 1,079 1968 462 821 1,283 1969 488 795 1,283 1970 $13 767 1,280 1971 55738 1,283 1972 -77 706 1,283 1973 610 673 1,283 1974 644 638 1,282 1975 683 600 1,283 IML . 11-tLjaikJL Table 1: IBRD ESTIATES OF EXTERNAL 1EDFJIM- AND LONG-TERN PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 /1 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) p o dt Dbt as of Type of7 debt December 31, 1965 Publicly-issued bonds 12,187 U.S. Government loans-ECA 65,521 Loan from Canadian government 29,720 107,428 /1 Excludes all IBRD loans sold to parties inside the Netherlands. Table 22 TRD FSTTMAT.S OF SETTRVTC PAYV1vMNTS On EXVTPRTAT. METjM- ATDT T.Or_ TERN PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGIT CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U,S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year AmTrti- In- Total zation terest 1966 1,125 3,155 4.,280 1967 1,125 3,09 4,221 1968 1,125 3,037 4,162 1969 1,125 2,977 4,102 1970 5,371 2,918 8,289 1971 5,371 2,732 8,103 1972 5,371 2,56 7,917 1973 8,558 2,261 10,819 1974 4,246 2,020 6,266 1975 4,246 1,893 6,139 NEW ZEALAND Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO APRIL 30, 1966 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) as of Major additions febt DJanuary 1 - Type of debt December 31, 1966 April 30, 1966 /1 Publicly-issued bonds-- 471,315 - Privately-placed debt 27,750 IBRD loans 102,114 - U.S. Government loans- Export-Import Bank 400 6,480 601,579 6,480 /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $61,000. Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LO1,G- TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 AND AS OF DECLMBER 31, 1965 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS-TO APRIL 30, 1966 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments on Debt as 01 Debt as of December 31, 1965 December 31, 1965 with additions to Anril 30. 1966 Amorti- In- Total Anorti- In- zation terest zation terest ~ 1966 29,769 27,609 57,378 29,769 27,65 57,23 1967 10,946 27,943 38,889 10,946 28,166 39,112 1968 57,556 28,419 85,975 58,482 28,763 87,245 1969 14,558 27,012 41,570 15.484 27.305 42,789 1970 15,01 26,383 41,784 16,327 26,625 42,952 1971 55,167 25,h98 80,665 56,093 25,689 81,782 1972 69,709 22.143 91,852 70,635 22,283 92,918 1973 37,079 18,052 55,131 38,005 18,141 56,1146 1974 51,507 15,125 66,632 52,32 15,163 67,595 1975 92933 13,397 23,330 9,933 13,397 23,330 NORWAY Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM4- AND LONG-TERMUf PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Type of debt December 31, 1965 Pulcy-sudbonds 15,1f 99e0 1 UL;..L-L ~ U~ L U 0 ~j Privately-placed bonds 12,000 Ut;:L.)UC> 74) IBRD loans 121,722 Eru creUiU 0,601U.L U.S. Government loans Export-import Bank 2,778 AID 24,367 SubW-totalu I e J24,6 Loans from other governments Sweden 19,690 United Kingdom 571 Sub-total 16,261 659,271 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG- TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEmBER 31. 196 (Tn thousands of T.S- dollar ennivalfnts) Service payments Year Amorti- In- zation terest 1966 32,657 32,502 65,199 1967 29,297 31,356 60,63 1968 32,199 30,249 62,.h8 1969 3C 73 28A6 AAL A 37 1970 41,227 27,082 68,309 1971 44,805 24,935 69,740 1972 .2, 307 22,667 6),97) 1973 46,287 20,h90 66,777 1071 )s n? A 110 An io), 1975 53,294 15,910 69,204 PHILIPPINES Table l IBRD ESTI4ATES OF EXTERNAL MIUM- AND IONG-TERM PUBUC DEBT nT'MTQMA'KT'Kr_ nTV T.T Q nD~rri. TMT M TKT= te nV Vr IMMVD '21 1Oe) , c UTSTANDINJ U.1 IJ. VjINu CURIuEJUSL.j A VF EE1- BERJ3JJULL1, 965J. (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Type of debt Debt as of Decenber 31, 1965 Publicly-issued bonds 15,329 Privately-placed debt 194,399 IBRD loans 105,953 U.S. Government IoAns Export-Import Bank 105,145 MIF 161 Sub-total 105,606 loans from other governments Canada 10,1ns Germany 10,000 Sub-total 20,in8 CC.l,395 5 /1 Includes undisbursed of $144,726,000. Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND IONG- !Fl UBI rUCILU DUE IN FbRLIGN UIREnIjS.tL Ab UF DECWIEMBE J1 19YU (In thousands of U.S. dollar*equivalents) Servi_ce p,;ments Year Amorti- In- Total zationtrs 1966 1n,7237 1. n963 116A6 1967 45,297 J4,093 59,390 1968 37,709 1, O6 r,97 1969 33,915 13,496 h7,4l 171 2n,737 1, rr1,3 1972 19,595 9,456 29,049 973 5,7U" ),7 2436l 197h 15,283 7,508 22,791 5, ,61 59 21, n1 -LL4jID SINGAFORE Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND IONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of UeS. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Type Of utu December 31, 1965 IBRD loans 21,800 U. K. Government loans 4.,906 n4 '7A~: Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDI1UM- AND LONG-- TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEIMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- zation terest 1966 76 70 13 1967 1,071 802 1,873 1968 1,106 771 1,877 1969 1,401 993 2,394 1970 1,4S1 1,059 2,510 1971 1,506 1,005 2,511 1972 1,513 950 2,463 1973 1,578 892 2,470 1974 1,643 830 2,473 1975 1,708 763 2,471 SWA7TT.D M Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In~ thousands of U.S. dollar equiles Debt as of Type of debt Deemher 11. 1965 Privat d .Lteb t 1.9,6 I IBRD loans 4,200 IDA credi U 2,8 U. K. Governt loans /1 6,1a Loans from Colonial Development Corp. and Anglo-American Corp. of South Africa Ltd. 8,400 1.11 nn. 4L3.~)7i4 /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $355,OOo. Talble 2: IRD ESTIMATES OF SEV.TICE, PA'MENTS ON ETERNATL MEDIUM- AND IONG- TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1966 2,624 2,516 5,140 1967 2,637 2,359 4,996 1968 2.65 2.191 L.86 1969 2,675 2,023 4,698 1970 708 1,887 2.595 1971 5.063 1.8L8 6.911 1972 3,012 1,83 43495 1973 1.071 1.285 h56 197h 2,9 3 1,082 4,025 1975 719 880 1,599 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND LONG-TERM PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDTNr DUE TN FORI.T(GN CrE PNWTVIES AS F DETPEMBP 41- 196 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Type of debt Db so December 31, 1965 Pubki4cl- issue bonds /1"in 10 , Privately-placed debt 27,247 .LIJU ij Lu _Lul 4f..VUV U.S. Governmentu lan Export-Import Bank 15, 714 Hf,4>f /1 Net of accumulated sinking funds of $24,334,000. Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL MEDIUM- AND IONG. TERM PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31. 1965 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service paymIreits Year Amorti- Int- Total zation terest 1966 5,636 4,588 10,224 1967 6.379 4,82 10,861 1968 6,777 4,200 10,977 1969 7,036 3,835 10,871 1970 7,096 3,4h4 10,540 1971 8,227 2,909 11,136 1972 3,357 2,088 5,LL4 1973 3,433 1,904 5,337 197h 2.80? 1725 ,.572 1975 2,933 1,561 4,494