EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA WOMEN DEMOGRAPHICS GENDER AT A GLANCE MEN POPULATION BY AGE, 2010 Source: UN World Population Prospects. 81823 UZBEKISTAN 100+ 90-94 80-84 70-74 GNI per capita (Atlas Method) US$1,7201 60-64 Population living below US$2.50 Not available 50-54 Most recent…. 40-44 Government Gender Action Plan 2010-2012 30-34 Country Gender Assessment 2012, ADB 20-24 Source: 1WDI, 2012. 10-14 0-4 EQUALITY IN UZBEKISTAN, 2000-2011 Source: GenderStats, UNECE, Inter-Parliamentary Union. WOMEN EDUCATION 2000 Female gross MEN secondary 2011* enrollment SHARE OF TERTIARY GRADUATES BY AREA OF STUDY (%), 2011 100 Source: GenderStats. Humanities and arts Education 50 Science Female labor Health Share of women 0 force participation in parliament Servi ces (ages 15-64) Social science, business and the law Agriculture Engineering, manufacturing and construction Women's monthly 0% 50% 100% wages as a share of men's (unadjusted) WOMEN JOBS MEN *Share of women in parliament (2013). LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION (% ages 15 -64) , 2000- 2011 Source: GenderStats. GLOBAL INDICES Score Max Rank Year 80 World Economic Forum 70 Global Gender Gap Index 0.6913 1 58/134 2009 UNDP 60 Gender Empowerment Measure - 1 - 2009 50 OECD Social Institutions & Gender Index 0.3047 0 57/86 2012 40 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 SHARE OF EMPLOYMENT BY SECTOR(%), 2010 Source: ADB 2012 Gender Assessment. Healthcare and social security Education Financial services Industry Housing and public utilities Transport and communications Construction 0% 50% 100% LEGAL FRAMEWORK The constitution of Uzbekistan guarantees equality for men and women before the law. Men and women have equal owner- ship and inheritance rights to property. The default marital property regime is partial community of property. There are laws restricting the industries in which women may work. More specifically, there are restrictions regarding the employment of women in the areas of mining, construction, metalworking, factories, jobs requiring lifting weights above a threshold, and jobs deemed hazardous. Women are entitled to 126 calendar days of maternity leave with 100% of wages paid. Parents are entitled to an additional 647 days of partially paid paternal leave. The law guarantees pregnant and nursing women workplace protections from dismissal, placement in an equivalent position when they return from maternity leave, and rights to a flexible schedule. The law stipulates public provision of childcare for children under the age of primary educa- tion. The age at which men and women can retire and receive full benefits is 60 and 55, respectively. There is no legislation that specifically addresses domestic violence. Source: Women, Business, and the Law (2013). Uzbekistan Europe & Central OECD Lower Middle Year* KEY INDICATORS Asia Income Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Endowments: Education, Health, and Demographics Gross primary enrollment (% of relevant age group) 96 93 103 102 105 104 107 104 2011 Gross secondary enrollment (% of relevant age group) 107 104 100 97 99 99 64 59 2011 Gross tertiary enrollment (% of relevant age group) 11 7 54 66 62 74 20 17 2011 Primary completion rate (% of relevant age group) 94 92 98 99 101 101 92 89 2011 Adult literacy rate (% aged 15 and above) 100 99 99 98 80 62 2010 Labor force with tertiary education (% of relevant group) 25 31 Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment - 98 - 98 - 100 - 92 2011 Life expectancy at birth (years) 65 71 73 80 77 82 64 68 2011 Maternal mortality rates (per 100,000 live births) - 28 - 21 - 19 - 260 2010 Fertility rates (births per woman) - 2.5 - 1.7 - 1.8 - 2.9 2011 Access to Economic Opportunity Labor participation rate (% of population ages 15-64) 78 51 77 62 79 62 82 39 2011 Unemployment (% of labor force) 8.9 8.7 8.0 7.9 4.2 6.3 Youth unemployment (% of population ages 15-24) 19.9 20.5 17.2 16.5 13.6 17.7 Self-employed (% of employed men/women) 22 15 18 13 72 77 Employment rate of persons ages 25-49 with a child under 3 living in household Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms) - 40 - - - 2008 Gender pay gap (in average monthly earnings, % of men's - - - - wages, unadjusted) Share of women employed in the non-agricultural sector (% of - 39 - 47 - 46 - 24 2007 total non-agricultural employment) Account at a formal financial institution (% age 15+) 24 21 73 66 86 80 34 23 2011 Agency Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments(%) - 19 - 24 - 25 - 15 2013 Firms with female top managers (%) - 11 - - - 2008 Share of women among ministers (%) - 11 - 19 - 24 - 14 2012 Percentage agreeing that a husband is justified in hitting or 59 70 2002 beating his wife *Indicates year of country data. All benchmarking data is from the most recent available year. Data from GenderStats (downloaded September 10, 2013), UNECE, Inter-Parliamentary Union (as of September 1, 2013), DHS, and the central statistics office of Uzbekistan. DATA Please note that where possible, data is from harmonized, internationally comparable sources. WANT TO KNOW MORE? For more information, please visit the Gender Data Portal at