Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 78332 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 1 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants Introduction Reintegration is not only an economic process but also a social and political process, during which ex-combatants acquire civilian status. Citizenship training on issues pertaining to human rights, democracy, rule of law and gender eases the reintegration process for ex-combatants and their communities, helping to ensure long-term peace and stability as well as promote ex- combatants’ engagement with democratic and civil institutions. Therefore, the ex-combatants’ economic reintegration into the mainstream of the society can be complemented by training on social and civil skills, including rights and obligations as well as promotion of non-discrimination as a basis for inclusive and stable societies. It is in this context that this Handbook was conceptualized as a peace, democracy and human rights booklet that can be distributed to ex-combatants at demobilization or reinsertion centers prior to their return to the community. It is the hope that this Handbook will be made readily accessible to ex-combatants by relevant institutions and agencies to help familiarize them with the way of life they are expected to conform to in the future. The Handbook is a simple guide for ex-combatants, regardless of their origin, gender and age, that includes key messages with pictograms to ensure the inclusion of a variety of reading lev- els. It draws primarily from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR). The Handbook is meant to aid the ex-combat- ants to learn their rights and obligations as civilian individuals, as family members, as community members and as members of the society. The Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program (TDRP) is grateful to the United Nations in supporting the publication of this Handbook. 3 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants Acronyms ACHPR African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights UDHR Universal Declaration on Human Rights 5 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE A CIVILIAN I AM FREE OF THE WAR No one has the right to force me to fight. UDHR: Everyone has the right to life and to live in freedom and safety.1 ACPHR Article 6 6 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 7 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE A CIVILIAN I NO LONGER HAVE TO FIGHT No one has the right to torture me, to be cruel or inhumane to me. UDHR: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.2 ACPHR Article 5 8 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 9 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE A CIVILIAN MY COUNTRY IS AT PEACE I am equal to all other citizens before the law. I am protected by law against any kind of discrimination. UDHR: All are equal before the law and entitled to live without any discrimination, and to have equal protection from the law.3 ACPHR Article 3 10 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 11 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE FREE OF MY MOVEMENTS WE ARE FREE OF WAR I am free to go and live anywhere I choose in my country. UDHR: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.4 ACPHR Article 12 12 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 13 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE ABLE TO HELP TO REBUILD MY COUNTRY WE ARE FREE OF WAR I have an obligation to respect my public authorities. I have the right to vote and to run for office. UDHR: Everyone has the right to help chose and take part inthe government of their country.5 ACPHR Article 13 and 20 14 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 15 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE A PARTNER AND A MEMBER OF MY FAMILY I shall respect my spouse. I shall never force a woman into sex. UDHR: Everyone has the right to marry and have a family life.6 ACPHR Article 18 16 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 17 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO PROVIDE FOR MY FAMILY I have the right to work and put food on the table. I have a responsibility to contribute to the economic well-being of my family. UDHR: Everyone has the right to work to earn a fair wage in a safe environment and to join an association or union.7 ACPHR Articles 15, 22, 27 and 29 18 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 19 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE ABLE TO WORK TO BUY MY OWN PROPERTY I have the right to work and purchase property. I must respect the property of others. UDHR: Everyone has the right to purchase property and own possessions they earn.8 ACPHR Articles 14 and 21 20 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 21 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF MY COMMUNITY I have the right to contribute to the economic and social life of my community and to give my opinion and be listened to without prejudice. I have an obligation to abide by the rules of my community and through my membership enhance my society. UDHR: Everyone has the right to take part in meetings and tojoin any association in a peaceful way.9 ACPHR Articles 10 and 11 22 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 23 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD THAT I RESPECT AND PROTECT CHILDREN’S RIGHTS No one has the right to force children to fight, to work, to mistreat them or to separate them from their parents. I have an obligation to protect children’s rights in my family and community. UDHR: When children are born, they are free and each child should be treated the same way.10 ACPHR Article 18 24 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 25 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF MY COMMUNITY AND BUILD A RESPONSIBLE LIFE I have the right to build a home, earn a living and seek access to medical help. I have an obligation to protect and assist my family members and the vulnerable in my community. UDHR: We all have the right to a home, to earn a living or make a subsistence and to seek medical help if we are ill.11 ACPHR Article 16 26 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 27 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO EDUCATE MYSELF AND MY FAMILY I have the right to go to school, to acquire skills and learn how to have a good job. UDHR: Everyone has the right to access education.12 ACPHR Article 17 28 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants 29 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants I AM PROUD TO BE A CIVILIAN I AM PROUD TO BE FREE I AM PROUD TO BUILD A PEACEUL LIFE TOGETHER 30 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants Footnotes 1 UDHR Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. 2 UDHR Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 3 UDHR Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. 4 UDHR Article 13.1: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. 5 UDHR Article 21.1: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. 6 UDHR Article 16.1: Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. 7 UDHR Article 23: 1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. 2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. 3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. 4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. 8 UDHR Article 17: 1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. 9 UDHR Article 20: 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association. 10 UDHR Article 25.2: All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. 11 UDHR Article 25.1: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well- being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. 12 UDHR Article 26.1: Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. 31 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants Resources African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights Feel free to re-print and distribute this booklet as needed. Illustrator: André da Loba © TDRP 32 Peace, Democracy and Human Rights A Handbook for Ex-Combatants Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Program World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 USA 34