74637 Republic of Senegal First Governance and Growth Support Credit SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors of IDA December 20, 2012 Executive Directors approved the First Governance and Growth Support Credit to the Republic of Senegal in the amount of SDR 35.8 million (55 million USD equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2012-0292). Directors welcomed the focus on strong governance and sound government accountability and transparency as core principles in improving service delivery and laying the ground for accelerated economic growth. They underscored the critical need to maintain a solid macroeconomic policy framework, to strengthen the investment climate, to accelerate reforms in the energy sector, and to put a renewed focus on efficiency gains in the management of public spending in education and health. Directors noted the importance of effective donor coordination on key strategic issues including energy sector development. Directors look forward to discussing the Country Partnership Strategy for the period FY13 -17 aligned with Senegal’s National Strategy for Economic and Social Development. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.