8313 s | I | l _e CONTENTS - TABLE DES MATIERES INDICE 3 Introduction 3 Intioduction 3 Introducción 4 Population of the worid's countries 4 Population des pays et territoires 4 Población de los países y territorios and territories du monde del mundo 6 Statistics on 185 countries 6 Statistiqucs sur 185 pays et territoires 6 Estadísticas sobre 185 países y territorios and territories 10 Pnb par habitant, 1988 10 Pnb por cápita, 1988 10 Gnppercapita, 1988 12 Taux de croissance de la population, 12 Tasade crecimiento de la población, 12 Population growth rate, 1980-88 1980-88 1980-88 14 Gnp per capita growth rate, 1980-88 14 Taux de croissance du pnb par habitant, 14 Tasa de crecimiento del pnb per cápita, 16 Agriculture in gdp, 1988 1980-88 1980-88 18 Daily calorie supply, 1986 16 L'agriculture dans le pib, 1988 16 La agricultura en el pib, 1988 20 Life expectaney aybirth, 1988 18 Ration calorique journaliére, 1986 18 Suministrodiario de calorías, 1986 22 Total fertility rate, 1988 20 Espérance de vie á la naissance, 1988 20 Esperaniza de vida al nacer, 1988 24 llliteracy rate, 1985 22 Indice synthétique de fécondité, 1988 22 Tasa de fecundidad total, 1988 26 Tcchnical notes 24 Taux d'analphabétisme, 1985 24 Tasa de analfabetismo, 1985 29 The World Bank 27 Notes techniques 28 Notas técnicas 29 La Banuque monidiale 29 El Banco Mundial THE WORLD BANK ATLAS 1989 The World Bank Washington, D.C. The colors, boundaries. denominations, aod clas- Les couieurs, frontiéres, appellations et classifica- Los colores, las fronteras, los nombres y las sifications in this Atlas do not imply, on the pan of tions figurant dans cet Atlas ne signifient pas que la clasificaciones que aparecen en este Atlas no thie World Baink and its affiliates, any judgment on Banque mondiale et ses institutioos affiliées aient denotan, por parte del Banco Mundial ni de sus the legal or other status of any territory, or any porté un jugement sur le staitr juridique ou autre afiliadas,juicio alguio sobre la condición jurídica o endorsement or acceptance of any boundary. dun territoire quelconque, ni qu'ellcs reconnaissent de otra especie de ninguno de los territorios, ni ou acceptent une frontiére quelconque. aprobación o aceptación de ninguna de tales The Eckert IV projection is used for all maps. It fronteras. mnaintains correct arcas for all countries but to some Les planisphcres ont été établis selon la projection extent distorts shape, distance, and direction. Eckert IV qui donne une représentation exacte de la En los ¡napas se ha utilizado la proyección Eckert superficie de chaque pays, moyennant quelques dis- IV que permite mantener las superficies correctas de This is the twenty-second edition of bhe World Bank torsions dans les contours, les distances ct les direc- todos los países, si bien a costa de algunas distor- Atlas, tions. siones en cuanto a configuración, distancia y orientación. Copyright ©D 1989 La présente brochure est la vinigt-deuxieme édition Intemational Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- (tu World Bank Atlas. Esta es la vigésima segunda edición del Atras del nient/The World Bank Ranc o Mundial. 1818 H Strect, N.W. Copyright © 1989 Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. Banque intemationale pour la reconstruction el le Copyright © 1989 développement/Banque mondiale Banco Intemacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento ¡ Ahl rights reserved 1818 H Street, N.W. Banco Mundial Manufactured io the [Jnited States of America Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. 1818 H Strect, N.W. First printing Novemberl989 Washington, D.C. 20433, EE.UU. ISBN 0 8213 1354 1 Tous droits réservés Imprimé aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique Reservados todos los derechos Premier tirage novembre 1989 Hecho en los Estados Unidos de América ISBN 0 8213 1354 1 Primera impresión noviembre de 1989 ISBN 0 8213 1354 1 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCCION This twenty-second edition of the Atlas presents Cette vingt-deuxiéme éditioi del'Aelaá présente une En esta vigésima segunda edición del Atlas sc current economic and social indicators tiat describe série d'inidicateurs économiques et sociau¡x qui presentan indicadores económicos y sociales ac- trends, indicate orders of magnitude, and charac- décrivent des tendances, fourissens des ordres de tuales que describen tendencias, indicani órdenes de terize significant differences among coun tries. Since grandeur et témoignent de différences significatives magnitud y caracterizan diferencias importantes the indicators are not always strictly comparable in entre les pays. La couverture et la définition de ces entre los países. Puesto que los indicadores no son coverage and delinition, readers should refer to the indicateurs n'étant pas toujours strietement com- siempre estrictamente comparables en cuanto a technical notes. parables, il est recommandé au lecteur de se référer cobertura y definición, los lectores deben remitirse This year illiteracy rates, share of agriculture in aux notes techniques. a las notas técnicas. gdp,anddailycaloriesupplypercapitaarepresented Cctteannée,letableauprircipalprésentelestaux En esta edición se han incluido en el cuadro in thc main table, and illiteracy rates rather than d'analphabétisme,lapartdel'agriculturedanslepib principallastasasdeanalfabetismo,laproporcióndc school enrollmcnt ratios are clarted. ln addition, thie et la ration calorique jornmaliére par habitant. Les la agricultura en el pib y el suministro diario de ordering of countries in the bar charts has been figures illustrent non pas les taux de scolarisation calorías per cápita, y eii los gráficos se han incluido refined to make fuller use of information froma the maislestauxd'analphabétisme.Enoutre,ladisposi- las tasas de analfabetismo en vez de las tasas de maio table. The technical notes provide further in- tion des pays dans les diagrammes en barres est plus matrícula escolar. Además, se ha refinado la tormation. nuancée afin de tenir davantage compte des renseig- ordenación dc los países eii los gráficos de barra a TheAtlasrevealsthatreal percapita income has nemiienits contenus dans le tableau principal. t,es findeaprovecharmasplenamentelainformacióndel risen duriig the 1980s for the mtajority of countries. notestechniques fournissent des détails supplémen- cuadro principal. Las notas técnicas contienen una However, more than 10 percent of the wor]d's taires. explicación más completa al respecto. population lives in countries where the real gnp per L'Atías montre que le revenu réel par habitant a El Atlas revela un aumento del ingreso real per capita is not growing; more tliail half lives in augmenté dans la plupart des pays pendant les cápita en la mayoría de los países durante los años countries where the average gnp per capita is still années 80. Ccpendant, plus de 10 % de la populatioii ochelita. Sin eiíbargo. más del diez por ciento de la under $500. Relative income levels are also affected mnidiale vivent dans des pays dont le pnb réel par población del mundo vive en países en los que cl pnb by fluctuations in excliange rates and terms of trade, habitaot est encore inférieur á $500. Les niveaux per cápita real no está en aumento, y más de la mitad which have been sharp during the decade. Ilence the relatifs du revenu sont également influenlcés par les habita en países cuyo pnb medio per cápita todavía levels and the ranking of gnp per capita estimates lluctuatiois des taux de change et des termes de es inferior a $500. Los niveles de ingreso relativos have changed in ways not necessarily related to I'échange, lesquclles ont sté tris marquées pendant también se ven influidos por las fluctuaciones de los economie performance. la décennie. Aussi les estinmations du pnb par tipos de cambio y la relación de intercambio, que han The social indicators provide evidence of im- habitant et le classement des pays établi sur cette sido pronunciadas en el decenio. Por lo tanto, los proved standards of living since the early 1970s. base ono-ils subí des modifications qui ne sont pas niveles relativos y la ordenación de las estimaciones Recent trends are difficult to discer because condi- néeessairement liées aux résultats écononiiques. del pnb per cápita se bao modilicado en fornas que tions change gradually and data on those conditiois Les indicateurs sociaux témoignent aussi d'ne no guardan necesariamente relación con el are less current and less frequently gathered. amélioration des niveaux de vie depuis le début des desempeño de la economía. années 70. Les teidanices récentes sont difliciles á Los indicadores sociales también dan testimonio cemer, carles conditions changent progressivement de mejores niveles de vida desde comienzos del et les données qui s'y rapportent, colleetées moins decenio de 1970. Las tendencias recientes son fréquemoment, ne sont pas aussi actuelles. difíciles de observarporque las condiciones cambian pasílatinamente y los datos respecto a estas con- diciones son menos actualizados y se recopilan con menor frecuencia. 3 THE Population, 1988 WORLD'S COUNTRIES Millions AND Less than 1 anada TERRITORIES 10 - 49 t PAYS ET 49 TERRITOIRES 5s - 99 DU MONDE 100 ormrtre (UK,) No data PAISES Y .__ TERRITORIOS DEL MUNDO Costa ^ . . * / Co ombi ^ S ll | i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uiana Toketaj iNZ \Neslern i WNaBls aid Sarnoa FULtnfa Ameref,C SW~Qa (S) l$ )rrencIe Ni~~~e ~~ o F~~olynesla 0,nga ~~ ete ad A, Pert Rico c Agntn /. , St. Kittisand N S virgn s s Grnaa* eAniuaaRarbuja ¡ile (SS) ~~~~~~. ~Montserrat(UKe( SI Vfrincua and ioa g Granada 3 GrenadAnes Trinidad and erbage Venezeela4e -a 4 eIKm iraan ( p e ajoar na Re O e pe S 3w tzeGlandTarkeyo oe Portula S Tlzna \|n o el $ m otú G hialtar (UK) Md l Cyo AraA i ^ <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Twlra l' ialgia Namtu Gua (13 aa a ~~ New Zedialid ¿ Kribli Frau t Cura ratua Unl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~area ¡I E eaír (i) w uíuaí¡ nrila ',í:~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nw elaí STATISTICS ON 185 COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES Onu ~~~~~~~~Population ______np por c~api Daily Real r'alarie giowíh G-oKwIh A¿capiza Liex caz Totalferíi/it Sthosa/ enrollment Illiteracy Couíroreritorlv 1987 1988 _1980-88 1987 1988 1980-88 1987 1988 /980-88 1986-88 1970 1988 1986 1970 1988 1970 1988 /97<) 1986 1985 Afghianistai . . - - a .. . . 37 .. 7.1 . . 19 . Albania . .. .. 3,0183 3.145 2.1 .. . .. .. . 2,713 67 72 4.8 3.2 86 87 *t Algeria 60,889 58,250 3.0 23,097 23,805 3.1 2,640 2,450 0.0 -4.8 10 11 2,715 53 63 7.4 5.8 46 75 50 Aniericani Samoa .. . .. 36 36 1.6 .. b . . . . .. . . .. . Angola .. .. .. 9,180 9,421 2.5 e 1,880 37 45 6.4 6.4 .. 49 Antiguaand Barbuda 212 230 5,4 83 84 1.4 2,560 2,800 4.0 4.9 .. . 2,103 67 73 . 1.9 .. Argenitina 75,070 83,040 -0.3 31,121 31,5016 1.4 2,410 2,640 -1,6 -2.0 13 /3 3,210 67 71 3.1 2.9 81 96 5 Aruba .. . .62 62 . . h . . 1 5 -. . .... Australia 181,681 204.446 3.1 16,249 16,506 1.4 11,180 12,390 1.7 2.4 6 4 3,326 71 76 2.9 1.9 100 100+ Austria 90,664 117,644 1.7 7,573 7,563 0.0 11,970 15,560 1.7 2.9 7 3 3.428 70 74 2.3 1.5 84 85 Bahamas 2.495 2,611 4.5 242 247 2.0 10,310 101,570 2.4 0.0 . . 2,652 65 70 3.4 2,8 , Babrain 3,027 . . 458 6,610 . . . . 1. 62 71 6.4 4.0 83 99 27 Banigladesh 17,433 18,310 3.6 106,096 los, 85 1 2,8 160 17(0 0.8 0.4 55 46 1,927 45 51 7.0 5.4 .. 37 67 Barbados 1,417 1,530 1.7 254 255 0.3 5,580 5,990 1.4 3.3 11 6 3,199 69 75 3,0 1.8 89 100+ Belgium 113,117 ¡43,560 1.4 9,864 9,867 0.0 11,470 14,55(1 1.4 3.2 4 2 .. 71 75 2.2 1.6 93 96 Belize 243 264 3.6j 176 182 2.8 1.380 1,460 0.7 6.7 .. 23 2,570 . . 7 6.9 4.9 , Benin 1,421 1,530 1.5 4,313 4,454 3.2 330 340 -1.7 -4.5 49 47 2.184 44 51 6.9 6.4 21 45 74 Benniuda 1.262 .. .. 56 56 0.5 22,540) . -0.9 . . . 2,546 .. . . . BI-utan 202 . . 1,343 1,373 2.1 1-50 .. . .. 31 42 48 6.0 5.5 4 16 Bolivia 3,283 3,930 -1.7 6,729 6,917 2.7 490 570 -4.3 0.3 17 24 2,143 46 53 6.5S 6,0 61 73 26 Botswaiia 1,191 .. 10.2 1,135 1,164 3.3 1,050 .. 6.7 .. 33 3 2,201 50 68 6.9 4.2 46 78 29 Brazil 286,666 328,860 3.4 141.433 144,369 2.2 2.030 2.280 1.2 -0.3 12 12 2,656 59 65 4.9 3.4 64 84 22 Bruneid 3,317 .. -0.7 235 243 3.4 14,120 -4,0 . . 2,855 .. 74 ., 3.7 Bulgaria .. . 8,984 8,995 0.2 . . 3.642 70 72 2.2 1.9 94 ¡00t Burkina Faso 1,593 1,960 5.1 8,312 8,546 2.6 190 230 2.4 -0.6 44 39 2,139 40 47 6.4 6.5 7 21 87 Buruindi 1,226 1,200 2.9 4.990 5,149 2,9 251) 230 0.1 0.9 71 57 2,343 45 49 6.4 6.8 18 33 66 Cameroon 10,524 11,270 6.4 10,859 11,213 3.2 970 1,010 3.1) -7.8 31 26 2,028 49 57 5.8 6.4 50 67 44 Canada 389.588 437,471 3.4 25,854 26,104 1.0 15,1)70 16,760 2.3 3.4 4 3 3,462 73 77 2.3 1.7 86 100+ Cape Verde .. . . 344 352 2.2 -. - 15 2,717 56 66 7.5 S.l . . 8 53 Centiral African Rcp. 912 1,080 1.8 2,720 2,794 2.5 340 390 -0.7 -1.5 35 44 1,949 42 48 4.9 5.7 36 41 60 Chad 735 850 . . 5,267 5,399) 2.4 140 160 .. -1.2 43 47 1,717 38 46 6.0 5.9 19 25 7 Channel Islands , .. 136 136 0.8 . -- . . ... 76 .. 1.6 . Chile 17,074 19,220 1.6 12,543 12,760 1.7 1,360 1.510 -0. 1 5.3 7 3 2,579 62 72 4.0 2.7 87 96 6 China 319,905 3-56,490 10.5 1,068,543 1,083,889 1.2 300 330 9.2 9.0 35 34 2.6301 59 70 5.8 2.4 56 80 31 Coloimbia 36.582 37,210 3.0 29,470 30,007 1.9 1,240 1,240 1.2 2.3 25 19 2,543 59 66 5.3 3.1 67 83 1 2 Comnoros 159 200 .. 426 442 3.7 - 370 440 .. 2.1 .. 30 2,109 48 56 7.0 6.9 19 56 Congo, People's Rep. 1,891 1,950 4.6 2,025 2,100 3.4 930 930 1.1 -5.5 18 1 5 2,619 51 59 5.9 6.5 . . 37 CostaRica 4,422 4,690 2.6 2,608 2,670 2.3 1,700 1,760 D.2 2.8 23 18 2,803 67 74 4.9 3.2 76 77 6 C6te d Ivoire 8,285 8,590 0.4 11.126 11,587 4.2 750 740 -3.7 -94 40 96 2,562 45 5 3 7.4 7.3 36 50 57 Cuba .. .. . 10,291 10,394 0.9 , . . 3.124 70 76 3.8 1.9 76 94 Cy~prus 3.620 4.320 . 680 686 1.1 5,330 6,260 .. 4.8 .. 8 .. 71 76 2.4 2.3 .. 9 5 Czechioslovakia . , ., 15.573 15,610 0.3 . . . . .. 3,448 69 71 2.1 2.0 75 79 4 Denmark 76,459 94,792 2.3 5,127 5,133 0.0 14.910 18,470 2.3 -0.5 5 5 3.633 73 76 1.9 1.5 88 1(10+ 1- Djibouti e . . . . c . . . . 9 40 48 6.6 6.6 . Domiinica 119 130 4.4 80 81 1.3 1,480 1,650 3.1 3.8 .. 31 2,664 .. 74 .. 3.0 . . Dominican Rep. 4,942 4,690 0.8 -.6,712 --6,859 2.4 70 680 -1,6 0.1 20 /7 -2,477 '59 66 6.0 3.7 63 91 23 Ecuador 10,447 10,920 1.7 9,898 10,154 2.8 1,0160 1,080 -1.1 1.3 24 10 2,058 58 66 6.3 4.2 63 86 18 Egypt, Arab 3ep 31,278 33,250 5.6 50,140 _51,447 2.7 620 650 2.8 2.8 29 21 3,342 51 61 5.9 4.5 55 77 56 6 Gnpper ca,yita Dail), Reaf calorie grom,th Grnn,th Agricu1ture's supply rate rate Real gron,lh rate share in gdp per Us$000,000) (9.) (000) (% Us,1) - ------- capita To(al.Lertilitv c-iio,)i enroffinent Illitef-ac- 'y Cotintrv o terrizory 1987 1988 1980-88 1987 1988 1980-88 1987 1988 1980-88 1980-88 1970 1988 1986 1970 í988 1970 1988 1970 1986 1985 El Salvador 4,188 4,780 -0.4 4,958 5,056 1.4 850 950 -1.8 -1.1 28 14 2,160 59 63 6.3 4,8 60 60 28 Equalorial Guinea 114 140 . . 389 397 1.9 290 350 . . i.6 . . 58 . . 40 46 5.0 5.5 48 . . 63 Ethiopia 5,707 5,760 1.1 44,786 46,144 2.5 130 120 -1.4 2.3 56 42 1,749 43 48 5.8 (J. 5 1 1 25 38 Faeroe fslands 686 47 47 1.0 14,600 3.4 Fed. Sts. of Micronesia 87 89 b 1,158 1,1 o -o. 722 732 1.9 1,660- 1,540 -2.2 6,5 29 21 2,902 64 71 4.1 15 Finland 72.345 92,015 3.2 4,932 4,94,1 0.4 14,670 18,610 2.7 4.1 11 8 3,122 70 76 1.8 1.6 92 100+ t France 718,101 898,671 1.7 55,632 55,873 0.5 12,910 16,080 1.2 2.3 4 3,336 72 77 2.5 1,8 92 100 f t French Guiana 86 90 3.3 e 2,779 French Polvnesía 179 184 1.9 2,906 72 5.6 3,5 Ga-bon, 2,9 - 15 3,200 0.7 1,050 1 M77 3.9 2,780 2,970 -3.1 -7.7 1 7 1 1 2,521 44 53 4.2 5,5 75 38 Gambia, The 175 1 lqo 4.2 797 822 3.3 220 220 0.9 1.7 33 3.5 2,517 36 44 6.5 6.5 16 50 75 Ger-rnan Deni. Rep 16,645 16,665 -0. 1 3,814 70 73 2.2 1.8 93 86 t Gerrnany, Fed, Rep. 883,508 1,131,265 1.8 61,171 61,049 -0. 1 14,440 18,530 2.0 2.7 3 2 3,528 7 1 75 2.0 1-4 78 7 8 t Ghana 5,342 5,610 2.0 13,572 14,040 3.5 390 400 -1.4 1.9 47 5 1 1,759 49 54 6.7 6.3 52 49 47 G,b,altar 29 2( f (irecce 40,277 48.040 0.6 10.003 10,030 0.5 4,030 4,790 0.1 1.1 1 8 5 3,688 7 2 76 2.3 1.7 8 5 9 7 8 Greenland 54 54 1.0 b Grenada 124 139 5.2 100 102 1.9 1,240 1,370 3.5 13 19 2,448 65 69 4.6 3.2 Guadeloupe 337 338 0.5 2,687 67 74 4.7 2.2 Guam 128 131 2.6 b 73 4.7 2.6 Guatemala MOS 7.620 -0 .3 8,438 8,688 2.9 950 880 -3.1 0.8 i, 2,307 53 62 6.5 5.7 35 51 45 Guinea 2.300 M79 6,641 2.4 350 30 1,777 36 42 5.9 6.2 24 19 72 Guinea-Bissau 115 921 9,10 1.9 160 47 61 2,186 36 40 5.9 6.0 29 40 69 Guyand 350 .327 4.9 797 799 0.7 440 410 -5.5 -2 4 19 29 2,484 65 66 4.8 3.0 so 4 Haiti 2,198 12,10 -0.3 6,142 6,254 1.9 360 360 2.1 -2.3 1 1,902 lis 5.9 7 50 62 Hon,itiras 3,798 4,110 1.8 4.687 4,837 3.6 810 850 -1.7 0.5 32 22 2.068 53 64 7,4 5.4 58 75 41 Hong K ongd 45,934 52,380 7.3 5,613 5,674 1.5 8,1 80 9,230 5,7 9.2 2 0 2,859 70 76 3.3 1.8 76 85 12 llungal-y 23,838 26,030 1.6 10,621 10,604 -0. 1 2,240 2,460 1.8 1.9 18 14 3,569 70 70 2.0 1.8 84 89 t lecland 4,156 5-019 3.0 246 249 1.1 16,890 20,160 1.9 2.6 12 3,265 74 77 2.8 2.1 94 97 t 31 2,238 48 58 5.8 -T249 57 247,877 271.440- 5 .-5-- 797,526 813,990 2.1 310 T3 D , 3 4.2 47 60 Indonesia 76,218 75,960 18 171,443 174,832 2.1 450 430 1.7 1.6 45 20 2,579 47 61 5.5 3.4 49 81 26 Iran, Islamie Rep, - -- 47,033 48,555 3.0 e 19 3.313 55 63 6.7 5.6 52 78 49 lraq - 17,054 17,657 3.6 e 17 2,932 55 64 7.1 6.2 49 79 11 lrelaiid 22,355 26,750 0.5 3,556 3,574 0.6 6,290 7,480 0,0 2-0 14 t 3,632 71 74 3.9 23 -92 98 Isle of M in 63 64 -0.4 69 2.6 Israel 32,434 38,440 3.2 4.375 4,444 1.7 7,410 8,650 1.5 1,4 3,061 71 76 3.8 2.8 83 93 t ltaly 598,030 765,282 2.0 57,355 57,470 0.2 10,430 13,320 1.7 3.3 8 4 3,523 72 77 2.4 1,3 si 3 t Jamaica 2,263 2,610 -0.7 2,401 2,429 1-4 940 1,080 -2.1 1.8 7 6 2,590 67 74 5.4 2.8 82 Japan 1,9',52-5 2.576541 4.0 122.091 122,433 0.6 15,840 21,040 3.4 4.7 6 3 2,864 72 78 2.1 1.7 92 98 jordang 4,420 120 2 -1 3.790 3,937 3.7 1,561) J,5 lo lo 2,991 55 66 7.9 6.4 25 Kanipuchea, Dem. a 42 5.8 Kenya 7,414 8,310 3.9 22,096 23,021 4.2 340 360 0.2 1.5 33 31 2.060 so 56 8.0 7.6 41 71 41 Kiribati 36 40 66 67 1.9 550 650 30 2,935 53 4.3 -- - Koi,ea, Detii. Rep. 21,373 21,877 2.5 3,232 60 69 5.4 3.5 Zorea,Rep. 121,933 150,270 9.2 42'082 42,59 3 1.4 2,900 3,530 7.7 11.1 26 11 2,907 60 70 4.2 2.1 76 94 Kuwait 27,393 26,250 1.7 1,873 1,919 4.3 14,630 13,680 -2.5 -4.1 0 1 3,021 66 73 7.2 4.7 75 88 30 Lao PDR ..7 10 3,780 3ffl9 2.4 - 180 49 6.1 5.7 29 56 16 Gip Po__ /aíIo1cn ___ Gzp per capita_ - Daiy Real catlorie grawíh ~~~~~~~Grow0h Agric-ultur-e' r supply roíte rate Real growth cate sItare in gdp per (USSOOO.0001 (%> -- 0900 (US cap ita L¡fe e.1cany Ttal cin c woo enriolfinení lllhera<.y Countryorerriíoíy 1987 198 1980-88 987 1988 /980-88 1988 9810-896-8 1970 1988 1986 1970 1988 /970 1988 1970 1986 1985 Lebanon e. . .... 9 ... 64 .. 5.4 .. 77 . Lesotho 596 690 1.9 1,629 1,673 2.7 370) 410 -0.7 0.4 35 21 2,303 49 56 5.8 5.7 61 78 26 Liberia 1.051 . .. 2,324 2,401 3.3 450 .. -5.2 .. 24 37 2,381 47 55 6.5 6.4 32 -. 65 Lihya 21,901 23,0100 -6.0 4,094 4,249 4.3 5,350 5.410 -9.9 -5,0 2 7 3.601 52 61 7.5 6.8 .. . 33 Luxemubourg 6,596 8.372 4.4 371 371 0.2 17,780 22,600 4.2 2.3 4 .. -- 70 74 2.0 1.5 82 . Macao .. . . 429 443 4.0 .. .. . . . . 2,207 60 71 4.5 2.4 .. Madagascar 2,263 2,080 -0.3 10,902 ¡1.259 3.3 210 180 -3.4 -2.4 30 41 2,440 45 54 6.6 6.3 50 76 33 Malawi 1,176 1.320 3.1 7.905 8,155 3.8 150 160 -0.6 0.0 44 37 2,3 10 40 46 7.8 7.6 23 46 59 Malaysia 30.138 31,620 4.0 16,528 16,921 2.6 1.82(1 1,870 1.3 3.3 29 7 2,730 62 70 5.5 3.7 62 79 27 Maldives 68 80 .. 196 203 3.4 350 410 .. 10.4 . .. 2,110 .. 69 .. 6.4 . Mali 1,555 1,800 2.9 7,774 7,989g 2.4 200) 230 0.4 -O_5 61 49 2,074 40 47 6.5 7.0 15 15 83 Malta 1,450 1,740 1.9 3 45 345 -0.9 4,200 5,050 2.8 4.2 7 4 2,887 70 73 2.0 1.9 78 85 16 Marshal l slainds .. . . 37 38 . . b .. .. 15 . . . . . . Martiniquie .. . . 329 330 0.2 . . . .. . .. 2,796 68 74 4.4 2.1 100., Mauritania 818 910 1.3 1,860 1.907 2.6 440 480 -1.3 0.5 29 38 2,322 39 46 6.5 6.5 9 32 Mauritius 1,561 1,890 6.1 1,038 1.048 1.0 1,500 1.810 5.1 9.3 16 13 2,748 62 67 3.6 2.1 62 78 7 Mexico 150,261 151,870 0.7 81,860 83,593 2.2 1,840 1,820 -1.4 0.8 12 lo 3,132 62 69 6.5 3.5 67 86 10 Mongotis . .. . 2.024 2,086 2.9 .. .. . . . . 2,847 60 64 5.7 5.3 1004 95 Morocco 14.363 17,830 3.5 23,309 23,920 2.7 620 750 0.8 2,7 20 /9 2,915 52 61 7.0 4.7 32 53 67 Mozatmbique 2,127 1.550 5.0 14,555 14,967 2.7 150 100 -7.5 -5.9 .. 57 1.595 41 48 6.6 6.3 28 37 62 Myanmar(Burmna) .. . . 39.277 40,162 2.2 .. a . .. 38 .. 2,609 51 - 60 5.6 4.2 -54 Namibia .. . . 1,221 1,262 3.2 .. e . . -. .. ,824 48 57 6.1 6.0 . Nepal 2,843 3,150 4.7 1 7,591 18,053 2.7 160 170 1.9 2.5 67 SS 2,052 42 51 6.4 5.8 19 54 74 Netherlands 172.829 214,458 1.6 14,661 14,76(1 0.5 1 1.790 14,530 1.1 1.2 6 4 3,326 74 77 2.6 1.6 89 100+ t Netherlands Antilles . . .. 190 191 -0.5 .. b .. .. 2,911 63 66 3.4 2.1 .___ New Caledonia .. . . 153 155 1.4 -. b . . . . 2,994 .. 68 4.3 3.0 .. New Zealand 26,245 32, 109 1.6 3,336 3.339 1.0 7,870 9,620 0.6 -1.4 .. 9 3,463 72 75 3.2 1.9 93 93 Nicaragua 2,911 . . -1.4 3.504 3,623 3.4 830 .. -4.7 .. 25 21 2,495 54 64 6.9 5.4 54 75 ¡3 Niger 1,757 2,190 -1.3 6,787 6,998 3.0 260 310 -4.2 -2.1 65 36 2,432 38 45 6.9 7.0 8 17 866 Nigeria 40.301 31,770 -1.0 1(16,638 110,131 3.4 380 290 -4.3 -3.6 40 35 2,146 44 52 6.9 6.4 21 .. 58 Norway 73,074 84.165 4.1 4,187 4,205 0.3 17,450 20,020 3.8 2.4 6 3 3,223 -74 77 2.5 1.8 8 97 6 Ornan 7,866 7,110 11.7 1,347 1,402 4.5 5,840 5,070 6.9 -4.1 16 3 .. 45 56 7.2 7.1 3 69 Pakistan 34.427 37,153 6.3 102,482 105,677 3,1 340 350 3.0 3.4 37 22 2,315 48 55 7.0 6.6 26 30 70 PanaTna 5,1191 .. 2.2 2,271 2,315 2.1 2,240 .. 0.1 .. 15 9 2,446 66 72 5.2 3.01 75 83 ¡2 Papuia New Guinea 2,713 2,920 2.6 3,704 3,804 2.7 730 770 -1. 1 -2.4 37 34 2,205 47 54 6.1 5.6 32 .. 55 Paraguay 3,733 4.780 1.0 3,925 4,042 3.2 9-50 1.180 -2.1 2.4 32 27 2,853 65 67 6.0 4. 7 67 1 Peru 29,185 .. 1.0 20.237 20,681 2.2 1,440 .. -1.2 .. 19 1/ 2,246 54 62 6.0 4.0 72 98 15 P'hilippines 34,590 37,710 0.0 58.419 59,686 2.4 590 630 -2.4 4.0 28 23 2,372 57 64 6.4 3.8 85 92 14 Poland 69,862 69,970 2.5 37,664 37,873 0.8 1,850 1,850 1.7 2.10 . 3,336 70 72 2.2 2.2 87 94 t Portugal 29.198 37,260 2.3 10,161 10,162 0.3 2,870 3,670 1.9 4.9 .. 9 3,151 67 74 2.8 1.5 80 86 16 Puerto Rico 18,520 . . ~~~~3.4 -3,3~43 336 06 ,4 2.9 .. 3 2 .. 72 75 3.2 2.3 95 . Qatar 4,140 4,060 .. 332 350 5.4 12,460 11,610 . . . . 61 70 6.9 5.5 76 95 Reunion . . .. 566 575 1,6 .. f . . . . 3,108 63 71 4.3 2.4 Romania .. . . 22,947 23,052 0.4 .. . . . . .. 3,373 69 70 3.4 2.1 87 91 Rwanda 1,944 2,064 1.7 6,434 6,657 3.3 300 310 -1.5 -5.8 62 37 1,830 48 49 7.8 8.0 42 44 53 Saint Kitts and Nevis 102 120 4.9 Z 44 43 -0. 3 2,30 2,770 4.9 8.6 .. 9 2,372 .. 69 .. 2.7 Saint Lucia 201 220 4.3 142 145 2.0 1,410 1,5401 2.3 1.0 .. 14 2,535 62 71 5.7 3.4 . . Saint Vincent 121 130 5.7 120 122 1.4 1,010 1,100 4.3 4.7 .. 2(0 2,808 63 70 5.4 2.7 . Gnp -Po ulation Gnp pertcapita Daily Real calorie rzrowth Growth Agriculittre's -uppl'y rale rate Real growíh rate share in gdp per (US$000,0001 (%/ <000) (%; US1%) 1, capita Lije ewpe tanc y, Total.tetrtility 5Schc)ol erseollvee¿ee 111 itecací Couniprv'orterritory 1987 198 1980-8~8 1987 1988 1980-88 ¡987 1988 1980-88 198b-88 1970 1988 1986 1970 1988 1970 1988 1970 /986 1985 Sáo Tomié and Principe 32 .115 119 3.0 280 .. -5.7 .. 37 30 2,338 65 5.1 . .. 43 Saudi Arabia 90.455 86.527 -2.2 13.610 14,016 3.7 6.650 6.170 -5.9 -4.0 6 4 3,004 52 64 7.3 7.1 3 1 60 49 Seiiegal 3,553 4,520 3.2 6,950 7,154 2.9 510 630 0.3 2.4 24 22 2,350 42 48 6.5 6.5 24 25 72 Seychelles 210 260 2,5 67 68 0.9 3.130 3.800 1.6 2.8 . 6 2,219 .. 70 . 3.1 . Sierra Leone 958 930 0.3 3,841 3,938 2.4 250 240 -2.1 -2.1 28 45 1.855 34 42 6.5 6.5 22 .. 71 Siísgapore 20.938 24.010 7,0 2.613 2,639 1.1 8.010 9.101 5.8 8.8 2 0 2,840 68 73 3.1 1.7 77 92 14 Solomon Islands 124 ¡30 6.1 293 304 3.7 420 430 2.3 -2.3 .. 3 2.150 40 67 6.4 6.5 . .. .- Somalia 990 970 0.6 5.711 5,882 2.9 170 170 -2.2 0.2 59 68 2.138 40 47 6.7 6.8 7 18 88 South Africah 65.570 77.720 1. 5 33.11.1 33.938 2.3 1.980 2.290 -1.0 0.0 8 0 2,924 53 61 5.7 4.4 . . Spain 233.261 301.829 2.6 3 8.832 38.997 0.5 6.010 7.740 2.0 4.7 . 6 3,359 72 77 2.8 1.6 88 100 6 Sri Lanka ~~~~6,662 -7,020 4. 16.36! 16,565 1.5 410 420 28 05 8 26 ,41 4 71 4.3 2.6 71 84 1 Sudan 7,667 8,070 1.3 23.119 23.776 3.1 330 340 -4,2 -2.6 43 37 2.208 42 50 6.7 6.4 24 37 Suriiiaie 954 1.050 -4.4 420 429 2.6 2,270 2,450 -6.8 -8.4 7 10 2.725 64 67 5.5 3.6 92 87 10 Swaziland 499 580 4.5 712 737 3.4 700 790 1,0 -0.8 33 24 2,578 46 56 6.5 6.4 63 86 32 Swedcn 130,446 160,029 2.0 8.355 8,357 0.1 ¡5.610 19.150 1.9 2.3 4 3 3,064 75 77 1.9 1.9 90 90 -i Swiízerland 139.309 1~78.442 1.9 6538 6,545 0.3 21.310 27,260 1.6 1.9 ., 3 3,437 73 77 2.1 1. . S yrian Arab Rep. 18.540 19.540 0.4 11.248 11,667 3.6 1,650 1,670 -3.1 -3.3 20 38 3,260 56 65 7.7 6.7 61 89 40 Tan7ania' 4.890 3.780 2.2 23,870 24,739 3.5 210 160 -1.3 -1.0 41 64 2.192 45 53 6.4 6.9 23 43 Thailand 45,664 54,550 5.8 53.605 54.469 1.9 850 1.000 3.8 8.0 26 17 2,331 58 65 5.4 2.8 58 63 9 Togo 984 1,240 0.5 3,249 3.362 3.4 300 370 -2.8 -0.3 34 34 2,207 45 53 6.5 6.4 39 63 59 Tonga 75 80 3.0 100 1~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~0 1 1.4 750 81) 16 -0.8 . 41 2.940 . 6 6.5 4.1 . Trinidad andTobago 4.849 4,160 -5.8 1,222 1.241 1.6 3.970 3,350 -7.3 7.9 5 ./ 3.082 66 70 3.6 2.7 83 87 4 Tuiiisia 9,031 9.610 3.2 7,618 7,796 2.5 1,190 1.230 0,6 1.2 20 13 2,994 54 66 6.4 4.0 64 78 46 Turkey 63.982 68,600 5.4 52.623 53.772 2.3 1.220 1.280 3.0 3.1 30 17 3,229 57 64 5.3 3.7 67 77 26 UJganda 4,097 4,480 0.6 15.666 16,195 3.2 260 280 2.5 0.3 54 76 2,344 -17 51 6.9 6.9 25 .. 43 UnitedArabEinirates 23.398 23.580 -4.6 1,454 --1.500 4.9 16.090 15.720 -9.0 -2.7 .. 2 3.733 61 71 6.5 4.7 63 83 Uniíied Kingdom 599,804 730,038 3.0 56.891 57.019 01.2 10.540 12.800 2.8 3.8 2 2 3,256 72 75 2.4 1.8 88 93 LUnited Statrs 4,528,590 4,863,674 3A1 243,773 345.871 1.0 18,580 19,780 2.1 2.7 3 2 3,645 71 75 2.5 1.9 100 100+ 5 Uruguay 6.574 7,430 -0.9 2,983 3,004 0.5 2.200 2.470 -1.4 3.1 13 13 2.648 69 71 2.9 2.0 86 91 USSR .. . . 283.100 285,659 0.9 . .. , . .. 3,399 69 69 2.4 2.4 95 103 V--anuatu 113 120 . 146 151 3.2 770 820 . , . 34 2,344 .. 64 6.5 5.7 . . Venezuela 59.073 59,390 0.3 18.272 18.759 2.8 3.230 3,170 -2.4 0.9 6 6 2.494 65 70 5.3 3.7 70 80 13 Viet Nam .. .. .. 64.978 66.682 2.6 .. a . . .. 2,297 .. 66 .. 4.3 .. 69 Virgin lslands. U.S. . . .. 0 112 1.6 f . . . 73 5.3 2.5 . . Western Samoa 93 100 - 166 168 1.0 -560 -58 so-3.3 - 2,470 .. 66 6.7 4.7 . Yemen Arab Rep. 4.966 -5.700 5.-5 8.474 8.742 2.7 590 650 2.7 7.0 52 25 2,318 42 46 7.0 6.9 7 50 86 Yemen, PDR 958 1.0100 -3.2 2.269 2,339 2.9 420 430 -5.9 0.6 .. 16 2,298 42 51 7.0 6.6 37 .. 59 Yugoslavia 58,142 63,070 0.5 23,411 23,552 0.7 2.480 2,68(1 -0.1 -2.2 18 10 3,563 68 72 2.3 2,0 77 86 9 Zaire 4.991 5,740 0.9 32.604 33,615 3.1 150 170 -2,1 -0.6 ¡6 31 2.163 45 53 6.0 6.1 52 .. 39 Zambia 1.676 2.160 -¡.5 7,213 7,486 3.6 230 290 -4.9 4.4 1I /2 .. 47 54 6.7 6.7 61 75 24 Zinibabwc 5.302 6.070 2.5 8,985 9,257 3.6 590 660 -1.0 0.5 1-5 11 2,132 51 63 7.7 5.2 47 96 26 NÑo! available. t- According to Unesco. illiteracy is less than 5%. .., Sen map for Bank staff range eslimales. Note: Figures in italics are for years other than those specified; the nuinber O or 0.0 in Ihe lable meaiis zero nr mess thair half ¡br unit shown and not known mnore precisely, a. Gnp per capita estiimated to be leus than $500. b. Gnp per capita estimated to he S6,000 or more, c. GJnp per capita eslimaled to be in Ihe S500-$1,499 range. d. References ¡o gnp relate, ro gdp es~timules, e. Gnp per capita estimated tobhe in the $I.500-$3.499 range. f. Gnp per capita esimiated to he en tbe $3.500-$5.999 range. g. Dala for gnp cover ¡he East Bank only. li. Dala for gnip iinclude Namiibia; ginp pee cap¡la adjusted ¡o cover South Africa onjly. i. Data for gnip auid gnp per capita cover íoiaijrland Tanizania oinly. 9 GNP PER A country's gross national product divided by US dollars CGAPITA, its population. The distribufioiz of gnp per capita Less than $500 CAPITA, ispuato.Shares of world population living in countriesesta 1988 with different levels of gnp per capita z $500 - $1,499 ~ _ g $1,500-$3,499 PNB PAR Produit national brut d'un pays divisé par le L $3,500 - $5,999 HABITANT, nombre de ses habitants. 1988 $6,000 or more Z 1 t t No data PNB PER El producto nacional bruto del país dividido CAPITA, por su población. 1988 Country groups are the same as fhose zzl the map key at right Summary table Gnp Number Gnp Populationi per capita of (US$000,000) (000,000) (LTS$) Gnp per capita, 1988 countries 1988 1988 1988 Less than $500 50 909,000 2,881 320 $500 - $1,499 36 359,000 403 890 $1,500-$3,499 31 1,223,000 543 2,100 $3,500 - $5,999 13 296,000 74 4,000 $6,000 or more 46 13,345,000 784 17,020 No data 10 . 388 10 Gnp per capita, 1988 Where the people are... Where thie income is... Ai'erage gnp per capita 320 890 2.210 D c) ° Number of couwtries 4,000 H 17,020 (i: 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Population (billions) Gross national product (billions of UJS $) POPULATION The average annual percentage change in a Average annual change countrv's population. The absolute change in Howfast the population is growing GROWTH a year ,is the sum of births aind immigrants Shares of world populatiorn growing at More than 3.0% RATE, minus the sum of deaths and emigrants. different rates 1 2.2% - 3.0% 1980-88 1.5% - 2.1% TAUX DE Taux moyen annuel de variation de la popula- 1.0% - 1.4% CROISSANCE tion d'un pays. La variation absolue au cours Less than 1.0% d'une année est égale h la somme des nais- Ls hn10 DE LA sances et du nombre d'immigrants, moins laNoda POPULATION, somme des décs e du nobre d'émigrants. E No 1980-88 TASA DE Porcentaje anual de cambio en el número de LTASAT^/I DE habitantes del país. El cambio absoluto en un CRECIMIENTO año es la suma de los nacimientos e inmigran- DE LA tes menos la suma de las defunciones y los POBLACION, emigrantes. Couorry groups are the same as those in the map kcy at rght 1980-88 Summary table Gnp Gnp per capita ranking Number Gnp Population per capita of econotnies wilh more than Population growth Of (000,000) (Us$) ¡ miillion people, 1988 rate, 1980-88 countries 1988 1988 1988 More than 3.0% 48 590,000 582 t 1,010 ¿¡rio,, _______ 2.2% - 3.0%Ó 44 979,000 959 1,020 980-88 6 1.5%-2.1% 24 582,000 1,131 510 _ 1.0%- 1.4% 21 6,173,000 1,463 4,220 4 Less than 1.0% 36 7,807,000 562 13,900 No data 14 388 . . 2 12 _ o Cuba 9oman a jSM 10%- 19% 34 1,401,000) 703 1,990 75 6% - 9% 17 385,000 52 7,400 '50 Less than 6% 40 13,241,000 847 15,640 No data 11 . 612 . 25 16 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________~ ~ ~ ~~~ R RDan,a n ^ + = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BSSgar a Corea, Dem Fep Rengo¡ GanmaeD . ROO. Aban.. Moamb que Tanzarla =haa Malao Snpala .r , , ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ oíndce al a Bancglaoesh Za re Lao~os Bu rapd Mal, Bu,kna Faso SIecra Leana Ire ana _0 Mva_nmEueor Bjnna Birma . i Q X.. wganda _ .dar C_ Aletna =v Beisn PaeXeS> R 3 SouhAI a nc ai _ i et , .am Undan o r"da nua en FS íand f Brnn Pae stan Guinea Ha t ToIr Central = a ripan ,op X~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ h° rs a . Gharha S,nalaPOR Macrirana Phtpna Yeman Araa Rep EApt Grab Rap Danininjan Pep Lebanen a. -r ~~~~~~~~~~.r ~~~Angora HaPap Ne ra u a Garmla Carta, Fsapers Rep El Auladar Caa towana PRagcay ahika Pnian Ma ait Patana Age atco SaungwyaD * - Iraq a suna = n la, am a Fap. --- reantna Vaneouea bninda and Tabaga Korea, Rep of CeLan Apbyn Se audAr an Peland kstra lain LnOe Arab ERn ratan Cenada Der mark Ge,aae'¡ Feo 9ap Da tad Stutes Ntzaiand a TOTAL The number of children a woman will bear Births pe7^ u,oman FERTILITY during her lifetime, given prevailing age- oamily size RATE, 1ILITspecific fertility rates. Shares of worldpopulation living in countries 5 0o more 1988 with different totalfertility rates m 4.0 - 4.9 3.0 - 3.9 INDICE Nombre d'enfants auquel une fernire donnera 2.0 - 2.9 naissance pendant son existence, calcuilé suir Less than 2 SYNTHETIOUE la base des taux observés de fécondité par :ge. DE FECONDITE, L]No data 1988 TASA DE Número de hijos que una mujer tendrá durante FECUNDIDAD su vida, de acuerdo con las tasas prevalecientes TOTAL, ~ ~~~~de fecundidad específica por edades. 1988 Countrv grouls are the same as ¡hose in he nmap key at right Total fertility in the 16 largest developing Total fertility rate (births per woman) countries M 1970 Gnp per capita ranking of economies with nmore thanz 8 0 1988 ¡ million people, ¡988 Totalfertillzy 8 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nay, 1988 6 4 Vi,etNanm Fthapa Nigera Inda Indonsia gyp Turke Brazi 2 hIan Bangladesh China Pakistan Philippines ihadland Mexico KoRea 22 v__ Cuba e echos mvak a 2sowan a : Acrea, Demn. Rp~. _ongc la G Dem. Fep o _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e =aan ci q1a I >tr iBp a mankaa ~had klala;a¡ Nepal Sorna a Madna esar aa, PgR ! _ Indonesa ! X~~Brun t n _ YMemejn PDR . r Bara n Mla I z C Bo ~~~~~B.i, a rFt o Serra hnlea Iet Nrara .n Ha.pucener D-m Z S.zeri~~~~~~~~: W ><