EA ST ASIA AND PACI FIC REGIO N Sustainable Development 4 Guidance Note GENDE R AN D D I S AST E R RISK MA N AG E ME NT - G U I DA NCE NOT E S 65836 Integrating Gender Issues in Community-based Disaster Risk Management This note on Integrating Gender Issues in Community-based Disaster Risk Management is the fourth in a series of guidance notes on gender issues in dis- - - INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS COMMUNITY-BASED DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT? Community-based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) is an approach that seeks to actively engage at risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities - organizations working with local government and community partners. - THE WORLD BANK GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 2 Disaster Risk Management Equal community Disasters are linked to participation / involvement DRM activities development Recognises different risk - of DRM from increasing a - - - Source: Adapted from World Bank 2008 (Yodmani 2001; 9-10); ADPC 2004 REASONS TO ADOPT A GENDER SENSITIVE CBDRM APPROACH - - lives. - 3 4 Guidance Note Case Study: - Source: Safer Communities Initiative (2010). http://www.unifem-eseasia.org/Aceh/index.html Case Study: - - ENTRY POINTS FOR MAINSTREAMING GENDER IN CBDRM PROGRAMS - lenging. - GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 4 Disaster Risk Management - Table 1: Action Risk Assessment - ment - sessment - Implementation Training Design and Training guidance - - Monitoring - - and Evaluation Source: This table has been adapted from ADPC 2004; WB 2008. 6 EAST ASIA AND PACIF IC REGION Sustainable Development GENDE R AN D D I S A ST E R RISK MAN AG E M E N T - G U I DA NCE NOT E S Annex: Community Mapping Gender Issues in Community-based Disaster Risk Man- agement - STEPS FOR GENDER-BASED COMMUNITY MAPPING, USING FOCAL GROUPS & COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS - Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: 7 Guidance Note 4 Step 5: - - - GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and 8 Disaster Risk Management Step 6: Step 7: GUIDANCE NOTES on GENDER and Disaster Risk Management 4 CONTACTS: ( ) ( ) ( ) THE WORLD BANK ender equality as smart economics A World Bank Group Action Plan Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery