The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) REPORT NO.: RES36100 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF HAITI STATISTICAL CAPACITY BUILDING IN EDUCATION GRANT APPROVED ON JUNE 2, 2017 TO THE REPUBLIC OF HAITI EDUCATION LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Regional Vice President: Axel Van Trotsenburg Country Director: Anabela Abreu Senior Global Practice Director: Jaime Saavedra Chanduvi Practice Manager/Manager: Rita Kullberg Almeida Task Team Leader: Yves Jantzem The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADEA Association for the Development of Education in Africa DPCE Directorate of Planning and External Cooperation (Direction de la Planification et la Coopération Externe) EMIS Education Management and Information System GPE Global Partnership for Education IHSI National Institute for Statistic (Institut Haïtien de la Statistique) MENFP Ministry of Education (Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle) M&E Monitoring and Evaluation PEQH Project for an Education of Quality in Haiti RP Restructuring Paper UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services USI Unit of Information System (Unité du Système d’Information) The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P161160 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Not Required (C) Not Required (C) Approval Date Current Closing Date 02-Jun-2017 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency MENFP The World Bank Financing (in USD Million) FIN_SUMM_PUB_TBL SUMMARY Total Project Cost 0 Total Financing 0 Financing Gap 0 DETAILS -NewFin3 Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The objective of the Project is to support the MENFP in establishing a sustainable data collection strategy for the school census which delivers quality data comparable to international standards; designing a MENFP strategy for strengthening its monitoring and evaluation system; and initiating implementation of said strategy. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) Summary Status of Financing Net TF Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Introduction This Restructuring Paper (RP) seeks management approval of a Level 2 Restructuring for the Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education grant (P161160). The project is Bank Executed on Behalf of the Recipient and the proposed restructuring would entail: (i) Changes in budget allocation across components reflecting a change of approach to focus on designing and piloting scalable tools to implement the Education Management Information System (EMIS) strategy and a sustainable data collection processes; (ii) Changes to the results framework; and (iii) The extension of the closing date of the project for an additional year until June 30, 2020. B. Background The project was approved by management and became effective on June 2nd, 2017. The objective of the project is to support the Ministry of Education (Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle - MENFP) in establishing a sustainable data collection strategy for the school census which delivers quality data comparable to international standards; designing a MENFP strategy for strengthening its monitoring and evaluation system; and initiating implementation of said strategy. The Project has four components, as described in the Project Appraisal Document: a) Component 1: School census data collection strategy (USD125,000); b) Component 2: MENFP M&E system strengthening strategy (USD50,000); c) Component 3: Implementation of the MENFP M&E system strengthening strategy (USD265,000); and d) Component 4: Project implementation support (USD60,000). C. Project Status Project implementation experienced delays in components 1, 2 and 3 due to (i) the absence of a clearly identified counterpart at the Ministry of Education during the absence of the coordinator of the World Bank Financed project (Providing an Education of Quality in Haiti - PEQH - P155191); (ii) political unrest during the year 2018 and early 2019; and (iii) slow progress in the dialogue to engage on a sustainable data collection process with the planning directorate in charge The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) of the education statistics (Direction de la Planification et la Coopération Externe – DPCE). However, these challenges were addressed or mitigated, and implementation gained momentum and significant progress towards project objectives have been achieved, as summarized below: a) Component 1: School census data collection strategy (USD125,000) The diagnostic of the existing data collection processes for the school census was completed in September 2017 using the SABER EMIS methodology, reaching the target for intermediate results indicator 1 (IRI1). For the last two years, the school census could not be collected due to overall difficulties to engage with the Directorate of the Planning and External Cooperation (DPCE) in charge of Education statistics on the school data collection process and specifically to reach a consensus on a sustainable, decentralized and replicable strategy to collect on-time quality data on the schools (as opposed to a costly top down approach). To mitigate these challenges, an approach leveraging mobile technology was agreed upon. The data collection protocol would rely on a simple, innovative mobile application and be piloted on a small scale in selected departments using local resources at the decentralized level of the MENFP. A first version of this application was developed and used by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) to successfully collect data for all public schools in 5 departments during school year 2018-2019. To leverage on this work the MENFP Information System Unit (Unité du Système d’Information - USI) and UNOPS agreed to adapt and embed these tools within USI as well as develop and pilot a similar protocol for the non-public schools in a few departments (the total sample will be defined once there is more clarity about the cost and time implications of this activity). The protocol would be adapted to focus on a greater decentralization and capacity building of the Decentralized Department of Education to use mobile applications for the data collection process. The tools developed and lessons from the pilot will then be available for the USI and DPCE whenever the new school census takes place. Lastly, the protocol will be discussed with financial and technical partners to help raise funds from donors to support the implementation of the full-scale school census. b) Component 2: MENFP M&E system strengthening strategy (USD50,000) The diagnostic of the current statistical infrastructure, information management processes and data utilization practices in the MENFP was completed in September 2017 using the SABER EMIS methodology.1 A 3-day workshop to raise awareness about the importance of the EMIS to inform decision making amongst the key staff of all the technical and departmental directorates of the MENFP took place on December 3-6, 2018. During this workshop, approximately 100 participants exchanged information about their data needs and experiences and learned about the current state of the Haitian EMIS and the MENFP priorities in terms of Information Systems. By the end of the workshop each Technical Director signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to collaborate on data collection and 1 SABER stands for Systems Approach for Better Education Results, and it is a methodology developed by development partners to assess several dimensions of an Education System. SABER EMIS is the tool used to assess the Education Management and Information System dimension. The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) information sharing with USI which paved the way for a “circulaire ministérielle” (ministerial policy) that was signed by the Minister on Education on April, 11th 2019. Lastly, three consultants (one local and two internationals) are developing the roadmap with USI to establish an effective Education Management Information System. It will include (i) a diagnostic of the current data collection system and of the quality of the available data; (ii) the priorities of the MENFP to implement the proposed solution (organized between short- and long-term activities); and (iii) a protocol for data sharing between the technical directorates of the MENFP. Once the roadmap is ready, a workshop will be organized to present it to stakeholders within the MENFP and ensure their buy-in. c) Component 3: Implementation of the MENFP M&E system strengthening strategy (USD265,000) Under this component, the focus is on the short-term objective of incorporating into the EMIS the Quality Assurance System (QAS) tools that were developed by MENFP to monitor and improve service delivery to primary schools. The other elements of the strategy, as prepared under component 2, will require resources and consensus building that are beyond the scope of this project. To incorporate the QAS tools into the EMIS, two consultants have been hired to analyze the baseline data collected under the QAS through the World Bank Financed “Pour une Education de Quality en Haiti” (PEQH) project in 61 public schools and 43 non-public schools. The consultants also provided recommendations on how to simplify the instruments and improve the quality of the information gathered, reflecting on the lessons learned from the first year of implementation of the PEQH Project. In the revised questionnaires, the framework remains the same, but the indicators are simplified, easier to understand and monitor. This work also was required to be able to incorporate the QAS tools (that were mostly offline tools) into the EMIS which will ensure scalability and sustainability at the Ministry-level to monitor data in all public schools. Additionally, three technicians have been hired to work with the Information System Unit (USI) on developing and maintaining current databases and improving the Information System security. Finally, the project is organizing, together with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) a south-south study trip to Burkina Faso to learn from their experience developing their EMIS. The study tour is expected to take place in May 2019. Disbursements to date: Fiscal Year FY17 FY18 FY19 Total Disbursements 0.00 6,463.08 207,712.21 214,175.29 The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) D. Rationale for Restructuring The dialogue on the importance of data collection and statistical capacity within the ministry supported through this Trust Fund is starting to produce results. A one-year extension of the grant to compensate for the initial delays would allow for the completion of the implementation of on-going activities and fully achieve the Project’s objectives. Additionally, a reallocation of resources across components is required to reflect the strategic change of shifting the focus of this Project to the design and implementation of an effective EMIS strategy with USI as well as designing and piloting a data collection strategy. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES A. Extension of the closing date An extension of the grant for an additional year, until June 30, 2020 is proposed.2 This will allow the completion of the design of a strategy for strengthening the EMIS and start of implementation, as well as the design of a school census data collection strategy, to reach the expected outcomes of the Project. With this extension, total duration of the grant will be 3 years from effectiveness date. B. Change to components and cost The workshops and training for the staff of the National Institute for Statistic (Institut Haïtien de la Statistique – IHSI) as part of preparation for the population census will be taken out of the scope of this Project, since the IHSI received another TFSCB after the approval of this one to cover this activity. That said, a joint workshop between IHSI and MENFP is being considered to ensure the alignment between the education information collected from the population and the school censuses. The strategy for data collection was also revised in terms of the design of a pilot for data collection in public and non- public schools and a reduced scope for the implementation of M&E system strengthening (see paragraph C. above). Considering these proposed changes the budget allocation across components will be modified as presented below: 2Because this TF is Bank Executed on Behalf of the Recipient, it is managed within the World Bank as a Bank Executed TF and therefore does not appear in the World Bank loan system (ClientConnection). As such, section IV. in this document will not show the proposed new date. The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) Project Components Project cost (US$) before Project cost (US$) modified 1. School census data collection 125,000 160,000 strategy 2. MENFP M&E system 50,000 150,000 strengthening strategy 3. Implementation of the MENFP 265,000 140,000 M&E system strengthening strategy 4. Implementation Support 60,000 50,000 Total Project Costs 500,000 500,000 C. Change to the Results Framework The intermediate indicator “Training for IHSI staff as part of preparation for population census completed” will be deleted, since the workshops and trainings for the staff the IHSI staff as part of preparation for the population census have been taken out of the scope of this Project. The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Results Framework ✔ Components and Cost ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Additional Financing Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Change in Overall Risk Rating ✔ Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ EA category ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_RESULTS_TABLE RESULTS FRAMEWORK Project Development Objective Indicators PDO_IND_TABLE PDO Indicator 1: New school census data collection process officially adopted by MENFP Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 PDO Indicator 2: Strategy for strengthening the M&E system officially adopted by MENFP Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 PDO Indicator 3: Technical prerequisites for a functional Education Management Information System (EMIS) are in place Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 30-Apr-2019 Intermediate Indicators IO_IND_TABLE IRI 1: Diagnostic of existing data collection processes for the school census completed Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No Yes Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 IRI 2: Pilot of the new data collection process for the school census completed Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 IRI 3: Training for MENFP national and departmental staff in the new data collection process completed The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 IRI 4: Diagnostic of the current statistical infrastructure, information management processes and data utilization practices in the MENFP completed Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No Yes Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 IRI 5: Strategy for strengthening M&E system of the MENFP designed Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 IRI 6: Training for MENFP staff on databases, survey design, data collection, data management, information dissemination, and/or data analysis completed Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes No Change Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 IRI 7: Training for IHSI staff as part of preparation for population census completed Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No No Yes Marked for Deletion Date 30-Jun-2017 21-Feb-2019 30-Apr-2019 The World Bank Haiti Statistical Capacity Building in Education Grant (P161160) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) 1. School census data collection 1. School census data 0.13 Revised 0.16 strategy collection strategy 2. MENFP M&E system 2. MENFP M&E system 0.05 Revised 0.15 strengthening strategy strengthening strategy 3. Implementation of the MENFP 3. Implementation of the M&E system strengthening 0.26 Revised MENFP M&E system 0.14 strategy strengthening strategy 4. Project implementation 4. Project implementation 0.06 Revised 0.05 support support TOTAL 0.50 0.50 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline TF Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications