E513 December 2001 Environmental Analysis Environmental Category: B (Analysis provided through this Annex to the PAD) The project is not expected to have any significant negative impacts on the environment. However, there may be low level impacts related to productive activities and rural development in the buffer zones, in-park infrastructure, and sustainable development initiatives promoted through the mainstreaming component.. To ensure that the impacts of these activities are fully mitigated, protected area personnel will be responsible for implementation of the Management Program of the specific protected area and the application of the protected areas law and its zoning rules. Appropriate impact assessments will be prepared and reviewed in accordance with LGEEPA and the Protected Areas Guidelines supervised by SEMARNAT. Two types of documents are required under this legislation, environmental impact statements and preliminary applications. Other legislation of importance include: The protection of threatened flora and fauna (NOM-059-ECOL-1994) and non timber forest resources (NOM-RECNAT). Project activities that may have some significant environmental impacts are alternative livelihoods initiatives that reserve directors may include in their annual operating plans (POAs) under components 2 or 4. These activities would typically be geared towards promoting community and indigenous development. In terms of their nature, they are of three main types: a) maintenance of ecosystem qualitv, b) restoration and c) sustainable use of biodiversitv. Different procedures for screening and assessing the impacts of sub-projects are established in the operational manual and are described in detail below. Projects promoting maintenance and/or restoration of ecosvstem quality (Tvpes a and b) are expected to have very low environmental impacts. They would be screened and assess by developing a checklist which contains a set of criteria to be used for identifving possible negative impacts and their mitigation measures where possible. Tnis Checklist will be prepared and updated by expert staff from Environmental Impact Assessment, the Wildlife section of INE, and from the headquarters of CONANP. Institutional Structure On the 4th of June the administrate structures were published, outlining the structure of SEMARNAT and where the administrative units are located. The following are the main groups dealing with environrmental assessment issues in protected areas, the register of UMAS, Enforcement section etc. Sub-secretariat for Environmental Protection and Management The Director General (DG) for Risks and Environmental Impact resolves the impact statements and the preliminary application of works at the federal level and give authorizations for works and other activities. They modify, suspend, withdraw and cancel the authorizations on all issues regarding environmental impact assessment. The DG for Wildlife proposes, promotes and authorizes establishment of unites for the conservation, management and use of wild life. The DG Wildlife issues opinions on impact statements, authorizes the plans and programs on conservation, management, use, recovery, reintroduction and control of wildlife. Decentralized Organizations National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (CONA.NP). Federal Environmental Enforcement (PROFEPA), enforces environmental regulations. F!g..SHC'? Administrative Procedures and Costs of EA Environmental impacts of projects of sustainable use (Type a and b) are subject to limited review under LGEEPA and the environmental impact assessment regulation. Preliminary Application: The submission of a pre-screening application for the use of non timber forestry products carries in costs between 15-60 000 pesos that is covered by the promoter. The time needed to put together such report is estimated at 2-3 months, but it is recommended to calculate about one year to gather all the seasonal data necessary. The current legal fee for the right to conduct the proposed activity is issued by SEMARNAT for 3178 pesos. The processing should be done within 20 days. An additional fee of 300 pesos will cover the final approval. During or after the submission of the application it will need to be registered with the director general for wildlife. Environmental impacts of projects of sustainable use (Type c) will be subject to more in-depth scrutiny. They will receive a preliminary screening by CONANP to verify eligibility and a first environmental assessment, that will be prepared as a brief summary on environmental impacts, and mitigation measures for technical review. In addition, CONAN'? will review all the safeguard policies to see if any of them are triggered by the project. If that is the case, full documentation covering all pertinent aspects will need to 'ce presented to the responsible agencies (INE or SEMlAR-NAT). A condition for project financing will be the wntten approval from: CONANP, INE or SEMARNAT. To establish a unit to evaluate the proposal under this activity for the management and benefit of wildlife the following costs and time frames would be needed: To develop a management plan for one or several species costs between 10,000.00 and 60,000.00 pesos, depending on the species and this cost would include the costs of monitoring once the project is up and running . These plans will be developed by technical specialists contracted by the proponents for this work The current legal fee for the right to conduct the proposed activity is issued by SEMARNAT for 300 pesos. The processing should be done within 60 days. A) Maintenance of Ecosystem Quality BENEFICIARY NATIONAL COrIvSION GENERAL GENERAL DIRECTION Individuals or organizations ON PROTECTED DIRECTION OF OF IMPACT AND NATURAL AREAS WILDLIFE. INE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK * LGEEPA * Genera Law of * LGEEPA * Regulation in Protected Wildlife * Regulation in Natural Areas * ivlexican Official * Environmental Impact * Decree of the PNA Norm NOM-059- Assessment. ECOL94 * Mexican Official Norms * NOM on Natural Resources (1) Express interest in carry (2) Reviews compatibility with out a project of sustainable NManagement Program, use of natural resources Regulation in PNA and zoning. regulated by a NOM (NOM- Provides advice and technical RECNAT) p assistance (3) Develops project, prepares the report on environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures (Informe preventivo) and compliance wvith the NOM'.l w (4) Analizes the Report and gives its positive opinion (5)Receives positive opinion | and submits the report for authorization (6)Evaluates the environmental impact assessment report (7) Authorizes project in case of accordance with norm (8) Project consistent with environmental protection, *4 iniciate implementation | Follows up the project B) Restoration BENEFICIARY NATIONAL COMISION GENERAL GENERAL DIRECTION Individuals or organizations ON PROTECTED DIRECTION OF OF IMPACT AND NATURAL AREAS WILDLIFE. INE ENVIRONMEN:TAL RISK * LGEEPA * Genera Law of * LGEEPA * Regulation in Protected Wildlife * Regulation in Natural Areas * Mexican Official Environmental Impact. * Decree of the PNA Norm NOM-059- . Mexican Official Norms ECOL94 (1) Express interest in carry out an ecotouristic project and development of infrastructure (2) Reviews compatibility with Management Program, Regulation in PNA and zoning. Provides advice and technical assistance (3) Develops project, prepares l the report on environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures (Informe preventivo or MIIA)I p (4) Analizes the Report and gives its positive opinion (5) Receives positive opinion and submits the report for * l authorization. __ (6) Evaluates the envirormentaj J impact assessment report (IP or ivlA) (7) ) Authorizes project (8) Project consistent with environmental protection _ iniciate implementation Folows up the project C) Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Procedure for the environmental assessment of sustainable use of biodiversity projects and productive activities in Protected Natural Areas. BENEFICIARY NATIONAL COiNlISION GENERAL DIRECTION GENERAL DIRECTION Individuals or ON PROTECTED OF WILDLIFE. INE OF INIPACT AND organizations NATURAL AREAS ENVIRONMENTAL RISK * LGEEPA * Genera Law of * LGEEPA * Regulation in Wildlife * Regulation in Protected Natural * ,Mexican Official Environmentai Areas Norm NOM-059- Impact. * Decree of the PNA ECOL94 * ivlexican Official Norms NOM RECNAT (natural resources) (1) Express interest in carry out a project of sustainable use of wildlife (2) Reviews compatibility . .with Management Program and Regulation in PNA. Provides advice and technical assistance (3) Develops project. prepares the management plan for the specie; Integrates the documents for registration as Management and Sustainable use of Wildlife Unit (UMA). - . (4) Reviews project and gives its consent (5) Delivers the project l (Management Plan) and the request for approval of UMA, including the consent (6)Reviews the of the PNA 1 *management plan of the specie and the request for approval of the UTMA. (7)Approves and registers the UNIA and authonces the management plan for the specie (8)UMA registered and iniciate project implementation Follows up the project .4 Nlonitoring and evaluation A detailed monitoring and evaluation program has been developed during the first protected areas project based on the Methods and Tools Objectives-Oriented Project Planning (ZOPP) methodology. This M&E program includes detailed indicators on changes in land uses and ecosystem health as well as indicator species and social indicators. The M&E system is designed to give early warning to mangers of protected areas to permit mitigating actions. The indicators will filly reflect the project and the EMP. The NI&E program will assist and guide the development of act ivies to be permitted in the reserves. Category B project is intended to be entirely positive from an environmental standpoint, particular bv promoting the conservation of biodiversity in protected natural areas. Capacitv Building in Environmental Assessment Workshops will be held with Directors and staff of the protected natural areas of the project to improve their capacity to evaluate environmental impacts, implement the legislation and design mitigation measures. The will also be given an opportunity to improve on the check list of activities that will require environmental assessments and activities that should not be permitted and the methods for implementing the checklists to ensure that the rules reflect the practical need in the field. List of eligible sustainable use sub-projects Listing of categonies of eligible projects or activities on management and use of natural resources, to be supported by the project. Type Theme Activitv a) Maintenance and ForestTy Studies for definition of seedling areas conservation of ecosystems __| Production of native plants Detection and evaluation of pests and diseases _ Control of pests and diseases Development of sustainable management plan Plant production of native species for aforestation and revegetation Forest enrichment with desirable species Forest fires Infrastructire and equipment for wild fires suppression and prevention Stuidies on frequency and risks Operation plans and opening gaps for fire control Training personnel for FIRE control, suppression and management Wildlife Reintroduction of native species Studies and inventories of key species of wildlife and habitats Studies of extractable volumes and demands Monitoring of populations Desi8n of observation trails Construction observatory towers Flora Inventories and population dynamic studies of useful species Inventories and studies of endangered species Identification and establishment of germplasm banks Monitoring of target species Wetlands Hydrological studies Inventories and population studies Mlonitoring Identification of indicative species of ecosystem health Ecotourism Define areas Feasibility studies Program of ecotourism Study of markets Programas de difusi6n Signals and displays Certification and marketing Training to local communities Mvionitoring Environmental education Design and produce educational matenals _ Training Environmental Education Program b) Restoration of ecosystems Eroded landscapes Soil restoration and conservation 2 Watershed control of erosion Cover crops or live barriers using native species Invasive and exotic species Eradication and control of invasive and exotic species Inventory of exotic species Aforestation and Defining native species for aforestation revegetation l__ Select areas and techniques for aforestation with native _species Mantenance of aforestations Nurserv construction and operation ITrainin2 lBest Practices for sustainable use of species _ Follow up Wetlands Hvdrolo2y and water qualitv studies Critical aspects of water use and demand I Water pollution sources and treatment Restore of natural hydrodvnamic Control of exotic species J Water volume restorngn Construction of hvdraulic connections (culverts) _Wetlands monitoring c) Sustainable Use of Aquaculture Development of managerial skills biodiversity and productive activities Studies of population dynamics for target species Pilot small model farms including waste recycling and alternative uses * Hatcheries Sanitary management Certification and marketing Monitoring Agroforestry Local community training Certification and Marketing Studies for definition of seedling areas * Establishment of seedling areas * Development of sustainable management plan Best practices for species collection methods (training) non wood products Artesanal production Development and enlargement of capacity building * Extraction and use of wildlife species Certification and Markets Quality control Social involvement workshops Useful Plants Define areas Define species and quantitv for extraction Inventorv of target species Identification of plants interesting and useful for local communities Ameliorate collection methods (training) l Sustainable use of species (training) * Nursery construction and maintenance of medicinal and other useful plants Certification and marketing Wildlife Breeding facilities for reintroduction, commerce and hunting interest Rustic infrastructure Identification of target species and population dynamics Management plans for species * Extraction and use of wildlife species | Training in wildlife management and breeding l__________________________ I Certification and marketing INMarket access studies Ecotourism * Trails and infrastructure establishment Environmental assessment for the activities type a and b will be done through a check list, because they are not expected to have anv significant negative impacts on the environment or the biodiversitv. Project activities of type c, marked with *, include those that may have low or significant environmental impacts. they will receive a more deep screening and. in case, prepare fll documentation to be presented to the responsible azencies in accordance with the Mexican le-islation. The Environmental Assessment or the Management Plan needed to get the authorization, previous to the development of the project, shall be financed by the Bank. The rest of the projects type c are not expected to have any negative impacts. In order to determine this list of projects that may be implemented in the natural protected areas through SINAP IIL an analysis of different documents was carried out. Some of the documents were the World Bank Operational Policies and Directives, whose primarv objective is to ensure that Bank operations do not cause adverse impacts and that they "do not harm". The list of projects were screened through these safeguard policies, in order to exclude the ones that Bank doesn't support or to apply the environment policies and procedures in order to prevent environmental impacts. These policies are listed below: BANK PROCEDURES NATURAL HABITATS OP 4.04 OP 4.04 Operational Policies Bank supports 1 Bank does not support - Protection, maintenance and rehabilitation of - projects that involve the significant natural habitats and their functions conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats unless there are no feasible altematives - natural habitat conservation and improved land FORESTRY OP 4.36 Bank supports Bank does not support - improvements in the planning, monitoring, and -Commercial logging operations field control of forestry operations to ensure sustainable management of the resource -Projects environmentally protective like -Purchase of logging equipment for use in management of protected areas, reforestation of primary tropical moist forest degraded watersheds -supportive of small farmers, farm and -Projects that contravene applicable international community forestry environrmental agreements. - preservation and light, non extractive use of forest resources, in forest areas of high ecological value - controlled sustained yield forest management -plantations only on nonforested areas or on heavily degraded forestland ! INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OD 4.20 Bank supports Bank does not support - Studies and activities to avoid or mitigate - Projects that cause adverse effects to potentially adverse effects on indigenous people indigenous people (their dignity, human rights caused by projects and cultural uniqueness), during their l___________________________________________ development project CULTURAL PROPERTY OP 4.11 Bank supports Bank does not support - Preservation and to seek to avoid their - Any project that may affect cultural property elimination - Protection and enhancement of cultural properties - In situ preservation. studies and restoration | -Structures relocation for preservation, studies and restored on alternate sites -Training and strengthening of institutions entrusted with safeguarding nation's cultural patrimony - Reconnaissance surveys on cultural undertaken by a specialist use projects sited on lands already converted Identification of important natural habitat sites, the ecological functions they perform, the degree of threat to the sites, priorities for conservation measures, managing protected areas and other natural habitats, and monitoring and evaluating projects