PROCUREMENT PLAN TURKEY -SUSTAINABLE CITIES PROJECT-1 (P128605) 1 General 1. Project Information Country Turkey Borrower : bark Project Name Sustainable Cities Project - I Loan No: : P128605 Implementing Agencies ASATIALDAS, DESKI 2. Bank's Approval Date of the Procurement Plan : 7-Jan-19 3. Date of General Procurement Notice : 29-Jan-201 6 4. Period Covered with this Procurement Plan : 2017-2024 S. Loan Closing Date : 31 July 2024 6. Applicable Guidelines : Guidelines: Procurement of Goods Works and Non-consultirg Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grarts by World Bank Borrowers" dated January 2011 (revised July 2014). Guidelines: Selection and Employmert of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers' dated January 2011 (revised July 2014) It Preamble Bank s Systematic Tracking and Exchanges in Procurement (STEP) system will be used to prepare clear and update Procurement Plans and conduct all procurement transactiors for nre Project This textual part along with the Procurement Plan tables in STEP constitute the Procurement Plan for the Project. The following conditions apply to all procurement activities in the Procurement Plan The other elements of the Procurement Plan as required under paragraph 1 18 of the Procurement Guidlelines and 1 25 of the Consultant Guidelires are set forth in STEP The Bank's Standard Procurement Documents: shall be used for all contracts subject to international competitive procurement and those contrats as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP Procurement of Second Hand Goods. Not Applicable Domestic preference. Not applicable. Ill. Selection of Consultants 1. Prior Review Threshold : Selection decisions subject toPilor Renew by Ire Cans as stoted n Appenoi to the Consultant Guidelines Selection Method Selection Method Threshold Prior Review Threshold Quality and Cost Based Default Method (No selclion method Contracts valued US$ 2M Selection (QCBS) threshold) Selecton Based on Consultants Contracts valued < USS30DX00 Gualification (COS) Least Cost Selection (LCS) Contracts valued < USS300,000 Single Source Selection of No selection method threshold All contracts are subject to prior review Firms_555S) ________________ Contracts valued a USS 400.000 Individual Consultants (IC) No selection method threshold 2. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services estimated to cost cos than US$ 500 000 eqcivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with provisions of paragraph 7 25 of the Procurement Regulations IV. Goods, Works and Non-consulting Services 1. Prior Review Threshold : Procurement decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bark as stated in Annex II t the Procurenent Regulations Procarement Method Procurement Method Threshold Prior Review Threshold RFB (International Open Default Method (No procurement method Contracts valued USS 15M for Competition) threshold) Works and > USS 4M for goods RFB (National Open Contracts valued < US$ 30M for Works Contracts valued > US$ 15M for Competition) and US$ 2M for goods Works RFO Contracts valued < USS100,000 - Goods No prior review and Non-consulting Services V Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: None VI. Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule The estimated costs in the attached table (sheet) irclude VAT PROCUREMENT P�N 1Уцkеу : 3U9TAINABLE CITIES Geaeral Informatioa Сот4у: Turkey ВвпУв Approvel Date о£ t6e Origmвl Proceremeat Р1вn: 2018-10-26 Reviввd Р1аа Datв(в): (сотта deliveated, leave Ыaak if non zfiiy-i2-I9 Ptqject ID: Р12д605 GPN Dete: Рг ject Name: BUSTAINABLE CITIES Loan / СгедiЕ Na: TF / А5029, IBRD / 867']0 Ezeca4ug Aganey(iee) ЛЪвпk РМц WORКB Bid Evalыыion Mtivicy Rыfегвисв No. / Dгaft Biddivg Loav / Cгedit Maгket Рюсигетепt Peegualifiшti и АеШа1 Атомt Ргосввь Dгak Ргы-qualifi�ati Prequali6ггtion 9рысiбс Ргоыметыпt Biddiuy Dоситеигь Реороьыl 9иЬтiвьiоп / Report апд OescгipNun Сотрыиеиt Rыview Туры Меtбод Docmпeut / Бiутыд Goutгact Contгact Сотрlыбыи No. АрргоагЪ Ргогвьь (У/N) ([I9'�1 5tatыs Dпсшпепtв Evaluatiou Кeport Чогiсы / Invita[iou аь Iывиед Opening / Мiииtыь Rыwmmыndation Гог Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Planned AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаппвд Actual Рlамыд Аееиаl Рlаипед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Aceual Рlапивд Actual GOOD9 Bid Evalwtion Mtivicy Rыfегвисв No. / Dгaft Biddivg ].оаи / Сгыдi[ Markыt Ргосигетыи[ Preyualifiuti п Actual Атомг Ргооеьь Dгыft Preyualifiшti Pгequaliliггtion Ьpыeific Ртаиттыиг Hiddiuy Dоситыиtь Ргороsаl SuFmiььion / Аырогг апд OescгipNun Сотрыиеиt Rыview Туры Меtбод Docmпeut / Бiутыд Goutгact Contгact Сотрlыбыи No. Арргоасh Реосвьв (У/N) ([I9$) 9tatuь Documenn Evalшtion Rыport Voticы / InvicnЧOU ав Iвьиед Орыпiиу / Minucыs Яеитгоеидагiоп f г Juыiбcгtion Award Рlапиед e4tual Planned AeWa1 Plavned Actwl Рlаппвд Actual Рlамыд Аееиаl Рlаипед lv:tual PWuned Aotual Plavned Aceual Рlапивд Actual пт � �wы . вь о . ыпг,в. n г г а�, п�` �иа ° р° ° о_ е,ыг tя.ii. ш.ге ео.аь. NON CON9ULTING 9EHVICEB Bid Evalaation e4Hvity RвГеreппе No. / Drnlt Фддiпg Loav / Cгedit Maгket Ргосигетепt Peegualifiшti п АеШа1 Атомt Ргогввь Dгak Preч�ualifi�ati Ptequali6ггtion 9pecific Ргооитетвпt Hiddiпy Dоситепсь Реороьпl 9иЬтiвьiоп / Аерог4 апд Dвьспр п Согоропвпс Review Турв Method Documevt / 9iymed Covtxuct Contract СотрШtiпп No. АрргоагЪ Ргпгвьь (У/N) ([I9'�1 5tatas Dпситепtв Evaluatioп Report Чогiгв / Iпvita[iоп аь Iывиед Opeпing / Мiпиtвь Rewmmendatioп Гог Juвtiбution Awaed гlпппва лгг,гы яlыппва Агтыl дlыппва Апn�� еlоппед nгеит д�ыппва Аггиыl гlалпва Аггиы гlыппва егтыl Еlыппвд Агnгы� еlаппед Areual Ув, �аг р g . маss .�.,п . а г а�г�ап,. � и,ип„ "в` ° о_ г,ы.и iaaa. iа.пч. rzo-оь. - CONBUI.TINO FIR.MB Activicy Rвfегвпгв No. / Сотtдпвд EvaШatinn ].оап / Сгыдi[ Market Cnntrark Турв Аогиьl Атпипг Е�ргеььiоп пf ]ntereыt 5hort Liьt ыпд Dгы[t Rыциеыt 1'ог Ргороsаlь Opeпing п[ Techniul Evatuntinп о1' Deьcrip п Nп Согоропепс Review Турв Method Арргоагh ([I9S1 Prпгеьь 9еаNь Тегть о[ Reference Notiгe Request [ог Ргороваls аь ]sвивд Ргорwаlв / Miпutes ТыгЪпiгвl Ртороьаl Report апд DгaR �упвд CnntraR Covtxact Сотрlвtiоп Neyпtiatrd Спп[rnct Рlаппвд ActuaL Рlvппвд Actual Рlамвд Actual Рlыппвд Ассиыl Planned AeNa1 Рlаппвд e4tuaL Рlыпvвд Actual Рlамед Actual Рlыппвд Апсиыl пы, �� ,мп п� „� w s��.п,ыы а� . па г.п . ат пы, �� ,мп п� „� w s��.п,ыы а� . па г.п . ат 9ь.ь и и. , лоаzв . `л. s��.ь�,ы а.. , а_ тя.аз.о iя.ав. �аоo- iя.о.,. �s.оь. ..о.аь. � � г�, а� . в,аzч �.,ь а w е � а�:nь,ть, � а. ' oiыiz.o �ь.�z- iч.од. �чаз iв.оo- дo-ач. ,� ььа� ,лsaze . а, . е��ьь г аг+�т�г�ь � а_ тчав.ь iяав. iв.io. iчii. �s.i... оаг. � ,ь ь � . л,аss .�.,, . еw�ьь ь а��iь,�ь � а. oiяaa.i ьчап. iч.т. �чды iч.ьд. дааь. а .ь.ип > .маss .�.,ь . е�"„ьы ь а�:nь,ть, � а. ' oiнi�.i ьь�z. iч.oi. ьч.аz. iв.оь. дааь. л � � ь.,,._ь,. , льаzв , �� s е���� о а� �- �ь � а_ а.ь но,,.,. т iz.a iea�., ie.o� - ieoe. � ьэw. я��,��л � . но,�� „� в. мь г а� . ьа г.ь . иsг�.�� sь.,,��.�„�� . яь;,п .�ь в. мь г �� а� , ьа и - аая� ь,в. а.ь �ь, �� iа,�ьн о� „ь в. мь г а� .„а г.ь . , "'s г.'в .`°""`�° . яь;,п "` в. м° ' ,� а��п� ьа и - п. ть.пя.о iа.пя. iv.пы r,.пя. iя.лы. w.iп. �я.iь _z.пь. IIЛ]NIDUAL CONBULTANT9 Mtivicy Rьfегвосв No. ��av / Cгedit Maгket Actual Amowt lпvitation W Dгaft Ne д оеььь�ре��а со���ь�е я.енеw �ь метоа с�аыьье �у�ь д�ьььь sеье�ь тььть ог нег.gоь� гаь�nпеа�sаiе�еьа воылсь s��пеа сооеьаье со�г�,ьг сотр�ыоо No. АрргоагЪ 1UЬ£) Contract Саиьиlсмс Рlмоед Actoal Рlьпоед АсЕив1 Рlамьд AoNa1 Рlхппед AcNx1 Рlаппьд Actual