The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) REPORT NO.: RES32666 PROJECT PAPER ON A PROPOSED ADDITIONAL FINANCING AND RESTRUCTURING IN THE AMOUNT OF US$ 984,211 FOR FCPF CAPACITY BUILDING ON REDD+ FOR CIVIL SOCIETY AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES IN LAC PROJECT APPROVED ON MAY 19, 2016 TO CENTRAL AMERICA INDIGENOUS AND PEASANT COORDINATION ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNITY AGROFORESTRY (ASOCIACIÓN COORDINADORA INDÍGENA Y CAMPESINA DE AGROFORESTERÍA COMUNITARIA DE CENTROAMÉRICA (ACICAFOC)) SOCIAL, URBAN, RURAL AND RESILIENCE GLOBAL PRACTICE LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION Regional Vice President: Jorge Familiar Senior Global Practice Director: Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez Practice Manager/Manager: Jan Weetjens Task Team Leader: Kennan Rapp The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AF Additional Financing CSO Civil Society Organization ERs Emission Reductions FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Facility IP Indigenous Peoples LAC Latin America and the Caribbean LC Local Community M&E Monitoring and Evaluation NGO Non-Governmental Organization PC Participants Committee PDO Project Development Objective REDD+ Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (while promoting Conservation, Sustainable Management of Forests, and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks) TAC Technical Advisory Committee SRETF Small Recipient Executed Trust Fund The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P155978 Investment Project Financing Original EA Category Current EA Category Not Required (C) Not Required (C) Approval Date Current Closing Date 19-May-2016 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency ACICAFOC ACICAFOC Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen: (i) the knowledge of targeted civil society €organizations and local communities of REDD+ Readiness at the national level, and (ii) €€related knowledge €€exchange at the regional level in eligible FCPF countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing Net TF Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. Background 1. The development objective of the FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC project (P155978, TF0A2339) is to strengthen: (i) the knowledge of targeted civil society organizations and local communities of REDD+ Readiness at the national level, and (ii) related knowledge exchange at the regional level in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is financed under the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Capacity Building Program (CBP) in its 2nd phase, which was set up to ensure the active engagement and participation of REDD+ relevant stakeholders, including civil society organizations (CSOs) and local communities (LCs) from FCPF participating countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), sub-Sahara Africa and Asia- Pacific regions. The two-year (2016-2018) project is financed by a Small Recipient Executed Trust Fund (SRETF) grant of US$399,480. The beneficiaries of this project are CSOs and LCs in the 17 FCPF countries in LAC (Argentina, Belize, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname and Uruguay), which are eligible to participate in REDD+-related regional learning and exchange activities under Component 2.1 Of the 17 countries, CSOs and LCs from 11 countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, Suriname and Uruguay) have also been eligible to participate in national-level REDD+ capacity building activities through a competitive sub-project mechanism under Component 1. The project is being implemented by the Central America Indigenous and Peasant Coordination Association for Community Agroforestry (ACICAFOC), which is located in San José, Costa Rica. 2. The project does not trigger any safeguard policies as no adverse social and environmental impacts stemming from investment activities are anticipated. It is classified as Environmental Assessment Category C (EA not required). 3. This SRETF project has a “sister” project in LAC, namely FCPF Capacity Building Program on REDD+ for Indigenous Peoples in LAC (P155976, TF0A2446). It was approved on May 17, 2016 and is being implemented by Asociación Sotz’il, an Indigenous Peoples Organization based in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Sotz’il received a small grant of US$727,609 from the FCPF to implement capacity building activities of basically the same type and in the same countries as ACICAFOC (except for the Dominican Republic), only their activities are focused on indigenous peoples as beneficiaries. ACICAFOC and Sotz’il communicate on a regular basis regarding the ins and outs of implementing their SRETF projects; this has provided them with opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences and avoid the duplication of efforts. 4. This Restructuring Paper seeks the approval of the Regional Vice President for the proposed Additional Financing (AF) in the amount of US$984,211 for the project being implemented by ACICAFOC, to scale up the project’s impact. B. Project status 5. A recent assessment carried out by the World Bank and the leadership of ACICAFOC has determined that the project is on track to achieve all its objectives by the current grant’s closing date of June 30, 2018. The project has provided CSOs and LCs in LAC with tools that allow them to achieve fuller and more meaningful participation in 1REDD+ stands for countries’ efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, while promoting conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) programs for readiness and implementation of REDD+, and to have a greater impact on REDD+-related discussions and decision-making processes at multiple levels. Under Component 1 (National Capacity Building and Awareness Raising), sub-project agreements were signed with five sub-project proponents whose proposals for national- and local-level capacity building activities were competitively selected, with inputs from a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) made up of individuals from the CSO and peasant sector in Latin America who are widely recognized experts in relation to the engagement of CSOs and LCs in REDD+. The focus and current states of progress of these sub- projects are further detailed in Annex 1, and additional information is available on the project’s webpage at 6. The sub-recipient organizations selected by ACICAFOC have been implementing their sub-projects in the following Component 1 eligible countries: Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Between June 2017 and April 2018, these organizations carried out 40 capacity building events having 2,411 direct beneficiaries, of whom 856 were women, 1,555 were men, and 900 were youth. Similarly, 15 meetings and dialogues have been held between CSO staffers and government representatives from different agencies and departments working on REDD+ in each of the countries mentioned above. Various knowledge products and communications materials have been developed and disseminated in connection with the implementation of the 40 capacity building events. 7. ACICAFOC has been following up on sub-projects’ progress through frequent progress and financial reports from sub-recipient organizations, through email and phone communication, and through visits to sub-project sites. Results as of Relevant Results Indicators, Unit of Cumulative Target Values Baseline June 2018 Component 1 Measure YR1 YR2 1. National knowledge exchange products disseminated in appropriate Number 0 1 4 40 languages 3. Meetings held between CSO networks, Number 0 0 8 and between CSO networks and national 15 REDD+ decision making entities 8. Under Component 2 (Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned), an experiences exchange workshop involving the sub-recipient organizations from Component 1 took place in San José during the first week of June 2018. The purpose of this targeted exchange was to allow the participants to take stock of the experiences in the five countries that have been covered so far, and to synthesize and disseminate their lessons in such a way as to set the stage for future exchanges. The workshop featured a systematic analysis of lessons from the sub-project in Honduras (implemented by FEHCAFOR), and this will constitute another regional knowledge exchange product. A larger workshop oriented to the exchange of experiences among in-country CSOs and LC representatives from all 17 Component 2–eligible countries was originally scheduled to place before the end of the current project, but has since been postponed at the request of the client. This would allow for the accumulation of a greater number of relevant experiences to share knowledge about, thereby yielding a richer and potentially more impactful regional event. Results as of Relevant Results Indicators, Unit of Cumulative Target Values Baseline June 2018 Component 2 Measure YR1 YR2 The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) 2. Regional knowledge exchange products Number 0 0 4 disseminated in appropriate languages 2 and accessible formats 9. Under Component 3 (Management, M&E and Reporting), the project has been carried out by a secretariat that is properly equipped and staffed. Progress reports (both narrative and financial) have been submitted in a timely and quality manner overall. The project has in place an updated work plan and budget for the remaining project period. ACICAFOC maintains a web-based grievance redress mechanism; while no complaints have been received, budget has been set aside for cases where ACICAFOC would need to travel to follow up on any serious complaints. In the course of their visits to sub-projects, secretariat members have proactively asked the sponsoring organizations for feedback, to find out whether sub-project beneficiaries were aware of the project’s grievance redress mechanism. 10. The disbursement rate is 92 percent as of June 8, 2018, well within disbursement estimates at appraisal, and the entire grant amount is expected to be disbursed by June 30, 2018. Project ratings have been rated “Satisfactory” for both Progress towards achievement of PDO and Overall Implementation Progress since effectiveness. 11. The project is in full compliance with the Bank’s safeguard policies, and with the legal covenants specified at appraisal: Solicitation of country no objections for certain sub-projects; Establishment and maintenance of a secretariat, Establishment of a Technical Advisory Committee; Establishment and maintenance of a grievance redress mechanism; and Signature of sub-granting agreements. Interim Unaudited Financial Report (IFRs) have been submitted in full, and the first external audit is due by June 30, 2018 (no audits are outstanding). The project does not trigger para. 12 of Section III of the IPF Policy. C. Rationale for additional financing and restructuring 12. While this SRETF project coordinated by ACICAFOC has met its objectives, it has not been able to meet the considerable demand that still exists for capacity building sub-projects and related activities among in-country CSOs and LC organizations that are working on or around REDD+ in LAC. Four countries that were previously considered to be Component 2–eligible only—Argentina, Belize, Panama and Paraguay—have since satisfied the criteria needed to be eligible for Component 1, which has added to the number of organizations that are expected to be looking for support.2 Restructuring is needed to extend the existing project’s Closing Date, and to add an indicator to the Results Framework. 13. On the AF side, the first indication that the project would benefit from scaling up its activities came during a global workshop held between the FCPF and representatives from IP, civil society, and local community networks in Washington, D.C. in October 2016. In the course of this “Stakeholder Engagement Workshop”, the representatives issued a vocal call for more significant levels of financial support through the CBP, in order to help a greater number of organizations working on sustainable forest management and conservation to navigate the technical complexities of REDD+. The call was taken up by the IP and Civil Society Observers to the FCPF’s main governance body, the Participants Committee (PC), and following consideration of a formal request from the Observers, the PC in its 23rd meeting in March 2017 decided to allocate a total of US$5 million in top-up funding for the CBP as a whole. This 2 In a multi-stakeholder planning workshop for the project that took place in Costa Rica in November 2015, it was decided that the following would stand among the various criteria that would have to be met for countries to be eligible for Component 1: “Their respective governments have signed Readiness Grant Agreements with the FCPF, thereby allowing the project to reinforce their REDD+ Readiness efforts.” In the months following project effectiveness, the governments of Argentina, Belize, Panama and Paraguay all signed Readiness Grant Agreements with the FCPF. The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) allocation was made in recognition of the CBP’s vast potential for scaling up, especially for countries with future large-scale Emission Reductions (ER) Programs.3 The US$5 million was subsequently divided up according to region and target beneficiary group, and ACICAFOC made a formal request for its share on March 9, 2018. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 14. The key principles of the AF proposal are: (i) increased focus on building the REDD+-related capacity of CSOs and LCs in a broader range of countries, while also prioritizing the five Component 1–eligible countries that are developing ER Programs for support from the FCPF Carbon Fund; (ii) increased project engagement with women- and youth-focused CSOs and Afro-descendant organizations as part of Component 1; (iii) deeper, more impactful engagement with government stakeholders by CSOs and LCs implementing sub-projects; (iv) leveraging on other ACICAFOC-led projects and programs to achieve stronger results; and (v) enhancing the communication of results. The countries of national focus under Component 1 will increase to 15 due to the newly established eligibility of Argentina, Belize, Panama and Paraguay, and of these 15, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Nicaragua would receive priority, as they are the ones participating in the FCPF Carbon Fund. All 17 FCPF countries LAC in will continue to benefit from regional activities under Component 2. See the proposed AF work plan and budget in Annex 2. A. Change in Results Framework 15. The wording of all the original four indicators will not change, but their end-of-project targets will be revised upward to reflect the additional financing provided to national- and regional-level activities. The indicators whose targets will be scaled up are those measuring the number of national knowledge exchange products (Indicator 1, from 40 to 90); number of regional knowledge exchange products disseminated (Indicator 2, from 2 to 6); number of meetings between CSOs and LCs, and between civil society and LC representatives and national REDD+ decision making entities (Indicator 3, from 15 to 33); and number of direct project beneficiaries, of which females (Indicator 4, from 2,300, 36 percent to 4,300, 50 percent). To bring the ACICAFOC-coordinated project into alignment with CBP-supported projects in other regions and to enhance the team’s ability to measure the achievement of the PDO, a fifth indicator will be added, on examples of the participation of direct project beneficiaries in national-level REDD+ processes. See Section IV. below for further details. B. Change in Components and Cost 16. The component-based activities have not changed; rather, additional activities of a similar nature have been added. The total additional finance requested is US$984,211. This amount is broken down across the three components as follows: Component 1: National Capacity Building and Awareness Raising. Original allocation: US$253,000. Additional finance requested: US$620,000. 3 ER Programs use results-based finance to incentivize more sustainable forest resources management and smarter land use at the level of entire landscapes. The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) Under Component 1, the project will prepare and issue a new call for proposals inviting eligible organizations in the 15 Component 1–eligible countries to develop sub-projects. The number of eligible countries has increased from 11 in the current phase to 15 in the next, given the addition of 4 new countries: Argentina, Belize, Panama and Paraguay. While the basic objective will be to expand support to those countries that did not develop subprojects during the first call, priority will also be given to the 5 countries that are developing ER Programs for support from the FCPF Carbon Fund (Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Nicaragua). This will be accomplished in a number of ways. First, as part of the second call for proposals, ACICAFOC will do proactive outreach to eligible CSOs and LC organizations in the priority countries, so as to maximize the number of proposals received from these countries. Second, in making the selections, ACICAFOC and the TAC will give preference to the proposals received from the priority countries, so that at least one proposal from each of these countries is selected and supported. Also, provided they are of suitable quality, up to two proposals per each priority country (including those that have received funding under the current stage of the project) will be considered for support. All other eligible countries will be limited to one successful proposal each, and these proposals will not receive funding until it has been determined that all reasonable attempts have been made to meet the established targets for successful proposals from the priority countries. The maximum amount awarded to all successful sub-projects will continue be set at US$60,000. For countries that developed sub-projects in the first stage, only the 3 best sub-projects will be eligible to receive additional funding, of up to a maximum amount of US$50,000 each. Here also, however, additional proposals received from organizations in priority countries will receive preference. As in the current project, the selection process will be fully supported by the TAC. As part of the other activities described in Subcomponent 1.1, the sub-recipient organizations, together with ACICAFOC, will actively seek out opportunities to develop the capacities of in-country CSOs and LCs to participate more substantively in the execution of REDD+ activities. These REDD+-related follow-up and empowerment activities will consist of the following: (i) strengthening the dialogue between national CSOs and LCs within a given country, through workshops and meetings around the main themes of REDD+, and; (ii) facilitating dialogue between national CSOs and LCs and their respective national REDD+ focal points, FCPF Civil Society Observers, and government representatives for climate change, through workshops and meetings around key issues. All relevant changes will be incorporated into the Operational Manual currently in effect for the project. Component 2: Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned. Original allocation: US$66,480. Additional finance requested: US$192,520. Under Component 2, the project will sequence its regional exchange activities according to the timelines of the sub- project activities and results seen. A second experiences exchange workshop, modeled on the first such workshop that was implemented in June 2018, is planned to take place in the second half of 2019 for the second round of sub- projects, and it will take into account lessons and experiences from all activities up until then. Subsequently, a regional workshop with the 17 countries participating in the project as a whole will be held in the first quarter of CY2020, to identify lessons and useful experiences from the entire course of the program. Consultations, dissemination of knowledge products, design and printing of educational materials, communication through digital media, and other outreach activities will be carried out during and after these exchanges and workshops. The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) Component 3: Management, M&E and Reporting. Original allocation: US$80,000. Additional finance requested: US$171,691. Based on the results of the initial project, it will be necessary to assign part of the requested additional financing to administrative management of the AF project including: technical coordination, preparation of work plans and budgets, financial and procurement management, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, and addressing queries and complaints. Annual audits of the project’s financial statements by external auditors will also be required. As there is an increase in project activities and execution time, there is additional administrative cost burden and further monitoring visits will also need to be carried out to cover new and existing sub-projects under Component 1. C. Change in Grant Closing Date 17. The original closing date of June 30, 2018 will be extended by 24 months to June 30, 2020 to accommodate the additional activities financed by the AF. The new Deadline for Withdrawal Applications will be October 31, 2020. D. Additional Financing Proposed 18. The Additional Financing proposed is a US$984,211 grant from the parent FCPF Trust Fund. E. Change in Disbursement Estimates 19. The new disbursement estimates will reflect the additional financing and the extended project period. See Section IV. for further details. F. Changes in the Financing Agreement 20. The financing agreement for TF0A2339 will be amended to reflect the new grant amount with the AF, the extended Closing Date, the need for the project to follow the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated July 2016, revised November 2017 (“Procurement Regulations”), and a new requirement regarding annual audited financial statements. G. Changes in Procurement 21. The AF project will follow the Bank’s Procurement Regulations and in early June 2018 ACICAFOC prepared a simplified Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD) and a new Procurement Plan. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Change in Results Framework ✔ The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) Change in Components and Cost ✔ Change in Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Additional Financing Proposed ✔ Change in Disbursement Estimates ✔ Change in Financial Management ✔ Change in Procurement ✔ Change in Implementation Schedule ✔ Change in Implementing Agency ✔ Change in Project's Development Objectives ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Change in Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Change in Overall Risk Rating ✔ Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ Change of EA category ✔ Change in Legal Covenants ✔ Change in Institutional Arrangements ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_RESULTS_TABLE RESULTS FRAMEWORK Project Development Objective Indicators PDO_IND_TABLE Regional knowlege exchange products disseminated in appropriate languages and accesible formats Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 2.00 6.00 Revised Date 16-Jun-2016 08-Jun-2018 30-Jun-2020 Meetings held between CSO networks, and between CSO networks and national REDD+ decision making entities Unit of Measure: Number The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 15.00 33.00 Revised Date 16-Jun-2016 08-Jun-2018 30-Jun-2020 Direct project beneficiaries Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 2300.00 4300.00 Revised Date 16-Jun-2016 08-Jun-2018 30-Jun-2020 Female beneficiaries Unit of Measure: Percentage Indicator Type: Custom Supplement Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 36.00 50.00 Revised Examples of participation of direct project beneficiaries in national REDD+ processes and structures Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 0.00 30.00 New Date 30-Apr-2018 08-Jun-2018 30-Jun-2020 Intermediate Indicators IO_IND_TABLE National knowledge exchange products disseminated in appropriate languages and accessible formats Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 40.00 90.00 Revised Date 16-Jun-2016 08-Jun-2018 30-Jun-2020 The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Component 1: National Component 1: National Capacity 0.25 Revised Capacity Building and 0.62 Building and Awareness Awareness Component 2: Regional Component 2: Regional Exchange 0.07 Revised Exchange and Sharing of 0.19 and Sharing of Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Component 3: Management, Component 3: Management, 0.08 Revised 0.17 M&E and Reporting M&E and Reporting TOTAL 0.40 0.98 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline TF Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_ADDITIONAL_FINANCING_TABLE ADDITIONAL FINANCING Source Currency Amount USD Equivalent Readiness Fund of the Forest Carbon USD 984,211.00 984,211.00 Partnership Facility(FCPR) Existing Net Commitment USD Amount 0.00 Total 984,211.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2016 0.00 0.00 The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) 2017 0.00 150,000.00 2018 0.00 250,000.00 2019 0.00 534,211.00 2020 0.00 450,000.00 2021 0.00 0.00 2022 0.00 0.00 Annex 1. States of Progress of Sub-Projects The following five sub-projects have been supported by the original project: (a) Colombia: "Strengthening the political participation of women and youth of the community councils of Naya, Yurumanguí, Cajambre, Mayorquin, Raposo, Anchicayá and Calima in the context of the Development of the National REDD+ Strategy - ENREDD+". Implementing Organization: JUVENTUD 500. The objective of this sub- project is to build the capacities for the political participation of women and youth of the community councils of Naya, Yurumanguí, Cajambre, Mayorquin, Raposo, Anchicayá and Calima (which are dominated by Afro- Colombians) in support of the development of Colombia’s national REDD+ strategy (ENREDD+). The project seeks to ensure the allocation, promotion and enforcement of human and collective rights, through a process of individual and organizational strengthening. Results to date: An initial sensitization workshop was held to introduce the sub-project and the REDD+ strategy. Three training workshops were held with youth leaders of the seven principal communities, and two meetings with representatives of community councils. Of the latter two meetings, one covered the impact of the project on participation in the development of the national REDD+ strategy and the other involved meeting and discussion with women leaders of the communities. Through these workshops and trainings, JUVENTUD 500 has reached 185 people (70 women and 115 men). (b) El Salvador: "Knowledge management and dissemination for replicating the REDD+ Strategy in Chalatenango: Working with Civil Society and the Beekeeping Sector”. Implementing Organization: ACOPIDECHA. The principal aim of this project is to promote knowledge management and dissemination of the national REDD+ strategy in the Chalatenango department by working with civil society and the beekeeping sector. Results to date: The organization organized 8 training workshops, reaching 238 people including both adults and youth, with the participation of 84 women and 154 men. Thirty-two percent of the participants were youth. More than 47 different communities in the municipality of Chalatenango participated. 33 students (15 women and 18 men) of the Nueva Concepción de Chalatenango National Institute (INNCO) were trained to disseminate knowledge on the REDD+ strategy. A total of 4 workshops were delivered to the cantons of Conacastillo and Rancho Luna in Nueva Concepcion, with 51 participants (26 women and 25 men). The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) One exchange of experiences between representatives of ACOPIDECHA and the Asociación de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo Municipal de Cinquera (ARMD) was held, with 30 participants, 10 women and 20 men. Furthermore, the sub-project included the preparation of two radio spots, transmitted via local and national radio stations, for a total of 600 reproductions. (c) Guatemala: "Strengthening knowledge and skills of forest communities of Petén for participation in the development and implementation of the national REDD+ strategy for Guatemala". Implementing Organization: ACOFOP. The principal aim of this sub-project is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of forest communities of the Petén in REDD+ issues, to enable them to participate in the development and implementation of the national REDD+ strategy for Guatemala. Results to date: Eleven training workshops were conducted, reaching 355 people including adults and youth (132 women and 232 men), with 38% youth participation. The workshops were attended by 17 organized groups of different communities in the area of Petén and the Reserva de Biosfera Maya (RBM). ACOFOP has participated in more than 8 national advocacy activities in support of the development of the national REDD+ strategy in Guatemala. Knowledge products prepared and disseminated include 1,000 copies of an animated book with information about the REDD+ strategy and 3,000 brochures on the same topics. Two educational videos were also produced and aired on national television. (d) Honduras: "Strengthening knowledge of leaders of civil society organizations, local communities and Afro- descendants on the preparation of the REDD+ strategy for Honduras". Implementing Organization: FEHCAFOR. The principal aim of the sub-project is to facilitate the participation of leaders of civil society organizations, local communities and Afro-descendants in the preparation of the REDD+ strategy for Honduras. The project aims to strengthen their knowledge and provide them with tools to improve skills in discussions on REDD+ including national and regional debates. Results to date: Four training workshops were organized, reaching 173 people (78 women and 85 men), with 33% youth participation. The workshops were held in the following sites: municipality of Tocoa, Colon department; municipality of Danlí, Department of El Paraíso; municipality of Juticalpa, Olancho department; and municipality of Comayagua, Tegucigalpa department. The different training workshops were covered by at least nine local media outlets and five national media outlets due to the strong outreach component of the sub-project, which was focused on improving visibility. A national-level workshop was organized in the capital city of Tegucigalpa, where 79 people (29 women and 50 men) participated, with the presence of government representatives from the REDD+ Honduras Program; the National Climate Change Unit; the Honduran Ministry of Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Mining; and other entities. The workshop was attended by 24 national media outlets. FEHCAFOR has participated in more than 12 liaison meetings for the development of the sub-project and the national REDD+ strategy in Honduras. The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) The National Climate Change Unit in Honduras and the REDD+ Honduras Program donated to the sub-project 120 packages of materials, with 6 leaflets on different themes. These materials were disseminated during the course of the training workshops. (e) Dominican Republic: "Broadcasting knowledge and empowering communities and grassroots organizations to participate in the REDD+ strategy for the Dominican Republic". Implementing Organization: APROGLOBO. This sub-project aims to disseminate knowledge on REDD+ through grassroots and civil society organizations, targeting major cattle, mining, cocoa, and coffee regions in the Dominican Republic. The project deals with agricultural and forestry producers and official institutions that work on implementing the national REDD+ program to contribute to environmental preservation and reducing the effects of climate change. Results to date: Sixteen training workshops and 15 lectures were conducted, reaching 1,268 people (412 women and 856 men), with 38% youth participation. The activities were held at 37 different sites. The main sites were Yamasá, Peralvillo, San Cristobal, Polo Barahona, Monte Plata, El Seibo, Los Botados, and Sabana Grande de Boya. The project involved the distribution of 50,000 brochures, 500 posters, and 1,268 folders in different communities and institutions where the activities were conducted. Broadcasting through social media reached over 100,000 people. A video on project activities was also aired on national television, and a radio spot about the project aired via 60 stations around the country. The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) Annex 2. Work Plan and Timeline for the AF project in the period July 1, 2018–June 30, 2020. Year 1 Year 2 (2018 - 2019) (2019 - 2020) Project Activities Jul - Oct - Jan - Apr - Jul - Oct - Jan - Apr - Sep Dec Mar June Sep Dec Mar June 1.0 Component 1: National Capacity Building and Awareness Raising 1.1 Sub-component: Implementation of Capacity Building and Awareness Activities 1.1.1 Call for Proposals from eligible countries 1.1.2 Review of proposals 1.1.3 Correction of proposals 1.1.4 Review by the TAC 1.1.5 Evaluation and final selection of sub-projects (inc. no objection from the World Bank) 1.1.6 Training workshops for financial management, procurement and technical aspects 1.1.7 Implementation of sub-projects 1.1.8 Evaluation and closure of sub-projects 1.1.9 Follow-up and empowerment activities 2.0 Component 2: Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned 2.1 Sub-component: Regional Learning and Exchange 2.1.1 Selection of participants for targeted exchange workshop 2.1.2 Choice of dates and invitation of participants for targeted exchange workshop 2.1.3 Preparation and logistics for targeted exchange workshop 2.1.4 Exchange workshop 2.1.5 Exchange workshop evaluation 2.2 Sub-component: Dissemination of Knowledge Products and Lessons Learned 2.2.1 Selection of participants for regional workshop 2.2.2 Choice of dates and invitation of participants 2.2.3 Preparation and logistics for regional workshop 2.2.4 Regional workshop 2.2.5 Regional workshop evaluation 2.2.6 Execution of technical consultancies 3.0 Component 3: Management, M&E and Reporting 3.1 Sub-component: M&E and Reporting The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) Year 1 Year 2 (2018 - 2019) (2019 - 2020) Project Activities Jul - Oct - Jan - Apr - Jul - Oct - Jan - Apr - Sep Dec Mar June Sep Dec Mar June 3.1.1 Management, M&E, Queries and Complaints 3.1.2 Financial reports 3.1.3 Technical reports 3.1.4 Annual Report & Final Report for the project 3.2 Sub-component: Auditing 3.2.1 External Audit The World Bank FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Civil Society and Local Communities in LAC Project (P155978) Annex 3. Budget in US dollars for the AF project in the period July 1, 2018–June 30, 2020. Amount Project Activity % (US$) Component 1: National Capacity Building and Awareness 1.0 620,000 63% Raising Sub-component: Implementation of Capacity Building and 1.1 620,000 Awareness Activities Sub-projects Implementation, Follow-Up and Empowerment 1.1.1 100% Lump sum 12 620,000 Activities 2.0 Component 2: Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned 192,520 20% 2.1 Sub-component: Regional Learning and Exchange 82,000 2.1.1 Targeted Exchange workshop 100% 82,000 Unit 1 82,000 Sub-component: Dissemination of Knowledge Products and 2.2 110,520 Lessons Learned 2.2.1 Regional Workshop 100% 55,520 Unit 1 55,520 Systematization, Diagramming, Design and Printing of Teaching 2.2.2 100% Studies 55,000 Materials, Dissemination and Communication of Products 3.0 Component 3: Management, M&E, Reporting and Auditing 171,691 17% 3.1 Sub-component: Management, M&E and Reporting 158,691 3.1.1 Coordinator 100% 2500 Per Month 24 60,000 3.1.2 Financial Management / Procurement Specialist 100% 2000 Per Month 24 48,000 3.1.3 Operating expenses / Dealing with Queries and Complaints 100% 50,691 Lump sum 50,691 3.2 Sub-component: Auditing 13,000 3.2.1 Auditing Firm 100% 13,000 Unit 1 13,000 Sub-TOTAL – US$ 984,211 100% Counterpart 0% 0,00 0% TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET - US$ 984,211 100%