Policy Research Working Paper 9058 Impact of Salinity on Infant and Neonatal Mortality in Bangladesh George Joseph Qiao Wang Gnanaraj Chellaraj Mohammed Shamsudduha Abu Mohammed Naser Water Global Practice November 2019 Policy Research Working Paper 9058 Abstract In this paper, the impact of salinity on maternal and child saline, the predicted probability of infant death starts to health in Bangladesh is analyzed using data from the Bangla- increase, and the marginal effect becomes and remains desh Demographic Health Surveys. A U-shaped association positive. The relationship between drinking water salinity between drinking water salinity and infant and neonatal and neonatal death shows a similar pattern. Finally, fresh- mortality is found, suggesting higher mortality when water with very low concentration of healthy minerals and salinity is very low or high. With fresh drinking water, the severely saline water with very high detrimental sodium can marginal effect of salinity measured by groundwater elec- be harmful for infant and neonatal health during pregnancy. tricity conductivity on infant death is always negative. With Severe salinity needs to be addressed if the recent gains in brackish drinking water and slightly saline water, the nega- infant and neonatal mortality are to be sustained, especially tive effect is small. As drinking water becomes moderately in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. This paper is a product of the Water Global Practice. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://www.worldbank.org/prwp. The authors may be contacted at gjoseph@worldbank.org. The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Produced by the Research Support Team Impact of Salinity on Infant and Neonatal Mortality in Bangladesh George Joseph1, Qiao Wang1, Gnanaraj Chellaraj1, Mohammed Shamsudduha2, Abu Mohammed Naser3 JEL Classification: I15, Q25, Q53 Key words: Bangladesh, Water, Health, Salinity, Mortality                                                              1 World Bank, Washington DC, USA 2 Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London, UK 3 Emory Global Diabetes Research Center, Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA   I. Introduction In this paper we analyze the impact of salinity on maternal and child health in Bangladesh, with particular focus on neonatal and infant mortality. Salinity is a major problem in many developing countries including Bangladesh (Naus et al., 2019; Mahmuduzzaman, 2014) having a negative impact on both incomes and livelihoods (Anik et al., 2018). In Nigeria saline water has intruded into drinking groundwater (Akinbinu, 2015). Recent Studies have shown that salinity is a major problem in Morocco (DGHI, 2018; Warner et al., 2013; Ettayfi et al., 2012), Southeast Asia (Lansigan and dela Cruz, 2016), Shanghai, China (Webber et al., 2018) Australia (Patrick et al., 2016) and the Russian Far East (Kawai et al., 2018). In addition, it has also been aggravated by climate change in several countries (Chong et al., 2014) including Bangladesh (Rasheed et al., 2016; Talukder, 2016). Recent evidence indicates that the impact of salinity on health is more acute and pronounced in Bangladesh and most studies also focus on the country. However, while a clear link has been established between improvements in water and sanitation infrastructure and infant mortality and child health even in industrialized countries such as Japan (Inoue and Ogasawara, 2020) and the United States (Alsan and Goldin, 2019), countrywide studies on the impact of salinity on infant and neonatal mortality are virtually non-existent for any country let alone Bangladesh, and hence this study intends to fill this gap. Infant and neonatal deaths have remained high in Bangladesh although they have declined in recent years (Ahsan et al., 2016; Mannan et al., 2012). The national neonatal mortality rate has undergone an annual decline of 4.0% since 2000, reflecting greater progress than both the regional and global averages, but the mortality reduction for children 1–59 months was double this rate, at 8.6% (Rubayet et al., 2012). According to the World Health Organization, between 1990 and 2011, under 5-mortality decreased from 151/1000 to 53/1000 live births (LBs). Meanwhile, the infant mortality rate fell less rapidly from 87/1000 to 43/1000 LBs over the last 18 years. Mortality declines were found to be associated with improved coverage of effective interventions to prevent or treat the most important causes of child mortality and improvements in socioeconomic conditions (WHO, 2013).4 Research on the link between drinking water salinity and selected health outcomes in Bangladesh has been undertaken in previous studies. Al Nahian et al. (2018) document the impact of water salinity on the health care crisis in coastal Bangladesh. Khan et al. (2014) highlighted the link between drinking water and hypertension. Khan et al. (2011) also showed that salinity had an adverse impact on maternal health. However, unlike past studies conceptually, this study is the first to: (1) adopt a nationwide study sample with multiple time periods; and (2) modify the potential non-linear relationship between health outcomes and drinking water salinity.                                                              4 http://www.who.int/pmnch/knowledge/publications/bangladesh.pdf 2    Salinity is an ambiguous term which is commonly referred to as a high concentration of dissolved salts in a liquid media (e.g. groundwater). Salinity contamination of groundwater is generally defined by high concentrations of chemical ions in water that is measured by electrical conductivity (EC).5 The EC is a measure of salt in the water, usually expressed in micro-Siemens per centimeter (µS/cm) or deci-Siemens per meter (dS/m).6 Salts or other chemicals that dissolve in water can be broken down into positively and negatively charged ions. These free ions in the water conduct electric current. The concentration of dissolved ions may affect the taste of water and is measured by EC. The major cations influencing water salinity are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium (Hem, 1985) – all are essential macro-minerals for humans needed in bulk daily amounts (Cook, 2013). According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) some dissolved mineral matter is desirable. High drinking water salinity (i.e., elevated EC) contains higher concentrations of these minerals in drinking water (Hoque and Butler, 2015; Alfarrah and Walraevens, 2018; Mahlknecht et. al. 2017; Park et. al. 2012). Typically, sea-water has an average EC value of ~50,000 µS/cm. EC for fresh groundwater varies from very low values (<50 µS/cm) to high values (2,000 µS/cm). These values are generally considered unsuitable for drinking and irrigation. Salinity level in coastal Bangladesh groundwater varies greatly with an average EC value of 5,500 µS/cm. The level of salinity measured by electricity is classified as follows (Zahid et al., 2013): fresh, 0-1,000 µS/cm; brackish, 1,000-2,000 µS/cm; slightly saline, 2,000-6,000 µS/cm; moderately saline, 6,000-20,000 µS/cm; and extremely saline, 20,000-50,000 µS/cm. Infants and children need a relatively higher volume of water and a high concentration of minerals considering body weight (Sievers, 2005). About fifty percent of very low birth weight infants who weigh 1 kg at birth and who live for over 28 days will develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia (Caddell, 1996; Seelig, 1980). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), they are especially vulnerable and hence drinking-water mineral contents need to be stabilized by adding calcium and magnesium, and other minerals based on regional dietary composition (WHO, 2005). Use of freshwater or low mineral water for drinking, cooking infant food, and preparing formula-milk can compromise the nutrient intake in infants (Sievers, 2005; WHO, 2005). This study attempts to fill the research gap by exploiting and combining data that cover a large sample population from the entire nation with a long temporal span and spatially-matched features. These                                                              5  EC is a measurement of dissolved material in a fluid media (e.g., groundwater) that relates to the ability of the material to conduct electrical current through that media. EC is measured in units called Siemens (S) per unit area (e.g. micro-Siemens per centimeter or µS/cm in short form). Water’s capacity to conduct electricity is directly related to the concentration of ions in the water. The conductive ions come from dissolved salts and many inorganic chemical materials (e.g. chlorides, sulfides and carbonate compounds). Compounds that dissolve into ions are also known as electrolytes. Higher the ions present, higher the conductivity of water. Likewise, the presence of fewer ions makes the water less conductive.  6 1 deci-siemens per meter = 1,000 micro-siemens per centimeter, 1 ds/m = 1,000 µS/cm. 3    data sources include the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted from 2000 to 2014. Households were sampled within primary sampling units (also called clusters) which are geocoded. The GPS information from the Bangladesh DHS allows us to construct the salinity level in drinking water for the households located within the clusters. Our results indicate that there is a strong U-shaped relationship between salinity and infant mortality. With fresh drinking water, the marginal effect of salinity measured by groundwater electricity conductivity (GWEC) on infant death is always negative. With brackish drinking water and slightly saline water, the negative effect is small. As drinking water becomes moderately saline, the predicted probability of infant death starts to increase, and the marginal effect becomes positive. The marginal impact of salinity is always positive when above 6ds/m. The relationship between drinking water salinity and neonatal death shows a similar pattern. This paper proceeds as follows. In the next section we review the literature that motivates the study. In Section III we discuss the data used in this study while Section IV discusses methodology. In Section V we discuss the results and Section VI concludes. II. Literature Review Copious literature exists on the determinants of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) as well as infant and neonatal mortality in Bangladesh. Rubayet et al. (2012) found that declines in neonatal mortality between 2000 and 2010 could be attributed to increases in coverage of key interventions, such as skilled attendance at birth and post-natal care, reductions in total fertility and changes in gross national income. However, other factors such as socio-economic and geographic inequality as well as frequent changes in government remain major challenges to future progress. It was also found that for participatory women's groups to have a significant effect on neonatal mortality in rural Bangladesh, detailed attention to program design and contextual factors, enhanced population coverage, and increased enrollment of newly pregnant women might be needed (Azad et al., 2010). Implementation of a sector-wide approach improved delivery of health services which in turn improved infant and neonatal mortality (Ahsan et al., 2016). Another study (Baqui et al., 2008) found that a home-care strategy to promote a package of preventive and curative newborn care is effective in reducing neonatal mortality in communities with a weak health system, low health care use, and high neonatal mortality. Regarding causes of neonatal death, birth asphyxia (52.8%) was the single largest cause in the early period, while meningitis/sepsis (48.3%) was the single largest category in the later period (Chowdhury et al., 2010). Similar results were found by Chowdhury et al. (2009; 2005). Finally, Dancer et al. (2018) showed that male children have a lower chance of survival relative to female children in Bangladesh during the first year of life. However, none of these studies focused on the impact of high levels of water salinity on either infant or neonatal mortality. 4    Saline contamination of drinking water has been documented and the risk is increasing with climate change in Bangladesh (Talukder, 2016; Rasheed et al., 2016; Khan et al., 2008; Vineis et al., 2011) and it also contributes to internal migration risks (Rakib et al., 2019). Arsenic (Nickson et al., 1998), salinity (Khan et al. 2011; 2008), and fecal pathogens (Naser et al., 2019a) are major groundwater contaminants in Bangladesh. Essential macro-minerals influence many biological and enzymatic mechanisms in fetuses and infants that can in turn influence neonatal and infant mortality (Abrams, 2007). Groundwater in Bangladesh is predominantly CaHCO3 type but in the coastal region where water is mostly saline, groundwater is primarily Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-Cl type (Brammer, 1996). Sediments from different rivers have different chemical compositions. For example, the River Ganges derived sediments have higher calcium-magnesium carbonate contents than the sediments of the Rivers Brahmaputra and Meghna (Brammer, 1996). The concentration of many of these macro-minerals in drinking water is determined by the chemical properties of rocks and sediments through which groundwater percolates and interacts (Hudson, 2010). Small-scale variations exist in groundwater chemicals within a short geographical distance in Bangladesh due to high variability in surface geology and sediment types (Naser et al., 2018). Studies suggest that bioavailability of essential minerals from drinking water is very high (WHO, 2009), and some population in coastal Bangladesh can get up to 50% of their daily calcium and magnesium requirement by drinking 2 L of groundwater (Hoque and Butler, 2015). Groundwater is the primary source of drinking water in rural Bangladesh, and minerals and chemicals in groundwater have important public health implications (Dhar et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2000). The general diet in Bangladesh is low in calcium content (Bromage et al., 2016), and globally, magnesium concentration in the general diet is declining (Kumssa et al., 2016). Hence, drinking water may contribute an appreciable proportion of daily calcium and magnesium intake among the Bangladeshi population, and drinking fresh or low mineral water can contribute to a deficiency of these essential minerals which can have detrimental health effects. Ur Rahman et al. (2017) found that regarding salinity the average values of total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC) and Chloride concentration (Cl−) were found to be 4044.12 mg/L, 7186.7 μS/cm, and 3143.6 mg/L respectively in Shyamnagar and 2313.60 mg/L, 4390.3 μS/cm, and 1402.1 mg/L respectively in Tala. The result of community perception reveals that the local population is aware of the safe water scarcity. There is a perception that salinity is the main reason. Similar results were found regarding community perceptions by Abedin et al. (2014). Meanwhile, salt in diet is also a major issue in the country (Sakomoto, 2017). Health consequences of salinity were also documented for coastal Bangladesh ranging from hypertension to poor maternal health. Salinity increased the risk of gestational hypertension particularly in the coastal areas (Shammi et al., 2019; Talukder et al., 2016; Scheelbeek et al., 2016; Khan et al., 2014). In general, salinity adversely affected maternal health in Bangladesh (Khan et al., 2011) and is particularly 5    significant in the last months of pregnancy (Dasgupta et al. 2016). Meanwhile, a randomized trial study in Southwest coastal Bangladesh showed that water salinity led to poor functioning of kidneys (Naser et al., 2017) while another study found that it led to higher blood pressure (Naser et al., 2018b). Overall, salinity also adversely affected incomes and community livelihoods (Anik et al., forthcoming) and also increased health care costs (Das et al., 2019). A study in coastal Bangladesh found that drinking mild-saline water was associated with higher urinary concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and sodium compared to freshwater drinkers (Naser et al., 2017). During the intrauterine and first six months of life, fetuses and infants depend on their mother for these essential macro-minerals. Babies born to mothers who drink mildly-saline water during pregnancy have lower neonatal or infant mortality rates (Naser et al., 2019b). This may be due to the fact that calcium and magnesium peak around 1 mS/cm EC, but their concentrations do not change after that level is reached with increasing level of EC. Furthermore, studies suggest that calcium intake of the mother influences the bone, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system development (Abrams, 2007; Hacker et al., 2012; Kovacs and Kronenberg, 1997). Low calcium intake is associated with gestational hypertension (Hofmeyr, 2014), which is an important cause of perinatal mortality. Magnesium is a co-enzyme and relevant to lung function of the neonates and infants (Caddell, 1996). Magnesium deficiency can cause bronchial constriction and can be associated with prenatal asphyxia (Seelig, 1980), one of the leading causes of neonatal death. Studies also suggest that low magnesium intake is associated with sudden infant death syndrome (Siren, 2017). Therefore, it is biologically plausible that high or low maternal intake of essential minerals through drinking water can influence neonatal and infant mortality. Another study (Jabed et al., forthcoming) found that due to the use of saline water, villagers suffered from several diseases including skin rashes, hair loss, diarrhea, gastric and high blood pressure. Finally, several studies suggest that mineral and chemical contents of tubewell water affects cardiovascular diseases (Chen et al., 2009), anemia (Merrill et al., 2012), gestational hypertension (Khan et al., 2014), skin (Ahsan et al., 2000) and other organ cancers among the Bangladeshi population (Mostafa, 2008). Outside Bangladesh, salinity is also a problem in several developing countries such as Morocco (DGHI, 2018; Warner et al., 2013; Etayfi et al., 2012), Nigeria (Akinbinu, 2015), the Bering Strait in the Russian Far East (Kawai et al., 2018), and China (Webber et al., 2018; Jia et al., 2017), and adoption of technology such as desalination of water (Williams and Swyngedouw, 2018; Heck et al., 2017) and harvesting rainwater (Samadar et al., 2014) has been emphasized. Although rainwater harvesting for drinking purposes has been emphasized (Meza and Scott, 2016), it lacks these minerals until it passes through the ground (WHO, 2009). Meanwhile, studies on the impact of salinity on health outside Bangladesh are virtually non-existent except in industrialized countries such as the United States. Salinity is a major problem associated with chronic diseases in the native communities of Alaska (Thomas et al., 2016). In Arizona it was associated with high blood pressure and hypertension (Welty et al., 1986). Among 6    the Jewish infants in New York City it was shown that diluting milk formula with tap water containing a high concentration of sodium will result in the infant being fed a high-salt diet and a spike in blood pressure (Pomeranz et al., 2002). A meta-analysis of several studies linked salt in drinking water to hypertension (Talukder et al, 2017). Overall globally, climate change is likely to increase salinity in drinking water and adversely affect the health of the population in developing countries. It is also likely to negate all the gains made in recent years (Chong et al., 2014). As mentioned earlier, studies on the impact of salinity on infant and neonatal mortality in Bangladesh are virtually non-existent and this study intends to fill this gap. III. Data Sources (i) Maternal and child health outcomes Data on maternal and child health outcome indicators were obtained from the 2000, 2004, 2007, 2011 and 2014 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) of Bangladesh, which are nationally representative covering a wide range of indicators on health and nutrition. In this study, we focused on two primary maternal and child health outcomes: infant mortality and neonatal mortality. Clusters represented the primary sampling unit for each BDHS year from which representative households were selected for interviews. Women between 12 and 49 years old from the selected households were interviewed for live birth and infant and neonatal mortality. The study units for this paper were children who were born within the three-year window prior to the interview year. Infant death is defined as a baby who died within 12 months after birth, and neonatal death is defined as a baby who died within two months after birth. (ii) Relevant covariates Women were also interviewed for the household socioeconomic characteristics of infant and neonates who died, birth order and maternal age during the time of delivery. Some sociodemographic variables based on a priori causal knowledge were included as covariates in this study, such as educational status of both parents, rural or urban residence of households and asset wealth indices calculated by principle component analysis. Other relevant information collected from each BDHS household survey were primary source of drinking water, sanitation, geographical division and river basins for the BDHS clusters. (iii) Salinity and drinking water Groundwater EC point data were collected from two sources. First, we collated groundwater EC data from a monitoring network of 461 boreholes under a regional-scale hydrogeology study conducted in 19 coastal areas by the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWBD) (Zahid et al., 2013; Zahid et al., 2016). Secondly, we digitized and georeferenced the contoured map of groundwater EC (Rahman and Ravenscroft, 2003) for shallow aquifers (<150 m bgl) and extracted EC point data at 102 locations predominantly in the northern part of Bangladesh. We then interpolated the point EC data (n=563) for the entire country using the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) algorithm in the ArcGIS environment, after 7    which interpolated EC values for each cluster location to get groundwater salinity data for each of the BDHS clusters were extracted. Groundwater arsenic concentration and groundwater depth point data values were obtained through the same source and processed by the same interpolation technique. The geographical distribution of all BDHS clusters from 2000 to 2014 and its categorical salinity level are shown in Figure 1. There are no official guidelines for drinking water in Bangladesh or worldwide considering the human health perspective. Hence the water salinity categories defined by FAO were used. The level of drinking water salinity is color marked at each clusters’ geo-location according to the classification by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations for irrigation water: freshwater (EC<0.7 mS/cm), mild-salinity (EC>=0.7 and <2 mS/cm), moderate-salinity (EC>=2 and <10 mS/cm), and severe-salinity (EC>=10 mS/cm). Salinity is clearly higher in the coastal regions than inland. Barisal division has the highest number of household clusters exposed to severe-salinity (above 10 mS/cm) while Khulna has the second highest number of household clusters exposed to moderate salinity (above 2 mS/cm). Clusters with high level exposure to salinity in Chittagong and Dhaka are mostly located along the coast. For the inland divisions, Rangpur, Sylhet, and Rajshahi, household clusters have drinking water salinity level under 0.7 mS/cm. IV. Methodology and Statistical Analysis The BDHS data sets were pooled, and revised sample weights were calculated following de- normalization of the standard weights. Next, the survey-weighted proportions of neonatal and infant mortality were computed for each survey year and presented in Table 1 for the period 2000-2014. A general decline in infant and maternal mortality is noted even as the number of live births increased indicating overall declines in both infant and maternal mortality rates. Since our key objective is to evaluate the association between groundwater salinity and neonatal or infant deaths, we restricted the sample to the sub- population of children from households which reported tubewell as their primary source of drinking water in every BDHS survey. The distribution of groundwater EC is skewed right (Figure 2). Since the EC data contained outliers, we winsorized the data at 95th percentile distribution when modeling EC as continuous exposure. Non-Parametric Regression (NPR) was utilized to diagnose the functional form for the relationship between health outcomes and salinity using Stata 15. NPRs have the advantage of estimating mean outcomes for a given set of covariates without assuming a functional form, thus avoiding errors due to misspecification. Figures 3 and 4 present mean functions with 95% confidence interval (CI) predicted by NPR using EC as covariate variable over 1 mS/cm interval with 100 times simulation of bootstrap standard errors. The mean function of probability of infant and neonatal death show similar non-linearity patterns over different salinity levels. Groundwater salinity is modeled as a continuous variable, categorical variable and restricted cubic splines. In continuous exposure models, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model using EC 8    as a continuous variable was estimated to summarize the average effect of salinity on health outcomes taking complex survey design into consideration. The continuous independent variable was divided into categories to summarize the average effects of freshwater, moderate- and severe-saline water drinkers using a categorical model specification taking complex survey design into consideration. However, the functional form between the health outcomes and salinity categories is not continuous. It is a step function within each segment. Rather than transforming the continuous explanatory variables into categories, a third approach, Restricted Cubic Splines (RCS) model was adopted to provide a flexible and continuous functional form to capture non-linearity. The number of “cut-off” points (defined as “knots”), is the end of one segment and the start of the next. If the k number of knots are placed at ⋯ , then for a continuous variable x, a set of (k – 1) new variables are created by: (1) (2) for 2, … , 1 and where 0; 0 0 The original continuous explanatory variable was augmented by introducing a set of new variables which were used linearly in the regression models and inferences can be drawn as usual. The number of knots and the position of the knots in this analysis were determined by FAO classifications which are 0.7 mS/cm, 2 mS/cm, and 10 mS/cm. Two new variables that were calculated using only the continuous variables EC and the values of the knots were used in the OLS specification for comparison with other approaches used, while controlling the same set of covariate variables. For all models described above, we sequentially reported results for the unadjusted models (model 1), and models partially adjusted for maternal age, birth order and sex of the child (model 2). In addition, the model was adjusted for maternal marital status, both parents’ years of education, rural or urban residence, household wealth indices, improved sanitation, depth of tubewells, arsenic concentration in tubewell water, and geographical division and river basin for the BDHS cluster. Child’s birth year fixed effects were also included which captured the unobserved characteristics specific to the years when the child was born, to study the determinants of infant and neonatal mortality. V. Results (i) Descriptive statistics The summary statistics with and without considering complex sample design are shown in Table 2 along with a detailed description of the variables. Among the 22,158 children who were born three years prior to the year of interview and from households with tubewell as primary source of drinking water, 5.3% of the children died under 12 months of age and 4.5% of the children died within 2 months after birth. 51% of the children were male and delivered by mothers with an average age of 23 years. Both parents had less 9    than 5 years of education on average and 98.6% of mothers are currently married or living in a union. Only 16.0% of the children were from households located in urban areas and 29.3% from households with access to improved sanitation. (ii) Continuous exposure Table 3 reports the OLS estimates for infant and neonatal death as outcome variables using groundwater electrical conductivity as a continuous explanatory variable (columns of (1) – (3) and (4) – (6) respectively). Holding all other variables constant, with a 1 mS/cm increase in drinking water EC, the probability of infant and neonatal mortality declines by 0.12% (significant at 10% level) and 0.17% (significant at 1% level) respectively for model 1 unadjusted with covariates. Gradually controlling for mode covariates, the coefficient magnitude of EC decreases and becomes insignificant (models 2 and 3). In models 2 and 3, increase in mother’s age when giving birth and years of education are associated with a significant decline in the probability of infant and neonatal deaths. (iii) Categorical exposure For the categorical model, mild-salinity with EC belonging to [0.7, 2] mS/cm is omitted as reference group (Table 4). Infants with exposure to freshwater with 0 – 0.7 mS/cm EC had 1.63% more likelihood of mortality and for neonates the corresponding figure was 1.24 %, compared to those who were exposed to mild-salinity with 0.7 – 2 mS/cm EC. Infants and neonates who were exposed to severe salinity with 10 mS/cm above EC had the highest risk of mortality in all cases. Compared to those who were exposed to mild-salinity, the probability of infant and neonatal death for children who were drinking severely saline water were 3.12% and 2.20% higher. There was no significant difference between exposure to moderate salinity 2 – 10 mS/cm and mild salinity. The impact of mother’s education and age was similar to that of the continuous exposure model. (iv) Restricted cubic splines (RCS) model Finally, for the restricted cubic splines model (Table 5), two restricted cubic terms were created among three knots at 0.7, 2, 10 mS/cm, similar to the categorical exposure model. Both restricted cubic terms are significant with negative signs for rgwec1 and positive for rgwec2 across unadjusted and fully adjusted models. This indicates a downward shaping relationship below a certain threshold and an upward shaping relationship afterwards. The positive summation value of the two restricted terms suggests an overall positive association between infant or neonatal death and salinity. The p-values reported at the bottom of the table from Wald test were less than 0.001 in model 1 and 2, and less than 0.05 in model 3. Thus, the null hypothesis of joint significance of restricted cubic terms is rejected at 1% and 5% levels for model 3, which indicates strong non-linearity. Again, the relationship between maternal age as well as mother’s years of education and mortality outcomes was same with the continuous and categorical specifications. 10    Figure 5 depicts the predicted number of infant and neonatal deaths out of 1,000 live births and marginal effects of drinking water salinity based on the RCS model with fully adjusted covariates (model 3). The predicted values show a U-shaped curve over the entire range of salinity and the marginal effect of salinity on infant death is concave, suggesting that infant and neonatal deaths decreased initially and then increased again with increasing levels of drinking water salinity. As shown in the bottom left figure, with fresh drinking water (<0.7 mS/cm), the marginal effect of salinity on infant death is always negative, which can be calculated by the first derivate of outcome with respect to GWEC shown in the Appendix. Drinking slightly saline water can help to reduce infant mortality because slightly saline water has mostly healthy mineral concentration and limited sodium concentration relative to freshwater with low concentrations of salubrious calcium and magnesium (Naser et al., 2019b) As drinking water becomes mildly saline (0.7 – 2 mS/cm) and moderately saline but below 4.11 mS/cm (calculated in Appendix), the negative marginal effect is decreasing, suggesting that the protective role of drinking saline water is attenuating. As drinking water becomes moderately saline (above 4.11 mS/cm), the marginal effect becomes positive and increasing, with associated high infant mortality and high-level EC contributed by high concentration of sodium but limited concentrations of salubrious calcium and magnesium. Similarly, for neonatal death the bottom right figure presents a diminishing protective role of drinking water salinity as EC increases below 4.38 mS/cm but harmful role as EC increases above 4.38 mS/cm. The restricted cubic spline plots illustrate a U-shaped non-linear association between drinking water EC and infant and neonatal deaths. This is consistent with the results of categorical exposure version which showed harmful effects for infants and neonates exposed to freshwater and severely saline water as well as the protecting effects of mild salinity exposure. Calcium and magnesium peak around 1 mS/cm EC, but their concentrations do not change afterward with increasing level of EC, which explains why there was lower neonatal or infant mortality among the mild-salinity water drinkers (Naser et al., 2019b). In contrast, the relationship between groundwater sodium and EC followed an almost linear upward trend, suggesting severe-saline water drinkers have very high sodium intake. The concentration of these macro-minerals in drinking water is determined by the chemical properties of rocks and sediments through which groundwater percolates and interacts (Hudson, 2018). The number of infant and neonatal deaths based on the RCS model with fully adjusted covariates (model 3) was predicted with covariates at BDHS cluster means. The first derivative of outcome with respect to drinking water salinity indicated by EC level predicts the probability of infant or neonatal death induced by salinity at each cluster for BDHS 2011 and 2014. To estimate population totals based on BDHS data, the standard weights were de-normalized. The number of live births and predicted infant/neonatal deaths were calculated as summation of de-normalized cluster values at subdivision levels. Table 6 lists the number of live births, infant, neonatal deaths and their predicted values induced by high salinity exposure in coastal subdivisions in BDHS 2011. During the three years prior to the BDHS 11    2011 interview, eight subdivisions in the coastal area had positive predicted number of infant deaths. Among the 0.13 million infant deaths and 0.11 million neonatal deaths in these high salinity exposure subdivisions, 3.30% and 3.20% of them were caused by salinity on average respectively. Khulna and Patuakhali districts has the higherst with 11.93% and 8.36% infant deaths and 9.42% and 10.41% neonatal deaths respectively caused by high salinity level. During the three years prior to the interview year of BDHS 2014, six coastal subdivisions were on the list of positive predicted number of infant deaths with Barisal and Patuakhali districts having 19.76% and 11.71% of infant deaths and 15.38% and 16.33% of neonatal deaths respectively caused by high salinity exposure. The reason for the dramatic increase in some subdivisions between the 2011 and 2014 BDHS surveys needs further analysis. Overall, high salinity exposure induced mortality declined slightly from 1.59% to 1.24% for infants and 1.41% to 1.12% for neonates. VI. Conclusions This study used non-parametric regression without assuming any functional forms to explore the relationship between drinking water salinity and infant and neonatal deaths. This was followed by three OLS approaches using salinity as continuous exposure, categorical exposure, and Restricted Cubic Splines specification. The RCS model specification explained the relationship with a concave shaped curve of marginal effects and a U-shaped curve of predicted values. Overall, our findings indicate that both freshwater and severe-saline water are associated with higher infant and neonatal mortality. There is also a strong U-shaped relationship between salinity and infant and neonatal mortality, suggesting the harmful effects of freshwater and severe saline exposure, and protective role of mild salinity on infant and neonatal health across unadjusted and fully adjusted covariate models. Although overall effects were attenuated in full-multivariable adjustments, the coefficients of salinity from categorical and RCS models were slightly smaller for neonatal death relative to infant death, which suggests that larger harmful or protective salinity exposure was channeled through the intake of salty water by mothers during pregnancy. This may be because mothers had a lower intake of essential minerals (e.g. calcium and magnesium) through drinking freshwater whereas mothers had excessive concentrations of sodium through drinking severe-saline water. Both drinking water calcium and magnesium were associated with lower risks for infant and neonatal mortality. It is plausible that women drinking water with high EC had higher intake of salubrious essential minerals that have been transferred to the fetus before birth, or through breast milk during the nursing period. However, drinking water with high levels of salinity was associated with higher infant and neonatal mortality. The relationship between groundwater sodium and EC followed an almost linear upward trend, suggesting that severe-saline water drinkers have very high sodium intake. 12    The results have several policy implications. Severe salinity needs to be addressed if the recent gains in infant and neonatal mortality are to be sustained. Policies need to be developed to prevent intrusion of saline water into drinking groundwater, particularly in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Adoption of technology such as desalination could be considered. However, rainwater does not contain salubrious minerals. Hence consumption of groundwater over rainwater should be encouraged. Over the long run, the causes of increasing salinity such as climate change need to be addressed. Finally, our analysis has several limitations. We used the FAO salinity definitions for irrigation, as there are no corresponding definitions of salinity in WHO regulations. There is a need to develop such regulations for drinking water. We also do not have the information on the exact drinking water salinity for the household survey under BDHS, as this parameter was not collected as part of the survey. Further, due to lack of data as a proxy variable for drinking water salinity, we used groundwater EC values from an interpolated map at the national scale which included groundwater EC data from coastal districts that were installed and sampled by the Bangladesh Water Development Board. As is evident from the literature, the EC of groundwater may have seasonal variations and concentrations of other chemicals which result in seasonal and temporal variations in the host groundwater. The interpolated EC from point data is smooth in spatial distribution because of the geospatial interpolation method (IDW) applied for mapping. The interpolated EC values may be more or less than the actual EC values of the tubewell water used by the participants in the BDHS clusters. Households in rural Bangladesh usually have separate tubewells for drinking water supply, suggesting that well water chemical concentrations are likely different across the households recorded in BDHS clusters. Finally, this study relies on self-reported outcomes and covariates that can introduce recall bias in the analyses. Hence, we were unable to control for important factors determining early neonatal death such as low birth weight, premature births, birth asphyxia, meningitis, and sepsis. 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water Neonatal 190 170 153 190 159 862 Infant 224 214 182 222 180 1022 21    Figure 2: Histogram and density plots for groundwater electrical conductivity Notes: Red vertical lines denote the distributions of electrical conductivity data at 50%ile (median), 75%ile, 90%ile and 95%ile. 22    Figure 3: Non-parametric regression mean function of probability of infant death (GWEC winsorized at 95th percentile) .08 Mean Function (prob. infant death) .02 .04 0 .06 Figure 4: Non-parametric regression mean function of probability of neonatal death (GWEC winsorized at 95th percentile) 23    Table 2: Description of dependent & independent variables Variable Name Description of Variable n=22,158 unweighted weighted mean std.err. mean std.err. infant death Children died within 12 months after birth 0.053 0.225 0.053 0.002 neonatal death Children died within 2 months after birth 0.045 0.207 0.045 0.002 gwec Groundwater electricity connectivity in mS/cm 1.916 2.747 1.568 0.048 male Child is male 0.510 0.500 0.510 0.004 birth order The birth order of the children 2.493 1.717 2.514 0.021 maternal age at delivery Age of mother when the children was delivered 23.623 5.880 23.444 0.055 Mother's education converted by education level mother's years of education achieved and grade completed into number of years 4.960 4.061 4.637 0.054 Mother's partner's education converted by partner's years of education education level achieved and grade completed into number of years 4.963 4.688 4.499 0.056 mother currently married or living in union Mother currently married or living with a partner 0.985 0.120 0.986 0.001 urban residence Household resides in urban area 0.305 0.460 0.160 0.005 Asset index computed by Principle Component standardized asset indices Analysis using household asset ownership information and standardized at [0, 1] interval 0.267 0.232 0.240 0.003 arsenic Groundwater arsenic concentration in ug/L 62.273 93.576 66.276 2.394 gwd Depth to ground water level in meters 7.282 5.796 7.095 0.093 Household having access to improved sanitation improved household sanitation including septic tank/toilet, water sealed/slab latrine 0.333 0.471 0.293 0.006 Brahmaputra-Jamuna basin Household clusters located within Brahmaputra- Jamuna basin 0.460 0.498 0.449 0.012 Household clusters located within Ganges-Padma Ganges-Padma basin basin 0.486 0.500 0.489 0.010 Meghna basin Household clusters located within Meghna basin 0.055 0.228 0.062 0.007 24    Table 3: Infant and neonatal mortality and drinking water salinity, Continuous (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Infant Neonatal model 1 model 2 model 3 model 1 model 2 model 3 gwec -0.00122* 0.000521 0.000460 -0.00165*** -0.00000312 -0.0000210 [0.000684] [0.000887] [0.000913] [0.000638] [0.000814] [0.000831] child male 0.00468 0.00471 0.00539 0.00537 [0.00395] [0.00394] [0.00362] [0.00361] child birth order 0.00219 -0.000782 0.0000774 -0.00202 [0.00185] [0.00197] [0.00167] [0.00178] maternal age -0.00147*** -0.00104* -0.00122** -0.000928* [0.000545] [0.000553] [0.000508] [0.000518] mother's years of education -0.00133** -0.00121* [0.000673] [0.000624] partner's years of education -0.000779 -0.000315 [0.000542] [0.000515] mother currently married or living -0.00828 -0.0123 in union [0.0151] [0.0148] urban residence -0.00155 -0.00315 [0.00444] [0.00405] standardized asset index -0.0136 -0.0101 [0.0130] [0.0122] arsenic -0.0000303 -0.0000193 [0.0000238] [0.0000225] groundwater depth -0.0000719 0.000322 [0.000655] [0.000633] improved household sanitation -0.00121 -0.00112 [0.00448] [0.00426] basin: Ganges-Padma -0.00631 -0.00197 [0.00908] [0.00843] basin: Meghna -0.0152* -0.0151** [0.00781] [0.00683] Constant 0.0548*** 0.0945*** 0.121*** 0.0474*** 0.0853*** 0.108*** [0.00237] [0.0148] [0.0235] [0.00223] [0.0138] [0.0223] Birth Year Dummies No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Division Fixed Effects No Yes Yes No Yes Yes R-squared 0.000166 0.00937 0.0111 0.000355 0.00922 0.0105 Obs. 22158 22158 22158 22158 22158 22158 Notes: omitted group of basins is basin: Brahmaputra-Jamuna; model 1: unadjusted (no controls); model 2: adjusted for maternal age, birth order and sex of the child; model 3: additionally adjusted for both parents years of education, rural or urban residence, household wealth score , improved sanitation, maternal marital status, groundwater arsenic level, depth of tubewell, riven basin children's birth year and geographical division fixed effects 25    Table 4: Infant and neonatal mortality and drinking water salinity, Categorical (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Infant Neonatal model 1 model 2 model 3 model 1 model 2 model 3 freshwater: gwec (0 mS/cm, 0.7 0.0219*** 0.0176*** 0.0163*** 0.0176*** 0.0132** 0.0124** ms/cm] [0.00470] [0.00601] [0.00606] [0.00456] [0.00571] [0.00569] moderate salinity: gwec (2 mS/cm, 0.00324 0.00749 0.00625 -0.00196 0.00285 0.00217 10 mS/cm] [0.00531] [0.00580] [0.00586] [0.00507] [0.00534] [0.00538] severe salinity: gwec (10 mS/cm, 0.0295*** 0.0346*** 0.0312*** 0.0188** 0.0239*** 0.0220** above] [0.00942] [0.00957] [0.00973] [0.00909] [0.00916] [0.00922] child male 0.00477 0.00477 0.00545 0.00540 [0.00396] [0.00395] [0.00363] [0.00362] child birth order 0.00195 -0.000835 -0.000113 -0.00207 [0.00186] [0.00197] [0.00168] [0.00178] maternal age -0.00145*** -0.00105* -0.00120** -0.000935* [0.000546] [0.000553] [0.000509] [0.000518] mother's years of education -0.00131* -0.00120* [0.000672] [0.000624] partner's years of education -0.000787 -0.000320 [0.000543] [0.000515] mother currently married or living -0.00956 -0.0133 in union [0.0151] [0.0147] urban residence -0.00142 -0.00293 [0.00446] [0.00406] standardized asset index -0.0115 -0.00858 [0.0128] [0.0120] arsenic -0.00000576 1.44e-08 [0.0000248] [0.0000236] groundwater depth -0.000142 0.000261 [0.000654] [0.000634] improved household sanitation -0.000749 -0.000736 [0.00449] [0.00427] basin: Ganges-Padma -0.00428 -0.000471 [0.00922] [0.00853] basin: Meghna -0.0127 -0.0133* [0.00781] [0.00682] Constant 0.0384*** 0.0824*** 0.107*** 0.0341*** 0.0759*** 0.0961*** [0.00386] [0.0144] [0.0233] [0.00382] [0.0134] [0.0221] Birth Year Dummies No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Division Fixed Effects No Yes Yes No Yes Yes R-squared 0.00210 0.0104 0.0119 0.00189 0.00994 0.0110 Obs. 22158 22158 22158 22158 22158 22158 Notes: omitted group of basins is basin: Brahmaputra-Jamuna; model 1: unadjusted (no controls); model 2: adjusted for maternal age, birth order and sex of the child; model 3: additionally adjusted for both parents years of education, rural or urban residence, household wealth score , improved sanitation, maternal marital status, groundwater arsenic level, depth of tubewell, riven basin children's birth year and geographical division fixed effects 26    Table 5: Infant and neonatal death and drinking water salinity, Restricted Splines Model at GWEC = 0.7, 2, 10 mS/cm (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Infant Neonatal model 1 model 2 model 3 model 1 model 2 model 3 rcgwec1 -0.0109*** -0.00694** -0.00611** -0.0104*** -0.00625** -0.00582** [0.00225] [0.00292] [0.00310] [0.00205] [0.00265] [0.00280] rcgwec2 0.0448*** 0.0317*** 0.0273** 0.0404*** 0.0265*** 0.0241** [0.00949] [0.0110] [0.0116] [0.00872] [0.0101] [0.0106] child male 0.00462 0.00464 0.00534 0.00530 [0.00395] [0.00394] [0.00362] [0.00361] child birth order 0.00207 -0.000792 -0.0000268 -0.00203 [0.00186] [0.00197] [0.00167] [0.00178] maternal age -0.00144*** -0.00103* -0.00119** -0.000921* [0.000545] [0.000552] [0.000509] [0.000518] mother's years of education -0.00132** -0.00121* [0.000673] [0.000623] partner's years of education -0.000770 -0.000306 [0.000542] [0.000515] mother currently married or living -0.00881 -0.0128 in union [0.0151] [0.0148] urban residence -0.000587 -0.00230 [0.00444] [0.00404] standardized asset index -0.0135 -0.0101 [0.0130] [0.0121] arsenic -0.0000147 -0.00000553 [0.0000245] [0.0000232] groundwater depth -0.000138 0.000263 [0.000655] [0.000634] improved household sanitation -0.00102 -0.000956 [0.00448] [0.00426] basin: Ganges-Padma -0.00505 -0.000849 [0.00907] [0.00843] basin: Meghna -0.0145* -0.0145** [0.00782] [0.00681] Constant 0.0620*** 0.103*** 0.127*** 0.0539*** 0.0922*** 0.112*** [0.00306] [0.0153] [0.0236] [0.00285] [0.0141] [0.0224] Birth Year Dummies No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Division Fixed Effects No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Wald-test P-value 0.00000246 0.00391 0.0187 0.00000388 0.00843 0.0224 R-squared 0.00133 0.00982 0.0114 0.00146 0.00959 0.0107 Obs. 22158 22158 22158 22158 22158 22158 Notes: omitted group of basins is basin: Brahmaputra-Jamuna; model 1: unadjusted (no controls); model 2: adjusted for maternal age, birth order and sex of the child; model 3: additionally adjusted for both parents years of education, rural or urban residence, household wealth score , improved sanitation, maternal marital status, groundwater arsenic level, depth of tubewell, riven basin children's birth year and geographical division fixed effects 27    Figure 5: Predicted infant and neonatal mortality and marginal effects of drinking water 65 salinity by restricted cubic splines model 65 45 50 55 60 40 45 50 55 60 E(neonatal_death) E(infant_death) 40 35 35 4 4 (∂ neonatal_death)/(∂ gwec) (∂ infant_death)/(∂ gwec) 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 Notes: Restricted cubic spline plots (solid lines) for the predicted numbers of infant/neonatal deaths out of 1000 live births and marginal effects of drinking water salinity with electrical conductivity cut-points of 0.7, 2, 10 mS/cm denoted as dashed vertical blue lines. Local minimum points calculated by setting the first derivates as zero are denoted as dashed vertical purple lines, indicating the turning point of the U-shaped curve. 28    Table 6: Coastal subdivisions in BDHS 2011 and 2014 with the infant and neonatal death caused by salinity number of % infant number of % neonatal number of live number of infant deaths deaths due to number of neonatal deaths deaths due to rank subdivision births infant deaths due to salinity salinity neonatal deaths due to salinity salinity 1 Khulna 332,191 5,866.4 700.0 11.93% 5,866.4 552.7 9.42% 2 Patuakhali 83,005 4,111.5 343.8 8.36% 2,594.7 270.2 10.41% BDHS 2011  3 Barisal 383,495 23,894.3 1,280.3 5.36% 21,308.5 995.6 4.67% 4 Noakhali 531,940 21,841.8 1,018.6 4.66% 14,699.1 795.1 5.41% 5 Bogra 53,546 5,989.8 233.2 3.89% 4,908.3 187.4 3.82% 6 Chittagong 693,222 23,238.6 572.3 2.46% 17,375.1 448.8 2.58% 7 Faridpur 394,901 24,611.4 195.6 0.79% 24,611.4 145.7 0.59% 8 Comilla 859,255 22,338.4 12.2 0.05% 15,091.6 0.0 0.00% subtotal 3,331,556 131,892.0 4,356.0 3.30% 106,455.0 3,395.4 3.19% others* 3,126,269 142,833.5 0.0 0.00% 133,583.0 0.0 0.00% Total 6,457,825 274,725.5 4,356.0 1.59% 240,038.0 3,395.4 1.41% number of % infant number of % neonatal number of live number of infant deaths deaths due to number of neonatal deaths deaths due to rank subdivision births infant deaths due to salinity salinity neonatal deaths due to salinity salinity 1 Barisal 404,238 6,852.7 1,354.0 19.76% 6,852.7 1,053.8 15.38% BDHS 2014  2 Patuakhali 157,576 6,318.7 740.2 11.71% 3,617.4 590.7 16.33% 3 Noakhali 482,958 20,594.7 770.5 3.74% 18,434.3 592.6 3.21% 4 Khulna 293,990 19,046.6 449.8 2.36% 17,735.4 347.8 1.96% 5 Faridpur 713,118 36,234.3 311.0 0.86% 36,234.3 233.0 0.64% 6 Chittagong 763,435 43,159.0 301.9 0.70% 27,483.7 233.3 0.85% subtotal 2,815,316 132,206.0 3,927.5 2.97% 110,357.8 3,051.2 2.76% others* 4,142,029 183,832.5 0.0 0.00% 162,701.9 0.0 0.00% Total 6,957,345 316,038.5 3,927.5 1.24% 273,059.7 3,051.2 1.12% Note: * coastal subdivisions that had no salinity induced infant or neonatal mortality 29    Appendix: Restricted Splines Model Restricted cubic splines are a transformation of an explanatory variable and can be used to not only in ordinary least square regression, but also logistic regression, Possion regression, general least square etc. The range of the explanatory variable is divided by segments with knots defining the end of one segment and the start of the next. If the k number of knots are placed at ⋯ , then for a continuous explanatory variable , a set of (k – 1) new variables are created by: (1) (2) for 2, … , 1 and where 0; 0 0. The number of knots and the position of the knots in this analysis were determined by FAO classifications which are 0.7 mS/cm, 2 mS/cm, and 10 mS/cm. For 3, two restricted cubic splines for the continuous GWEC variable will be defined as: (3) (4) which can be generated by Stata 15 “mkspline2” command. The first derivates of health outcome with respect to GWEC can be estimated by using the coefficients on the two restricted cubic splines from the OLS model. (5) Where are other important covariate variables including child gender, maternal and HH characteristics, is division fixed effects, is birth year fixed effects and is error term. (6) where , 1, , and 3 3 3 , with 0.7 , 2 , and 10. Using the estimations from Table 5 Column (3) and setting 0 can get 4.109945 mS/cm ≅ 4.11mS/cm. Similarly using the estimations from Table 5 Column (6) and setting 0 can get 4.382592 mS/cm ≅ 4.38 mS/cm. 30