City Profiles Rockville, MD, USA Climate Resilient Cities 47808 A Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters I/ CIty DesCrIptIon Rockville is the county seat of Montgomery County, Maryland, United States (Figure 1). According to the United States Census Bureau (2006), the city has a total area of 13.4 square miles (34.8 square kilometers) and a total population of 59,114, making it the second largest city in Maryland. It contains no major bodies of water. FIgure 1. Location of Rockville, Maryland Rockville established a series of awards such as a Green Development Award, a Sustainability Award, a Sustainability Volunteer Award, and a Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Sustainable Operations II/ prIorIty HazarDs/VulnerabIlItIes Award to be presented Rockville's flood risk is not high; it is reduced even further through routine mainte- to residents and "green" nance and enhancement of the city's storm drain system. Wherever possible, storm water is redirected to pervious areas that allow percolation to the water table. businesses each year. Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery City Profiles III/ aDaptatIon anD MItIgatIon n The city will continue to enjoy an adequate sup- Measures ply of pure drinking water; n A variety of transit options ease resident com- This profile highlights elements of Rockville, Maryland's muter congestion; comprehensive strategy for dealing with the effects of n Rockville streets, parks, and waterways are trash climate change, published in October 2007 as "Strat- free and attractive to residents and visitors; egy for a Sustainable Rockville."1 This document offers n Residents are paying no more than necessary for an opportunity to examine the goals and examples of solid waste disposal; a smaller town and compare them to similar issues and n Recycled products and materials are less expen- solutions from other cities, large and small. Rockville is a sive as the volume of recycled materials rises; part of the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, n The air and water will be nearly free of toxic pol- yet has jurisdiction and responsibility for its own climate lutants; change and hazard management programs. Consistent n The city's potential regulatory liability for envi- with other U.S. cities that have been profiled in this Cli- ronmental violations will be reduced if not elimi- mate Resilient Cities Primer, sustainability and emergen- nated. More trees and vegetation will make the cy management are considered separate issues and are city more attractive to residents and visitors and dealt with by separate offices. will have a cooling effect on the city and reduce stormwater disposal costs; Much of this profile is adapted from or drawn directly n Public health threats from vermin, bacteria, and from "Strategy for a Sustainable Rockville." This docu- toxic pollutants are reduced if not eliminated; and ment demonstrates both the city's concern for its citizens, n As Rockville attracts more residents to the city, ur- with whom they consult in the strategic process, and how ban sprawl will be prevented from occurring else- the city presents its case as it attracts investment in a where in Montgomery County and the greater competitive environment. Metropolitan Washington region. Rockville Strategy This Profile offers the opportunity In striving for sustainability, Rockville intends to incor- porate the following strategies into its standard processes to examine the goals and examples and activities: from a smaller town. n Get the residents involved. Engage residents in an ongoing dialogue, including continuous out- reach and awareness events and activities, designed Rockville as a Sustainable Community to communicate that everyday individual actions do As a sustainable community, Rockville residents will en- matter. Provide useful and actionable information joy a variety of benefits: through Rockville Reports and the city's web site. Explore sustainable opportunities and assist resi- n Residents and businesses pay no more for energy dents in living a more sustainable lifestyle at home than necessary. This will become increasingly im- and at work. Establish a series of awards such as a portant as the price of heating, cooling, electric- Green Development Award, a Sustainability Award, ity, and fuel continues to climb during the next a Sustainability Volunteer Award, and a Sustain- decade; able Operations Award to be presented to residents n New investments in technology and process effi- and "green" businesses each year. The Rockville ciencies create more jobs and sales revenues for Commission on the Environment should play a area green merchants; prominent role in organizing and facilitating this 2 Rockville, MD, USA community dialogue as well as the award process. commercial recycling rates by making continuous nLimit natural resource consumption to the efforts to improve the public's understanding of extent possible. Use no more water, fossil fu- the importance of recycling as well as the ease of els, electricity, natural gas, minerals, wood fiber, recycling their own unused, unneeded, or waste paper products, plastics, pesticides, herbicides, materials. Make it easy for residents and busi- chemicals, or other resources than needed in or- nesses to recycle and reuse, and challenge them to der to accomplish the mission of delivering ex- ratchet up their own level of recycling to reflect the cellent customer service to residents and visitors. highest residential and commercial recycling rates The city should meter and track energy usage and that are economically achievable. Once that goal incorporate proven energy-saving technology and is reached, continuously reset the bar over time as staff behavioral measures whenever feasible. technology and recycling processes are improved. nReduce pollution sources as opportunities n Avoid use of impervious surfaces. Avoid arise. Use a combination of technology and installing additional impervious surfaces to the product or process substitution to rework all city maximum extent feasible. Where such additional activities to ensure they release as little pollution impervious surfaces are unavoidable, try to find an into the air, water, and land as is economically offset where existing impervious surfaces can be re- and technologically feasible. moved or reduced. Where opportunities exist, con- nAvoid adverse environmental consequences. sider replacing impervious surfaces with pervious Protect remaining wildlife habitat and physical ones to allow stormwater to reach the water table. environment in Rockville by examining the de- n Encourage use of alternative transit. Re- livery of city services and activities holistically to duce automobile dependence and traffic conges- ensure that residents are getting the best value for tion. Continue to build and enhance alternative their taxes and that adverse environmental con- transit options into all new or redevelopment sequences are reduced or eliminated. Anticipate plans. Encourage residents to avail themselves of and prevent or minimize pollution and waste walkways, bike paths, and mass transit options. before they happen. n Participate in partnerships. Seek out and nEvaluate the true cost of goods and ser- partner with other public, private, and nonprofit vices. Before committing resources, compare the organizations having a mutual interest in pur- life-cycle cost of products by factoring the prod- suing similar sustainability agendas, including uct's useful life, any operation and maintenance common regional issues and buying products, costs over time, and the ultimate disposal costs into materials, or services in bulk quantities. The city the cost comparison. When other considerations should encourage and support the establishment are nearly equal, support burgeoning "green" of regional composting, biodiesel, and other simi- industries by using a preference for contractors lar innovative facilities. and vendors that use or offer energy-efficient or n Leverage city resources. Be vigilant in identi- reused or recycled products and materials. Ensure fying external funding opportunities (local, state, that materials purchased are high quality, durable, federal, and private dollars) that advance or ac- and as energy efficient as feasible. celerate the city's sustainability agenda. nReuse and recycle. Keep unused, unneeded, or n Network with other Maryland and metro- waste materials out of landfills and incinerators by politan communities. Share experiences and reusing and recycling as much of the city's waste expertise with other Maryland and other metro- stream as is technically and economically feasible. politan communities and be open to the wisdom Support green industries and help create a market gained by others. Rockville aspires to be a leader for city recyclables by purchasing recycled prod- in this area, and leadership means exporting un- ucts for government use. Improve residential and derstanding and knowledge. 3 City Profiles In striving for sustainability, Rockville's short-term initia- redevelopment plans as they come up for renewal tives provide a useful, comprehensive set of actions for or re-issuance; dealing with climate change impacts that can be imple- n Adopt the American Planning Association rec- mented at the local level. Identifying short-term activities, ommendations for preserving ecological integ- as Rockville has done, allows local governments an op- rity, land and water conservation, biodiversity, portunity for quick wins and tangible results that give the balanced energy policies, green building design program credibility among constituents and experience and construction, and protection of water sup- to local government officials in implementing initiatives plies (through the departments of Community in sustainability. By drawing on Rockville's list of short- Planning and Development Services and Public term activities, other cities can begin to assess the potential Works); adaptability of these activities to their own contexts and n Adopt standards for erecting "green" buildings and needs. What Rockville has chosen is an example of prior- landscaping in Rockville (through the departments ity-setting and execution. The reader is requested to view of Community Planning and Development Ser- these issues for their variety and approach. All of the issues vices, Public Works, and Recreation and Parks); will not pertain, nor should they, to other contexts. n Explore the expanded use of conservation and forest easements to ensure that some suitable What is useful and interesting is that the list identifies parcels or portions of parcels are maintained as the responsible department and/or office to implement natural areas or "green space" well into the future the activity. The short-term and the longer-term (three to (Recreation and Parks and Community Planning five years) activities are indicators of what can be done and Development Services); and what is being done. n Build energy efficiency, waste minimization, and sustainability considerations into the city-admin- istered, contractor licensing process (Community Build sustainability, smart growth, Planning and Development Services); and n Re-examine the minimum number of parking space and environmental sensitivity into the requirementsinthezoningcodetodetermineif they are an unintended obstacle to smart growth, storm- city's zoning ordinance, comprehensive water controls, and sustainability (Community Planning and Development Services). master plan, and neighborhood Water protection and Conservation redevelopment plans as they come up for n Implement and enforce the water quality pro- tection ordinance to minimize or eliminate the renewal or re-issuance. discharge of grease, paints, oils, and other incom- patible substances into streams, groundwater, san- itary sewers, and drains (through the department Adaptation: Specific Measures of Public Works); Short-term initiatives on adaptation (and the responsible n Adopt a stormwater utility fee to establish a sus- department) include the following Rockville activities tainable income source for storm drain system and programs: maintenance and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit implementation (i.e., environmentally sensitive Development the federal and state Clean Water Act require- n Build sustainability, smart growth, and environ- ments). This fee also may serve as a disincentive mental sensitivity into the city's zoning ordinance, to installing unnecessary impervious surfaces that comprehensive master plan, and neighborhood prevent precipitation from reaching the soil and 4 Rockville, MD, USA the water table below, resulting in larger stormwa- air Quality, noise, and transportation ter flows into streams (Public Works); n As city vehicles are replaced, consider purchasing n Install new "radio read" water meters for approxi- new vehicles (e.g., both on-street and off-street ve- mately 14,000 residential properties in 2008­2009. hicles) that operate on ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel, These meters will more accurately report water biodiesel, alternative fuels or hybrids prior to pur- usage and, therefore, lead to water conservation chasing conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. measures. Offer "on-line" bill paying to customers When practical, purchase vehicles with state-of- to reduce the amount of paper involved in the pro- the-art pollution control technology, too. With gram (Finance and Public Works); advancements in technology, diesel vehicles now n Increase inspections of private stormwater man- emit less pollution, including greenhouse gases, agement facilities in the city and ensure compli- than gasoline-powered vehicles (through the de- ance with current standards (Public Works); partment of Public Works); n Eliminate illegal dry weather discharges into the city storm drain system (Public Works); n Replace older plumbing fixtures at city facilities as warranted with new water-saving fixtures (Recre- Connect approximately 64 miles (570 ation and Parks); n Work with streamside property owners to main- separate disconnected links) of sidewalks tain trash-free, vegetated buffer strips along city waterways (Public Works); adjacent to city streets, thereby enabling n Promote voluntary resident participation in the city's Adopt-a-Stream program to ensure that city residents to safely walk along those routes. waterways are kept trash free (Public Works); n Establish a voluntary resident water-quality mon- itoring program for city streams, and track stream n Identify priority city vehicles that could be retro- conditions to ensure that environmental activities fitted with pollution control technology to reduce and programs are having a beneficial effect over air pollutants during operation (Public Works); time (Public Works); n Study the street vehicle usage in the city fleet and consider moving more vehicles to a citywide vehicle n Organize an annual stream cleanup event by city employees in conjunction with Earth Day (Public poolsystemratherthanassigningvehiclestospecific Works); departments. Roll any savings back into replacing more energy-efficient vehicles (Public Works); n Promote the use of rain barrels, rain gardens, and other techniques to minimize neighborhood n Connect approximately 64 miles (570 separate stormwater impacts as much as possible (Public disconnected links) of sidewalks adjacent to city Works and Recreation and Parks); and streets, thereby enabling residents to safely walk along those routes (Public Works); and n Conductaninfiltrationandinflowstudyof thecity sewers. Prioritize and repair any cracks or breaks in n Adopt and implement a comprehensive transpor- the lines that are allowing precipitation or ground- tation noise policy (Public Works). water to enter the sewer system (Public Works). energy and Climate protection n Prepare and administer an "Employee Pledge" Mitigation: Specific Measures for energy savings at city facilities (through the Short-term initiatives on mitigation include the following department of Recreation and Parks); Rockville activities and programs (responsible depart- n Meter the city's use of electrical power and track ments are also pointed out): it over time using Environmental Protection 5 City Profiles Agency's Energy Star Facility Portfolio Manager or and weekends unless the system is compiling data similar software (Recreation and Parks); or installing an overnight software upgrade (In- n Increase the city's purchase of wind-generated formation and Technology); and electrical power from 10­15 percent by 2008 n Give employees periodic energy tips similar to those (Finance); currently issued for customer service. Consider of- n Consider budgeting vehicle fuel by cost center fering free or low-cost residential energyaudits using to encourage conservation and carpooling (City contract support (City Manager, Public Works). Manager, Public Works); n Purchase energy-efficient blade servers to run the Land-Use Patterns city's computer networks and data systems. Save The issue of land is key to the future growth of Rockville's energy by using storage area networks (SANs) to built environment and the selection of safe areas on which consolidate 25 existing servers down to 6 or 7 (In- to build. Density is a critical issue. Also an issue is growth formation and Technology); of thecity,whethersprawlingormoreconfined,bothwith trade-offs and benefits. The discussion of mitigation and adaptation in most instances has not touched on limiting growth. In water-sensitive and land-sensitive cities, lim- Conduct an inventory of carbon iting growth is one solution to reducing vulnerabilities; however, there would be pressure from builders, financial emissions across the city and take action entities, and support industries. to reduce these emissions over time. Perhaps the heart of sustainability in Rockville is the land-use patterns in development and redevelopment n Recover waste heat generated at the Rockville of the city. Sustainable development and redevelopment Municipal Swim Center and reuse at the facility, marry two important concepts: and study the use of geothermal energy for use at the swim center (Recreation and Parks); n A city need not sacrifice economic development n Conduct an inventory of carbon emissions across for environmental protection, and the city and take action to reduce these emissions n Economic development must be ecologically over time (Public Works); viable now and into the foreseeable future. n Participate in the Governor's Blue Ribbon Energy Panel process (Public Works); Truly sustainable development incorporates energy and n Downsize additional police vehicles from 8 to 6 environmental protection goals into the early planning cylinder engines, thereby increasing fuel efficien- process rather than interjecting them as an add-on or cies (Police); afterthought. When incorporated into original building n Install motion sensors that turn restroom and con- designs, energy and environmental features are more effec- ference room lights on and off. A similar system can be installed for after-hours use of office work- tive and less costly than a redesign, retrofit, or add-on ef- station areas. Consider using for playgrounds, ball fort. Therefore, the city needs to lead by establishing clear courts, and other appropriate lighting situations. expectations for energy use, green building and landscap- Alternatively, post signage reminding staff and visi- ing design, and environmental effects in new or renovated tors to turn off conference room and restroom lights development. Rockville has initiated a process to revise its when not in use (Recreation and Parks); zoning code to incorporate these considerations. n Initiate an energy-efficiency campaign that en- courages employees to turn off computers, moni- Sustainable Purchasing tors, and other office equipment during evenings Rockville has provided some guidance ­ in the form of a self-questionnaire ­ to city staff, residents, and busi- 6 Rockville, MD, USA nesses who wish to exercise their consumption options in light of sustainability preferences. Demand ­ as reflected through the purchase of goods and services ­ is a potent Establish clear expectations for energy lever for change in the type and processes used in the production. Several conscious businesses are now trying use, green building and landscaping to incorporate "green" processes to reduce carbon foot- prints and climate impacts in order to respond to chang- design, and environmental effects in new ing consumer preferences. Being aware of consumption patterns, "green" processes and product content, and or renovated development. more sustainable alternatives can serve as the basis for making daily decisions that either move toward or away Rockville intends to take over the next one to three years from sustainability: in its move to sustainability. With each of the following short-term initiatives the responsible department is given: n Do I really need this service or product? n Is one variety of the product more environmen- Interdepartmental and Interagency Collaboration tally friendly or "greener" than others? n Join with over 660 other local and regional gov- n Can the product be obtained using reused or re- ernments representing 68 countries and 300 mil- cycled materials? lion people around the world interested in climate n Does it cost more to purchase the environmen- change and sustainability by becoming a member tally friendly product? How much more? of the International Council of Local Environ- n Do the environmental or sustainability features of mental Initiatives (through the department of the product justify its additional cost? Public Works); n Does the less environmentally friendly product ul- n Incorporate sustainability measures into the city's timately cost more than the greener product over performance measurement system, including the time (e.g., due to higher maintenance, more fre- biennial citizen survey (Mayor and Council, City quent replacement, or ultimate disposal costs)? Manager); n Will the product or its use(s) be visible to the pub- n Promote and encourage public participation in lic or the business community? the city's planning, water quality, stormwater, n Even if the greener product costs more, does the urban forestry, and energy-efficiency programs city want to pay a reasonable premium to be more (Public Works, Recreation and Parks, and Com- sustainable, particularly if the product or its use is munity Planning and Development Services); highly visible to the public? n Develop effective, comprehensive green messages, n Even if the product is not available in an environ- tips, and advisories to employees and the public, mentally friendly variety, is the manufacturer or the including recycling opportunities and steps to curb vendor's operation run in a sustainable manner such energy use at home and at the office (City Manag- that it warrants support or patronage by the city? er, Public Works, and Recreation and Parks); and n If there is no satisfactory green product available n Brief new employees on the city's sustainability strat- and the vendors are not using green practices, is egy and residential recycling opportunities during one more local than the other(s)? Where all other the New Employee Orientation Program already considerations are equal, Rockville should sup- implemented by Rockville (City Manager). port local vendors and, thereby, minimize trans- portation costs. environmentally preferable purchasing and Contracting Proposed Short-Term Initiatives n When other considerations are nearly equal, There are a significant number of additional actions that express a preference for using green products 7 City Profiles or vendors when purchasing goods and services ability. These materials and resources should be (through the department of Finance); brought to residents' attention through Rockville n Explore whether technically and economically vi- Reports and by the neighborhood liaisons (City able recycled products are available before buying Manager and Public Works); and products made of original, new, or raw materials n Develop and present a community lecture series (Finance, and Recreation and Parks); and on recycling, installing rain barrels and gardens, n Purchase alternative fuel vehicles such as gas/ building backyard habitats, improving sustain- electric hybrids, biodiesel, electric, and hydrogen- ability at home and work, and other related topics powered vehicles when these vehicles become (Public Works, Recreation and Parks). economically viable (Public Works, Finance). natural resources stewardship public Dialogue, education, and outreach n Complete a tree canopy assessment and establish n Rockville's Commission on the Environment an urban tree canopy goal (Recreation and Parks); should take a prominent role in sponsoring and n Expand the urban tree canopy by implementing facilitating community dialogue and discussion 2007 revisions to the tree ordinance; continue to on sustainability and environmental issues (Com- plant street trees consistent with the street tree mission on the Environment); master plan (through the departments of Recre- n Co-sponsor an Eco-Fair (with displays and in- ation and Parks, Community Planning and De- formation on energy efficiencies, environmental velopment Services); solutions, local green vendors, climate change, n Remove diseased trees promptly to maintain a watersheds, and low impact development storm- healthy urban forest (Recreation and Parks); water actions) with the Commission on the Envi- n Pursue grants for the removal of invasive spe- ronment (Commission on the Environment). cies on both public and private lands (Recreation n Issue, post, and distribute an annual Environment and Parks); and Sustainability Report on Rockville's progress n Consider using recycled rubber sidewalk panels toward reaching the recommendations and goals around tree wells and pits around town to prevent of this strategy (Public Works); damage to street trees, allow for growth, and re- n Establish a green building features award to rec- duce sidewalk damage from roots (Recreation and ognize architects and developers who voluntarily Parks, Public Works); and incorporate green features into Rockville residen- n Reduce the need to produce or store hard copy tial and commercial buildings (City Manager, documents by increasing the number of docu- Public Works); ment scanners, thereby allowing electronic stor- n Publish a green article, message, or consumer tip age in the city's document management system in every edition of the Rockville Reports (City (Information and Technology). Manager); n Sponsor green art exhibitions and green art work- Waste Minimization, reuse, and recycling shops as a means to promote conservation and n Increase the frequency that recyclable materials sustainability messages (Recreation and Parks); are collected from city facilities. Distribute col- n Work with neighborhood associations, civic organi- lection boxes in high-traffic public areas where zations, the Chamber of Commerce, and schools to visitors may make use of them for unwanted develop and promote sustainable, environmentally newspapers, papers, bottles, and cans. Consider friendly outreach information and education mate- expanding program to batteries and compact flu- rials for residents (all city departments); orescent lightbulbs (through the departments of n Use the Rockville TV channel and the city Web Public Works and Recreation and Parks); site to produce outreach materials on sustain- n Move to a single-stream recyclables collection 8 Rockville, MD, USA effort. Promote residential participation in recy- n Achieve a 50 percent recycling rate for residential sol- cling. Achieve a 40 percent recycling rate goal idwaste(throughthedepartmentof PublicWorks); and move toward achieving 50 percent thereafter n Require commercial establishments in Rockville (Public Works); and to achieve a certain percentage of recycling (Pub- n Conduct outreach to commercial entities, includ- lic Works); ing developers and construction firms, to partici- n Considereliminatingtheuseof plastic(petroleum- pate in a similar recycling program. Discuss reuse based) grocery and shopping bags at commercial possibilities for the construction debris where a establishments in Rockville. Biodegradable bags, property is being redeveloped. Consider establish- permanent totes, or those made from recycled ing a mandatory recycle rate for all commercial materials should be encouraged (Public Works); entities (Public Works). n Consider eliminating styrofoam containers from commercial applications in favor of existing alterna- Community aesthetics tive products that are biodegradable (Public Works); n Expand and enhance open space as the city de- n Design green building features and technologies velops and redevelops properties (through the into future city-owned buildings and structures departments of Community Planning and Devel- (Recreation and Parks, Community Planning and opment Services, Recreation and Parks); Development Services, Public Works); n Expand the city's public, and community garden n Install a green roof on one or more city-owned program (Recreation and Parks); and buildings or structures capable of supporting such n Reduce light pollution from street, parking, and a feature. Design a green roof into new or sub- park lighting in appropriate locations around the stantially retrofitted properties (Recreation and city (Public Works, Recreation and Parks, Com- Parks, Public Works); and munity Planning and Development Services). n Install off-the-grid energy generation equipment (solar or wind) at one or more city facilities as fea- Proposed Longer-Term Options sible (Recreation and Parks, Public Works). Rockville plans for a continued effort and the commit- ment of time, staff and resources to pursue longer-term note (three to five years plus) options that the city may con- This "City Profile" is part of Climate Resilient Cities: A sider in the future. Action programs that seem beyond Primer on Reducing Vulnerabilities to Disasters, published by the its capacity now may be revisited as the city's technology World Bank. The analysis presented here is based on data and economy evolve. available at the time of writing. For the latest information related to the Primer and associated materials, including The lead city departments appear with the following the City Profiles, please visit initiatives: climatecities. Suggestions for updating these profiles may n Reconstruct the guide maintenance facility with be sent to improved stormwater management facilities and 1 The complete strategy is found at www.rockvillemd. treatment (through the department of Public gov/environment/sustainability linked to the Strategy Works, Recreation and Parks); for a Sustainable Rockville. © 2009 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. 9 City Profiles Sustainable Development East Asia and Pacific Region 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, USA Telephone: 202 473 1000 Facsimile: 202 477 6391 Web Site: and